


1 What is the main purpose of the lecture?

A. To explain why scientists disagree about the age of the Moon

B. To present arguments in favor of another Moon landing

C. To explain how scientists discovered a crater on the far side of the Moon

D. To review some finding of a recent mission to the Moon

2 What does the professor imply about the spacecraft Clementine?

A. It sent back the first color photographs of the Moon

B. It was powered by solar energy

C. It landed in the far side of the Moon

D. It flew over the Moon’s polar regions

3 Why does the professor mention the Moon’s mantle?

A. To explain why scientists believe that meteor impacts cannot affect the Moon’s mantle

B. To explain what kind of information scientists hope to obtain from the mantle

C. To point out that the Moon’s crust and mantle are made of similar materials

D. To point out that the Moon’s mantle and Earth’s mantle have different compositions

4 Why is the South Pole-Aitken Basin thought to be exceptionally old?

A. The walls of the Basin are more reflective than those of most other craters

B. Testing of rocks from the Basin’s floor proves them to be as old as the Moon itself

C. Many small craters have been detected at the bottom of the Basin

D. A large amount of dust has been detected in and around the Basin

5 Why does the professor consider it important to find out if water ice exists on the Moon? Click on 2 answers.

A. Water ice could be processed to provide breathable air for astronauts

B. One component of water ice could be used as a fuel for rockets

C. Water ice could contain evidence of primitive life on the Moon

D. Water ice could be tested to find out what type of meteors crashed into the Moon


Narrator:Listen to part of a lecture in an Astronomy Class

Professor:Last week, we covered some arguments against going back to the Moon. But there are compelling reasons in favor of another Moon landing too, um… not the least of which is trying to pinpoint the moon’s age. We could do this in theory by studying an enormous impact crater, known as the South Pole-Aitken Basin. Um…it’s located in the moon’s South Polar Region. But, since it’s on the far side of the moon, it can only be seen from space. Here is an image of…we’ll call it the SPA Basin. This color-coated image of the SPA Basin, those aren’t its actual colors obviously, this image is from the mid 90s, from the American spacecraft called Clementine. Um… unlike earlier lunar missions, Clementine didn’t orbit only around the moon’s equator. Its orbits enable it to send back data to create this topographical map of … well, the grey and white area towards the bottom is the South Pole, the purples and blues in the middle correspond to low elevations - the SPA Basin itself, the oranges and reds around it are higher elevations. The basin measures an amazing 2,500 km in diameter, and its average depth is 12 km. That makes it the biggest known crater in our solar system and it may well be the oldest. You know planetary researchers love studying deep craters until learn about the impacts that created them, how they redistributed pieces of a planet’s crust and in this case, we especially want to know if any of the mantle, the layer beneath the crust, was exposed by the impact. Not everyone agrees, but some experts are convinced that whatever created the SPA Basin did penetrate the Moon’s mantle. And we need to find out, because much more than the crust, the mantle contains information about a planet’s or Moon’s total composition. And that’s key to understanding planet formation. Um… Dian? Dian:So, the only way to know the basin’s age is to study its rocks directly?

Professor: well, from radio survey data, we know that the basin contains lots of smaller craters. So it must be really old, about 4 billion years, give or take a few hundred million years. But that’s not very precise. If we had rock samples to study, we’d know whether the small craters were formed by impacts during the final stages of planetary formation, or if they resulted from later meteor showers.

Dian:But if we know around how old the Basin is, I’m not sure that’s reason enough to go to the Moon again. Professor: No…, but such crude estimates…um…we can do better than that. Besides, there a re other things worth investigating, like is there water ice on the moon? Clementine’s data indicated that the wall of the south-polar crater was more reflective than expected. So some experts think there’s probably ice there. Also, data from a later missi on indicates significant concentrations of hydrogen and by inference water less than a meter underground at both poles.

Student:Well if there’s water, how did it get there? Underground rivers?

Professor: We think meteors that crashed into the moon or tails of passing comets may have introduced water molecules. Any water molecules that found their way to the floors of craters near the moon’s poles, that water would be perpetually frozen, because the floors of those craters are always in shadow. Um…furth ermore, if the water ice was mixed in with rock and dust, it would be protected from evaporation.

Dian: So are you saying there might be primitive life on the moon? Professor: that’s not my point at all. Um… o.k., say there is water ice on the moon. That would be a very practical value for a future moon base for astronauts. Water ice could be melted and purified for drinking. It could also be broken down into its component parts - oxygen and hydrogen. Oxygen could be used to breathe, and hydrogen could be turned into fuel, rocket fuel. So water ice could enable the creation of a self-sustaining moon base someday, a mining camp perhaps or a departure point for further space exploration.

Student: But holding tons of equipment to the moon to make fuel and build a life support system for a moon base, wouldn’t that be too expensive?

Professor: Permanent base, maybe a way’s off, but we shouldn’t have to wait for that. The dust at the bottom of the SPA Basin really does have a fascinating story to tell. I wouldn’t g ive for a few samples of it.

答案:B D B C AB


2020托福听力满分攻略 托福听力满分有没有可能?只要认真备考提升听力能力,托福听力拿满分是非常有可能的。今天小编给大家带来了托福听力满分攻略,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。 托福听力满分攻略 三遍听写法听写练习 是指听写。将一篇听力录音中的原文全部听录下来,它是提高听力有效的方法。对于准备新托福考试的考生而言,比较好的听写材料是老托福的lecture。基础比较薄弱的学生,可以先花一个月的时间将新概念第二和第三册的美英版听写完,然后再来听写老托福的lecture。 创造全英语听力环境 是指“下意识的听力练习”。它是指为自己创造一个英文的环境,比如早晨一起床,我们就打开音箱播放英语,可以是托福的听力材料,可以是英文广播,也可以是一部英文电影等,这样做的好处是随时都可以听到英语,在潜移默化中不知不觉地加深对英语的敏感度。其实这点和泛听有点类似。 精听练习必不可少 是指精听。我们这里所说的“精听”步骤如下:一边听一边看原文,划出自己不认识或似曾相识但反应不过来的词;录音结束,开始查生词,写在原文的旁边,只要写出这个单词在这篇文章中的意思即可;将这篇材料当阅读文章快速精读一遍,彻底看懂;再一边看原文,一边放录音,嘴上要跟读,反复几遍,一直听到可以不看原文彻底听懂为止。精听材料有很多,推荐SSS(Scientific American’s Sixty-second Science),它非常短,但信息量很大,更重要的是,它是新托福听力出题的重要来源。 多做延伸听力练习 是指高质量的泛听。泛听的“泛”并不指态度的懒散,而是针对整体的要求。我认为泛听的材料有两个:一个是National Geographic(国家地理频道),另一个是Discovery(探索)。看的时候一定要有英文字幕。每天看,养成习惯,会有很大收获。虽然有些考生认为泛听没有效果,关键开始因人而异,找到适合考生自己的听力训练方法,自然事半功倍。


新东方听力点题班预测 第一部分:北美点题预测机经及背景知识 (2) 2014.11.29NA (2) 2014.11.29NA (10) 2014.10.25NA (14) 2014.9.19NA (19) 第二部分:大陆点题预测机经及背景知识 (24) 2014.3.2 ML (24) 2014.3.15 ML (27) 2014.3.16ML (31) 2014.3.22 ML (33) 2014.3.23ML (37) 2014.4.12ML (39) 2014.4.19ML (41) 2014.5.11ML (43) 2014.5.17 ML (45) 2014.5.25ML (46) 2014.6.15 ML (50) 2014.6.21ML (51) 2014.6.28ML (54) 2014.6.29 ML (56) 2014.7.6 ML (59) 2014.7.12 ML (62) 2014.8.16 ML (64) 2014.8.23 ML (66) 2014.8.30 ML (68) 2014.9.14 ML (70) 2014.9.21 ML (71) 2014.9.27 ML (73) 第三部分:新托福听力经典加试完整版 (76) 第四部分:2013年北美全年听力机经100词 (84)

第一部分:北美点题预测机经及背景知识 2014.11.29NA 第一部分/Section 1 对话/conversation:学生与心理学(psychology)教授谈论urban legendary 男学生找到心理学教授谈论期末作业。因为学生错过了很多课(missed many classes),老师关切的问上课是否跟得上,学生说借了笔记看,因此都跟得上讲课,他找老师想谈论一下期末作业。学生说,他知道期末作业有写final paper 和final project两个选择。老师说,由于学生错过太多课,final paper is not an option , you may choose final project.学生说正有此意,并且想写urban legendary (都市传奇)这个主题。他的灵感来源是一篇关于urban legendary 的论文。老师表扬说这是一个很好的主题,可以取材于local,比如学校图书馆就有一个流传广泛的legendary, 说是图书馆由于建造失误的原因,基地不牢,在不断下沉(细节题)。老师问学生想从哪方面入手写。学生回答说细节(details)使得legendary很有趣,那篇关于urban legendary的论文表明,人们在重述urban legendary时差别很大。有的人重述urban legendary的时候平铺直叙,只说事实,有的人添油加醋,加入了很多细节。老师要求举例说明。学生说,论文中说,一个人描述legendary时只说事实,a women eat lunch,另一个人却说:my classmate’s cousin eat lunch in the restaurant nearby the school’s library。那篇论文研究了urban legendary加入细节后的可信度和传播频率:after added details, how much of the urban legendary people believe and how often it will be retold. 学生还谈到论文的结论(finding)是出乎意料的: 加入太多细节的urban legendary既不影响它的可信度也不影响它的传播频率(细节题)。老师也同意这个结论令人吃惊,并问学生在final project中想加入什么新的研究内容。学生回答,他会研究不同的话题(different topics)对于urban legendary 的可


2019年5月29日托福听力答案解析Conversation 1 [论文讨论]学生迟交论文(考去老师那的目的),抱怨学校新打印系统,说比原来好,老师说她只用自己办公室的打印机(有一个问题问在表达什么,应该是表明她原来的系统怎么不好),但新系统也出了问题,学生说自己只能出去打印,再后来他们讨论相关话题,学生写xx世纪文学,有个书的第一句特别吸引人,第二章的开头和第二章的那句就不一样了。 -TPO部分对应参考(TPO13-C1) Lecture 1 [生态学/环境科学]开头提到地球的water cycle, 然后说Titan上的methane cycle和地球的water cycle 很像。后面提到建立一个model,要收集一些数据,关于Titan大气的成分。教授说虽然得到一些信息,但是仍然有很多谜题,比如为什么Titan南半球的lake比北半球多。又说到原来的model是2D的现在建了一个3D的。学生提问methane是不是和ice volcano相关。 -TPO部分对应参考(TPO10-L3) Lecture 2 [历史类]说到medieval的document都写在parchment上,说原来有个法官写的document有明确的日期名字等,但是有些document 没有提供线索。学生说能够检测DNA,通过DNA判断没有线索的parchment属于什么年代,教授说现在建立了一个DNA database,能够对比已有的数据 -TPO部分对应参考(TPO17-L1) Conversation 2

[换宿舍话题]女生找到宿管要换宿舍楼,她说现在住的eco楼 很好但是想换另一个,因为新宿舍舍友专业不一样能够broadenhorizon,有个journalist,因为她想换专业,新的楼多一些 协助,老师问她是从哪知道这个楼的,女生说是从朋友那听说的,她 有朋友住在这里。 -TPO部分对应参考(TPO33-C1) Lecture 3 [American literature]讲了ES这个人,ES小时候喜欢看adventure story,后来决定自己创作,相比作家的身份,他更是entrepreneur,卖书很成功,后面说了两个他的strategy,一是老写 系列丛书,让读者一本读完还想读下去,在每本书最后会提到新的人物,让读者想买下一本,另一本是雇一帮作家,他提供点子,让他们 代写,算他的作品,这样他每40天就能出一本书。后来有人说他的书 有负面影响,一度被禁止放在学校的library,后来做了一个survey,发现大家都喜欢他的书。 -TPO部分对应参考(TPO20-L3) Lecture 4 [生物仿生]说tourism影响环境,人们制造几场hotel等等造 成pollution,后来提倡一种ecotourism,要增加人与动物的interaction,而且能够提供更多工作,细节记不清。教授说这种ecotourism可能会有negative的影响,1)可能会改变动物的behavior,比如海豚可能会更多地待在水里,遗迹为了躲避船只会消 耗他们的energy。2)影响动物的reproduction,影响它们的荷尔蒙,降低生育水平。 -TPO部分对应参考(TPO32-L2)



新托福听力经典加试完整版 第一篇:关于鸟的迁徙的论文写作 Conversation: Student having difficulties in writing term paper ?文章回顾 男student: Professor, I hope to discuss my term paper with you. I got stuck in writing the paper on bird migration. I have difficulties in finding enough materials about bird migration. (老师,今儿,我想跟你说说我的学期论文的事儿。我卡住了,找不到这方面的资料。) 女Professor: You can’t find enough material on bird migration?(语调上扬,最后一题,重听题的考点。) 男student: I want to write about early bird migration.( 要写的paper是关于古代鸟类迁徙的,所以资料不够。) 女Professor: “哦你确实找到了一个好的题目,但是你要知道我的要求是你们的论文要反映你们这学期学了什么。”

男 student: 想写关于Aristotle关于这个题目的看法 etc. 女Professor: I want you to apply what you’ve learned to your paper. (希望他们运用所学知识研究来完成paper.) 不要只是做 summary or description. 我想要看到你的special analysis. 男 student: 但是,我觉得我找的资料中有错误的。(I think ….wrong)这就是为什么我不想用资料。 女 Professor: 你不要完全放弃以前找的资料(discard). 你可以换种想法,用rational 的方式。这就是我们说的critical thinking,不一定非要同意资料。可以写以前的(historically) old theory, 然后现在的这些新研究 (current research) 如何支持(support)或者驳斥这些theory. 男 student: 我想可以写bird migrate at night。人们大多只看到大鸟,所以认为小鸟在大鸟的翅膀下迁徙什么的,其实新发现是因为小鸟晚上飞(通过说这个topic来验证自己理解了老师的意图change the topic from ancient to recent)


托福听力加试大王花Rafflesia原文及试题答案 Rafflesia Listen to part of a lecture in a Botany class P: We've been talking about plant classifications and how species belong to a family and families belong to an order, but sometimes, figuring out how we assign certain plant species to a particular order is challenging, even if the plant has...unusual characteristics. You'd think that plants with similar characteristics would belong to the same order, but that's not always true. A good example of this is a flower, that is—a flowering plant—that grows only in Malaysia and Indonesia, called Rafflesia. As you can see, Rafflesia is a pretty unusual plant. For starters, it's huge. The flower can grow up to a meter in width and can weigh up to seven kilos—pretty big, huh There aren't any other specimens in the plant world that have flowers even close to this size. But that's not the only unusual characteristic of Rafflesia, in fact, that's probably one of the least strange features of the plant. The plant also emits a terrible stench, like rotting meat. But again, there are other plants with bad smelling flowers. And in the case of Rafflesia, flies are attracted to that smell, and that's how the flowers get pollinated. So...um...Rafflesia's flowers are huge and smelly. Rafflesia is also a parasite; it gets its energy from another plant instead of from the sun, which is unusual, but not unheard of in the plant kingdom. It actually grows inside its host, which is a type of grapevine. I mean... it grows inside its host until it blooms—it doesn't bloom inside the host. But that leads me to...I want to tell you really quickly about another plant, a plant that's also from the forests of Southeast Asia, called Mitrastema. Now, Mitrastema is also a parasite, which led some to believe that Rafflesia was related to Mitrastema—that they belong to the same order. Mitrastema as I said is a


2020年1月9日托福听力答案解析 Conversation 1 学生找老师先说了老师在网上布置的reading, 老师说reading都能够在网上查到啊,他就说他想问的是他的文章能不能publish。(主 旨题) 老师说,不是所有的文章都能被出版的,他们会找被revise(有题) 完了之后这学生不乐意了,审查能够啊,他觉得他写挺好的,不 过吧最近读了网上的reading,感觉能够加进去一些其他的elements。(也就是准备写点儿别的了,说了某个主题,提到他grandpa。) 老师 就说这个题啊,xxx也研究了这个题,发了文。(有题,问提这个学生 干嘛。选项有A跟他说有人选了此题建议换题日鼓励这个字生发表自 己的意见C提醒他有竞争对手D挫败他。) 然后老师就说了,你能够 找你grandparent,他在社区工作过,比较了解传统诗歌和现代诗歌的差异,你聊了以后比较有话说。然后老师提醒他,你要注惹分析诗歌 的语言,他们的韵律,毕竟诗歌是一种repetition.(有题,问老师让他注意哪些方面吧) Lecture 1 关于舞台布景艺术。(语速较快) 教授说了19世纪到20世纪美国和欧洲戏院布景的变化。(主旨题)首先说了在19世纪上半继续18世纪残存的写实考古之风。在布景和 服装方面表现了对历史真实的追求。总的来说力求realism。实现对历史的真实还原。似乎提到了镜像布置舞台?什么这边一个东西,相同的 位置在那边就要有一个之类的。为满足成批生产“值班布景”的需要,19世纪下半为满足成批生产“值班布景"的需要,19世纪下半叶,批 量生产的布景体积笨重,牢固耐用,讲究制作工艺,但风格不统一。(有题,问boxing怎么了)而且,有一点,非常cost money。不过教授态度似乎是natural is more important。有题,问教授对于昂贵的布景的看法。后来自然主义兴起,力求布录筒单明了,还出现子恢复莎


第一篇:关于鸟的迁徙的论文写作 Conversation: Student having difficulties in writing term paper 1.文章回顾 男student: Professor, I hope to discuss my term paper with you. I got stuck in writing the paper on bird migration. I have difficulties in finding enough materials about bird migration. (老师,今儿,我想跟你说说我的学期论文的事儿。我卡住了,找不到这方面的资料。) 女Professor: You can’t find enough material on bird migration?(语调上扬,最后一题,重听题的考点。) 男student: I want to write about early bird migration.( 要写的paper是关于古代鸟类迁徙的,所以资料不够。) 女Professor: “哦你确实找到了一个好的题目,但是你要知道我的要求是你们的论文要反映你们这学期学了什么。” 男student: 想写关于Aristotle关于这个题目的看法etc. 女Professor: I want you to apply what you’ve learned to your paper. (希望他们运用所学知识研究来完成paper.) 不要只是做summary or description. 我想要看到你的special analysis. 男student: 但是,我觉得我找的资料中有错误的。(I think ….wrong)这就是为什么我不想用资料。 女Professor: 你不要完全放弃以前找的资料(discard). 你可以换种想法,用rational 的方式。这就是我们说的critical thinking,不一定非要同意资料。可以写以前的(historically) old theory, 然后现在的这些新研究(current research) 如何支持(support)或者驳斥这些theory. 男student: 我想可以写bird migrate at night。人们大多只看到大鸟,所以认为小鸟在大鸟的翅膀下迁徙什么的,其实新发现是因为小鸟晚上飞(通过说这个topic来验证自己理解了老师的意图change the topic from ancient to recent) 女Professor: That shows your thinking. (对,这样就是我们需要的思考能力) 男student: 我想写一种不迁徙而是冬眠的鸟。I want to write about the birds that do not migrate. They hibernate during winter. 女Professor: 如果我是你,我就不会在一份15页的论文中写这么多。(If I were you , I would not….. The paper is 15 pages…)不过,想法挺不错。建议你以后每周(in a week)都来找我,看一下他写论文的新的方向(new direction)进行得如何。 2.题目 问题一:Why does the student go to see the professor? 答案:C(3)he cannot find enough material in writing his paper. 问题二:How does the professor help the student? 答案:A(1)change the topic from ancient to recent 问题三:学生的论文中包括什么? 答案:1. ANALYSIS 2.教授的建议 问题四:Why does the student mention night migration ? 答案:A (1) 通过说这个topic来验证自己理解了老师的意图he understands what the teacher said. change the topic from ancient to recent. 问题五:listen again(女Professor说的:啊,你没找到鸟类迁徙的资料?) 答案:B (2) 教授认为找资料很简单(…is easy….) 第二篇:关于植物的分类,用大王花举例 Lecture: Rafflesia 3.文章回顾 教授一开始就介绍植物分类,提到分类中的species种,genus属,order目。说植物的classification 很难,一些特性比较特殊的植物特别是这个样子。提出植物的分类不能完全依靠它flower的形态和特性。提到Rafflesia(大王花),开花石会散发腐臭的味道,以吸引蝇类传播花粉。但是Indonesia有一种植物M,它的flower很特别,超级大(图片显示它的直径有一个手臂这么长,颜色为绛红),有难闻的味道,最后发现他们不是一个order 的。 大王花生长在很恶劣的环境中,其它的植物都不能生长(题目一:它生长在什么样的环境当中?)这种植物有食物的来源,但是它还是会抓insect吃,因为它不能从土壤中得到足够的营养,所以要通过这种方式来获取所需的营养(题目二:为什么吃虫?) 然后教授说了它怎么抓虫的。经过很长时间的研究,专家发现它和violet(紫罗兰)、willow(柳树) 等是属于一个order的,后提到幼时的violet,也会散发那种smell的。 提到共存(考题)。另一种南美洲的植物和它是同一目的,但是花很小,味道也不难闻,与蓝莓共生coherent。学生提问不能测DNA 吗,教授说这种大花基本不进行光合作用,没法提取一般植物能提取到的DNA。在DNA分析技术成熟之前根本无法将他们并为同类,由于他们的特征差异太大。 教授还提到这种植物的交配不易,其一气味难闻致使传蜜的动物不易接近,其二它每年只开一次花,且花分雌雄。所以要这么多先天条件凑齐不易,所以很少有人有机会看到开花的全过程(考题)。结论,不可以貌取人。 后来又讲了这种花很有可能灭绝,原因是要fly帮忙运花粉,要同种的花在一起等等,要这些条件同时发生,是小概率事件。 题目 问题一:What is the main topic of this lecture? 答案:是说分类很难,尤其是特征很变态的 问题二:大王花的特点 答案:1. HUGE 2. 让FLY来传粉 问题三:教授说M植物属于B类的,是什么意思? 答案:M植物与大王花不是同一类的


2020年11月21日托福听力答案解析Conversation 1 讲一个女生在杂志上看到一个关于iceberg的文章,觉得很有意思,就来问professor,想用这个做project,professor表示赞成鼓励,后来又讲了一个air beam,这个东西的特点和它的名字相关,最后professor询问女生去不去某个活动,女生表示不太想去。 -TPO部分对应参考 (TPO2-C1) Lecture 1 讲的是玛雅毁灭的原因,有一种说法是干旱。气候学家说发现了一种G开头是物质(TPO里一个cave里面提过这种物质)。在玛雅一个城市附近的lake里,说明气候很干旱。后来又有研究发现,说是一个城市并不是因为干旱而毁灭的,具体原因忘了。后来说研究了很多wetland anima,发现绝大部分都有数量下降。最后说因为玛雅人砍伐树林过度产生了很严重的后果。 -TPO部分对应参考(TPO32-L3) -TPO对应词汇 environmentalprotection 环境保护 environmentally-friendly环保的 preservev.保护,保存 污染: pollute,pollution, pollutant contaminantn.污染物 contaminatev.污染

ecosystem生态系统 ecologyn.生态学 antisepticadj.防腐的 atmosphericpollution大气污染 preservev.保护 disastrous灾难性的, devastation破坏, havedisastrous effec t on…对。。。有灾难性的影响危害植物: vegetation植被, deforestation森林消失 tropicalrain forest热带雨林 landslide山体滑坡, mudslide泥石流 危害环境: Landscape自然风景 carbondioxide二氧化碳, acidrain酸雨(erode腐蚀) greenhouseeffect温室效应 (worsening,deteriorate, deterioration恶化) globalwarming世界变暖 unleadedpetrol无铅汽油 Lecture 2


神一样的背托福加试答案!!!后辈们好好收藏!!! 听力加试:(因为现在的听力加试出现了几个版本,所以最好在考试的时候确定一下) 如何使用:一声A二声B三声C四声D.... 关于鸟的迁徙的论文: 答案:C A BD A B 转化后:小子,不要飞离 大王花: 答案:C D A B B C 转化后:我要吃红苹果 拉格泰姆音乐: 答案:C C CD B A A 转化后:我只想要重新听 女生丢ID卡: 答案:D A C D D 转化后:就光喊救命 至于神经元细胞和浪漫主义诗人的话可能就应该去看具体的机经了暂时还没有确定答案。

阅读加试:(阅读加试的顺序一般没有改过所以大家可以放心用) 电报:ABADC BBDBC BDC ACD 转化后:今年他不想盘盘被群秒还要我A角兽(玩魔兽的同学,应该不会陌生) 鸟唱:DCBAB BDACA DC BECFD 转化后:要我陪他明年这天找些乐子25364(这个因为超出了ABCD,所以旧把它当成工号记下吧) 达尔文进化论:AADAC BCAAB ABB ACD 转化后:今天舅逼我没有穿衣还吃毛虫真有病 巴比伦文明:CCAAA DBCDA DD 16/347 转化后:小宝他应该要连着背七句话16/347 (最后是分类题,没有办法) 三声:我,有,想,秒,找, Muban-integrated In the lecture, the speaker states that (the general point of the lecture),casting doubt on/bolstering the main idea of the reading passage that (the general point of the article). First of all, c ontrary tothe belief in the passage that …, the speaker says that… In addition, the speaker refutes the viewpoint showed in the passage that…. In fact, Finally, opposing tothe standpoint in the reading passage that…, the speaker claims that To sum up, the speaker illustrates his/her disagreement with the idea ofthe passageby elaborating three evidences mentioned above.


阅读经典加试题 两河流域文明与埃及文明之比较 两河流域苏美文明与埃及文明之比较 科学家惊奇的发现,两种文明可以在同一时间产生。在埃及文化产生时,美索不达米亚文化也同时应运而生。埃及土地肥沃,造成它的独立致。美索不达米亚两河流域,地理环境特殊,四周沙漠什么的,老被侵略,所以都是一个帮一个帮的,美索不达米亚文化不像埃及文化一样,美索不达米亚文化没有留下很多遗产。当初美索不达米亚的居民生活好像挺好的,所以一直没有人提出统一的想法,很久以后才有,可是由于大量的花费在战争上什么的,很快就覆灭了。由于当时的环境条件,那里的人们都用泥土/木头盖房子,所以和埃及不一样,现在我们没找到什么当初留下的建筑物。我们现在还挖出了许多陶器石板,上面刻着文字,只能通过这些推知历史。后来又变成什么苏美尔了,这是从外面迁徙过来的民族。 两河地域的美索布达米娅文明,先是和埃及文明作比较,比较的结果是他们(美索)由外来入侵,文明不易保存,建筑用的材料也不易保存,考古学家只能从挖掘出来的文物中研究他们。后半部分是讲苏美尔人在两河地区建立的文明的特点,特别是他们城邦的宗教神祗制度,影响了他们的经济制度(献纳)。大题目是分类题,比较埃及文明和苏美尔文明。 科学家惊奇的发现,两种文明可以在同一时间产生。在埃及文化产生时,美索不达米亚文化也同时应运而生。埃及土地肥沃,造成它的独立所致。美索不达米亚两河流域,地理环境特殊,四周沙漠什么的,老被侵略,所以都是一个城邦一个城邦的,美索不达米亚文化不像埃及文化一样,美索不达米亚文化没有留下很多遗产。当初美索不达米亚的居民生活安逸,所以一直没有人提出统一的想法,很久以后才有,可是由于大量的花费在战争上,很快就覆灭了。由于当时的环境条件,那里的人们都用泥土/木头盖房子,所以和埃及不一样,现在没找到什么当初留下的建筑物。但是挖出了许多陶器石板,上面刻着文字,考古学家只能从挖掘出来的文物中研究其历史。后来讲苏美尔人在两河地区建立的文明的特点,特别是他们城邦的宗教神祗制度,影响了他们的经济制度(献纳)。大题目是分类题,比较埃及文明和苏美尔文明。 Sumerian Civilization It is an astonishing fact that human civilization should have emerged into the light of history in two separate places at just about the same time. Between 3,500 and 3,000 B.C.


托福听力考情回顾 托福听力都考了些什么呢?哪些是托福听力考试的重点呢? 今天给大家带来了托福听力考情回顾,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。 托福听力考情回顾,托福听力都考了什么? 一.托福听力没有经典加试 但是事实是从20XX.3.4 开始ETS就已经正式宣布取消了经典加试。所以还有想临时抱佛脚考前背题背原文的同学可以打消这个念头了,就把经典加试当成普通的题目练习就好。ETS不仅取消了经典加试,而且A,B,C,D 四套卷子组合,考生的题目不同,加大了预测难度。 二.托福听力话题未变 1.托福听力话题有哪些 “不变” 的是听力话题。对话还是办公室和学生服务两大场景,讲座依然维持四大学科的分布特点,包括: 生命科学:动物,植物,微生物,海洋生物学 自然科学:天文,地理,环境,气象, 物理,化学, 光谱学

社会科学:考古,人类,社会,历史,政治,心理,语言,哲学,商业经济 艺术:艺术史,文学,绘画,音乐,舞蹈,戏剧,电影,摄影,建筑,雕塑 2.托福听力高频话题 那么考试频率比较高的是哪些科目呢? 生命科学:动物植物生态 自然科学:天文地质物理化学 社会科学:考古心理人类商业 艺术:绘画音乐建筑雕塑 最近几场考试基本都会遇到天文学和考古学的*,所以最近要考试的同学一定要注意,如果你正好这几个学科比较薄弱,一定要在考前多加复习相关话题的*和词汇,考试过程中非常有可能遇到相关话题的真题。 三.托福听力经典真题回忆 相似话题经常出现,而且不仅听力考,阅读也会考到相关话题,也可谓是“一通百通”,“一劳永逸”,提醒大家复习时一定要

注意这些高频考点,因为真的可能会遇到。平时扎实复习,不要在考场上再追悔莫及啦。比如: 米开朗基罗Michelangelo 2018.11.11 真题-职业画家需要妥协,设计和用材 官方真题Official35Lecture3-frescos壁画,西斯廷教堂创世纪需要协作 10.28阅读真题-frescos壁画 玛雅文明Maya 2018.11.11 真题-人们对玛雅文明认知的改变 官方真题Official52Lecture4-Maya civilization 玛雅文明 官方真题Official36Lecture2-Maya ruins 玛雅遗址 彗星Comets 2018.11.25 真题-彗星形状 官方真题Official26Lecture3 -orbits of comets 彗星轨道 板块Tectonic Plate 2018.10.28 真题-亚欧板块和美洲板块分裂产生太平洋火山地震

托福听力 语音识别填空练习(答案)

Speech 1 The _1____Greek word___________for “man” is “anthropos” and the word _2______anthropology___________has been in the English language_3_for centuries_______. But just what does the word mean? Literally anthropology means “__4_the study of man_______” However, as British_ 5_philosopher_______Alfred North Whitehead_6__noted__________, “It is a well founded historical generalization that _7_the last thing to be discovered___in any science is what science is really about” And as Paul Bohannan, _8_renowned anthropologist____________, pointed out a number of years ago, “Each science that deal s with people has its own _9__definitions_____of human. An_10__economist__________, “he explains,” defines a human as a_11 _choice-making_____________animal. Philosophers _12_define__________man as a _13__rationalizing_________animal…” Anthropology___14 ___attempts______to be all-inclusive-the study of human _15__behavior_________in all places and throughout time. It_16_specializes________in the _17_describtion______of_18____humanistic, scientific, biological, historical, psychological, and social views of humans._____________________. Now, to _19_paraphrase_________Barbara Miller’s statement in her textbook, cultural anthropology , the popular impression of anthropology is _20_based mainly___on movies and television shows that _21__anticipated_______anthropologists as adventurers and heroes. Some do have adventures and discover treasures in Egyptian _22__tombs____________and elsewhere, but_23_mostly________, their work is less _24_glamourous_______and involves _25__repetitive___and _26_tedious___activities. Until around the middle of the nineteenth century, anthropology was a term used for all humanists._27__My lecture today explains the fields and branches of anthropology_____. We’re going to_28_begin by____stating that anthropology is the study of human behavior in all places and at all times. Western_29 __civilizations_ takes credit for the development of anthropology, which, _30____as a matter of fact___, was a relatively late science. Earlier Greek and Roman philosophers were more interested in _31__speculating____about the ideal society _32___rather than_____describing those known to them. After the__33 _onset____of the Age of Exploration, which included the discovery of the Americas, as well as travel to other distant places, the study of non-western people began in earnest. In modern day, anthropology is a recognized _34__social science____with two__35 __broad fields__and several_36__branches or sub-fields____. The two broad fields are _37_physical_________anthropology and _38__cultural_anthropology. Let me give you a _39___brief description__of each. Physical anthropology is concerned with the development of man as a_40__mammal__. Related subjects are_41__anatomy___, biology, and


TOEFL新政后阅读和听力的评分标准 TOEFL新政后阅读和听力的评分标准是怎样的!给大家带来了TOEFL新政后阅读和听力的评分标准,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 TOEFL新政后阅读和听力的评分标准 先回忆一下TOEFL新政的改革内容 考试时间变化 TOEFL考试由3.5小时缩短至3小时,题目形式和题型不变,题目数量减少,具体如下: 阅读共54分钟,3篇*,每篇*18分钟,10道题目; 听力共41分钟,对话2篇(每篇7分钟,5道题),讲座3篇(每篇9分钟,3篇)(以上时常算上了听力时间和做题时间) 口语共17分钟,1道独立口语,3道综合口语(据说删掉了Task15,待进一步确定) 写作不变,共50分钟,综合写作20分钟,独立写作30分钟 加试:

阅读1篇*,18分钟,10题 听力1篇对话,1篇讲座,共11题 从上表可以看出,听力中减少了1~2个lecture,口语删除了2题(分别为Task1和Task5),写作不变。 可以看出听力对于听力和综合写作integrated writing部分影响其实并没有变化,而口语部分由原先的4篇综合口语减少到了三篇,变相提升了听力在口语中的影响力和权重,具体我们可以通过这样的一场分析图来体会变化?? (TOEFL听力影响力变化) 从上表中可以看出,较旧版的托福考试,听力从总体分数上来说影响力还是有提升,主要体现在口语部分。 题型变化 阅读部分: 词汇题减少:3篇*只有5个词汇题 句意转述题减少:3篇*只有1个题 插入题和summary没有任何改变,都是每个*的最后两题 3篇*都是“旧题”,属于直接删减题目造就的“新考题”
