【教育学习文章】Unit5 My clothes B Let’s learn教案设计

【教育学习文章】Unit5 My clothes B Let’s learn教案设计
【教育学习文章】Unit5 My clothes B Let’s learn教案设计

Unit5 My clothes B Let’s learn教






















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Unit 5 Let's eat 教学目标与要求 1、能听懂、会说一些进餐时需表达的语言: I’m hungry .Have some... I’d like some …Sure. Here you are. Thank you. You're welcome.并能在实际情景中进行运用。要求模仿正确,语调自然。 2、能听说、认读cake, bread, water, milk, juice, fish ,rice,egg等有关食品、饮料的单词,并能在日常生活中使用。 3、能正确听,说,读,写字母Oo,Pp,Qq,Rr,Ss,Tt并知道其在单词中的发音。 4、能听懂一些进餐时使用的简单的指示语,并能按照指令做出相应的动作。 A部分 第一课时 一、教学内容与分析 1、Let's talk. 本部分通过一个真实自然的情景会话,要求学生能理解对话大意,能用正确的语音语调朗读对话,教给学生如何表达自己喜欢的食物以及将食物拿给别人吃的时候该怎样说。并能在图片、实物和教师的帮助下,在语境中运用I’d like some…\ Have some … 2. Let's play. 本部分通过一个记忆的游戏,使学生巩固Let's talk中所学的有关食物的单词以及I’d like some ....的用法。 二、课前准备 1. 教师准备相关食物的图片卡 三、教学步骤 1、热身 (1)学生自由口语交谈(Free talk in pairs)(3-5分钟)。 (2)教师播放“Old MacDonald ”的歌曲,同学跟着音乐边唱边做动作。 (3)复习Unit 4中Let's do部分。 2、新课展示 (1)教师先组织学生观察Let’s talk 的教学挂图,引入吃早餐的话题,然后用果汁喝面包的实物或图片引出图中单词juice,bread,egg并进行教学。Look at Mike and

7A Unit5 Let' s celebrate整单元教案

课题Unit 5 Let’s celebrate!Comic strip-Welcome to the unit 课型新授课时 1 主备人执教人 一备内容二备内容 教材分析目 标 1. To know something about the important festivals both in China and in western countries 2. To talk about the favourite festivals 重 点 日常交际用语和生词的正确读音 难 点 能初步在情景中运用本课所学的互相询问节假日的交际用语。 主要 教学 方法 对话表演法头脑风暴法 预习安排1、Listen to the tape and try to read the dialogue 2、Underline the important points they think and fill in the blanks on P57 学 情 反 馈 当堂反馈安排在空白处填上本课所学的单词或词组 1. Today is Halloween. Hobo and Eddie are going to ___________ (庆祝)it. Eddie wants to ________________ (装扮成) as a ___________ (鬼), but Hobo thinks that is not very ____________ (有趣的). Then Hobo wants to dress up as _______________ (美猴王) 2.________ ____ (中秋节)is my favourite festival because all my family __________________________ (团聚). We have a big dinner and eat _______________ (月饼)on that day, and then ______________ (赏月). 3.Tommy likes __________________ (圣诞节)best because he can get lots of _____________________ (漂亮的礼物)at Christmas. 作业安排1、《课课练》第一课时 2、阅读训练 3、背诵P56~57对话

unit5 let's eat公开课教案设计和反思

Unit 5 Let’s eat 教案背景 1、面向学生:小学 2、学科:英语 3、课时:三年级上册Unit 5 Let’s eat part A Let’s learn & Let’s do第一课时 教材版本:PEP 教学课题 Unit 5 Let’s eat part A Let’s learn & Let’s do 学材分析: 本课时为小学英语PEP 教材三年级上册Unit 5 Part B中的Let's learn部分,主要围绕“food”这一话题展开,目的是让学生学习如何表达自己喜爱的食物以及为别人提供或请别人吃东西时的表达语,尤其是能在一定的情境下会用Here you are. Have some ... 和别人交流沟通。另外,Let's play部分是在实物展示和识别过程中,鼓励学生反复说出I like删掉hot dogs 改为(some juice).I like 删掉hamburgers改为(egg& eggs)原因用新PEP教材.I like some milk. I like bread.等以达到巩固本课学习内容的目的。 本节课的学习任务在全单元中所处的位置比较重要,和Let's talk部分共同构成了本单元的主体。所以,我把本节课的学习重点确定为:在多媒体课件、实物、图片的帮助下,能听懂、会说、会认读本课时有关食物的4个单词egg,bread,milk,juice,做到发音清晰、语音语调正确。 学情分析: 在本单元的学习中,我根据学生的实际情况,调整Part A Let's learn和Let's do 为第一课时,本节课初步掌握了egg,milk,juice, bread的听、说、读、写以及初步了解了复数形式eggs,不可数名词juice milk bread是本节课的学习重点,“I like some juice ...”是单词教学的拓展和延伸。 学习的主体是学生,为了切实掌握学生的情况,我采取课前调查的方式对本班学生进行了调查, [学生情况]本课的教学对象为三年级学生。他们活泼好动,注意力容易分散,爱表现自我,乐于表达。他们对直观、新颖、有趣的内容感兴趣,喜欢参与游戏、竞赛等趣味活动。 通过对调查问卷数据的分析,我发现: 学生对于西方食物非常喜爱,对于本节课操练单词的句型I like…..,已经有75%的学生掌握,而Here you are的答语,已经有80%的学生掌握。 因此,I like…和Here you are,不能成为本节课的难点,据以往教学经验和通过对学生进行了解,我将本节课的难点定为:egg,milk, bread 和juice 四个单词的发音;初步了解可数名词复数形式:eggs. 学习目标: 1、在多媒体课件、食物、图片的帮助下,能听懂、会说、会认读本课时有关食物的4个单

三年级第五单元教案 Unit5 Let’s eat!

Unit5 Let’s eat! 第一课时 教学目标: 一、教学目标 1、掌握句型,正确朗读课文。能听、说、认读本课时句子I’d like some juice, please. Here you are. Have some bread, too. Thanks. 要求模仿正确、语调自然,并能在情景对话中进行流畅交际。 2、能够运用Have some….给别人提供或邀请别人吃些东西。如:Have some bread.并能够联系实际运用。在英语交流中能理解并尊重他人的意愿。 3、能够听懂、认读并表演对话。 4、对中西方餐饮文化有一定了解。了解中西方饮食文化差异。树立学生健康饮食意识。 教学重点: 1、掌握新句型I’d like some juice, please. Here you are. Have some bread, too.并能够联系 实际运用。 2、知道并能够正确朗读课文,模仿正确,语音标准。 教学难点:联系实际表演、运用对话。 教具准备:准备教材Let’stalk/A部分的教材配套录音带。 教学过程: 1 热身、复习(Warm-up/Revision) (1)日常口语会话展示。此次日常口语会话之前,教师提示学生使用句型I have…和Here you are. (2)游戏:"Simon says"。内容为第四单元A/B ---- Let's do 部分的指令语。 (3)师生共唱歌曲"Old MacDonald",边唱歌曲可以边表演动作。 2 呈现新课(Presentation) (1)教师将juice,bread 的板书在黑板上,指着juice说:I ’d like some juice. And what would you like? 重复I ’d like some juice, please.一句,并伴有和果汁的动作和表情。 (2)T: What would you like? 引导学生回答I ’d like some juice, please.教读句子 I ’d like some juice, please.并解释。


文本 Colours (Part B Let’s talk&Let’s play) 教学设计 课文标题:Colours (Part B Let’s talk&Let’s play) 单元名称:Unit 2Colours 教材版本:PEP Primary English 授课年级:Grade 3 四、教学过程 一、整体设计思路 采用了小组竞赛法和游戏法进行教学,让学生在激烈的小组比赛中快乐地掌握语言知识 技能,很好地培养了他们的团队合作精神和集体荣誉感。借助‘任务型“教学,通过听、说、 玩、演、唱等一系列教学活动,寓教于乐,提供给学生实际运用语言的机会,从而提高学生 的听、说、认读等综合语言运用能力。 二、教学目标 1.知识目标:能听懂、会说This is Wu Yifan,Good afternoon,Nice to meet you . 2.能力目标:在实际情景中运用所学句型。要求模仿正确,语调自然。 3.情感目标:1) 学会初次见面时的问候语,培养孩子对人有礼貌的好习惯。 2)让孩子发现生活中的美,培养他们热爱生活的情感。 4.学习策略目标:注重学生听、说、唱、玩等几个方面能力的综合训练,采用任务型教学模 式,通过启发式教学法、情景法、直观法、游戏法、全身反应法等TPR活动教学法和多媒体 辅助教学,充分激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。 三、教学重点和难点 重点:This is Wu Yifan,Good afternoon,Nice to meet you,能在实际情景中进行运用。 难点:Good afternoon.和Nice to meet you.的连读及afternoon的读音。 Step1 Warm-up/Review 1.结合旧知识进行Free talk。 课前和学生交流,播放音乐视频《Good morning》,在轻松愉快的歌曲旋律中,和学生互相认识,复习已学内容Hello\Hi\Good morning.\What’s your name? 引导学生说Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you,too. 为新授课的学习做好铺垫。 【设计意图】在轻松愉快的歌曲旋律下和学生进行日常用语的问答,自然地营造了英语语言氛

英语人教版五年级上册unit5 A let's learn 教案

Unit 5 There is a big bed Teaching aims: 1.Students can master these five skilled words: clock, photo, bike, plant, water bottle. 2.Students can use the above words to describe their rooms. 3.Students can use the useful sentences: There is a … in my room. Teaching important and difficulties: 1.The skilled words: clock, photo, bike, plant, water bottle 2.Students can use the useful sentences: There is a … in my room. 3.Students can use the useful words and sentences to describe their rooms. Teaching procedures: 1.Warming up (1)Let’s sing: My small bedroom (2)Let’s do: T: Now let’s go to Zhang Peng’s house. OK? Go to the living room. Watch TV. Go to the study. Read a book. Go to the kitchen. Have a nap. Go to the bedroom. Have a snack. Go to the bathroom. Take a shower. T: Great.

Unit 5 Let's celebrate!教案

Unit 5 Let's celebrate! 教案 Welcome to the unit Teaching aims 1.Learn famous Chinese festivals and western festivals and learn how to celebrate them. 2.Guess the meaning of the words according to the pictures. 3.Discuss favourite festivals. Important words, phrases and sentences words: festival, Christmas, interesting, dress phrases: Chinese New Year Mid-Autumn Festival sentences: 1. Why do you like the Mid-Autumn Festival? 2. Because I like to eat mooncakes. Teaching preparation: 1 look for the information about six festivals before class 2 radio 3 multi-media Teaching procedure: Step1 Free talk :Talk about the festivals 1 show the students some objects and pictures, such as a mooncake, a red packet…T: What?s this? S: It?s a mooncake. T: When do you eat mooncakes? S: At Mid-Autumn Festival. T: When is Mid-Autumn Festival? S: On August 15th (lunar). (find the date from the calenda) (T: When there is a festival in the calenda, we can see the Chinese characters. Read …festival? af ter me, please.) Ask information about other festivals like this. Step2 presentation


Unit 5 Let’s eat Period One

学习目标 1、能听、说、认读单词:juice, bread, egg. 2、能听懂、会说:I’d like some juice, please. Here you are. Have some bread, too. 一. Review to understand.(温故知新) and choose.(看图选单词,将单词序号填入对应的方框内。) the sentences in pairs.(两人一组用上面的单词练习小对话.) ----What’s this/that ----It’s …. 二.Warm-up(热身活动) Match the sentences with the pictures.(句图连线。) 1. Cool! I like the rabbit. 2. Cool! I like the monkey. 3. Cool! I like the panda. 4. Cool! I like the cat. 三.Self check(自学检测) and choose.(读对话,句图搭配。) ’d like some juice, please. ---Here you are. some eggs, please. ----Thank you.

’d like some bread, please. ----Here you are. ( ) ( ) ( ) the dialogues in pairs.(两人一组朗读上面的对话,并对同伴做出评价。) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四.Consolidation.(巩固练习) Read and number.(读句子,给下列图片标号。) ’d like some milk, please. some noodles, please. ’d like some apples, please. some ice cream, please. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 五.Expanding Practice.(拓展训练) and choose.(读句子,选择合适的单词,将单词序号填在横线上。) ①.I ’m hungry. I’d like some ________ and ___________. ②.I ’m thirsty. I ’d like some ___________. ③.I ’m hot. I’d like some ______________. the sentences in pairs.(两人一组朗读上面的句子。) Period Two 学习目标 cream

三年级Unit5let's eat 教案

Unit5let'seat (Let'stalk)教学设计 杭州明珠教育集团学校英语组冯健 教学目标: 通过情景创设学会对话,并能在一定的情景下会用 Here you are. Have some ... 和别人交流沟通。 学生能用句式到 KFC 用英语点餐。 教学难点: 能让学生在学习完之后用英语自如的点餐和传递、发放食物。 教学准备: 自制彩色生日卡片、食物卡片,KFC的食物盒子以及用彩色卡纸做成的蜡烛和实物投影。 一、Warm up 1. Sing a song HELLO. 2. T: Hello! boys and girls. S: Hello Miss Feng. T: How are you? S: Fine, thank you. What about you? T: I am fine. Oh, today is November 9th.(教师拿出日历向学生示意)Today is my birthday. I invite so many teachers to join my birthday party, please say hello to new teachers! S: Hello! T: I got so many cards. (教师出示六张卡片) What color do you like? I like red. (用体态语表示很喜欢的样子) What color do you like? S: I like blue. T:Wow, what's this? (教师抽出卡片里的食物单词) S: Hamburger. T: Here you are (教师把彩色卡片送给回答的学生,并把食物单词贴到黑板上作为该小组的标志) 教师用以上方式出示完六张彩色卡片,及食物单词。


Unit5 Let’s eat教学设计 教学准备 Step 1. Warm up 1.Free talk T: Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good morning, Miss Chen.

T: How are you? S: I’m fine, thank you. And you? T: I’m fine, too. Nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you, too. 教师再和学生进行单独对话。 设计意图: 通过自由对话,让学生在不知不觉中进入英语学习的氛围中。 Step 2. Preview 1.出示图片(Mcdonald’s) T: Where is it? I like Mcdonald’s. Do you like it? S: Yes. T: Ok. Let’s eat. 出示并教读本单元课题。 2.T: In Mcdonald’s. It has…(出示食物卡片让学生读并展示在黑板上) 3.T: Oh. Time to meals. Let’s do together. 同学们和我一起做吧。 做Let’s do练习,让学生在做动作的过程中也对旧知识进行了巩固。 4.T: Do you want to have? Look, each group has a plate. Which group did good job, they can get the foods. 教师在此处讲明评价方式。 Step 3. Presentation 1.T:Wow. So many foods here. I like cakes. 教like。开火车练习单词。 2.T: I like cakes. What do you like? Chicken? Hot dogs? 引导学生用刚学过的句型回答 S: I like…
