


本次2017年12月CET6大学英语六级作文题目分别是:尊敬他人(互相尊重)、理解他人(互相理解)和帮助他人(互相帮助),是典型的名言警句的类型,以下是考试真题及优秀范文和名师点评解析。对于这种类型的文章,我们再处理的时候,重点把握的第一个精髓在第一段当中我们一定要把这些话题或者这些名言警句稍微引导。第一部分:作文时间:30分钟Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on how to best handle the relationship between parents and children. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.2017年12月英语六级作文真题一:尊重他人For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying "Respect others, and you will be respected." You can cite examples to illustrate your views. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.2017年12月英语六级作文真题及优秀范文:互相尊重,尊重他人也会得到他人的尊重2017年12月英语六级作文真题二:理解他人For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying "Seek to understand, and you will be understood." You can cite examples to illustrate your views. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.2017年12月英语六级作文真题及优秀范文:互相别人2017年12月英语六级作文真题三:帮助他人For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying " Help others, and you will be helped when you are in need." You can cite examples to illustrate your views. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.2017年12月英语六级作文真题及优秀参考范文:互相帮助参考范文:【参考范文:尊重别人】Respect Others and You Will be RespectedWith the society and economy developing rapidly, a growing number of people are paying close attention to new values, while certain essential and crucial ones are not and will never be out of date. There is no doubt in saying that everyone longs for respect from others due to the truth that respect has been a basic mental need throughout human society.What is the best way to earn respect from others? Obviously, it is not hard to come up with the answer, to respect others, be it in words or manners. Just as a famous writer, Zhou Guoping, once put it, one’s dignity can be fully expressed by showing respect for others. It is a fact that showing respect for our family, our friends, our colleagues and anyone who is worth being respected not only plays an indispensable role in gaining respect from others but also contributes to the construction of a harmonious society.Respect others, and you will be respected. To enhance the awareness of respecting others from the bottom of heart is of great significance to achieving a happiness-enhancing life. It is imperative for us to cultivate and develop this traditional and treasurable quality. Only in this way can we exert a positive influence on social environment.【参考译文】随着社会和经济的快速发展,越来越多的人开始密切关注新的价值观,然而某些基本的重要价值观现在没有过时,以后也不会过时。毫无疑问,每个人都渴望得到他人的尊重,因为在整个人类社会,尊重是人类的一种基本的心理需求。赢得他人尊重最好的方式是什么?显而易见,我们不难想出答案;尊重他人,不管是在言语上还是在行为上。正如著名诗人周国平所言,一个人的高贵在对他人的尊重中得到最充分的体现。尊重我们的家人、我们的朋友、我们的同事以及其他任何值得尊重的人不仅对获得他人的尊重起到至关重要的作用,而且有助于创建和谐社会。尊重他人,你也会赢得他人的尊重。增强从心底尊重他人的意识对获得提升幸福感的生活有重要意义。我们应该培养和发展这种传统的宝贵品质。只有这样,我们才可以对社会环境产生积极的影响。【参考范文:帮助别人】There is a proverb going like this, “Help others, and you will be helped when you are in need.”Simple as the saying is, its implication deserves exploring. From my perspective, the real sense of the proverb lies in mutual help.It goes without saying that we

should place a high value on mutual help mainly because nobody can never confront difficulties in life. Put it another way, in this ever-changing world, mutual help to us is what water is to fish. For instance, if there is an area stricken by an earthquake unfortunately, the whole society will always share endeavors to gets victims out of the difficult situation, offering a helping hand to people suffering in the natural disaster.In sum, we can not imagine a picture: a society without mutual help, with everybody holding indifferent attitude toward each other, which must be as horrible as the hell. On the contrary, we help others in need, and when we are in need, others help us as well——creating a heaven with all helping hands, providing a ideal paradise for all humanity.【参考译文】谚语有云,“助人助己”。虽然这个谚语很简单,但是其内涵值得探索。在我看来,这个谚语的真正含义在于互相帮助。毫无疑问的是我们应该重视互相帮助,主要是因为从来都没有人可以在生活中免于困境。换言之,在这个不断变化的时代,互助对于我们来讲就像水对于鱼一样重要。例如,如果有的地方不行遭受了地震,全社会总是会携手帮助灾民走出困境,向其伸出援手。总之,我们无法想象这样一个画面:一个没有互助的社会,人人都漠视彼此,那一定像地狱般恐怖。相反,别人有难,我们伸出援手;我们有难,别人也不会坐视不管,这样才能形成一个人人互助的乐园,为全人类搭建一个理想的伊甸园。【试题点评】本次英语六级作文考试中出现的题目都极为相似,例如这则题目是让考生写一篇关于助人助己作文,而还有一篇是要求考生写一则“尊敬别人就是尊敬自己”的作文。题目类型均属于从一则谚语入手的命题提纲式作文。题目明确要求要用例子证明自己的观点,所以在论述的过程中不可以只讲道理,不摆例子,这一点需要考生注意,只有完成试题指令,按题目要求写作才能得到理想的分数,否则写得再漂亮,恐怕也是南辕北辙。关于这篇作文,大家可以采取经典的写作三段论结构,即首段开门见山用谚语引出主题:互助的重要性;主体段阐述互助的意义和价值,注意还需要运用例证的写作手法;结尾段总结并呼吁彼此要互助互爱。【英语六级真题作文:相互理解参考范文】There is a proverb going like this, “Seek to understand others, and you will be understood.”Simple as the saying is, its implication deserves exploring. From my perspective, the real sense of the proverb lies in mutual understanding.One of the reasons that mutual understanding is so vital is that it forms the basis of all friendships and relationships. Mutual understanding allows existing differences between two or more partied to be acknowledged, accepted and respected, so that common ground and a collective vision can be found. This is true regardless of whether the relationship is between individuals, businesses or even countries. For example, the US and British governments may not see eye to eye on every issue, but they have been able to put aside their differences and forge a friendship and alliance supported by their shared values. We may not fully agree with other people’s opinions or beliefs. However, by understanding the reasons behind their words and actions, we can learn to “disagree without being disagreeable”so that quarrels are averted.Therefore, for those who wish to build lasting relationships, prevent conflict with others, seeking and achieving mutual understanding with others is not only important, but essential.【参考译文】谚语有云,“寻求理解他人,你就会被理解”。虽然这个谚语很简单,但是其内涵值得探索。在我看来,这个谚语的真正含义在于相互理解。相互理解如此关键的原因之一是它是所有友谊和各种关系的基础。相互理解使得两方或多方已有的分歧被认可、接受和尊重,因此共同的立场和观点也得以形成。这一点不管是对个人之间还是公司间还是国家间的关系都是适用的。比如说美国和英国政府可能并不是每个问题上都意见完全一致,但他们可以放下分歧,在共同的价值观基础上形成友谊和联盟。我们可能不完全同意他人的观点或信念。不过通过了解他们言论和行为背后的原因,我们可以学着“表达不同意见,但仍保持友善态度”,从而避免争吵。因此,对于那些希望建立长久关系,防止跟他人冲突的人来说,寻求并获得与他人相互理解不仅是
