


1. Resources are

a. s carce for households but plentiful for economies.

b. p lentiful for households but scarce for economies.

c. s carce for households and scarce for economies.

d. p lentiful for households and plentiful for economies.

2. Economics is the study of

a. p roduction methods.

b. h ow society manages its scarce resources.

c. h ow households decide who performs which tasks.

d. t he interaction of business and government.

3. Billie Jean has $120 to spend and wants to buy either a new amplifier for her guitar or

a new mp3 player to listen to music while working out. Both the amplifier and the mp3 player cost $120, so she can only buy one. This illustrates the basic concept that

a. t rade can make everyone better off.

b. p eople face trade-offs.

c. r ational people think at the margin.

d. d ecisions made at the margin are not particularly important.

4. The opportunity cost of an item is

a. t he number of hours needed to earn money to buy the item.

b. w hat you give up to get that item.

c. u sually less than the dollar value of the item.

d. t he dollar value of the item.

5. A rational decision maker

a. ignores marginal changes and focuses instead on “the big picture.”

b. ignores the likely effects of government policies when he or she makes choices.

c. takes an action only if the marginal benefit of that action exceeds the marginal

cost of that action.

d. takes an action only if the combined benefits of that action and previous actions

exceed the combined costs of that action and previous actions.

6. A tax on gasoline encourages people to drive smaller, more fuel-efficient cars. Which principle of economics does this illustrate?

a. P eople face tradeoffs.

b. T he cost of something is what you give up to get it.

c. R ational people think at the margin.

d. P eople respond to incentives.

7. England can benefit from trade

a. o nly with nations that can produce goods England cannot produce.

b. o nly with less developed nations.

c. o nly with nations outside of Europe.

d. w ith any nation.

8. The "invisible hand" directs economic activity through

a. a dvertising.

b. p rices.

c. c entral planning.

d. g overnment regulations.

9. One reason we need government, even in a market economy, is that

a. t here is insufficient market power in the absence of government.

b. p roperty rights are too strong in the absence of government.

c. t he invisible hand is not perfect.

d. B oth a and b are correct.

10. The term "productivity"

a.means the same thing as "efficiency."

b.is seldom used by economists, as its meaning is not precise.

c.refers to the quantity of goods and services produced from each unit of labor


d.refers to the variety of goods and services from which households can choose

when they shop.

11. An increase in the overall level of prices in an economy is referred to as

a. t he income effect.

b. i nflation.

c. d eflation.

d. t he substitution effect.

12. In the short run, which of the following is not correct?

a. I ncreasing the money supply increases the demand for goods and services.

b.Increasing the money supply encourages firms to hire more workers.

c. L owering the money supply leads to a higher level of unemployment.

d.Policies that encourage higher employment will also induce a lower rate of


Case 1-1

You have the afternoon free. You have a choice between going to the movies with a friend or studying economics for three hours. If you go to the movies, you will spend $8.00 on a ticket and $4.50 on popcorn. If you choose to study economics for three hours, you will raise your exam grade by 10 points.

13. Refer to Case 1-1. What is your opportunity cost of going to the movies?

14. Refer to Case 1-1. What is your opportunity cost of studying economics?

Answers to 1-1









9.c 10.c 11.b 12.d

13. $8+$4.5=$12.50 and 10 points on your exam grade

14. The enjoyment you would have received from going to the movies with your friend.
