

全国2005年1月高等教育自学考试高级英 语试题 Part one I. The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks followed by a list of words and expressions marked A to X. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your answer sheet. One word or expression for each blank only.(0.5 point for each. 12 points) 1.These aren’t __1__ questions. Some sociologists say that your answers to them could explain a lot about what you are thinking and about what your society is thinking—in other words, about where you and your society are.“Music __2__ its times,”says sociologist Irving Horowitz. Horowitz sees the rock music arena as a sort of __3__,a place where ideas __4__ and crash. He sees it as a place where American society __5__ to define and redefine its feelings and __6__. 2.She said that I must always be __7__ of ignorance but understanding of __8__.That some people, unable to go to school, were more educated and even more __9__ than college professors. She encouraged me to listen carefully to what country people called mother __10__.That in those __11__ sayings was __12__ the collective wisdom of generations.


高级语言程序设计(VB)随堂练习答案 第1章概述·1.1程序设计语言 当前页有1题,你已做1题,已提交1题,其中答对1题。 1. https://www.360docs.net/doc/dd13313960.html,是一种( )程序设计语言。 A. 面向事件 B. 面向属性 C. 面向对象 D. 面向过程 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:C 问题解析: 第1章概述·1.2程序设计 当前页有2题,你已做2题,已提交2题,其中答对2题。 1.把源程序代码翻译为目标程序代码可以使用的翻译方式为( )。 A. 嵌入方式 B. 运行方式 C. 连接方式 D. 解释方式或编译方式 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:D 问题解析: 2.编译程序时出现的错误称为( ) 错误。 A. 语法或编译 B. 运行 C. 逻辑 D. 计算 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:A 问题解析: 第1章概述·1.3建立简单控制台应用程序 当前页有3题,你已做3题,已提交3题,其中答对3题。 1.存储数据不属于数据处理功能。

答题:对. 错. (已提交) 参考答案:× 问题解析: 2.控制台应用程序至少有一个Main过程。 答题:对. 错. (已提交) 参考答案:√ 问题解析: 3.上机时,程序编译和连接成功后,系统自动生成以.exe为扩展名的可执行文件。 答题:对. 错. (已提交) 参考答案:√ 问题解析: 第2章基本数据类型与表达式·2.1基本字符集和词汇集 当前页有3题,你已做3题,已提交3题,其中答对3题。 1.下面选项中()是算术运算符。 A. % B. & C. Mod D. And 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:C 问题解析: 2.下面不合法的标识符是()。 A. Go_To B. Integer C. 姓名 D. Int1 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:B 问题解析: 3.在程序设计语言系统中具有固定语法含义的符号串称为标识符。 答题:对. 错. (已提交) 参考答案:× 问题解析: 第2章基本数据类型与表达式·2.2 基本数据类型


F . Man's alien! ion span is very short- In order to capture a viewer's attention, television must provide constant stimulation through variety, novelty, action and movement. In doing so, news is rather short, and it results in inefficient communication; much of the news is like "machine-gunning with scraps", and it destroys the coherence of thought. The TV's appeal to the short attention span is decivilizing as well. A voiding complexity means sacrificing thought. Among adult Americans, there are more and more "functionally illiterate" people, who even cannot answer the want ad or understand the instructions on a medicine bottle. At least, TV is partly responsible for this. Television, since its first prevalence over radio in the 1950s, has played a more and more important role in people's lives. Some are of the opinion that TV is enlightening. It has become so much a part of human life that a modern world without television is unimaginable. But I, on the other hand, argue against TV. I think TV's disadvantages outweigh its advantages. I want to draw your attention to the fact that television is decivilising. In the first place, watching TV takes too much of our time. Children rush to TV immediately after school. Some people sit in front of TV all day long. In this way, reading is entirely ignored. Do you remember the days when we had no TV? We read stories, listened to radio programs from which we benefited a lot. I dare say that the generation accompanied by TV will be less literate. In the second place, watching TV doesn't involve much thinking. When we take up reading, we need to think and imagine before we can thoroughly understand the writer. However, when we watch TV, what we have to do is to open our eyes and enjoy whatever is shown. Little by little we will become slow in thinking. F. 14F. 15 F.


一、选择题 1.以下叙述正确的是( ): A)在C程序中,main函数必须位于程序的最前面 B) C程序的每行只能写一条语句 C) C语言使用库函数实现输入输出操作 D)注释中的拼写错误会影响编译结果 2、以下说法中正确的是() A) C语言程序总是从第一个的函数开始执行 B) C语言程序总是从main()函数开始执行 C)在C语言程序中,要调用的函数必须在main()函数中定义 D)C语言程序中的main()函数必须放在程序的开始部分 3、下列选项种说法正确的是( ) A)函数由声明部分和执行部分两部分组成 B)语言中main函数一定在程序的开始部分 C)C语言程序总是从第一个定义的函数开始执行 D)C程序的每行中只能写一条语句 4、设有说明:int a;float b; char c; double d; 则表达式1.3*a+2*b*c+d*(int) 2.6 值的类型为( )。 A)doubleB) char C) floatD) int 5、C语言的标识符只能由字母、数字和下划线三种字符组成,且第一个字符( ) A)必须为字母 B)必须为下划线 C)必须为字母或下划线 D)可以是字母、数字和下划线中任一种字符 6、以下不正确的C语言标识符是( )。 A) ABC B) abc C)a_bc D) void 7、下列运算符中优先级最高的是( ) A)< B)+ C)&& D)!= 8、以下选项中属于C语言中合法关键字的是( ) A)Float B)abc C)int D)CASE 9、若x、i、j和k都是int型变量,计算下面表达式后,x的值为( ) x=(i=4,j=16,k=32) A)4 B)16 C)32 D)52 10、在C语言中,要求数据必须是整型的运算符是( ) A)/ B)+ + C)!=D) % 11、若整型变量x的值为8,则下列表达式中值为1的表达式是 A)x+=x-=x B) x%=x-1 C) x%=x%=3 D) x/=x+x 12、若w=1,x=2,y=3,z=4,则条件表达式“w > x? w : y< z ? y : z”的值是( ) A)4 B)3 C)2 D)1 13、有以下程序,程序运行后的输出结果是。 main() {inti=1,j=2,k=3; if(i++==1&&(++j==3||k++==3)) printf("%d %d %d\n",i,j,k); }


1999-2011 高等教育自学考试00012英语(一) 汉译英试题汇总 1999. 4 66. 讲座结束后,教授留出半小时时间让我们提问题。 After the lecture the professor set aside half an hour for us to ask questions 67. 他的成就与其说是由于机遇,不如说是由于他自身的努力。 His achievement is not so much due to opportunities as due to his own efforts. 68. 只要能按时完成任务,他不在乎用什么方法。 So long as he can finish the work in time, he does not care about how to do so. 69. 我们发现很难跟上科技领域的迅猛发展。 We found it difficult to keep pace with the rapid development in the field of science and technology. 70. 你是否参加我们的活动已无关紧要了。 It makes no difference whether you will take part in our activity.

2000. 4 66. 对初学者来说,用英语思维比说英语更难。比较级 It is more difficult for beginners to think in English than to speak it. 67. 据说有些吃鹿肉的原始人能跑得象鹿一样飞快。同级比较 It was said that some primitive people who ate deer could run as fast as a deer. 68. 要是昨天他早一点回到家,他的女儿就不会把他的手表拆了。虚拟语气 His daughter would mot have taken apart his watch if he had come home a little earlier yesterday. 69. 要找到与你观点相同的学生并不容易。定语从句 You wouldn’t have got into trouble if you had taken my advice. 70. 在你的朋友中有多少人从来未犯过法呢? How many of your friends have never broken the law? 2000. 10 66. 研究表明大量喝酒的人更易得心脏病。 Studies show that people who drink a lot are more likely to


1. 输入两个整数,要求用两个函数求出其最大公约数和最小公倍数,最大公约数和最小公倍数都在主函数中输出。#include int main() { int i,j,t; int max(int,int); int min(int,int); scanf("%d%d",&i,&j); if(i int main() { int max4(int,int,int,int); //对max4的函数声明 int a,b,c,d; scanf("%d%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c,&d); //输入4个数 printf("max=%d\n",max4(a,b,c,d));//调用4个数中的最大者 return 0; } int max4(int a,int b,int c,int d) //定义max4函数 { int max2(int,int); //对max2的函数声明 return max2(max2(max2(a,b),c),d); //调用max2把作为函数值带回main函数} int max2(int a,int b) { return(a>b?a:b); //返回条件表达式的值,即a和b中的大者 } 3. 用递归调用的方法求5!。 #include int main() { int fac(int); int n; scanf("%d",&n);

2018年4月自考 英语(一) 试题

2018年4月高等教育自学考试《英语(一)》试题 课程代码:00012 一、阅读判断 Finding Paradise (天堂) and Success in Retirement Ivy Singh and her husband had their retirement all planned out. They wanted to have a place with enough land to grow plants. The couple successfully found a proper place and turned it into a farm called Bollywood Veggies. "We came and had a look and we found paradise. We started Bollywood Veggies there and then," she says. The basic idea of starting the farm was to keep themselves busy in retirement. Mrs. Singh says it was never begun as a business. "We started this as a lifestyle project for retirement." The farm's produce includes beans, cabbage and other crops. Soon, more people found out about the farm. Visitors often asked whether the farm offered any food or drinks. So the couple started a restaurant and a food museum on the farm. As the farm changed from a retirement to a commercial project, Mrs. Singh sought new business opportunities. A key area was growing bananas. Given the popularity of bananas and their use in a range of food products, she saw great potential. The farm uses its crop to make products such as banana chips and bread. Mrs. Singh, driven by the success of the project, now wants to open a retirement home on the farm. She says the farm is a nice place for people who have retired. Mrs. Singh says she does not care much about the profit, because she is getting to live her dream while making a difference to society. 1. Ivy and her husband made a careful plan for retirement. A. True B. False C. Not Given 2. Before retirement, the couple were doing business on plants. A. True B. False C. Not Given 3. The couple started Bollywood Veggies for business purposes. A. True B. False C. Not Given 4. Cabbage was the first vegetable planted on the farm. A. True B. False C. Not Given 5. The couple opened a restaurant close to the farm. A. True B. False C. Not Given 6. Mrs. Singh planted bananas because they were very popular. A. True B. False C. Not Given 7. Visitors to the farm like its banana chips the best. A. True B. False C. Not Given 8. Mrs. Singh built a retirement home on the farm. A. True B. False C. Not Given 9. Mrs. Singh thinks the farm is a good place for retired people.


??????????????????????精品自学考料推荐?????????????????? 全国 2018 年 10 月高等教育自学考试 高级语言程序设计(一)试题 课程代码: 00342 一、单项选择题(本大题共20 小题,每小题 1 分,共 20 分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括 号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.下列不正确的转义字符是() . A. ′ ′ B. ′ ″ C. ′ \086′ D. ′ \0′ 2.下列运算符中,优先级最高的是() A. [] B.++ C.% D.&& 是 C 语言保留字的是 () 3.下列标识符中,不. A. char B. while C. min D. default 4.下列数据中,不.是 C 语言常量的是 () A. ′ \n′ B. ″ a″ C. e-2 D. 012 5.若定义了 int a; char b; float c ;,则表达式a*b-c 的类型是 () A. float B. int C. char D. double 6.若定义了 int a, x,y;,则下列语句中不.正确的是 () A. x=3 ,y=5 ; B. ++x ; C. x=y+=x*30 ; D. a=y+x=30 ; 7.调用函数时,若实参是一个数组名,则向函数对应的形参传送的是() A. 数组的长度 B.数组的首地址 C. 数组第一个元素的值 D. 整个数组元素的值 8.在 C 语言中,函数返回值的类型是由() A. 定义的函数类型决定 B.return 语句中表达式的类型决定 C.调用该函数的主调函数类型决定 D. 调用该函数时系统状态决定 9.若定义了 int b [][ 3]={ 1,2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7};,则 b 数组第一维的长度是 () A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D.无确定值 1


2011年10月自考高级英语试题 2011年10月(全国)自考高级英语试题 全部题目用英文作答(英译汉题目除外),请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上 Ⅰ. The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to Y. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (25 points,1 point for each) One of the best current examples of what Horowitz is talking 1 is John Denver. His most 2 songs—“Sunshine on My Shoulders”, “Rocky Mountain High”, and “Country Road”—3 the musical drive and power of 4 rock, while the lyrics celebrate the simple 5 of“the good old days”. It is all symbolized in my mind by the hugely successful art 6 that television has made 7 to the culture, the 30-second commercial: the tiny drama of the 8 housewife who finds happiness 9 choosing the right toothpaste. When before in human history has so much humanity 10 surrendered so much of its leisure to one toy, one mass diversion? They had no 11 of comparison and assumed that this was a 12


2011年7月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语(二)试卷 I. Vocabulary and. Structure (10 points, 1 point each) 从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 1 .Students should_____their own interests as well as do their schoolwork. A. persuade B .pursue C. persist D.proceed 2. I'd like to remind you that there is no_____on the part of suspects to answer questions. A. obligation B.evidence C.transaction D.motivation 3. He blamed his poor performance_____jet lag. A.to B .for C.on D.at 4 .We_____knowledge from our families,schools,jobs,and the mass media. A.request B.require C.inquire D.acquire 5. Not until recently_____that Thompson had ben telling the truth all along. A.I realized B.did I realize C.I did realize D.realized I 6. I don’t need any help at the moment,but I_____your offer. A.appreciate B.admire C.enjoy D.like 7 .The sad condition of women working as house servants around the world received much media_____early this year. A .importance B. attention C.significance D.popularity 8 .She has no hostility to us, _____can be judged from her eyes. A. that B.and C.hence D.as 9 .When you're_____ a crisis, it often helps to talk to someone. A.going through B.going in for C.going after D.going over 10.Decision on whether the message is right or wrong should at least come after _____what the message is. A.putting out B.turning out C.working out D.running out II. Cloze Test (10 points,1 point each) 下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 People in all parts of the world are observing "No Tobacco Day". It is the day 11 the World Health Organization (WHO) appeals to people to stop using tobacco products. WHO hopes if people stop smoking cigarettes or 12 tobacco for one day, they will stop permanently. Health experts have warned for years that smoking can lead to heart disease, cancer and other 13 .WHO says diseases linked to smoking kill 14 2,500,000 persons each year. Still, many people find it 15 stopping smoking. One reason is nicotine, a substance found in cigarettes. Nicotine is a drug. Its effects are 16 those of cocaine and heroin. "No Tobacco Day" is intended for smokers and 17 who earn money from tobacco sales. So businesses are urged to stop selling tobacco products for twenty-four hours. 18 are urged not to carry advertisements for cigarettes. WHO has approved plans to help reach its 19 of a "smoke-free" world. They urge governments to take action to help 20 make money by growing other crops. They also call for improved public information campaigns about the risks of smoking. 11. A. whether B. which C. when D. what


自考英语一历年真题含答案解析目录 2016年4月自考英语(一)真题及答案 2015年10月自考英语(一)真题及答案 2015年4月自考英语(一)真题及详解 2014年10月自考英语(一)真题及详解 2014年4月自考英语(一)真题及详解 2013年10月自考英语(一)真题及详解 2013年4月自考英语(一)真题及详解 2013年1月自考英语(一)真题及详解 2012年10月自考英语(一)真题及答案 2012年7月自考英语(一)真题及详解 2012年4月自考英语(一)真题及答案 2012年1月自考英语(一)真题及答案 2011年10月自考英语(一)真题及答案 2011年7月自考英语(一)真题及答案 2011年4月自考英语(一)真题及答案 2011年1月自考英语(一)真题及答案 2010年10月自考英语(一)真题及答案 2010年7月自考英语(一)真题及答案

2010年1月自考英语(一)真题及答案2009年10月自考英语(一)真题及答案2009年7月自考英语(一)真题及答案2009年4月自考英语(一)真题及答案2009年1月自考英语(一)真题及答案2008年10月自考英语(一)真题及答案2008年7月自考英语(一)真题及答案2008年4月自考英语(一)真题及答案2008年1月自考英语(一)真题及答案2007年10月自考英语(一)真题及答案2007年7月自考英语(一)真题及答案2007年4月自考英语(一)真题及答案2007年1月自考英语(一)真题及答案2006年10月自考英语(一)真题及答案2006年7月自考英语(一)真题及答案2006年4月自考英语(一)真题及答案2005年10月自考英语(一)真题及答案2004年10月自考英语(一)真题及答案2004年4月自考英语(一)真题及答案 真题试读(部分)


《高级语言程序设计答案 一、选择题(每题2分,共30分,请将答案写在后面的答题栏...上) 1-5 BDBBB 6-10 BBDCC 11-15 CDBAB 二、填空题(1-3题每空1分,4-8题每空2分,共20分) 1、对象,事件驱动 2、frm ,vbp 3、函数 过程 4、31 5、9 6、countn<5 n mod 3=1 and n mod 5=1 and n mod 7=1 8、7 7、*n s+1/f 三、综合题(每题5分,共25分) 1、 (2*y)/(a*x+b*y)(a*x-c*z) 2、(x+sqr(x^2+1))^(1/3) 3、30 60 4、7 5、1)建立界面。先建立窗体,再利用控件在窗体上创建各种对象。 2)设置属性。设置窗体或控件等对象的属性。 3)编写代码。编写对象的事件代码。 四、程序设计题(8+8+9,共25分) 1:x 的值由文本框输入,计算分段函数的值:y=???????≥<≤<≤<2 ,321,210,10,0x x x x 。 private sub command1_click( ) Dim x% x=text1.text if x>=2 then y=3 elseif x>=1 then y=2 elseif x>=0 then y=1 2:统计100以内被3整除的数比被5整除的数多多少。 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim i%, s1%, s2% For i = 1 To 100 If i Mod 3 = 0 Then s1 = s1 + 1 If i Mod 5 = 0 Then s2 = s2 + 1 Next i


全国2008年10月高等教育自学考试 高级英语试题 课程代码:00600 请将答案填在答题纸相应的位置上。全部题目用英文作答(英译汉题目除外) I. The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to X. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (12 points, 0.5 point for each) Women have an average life 1 of seven years longer than men and tend to marry men older than themselves; so two-thirds (six million) of all older women are widows. 2 widowed they do not have the same social prerogatives as older men to 3 and marry those who are younger. 4 , they are likely to end up alone—an ironic 5 of events when one remembers that most of them were raised from childhood to consider 6 the only acceptable state. The sheriff follows the county attorney 7 the other room. Then Mrs. Hale rises, hands 8 _ together, 9 intensely at Mrs. Peters, whose eyes make a slow turn, finally 10 Mrs. Hal e’s. A moment Mrs. Hale holds her, then her own eyes 11 the way to where the box is concealed. 12 Mrs. Peters throws back quilt pieces and tries to put the box in the bag she is wearing. A company that delivers value 13 customer intimacy builds 14 with customers like those between good neighbors. Customer-intimate companies don’t deliver what the market wants 15 what a specific customer wants. The customer-intimate company 16 a business of knowing the people it sells to and the products and services they need. It continually 17 its products and services and does so at 18 prices. C hildhood’s 19 never asks to be proved (all conclusions are absolute). I didn’t question why Mrs. Flowers had 20 me out for attention, nor did it 21 me that Momma might have asked her to give me a little talking to. All I 22 was that she had made tea cookies for me and read to me from her 23 book. It was 24 to prove that she liked me. II. In this section, there are fifteen sentences taken from the textbooks with a blank in each, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to X. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (15 points, 1 point for each) 25. The campaign for more physical beauty seems to be both a tremendous success and a


程序设计基础复习题 一、单选 1、一个完整的计算机系统应该包括() A、系统软件和应用软件 B、计算机及其外部设备 C、硬件系统和软件系统 D、系统硬件和系统软件 2、“裸机”的概念是指() A、正在进行设计还没有组装好的计算机 B、已经组装好但还没有安装任何软件的计算机 C、仅安装了操作系统的计算机系统 D、安装了文字处理软件但没有安装专用数据处理系统的计算机 3、世界上第一台电子数字计算机研制成功的时间是() A、1936年 B、1946年 C、1956年 D、1970年 4、CASE的含义是() A、计算机辅助设计 B、计算机辅助制造 C、计算机辅助教学 D、计算机辅助软件工程5、当前广泛使用的微型计算机是() A、第一代 B、第二代 C、第三代 D、第四代 6、当代计算机的体系结构称为是() A、冯·诺依曼机 B、非冯·诺依曼机 C、图灵机 D、比尔盖茨机 7、硬盘是() A、输入设备 B、输出设备 C、存储设备 D、计算设备 8、下面4句话中,最准确的表述是() A、程序=算法+数据结构 B、程序是使用编程语言实现算法 C、程序的开发方法决定算法设计 D、算法是程序设计中最关键的因素

9、计算机能直接执行的语言是() A、机器语言 B、汇编语言 C、高级语言 D、目标语言 10、解释程序的功能是() A、将高级语言程序转换为目标程序 B、将汇编语言程序转换为目标程序 C、解释执行高级语言程序 D、解释执行汇编语言程序 11、下面4种程序设计语言中,不是面向对象式语言的是() A、JAVA B、Object Pascal C、Delphi D、C 12、不是C语言的基本数据类型是() A、int B、double C、char D、bool 13、在C语言中,为了求两个整数相除之后得到的余数,可以使用运算符() A、/ B、% C、* D、++ 14、数据的逻辑结构分为() A、纯属结构和非线性结构 B、顺序结构和非顺序结构 C、树型结构和图型结构 D、链式结构和顺序结构 15、用链表表示纯属表的优点是() A、便于随机存取 B、便于插入和删除操作 C、花费的存储空间较顺序存储少 D、元素的物理顺序与逻辑顺序相同 16、栈的最主要特点是() A、先进先出 B、先进后出 C、两端进出 D、一端进一端出 17、下面4句结论只有一句是错误的,它是()
