



一 Multiple Choice

1. To learn English well, ().

A. itmustbespokenregularly

B. practicemustbeneeded

C. itisnecessarytodomuchpractice

D. onemustdomuchpractice

2. His name will be crossed out from the list ()he makes the same mistakes again.

A. if

B. unless

C. because

D. through

3. I was ()to find his article on such an ()topic so boring.

A. surprised,excited

B. surprising,exciting

C. surprised,exciting

D. surprising,excited

4. The traffic()over the bridge in the rush hour.

A. crew

B. crewed

C. crawled

D. crown

5. I'll be kind to her lest she().

A. leaveme

B. willleaveme

C. wouldleaveme

D. toleaveme

6. 8. Man must stop()the earth’s atmosphere.

A. filling

B. emitting

C. polluting

D. wasting

7. I felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave, () something occurred attracted my attention.

B. until

C. when

D. while

8. There is now considerable()for their safety.

A. solicitude

B. care

C. concern

D. worry

9. ()to it that you shut all the windows before going to be

A. Look

B. Watch

C. See

D. View

10. There are some people who show great ()about others' affairs.

A. lives

B. expects

C. interest

D. Curiosity

11. The mayor's ()new office overlooks the city.

A. spacious

B. broad

C. huge

D. enormous

12. Here are some toys. You can()one or two for your little son as a birthday gift from me.

A. singleout

B. pickout

C. takeout

D. workout

13. (), I cannot make an exception.

A. In case of you

B. In the case of you

C. In no case

D. Make out a case for you

14. A()of red arrows on the wall point the way to the meeting room

A. set

B. picture

C. series

15. I hope my teacher will take my recent illness into ()when judging my exams.

A. account

B. counting

C. regard

D. Observation

16. The ()runner can run 2 miles in 15 minutes.

A. common

B. usual

C. average

D. General

17. All ()is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.

A. thisisneeded

B. thatisneeded

C. forourneeds

D. thethingneeding

18. My friend failed to meet me at the station, and I was at a loss what to do ()the circumstances.

A. under

B. on

C. for

D. From

19. Love, hatred, grief and sympathy are_________________.

A. feelings

B. sentiments

C. passions

D. emotions

20. You must()the time you wasted this afternoon by working late tonight.

A. makeupof

B. makeupfor

C. makefor

D. makeup

二 Cloze (共1题,总分值20分 )

21. It was during the 1960s that ecology, a small and relatively unimportant __________ of biology, rose to the attention of the United States public. Science and medicine had __________ great advances in making human life easier, longer, and ________________ comfortable. People became so reliant _________ technology that

they were sure science could solve almost any __________. In the early 1960s, however, as populations became larger and open space ________________ available, people started to __________ that there was one problem technology didn’t have a quick-fix solution for—the mistreatment of the environment.

The science of ________________ studies the ways humans can live in harmony with their __________ environment—ways humans can exist on this planet without destroying the very systems that support life. Nature follows very ________________ laws and an extremely delicate check and balance system. When those laws and that system are upset, the results can be devastating. It is an ec ologist’s job to see to it that the laws and system are not violated.

(20 分)(1).

A. role

B. branch

C. subject

D. point


A. made

B. done

C. had

D. caused


A. much

B. very

C. more

D. less


A. of

B. on

C. about

D. at


A. matter

B. problem

C. trouble

D. way


A. less

B. more

C. little

D. not


A. know

B. think

C. realize

D. ask


A. biology

B. ecology

C. nature

D. environment


A. natural

B. original

C. old

D. normal


A. few

B. strict

C. complicated

D. reasonable

三 Translation

22. 很快,狗开始把铃声与食物的味道联系起来。(associate …with)

23. 果汁会对孩子的牙齿造成伤害。(be harmful to)

四 Reading Comprehension

24. Different countries and different races have different manners. Before entering

a house in some Asian countries, it is good manners to take off your shoes. In European countries even though shoes sometimes become very muddy, this is not done. A guest in a Chinese house sometimes does not finish a drink. He leaves a little, to show that he has had enough. In a Malay house, too, a guest always leaves a little food. In England, a guest always finishes a drink to show that he enjoys it.

We should like to find out the customs of other races, so that they will not think us ill-mannered(举止粗鲁). But people all over the world agree that being well-mannered really means being kind and helping others, especially those older or weaker than ourselves. If you

remember this, you will not go very far wrong.

Here are some examples of the things that a well-mannered person does or does not do.

He never laughs at people when they are in trouble. He is always kind either to people or animals. When people are waiting for a bus, or in a post office he lines up to wait his turn. In the bus, he gives his seat to an older person or a lady who is standing. If he accidently bumps into(碰,撞)someone, or gets in their way, he says “Excuse me”or “I’m sorry”. He says “Please” when making a request, and “Thank you”when he receives something. He stands up when speaking to a lady or an older person, and he does not sit down until the other person is seated. He does not talk too much about himself. When eating, he does not speak with his mouth full of food.

(10 分)(1). According to the passage, a knowledge of the customs of other races _________________.

A. is very useful

B. is unnecessary

C. is unimportant

D. does not mean much

(2). A person with good manners thinks of ________________.

A. others before himself

B. himself before others

C. no one but himself

D. others as well as himself

(3). Which of the following is not true? A well-mannered person usually________________.

A. says ‘Please’ when making a request

B. makes an apology for bumping into someone accidentally

C. sits where he is when speaking to a lady

D. tries to help those who are in trouble

(4). If you want to be well-mannered, ________________.

A. you laugh at people when they are in trouble

B. it's all right to speak with your mouth full of food

C. you should stop someone when he is talking

D. you can only speak after someone else has finished talking

(5). As different countries have different manners ________________.

A. it's good to learn to be well-mannered

B. we should try to find out the differences in the customs

C. it should not be wrong to go out of one's way to do anything

D. learning a little second language would be helpful

25. Acting is such an over-crowded profession that the only advice that should be given to a young person thinking of going on the stage is “Don't!”. But it is useless to try to discourage someone

who feels that he must act, although the chances of his becoming famous are slim. The normal way to begin is to go to a drama school. Usually only students who show promise and talent are accepted, and the course lasts two years. Then the young actor or actress takes up work with a theatrical company, usually as an assistant stage manager. This means doing everything that there is to do in the theatre: painting scenery, publicity(宣传), taking care of the costumes, and even acting in very small parts. It is very hard work indeed, the hours are long and the salary is tiny.

Of course, some people have remarkable chances which lead to fame and success without this long and hard training. Connie Pratt, for example, was just an ordinary girl working in a bicycle factory. A film producer happened to catch sight of her one morning waiting at a bus stop, as he drove past in his car. He stopped and got out to speak to the girl. He asked if she would like to go to the film studio to do a test, and she thought he was joking. Then she got angry and said she would call the police. It took the producer twenty minutes to convince Connie that he was serious. The test was successful. And within a few weeks she was playing the leading part opposite one of the most famous actors of the day. But chances like this happen once in a blue moon.

(10 分)(1). From the very beginning, the author puts it clearly that acting is a profession________________.

A. sought after by too many people

B. too difficult for young people

C. for ambitious people only

D. for young people only

(2). Which of the following is NOT mentioned as part of an assistant stage manager's job?

A. Playing minor roles.

B. Taking care of the dress to be worn on the stage by an actor or actress.

C. Helping advertise plays.

D. Collecting tickets.

(3). The film producer found Connie Pratt one morning when she was ________________.

A. working in a bicycle factory

B. driving past him in her car

C. going to a film studio

D. waiting for a bus

(4). A few weeks after the test, Connie Pratt found herself________________ .

A. the most famous actress of the world

B. playing the leading female role in a play

C. as famous as the greatest actor of the world

D. no less famous than the leading actor of the day

(5). The concluding sentence“chances like this happen once in a blue moon”means _________________.

A. this is something which happens once in a while

B. this is a highly profitable chance

C. this is something highly possible

D. this is a very rare chance

26. Conventional wisdom about conflict seems pretty much cut and dried. Too little conflict breeds apathy(冷漠)and stagnation(呆滞). Too much conflict leads to divisiveness(分裂)and hostility. Moderate levels of conflict, however, can spark creativity and motivate people in a healthy and competitive way.

Recent research by Professor Charles R. Schwenk, however, suggests that the optimal level of conflict may be more complex to determine than these simple generalizations. He studied perceptions of conflict among a sample of executives. Some of the executives worked for profit-seeking organizations and others for not-for-profit organizations.

Somewhat surprisingly, Schwenk found that opinions about conflict varied systematically as a function of the type of organization. Specifically, managers in not-for-profit organizations strongly believed that conflict was beneficial to their organizations and that it promoted higher quality decision making than might be achieved in the absence of conflict.

Managers of for-profit organizations saw a different picture. They believed that conflict generally was damaging and usually led to poor-quality decision making in their organizations. Schwenk interpreted these results in terms of the criteria for effective decision making suggested by the executives. In the profit-seeking organizations, decision-making effectiveness was most often assessed in financial terms. The executives believed that consensus rather than conflict enhanced financial indicators.

In the not-for-profit organizations, decision-making effectiveness was defined from the perspective of satisfying constituents. Given the complexities and ambiguities associated with satisfying many diverse constituents executives perceived that conflict led to more considered and acceptable decisions.

(10 分)(1). In the eyes of the author, conventional opinion on conflict is __________________________.

A. wrong

B. oversimplified

C. misleading

D. unclear

(2). Professor Charles R. Schwenk’s research shows ________________________________________.

A. the advantages and disadvantages of conflict

B. the real value of conflict

C. the difficulty in determining the optimal level of conflict

D. the complexity of defining the roles of conflict

(3). We can learn from Schwenk’s research that __________________________.

A. a person’s view of conflict is influenced by the purpose of his organization

B. conflict is necessary for managers of for-profit organizations

C. different people resolve conflicts in different ways

D. it is impossible for people to avoid conflict

(4). The passage suggests that in for-profit organizations ________________________________.

A. there is no end of conflict

B. expression of different opinions is encouraged

C. decisions must be justifiable

D. success lies in general agreement

(5). People working in a not-for-profit organization _________________________________.

A. seem to be difficult to satisfy

B. are free to express diverse opinions

C. are less effective in making decisions

D. find it easier to reach agreement


一 Multiple Choice

1. 答案:D

2. 答案:A

3. 答案:C

4. 答案:C

5. 答案:A

6. 答案:C

7. 答案:C

8. 答案:C

9. 答案:C

10. 答案:D


1.It was very kind of you to do the washing-up, but you _______ it.(4分) ? D. didn’t have to do 是否存疑 答案: 解析: 2.________ seeing the damage he had done, the child felt ashamed.(4分) ? C. On 是否存疑 答案: 解析: 3.Henry is often seen ______ English aloud every morning in the classroom.(4分) ? D. to read 是否存疑 答案: 解析: 4.The course normally attracts 20 students per year, _______ up to half will be from overseas.(4分) ? D. of whom 是否存疑 答案: 解析: 5.Is this the reason _____ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work ?(4分) ? A. he explained 是否存疑 答案: 解析: 6.By 1929, Mickey Mouse was as popular _______ children as Coca-Cola.(4分) ? D. with 是否存疑 答案:

7.During a successful business career, she accumulated a great amount of __________(4分) ? C. wealth 是否存疑 答案: 解析: 8.I have a sense _____ America will never go into decline.(4分) ? C. that 是否存疑 答案: 解析: 9.Frankly speaking, I’d rather you ______ anything about it for the time being.(4分) ? D. didn't do 是否存疑 答案: 解析: 10.The shy girl felt _______ and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teacher’s questions.(4分) ? B. awkward 是否存疑 答案: 解析: 11.Do you often wait for a long time ______ the bus stop?(4分) ? C. at 是否存疑 答案: 解析: 12.The Chinese women volleyball players ________________ both in and out of China.(4分) ? B. are highly thought of 是否存疑


北京语言大学网络教育学院 《教育学》模拟试卷一 注意: 1.试卷保密,考生不得将试卷带出考场或撕页,否则成绩作废。请监考老师负责监督。 2.请各位考生注意考试纪律,考试作弊全部成绩以零分计算。 3.本试卷满分100分,答题时间为90分钟。 4.本试卷分为试题卷和答题卷,所有答案必须答在答题卷上,答在试题卷上不给分。 一、【单项选择题】(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在答题卷相应题号处。 1、世界第一部教育专著是()。 [A] 《大教学论》[B] 《论语》[C] 《大学》[D] 《学记》 2、()被誉为“现代教育学之父”,其著作《普通教育学》的出版,被认为是使教育学成为一门独立的规范性学科的标志。 [A] 康德[B]夸美纽斯[C] 赫尔巴特[D] 昆体良 3、中国第一个现代学制是()。 [A] 1902-1904学制[B] 1912-1913年学制 [C] 1922年学制[D] 1951年学制 4、“近朱者赤,近墨者黑”反映了()对人的发展的影响。 [A] 教育[B] 环境[C] 遗传[D] 主观努力 5、提出发现教学法的美国教育心理学家是()。 [A] 加涅[B] 布卢姆[C] 布鲁纳[D] 奥苏贝尔 二、【填空题】(本大题共5小题,15个空,每空2分,共30分)请将答案填写在答题卷相应题号处。 6、我国古代由孔子的弟子辑录孔子的言论整理而成()一书,其中反映了孔子“有教无类”、“因材施教”等教育思想。美国著名教育家()主张教育要以儿童为中心,其代表著()一书,对20世纪以来的教育和教育学产生了深刻的影响。 7、教学是教师的()和学生的()共同组成的双边活动。学生的学习以掌握()为主。 8、学生发展因具有(),因此教育需要做到因材施教。拔苗助长违背了人身心发展的()规律。 9、学习迁移理论认为,迁移就是一种学习对另一种学习的影响。根据迁移(),可分为正迁移、();根据迁移(),可分为纵向迁移、横向迁移;根据迁移(),可分为特殊迁移、非特殊迁移。 10、现代教育发展的趋势有:()、()、()和教育国际化。


单选题 Many favor unswerving loyalty to NATO. A: 许多人喜欢忠诚于北约组织 A: 许多人赞成毫不动摇地忠于北约组织。 单选题 draw of 16 teams B: 取得决赛资格的最后十六支球队。 B: 十六支球队抽签 单选题 他每天要处理许多棘手的问题。 C: He has many hot potatoes to handle every day C: He has many tough questions to handle every day. 单选题 Business is a two-way street and to keep it open in both directions there must be a sense both partners are doing their utmost to ensure a steady growth I each other’s markets. D: 做生意得有来有往,来和往这两股道得保持畅通,应当有这么一个观念,即伙伴双方同时都尽最大努力,来确保对方想自己市场的出口稳步增长 D: 生意好比双行道,伙伴双方都必须明白,只有竭尽全力确保对方向自己市场的出口稳步增长,道路的两个方向才得以畅通。 单选题 随着人数的增加,他们力量也增加了。 E: As the increse of the number, their power is increased E: Their power increased with their number. 单选题 有些药效疗效缓慢。 F: The effects of some medicine are not immediate F: The effects of some medicine are slow 单选题 这个问题不是人人都能回答的。 G: Not everyone can answer this question G: No one can answer this question.
单选题 He has long been used to last-minute decisions. H: 他长期以来习惯于在最后一分钟作出决定


19秋《大学英语》(三)练习1 试卷总分:100 得分:100 一、单选题(共20 道试题,共100 分) 1.He has been in office for 3 years ___. A.up to the day B.to the same day C.to the day D.in the day 答案:C 2.The doctor had almost lost hope at one point, but the patient finally ___. A.pulled out B.pulled through C.pulled up D.pulled over 答案:B 3.It’s difficult to ___ her from her sister. A.spoke to B.said to C.distinguish D.differ 答案:C 4.Without poorer lessons, you could ___ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano. A.keep up B.catch up C.pick up D.draw up 答案:C 5.Had you come five minutes earlier, you ________ the train to Birmingham. But now you missed it. A.would catch B.would have caught C.could catch D.should catch 答案:B 6.Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have ________ of fat. A.the large number B.the large amount C.a large number D.a large amount


北语网院15年春《英语国家概况(II)》作业三100分答案 1 .Canada once called itself a "bicultural" society. What does this "bicultural" refer to? A、English and French cultures B、Canadian and American cultures C、English and Indian cultures 答案:A 2 .Canada's energy resources are mainly located in _______. A、sparsely-populated areas B、the south close to U.S. border C、the east coast near Nova Scotia 答案:A 3 .One important agreement between Canada and U.S. is FTA, which means ______. A、Federal Tariff Agreement B、Free Trade Agreement C、Finance Tax Agreement 答案:C 4 .Most farming takes place in ________. A、west coast near British Columbia B、northern prairie area C、southern part near the border 答案:C 5 .The Stevens family was known for their contribution to which of the following? A、Airplane B、Steamboats C、Cotton gin 答案:B 6. Is Canada the biggest country in the world? A、Yes

北语网院 18秋《远程学习方法导论》作业1234

18秋《远程学习方法导论》作业_1 一、单选题( 每题5分, 共4道小题, 总分值20分) 1.自主学习的动机是() A. 自我驱动 B. 自我计划 C. 自我管理 D. 自我监控 答案:A 作业代做QQ:805009261 成绩保证95分以上,基本满分! 2.大学英语和计算机统考全部免考的条件有()。 A. 具有国民教育本科学历 B. 少数民族学生 C. 计算机证书 D. 年满40周岁及以上 答案:A 3.课程作业的提交方式是() A. 交到学习中心 B. 网上提交 C. 线下提交 D. 不用提交 答案:B 4.一般情况,考前模拟题在哪下载? A. 课程论坛 B. 课件 C. 学院公告 D. 阶段练习/考前模拟 答案:D 二、多选题( 每题5分, 共4道小题, 总分值20分) 1.自主学习的策略包括() A. 时间管理 B. 自我监控 C. 情绪调节 D. 自我激励 2.自主学习需要做到以下哪几点? A. 调动、激发自己的学习动机,增加学习的兴趣; B. 制定学习计划,并严格按照计划开展学习; C. 学习过程中自我检查、自我鼓励、自我调节。 3.申请学位必须达到下列哪些的条件?

A. 未毕业但已经符合毕业条件 B. 学位审核时已毕业时间不超过1年且总学习时长不超过5年 C. 通过学位外语考试 D. 必修课平均成绩达到70分及以上 E. 学位论文及答辩成绩达到70分及以上 4.学生活动中的评优项目有()。 A. 优秀毕业生 B. 优秀学生 C. 优秀班干部 三、填空题( 每题5分, 共4道小题, 总分值20分) 1. 既是自主学习的一个重要成分过程,也是自主学习能力的一个表现。 2.本院专科毕业续读本科时,申请免修的课程累积不能超过学分。 3.点击平台上的“”栏目,可进行预约考试、查询考试预约情况和查询考场安排。 4.强烈的,能让自己保持饱满的学习热情和产生坚强的学习毅力,并在学习中获得成功。 四、判断题( 每题5分, 共8道小题, 总分值40分) 1.针对网上课程,四次作业的提交时间各不相同。 2.网络教育是以自学为主的教育形式。 3.修满教学计划规定学分,必修课平均分在70分以上(含70分)为申请学位条件之一。 4.学生入学时需一次性交清所有学费。 5.毕业(学位)论文写作开始时间安排在入学后的第四学期末。 6.英语、日语专业的学生无需参加北京市教委组织的学位英语考试。 7.《远程学习方法导论》的考核方式是作业考核,即四次作业的平均分就是课程的结课成绩。 8.听力、口语类课程,除需完成作业外,还需要完成课件的学习,获得足够的在线学习时长。 18秋《远程学习方法导论》作业_2 一、单选题( 每题5分, 共4道小题, 总分值20分) 1.申请转专业的期限为(),且开课时间也不足一个月。 A. 入学第一个学期的第一个月 B. 第二个学期的第一个月 C. 第三个学期的第一个月


18秋《大学英语》(一)4 Time ___ wait for no man. A./ B.or tide C.and tide D.'s tide 正确答案:C He is quite sure that it’s ___ impossible for him to fullfil the task within two days. A.absolutely B.exclusively C.fully D.roughly 正确答案:A Three hours ______ enough for us to finish the task. A.are B.has C.is D.were 正确答案:C Mr. Smith had an unusual ___: he was first an office clerk, then a sailor, and ended up as a school teacher. A.profession B.occupation C.position D.career 正确答案:D It was in Britain ___ he got his Ph.D. A.where B.in which C.that D.there

正确答案:C Do you think Tommy is _____the truth? A.saying B.speaking C.telling D.talking 正确答案:C All my neighbors tried to help in some way. But they turned out to be actually _________ the way. A.in B.on C.with D.beyond 正确答案:A No one needs to feel awkward in ___ his own customs. A.pursuing B.following C.chasing D.seeking 正确答案:B I think we need to see an investment ___ before we make an expensive mistake. A.guide B.entrepreneur C.consultant D.assessor 正确答案:C We waited more than half an hour for Beth but _____ we had to leave without her. A.at last B.afterward


第八章北京语言大学网络教育学院学士学位授予 准则 一、总则 第一条目的 根据《中华人民共和国学位条例》、《中华人民共和国学位条例暂行实施办法》以及《北京语言大学学士学位授予办法》,结合现代远程教育试点院校实际情况,为规范北京语言大学网络教育学院本科毕业生学士学位申请和授予工作,特制订本暂行办法。 第二条适用范围 本暂行办法适用于北京语言大学网络教育学院本科毕业生的学士学位申请 及授予工作。 二、学士学位申请条件 第三条授予成人高校本科(含专科升本科)毕业生学士学位的标准,应符合《暂行办法》第二条规定,达到下述水平者,可授予学士学位: 1. 坚持四项基本原则,拥护党的基本路线,遵守法纪,努力提高思想觉悟与道德修养,热爱祖国,愿为社会主义四化建设服务; 2. 通过教学计划规定的政治理论课学习,能够运用马列主义基本观点认识、分析问题; 3. 修满教学计划规定的学分,通过国家教委组织的网络统考,取得毕业资格且必修课平均成绩达到70分以上(含70分),表明确已较好地掌握本专业的基础理论、专业知识和基本技能,并具有从事研究工作或专业工作的初步能力; 4. 已撰写学位论文,且成绩在C+级(70分)及以上,答辩成绩合格(70分)及以上; 5. 在修业年限内,非外语专业的学生须通过北京地区成人高等教育本科毕业生申请学士学位英语水平考试。学位英语水平考试没有任何的免考条件,凡是申请北语网院学士学位的学生必须参加;英语专业、日语专业的学生须通过学院组织的外语综合水平测试(或政策要求的其他必要的考试),英语专业八级考试通过者可免于参加专业综合水平测试; 第四条毕业生有下列情况之一者不得申请学士学位: 1.在校学习期间曾受过学校或任职单位记过以上(含记过)处分后未撤销处分者; 2.在校学习期间,考试、考核有作弊行为者; 3.在校期间受留校察看处分者。 4.毕业时间未超过一年但自入学起至申请学位时的年限已超过最长学习期 限要求; 5. 毕业时间超过一年者。 三、学士学位的申请、审批及授予 第五条网络教育学院负责按条件向学校负责学位工作部门的推荐工作。在学生毕业的同时,将本院学士学位申请者,择优向校学位委员会推荐,同时出具被推荐者的思想政治表现(包括在校学习期间和在工作单位的表现)和在校各科成绩等有关推荐材料。


[北语]20秋《大学英语(三)》练习3 试卷总分:100 得分:100 一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 100 分) 1.In a typhoon, winds ___ a speed greater than 120kms per hour. A.assume B.accomplish C.attain D.assemble 【正确参考选项是】:C 2.No matter ________ , the little sisters managed to round the sheep up and drive them back home safely. A.it was snowing hard B.hard it was snowing C.how it was snowing hard D.how hard it was snowing 【正确参考选项是】:D 3.Had you come five minutes earlier, you ________ the train to Birmingham. But now you missed it. A.would catch B.would have caught C.could catch D.should catch 【正确参考选项是】:B 4.________ girl dressed ________ black is her sister Rose. A.A/ in B.A/ on C.The/ on D.The/ in 【正确参考选项是】:D 5.He wrote about 90 ___. A.poetry B.poetries C.poetrys D.poems 【正确参考选项是】:D 6.It is not that we are more eager, ___ we have invented all sorts of social devices to hasten the process.


2020年北语网院听说(III)线上考试标准解答 (答案在最后一页) 一填空题 SECTION 2. Conversation and Lecture In this section, you will hear a conversation and a lecture. Listen, and choose the best answer. PART 1. Conversation 11. Millie asks Janet how she's feeling because _________ A. Janet doesn't look too good. B. Millie's just back to school from a week-long trip. C. Janet's been absent from school with an illness. D. Millie's concerned about her own health. 12. Why did Janet have to be in bed for three days? _________ A. She was very tired and needed a good rest. B. She caught some kind of virus. C. She was afraid of some imminent school tests. D. She did not want to go to school. 13. What symptoms does Janet not mention? _________ A. Waking up early feeling nauseous. B. V omiting for a long time. C. Having a toothache. D. Having a high temperature. 14. Which remedies were prescribed by Janet's mother? _________ A. Vitamin C B. Chicken broth with rice C. Lots of liquids


北京语言大学网络教育学院本科毕业(学位)论文管理办法为组织好毕业(学位)论文写作工作,规范毕业(学位)论文的写作程序和要求,保证论文质量,根据北京语言大学校教字(2005)第9号《本科生毕业论文(毕业设计)教学环节的管理细则》,结合我院学生及学习特点,特制定以下毕业(学位)论文写作管理办法。 一、毕业(学位)论文的基本规定 1、毕业论文 毕业论文写作是本科教学计划规定的一个重要环节,是培养学生理论联系实际以及锻炼学生独立工作能力的有效手段,是对学生掌握和运用所学基础理论、基本知识、基本技能以及从事实际工作能力的综合考核,毕业论文综合地反映了学生是否达到本科毕业要求的水平。 毕业论文写作在教学计划中作为独立的一门课程设置,占8学分。毕业论文成绩在及格以上(含及格)方可毕业,发给毕业证书。 2、学位论文 凡欲申请学位的本科层次学生,必须参加学位论文的写作。已参加学位论文写作且成绩在60分(含60分)以上的学生,同时获得毕业论文的学分,即可不再撰写毕业论文。学位论文成绩在70分及以上者,必须参加答辩。答辩合格并同时满足其他学位条件时可授予学士学位。 二、毕业(学位)论文写作资格 本科层次的学生应按照教学计划的要求,在学习期限内修完规定的全部课程且已取得50学分以上,方能申请毕业(学位)论文写作。

三、毕业(学位)论文写作时间安排 毕业(学位)论文写作开始时间安排在入学后的第4学期末。每批次论文写作周期(从选题到论文成绩发布)为150天。 每个论文批次的具体写作时间,根据学院教务办公室公布的《毕业论文写作安排》严格执行。 四、毕业(学位)论文撰写要求与格式标准 各专业的毕业(学位)论文写作要求不同,参加毕业(学位)论文写作的学生需严格按照学院发布的所在专业《毕业(学位)论文写作规范》的要求和格式标准进行撰写。学院在《毕业(学位)论文写作规范》中提供毕业(学位)论文格式标准的模板。毕业(学位)论文撰写要求必须做到: (1)内容健康,观点明确,要反映出学生对专业基础理论、专门知识和基本技能的理解、掌握程度。 (2)论据充实,数据可靠,对资料的运用和对观点的论述表明学生已经具有从事科学研究的初步能力。 (3)论文条理清楚,语言准确、简练、通顺,字迹工整。 (4)外语类专业必须用本专业语言撰写,其他专业用中文撰写。 (5)论文应由学生本人独立完成。不得抄袭他人论文,抄袭或请人代写一经发现即严肃处理。 五、毕业(学位)论文写作程序 1、毕业论文写作程序 1)准备阶段


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ μ¥??ìa 1(4·?) : After a few rounds of talks, both sides regarded the territory dispute _______ . A: being settled B: to be settled C: had settled D: as settled 2(4·?) : She has three children, _____ is working in Australia. A: who B: one of whom C: one of them D: none of them 3(4·?) : I?ˉve sorted out all my old letters and filed them alphabetically (°′×?????áD) ¨C isn?ˉt that ____ of me? A: efficient B: effective C: advisable D: active 4(4·?) : Do you have any double rooms ___________ this weekend? A: present B: qualified C: available D: capable 5(4·?) : We need a chairman _______. A: for whom everyone has confidence B: in whom everyone has confidence C: who everyone has confidence of D: whom everyone has confidence on. 6(4·?) : Studies show that the things that contribute most to a sense of happiness cannot be bought, _______ a good family life, friendship and work satisfaction. A: as for B: in view of C: in case of D: such as 7(4·?) : As the busiest woman there, she made ______________ her duty to look after all the otherpeople?ˉs affairs in that town A: this B: that C: one D: it 8(4·?) : No matter ________ , the little sisters managed to round the sheep up and drive them back home safely. A: it was snowing hard


单选题 A strange peace came over her when she was alone. A: 她独处时便感到一种特殊的安宁。 A: 她独处时便感到一种奇怪的安宁。
单选题 As the war went on, there was increased demoralization among the soldiers. B: 因为战争开始了,士兵中低落的士气增加了 B: 随着战争的继续,士兵的斗志越来越低落。 单选题 That lazy boy went to class before he had prepared his lesson. C: 那个懒惰的小孩不预习就去上课 C: 那个懒惰的小孩上课之前没有预习。 单选题 He has someone behind him. D: 有人在他的后面。 D: 有人给他撑腰。
单选题 No wise man ever wished to be younger. E: 没有一个聪明人曾希望自己更年轻些。 E: 聪明人都希望自己更年轻些。 单选题 I have read your articles. I expected to meet an older man. F: 我拜读过你的文章,我期望可以找到一个年纪稍长的人 F: 我拜读过你的文章,没想到你这么年轻。 单选题 In the family of Marx, lincoln was much loved and respected. G: 在马克思家族中,林肯得到很多爱和尊敬 G: 马克思的一家人对林肯是非常敬爱的。 单选题 There is no untroubled place in this troubled world. H: 这多灾多难的世界有太平的乐土。 H: 这多灾多难的世界没有任何太平的乐土。 单选题


18秋《大学英语(三)》练习_2 显示答案 一、单选题(每题4分,共25道小题,总分值100分) 1.Although he did not know London well, he made his way ________ to the airport.(4分) ? A. easy enough ? B. enough ? C. easily enough ? D. enough easily 是否存疑 答案:C 解析: 2.John seems a nice person, _______ I don’t trust him.(4分) ? A. Even though ? B. Even so ? C. Therefore ? D. Though 是否存疑 答案:B 解析: 3.You object ___________, don’t you?(4分) ? A. that they come ? B. that they came ? C. to their come ? D. to their coming 是否存疑 答案:D 解析: 4.I hope that you’ll be more careful in typing the letter. Don’t _______ anything.(4分) ? A. omit ? B. leak ? C. lack ? D. withdraw 是否存疑

答案:A 解析: 5.The committee is totally opposed ______ any changes being made in the plans.(4分) ? A. of ? B. against ? C. on ? D. to 是否存疑 答案:D 解析: 6._______ his sister, Jack is quiet and does not easily make friends with others.(4分) ? A. Dislike ? B. Unlike ? C. Alike ? D. Liking 是否存疑 答案:B 解析: 7.The Olympic Games , _____ in 776 BC, didn’t included women players until 1912.(4分) ? A. first playing ? B. to be first played ? C. first played ? D. to be first playing 是否存疑 答案:C 解析: 8._______classic music, which follows formal European tradition, jazz is a spontaneous and free form.(4分) ? A. In contrast to ? B. In connection with ? C. In comparison with ? D. In regard to


北京语言大学网络教育学院《C++》结课作业附答案 201706考试批次 《C++》结课作业 学生姓名 :XXXX 学习中心: 北京学习中心 学号:XXXXXX 考号:XXXXX 专业 : 计算机科学与技术年级层次:XXXX 北京语言大学网络教育学院 《C++》结课作业 注意: 本学期所布置的结课作业,请同学一律按照以下要求执行: 一、学生必须预约才能在学生平台看见相关课程的“结课作业”按钮; 二、提交路径:个人平台首页--学习中的课程,点击该课程名称--点击“结课作业”--点击“浏览”按钮,选择要上传的文档后点击“提交作业”即可。 三、结课作业提交起止时间:2017年5月2日--6月19日。(届时平台自动关闭,逾期不予接收。) 四、提交的文档格式必须为word文档,截止日期前可多次提交,平台只保留最后一次提交的文档; 五、严格按照课程名称提交相应课程结课作业,提交错误的结课作业,按0分处理。 一. 论述题(本大题共5小题,请任选其中两道题作答,每小题25分,总分50分) 1. C++中的继承使编程者可以用已有的数据类型创建新的数据类型,并保留已有数据类型

的特点。请简述继承方式的三种类型,及三种继承类型的类成员的特点。 2. 请简述C++中引用和指针的区别。 答: (1)引用总是指向一个对象,没有所谓的 null reference .所有当有可能指向 一个对象也由 可能不指向对象则必须使用指针. 由于C++ 要求 reference 总是指向一个对 象所以 reference要求有初值. String & rs = string1; 由于没有所谓的 null reference 所以 所以在使用前不需要进行测试其是否有值.,而使用指针则需要测试其的有效性. (2)指针可以被重新赋值而reference则总是指向最初或地的对象. (3)必须使用reference的场合. Operator[] 操作符由于该操作符很特别地 必须返回 [能够 被当做assignment 赋值对象] 的东西,所以需要给他返回一个 reference. (4)其实引用在函数的参数中使用很经常. void Get***(const int& a) //这样使用了引用有可以保证不修改被引用的值{ } 引用和指针 相同点: 1. 都是地址的概念; 指针指向一块内存,它的内容是所指内存的地址; 引用是某块内存的别名。 区别: 1. 指针是一个实体,而引用仅是个别名;


20秋《大学英语(二)》作业3 试卷总分:100 得分:100 一、单选题 (共 25 道试题,共 100 分) 1.Unfortunately, very few sheep ___ the severe winter last year. A.survived B.endured C.spent D.remained alive 答案:A 2.If I had remembered ___ the window, the thief would not have got in. A.to close B.to have closed C.closing D.having closde 答案:A 3.The ___ in this stamp makes it less valuable. A.error B.mistake C.fault D.flaw 答案:D 4.How can I ___ your help? A.award B.reward C.return D.revolt 答案:B 5.Jack’s mother has to (A) call him at least half a dozen (B)times until(C) he comes down(D) to his dinner.(选择有错误的一项) A.has to B.half a dozen C.until https://www.360docs.net/doc/dd14153976.html,es down 答案:C 6.Johnny opened his sister's mail out of ___. A.curious B.curiosity 答案:B


北京语言大学网络教育学院 高起专语文入学测试模拟试题 语文 一、单选题 1.《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》的作者是( ) A.李白 B.杜甫 C.苏轼 D.周瑜 2.《劝学》的中心论点是( ) A.君子博学而日参省乎己,则知明而行无过矣 B.用心一也 C.君子生非异也,善假于物也 D.学不可以已 3.下列哪部作品不是老舍的作品( ) A.《龙须沟》 B.《茶馆》 C.《骆驼祥子》 D.《雷雨》 4.下列哪部作品不是鲁迅的作品( ) A.《简笔与繁笔》 B.《阿Q正传》 C.《祝福》 D.《狂人日记》 5.和《离骚》并称为“风骚”。( ) A.《风》 B.《雅》 C.《颂》 D.《诗经》 6.下列各组词中加点字的注音全对的一项是( ) A.着(zhuō)力着(zháo)急坐着(zhe) B.差(chā)异相差(chà)无几差(chāi)使 C.了(liáo)结了(liǎo)解为了(le) D.调(diáo)合腔调(diào)调(diào)查7.下列词语中,没有错别的一项是( ) A.自园其说名副其实因地制宜 B.树稍度假愤概 C.刻意雕琢化险为夷墨守成归 D.贡献安装部署 8.《乡愁》中巧妙地运用了“海峡”这一意象,它代表的是( )

A.母子相别 B.夫妻相别 C.母子死别 D.游子与祖国隔离 9.乡愁文学是20世纪50 年代以来风靡于地区的文学时尚。( ) A.大陆 B.香港 C.台湾 D.澳门 10.《劝学》选自( ) A.《荀子》 B.《老子》 C.《庄子》 D.《韩非子》 11.下列句子中,没有语病的一项是( ) A.小丁写的这篇文章语句不通,意思含混不清,实在无法读懂。 B.张健从四川老家回来后,不少人盘问西部家乡发展的情况。 C.我们订计划不但要考虑今年,而且要想到明年,以致今后的若干年。 D.由于改善了不合理的规章制度,这家公司的落后面貌有了很大的改变。 12.孔子思想的核心是_________ 。( ) A.仁 B.义 C.道 D.德 13.《乡愁》中巧妙地运用了“船票”这一意象,它代表的是( ) A.母子相别 B.夫妻相别 C.母子死别 D.游子与祖国隔离 14.“故木受绳则直,金就砺则利”中“利”的意思是( ) A.利益 B.好处 C.使……快 D.锐利,锋利 15.《再别康桥》是的代表作( ) A.徐志摩 B.余光中 C.郭沫若 D.舒婷 16.《荷塘月色》中写道“像今晚上,一个人在这苍茫的月下,什么都可以想,什么都可以不想,便觉是个自由的人。”这里“自由的人”指的是什么( ) A.什么事情都可以不做的人 B.从“颇不宁静”的心绪中暂时解脱的人 C.摆脱了压迫和欺凌的人


奥鹏作业北语网院英语国家社会与文化期末考试 一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 50 分。) V 1. New Zealand consists of two main islands:(). A. North Island and South island B. Steward Island and Long Island C. West Island and East Island D. Victorian island and Tasman Island 满分:5 分 2. The central part of Ireland is characterized by many lakes, low ridges and (). A. peat bogs B. rapid streams C. small islands D. high cliffs 满分:5 分 3. Who wrote the long poem Paradise Lost? A. Shakespeare B. Chaucer C. Milton D. John Cabot 满分:5 分 4. The first European settlement on the continent began in ______. A. 1901 B. 1788 C. 1770 D. 1787

满分:5 分 5. The Maori word "Marae" means _______. A. Maori culture B. non-Maori or European C. protocol D. meeting house 满分:5 分 6. Chaucer is he the author of( ) A. Beowulf B. The Canterbury C. Rip Van Winkle D. Twelfth Night 满分:5 分 7. The largest state in Australia in terms of population is _______. A. Queensland B. New South Wales C. Western Australia D. Victoria 满分:5 分 8. The two main land masses in New Zealand are__________. A. the White Island and the thermal region B. the North Island and the South Island C. the Southern Alps and the North Island D. Auckland and the South Island 满分:5 分 9. In the 1970s, oil was discovered in(), but the revenue from oil did not create an economic miracle for Britain. A. the English Channel
