高二英语11月月考试题人教版 新版

高二英语11月月考试题人教版 新版
高二英语11月月考试题人教版 新版




Before you make friends, you have to decide who you want to be your friends. Most people like to have friends who like to do the same kind of things they do.

The quickest way to make a friend is to smile. When you smile, people think you are friendly and easy to talk to. It may not be easy at first to smile, but remember most people will stay away from a scared or angry looking face.

One easy way to start a conversation with someone is to say something nice about him. Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you. Doesn’t it make you want to keep talking to that person?

Ask your new friends questions about themselves. Who’s their favorite singer, where do they live, what do they do after school are all good questions to start a conversation. Make sure you have something to add to the conversation, too. When someone asks you a question, do have an answer for them. There’s nothing that will stop a conversation quicker than a shrug (耸肩) for an answer.

Kids who show an interest in other kids and who are kind and friendly make good friends. Remember, everyone wants to be around people who like to do similar things and people who are nice to them.

1.This passage gives us some advice on _________.

A.how to make friends

B.what kind of person you can make friends


C.how to start a conversation

D.the importance of smile

2.Most people like to make friends with those______.

A.who are sad every day.

B.who share the same interest

C.who are fond of talking

D.who say bad things to them

3.According to the third paragraph, most people enjoy talking to one _______.

A.who is always smiling

B.who seems to be friendly

C.who praises them

D.who points out their shortcomings.

4.The underlined (划线的) part in this passage means “_______”.

A.being very proud

B.making no answer

C.knowing nothing

D.not hoping to answer


Australia has a lot of interesting animals. Here is some information about these animals.

The emu is a big bird. It can’t fly. It is the second biggest bird in the world. The emu can be 2 meters tall. It has long legs and it can run very fast. The emu eats grass and small insects. It can live weeks without food. The emu lives in all places in Australia. It doesn’t like places with many people. The emu doesn’t sleep for long. It wakes up very often. The emu is important for Australian culture. You can find it on Australian money. The name emu is an Arabic word for a large bird.

The echidna lives in Australia and New Guinea. To make babies it lays eggs. It lays one egg at a time. The baby comes in ten days and it can’t see and has no hair.

The echidna usually eats ants and termites(白蚁). It doesn’t have teeth. The name echidna is from Greek mythology(神话).

There are many kangaroos in Australia. They live everywhere in Australia. If you live on a farm, the kangaroo is your friendly neighbor. The kangaroo is a national symbol of Australia. You can find it on Australian money. The name kangaroo is from an Aboriginal(土著的)word, which means “I don’t understand you”.

The koala is a symbol of Australia for tourists. People love the nice animal. People also call it the koala bear, but it’s not a bear. The name koala is from an Aboriginal word. It means “no drink”. Koalas don’t drink. They eat gum trees. They live in eastern and south-eastern Australia. They have gray hair and big ears. They can live in trees very well. Koalas are active for only two hours a day. They sleep a lot.

5.We can learn from the text that the emu________.

A.runs very fast

B.has no teeth

C.sleeps a lot

D.likes people

6.We can learn from the text that the word “echidna”is___________.





7.Which of the following names means “I don’t understand you”?

A.The emu

B.The echidna

C.The kangaroo.

D.The koala

8.Which two animals’pictures are on Australian money?

A.The emu and the echidna

B.The emu and the kangaroo

C.The kangaroo and the koala

D.The koala and the echidna


Now many young people are travelling around the world on their own, not because they have no one to travel with, but because they prefer to go alone.

Kristina Wegscheider from California first traveled alone when she was at college and believes that it was something everyone should do at least once in their life. “It opens up your mind to new things and pushes you out of your comfort zone.”Wegscheider has visited 46 countries covering all seven continents.

In foreign countries, with no one to help you read a map, look after you if you get ill, or lend you money if your wallet is stolen, it is challenging. This is what drives young people to travel alone. It is seen as character building and a chance to prove that they can make it on their own.

Chris Richardson decided to leave his sales job in Australia to go traveling last year. He set up a website, The Aussie Nomad, to document his adventures. He says he wished he had traveled alone earlier. “The people you meet, the places you visit, or the things you do, everything is up to you and it forces you to grow as a person,”said the 30year-old.

Richardson describes traveling alone like “a shot in the arm”, which “makes you a more confident person that is ready to deal with anything”. He said: “The feeling of having conquered something on my own is a major part of what drives me each day when I'm dealing with a difficult task. I walk around with my head up because I know deep down inside that nothing is impossible if you try.”

The great 19th century explorer John Muir once said: “Only by going alone in silence can one truly get into the heart of the wilderness.”

9.Why is it challenging to travel alone?

A.It will finally build your character.

B.You have to make things on your own.

C.It is hard for you to prove yourself to others.

D.You depend on yourself whatever happens.

10.Which of the following will Kristina Wegscheider agree with?

A.Traveling abroad helps people to find new things.

B.It is more meaningful to travel in foreign countries.

C.It is comfortable to travel around without a friend.

D.Traveling alone is a necessary experience for everyone.

11.What can we infer about Chris Richardson?

A.He started traveling at an early age.

B.He was once shot in the arm.

C.He used to work as a salesman.

D.His website inspires others a lot.

12.What is the best title for other passage?

A.Travel Wide and Far

B.Travel Unaccompanied

C.Travel Light

D.Travel Abroad


Mr. Brown worked in a factory of a small town.He had been there for twenty years before one day he was sent to the capital for important business.He was quite excited because he had never been there before.Before he set off,he asked his wife and three daughters if they wanted him to buy something for them in London.Mrs. Brown began to think it over and then she said she wished her husband would be able to buy a nice umbrella for her,and so did their three daughters.As he was afraid

he would forget it,he drew an umbrella on a piece of paper.To his regret,he lost it at the station.

On the train Mr. Brown sat opposite to an old woman.The woman’s umbrella was so nice that he carefully looked at it and said to himself not to forget to buy a few umbrellas like it.When the train arrived at the station in London,he said good-bye to the old woman,took his bag and her umbrella and was going to get off.

“Wait a minute,sir,”shouted the old woman.“That’s my umbrella!”

Now Mr. Brown noticed that he had taken her umbrella.His face turned red at once and said in a hurry,“Oh,I’m very sorry,Madam! I didn’t mean it!”

Seven days later Mr. Brown left the capital.To his surprise,he met the old woman and sat opposite to her again.Looking at the four umbrellas,the old woman was satisfied with herself.It seems that I had a better result than the other four women.”She thought.

13.The underlined word “it”in the first paragraph refers to ________.

A.his ticket

B.his bag

C.his drawing

D.his umbrella

14.Why did Mr. Brown take the woman’s umbrella?

A.Because he was lost in thought.

B.Because it was much like his own umbrella.

C.Because he thought the woman would not notice it.

D.Because the woman misplaced it beside Mr. Brown.

15.When looking at Mr. Brown with four umbrellas,the woman felt ________.





16.How did Mr. Brown get the four umbrellas?

A.He picked them on the train.

B.He brought them from his small town.

C.He stole them from four women.

D.He bought them in London.


An old gentleman who lives a few doors away from me can always be seen with a bag. He goes out by himself and picks up plastic bottles, plastic bags and pieces of paper everywhere. He does it all carefully and never complains.

The children in the nearby school are probably responsible for some of that litter (废弃物). “There will come a time when they know better,”he said. “It’s just not yet. So, I’ll do it for them.”

Well, this morning I was out walking my neighbor’s dog when I saw another neighbor, a much younger man, out doing the same thing! He had his two little sons with him and they were having good fun trying to pick up the litter.

When I commented on what a good job he was doing, he said, “Well, an older fellow in our street does this. And my friend and I thought it wasn’t fair that he had to do it all the time, so now we take turns.”Not only was he taking a turn, not only did he have a friend join in as well, but he was passing on the lesson to the next generation!

By the time I had returned the dog to my neighbor I looked again and his children’s friends had joined in! This man was teaching a whole group of young children to keep their own street tidy. An older man had set an example for him and now he was passing it on —the next generation is doing what he did and the generation to come after that!

17.The old gentleman picks up the litter _____

A.to make money

B.to help the cleaners

C.to keep the environment clean

D.to set an example to children

18.The younger man did the same thing as the old gentleman because _____.

A.it was his turn

B.he wanted to share the job with the old man

C.it was interesting for him

D.he wanted to pass it on to his children

19.From the text, we can infer that the author _____.

A.believed more people would join in the cleaning

B.called on readers to protect the environment

C.felt sorry for not giving a hand to the old man

D.thought it unfair for the old man to do the cleaning alone

20.What can we learn from the text?

A.No pains, no gains.

B.Like father, like son.

C.The power of example is endless.

D.Two heads are better than one.


项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(答题卡,ABCD正常涂,E=AB, F=AC, G=AD)

How to Make Friends

Friendship is a very important human relationship and everyone needs good friends. Good friendship has many benefits. It offers companionship(陪伴), improves self-worth and promotes good health. There are times in our lives such as when we have recently moved into a new town, or changed our jobs or schools. Such changes

often leave us without a friend. _____21_____But for many of us the process is difficult and requires courage. Below are some helpful suggestions on how to make and keep friends.

1. Associate with others.

The first step to making friends is associating with other people. You can go to public places to meet new people. Besides, you will need to make yourself known by becoming an active member of such places.

2.Start a conversation

Starting a conversation is the second most important step in making new friends. _____22_____You can always start the conversation. Being able to make small talk is a very useful skill in relating with other people.


Choosing friends with common interests is important in building friendship as these interests would always bring you and your friend together. Hanging out will always be a pleasant experience.

4.Let it grow.

It is a good thing to stay in touch. However, try not to press your new friend with calls, messages or visits as this would likely wear him or her out(使筋疲力尽)and finally you may lose your friend._____24_____. The best friendships are the ones that grow naturally.

5.Enjoy your friendship

The best way to enjoy your friendship is to allow your friends to be themselves._____25_____Try not to change them from who they are to what you want them to be. Become the kind of friend you will want your friend to be to you.

A. Be cheerful.

B. Do things together.

C. Do not wait to be spoken to.

D. Try not to find fault with your friends.

E. Making new friends comes easy for some people.

F. For a friendship to develop you need to stay in touch.

G. So you will need to give your friend time to react to you.


Recently my wife and I were faced with a difficult situation while traveling by car in the mountains with our hired drive. It was going to be a long ride and we were 26 . Just as we began to doze(打盹), the engine made a strange , loud noise and then 27 working.

The sun was just setting and the air was getting 28 . We tried communicating with the driver but with little 29 . He told us he was going to get 30 and then left.

In a(n) 31 location(位置) with no houses in sight, we started to hear the cries of wild animals. We also didn’t have much food and it was getting colder and

darker. I began to 32 confidence. Should we leave the car and seek shelter? Would our driver ever 33 ? Was he a trustworthy man? We were very 34 .

A couple of hours passed. 35 , the headlights from another car could be seen in the 36 . An unfamiliar man got out of the car. He looked 37 at first until his mouth opened with a big friendly smile. He asked us to get into the 38 with him. He had such a kind face, so we knew we could 39 him. We climbed into the car.

Before we left, he put a note on the windshield(挡风玻璃) of our car with his phone number on it. Then he drove us to a nearby village, and we 40 his family. They offered us tea and local foods, and everyone asked us questions and were thrilled to have 41 guests.

Later that evening, the phone rang. It was our 42 . He had kept his work and 43 the car. We prepared to leave and thanked our new friends.

I will never forget the 44 and hospitality(好客) we received on that day because we relied on a(n) 45 for help.

26.A.afraid B.tired C.bored D.nervous

27.A.stopped B.began C.continued D.kept

28.A.fresher B.hotter C.cooler D.drier

29.A.patience B.luck C.success D.fun

30.A.food B.help C.fuel D.light

31.A.exact B.secret C.special D.distant

32.A.lose B.express C.build D.share

33.A.visit B.believe C.return D.fail

34.A.disappointed B.ashamed C.puzzled D.worried

35.A.Gradually B.Immediately C.Suddenly D.Formally

36.A.air B.end C.dark D.daytime

37.A.unhealthy B.unhappy C.unfriendly D.uncomfortable

38.A.shelter B.car C.house D.mountains

39.A.give up B.look after https://www.360docs.net/doc/dd8780840.html,e across D.rely on

40.A.met B.left C.helped D.invited

41.A.familiar B.regular C.unwelcome D.unexpected

42.A.guest B.driver C.member D.relative

43.A.bought B.fixed C.driven D.washed

44.A.courage B.beauty C.warmth D.need

45.A.engineer B.traveler C.stranger D.cook


46. What if your first choice is wrong? If so, just give yourself second chance.

47. I can’t tell you way to the Wilsons’

because we don’t have 48 Wilson here in the village.

49. Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere take part them.

50. For lack of money he bought the (cheap) TV on the market.

51. She recommends we make our plans as soon as (possibly).

52.We used to see each other (regular),but I haven’t heard from him since last year.

53. Why not buy a second-hand car first if you don’t have enough money for a new one? —That’s a good (suggest)

54. Start out right away, you’ll miss the first train.

55. From you are standing,you can have a bird’s view of the whole city and feel its great changes during the past decades.


Dear Tommy,

I’m glad to know you will come to Beijing.

Beijing , the capital of China, is one of the large cities in the world . There are many place of interest. Such as the Summer Palace, the Forbidden City and the Great Wall. Both of them are beautiful and well-known to the world. Great changes have been taken place in Beijing after we successfully held the 2008 Olympic Games.

Now, people paid more attention to the environment. More trees and flowers have been planted . For the traffic, it is convenient for people to traveling around Beijing, because several new subway lines have been built . If you come to Beijing , you should find people here are friendly and helpful. Beijing is really attractive city for a long history.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Li Hua











3.参考词汇:state of mind 心态



1-4 ABCB 5-8 ADCB 9-12 DDCB 13-16 CACD 17-20 CBAC


21—25 E; C; B; G; D 即AB; C; B; AD; D


26-30 BACCB 31-35 DACDC 36-40 CCBDA 41-45 DBBCC


46.a 47. the; 48.a 49.in 50.cheapest 51.possible 52.regularly 53.suggestion 54.or 55.where


https://www.360docs.net/doc/dd8780840.html,rge—largest 57.place—places 58.both—all 59.去掉been

60.after---since 61.paid—pay 62.traveling---travel 63.should—will

64.加an 65.for--with


Dear Xiao Wang,

I have received and read your letter, in which you mentioned that you wanted to lose weight by dieting.

It is only natural that young girls at your age hope to look beautiful. However, in my opinion, health is more important than beauty. For a student, studying is the first thing to consider while appearance is the second. So do not let others' opinions affect your normal life. However, if you do want to lose weight, it is a good idea to do it by getting more exercise and changing unhealthy eating habits. The most important thing is that you keep a healthy state of mind, as it will help with your studies, and will also help you overcome difficulties in dieting.

I hope my advice will be helpful to you and I'm looking forward to your next letter.


Li Hua
