




Passage 1

What can we do with mobile payment apps? Pay for what we want! That’s true. These apps have made it much easier for us to 1 . Over the past years, they have 2 changed the way business is done.

Now, some of these apps are trying to do more. One 3 is Alipay.The 4 behind it, Ant Financial, is using the app to “build” a greener world. In 2016, it 5 the Ant Forest program.

6 is one of the world’s first digital (数字)projects to “green” users’ behavior.

Ant Forest simply makes living a low-carbon (低碳的)

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lifestyle fun. More than 300 million people have joined the program. Users who perform low-carbon activities, such as paying bills online and walking to work, are 7 “green energy” points. When users have 8 points, Ant Financial will plant a real tree. Those who 9 try to collect more green energy can plant many trees. So far, more than 55 million

10 trees have been planted.

Xie Mingwu is the director of a forest workstation in Inner Mongolia. He said Ant Forest brought 11 to local deserts. Since the start of the project, millions of trees have been planted in Inner Mongolia.

Ant Financial has 12 to spend more money and effort on Ant Forest. 13 the 300 million users continue to grow “trees” actively, 4,000 km2 of forest will be created over the next

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five years. Ant Forest simply gives all of us a 14 to save the Earth. And it simply shows the amazing power of ordinary people. If many of us work together, we can make a(n)

15 to making the world greener and more beautiful.

1. A. work B. travel C. pay D. sleep

2. A. correctly B. greatly C. possibly D. carefully

3. A. question B. method C. mistake D. example

4. A. school B. company C. bank D. hospital

5. A. started B. finished C. stopped D. ended

6. A. He B. She C. It D. They

7. A. taken B. thought C. accepted D. given

8. A. low B. enough C. large D. small

9. A. always B. sometimes C. seldom D. hardly

10. A. beautiful B. real C. strong D. high

— 3 —

11. A. sadness B. happiness

12. A. expected B. allowed C.hope

C. refused

D. dream

D. decided

13. A. If B. When C. Though D. Unless

14. A. promise B. problem C. chance D. speech

15. A. contribution B. trouble

C. effort

D. promise


1.C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:这些应用程序使对我们而言更容易。work 工作;travel 旅行;pay 支付;sleep 睡觉。结合上文“What can we do with mobile payment apps?”可知此处表示“使支付对我们而言更容易”。故选C。

2.B【解析】考查副词词义辨析。句意:在过去的几年里,它们改变了交易完成的方式。correctly 正确地;greatly 极大地;possibly 可能地;carefully 仔细地。结合语境及选项可知此处表示“极大地改变了交易完成的方式”。故选 B。

3.D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:支付宝就是一个。question 问题;method 方法;mistake 错误;example 例子。下文列举了支付宝利用蚂蚁森林保护环境的例子,example 符合语境。故选 D。

4.B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:它背后的,蚂蚁金服,正在使用这个应用程序“构建”一个更绿色的世界。school 学校;company 公司;bank 银行;hospital 医院。结合语境及常识可知“蚂蚁金服”是一家公司。故选B。

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5.A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:2016 年,它蚂蚁森林计划。started 开始,启动;finished 完成;stopped 停止;ended 结束。根据时间状语 In 2016 及常识可知此处表示“2016年,它启动了蚂蚁森林计划”。故选 A。

6.C【解析】考查代词词义辨析。句意:是世界上第一个使用户的行为更环保的数字项目。He 他;She 她;It 它;They 他们,她们,它们。结合上下文可知所选词指代蚂蚁森林这一项目,it 符合语境。故选 C。

7.D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:进行低碳活动的用户,例如在线支付和步行上班,将就会被“绿色能量”积分。taken 带走;thought 认为,考虑;accepted 接受;given 给。结合语境和常识可知支付宝用户在线上支付和步行上班就可以获得“绿色能量”积分,given 符合语境。故选 D。

8.B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当用户拥有能量积分时,蚂蚁金服公司将种植一棵真正的树。low 低的;enough 足够的;large 巨大的;small 小的。结合上下文可知此处表示“当用户拥有足够的能量积分时”。故选 B。

9.A【解析】考查副词词义辨析。句意:那些试图收集更多绿色能量的人可以种植许多树。always 总是;sometimes 有时;seldom 很少;hardly 几乎不。上文提到当用户收集到足够的能量时,蚂蚁金服公司会种植一棵真正的树,因此总是试图收集更多绿色能量的人可以种植更多的树。故选 A。

10.B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:到目前为止,已经种植了5500 多万棵树木。beautiful 漂亮的;real 真实的;strong 强壮的;high 高的。根据上文中的“Ant Financial will plant a real tree”可知 real 符合语境。故选 B。

11.C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:他说蚂蚁森林给当地的沙漠带来了。sadness 悲伤;happiness 快乐,幸福;hope 希望;dream 梦想。结合常识及语境可知蚂蚁森林给沙漠地区种树,应是给沙漠带来了希望。故选C。

12.D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:蚂蚁金服已经在蚂蚁森林上花费更多的时间和努力。expected 期望;allowed 允许;refused 拒绝;decided 决定。


13.A【解析】考查连词词义辨析。句意: 3 亿用户继续积极种植“树”,未

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来5 年内将形成 4000 平方公里的森林。If 如果;When 当……时;Though 尽管;Unless 除非。前一分句是后一分句的条件,if 符合语境。故选 A。

14.C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:蚂蚁森林只是给我们所有人一个拯救地球的。promise 承诺;question 问题;chance 机会;speech 演讲。结合语境和选项可知此处表示“给了我们所有人一个机会”,chance 符合语境。故选 C。15.A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果我们许多人可以一起努力,那么我

们可以在使得世界更绿色更美丽上做出。contribution 贡献;trouble 麻烦;effort 努力;promise 承诺。根据语境可知此处表示“做出贡献”。故选 A。

Passage 2

John is a middle school student. This Monday, his English teacher asked for leave because of a bad cold. Mrs. Green took his place. In the book, there was a 1 from a movie star’s diary. Mrs.Green said, “Let’s choose a 2 to read it.”

John was a shy boy and hardly answered questions in class. He just hoped that the teacher wouldn’t ask him to read it. 3 ,the teacher said, “You!” Everybody looked around. Then the teacher looked at John and said, “You!” He was too nervous to

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do anything and just 4 there.

Seeing that, the teacher 5 him, put her hand on his shoulder and said, “Look at your face, you are a handsome boy, just like the movie star. I am sure you can make it. Can you have a 6 ?”

John was encouraged by 7 she said. He finally took the book and started 8 . But he read in a very low voice. The teacher stopped him. He was afraid she would scold (责骂) him.

9 to his surprise, she didn’t. She 10 said, “I really

love your voice. But it would be better if you read louder.” John was encouraged again and 11 his voice. This time, he read much better.

When John finished, he was praised 12 the teacher highly. You can’t 13 how happy he felt then. From then on,

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he was not 14 of answering his teachers’ questions in class. Nowadays, he is full of 15 of himself. No matter what he is doing, he is always going to try with a brave heart. He doesn’t allow himself to miss any chances because of fear any more.

1. A. picture B. song C. story D. joke

2. A. parent B. friend C. student D. teacher

3. A. Luckily B. Quietly C. Gradually D. Suddenly

4. A. lay B. stood C. arrived D. left

5. A. thought of B. cared about

C. talked with

D. came to

6. A. date B. rest C. try D. look

7. A. that B. what C. how D. why

8. A. reading B. writing C. speaking D. watching

— 8 —

9. A. Or B. And C. But D. So

10. A. just B. even C. yet D. already

11. A. lost B. dropped C. heard D. raised

12. A. over B. by C. with D. from

13. A. guess B. notice C. expect D. imagine

14. A. proud B. afraid C. tired D. ashamed

15. A. confidence B. pleasure C. happiness D. worry


1.C 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:在书里,有一个选自一位电影明星日记中的。picture 图片;song 歌曲; story 故事;joke 笑话。根据下文提示可知此处表示选自一位电影明星日记的故事。故选 C。

2.C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:格林女士说道:“让我们选择一位来读它。” parent父母双亲之一;friend 朋友;student 学生;teacher 老师。根据语境以及下文格林女士让约翰起来阅读故事可知此处是指选择一名学生来读故事。故选 C。

3.D【解析】考查副词词义辨析。句意:,老师说:“你!” Luckily 幸运地;Quietly 安静地;Gradually 逐渐地;Suddenly 突然地。根据上下文语境可知此处表示“突然地”。故选D。


那儿。lay 躺;stood 站立;arrived 到达;left 离开。结合语境及上文可知老

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师让约翰读文章,约翰非常紧张只是站在那儿,不知所措。故选 B。

5.D【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:看到这种情况,老师他身边,把她的手放在他的肩上……thought of 想起;cared about 关心;talked with 与……谈话;came to 来到。根据语境可知此处是指老师来到他身边。故选D。

6.C 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:你可以一下吗?date 约会,日期;rest 休息;try 尝试;look 看。根据上下文可知此处是老师鼓励约翰试着阅读故事,try 符合语境。故选C。

7.B【解析】考查宾语从句的引导词。句意:约翰被她所说的鼓舞了。that 无实际意义,在宾语从句中只起连接作用,不作任何成分;what 什么,在宾语从句中作主语、宾语和表语;how 如何,在宾语从句中作方式状语;why 为什么,在宾语从句中作原因状语。分析句子结构可知引导词在从句中作宾语。故选 B。

8.A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:最终他拿起书,开始。reading 读;writing 写;speaking 说;watching 看。根据后一句“But he read in a very low voice.” 可知此处指开始读。故选A。

9.C【解析】考查并列连词词义辨析。句意:让他惊讶的是,她没有责备他。Or 或者; And 和;But 但是;So 因此。结合上下文语境可知此处表示转折。故


10.A 【解析】考查副词词义辨析。句意:她说:“我真的很喜欢你的声音。但是如果你能更大声点儿,就会更好了。” just 仅仅,只是;even 甚至;yet 然而;already 已经。根据语境可知此处是指老师没有责备他,只是说很喜欢他的声音。故选A。

11.D 【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:约翰被再次鼓励,他的声音。lost 失去;dropped 落下;heard 听说;raised 升高。根据上文老师鼓励约翰声音再大点儿,可知此处应是指约翰提高了声音。故选 D。

12.B 【解析】考查介词词义辨析。句意:当约翰读完故事时,他受到了老师的高度赞扬。over 在……上面; by 由,被; with 和……在一起,使用; from 来自。根据语境可知此处是指约翰被老师表扬了,故选 B。


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guess 猜;notice 注意;expect 期望;imagine 想象。联系上文可知约翰受到了老

师的表扬,所以此处是指不能想象他有多么的开心。故选 D。

14.B 【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:从那时起,他不再在课堂上回答

老师的问题了。proud 自豪的,骄傲的;afraid 害怕的;tired 厌烦的;ashamed 羞愧的。根据上文可知约翰是个害羞的孩子,几乎不在课堂上回答问题,经过了这次

老师的鼓励与赞扬之后,他不再害怕回答问题了。故选 B。

15.A 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在,他充满了。confidence 信心;pleasure 快乐;happiness 幸福;worry 担心。根据上文描述可知约翰不在害怕在

课堂上回答问题了,故此处应是指他对自己充满了自信。故选 A。

Passage 3

Charlie Condell is a British student. He has become the

1 person to cycle around the world alone. Charlie Condell, 18, decided to celebrate the end of his A-Levels by a 18,000 mile (28, 800 kilometers) round-the-world trip in 2018 after his exams

2 . The adventurer(冒险家)and cyclist has traveled

alone through 20 countries in Asia, Europe, Australia and the U.S. in just nine months. On March 11th, 2019, he finished

his 3 . Condell is believed to be the youngest person ever to

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finish the trip, 4 which he has finished 18,000 miles and has climbed about 26 mountains. 5 he planned to travel just through Europe, doing 10,000 km, which then increased to 18,000 miles. His achievement quickly spread to the world through the Internet and it made many people surprised and

6 . They congratulated him on his success.

7 Condell’s bicycle was stolen in Australia in October 2018, it became headlines on the Internet. When he 8 at a hotel in Queensland he found his carbon-fiber(碳纤维) Cervelo bike was stolen. Thieves also stolen Condells’s passport and other cycling equipment—at a total 9 of 4,000 pounds.

Condell, from Bristol, used to be a student of a famous boarding school Clifton College. He said, “You can never quite

10 it. I thought maybe someone had moved it at first. But

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11 I realized that it was gone. I just wore 12 shirt, shorts and one bag.” But local people13 to get Condell back on the road, offering him clothes, accommodation( 住处) and a bike.

Before Condell, Tom Davies, from London, held the 14

for the youngest person to cycle the world. He completed the challenge in 2015 at the age of 19. Condell has funded his trip from his savings and he also set up a crowd-funding(众筹) page for people 15 him on his bike ride of a lifetime. Let’s join

it together!

1. A. oldest B. youngest C. strongest D. highest

2. A. began B. failed C. finished D. stopped

3. A. study B. challenge C. promise D. program

4. A. during B. towards C. after D. about

— 13 —

5. A. Instead of B. For example

C. Together with

D. At first

6. A. angry B. bored C. disappointed D. excited

7. A. Until B. Before C. When D. Though

8. A. picked up B. woke up

C. gave up

D. took up

9. A. value B.time C. amount D. number

10. A. forget B. believe C. remember D. leave

11. A. also B. moreover C. then D. anyway

12. A. our B. her C. his D. my

13. A. hoped B. ordered C. helped D. agreed

14. A. record B. view C. opinion D. weight

15. A. support B. supporting C. to support D. supported


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1.B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他已经成为独自骑行环游世界的人。oldest 最老的,最旧的;youngest 最年轻的;strongest 最强壮的;highest 最高的。根据后文中的“Condell is believed to be the youngest person ever to finish the trip”可知康德尔是独自骑行环游世界的最年轻的人。故选 B。

2.C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:在考试后,18 岁的查理·康德尔决定在 2018 年以骑行环游世界 18000 英里(28800 公里)庆祝他 A 级的结束。began 开始;failed 失败;finished 完成,结束;stopped 停止。结合常识和选项可知应是

在考试结束后骑行环游世界。故选 C。

3.B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:在2019 年3月11 日,他完成了。study 学习,研究;challenge 挑战;promise 承诺;program 节目。骑行环游世

界18000 英里应是一个挑战。故选B。


最年轻的人,这次旅行中,他已经骑行了18000 英里,爬了大约26 座山。during 在……期间;towards 朝向;after 在……之后;about 关于。which 是关

系代词,引导定语从句,指代t he trip,结合语境可知此处表示“在这次旅行期间”,during 符合语境。故选A。

5.D【解析】考查介词短语辨析。句意:,他计划骑行10000 公里穿越欧洲,后来这个距离增加到18000 英里。Instead of 而不是;For example 例如;Together with 和……一起;At first 首先。结合语境及t hen 可知此处表示“起初,

他计划骑行10000 公里穿越欧洲”。故选D。

6.D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他的成就很快通过互联网传遍了世界,让很多人感到惊讶和。angry 生气的;bored 感到无聊的;disappointed 失

望的;excited 激动的。根据上文可知18 岁的康德尔骑行18000 英里环游世界,


7.C【解析】考查连词词义辨析。句意:康德尔的自行车在 2018 年 10 月在澳

大利亚被偷时,这件事成为了互联网上的头条新闻。Until 直到;Before 在……之前;When 当……时;Though 尽管。结合语境及选项可知 When 符合

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语境,表示“当康德尔的自行车在 2018 年10 月在澳大利亚被偷时”。故选 C。

8.B【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:他在昆士兰州的一家旅馆,发现他的碳纤维赛罗沃牌自行车被偷了。picked up 捡起;woke up 醒来;gave up 放弃;took up 开始,从事。根据 at a hotel 及后文自行车丢了并结合常识可知自行车应是他在宾馆睡觉时丢了,他醒来发现了这件事,woke up 符合语境。故选 B。


车设备—总4000 英镑。value 价值;time 时间;amount 数量;number 数字。结合 4,000 pounds 及选项可知 value 符合语境,表示“总价值 4000 英镑”。故选A。10.B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:你永远不会这件事。forget 忘记;believe 相信;remember 记住;leave 离开。根据后两句“I thought maybe someone

had moved it at first. But 11 _ I realized that it was gone.”可知康德尔起初不相信自己的自行车被偷了,故选B。

11.C【解析】考查副词词义辨析。句意:但我意识到它被偷了。also 也,还;moreover 而且;then 后来;anyway 无论如何。结合语境及选项可知 then 符合,

表示“我后来意识到它被偷了”。故选 C。

12.D【解析】考查形容词性物主代词词义辨析。句意:我只穿了一件衬衫、短裤和一个包。our 我们的;her 她的;his 他的;my 我的。根据上文可知,康

德尔的自行车丢了,此处表示他只有身上穿的衣服。根据主语I 可知my 符合语境。故选D。


供了衣服、住宿和一辆自行车。hoped 希望;ordered 预定,命令;helped 帮助;agreed 同意。根据“offering him clothes, accommodation(住处) and a bike”可知此处



斯保持着世界上最年轻的骑车人的。record 纪录;view 视野,观点;opinion 意见,观点;weight 重量。根据第一段内容可知康德尔在18 岁完成了骑行环游世界,是世界上目前最年轻的骑行环游世界的人。根据 Before Condell 可知此处

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是介绍以前的纪录。故选 A。

15.C【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:康德尔把他的积蓄作为他骑行的资金,而且他还创建了一个众筹页面,供人们他一生骑自行车。分析句子可知,此处所选内容表示目的,应选动词不定式。故选 C。


Passage 1

Millie Bobby Brown, a British actress, has been named UNICEF’s( 联合国儿童基金会) newest Goodwill Ambassador( 亲善大使). She is the youngest person who has held this title. As the Goodwill Ambassador, her task is 1. (help)raise awareness of children’s rights.

Brown says she is following the steps of her idol, Audrey Hepburn once said “ As you grow older, you 2. (find)that you have two hands. One is to help others and the other is to

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yourself.” And that is exactly what Brown wants to do. “I 3.(look) forward to meeting as many young children as I can, hearing their stories and speaking out for them”, she said.

Brown 4. (love)by millions of followers on social media. She is best known for 5. (play)Eleven, a young girl with superpowers, in the popular TV series Stranger Things. This April, she 6. (become)the youngest person ever to be included in TIME magazines list of the world’s 100 most influential people.

【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了14 岁的英国女演员米莉·博比·布朗被联合国儿童基金会任命为最新的亲善大使,成为了有史以来最年轻的亲善大使。她将利用她在全球的发声平台来帮助提升对儿童权利的认识。

1.to help 【解析】句意:作为亲善大使,她的任务是帮助提高人们对儿童权利的意识。分析句子结构可知空处作的是表语,可用动词不定式。故填 to help。

2.will find 【解析】句意:她曾经说到:“随着你长大,你就会发现你有两只手。” 分析可知 As 在此处引导的是时间状语从句,且从句用的一般现在时,主句应用一般将来时,故填 will find。

3.am looking 【解析】句意:我期待遇到尽可能多的孩子……根据语境可知说话人在说此句话时,正在期待,所以应用进行时态;且此处是直接引语,故应用现

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在进行时,主语是 I,助动词应用 am。故填 am looking。

4.is loved 【解析】句意:社交媒体上有数百万的追随者爱着布朗。分析可知主语 Brown 与谓语动词 love 之间是动宾关系,应用被动语态;根据语境可知此处描述的是当下的事实情况,故应用一般现在时,主语是Brown,助动词应用is。故填 is loved。

5.playing 【解析】句意:她因扮演 Eleven 而最出名…… 分析句子结构可知 is 是句子的谓语,空处应是非谓语动词, for 为介词,其后应接动词的动名词形式。故填playing。

6.became 【解析】句意:今年 4 月,她变成了最年轻的人……根据时间状语“This April”以及语境可知描述的是发生过的事情,应用一般过去时。故填 became。

Passage 2

Dear Jason,

It 1. (be)a long time since I moved to the United States. I want to tell you something different in the US. You know in Vietnam, we usually don’t have discussions or have much contact with teachers in class. There are no discussions or challenges to the teachers’ opinions. The teachers are always right because they are the teachers.

When I came to the United States, the school system

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surprised me. One day we had a discussion on the topic of gun control. Everyone 2. (take)part in it. The class atmosphere was exciting and fun. The arguing went on until the end of the class, and everyone seemed 3. (enjoy)it. The teacher listened to what the students said. This felt very different to me. The teacher was still treating us like friends while we 4. (discuss) different opinions.

I 5. (encourage)to state my opinion by the teacher during the discussion. From that day I have been working on

6. (express)my thoughts bravely. And now, I have perfect communicating skills.

I miss you very much. Please write to me.



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