

Every living person has problem

what is the secret ingredient of tough people that enables them to succee d? Why do they survive the tough times when others are overcome by the m? Why do they win when others lose? Why do they soar when others sin k?

The answer is very simple. It's all in how they perceive their problems. Yes, very living person has problems. A problem-free life is an illusion- a mirage in the desert. Accept that fact.

Every mountain has a peak. Every valley has its low point. Life has its ups and downs, its peaks and its valleys. No one is up all the time, nor i s that down all the time. Problems do end. They are all resolved in time.

You may not be able to control the times, but you can compose your r esponse. You can turn you pain into profanity-or into poetry. The choice is up to you. You may not have chosen your tough time, but you can choos e how you react to it. For instant, what is the positive reaction to a terribl e financial setback? In this situation would it be the positive resect ion to c op out and run away? Escape through alcohol, drug, or suicide? No! Such negative reactions only produce greater problems by promising a temporar y 'solution' to the pressing problem. The positive solution to a problem ma y require courage to initiate it. When you control your reaction to the see mingly uncontrollable problem of life, then in fact you do control the probl em's effect on you your reaction to the problem is the last word! That's th e bottom line. What will you let this problem do to you? It can make you tender or tough. It can make you better or bitter. It all depends on you.

In the final analysis, the tough people who survive the tough times do

so because they’ve chosen to react positively to their predicament. Tough times never last, but tough people do. Tough people stick it out. History teaches us that every problem has a lifespan. No problem is permanent. S torms always give way to sun. Winter always thaws into springtime. Your storm will pass. Your winter will thaw. Your problem will be solved


Learn to live in the present moment

To a large degree, the measure of our peace of mind is determined by ho w much we are able to live on the present moment. Irrespective of what happened yesterday or last year, and what may or may not happen tomor row, the present moment is where you are---always!


Without question, many of us have mastered the neurotic art of spending much of our lives worrying about variety of things--all at once. We allow p ast problems and future concerns dominate your present moments, so mu ch so that we end up anxious, frustrated, depressed, and hopeless. On the flip side, we also postpone our gratification, our stated priorities, and our happiness, often convincing that "someday" will be much better than today. Unfortunately, the same mental dynamics that tell us to look toward the f uture will only repeat them so that 'someday' never actually arrives. John Lennon once said, "Life is what is happening while we are busy making ot her plans." When we are busy making 'other plans', our children are busy growing up, the people we love are moving away and dying, our bodies ar

e getting out o

f shape, and our dreams are slippin

g away. In short, we mi ss out on life.


Many people lives as if life is a dress rehearsal for some later date. It isn' t. In fact, no one have a guarantee that he or she will be here tomorrow. Now is the only time we have, and the only time that we have any contr ol over. When we put our attention on the present moment, we push fear from our minds. Fear is the concern over events that might happen in th e future--we won't have enough money, our children will get into trouble, we will get old and die whatever.


To combat fear, the best strategy is to learn to bring your attention back to the present. Mark Twain said,” I have been through some terrible thing s in life, some of which actually happened." I don't think I can say it any

better. Practice keeping your attention on the here and now. Your effort wi ll pay great dividends.


3\How High Can You Jump?

Flea trainers have observed a strange habit of fleas while training them. Fl eas are trained by putting them in a cardboard box with a top on it. The f leas will jump up and hit the top of the cardboard box over and over and over again.

As you watch them jump and hit the lid, something very interesting beco mes obvious. The fleas continue to jump, but they are no longer jumping high enough to hit the top.

When you take off the lid, the fleas continue to jump, but they will not ju mp out of the box. They won't jump out because they can't jump out. Wh y? The reason is simple. They have conditioned themselves to jump just s o high.

Once they have conditioned themselves to jump just so high, that's all the y can do!

Many times, people do the same thing. They restrict themselves and never reach their potential. Just like the fleas, they fail to jump higher, thinking they are doing all they can do.






4\热爱生活(Love Your Life )

Henry David Thoreau/享利.大卫.梭罗

However mean your life is, meet it and live it ;do not shun it and call it h ard names. It is not so bad as you are. It looks poorest when you are ric hest. The fault-finder will find faults in paradise. Love your life, poor as it is. You may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours, even in a poor-house. The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as brightly as from the rich man's abode; the snow melts before its door as early in the spring. I do not see but a quiet mind may live as co ntentedly there, and have as cheering thoughts, as in a palace. The town's poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of any. May be they are simply great enough to receive without misgiving. Most think tha t they are above being supported by the town; but it often happens that t hey are not above supporting themselves by dishonest means. Which shou ld be more disreputable? Cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like sage. D o not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends,

Turn the old, return to them. Things do not change; we change. Sell you r clothes and keep your thoughts.



Motherly and Fatherly Love

Motherly love by its very nature is unconditional. Mother loves the newbor n infant because it is her child, not because the child has fulfilled any spe cific condition, or lived up to any specific expectation. Unconditional love c orresponds in one of 'the deepest longings, not only of the child, but of ev ery human being; on the other hand, to be loved because of one's merit, because one deserves it, always leaves doubt: maybe I did not please the person whom I want to love me, maybe this or that--there is always a fe ar that love could disappear. Furthermore, "deserved" love easily leaves a bitter feeling that one is not loved for oneself, that one is loved only beca

use one pleases, that one is, in the last analysis, not loved at all but used. No wonder that we all cling to the longing for motherly love, as children and also as adults.

The relationship to father is quite different. Mother is the home we come f rom, she is nature, soil, the ocean; father does not represent any such na tural home. He has little connection with the child in the first years o f his life, and his importance for the child in this early period cannot be compar ed with that of mother. But while father does not represent the natural wo rld, he represents the other pole of human existence; the world of thought, of man-made things, of law and order, of discipline, of travel and advent ure. Father is the one who teaches the child, who shows him the road int o the world. Fatherly love is conditional love. Its principle is "1 love you b ecause you fulfill my expectations, because you do your duty, because you are like me." In conditional fatherly love we find, as with unconditional m otherly love, a negative and a positive aspect. The negative aspect is the very fact that fatherly love has to be deserved; that it can be lost if one does not do what is expected. In the nature of fatherly love lies the fact t hat obedience becomes the main virtue,that disobedience is the main sin—and its punishment the withdrawal of fatherly love.

The positive side is equally important. Since his love is conditional, I can d o something to acquire it, I can work for it; his love is not outside of my control as motherly love is.





6\Russell on Affection (罗素论爱)

The best type of affection is reciprocally life-giving; each receives affection with joy and gives it without effort, and each finds the whole world more interesting in consequence of the existence of this reciprocal happiness. T here is, however, another kind, by no means uncommon, in which one per son sucks the vitality of the other, one receives what the other gives, but gives almost nothing in return. Some very vital people belong to this bloo

dsucking type. They extract the vitality from one victim after another, but while they prosper and grow interesting, those upon whom they live grow pale and dim and dull. Such people use others as means to their own end s, and never consider them as ends in themselves. Fundamentally they ar e not interested in those whom for the moment they think they love; they are interested only in the stimulus to their owe activities, perhaps of a qu ite impersonal sort. Evidently this springs from some defect in their nature, but it is one not altogether easy either to diagnose of to cure. It is a cha racteristic frequently associated with great ambition, and is rooted, I shoul d say, in an unduly one-sided view of what makes human happiness. Affec tion in the sense of a genuine reciprocal interest of two persons in each ot her, not solely as means to each other’s good, but rather as a combinatio n having a common good, is one of the most important elements of real h appiness, and the man whose ego is so enclosed within steel walls that thi s enlargement of it is impossible misses the best that life has to offer, ho wever successful he may be in his career. A too powerful ego is a prison f rom which a man must escape if he is to enjoy the world to the full. A ca pacity for genuine affection is one of the marks of the man who has escap ed form this prison of self. To receive affection is by no means enough; af fection which is received should liberate the affection which is to be given, and only where both exist in equal measure does affection achieve its be st possibilities.



7\Blood, Toil, Sweat and Tears


In this cris is I think I may be pardoned if I do not address the House at a ny length today, and I hope that any of my friends and colleagues or for mer colleagues who are affected by the political reconstruction will make a ll allowances for any lack of ceremony with which it has been necessary to act.


I say to the House as I said to Ministers who have joined this government, I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, sweat and tears.


We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind.


We have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering.


You ask, what is our policy?


I say it is to wage war by land, sea and air.


War with all our might and with all the strength God has given up, and to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark and l amentable catalogue of human crime.


That is our policy.


You ask, what is our aim?


I can answer in one word.


It is victory.


Victory at all costs; victory in spite of all terrors; victory, however long an d hand the road may be, for without victory there is no survival.


Let that be realized.


No survival for the British Empire, no survival for all that the British Empir e has stood for, no survival for the urge, the impulse of the ages, that ma nkind shall move forward toward his goal.


I take up my task in buoyancy and hope.


I feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men.


I feel entitled at this juncture, at this time, to claim the aid of all and to s ay, "Come then, let us go forward together with our united strength."


8\The Four Freedoms (Franklin D. Roosevelt)

In the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms.


The first is freedom of speech and expression -- everywhere in the world. 第一是在全世界任何地方发表言论和表达意见的自由。

The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way ev erywhere in the world.


The third is freedom from want, which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peac etime life for its inhabitants -- everywhere in the world.


The fourth is freedom from fear, which, translated into world terms, mean s a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thor ough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physi cal aggression against any neighbor -- anywhere in the world.


That is no vision of a distant millennium. It is a definite basis for a kind o f world attainable in our own time and generation. That kind of world is th e very antithesis of the so-called “new order” of tyranny which the dictator s seek to create with the crash of a bomb.


Since the beginning of our American history we have been engaged in cha nge, in a perpetual, peaceful revolution, a revolution which goes on steadil y, quietly, adjusting itself to changing conditions without the concentration camp or the quicklime in the ditch. The world order which we seek is the cooperation of free countries, working together in a friendly, civilized soci



This nation has placed its destiny in the hands and heads and hearts of its millions of free men and women, and its faith in freedom under the guida nce of God. Freedom means the supremacy of human rights everywhere. Our support goes to those who struggle to gain those rights and keep the m. Our strength is our unity of purpose.


To that high concept there can be no end save victory.


9\Hard Work Is Good for Health努力工作有利健康

Scientists find that the hard-working prestigious people live longer than av erage men and women. Career women are healthier than housewives. Evid ences show that the jobless are in poorer health than job-holders. An inve stigation shows that whenever the unemployment rate increases by 1%, th e death rate increases correspondingly by 2%. All this comes down to one point: work is helpful to health.

Why is work good for health? It is because work keeps people busy, away from loneness and solitude. Researches show that people feel unhappy, w

orried and solitary when they have nothing to do. Instead, the happiest ar e those who are busy. Many high achievers who love their careers feel the y are most happy when they are working hard. Work serves as a bridge b etween man and reality. By work, people come into contact with each oth er. By collective activity, they find friendship and warmth. This is helpful t o health. The loss of work means the loss of everything. It affects man sp iritually and hence makes him liable to disease.

Besides, work gives one the sense of fulfillment and a sense of achieveme nt. Work makes one feel his value and status in society. When a writer fin ishes his writing or a doctor successfully operates on a patient or a teache r sees his students grow, they are happy beyond words.

From the above we can come to the conclusion that the more you work, t he happier and healthier you will be.

Let us work hard and study well and live a happy and healthy life.





从以上我们可以得出这一结论:工作越多越幸福,也越健康. 让我们努力工作,好好学习,过幸福健康的生活.

高中英语作文万能句子 英语优美句子摘抄

高中英语作文万能句子英语优美句子摘抄 有很多的同学是非常的想知道,高中英语作文万能句子有哪些,英语优美句子是什么,小编整理了相关信息,希望会对大家有所帮助! 高中英语作文万能句型 1.关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为…… There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____. 2.俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。 There is an old saying______. It’s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today. 3.现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是…… Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______. 4. 现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。 Nowadays, it is common to ______. Many people like ______ because ______.Besides,______.

5. 任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages. 6. 关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,…… People's opinions about ______ vary from person to person. Some people say that ______.To them,_____. 7. 人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变得越来越严重。 Man is now facing a big problem ______ which is becoming more and more serious. 8. ……已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。______ has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way. 9. ……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。 ______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well. 10. 根据图表/数字/统计数字/表格中的百分比/图表/条形图/成形图可以看出……。很显然……,但是为什么呢? According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the /chart/bar graph/line/graph, it can be seen that ______ while. Obviously, ______, but why? 励志优美英语句子 1、 "The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is now over yet. 会议原定了两个小时,不过现在还没有结束。" 2、 Am I allowed to stay out past 10? 我可以十点过后再回家吗? 3、 Are you sure you can come by at nine? 你肯定你九点能来吗? 4、 When is the store closing? 这家店什么时候结束营业? 5、 What is your plan? 你的计划是什么? 6、 Where is your office? 你们的办公室在哪? 7、Let’s have a beer or something. 咱们喝点啤酒什么的。 8、 Let me explain why I was late. 让我解释迟到的理由。


经典美文句子迷摘抄大全 经典美文句子迷摘抄大全 1、"你永远都不会知道一个喜欢你的人眼睁睁的看着你喜欢别人,却还是每天一如既往的对你,即使你还和别人在一起了.(但你永远都不会明白他的内心是有多么的心酸和无奈)请珍惜每一个对你好的人,有些人错过就真的错过了" 2、已是尺寸光阴,囊中日月,且将镜中花水中月,当一世风光,好好相遇一场。洁净而如天籁,唱起时,清风相伴共醉。再回首一刹,愿这颗心凉如水,再如冰,且把我与你的情谊,“吟成白雪心如素”。一如山水映天,忽然记起旧人旧事旧念契阔。已是,一山晴日,一水晴澜。——白音格力《囊中日月》 3、宣纸空山,往事深远,每忆起却是一壶浊酒喜相逢。再扯几缕白雪几点落梅,似乎往事空谷有幽兰,寂静有芬芳。——白音格力《宿墨瘦尽》 4、烛光点点,轻风翻书,墨笔点字,莲花醉心。情悠悠,意浓浓,不记前世姻缘,只惜今生白首。 5、鸟声成匹,不需多,半匹,又一定是粗布匹,上面画着山石溪水,崖前风声,自然有草药图谱。回途山风吹来月色,月色浇着粗布衣,细听,泉水声,夜莺声,都在衣上流着。——白音格力《鱼衔花影去》

6、曾经,我们另辟蹊径。站在大师的肩上,被璀璨的星空遥部门不住,到中午吧望。一如新生的婴儿,在宠爱中成长。前辈无畏,后生无畏,大师无畏,伙计无畏。用稚嫩的脚板,创造性地走出了一条路,我们是第一个。我们想用自己的内功涅槃成佛,哪怕头破南墙,焚身以火。我们期待那一刻的花雨漫天。于是我们一直坚定地走这条路,一直坚定,一直走。且试天下如草芥,携手天涯笑天家。入门,入道,入化,入定。十年不久,只在朝夕。我们向所有的大师致敬。我们向所有的前辈致敬。历史,再一次把我们推向时代的前台。……茕茕独立,踽踽独行。等他,侯他,守他,望他。十年之后,你再看他《格言》 7、寂寂梨花,淡淡其华,轻轻飘散,随风入画。 8、我觉得紫藤是从翻阅一本诗词开始萌动的,你在某一个词上稍稍沉有意绪,她就从书的夹缝里不避人似的旖旎地开了起来。一直开到绣阁佳人的纱窗,开到镜台,开到翠簟,开出一炉香袅。——白音格力《紫藤》 9、少年有意,只需“听雨歌楼”,浪漫,孤苦,忧伤都是情怀;壮年苍茫,回首往事愁肠百结,又无语相叙,眼前也只剩下这一“江阔云低”的世界;而老年僧行,往事就在“鬓已星星”中惆怅老去,与自己互不相识。——白音格力《往事深盟》 10、我用几笔瘦墨,在宣纸上写“择一日”。这三个字,


经典美文英语短篇欣赏 更好的明天 A Better Tomorrow People often wonder why historians go to so much trouble to preserve millions of books,documents and records. Why do we have libraries? What good are these documents and history books? Why do werecord and save the actions of men, the negotiations of government officials and the eventsduring wars? We do it because, sometimes, the voice of experience can cause us to stop, look and listen.Sometimes, past records, when understood in the right way, can help us decide what to do andwhat not to do. If we are ever to create lasting peace, we must seek its origins in humanexperience and in the records of human history. From the stories of courage and devotion of men and women, we create the inspirations ofyouth. History records the suffering, the self-denial, the devotion, and the heroic deeds ofpeople in the past. These records can help us when we are confused and when we really needpeace. The main purpose of history is to create a better world. History gives a warning to those whopromote war,and inspiration to those who seek peace. In short, history helps us learn. Yesterday’s records can kee p us from repeating yesterday’smistakes. And from the pieces of mosaic assembled by historians come the great murals whichrepresent the progress ofmankind. 更好的明天 人们常常心存疑虑,为什么历史学家要费尽周折地保存数以万计的书籍、文献和记录。 我们为什么要有图书馆呢?这些文献和史书有何用处呢? 我们为什么要记载并保存人 类的行为、政府官员的谈判和战争中的事件呢?


美文摘抄经典美句 导读:1、曲曲折折的荷塘上面,弥望的是田田的叶子。叶子出水很高,像亭亭的舞女的裙。层层的叶子中间,零星地点缀着些白花,有袅娜地开着的,有羞涩地打着朵儿的;正如一粒粒的明珠,又如碧天里的星星,又如刚出浴的美人。微风过处,送来缕缕清香,仿佛远处高楼上渺茫的歌声似的。这时候叶子与花也有一丝的颤动,像闪电般,霎时传过荷塘的那边去了。叶子本是肩并肩密密地挨着,这便宛然有了一道凝碧的波痕。叶子底下是脉脉的流水,遮住了,不能见一些颜色;而叶子却更见风致了。 2、挚友不必太多,人生得一知己足矣,何况有不止一个心灵上的伙伴。朋友可以很多,只要我们有一个共同的追求与心愿。 3、当然,一个人也可以傲视苦难,在天地间挺立卓然。但是我们不得不承认,面对艰险与艰难,一个人的意志可以很坚强,但办法有限,力量也会有限。于是,友情像阳光,拂照你如拂照乍暖还寒时风中的花瓣。 4、在我内心里,时时理智着有父亲影子闪现。父亲离开至今转眼已满13天,已是劈清之日(当地风俗),据我所了解和年长人对关于劈清含义的传说:死者死后由道士排出生位,一般定单数9天、11天和13天,我父亲算是长的,死得还是算顺或是不冤(当地习俗说法)。劈清由死者在阳间经过地狱之门,历尽死后的各种磨难关卡,脑袋瓜子逐渐清醒自己到了另一个极乐而不乐的世界。于是,他想借

法士的道术更加清楚自己是怎么回事来到另一个扑塑迷离的世界,此时,活着的人们也相应依照亡者的托梦渠道(意想),其实,也是活着的人对死者思念之情的一种超度,也是由于这种心灵共鸣的统一完成了亡者的意愿,亡者也通过这天知道自己下一步应该如何在新路上披荆斩棘,另寻新路的开辟(传说)。 5、昨夜的一场秋雨,打湿了我的眼睛,静静的看人来人往,叶绿叶红,不知疲倦的心,游弋在红枫的森林。前世为着今生的相逢,不愿过奈何桥,不愿喝孟婆汤,化做一滴清露,挂在枫叶间,浸润着枫叶,陪着它寂寞,陪着它燃烧。且让那一树一树的火焰化做古筝,让我的三千青丝为琴弦,在这样一个寂静的黎明,为你,柔柔的弹奏一曲,红枫是暗夜里跳动的火焰,青丝是前世的印记,你,是无法忘却的今生。那筝声,只有你听得懂,因为昨夜我并没有醉,是这满树的灿烂惊醒了沉睡千年的梦,梦醒时,我仍然无法把握那份等待的情缘,无法看清那一瞬间的情殇。 6、青春是一笔弥足珍贵的财富,希望、阳光属于青春年少的一代,这个世界属于青春年少的一代,拥有青春,就拥有了一份潇洒和风流,拥有青春,就拥有了一份灿烂的辉煌。青春充满了蓬勃向上的生机,青春充满了斗志昂扬的活力,青春充满了拼搏进取的激情。青春是一种令人骄傲的资本,青春是一种让人自豪的特质,青春给人带来无限的希望,给人带来瑰丽无比的梦想。青春可以犯错,但不能停止追求理想的脚步,青春可以超越常规,但不能无节制的肆意挥霍。


英语短文故事十篇带翻译 英语短文故事 短文一: The science teacher lecturing his class in biology said, “Now I’ll show you this frog in my pocket.” He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a chicken sandwich. He looked puzzled for a second, thought deeply, and said, “That’s funny. I distinctly remember eating my lunch.” 短文二: During the heat of the space race in the 1960s, the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration decided it needed a ball point pen to write in the zero gravity confines of its space capsules. After considerable research and development, the Astronaut Pen was developed at a cost of approximately $1million U.S. The pen worked and also enjoyed some modest success as a novelty item back here on earth. The Soviet Union, faced with the same problem, used a pencil. 短文三: Mr.and Mrs.Taylor had a seven year old boy named Pat.Now Mrs.Taylor was expecting another child. Pat had seen babies in other people’s houses and had not liked them very much,so he was not delighted about the news that there was soon going to be one in his house too. One evening Mr.and Mrs.Taylor were making plans for the baby’s arrival.“This house won’t be big enough for us all when the baby comes,”said Mr.Taylor. Pat came into the room just then and said,“What are you talking about?”“We were


经典美文语句汇编 1、俯首向下看,整个世界丰富多彩,周围充满温暖的阳光,又不失清风相伴,轻踏 着时光细嗅着空气里的淡淡花香,静静聆听着世间的善恶美,默默感受每一次邂逅的怦然 心动,来去随风,简简单单,无声无息。 2、街头的灯火,已阑珊,不知有几人还在众里寻他。缘灭缘起,天上蠕动的云在低语:千百度后,一切归于流年。皓月当空,疏星朵朵,星星微动着嘴角,私语着秋夜的静美,朦胧又透着清爽,微凉又浸着惬意,这恬静的秋夜啊?? 3、我坐在时光的长廊上,看那沐浴着光辉的流云如浮水一般静静地倚在天际一隅, 映出淡淡的蓝;看那季节的风,吹过沧然世事后留下淡淡的痕;看那川流不息的人群,纷纷驻足荣华却最终一梦。 4、明明知道,今生或许再也没有机会与你并肩共赏“落霞与孤骛齐飞,秋水共长天一色”,或许再也没有机会与你牵手共看庭前花开花落,天上云卷云舒,可今夜我却依旧忍 不住张望江上船儿往来,侧耳聆听江面是否有你渡过来的船。 5、漂泊在匿名的河流上,看过落花流水的姿态,路过千万重山川。当老去的那日, 不问因果循环,不说离合悲欢,独握那存于心田一隅渺小的感动,独念早已与自己分道扬镳的天涯人,从此负手,无关云和月,不问风和雨,那这般心态,便真的简单了。 6、如流往事,总会在不觉然时袭上心头,然后漫卷整个心扉,将难得浅浅遗忘的心 事再次勾出,而后深深的怀念,直到彼岸的花开到荼蘼,染了一片又一片不再的浮华。于是,慢慢懂得,一份如歌的回忆,在经年的安静无声的古巷里,有过离合聚散,忘却过忧愁,欢乐时像莲花的香,甜而不腻,忧愁时像一个梦境,幻而不真。 7、喜欢与你默默对视,喜欢在心的旷野里,与你缠绵相依。时光荏苒,无关风月, 只是,愿意在你的注视下,轻执墨痕,为你写一段文字。一缕清风,一朵小花,一个微笑,一句轻声的问候,就够了。爱,无需刻意的装饰。 8、遇见你,是我的缘份;听见你,是我的慰藉。缘来缘去,剪不断;缘聚缘散,理 还乱;缘起缘灭,聚复散。若是无缘,结局依然是分离的无奈。你说,我们是否在前世早已相识,今生相遇却难续梦缘? 9、未来的日子,像黑森森的夜空,张开着血盆大口,吞噬着我时光;所于我的时光 亦如发黄的日历,一页页翻过,一页页逝去;今天成了昨天,昨天又成了过去,过去又似针尖上一滴水滴在海里;所于我未来的日子免不了就这样滴在时间的流里,没有声音,也没有了影子了。


【英语激励名言】50句唯美英文励志语录 英语的激励名言在情感上激励学生,激发学生的学习热情,培养健康的人格。以下是小编为你分享的英语激励名言内容,希望对你有帮助! 英语激励名言推荐 人之所以能,是相信能。 The reason why people can, is to believe that. 含泪播种的人一定能含笑收获。 Sow in tears, harvest. 成功不是将来才有的,而是从决定去做的那一刻起,持续累积而成。 Success is not in the future, but from the moment it is decided to do it, it will continue to accumulate. 敢于向黑暗宣战的人,心里必须充满光明。 Dare to declare war on the dark, the heart must be full of light. 时间是最好的老师,但遗憾的是——最后他把所有学生都弄死了! Time is the best teacher, but unfortunately, he finally put all the students killed! 不安于小成,然后足以成大器;不诱于小利,然后可以立远功。 Not satisfied with the small, and then to become great; not tempted by Xiao Li, and then make yuangong. 成功人的性格:勇敢正直;挑战生活;态度温和;宽厚待人;乐于助人;礼貌谦和;低调做人;自强自立。 The success of the character: brave and honest; challenge life; gentle; generous; helpfulness; courtesy; low-key life; self-reliance. 喜欢一个人,就该让他快乐。 Like a person, you should let him happy. 嘴里说的人生,就是自己以后的人生。 The life that says in the mouth, is oneself later life. 谁不向前看,谁就会面临许多困难。 Who does not look forward, who will face many difficulties. 每一枝玫瑰都有刺正如每个人的性格里都有你不能容忍的部分。 Every rose has its thorn, and every man’s character has a part of you that you can’t stand. 世上没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人。 There is no desperate situation in the world, only those who are in desperate condition. 只有登上山顶,才能看到远处的风光。 Only boarded the peak, in order to see the scenery in the distance. 任何道路都是靠自己走出来的,而不是靠自己在梦中等来的。 All the way out of their own, rather than relying on their own in the middle of the dream. 勇气是控制恐惧心理,而不是心里毫无恐惧。 Courage is the control of fear, not of fear. 敢于奋斗的人,心中不怕困难。


?11-15[美文摘抄] 美文摘抄加赏析:告别昨天 如果,对你来说昨天充满了坎坷、失败、泪水和忧愁,那你就不应该让自己再深陷在昨天地泥沼中,告别昨天,才不会让昨天的痛苦挫折侵蚀到今天的心灵,才不会让昨天的羁绊阻挡我们前进的步伐。如果,对你来说昨天充满了鲜花、辉煌、快乐和欢笑,那你也不应该沉... ? ?11-14[美文摘抄] 经典句子摘抄放飞梦想 1、在人类的发展史上,没有谁能够一帆风顺驶向理想的彼岸,在航行过程中,会有惊涛骇浪,会有九曲十八弯,所以我们要时时刻刻把握好我们的坐标,找准我们的位置。只有如此,才能迎接到美好的未来。 2、每个人都应该感激大自然的馈赠,感激他们赠予我们花草树... ? ?11-13[美文摘抄] 最经典的好句好段摘抄大全 1、美,存在于蒙娜丽莎的微笑中,也存在于平凡少女的小脸上;美,存在于芳香扑鼻的花丛中,也存在于坚强不屈的小草上;美,存在于装修奢华的宫殿中,也存在于一家人其乐融融的木屋里。美,无处不在,心中有美,时间处处皆美。 2、心中点亮一盏灯,我们便不会... ?11-11[美文摘抄] 经典美文摘抄:爱之伤害 不知不觉间,我已经长大;不知不觉间,看惯了那些曾经看不惯的一切;不知不觉间,学会了对着伤害微笑,一转身,将它忘掉。人生苦短,我们每个人都不应该将自己的心思浪费在那些已经走出你生活的人身上。难道不是吗?经历的多了,渐渐地蜕变成了自己想要成为... ?11-09[美文摘抄] 100字美文摘抄4篇:坚韧不拔励志人生 信心和忍耐信心加忍耐能化一切不可能为可能,任何事情都离不开这个原则。虽然不见得会完全照着预期的方式进行,但只要咬紧牙关忍耐下去,在坚决的忍耐中,即使原计划不能实现,但环境状况会改变,而出现一条可行的道路,或许是那种坚韧不拔的毅力激起外界的... ?11-07[美文摘抄] 800字美文摘抄:捡回你的诚信 人生在世,有得有失,上帝为你关上一扇门,总会为你打开一扇门,但是,有些东西可以失去,有些东西,绝对不能失去。即使失去,也要去努力找回,譬如诚信。如果我们失去了美丽的外表,那我们还有健康;如果我们失去了健康,那我们还有学问;如果我们失去了学... ? ?11-04[美文摘抄] 世上最经典的排比句摘抄大全 小编:排比句,是一种说服力很强且很优美的句式,用它来说理,条理分明;用它来抒情,感情洋溢;用它来叙事,层次清楚;用它来写景,细腻生动... 好吧,我承认我喜欢上排比句了,以至于说话都是一排一排的。下面是本站整理的一些非常经典的排比句,虽然只... ?10-29[美文摘抄] 伤感美文摘抄:有一种爱情叫做放手 鱼儿都是快乐的,它们的记忆只存在几秒钟,对于它们来说,每时每刻都是一个新的开始,无忧无虑... 如果可以,下一世我希望成为一条鱼,那些曾经遇到过的人,曾经做过的事,


一生必读英文经典美文:追求人生的完整导语:人生很多的东西都在于你如何去追求。如果不去努力那么你永远 停留在平形线上。下面是我整理了关于追求人生的完整的英语美文,供大家 参阅。 Once a circle missed a wedge. The circle wanted to be whole, so it went around looking for its missing piece. But because it was incomplete and therefore could roll only very slowly, it admired the flowers along the way. It chatted with worms. It enjoyed the sunshine. It found lots of different pieces, but none of them fit. So it left them all by the side of the road and kept on searching. Then one day the circle found a piece that fit perfectly. It was so happy. Now it could be whole, with nothing missing. It incorporated the missing piece into itself and began to roll. Now that it was a perfect circle, it could roll very fast, too fast to notice flowers or talk to the worms. When it realized how different the world seemed when it rolled so quickly, it stopped, left its found piece by the side of the road and rolled slowly away. 从前有个圆圈,它丢失了一小段。它想变得完整,于是它到处寻找它所 丢失的那部分。由于不完整,它只能滚的非常慢。在路上,它羡慕过花儿, 它与虫子聊过天,它享受了阳光的照耀。它遇到过很多不同的小段,可是没 有一个适合它。所以它把它们丢在路边,继续寻找。有一天,圆圈找到了可 以与它完美结合的一小段,它非常高兴。它现在终于完整了,不缺任何东西


Laziness is like a lock, which bolts you out of the storehouse of information and makes you an intellectual starveling. --Bernard Shaw 懒惰就象一把锁,锁住了知识的仓库,使你的智力便得匮乏。 --萧伯纳 Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing. --Abraham Lincoln 永远记住:你自己的取得成功的决心比什么都重要。 --林肯 The profoundest thought or passion sleeps as in a mine until an equal mind and heart finds and publishes it. --Ralph Waldo Emerson 最深的思想或感情就如同深睡的矿藏,在等待着同样深沉的头脑与心灵去发现和开采。

--爱默生 The three foundations of learning: seeing much, suffering much, and studying much. —— Catherall 求学的三个基本条件是:多观察,多吃苦,多研究。 —— 加塞罗尔 As long as the world shall last there will be wrongs, and if no man rebelled, those wrongs would last forever. ( C. Darrow ) 只要世界还存在,就会有错误,如果没有人反叛,这些错误将永远存在下去。(达罗) Patience! The windmill never strays in search of the wind. ( Andy J. Sklivis ) 耐心等待!风车从不跑去找风。(斯克利维斯) Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. ( Strong) 与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛。(斯特郎) While there is life there is hope. 一息若存,希望不灭。 I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards. ( America)


经典美文美句,微信心情短语 篇一:热门唯美的治愈系心情短语 一、脑袋空不要紧,关键是不要进水。 二、时光,依旧孤寂,留下简朴的身影,与寂寞牵手,飘流于这场娇艳的循环。 三、很多人分不清理想和欲望,理想就是当你想它时,你是快乐的;欲望就是当你想它时,你是痛苦的! 四、有事情是要说出来的,不要等着对方去领悟,因为对方不是你,不知道你想要什么,等到最后只能是伤心和失望,尤其是感情。 五、当我们感情被时间无情摧毁,曾经的誓言早已支离破碎。 六、酒,喝的半醉的好,喝的太多就醉了。爱,还是半真的好,爱的太深就心碎了。 七、我怀着期待和好奇,很认真地学着小四教的用纯洁的45度角仰望天空,当我真正做到的时候,却没有流下泪水。 八、我们在各自的小路上匆匆行走,一直未曾停留,不经意间在某个路口相遇,于是轻轻问候,淡淡寒暄,然后挥手说再见。 九、这个世界伤感的人那么多,我只不过是其中一个, 十、寂寞的人总是会用心的记住他生命中出现过的每一个人,于是我总是意犹未尽地想起你在每个星光陨落的晚上一遍一遍数我的寂寞 十一、一直都是这样,在人群中因为某种怅然的心情,我总是习惯性的沉默,和安妮一样,夜晚的阴郁让我平静,在失去睡眠的寂静中,能听到花瓣在风中飘落的声音,就像血液里沉淀的画面飞掠的尖叫,在寂静中习惯性的回忆过去,从小到大所有经历过的灰暗和阴霾,像淋漓的雨水一般,一滴一滴坠落在我的心中,激荡出一圈又一圈只属于自己的涟漪,黑夜让我学会了掩饰忧伤,也让我懂得了沉默。 十二、不敢说出口,因为我胆小,因为如果你拒绝,我以后就不能够再见到你了,宁愿默默的爱着你,不能让你知道,直到,直到你投进别人的环抱! 十三、最艰难的日子你守候着我,那么我最美好的时光,你也值得和我一起分享。十四、风,吹起破碎的流年,我看见远方的寂寞,泪流满面。 十五、梦想不会逃跑,会逃跑的永远都是自己。 十六、每当自己一个人的时候,心里总是不知所措,仿佛只有这些治愈系的歌曲,能让心灵有一丝丝的着落。和煦的阳光,照耀在冬日街道的每一个角落,一丝浮影,飘荡在优柔的心田。 十七、一段过去就如同一场雨,雨停后,不知道,这场雨淹没了谁。是你、还是她?十八、回眸着流走的年华如烟花般闪眼而过,尘埃落定的风华已停留在某个不知名的异乡路口!托着疲惫的青春走在这的颠肺流离江湖,早已不知风景已远,岁月已沧!十九、明明很想哭,但却还是显出开心的样子,我这是怎么了啊! 二十、我要学着一个人走以后的路,仿佛这辈子从未有过你。 二十一、你的微笑辇过的每个夏天,深深的车辙印子,成了我心里永不会愈合的伤。二十二、越走越浅的是爱情;越走越急的是岁月,越走越慢的是希望;越走越多的是年龄,越走越少的是时间;越走越长的是远方,越走越短的是人生;越走越远的是梦想,越走越近


经典美文美句60句 看重别人,尊重别人,就能把对手变成自己的朋友,就能化害为益,变坏为好,就能把遭遇变为幸运,把坎坷变为通途。以下是小编精心收集的经典美文美句60句,更多相关信息请关注相应栏目! 1、人生就像一座山,重要的不是它的高低,而在于灵秀;人生就像一场雨,重要的不是它的大小,而在于及时。 2、什么是成功的人?就是今天比昨天更有智慧的人,今天比昨天更慈悲的人,今天比昨天更懂得爱的人,今天比昨天更懂得生活美的人,今天比昨天更懂得宽容的人。 3、温馨是大自然的一抹色彩,独具慧眼的匠师才能把它表现得尽善尽美;温馨是乐谱上的一个跳动音符,感情细腻的歌唱者才能把它表达得至真至纯。 4、背负罪过的人,在地狱深处品尝绝望,只是如果两人遇见彼此,一同抬头仰望,那处即是天堂。 5、世事艰辛,命途坎坷,我们也许有时会对命运失望,却永远不能绝望,因为路还在我们自己脚下。只要我们勇敢而坚强地踏出每一步,我们的梦就最终会实现,因为我们知道,阳光总在风雨后,

而且,只要我们经历过风雨,迎接我们的就不仅仅是阳光,更有那五彩斑斓的彩虹。让我们勇敢的心灵,去发现希望,拥抱希望吧! 6、柔和的阳光斜挂在苍松翠柏不凋的枝叶上,显得那么安静肃穆,绿色的草坪和白色的水泥道貌岸然上,脚步是那么轻起轻落,大家的心中却是那么的激动与思绪波涌。 7、点点残花缀湿眉,殆尽芳菲蝶不归,胭脂泪,伴花飞,空惹一季荷颜悴。暑往秋来,紫陌含烟,枫红菊黄,瘦了相思柳;雨碎寒塘,更染断桥愁。青石板上水自流,油纸伞下枉凝眸。纷然如昨的牵绊,依依不舍的眷恋,片片思念凝结于眉间心上,散落在每个孤寂的夜晚。 8、此情有多决绝,我不眠着,在冷涩的月光里,在秋风的寒凉里,长袖飘起,拱起颤抖的身子,仰望天边灰暗的星辰,若是你还在,或许我也不会这么痛苦的活着。 9、琴音已响了千年,至今已无人再听;香茗已煮了千年,至已今无人再品;烟火已断了千年,至今已无人再续;曾经的重逢是悲也好,是喜也罢,都不想再重来一次,如果生生世世注定了无缘的相守,那就让情缘在此生了断了吧! 10、成熟是一种明亮而不刺眼的光辉,一种圆润而不腻耳的


英语经典句子摘抄【三篇】 【篇一】 青春是一首奏响的圆舞曲,一半忧伤一半暧昧。 Youth is a play waltzes, half sad affair. 有时候,喜欢一个人,真会把自己活得很委屈。 Sometimes, like a person, really will live very wronged himself. 我不会甜言密语,我只会踏踏实实的爱一个人。 I won't sweet nothings, I will only be steadfast love a person. 时不时看看手机,是很期待你突如其来的关心。 From time to time to see mobile phone, the sudden attention is very much looking forward to you. 爱是妒忌,爱是怀疑,爱是种近乎幻想的真理! Love is jealousy, love is doubt, love is kind of close to the truth of the fantasy! 我们错过了某些错过却能够一如既往的活着。 We missed some miss, but it is able to live as usual. 我也会受伤,所以请不要把我想象的那么坚强。 I will be injured, so please don't take my imagination of so strong.

你也许已走出我的视线,但从未走出我的思念。 You may be out of my sight, but never out of my thoughts. 有本事带我回家见家长,不然别说跟我谈恋爱。 Dare to take me home to meet parents, or you don't fall in love with me. 谁没有青涩过,没傻过,不然你是怎么成长的? Who never young and stupid. Otherwise, how do you grow? 我不会停滞不前,踏出的每一步我都不会后悔。 I won't stagnate, step out every step of the way I have no regrets. 据说,你太爱一个人了,那个人就不会爱你了。 It is said, you are too love a person, that person will not love you. 总有一个人,一直住在心底,却告别在生活里。 There is always a person, has lived in the bottom of my heart, but farewell in life. 最后,我说了我恨你。不过我恨你就是我爱你。 Finally, I said I hate you. But I hate you that is I love you. 在所有的过错中,我们最易于原谅的就是懒散。 In all fault, we the most easy to forgive is lazy. 青春是一场无知的奔忙,总会留下颠沛流离的伤。


【古韵美文】:古风经典语段100篇 高考作文 2014-09-11 0148 【古韵美文】:古风经典语段100篇 1、倩影销,客还立断桥;纸伞薄,观云惨天高.醉殁西郊,吾吹箫,欲挥毫.清明哀悼,祭一世孤傲,泪把烛火摇;流年轮回,葳蕤已覆秋水蒿。苏幕遮,红楼举觞酒为歌;虞美人,姌袅舞姿谁錾刻;醉花荫,潺湲凄寒伶仃过;金缕曲,经卷浮坱落几多;鹧鸪天,凝眸送进前生缘……烟雨渐远,冷月铅华略泛浅,怎怜?怎眠? 2、淡墨香,倾城颜那一世的天荒地老,轻轻地弹开身上的烟尘,模糊的思绪为你画上一道浅搁,不再是那一世等待在海枯石烂的誓言中,不再是那一世等待在风花雪月的言语里,是谁描绘了人情世故的悲哀,在乱世里蔓延,是谁的残局花季,在午夜中倾诉,是谁的泪水,在流年里飘洒。 3、情切切,意脉脉。情田种,印双心。拼却痴心逆俗尘,飞鹰解情越南北。君意浓,我心痴。千般娇,万般怜。纤手相拥,柔情相偎。缠绵绣帏遮,

缱绻羞春光。一颦一笑系君心,一语一言暖我怀。回想前生未了缘,泪滴成冢怨孟婆。误尽几世佛前愿.鸳鸯并颈已成空。恨悠悠,不休。 4、煮一杯酒,温热冰封的心肠,饮不尽世间聚散离合的沧桑;闭一扇窗,掩不住满目悲伤,谁还在云幕那端浅浅吟唱;剪一道光,透过天色的红妆,你是否是口是心非之前的模样。梦醒过来,寂寞就无处躲藏,你是否和我一样念念不忘? 5、远香的余味飘近,闻不见誓言燃烧,等愿望都化作灰烬,再祈祷。海枯石烂的太少,地老天荒的好早,时间总是越等越漫长。无想,分不清梦境过往。情愿背弃了光芒。只为你守在身旁,我只想,诺,一世痴狂。 6、相思泪深,天涯苦远。一缕叶落秋风残。苦海无边,回头怎是岸?过尽千帆,怎可回首曾归处?空悲切。独望千年的遥远,执念回忆的深陷,轮回的终点可不可以不说再见?寂寞的沧桑惹的谁人断了柔肠?泪眼的背影隐藏了谁人的思念?穿越了千年的忧伤,谁将我的最后一滴泪埋葬? 7、蝶影分谁一世情,独为你谱一曲,千年恋歌,甘愿为你舞尽一世芳华。画地牢房。等不到的天荒地老,贪恋了这尘世风花雪月的飘渺,挂满泪珠的眼角,谁会为我轻轻拭去这伤透我心的毒药?纷飞的眼泪伴随着痴心的牵盼。我奢望着,花儿不落,缘分不破,你不要错过我。 8、流韵婵娟梦花楼,独享枫叶燃花香,寒衣温雪山,轻狂年少烽火犹自念,醉饮血欲停旧楼,染蒹葭,言已尽,命忧天,心空焚,寒序留恋明肌媚,挥袖一笑,醉贪命犯一幕桃花,心已乱,才叹落花难寻回。 9、迫于寂寞有染,无妨孤独等待。徒留奢望在心。破碎心扉在己。轻声叹,许下几世繁华,美如卷,抵不过逝水流年。若能回到伊人伴,问君在醉几杯又有何妨?烽火狼烟,爱欲迷眼。画地为牢,锁心几时?君亡已。天下战火硝烟,伊人醉。能与日夜几何?君虽有江山盛世,妃若不能在身伴随,得有何用?


Dear son... 孩子… The day that you see me old and I am already not, have patience and try to understand me … 哪天你看到我日渐老去,身体也渐渐不行,请耐着性子试着了解我…… If I get dirty when eating… if I cannot dress… have patience. 如果我吃的脏兮兮,如果我不会穿衣服……有耐性一点…… Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you. 你记得我曾花多久时间教你这些事吗? If, when I speak to you,I repeat the same things thousand and one times… 如果,当我一再重复述说 Do not interrupt me… listen to me 同样的事情…不要打断我,听我说…. When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep… 你小时候,我必须一遍又一遍的读着同样的故事,直到你静静睡着…….. When I do not want to have a shower,neither shame me nor scold me… 当我不想洗澡,不要羞辱我也不要责骂我…… Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented,in order that you wanted to bath… 你记得小时后我曾编出多少理由,只为了哄你洗澡….. When you see my ignorance on new technologies… give me the necessary time and not look at me with your mocking smile…
