

Part One

Sentence Translation


Many people in the city are bored about the city life while more and more folks in the country are moving to the city.


6546 graduate students in Chang’an Universi ty were said to compete for 4826 positions this year.


She can talk in good tastes and is always dressed neatly, but her room is often at sixes and sevens.


Sucking from the last experience, I decided to have a face-to-face talk with the workers on the spot myself.


She secretly called on her teacher before the exam in the hope of getting some hints about the exam but in vain.


When we learnt that we should be tested in that way, we were at a loss and didn’t know where to start.


We should owe the rapid development of China’s economy to DengXiaoping’s Market economy and his remarks during his tourism i n China’s South.


The reasons why the fake products cannot be stopped in the market are that the manufacturers can make more money from producing fake ones than from genuine ones.


The Military attack in the Middle East by Bush administration ended with a failure at last.


As a high-rank cadre to be retired soon, he is very afraid that what he has done will find its way into the newspapers.


As a scientific worker, you should arm yourself with modern science and technology and always keep yourself well informed about the latest development in your own field so that you can get ahead soon.


In colleges, knowledge education depends on teachers while campus education relies on the whole environment, both of which are important.


The reason why we are asked to learn to Math is that it can make us know why things in our daily life happen the way they do.


To our surprise, the doctor who lived in USA for years could not speak English and read such an easy article.


Recently he has something in mind and could not focus himself on the work; he took 11 solid hours to review the 5000-word thesis.


Some ideas, principles and rules often form the basis on which a new branch of science may be established.


Although it cannot do creative work, a computer can work faster than its designer.


Because the qualifications become more and more rigid, many college teachers have given up striving for being promoted and they killed their time everyday.


The coordinated development between environment and construction is a subject what many engineers are very interested and

work hard at.


As it is, what you should do now is to find strong evidences to convince others of your innocent.


With the development of society, the higher and higher demands of life make us to turn to the modern Lab to create what nature cannot provide us.


As the products are on bad sale, the workers are laid off and they cannot make both ends meet. Many enterprises will not survive themselves if further reforms will not be carried out.


It is not bad to pursuit beauty. However, people will be looked down upon if they have a good look/appearance but never do well in work.


Psychologists warned us that the normal relationship among the family members is an important aspect (that should never be ignored) in people’s healthful life.


Everyone knows that smoking is harmful to health. But it is hard to get rid of it for a chain smoker.


A young cadre, as long as he is diligent and clean and never puts on airs before the public, can be promoted soon/sooner.

27 在西部大开发中,我们一是要与旧的观念作斗争,二是要走可持续发展的道路。

In the west development campaign, we should, firstly fight against old ideas and secondly stick to the sustainable development.

28 他本来只想照导师说的那样去做,但实验一开始,他的兴趣就转到别的地方去了。

He intended/meant to do as his instructor said, but his attentions shifted to a different gear after the experiment was carried out/began.

29 煤矿安全是过去、现在一直强调的问题,但接二连三的事故证明我们的工作很不力。

The safety in coal mines is the problem that was and is still stressed but the accidents in a row show our poor work about it. 30 经过多年的艰苦谈判和不断沟通,各国代表最后才就共同控制全球污染的问题达成共识。

Through hard negotiations and continuous communications for years, the representatives from all countries finally arrived at an agreement for/about the control of the global pollution.

31 市政府关闭市区所有的燃煤锅炉和污染企业后,西安良好天气的天数一年比一年多了。

After municipal government has closed all coal-burning boilers and heavily-polluting enterprises, there are more and more fine days in Xi’an year by year.

32 我们日常饮用的水的性质与组成水的氢和氧分子的性质不同。

The properties of water we drink everyday are different from those of hydrogen and oxygen that water is composed of.

33 人们常常通过将一个物体在空气中和水中的重量来确定它的比重。

The specific gravity of an object is often determined by comparing its weight in air with that in water.

34 分子可以被认为是在不改变其性质的情况下仍存在的物质的最小微粒。

Molecule can be considered as the smallest particle of matter that without changing its nature.

35 人像汽车一样,在大大低于其获得体能的情况下工作时效率最高。

The human body, like a car, functions (the) most efficiently well below its acquired capacity.

36 流体与小管道之间的摩擦力要比它与大管道之间的摩擦力相对的大。

The frictional force between the fluid and the pipe is comparatively greater in smaller pipes than in larger ones.

37 工程师们应该知道结构材料的选择应使其在外在条件下保持有弹性。

The engineers should know that the material for structural purpose should be chosen so that they can behave elastically under the environmental conditions.

38 铁在氧气燃烧中所生成的物质不同于它在生锈时所生成的物质。

The substances formed by burning iron in oxygen are different from those produced when iron rusts.

39 同水相比,电的便利之处在于它能很容易从生产的地方输送到需要的地方。

Compared with water, the convenience of electricity is that it can be easily transmitted from where it is generated to where it is needed.

40 西安市正在加大基础设施建设,以使自己能在西部的城市中始终保持领头羊的地位。

Xi’an is constructing its basic facilities on a large scale so that it can keep its lead among the western cities.

41 在设计设备时,工程师应该考虑到电动机功率的大小受其尺寸大小控制之道理。

The engineer should know that the output of an electric motor is controlled by its size in designing equipment/devices.

42 在大型建设项目实施之前应进行实地调查,使其数量合理、位置恰当、与环境协调。

Field survey should be conducted before the implementation of a large-scale construction project so that it can be made reasonable in numbers, proper in location and coordinate in environment.

43 在日常生活中,我们常常忽视像沙子和石头这些普通的物质。实际上,它们存在着我们可以加以利用的无穷的能量。In our every day, we often neglect some common substances such as sand and stone. In fact, there exists inexhaustible energy we can make use of in them.

44 由于这些新型的塑料重量轻,强度大,所以它在许多机械制造业中被广泛采用。

As the new type of plastics is light in weight and strong in strength, it has found wide application in many machine-making factories.

45 太阳能、风能、核能将是我们解决未来能量短缺问题的最有可能、最可靠的途径。

Solar energy, wind energy and nuclear energy are the most possible and reliable ones for us to solve the problem of energy shortage in future.

46 由于水要么容易漏掉,要么会很快被蒸发,所以它永远也不能成为很好的润滑剂。

As water may either leak out easily or evaporate quickly, it cannot be a good lubricant.

47 当一个物体与另一个物体接触时,只要产生运动,总会有摩擦力反抗其相对运动。

Whenever an object moves while it is in contact with another one, a frictional force often opposes its relative motion.

48 这种金属在市场上之所以遭到冷落的主要原因是其熔点低限制了它的使用范围。

The main reason why this metal is on bad sale in the market is that its low melting point limits its usefulness.

49 卫星总是要飞离地球,而结果却被地球引力拉回来,拉回来的距离与飞出去的距离相等。

The satellite is always escaping from the earth, only to be pulled back by it’s gravity ,with the same distance as it escapes. 50 直到如今,只有几种稀有元素才能通过原子裂变的方式将聚集的能量释放出来。

Till now, there are only a few rare elements where the locked energy can be released by atom fission.

Part two

Translation for paper titles

1 亚洲文化对企业国际化管理的影响

Influence of Asian Culture on Globalization Management for current Enterprises

2 社会主义新农村建设中出现的问题及对策研究

Problems Existing in Constructing Socialist New Villages and Strategy Study

3 试探和谐社会与法制社会之间的关系

Discussion on the Relationship between Harmonious Society and Legal Society

4 新版“十万个为什么”及它对青少年的影响

New Edition of 100,000 whys and its Influencing on Children

5 科学发展观的内涵意义及对中国未来发展的深远影响

Implications of Scientific Outlook on Development and its Significance for China’s Future Development

6 科教学评估中出现的问题及我们应采取的有效措施

Problems from Undergraduate Teaching Evaluation and Effective measures to be taken

7 高校目前进行的教学质量工程的几点建议

Some Suggestions for the On-going Teaching Quality Projects in universities

8 高等学校贫困生的心理问题及其对策研究

Psychological Problems of Poverty-stricken college students and Strategy Study

9 高校学生工作面临的形势、问题和对策研究

Present Situation and Problems for College Student Moral Education and Strategy

10 中国大学新名校面面观及我的一点看法

New Names of China’s Universities and my opinions about them

11 现代科技与信息化浪潮对大学生的影响与对策研究

Influence of Modern Science and Information Tide to College Students and Strategy Study

12 图书馆在营造大学文化建设及学术氛围中的作用

Roles of Library in Constructing College Culture and Academic Atmosphere

13 中国远程教育的发展趋势及应注意的几个问题

Trends of China’s Long-distance Education and Existing Problems

14 国外部分高校人力资源的基本情况对比研究

Comparison for the Basic Situation of Human Resources in Some Foreign Universities

15 非英语专业研究生全国口语考试模式之我见

My Opinions for Nation Oral English Test modes of Non-English Major Graduate Students

16 科技论文摘要写作中存在的问题及建议

Problems and advices in Abstract Writing for Scientific Papers

17 试论专业名称修改后的利及对学生就业的弊

Advantages of Specialty Names after their Adjustment and its Disadvantages Brought to Student's Employment 18 资源意识与实施可持续发展战略

Resource Awareness and Implementation of Sustainable Development

19 城市可持续发展与地下空间开发

Sustainable Development for Urban Areas and Exploitation for Underground Dimension

20 农村土地制度对目前城市化的制约及解决方案

Restrains from Rural Land Systems to Urbanization and Suggested Solutions

21 项目环境影响预评价及减缓措施的建议

Pre-assessment for Project Environment Impact and Suggestions for Impact-Reducing Measures

22 高速公路建设对现代化社会的利弊分析研究

Advantages and Disadvantages from Expressway Construction to Modern Society

23 加大基础设施投资,加快西安现代化城市建设步伐

Increasing investment on Infrastructure and Speeding up the Construction for Modern Xi’an

24 道路交通事故多发点的分析与改善

Analysis for Black Spots and Their Improvement

25 低温下沥青混合料抗裂性能研究

Research on Anti-cracking Performance for Asphalt Mixture in Low Temperatures

26 青藏公路路基下冻土稳定性研究

Research on Permafrost Stability under Road Sub-grade of Qinghai-Tibet Highway

27 沥青路面结构可靠性验证方法的探讨

Discussions on Examination Methods for the Reliability of Asphalt Pavement Structure

28 高等级公路沥青路面结构设计参数的统计分析研究

Statistical Analysis on Designing Parameters for Asphalt Pavement Structure of High-grade Highways

29 高速公路交通流动态模型的参数识别

Parameter Recognition for Traffic Flowing Model of Expressway

30 混凝土配合比设计中几个问题的研究

On the problems for Concrete Mixture Design

31 决策优化方法在选择公路养护方案时的应用

Application for Decision Optimization in Road Maintenance Schemes

32 对工程监理中处理工程索赔方法的探讨

Discussion on the Treatment of Claims in Project Supervision

33 政府在公路建设中的定位与作用研究

Position of the Governments in Highway Construction and Their Roles

34 空气动力学特性对汽车操纵稳定性的影响

Influence of Aerodynamic properties on the Stability of Auto-Steering

35 汽车运用工程专业发展历程的简要回顾

Brief Review on the Development History of Automobile Application Engineer

36 制动试验台结构差异对检测结果影响的分析

Analysis on the Influence of Structural Difference of Braking-test Platforms on the Examination Results

37 理想状态下的理论方法及适应范围

Theoretical Methods and Their Applicability Range under Ideal Conditions

38 从材料科学的发展看现代科技发展的特点

Characteristics of Modern Science and Technology in Material Development

39 论信息在当今各行业中的重要作用

On the Important Roles of Information in All Trades

40 邓小平社会主义市场经济理论的形成及其意义

Formation of Deng Xiaoping Socialist Market Economy and Its Implications

41 入世后我国商业银行面临的挑战与几个问题

Challenges and Problems Confronted by China's Commercial Banks after the Entry of WTO

42 关于现代企业会计制度的几种认识误区

Some Misunderstanding for the Accounting System in Current Enterprise

43 交通运输系统中价值理论分析的研究

Analysis on Value Theory in Transportation System

44 港口化学污水处理技术路线的研究

Examination on the Technical Routes for Waste Water Treatment in Ports

45 在技术基础课教学中双语教学的尝试与实践

Trials and Practices of Bilingual Teaching in Basic Technical Courses

46 谈《工程制图》教学中画图能力和看图能力的培养

Cultivation for Students Drawing Ability and Draw-recognition Ability in Engineering-Drawing Teaching

47 试论长安建筑和城市制度对现代建筑学的影响

Influence of Chang'an Buildings and Urban System on Modern Architecture

48 对外开放条件下中国名牌的创立与保护

Creation and Protection for China's Famous Brands under Opening-up Situation

49 试论民营企业在西部开发中的作用

Roles of Private Enterprises in the West Development Campaign

50 关于高新技术产业开发带发展优势与重点领域的分析

Analysis on the Key fields and Their Advantages in Hi-tech Development zone



My purpose to pursue doctor degree is to arm myself with modern science and technology so that I can get ahead sooner.


As a present-day technical worker, it is important to keep himself well-informed about the latest progress in his field.


The importance of math lies in its magic in which it can explain everything you are curious about.


College education includes knowledge education and campus education. And the former in turn includes education for pure knowledge and cultivation for full imagination.


As I was troubled by something and could not concentrate myself on the work, it took me 11 solid hours to revise the 5,000 paper.


A new science is usually established on the basis of some ideas, principles and laws of other science.


Although computer can’t do creative work, its processing speed is far faster than that of its des igner.


As the qualifications are becoming more and more rigid, many teachers have given up starving for professor and kill their time every day.


The treatment of “three waste” is the su bject many scientists interested in and make good effort to study.


What you have to do now is to find strong evidence to convince other of your innocent.


The rapid growth of China’s economy should be attributed to Deng Xiaoping’s market economy and his remarks during his touring in the south.


As they can make more money from producing fake products than manufacturing genuine ones, how can they care about the interest of consumers?


With social development, we have to turn to the laboratory to create what nature can’t provide for us as we have more and mor e demand for it.


As the product are on bad sale, workers are laid off one after another and they can’t make both ends meet, many enterprises can’t survive themselves ,if they don’t conduct in-depth reform..


It’s not bad to pursue beauty but if you only have a good look and don’t work well, you will still be look down upon by others.


Psychologist warn people that :the normal relationship among family members is an important aspect that should not be ignored in the healthful life.


Everyone knows that smoking is harmful for health, but it’s difficult for the chain smokers to get rid of such bad habit as smoking.


As a young leader, he will be quickly promoted as long as he is industrious and honest in work and never put on airs before others.


As a senior cadre to be retired, he is afraid that what he has done will be found its way into the newspaper


In the west development campaign, we should firstly fight against the out-of-date ideas and secondly we should stick to the way of sustainable development.


He intended to do as his tutor said, but when the test started, his attention was shifted to a different gear.


The safety of coal mining was and still is the problem that is stressed, but the accident in a raw show our poor work for it.


More and more city people are tired of city life, while many country people are planning to move to the city.


The shutting down of the nearby on thousand paper-making factories will cause thousands of workers (employees) to be laid off. But it is, in fact, good in the long run.


Although she is a good talker and is dressed neatly, her home is always at sixes and sevens.

Or: although she can talk in good taste and is dressed neatly, her house is in a mess.(or in a disorder.)

26. 经过几个小时的思考,我决定亲自去现场和工人对话为好。

After hours thought, I decided to go to construction site myself to have face-to-face talk workers.

28. 当得知老师会这样考我们时,大家全给蒙住了,不知道如何动手。

When we know that we should be tested in that way, all of us were at a loss and didn’t to know where to start.(or how to do i t.)

29. 经过十多年的艰苦谈判,双方才就假如WTO的事宜达成共识。

Through over 10 years talks, the two parts, at least, arrived at the agreement for the entry of WTO.


After the city government have taken measures to close all the coal—burned boilers and pollution enterprises, there are more and more fine days of weather in Xi’an year after year.

(注:much, many, more不做表语)


It is hard to say whether Bush’s government military attack on Iraq can arrive at its expected purpose.

32. 同水相比,电的便利之处在于它能很容易从发电的地方输送到需要的地方。

The convenience of electricity, compared with water, it that it can be transported from where if is generated to where it is needed.

33. 基础设施薄弱、拳头产品太少、国民生产总值低是导致西安在西部城市中失去领头羊地位的主要因素。

Being poor basic facilities, two few world-famous products and the low in GDP is the main factor that affect the leading position of Xi’an in China’s west cities.


When designing large- scaled machine, you should know that output of electricity power is controlled by its size.


Before carrying out a large-scale construction, you should conduct on the spot, so that it will be suitable in numbers, proper in location and harmonious with the environment.

36.在日常生活中,我们常常忽视想沙子和石头这些普通的物质。实际上,它们存在着我们可以利用的无穷的能量。In our daily life, we often neglect the ordinary substance such as sand and stone. In fact, there exists inextensible energy that we can utilize.

37. 已翻过。


There are some problems such as being backward in ideas, deficient fund and shortage of human resources.


As the plastic has light weight and strong strength,(or: as the plastic is light in weight and strong in strength), it has found wide application( or : it has been widely used) in industries.


The solar energy, wind energy and nuclear energy are the most possible and reliable forms of energy we may use in the future for our energy shortage.

41. 由于水是那么容易漏掉,要么会很快被蒸发,所以它永远不会成为很好的润滑剂。

As water can either easily leak out or quickly evaporate, it can never be a lubricant.

42. 我们日常饮用的水的性质与组成水的氢和氧的性质不同。

The properties of water we drink every day are different from those of hydrogen and oxygen that water is made of.


We usually determine the specific gravity of an object by comparing its weight in air with that in water.


Whenever an object moves while it is in contact with another one, the frication force always opposes its relative motion.


The main reason why the metal has bad sale in market is that its low melting point limits its usefulness


The satellite is always escaping from the earth only to be pulled back by gravity with the same distance as it escapes. 47.人像汽车一样,在大大低于其获得体能的情况下工作时效率最高。

The human body, like a car, functions the most efficiency well bellows its acquired capacity.


The frication force between the fluid and the pipe is relatively greater in smaller pipe than in larger one.


Until now, there’re only a few rare elements where locked energy can be released by breaking up their atoms.


Molecule can be considered as the smallest particle of matter that exists without changing its nature.


1 亚洲文化对企业国际化管理的影响

Influence of Asian Culture on Globalization Management for Current Enterprises


Influence of Globalization on Chinese Culture and Strategy Research

3 试探和谐社会与法制社会之间的关系

Discussion on The Relationship Between Harmonious Society And Local Society


New Edition of “100,000 Whys” and its Influencing On Children

5 科学发展观的内涵意义及对中国未来发展的深远影响

Implication of Scientific Outlook On Development and Its Significance for China

6 本科教学评估中出现的问题及我们应该采取的有效措施

Problem existing in the Undergraduate Teaching Evaluation and Effecting Means to be Taken

7 对高校目前进行的教学质量工程的几点建议

Some Suggestions for the on-going Teaching Quality Project in Universities

8 高等学校贫困生的心理问题及其对策研究

Psychological Problems of Poor Students in Universities and Strategy Study


Present Situation and Existing Problems for College Students Moral Education and Strategy Study

10 中国大学新校名面面观及我的一点看法

New Names of China’s University and my Opinions about Them.


Influence of Modern Science And Information Tide To College Students And Strategy Study

13 中国远程教育发展的趋势及应注意的几个问题

The Development Trend of China’s Long-distance Education and the Existing Problems

14 国外部分高校人力资源的基本情况对比研究

Comparison of Basic Situation for Human Resource in Some Universities of Foreign Counties


My Opinions Of Nation Oral English Test Mode Of Non-English Major Post Graduates.

16 科技论文摘要写作中存在的问题及建议

Existing Problems in abstract Writing of Scientific Paper and Some Suggestions


Advantages of Specialty Names after Their Adjustment and Disadvantages Brought to Student's Employment


Awareness of Resources and Implementation of Sustainable Development


Sustainable Development for Urban Area and Exploitation for Underground Space

20 农村土地制度对目前城市化的制约及解决方案

Restriction from Rural Land System Urbanization and Suggested Situations to it

21 项目环境影响预评价及减缓措施的建议

Pre-Assessment for Project Environment Impacts and Suggestion for Impact-Reducing Measures

22 高速公路建设对现代化社会的利弊研究

Advantages and Disadvantages from Expressway Construction to the Modern Society

23 加大基础设施投资,加快西安现代化城市建设步伐

Increasing Investment Infrastructure(Basic Facilities)and Speeding Up Construction for the Modern Xi’an 24道路交通事故多发地点的分析与改善

Analysis for Black Spots of Traffic Accidents and Their Reconstruction


Study of Anti-Cracking Performance for Asphalt Mixture in Low Temperatures


Study o f Permafrost Stability under Sub-Grade of Qinghai-Tibet Highway


Discussion on the Examination Method for Reliability for Asphalt Pavement Structure


Statistical Analysis on Designing Parameters for Asphalt Pavement Structure of High-Grade Highway


Parameter Recognition for Traffic Flowing Model on Expressway


On Problems of Concrete Mixture Design

31 决策优化方法在选择公路养护方案时的应用

Application for Decision Optimization in highway Maintenance Scheme


Discussion on The Treatment of Claims on Project Supervision

33 政府在公路建设中的定位与作用研究

The Position of the Government in Highway Construction and Their Role Study


Influence of Aero-dynamic Properties on the Stability of Auto Steering


A Brief Review for Development History of Automobile Application Engineering

36 制动实验台结构差异对检测结果影响的分析

Analysis for Influence of Structure Difference of Baking Test Platform on Examination Result


Theoretical Methods and Their Applicability Range under Ideal Condition


Characteristics of Modern Science and Technology in Material Development


On Important Effect of Information in All Trades


Formation of Deng Xiaoping's Socialist Market Economy and its Implications


Challenges and Problems Faced by China's Commercial Banks after the Entry of WTO


Some Misunderstandings for Accounting System In Current Enterprise


Analysis on Value Theory of Traffic Transportation System


Examination on Technical Routes for Waste Water Treatment in Ports

45 在技术基础课教学中双语教学的尝试与实践

Trial and Practice of Bilingual Teaching in Basic Technical Courses注:Trials表示反反复复的动作,Try表示一次性动作。46谈《工程制图》教学中画图能力和看图能力的培养

Cultivation for Students Drawing Ability and Drawing -Recognition Ability in Engineering Drawing Teaching


Influence of Chang'an Buildings and Urban System on Modern Architecture


Creation for China's Brand-New Productions and Their Protection under Opening up Situation


Roles of Private Enterprises in China's West Development Campaign


Analysis on Key Field and Their Advantages in Hi-Tech Development Zones



Mathematic is very important, you can use it everywhere. You may not like people who may go on from day to day, having a good time and not carrying about anything else. You are interested in life, in other people and in what makes things happen the way they do. You also want to know what makes it snow, what the stars are and how radio works. In a word, you are curious about everything. If you want to know all those, you have to know something about math. There will be no other way to understand the things you are curious about.


At present, Xi'an is poor in traffic condition, congested with all kinds of vehicles and serious in environment pollution in inner city. To make matters worse, the buildings in the city are crowed, the sanitation is bad and the green space is scarce, which has poor capability of regulating the environment. The construction of the viaduct will turn the area into a main commercial quarter and increase the population density in it, forming new pollution sources, which will hinder the original plan to build Xi'an to an internationally famous tourist city.


The traffic safety situation in Shaanxi province is no better than that in other parts of the country. From 1990-1994, about 7860 traffic accidents occurred annually, among which 1540 were killed and 4290 were injured. As China is now in the progress of large-scale industrialization and rapid motorization, the auto possession has been increased by as high as 10% to 20% each year, which will result in greater occurrences of traffic accidents. Accordingly, traffic safety problem have become the main factor to restrain the further development of road traffic.


If the waste water from rinsing vehicles is discharged, there will have to be a water supply plant in each service center. Besides, such great quality of wastewater will pollute the surrounding water environment. In fact, the polluted water can be recycled after settlement, which will not only solve the problem of water supply, but also prevent it from polluting the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to set up a waste water treatment plant in every service center. As to the domestic water, because it is small in quantity, poison-free in content and fertile in function, it cannot be used for rinsing vehicles, but for irrigating farmland, which will not only solve the drainage problems, but also increase agricultural production.

6 随着国民水平的提高,高等级公路发展日新月异。就我省而言已建成西~临、三原~铜川和西~宝全封闭高等级公路,为长期在混合交通、低等级公路上行驶的车辆提供了良好的行车环境,视野开阔,行车速度大大提高,节省了行车时间,降低了油耗和运输成本,从而使交通量急剧增长。

With the improvement of the national economy, the development of high-class highways has been undertaken at a high-speed. In Shaanxi, Xi'an-Lintong, Sanyuan-Lintong and Xi'an-Baoji high-class highway with complete enclosure which has provided good driving environment for drivers who, for a long time, have suffered from driving on the low-grade roads with mixed traffic. Now they have good view, greatly raise driving speed, saving driving time and lower the oil consumption and transportation cost. Accordingly, there has a sharp increase of traffic volume.

7 根据统计资料,1990年发生的188次交通事故中,157起发生在平交路口,占83.51%,1991年发生的192起交通事故中,有101起就发生在平交路口,占总交通事故的52.6%。从通车以来,全线发生死亡事故的14个地点中全部是在车辆通过村庄或路口时发生的,而且有8处连续发生死亡事故。

According to the statistical, among the 188 traffic accidents in the year of 1990, 157 0ccured at the grad-crossings,

accounting for 83.51%; and among 192 ones in 1991, 101 took place on the similar spots, accounting for 52.6%. along the highway, the 14 places where casualties often took place since its service, were village and cross entrance ,8 of which had a high occurrence of casualties (since its service , the casualties often took place on such 14 places as villages and road entrance when vehicles passed there, 8 out of 14 had a high occurrence of casualties)


Since the highway open to service (traffic), it has display its full role in the local economic construction so it is called “a way to economic take-off”. However, as it is no enclosed, and there too many grade-crossing mixed traffic along the line is becoming more and more serious. Because of these , the vehicles can not reach the design speed, and traffic accidents especially serious ones, which take place there, which ha s produced great loss to people’s lives and their properties, and seriously effected i ts full display for social and economic benefits. Accordingly, the enclosure project has become urgent and key one now.

9. 道路交通事故发生过程的不重视性影响交通安全评价研究结果的准确性。交通事故是不可逆事件,传统的统计记录已发生事故的资料为根据的交通安全研究实质上是一种建立在道路交通事故现场勘察结果基础上的逆向不完全推断,极大地依赖于有关人员的事故勘测与分析鉴定水平。按照目前的事故勘测条件和事故分析技术并不能保证对每起交通事故的发生过程及原因得出准确的鉴定结果,由此产生的推断误差也是影响安全评价研究结果可靠性的重要原因之一The less attention to the occurring process of traffic accidents often affects the accuracy of safety assessment. As the traffic accidents are irreversible events, the traditional traffic safety research on the basis of record accident information is essence, an incomplete deduction established by on the spots survey research on this basis of the recorded accidents ,which greatly depends on the professional levels of the technicians in their survey and analysis, the present surveying condition of analysis levels for traffic accidents cannot guarantee the accurate assessment for the process and caused of each accidents. Hence, the deduction errors from those have become one of the important causes that may affect the reliability for the safety assessment. 10各种运输方式中,运输工具价值高,固定资产所占比例大,则对市场波动反映十分敏感,风险大。而换一种角度来思考,又可得出另一个重要结论:提高高价值运输工具的使用强度并保证其使用率,将会大大降低其运输经济成本。应根据运输方式的价值结构,从使用强度和效率来寻找各种运输方式的发展空间。

In all kinds of transportation modes, the higher of the value of transportation means, the greater the percentage of fixed assets, the more sensitive it is to the market fluctuation and the more risks there will exist. In another thought, another important conclusion can be deduced (drawn). If the service intensity of high-valued transportation means can be increased and the service ratio can be ensured, the transportation cost can be greatly lowered. Therefore, it is possible to hunt for the development space of the transportation modes from the value structure, the service intensity and the service ratio of transportation means.

11 青藏公路从1973年开始大规模建设以来,路基不均匀沉降、路面波浪病害在多年冻土区内大范围产生。针对这些病害,从1992年开始全面整治。采取大幅度加高路堤,以保护路基下多年冻土上限不下降或有所回升。经整治情况有所改善,但远未达到预期效果,掌握多年冻土的现状,有针对的采取有效合理的工程措施,是整治工程成效的关键Since the large-scale reconstruction in 1973, the non-uniform settlement of sub-grade and wave-like impairment of pavement have appeared in many permafrost places along Qinghai-Tibet highway (here-in-after Q-T highway). In order to fight against these diseases, another thorough reconstruction was started in 1992, including the great raising of embankment, so as to protect the upper limit of permafrost layer in the sub-grade from descending ( or lowing or make it have a bit of rise). Although things have been improved to some extent, after the reconstruction, they are far from the expected results. This has made the technical workers aware that they have to learn thoroughly the permafrost performance in these places and took more effective measures in the construction.


The construction quality of asphalt surfacing is an important factor to determining the quality of asphalt pavement. A lot of facts had shown that most of the pavement diseases have due to poor control over the construction quality, especially in the climate-peculiar (meteorologically peculiar) area. Although there are detailed technical requirements for the asphalt pavement

construction in the areas with ordinary weather condition, nothing is mentioned for work in the areas with that weather. The Q-Z highway runs in the area where there are great difference of temperature round the clock, as well as low temperatures throughout the year, which brings about a lot of troubles for construction of asphalt mixture temperature and great difficulties for compacting and shaping.


Since its service, the local people along the route line have made the road a way to make money. The villages are extending themselves to the roadside, the newly built streets are stretching to the roads and shops with different sizes are being opened one after another. Because of these (Therefore), the original consideration of its being away from villages has been ruined, which has become a great threat to the high-running vehicles.

14. 统计结果表明,约91%的公众赞同修建公路;约82%的地方政府、村委会、企业单位认为修建公路有利于本地区、本村、本单位的经济发展,有利于提高生活水平,改善生活环境。对于修建公路占用土地、拆迁房屋等方面的意见是:73%的人没有意见,他们表示为了国家的利益宁愿牺牲个人的得失;另有27%的人对此有意见,有些人不愿拆迁自己的房屋,还有些人对补偿安置政策不清楚或心有疑虑。

The statistics shoes that 91% of the public support the construction of the highway and about 82% of the local governments, village committees and enterprise believe that it will be beneficial to the economic for them, to the raising of their living standard and to the improvement for their living environment. As to the land acquisition and house demolition, 73% of the them are willing to make contribution to the country by scarifying their personal interests. There are really some people who are not clear or somewhat suspicious about the compensation policies for their resettlement. This group of the people accounts for about 27% and very few people dislike to have their house demolished.


Urban areas also depend on auto transportation. In all the cities of the United States, 96% of the passengers’ trips are by auto, 3% by bus and 1% by subway or elevated railway. These figures not only show the predominate roles of the private cars in the passengers movement in cities, but also show that the rubber-tired wheels traveling on the pavement has carries the major burden of the public transit.

16 陕西省是中国的内陆省份,地处中西部交接区域是连接东部、中部与西北、西南地区的交通枢纽。根据1995年统计,省内公路通车总里程已达39620公里,其中高速公路16公里,一级公路2271公里,二级汽车专用公路70公里,普通二级公路1478公里,三级公路10946公里,四级公路19461公里,等外公路7421公里。公路运输以其迅速、方便、机动、灵活的特点得以飞速发展,成为交通行业中最有活力,发展最快的运输方式。

Shaanxi is an inland province, meeting the central land the west parts of country. It is the communications hub connecting the east and central regions with the northeast and southeast areas of the country. According to the statistics in 1995, the total mileage of highway in service in the province reached 39620 kilometers, among which 16 kilometers were expressway , 227 kilometers were class-one highway, 70 kilometers auto-only class -two highway, 1487 kilometers ordinary class two highway,10946 kilometers class-three highway, 19461 kilometers class-four highway, and 7421 kilometers substandard highway。As the highway transportation is characterized by its rapidity convenience and flexibility, it has been developed at a high speed and become one of the most vigorous and rapid development transportation modes.


The research project will be undertaken by 5 units. All the participants should live up to the hope of the entrusting and the World Bank, be active and cooperative and finish their share of work according to the schedule so as to ensure a smooth implementation of the whole research work.


As there will be smaller traffic volume on the relief road, the quantity of construction works will be smaller. Besides, 38.7% of the works in the route line can be completed simply by widening the existing local roads so the environment impacts on the

route line area will be not great, but social benefits to it will be obvious. Still, noise, falling dust and safety should be paid attention to during the construction period and noise condition and atmosphere should be regularly monitored during the service period.

19 从各地制定的“九五”规划和2010年远景目标来看,随着交通事业的发展,投资环境的改善,第一、二、三产业将有巨大的飞跃,文教、科技、信息、通讯、金融将有巨大的发展,各产业科技含量随之增加。各地区充分注意到在抓经济的同时抓人口的增长因素,始终将出生率和自然增长率控制在7‰左右,不使成为拖累,确保人民生活水平的提高。From the 9th5-year plan and the 2010 long-rang objectives, it is obvious that the traffic development will foster the rapid improvement of investment environment, great leap of the first, second and tertiary industry, culture and communication, finance and trade, hence an increase of technological content of all of them. The government at all levels, while making great efforts to develop their economy, should strictly control the birthrate so as to restrict the natural growth rate to 7‰ . Onl y in this way, can people’s living standards be ensured.

20四川省地处我国西北、西南、华中的结合部,地理位置优越,人口众多,市场广阔,资源丰富,工农业基础雄厚,是一个人才、经济、基础工业极具潜力的大省。是全国生产力由东向西推进不可忽视的前进基地。“九五”国家对长江上游经济开发区的重点就放在四川。有中央对外改革开放政策的支持,原定2000年国内生产总值在1996年业已完成。Sichuan province lies on the joint parts of the northwest, southwest and center regions of the country. It is good in geographic location, great in population, broad in markets, rich in natural resource and firm in agricultural and industrial basis. It's a big province with great potentials in talents, economy and basic industry. It is an important b ase for the country’s productive movement from the east to the west, and the key economic zone in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River during the 9th 5-year plan. With the support from the party Central Committee and policies granted by the central government, the province had already accomplished its GDP in 1996 set for the year of 2000


The author in this paper studies the problem of how to gain indirect benefits in the expressway development zones and how to choose suitable sites for enterprises in the interchange surrounding area. Through analysis for the consideration of the Japanese, American and others when they choose sites for different enterprises, the author puts forward his suggestion of how to create conditions in the area so as to direct these enterprises to do the work and promote the economic development in the region.

第二种译法:The author in this paper ,directing against a better use of the regional economy during the expressway development to gain the indirect benefits, discusses the condition for the choice of enterprise sites in the interchange surrounding areas, analyses the original consideration of the Japanese, Americans and others for the different enterprise, and put forward his suggestion of hoe to create condition in the areas so as to direct these enterprises to do the work and promote the economic development in the regions.


The main tasks of engineers are to explore new ways, to invent solutions to problems and to (design) new devices. In the research stage of project, the engineers often had found a new way to do the job, and analyze it so as to see how feasible it is and how well it works. Then the development follows. Here the ideas are done in the lab. The process often varies with different project, but the basic point is the same.


After the implement of the project, the occurrence of traffic accidents can be greatly decrease, and the number of injury and death and degree of property loss can be lowered, which will obviously, play an active role in promoting the development of the area’s highway transportation and guiding the highway transportation to a good and coordinate development.

24 由于此项目由世界银行资助,课题的研究及实施的难度较大,涉及的因素和部门也较多,而且其研究的内容和深度迄今为止在国内该领域尚未进行过如此大规模的研究,因此,为确保项目的顺利实施和达到预期的目标,决定在研究工作期间聘请外籍专家给咨询和指导。

This research project is sponsored by the World Bank. As the research and implementation will meet with difficulties, and

involve in the participants of many departments, and as a project with a such large scale and such extensive contents has never been done, so far, in the country, the research group, in order to ensure smoother implementation and easier realization of its goals, has decided to invite some foreign consultants for guidance during the whole research work.

25 1995全市完成国内生产总值713。67亿元,按可比价格计算,比1990年增长1.1倍,“八五”期间年平均增长16%,高于“七五”和“六五”期间的年平均增长率,是历史上全市增长最快的时期。与全国同期增长率相比,还高出4。3个百分点,比全省同期增长率高5。0个百分点。国内生产总值与全省由1990年的16。36%提高到1995年的20。19%,人均国内生产总值7388元,比1990 年平均增长14。7%。比全省平均高出130。8%。截止1994年,国内生产总值在1980年的基础上已实现翻两翻的目标,1995年人均国内生产总值也实现了翻两翻的目标。

The GDP (gross domestic product) of the city gained (reached) 71367 million Yuan, which, in terms of the comparable price, was 1.1 times higher than that in 1990. The period during the 8th five-year plan was a good time in history because there was an annual increase of 16% in GDP, which was higher than that of the year during the 6th five-year plan and the 7th five-year plan. It was also 5.0% higher than that of the whole province and 4.3% higher than that of the whole country in the same period. The percentage of this city’s GDP in that of the province increased from 16.36% in 1990 to 20.19% in 1995. in 1995, the GDP per capita reached 7388 Yuan, which was increased by 14.7% annually and 130.8 higher than the average of the province. By the end of 1994, the GDP of the city had been quadruped on the basis of that in 1980 and by the end of 1995; the GDP per capita was also quadruped.

26 科学技术的发展在很大程度上依赖于经济、政治以及社会发展的种种因素,以至于人们无法对电气工程和电子工程领域的未来倾向做出精确地预测。但是对未来可能会发生的技术倾向则有可能做出一些预测。当然这些预测不可避免会出现两个极端,而未来的事实或许会居之二者中。

The development of science and technology depends so much on such factors as economy, politics and other variables in the social development that it is impossible for people to make accurate prediction of the future trends for electrical and electronic engineering. However, it is possible to discern some technical trends that are expected to occur. Inevitably, there will be two extremes, but the truth is probably somewhere in between.

27 此工程是一个大型工程项目,投资额大,工程任务艰巨,建设环境保障难度大。它是省政府为彻底改善一级公路的交通状况,充分发挥高等级公路的社会效益和经济效益而决定在95年度开始实施的一个重点建设项目。

This project is a huge one that is great in investment, hard to be finished and difficult for environment guarantee. It is the key project the provincial government decided to start in 1995 in order to thoroughly improve the present traffic condition of the first-class highway and fully display the social and economic benefits of high-class highways.

28 可持续发展是一个全新的、全球性的、富有战略意义的发展概念,是人类21世纪的主题。公路交通可持续发展是理想的宏伟目标,要靠具体的微观目标来实现,解决发展与协调的关系,才能达到理想的可持续发展。本文正是从这一角度出发,对公路交通与经济、社会、人口、资源和环境发展进行了尝试性的探讨,以期探索中国公路交通可持续发展之路。

The sustainable development is a new, global and strategic idea and it is the main theme of the 21st century. The sustainable development in highway transportation has its ideal and huge target which can only be realized by achieving all the microscopic goals and by solving the problem of development and coordination. Directed against this, this paper carries out a trial discussion on the relationship between highway transportation and the factors as economy, society, population, resource and environment in the hope of finding a better road to the sustainable development of China’s highway transportation.

Translation Course Part One


My sister intended (meant) to stay in France for another half a year, but the other members of her family didn't agree


My tutor spent 8 solid hours in revising the first draft of my graduation thesis (dissertation)

3.出于做假药比做真药赚钱多,他们哪能顾及到药是否管用?As they can make more profit from making fake medicines than from genuine medicines, how can the manufacturers care they work.


Lao Wang’s slip of tongue in their chat resulted (caused) in a bitter quarrel between the couple.


As it is, we might as well go to construction site to solve it ourselves.


Lao Zhang's wife and his daughter, next to me (next door to us), are alike in every way.


The girl too proud of her beauty (beautiful appearance) does poorly in school.


These pictures reminded me of the hard life when I did manual work (earned a living) in town.


In the structural reforms of the government, a lot of people try every way to get promoted.


When she earned her living in the family, she had to do picking up and washing besides looking after children.


Although the blue underwear and the red one are similar in style, they are different in material.


The public security is deeply concerned problem that calls for urgent better solution.


The reason why she made mistakes in a row (one after another) is that she had something to worry about (she was trouble by some thing) and could not concentrate herself on the work.


To shock (surprise) of the people all over the world, an over 100 stories building became in a ruin in a twinkling (in a instant).


The poor girl tried one way or another to get rid of the trouble but in ruin.


The working time accounts for only third of his whole life, for he spends most of it (in) sleeping and doing something. 17.那些男男女女的海外侨胞们一踏上自己的国土就忙着拍照。

As soon as overseas Chinese in the both sexes set foot on their motherland, they were busy (in) taking pictures.

As soon as overseas Chinese in the both sexes set foot on their motherland, they occupied themselves with taking pictures. 18.现在还没决定他退下来后谁将接替这个工作。

It has not been decided who will take over his work after he retires.


It is Deng Xiaoping, the general architect of China’s modernization, who first put forward the idea of one country two systems (one country with two systems).

20.上中班的人白天能做点事,晚上也不太影响休息。The person on the afternoon shift can do something during the day and also has a considerable amount of time to sleep at night.


His talk (remarks) during his tourism in the south had a great effect on the later rapid development of China’s economy. 22.高级领导与百姓的不同之处就是要有应付各种复杂局面的能力。

The difference between a higher ranked leader and a small potato are that the former should have the ability to deal (cope) with all kind of complicated situations.


After hot debated for days (After days heated discussion, or hot debate), the committee arrived at (reached, came to) the agreement for the number of the representatives.


Many people compare teachers to candles which is a good comparison.


At that time, many couples lived apart and so they could only meet each other at intervals of half a year.

26.当听到周总理逝世的消息时,全国各地的人们都十分悲痛。On hearing the premier Zhou passed away, people at every corner of the country (throughout the country) plunged into deep sorrow.


Sampling at random is one of the important ways (means, measure) to ensure (guarantee) the reliability of the investigation.


We should owe the good life what we have achieved to our party’s policy of the reforms and opening-up.


Since the matter has nothing to do with you, you have to think of a method to convince others of your innocence.


Many people in the city are longing for the country life, but fewer of them are ready to move out there.


Some leaders enjoy delivering speeches, but they can not , more often than not, beat the point(get to the point).


As a high-rank leader, he should be ashamed of what he has done.


The master pieces from many artists can only be appreciated as a whole.

34.分别三十年后,母女俩一见面便大声哭起来。After they were separate for 30 years, both the mother and her daughter burst into tears once (as soon as) they sew each other.


Mr. Liu has black days recently, for he was deceived (cheated) by a young girl who taken advantage of her beauty.


Many customers complained that the soup was not hot in temperature but hot in taste.


She sat in the classroom absented minded.


Those terrorists (bandits, bad eggs) exploded a bomb in the building in despair, and they also killed themselves in it. 39.拿到考卷时,我前几分钟脑子里一片空白,不知道怎么动手。

After I got test paper, I was at loss for the first few minutes and didn’t know where to start (how to start).


The appearance of the unwelcome person cast (throw) a shadow on the hot (stirring) wedding ceremonially


He is currying favor with the reporters, for he was afraid what he has done will find its way into the newspaper.


Mark promised to meet me at the cinema, but he didn’t show up (appear)


There were hundreds of people waiting at the bus stop, we did not know what was wrong with the utility company? 44.就学英语而言,从零开始比有点基础更容易掌握。

As for learning English, it is easier to start from nothing than have A B C of it.


Some people who look healthy are actually in sub-healthy conditions.


As he admitted his mistake and wanted to get a chance to return the book without being found.


During an interview (an oral examination), you should be at ease before the interviewers.


As the office of my former classmate is opposite to yours, please say hi to her for me (please send my regards to her) when you meet each other.

49.据说今年我校的5546个毕业生要去竞争仅仅4826个岗位。The 5546 graduates from our university were said (known, believed, supposed, reported) to compete for only 4826 positions this year


No matter who threatens us (whom we are threatened be), we should not give a way to these unreasonable demands. 51.考前他悄悄地去了老师家,希望得到有关考试的情况。

He secretly called at the teacher’s home (called on the teacher) in the hope of getting some hints before examine.


The boss looked for the missing file (document) everywhere (high and low), but didn’t (couldn’t) find it.


The school board will put forward qualifications for enrolling new teachers.


Love is blind, the girls’ IQ if often as low as zero before their lovers.


We should stick on the principles in doing every things (any thing), but it cannot be too rigid.


She has got a character of doing everything at will, and living a life as it goes.


They planned to (were going to) pull down these old houses to make room for a high-story office building.


If we don’t think of a way, there will be more and more laid-off workers.

Unless something is done, more and more workers will be laid off.

If something is not done, more and more workers will be laid off.

Unless we take some effecting measures, more and more workers will be laid off.


It is surprised that not breeding a child but walking a dog has become a fashion to some young people.


Though she has lost her job, she does not expect unkind treatment under the hand of such a boss.

Part Two


The old peoples' being too economical (economic) is due to the environment in which they lived.


When we knew that the test results were better than (we had) expects we were at ease.


The spend thrift (black sheep in the economic life) never know the idea of spending less on doing more things.


His newly bought house is so large that more than (about) 100 people seem to be lost in it.


Few(er) TV programs can bring us more pleasure than a good book.


As a result of financial crisis, our boss has to cut down his trips to and from the U.S.A


The purpose of this training is to arm the leaders at all leaves with the latest knowledge science and technology.


You need (should) tell your children that it is not good practice to turn on or off lights over and over again.


We left home 10 minutes earlier to allow for some delay on the way.


We will not only build an industrious and honest government, but also persist in fighting against malpractice in all trades.


At present, one of the greatest structure reforms is to channel some cadres with their original material benefits.

At present, one of the greatest structure reforms is to channel some cadres while still enjoying their original material benefits.


The twin sisters have no common in tastes and manners besides their appearance.


She does become famous, but to whom can she utter her suffering ?

She became famous indeed, but to whom can she utter her suffering?


Sometimes, only after you calmed down, can you explain the rage you were in.

Sometimes, only after you calmed down, can you explain why you were in rage.

75.从长远的观点看,关闭长期亏损企业有利于整个国民经济的好转。In the long-term (long run), it is better for the economic recovery of the national to close (shut down) the enterprises operating at a loss for a long time.


As the classroom face the second-ring road, the noise from passing vehicle makes the speakers (lecturers, teachers) unheard.

As The classroom face the second-ring road, the teachers can not make themselves by the noise from passing vehicle. 77.对于一个烟瘾很大的人来说,必须要有一个坚强的毅力才能戒除这类坏习惯。

For a heavy smoker (chain smoker), he must have a strong will to get rid off such bad habits as smoking.


The innocent children are more likely to tell truth than some adults who are good at deceiving themselves as well as other. 79.计算机的问世从根本上推动了科学技术的革命和办公的自动化。The invention of computer has fundamentally pushed on the revolution of science and technology and automation of office work.

80.女性在体力上与男性的差别不应该妨碍女性社会地位的提高。The difference between the male and the female in the (their) physical strength should not interfere with the rise of the later's social status.

81.污染、饥饿和核战争是全世界科学家过去、现在和将来一直在消除的三件大事。Pollution, hanger and nuclear war are the three important things that all the scientists in the world fought, are fighting and will fight against

82.尽管他已当上了省级领导,可从来不在老百姓面前摆架子。Though he has become a provincial-leader, he never puts on airs before the public (or us, small potatoes, masses, ordinary people).


She often dresses (or is dressed) herself neatly while her home is in a mess (or at sixes and sevens, in disorder).


That girl can talk in good taste, so she is popular with people.


As the traffic accident resulted in the delay of many trains, thousands of people were delayed (crowed) in the railway station.

86.张艺谋导演的作品给人们留下了深刻的印象以至于他和他们雇佣的演员一样出名。The films directed (produced) by Zhang Yimou leave so deep impression (such a clear mark) on people that he is as famous as the actors he employs. 87.在农村时,我们虽然靠野菜粗粮为生,可谁也没叫一声苦。Though we lived on a coarse food(s) and wild plants (vegetables) in the countryside, no one complained about it (uttered the bitterness).


It takes the same (amount of) time for us to go to the library on foot as to walk to the classroom.

It takes the same time for us to walk to library as to classroom.


The fellow looks stupid (foolish) but he always has something on mind.


During the construction of expressway, who should stick to the essential criterion the quantity is as heavy as Mount Tai. 91.老师们一个个都去了合资企业,这教学工作咋办?

Teachers are going the join ventures one after another, how can me manage the teaching work?

92.由于条件越来越严,许多教师都放弃了晋升教授的努力。As the qualifications become more and more rigid many teachers have given up their efforts to be promoted for professors (striving for professors promotion).


The one year grass-root practice paned the way for (to) his smooth promotion.


China was reported have launched another man-made satellite again.

China was reported to have succeeded in launching another man-made satellite again.


His cleverness is to convince different people of his fake products with different ways.

注:一组句型,warn……of……,inform……of……, charge……of……, cure……of……,convince……of……。96.在联合国大会上,许多国家的代表都呼吁尽快结束对伊拉克的。

At the UN conference, the representatives from many countries appealed for earlier end of the military attack on Iraq. 97.精神上的疾病往往是由于病人生活的圈子太小,或遭受打击所致。

The mental disease is often due to patients' small circle of life or to their sudden attack.


Whether an actress is excellent or not does not depend on (rely on) her appearance, but by her quality and talents.

99.你写论文必须要有新的见解,不要重复书中的一些过时的理论。You should put some original ideas into your paper and must not repeat some theories from books out of date (that are behind the time, or , that followed the time).


The two good friends sat in front of TV, talking (chatting) over a cup of tea for the whole night.


He intended to do as his tutor said, but when the test began, his attention shift to a different gear.


All (the) newspapers convey an impression that the peace in the middle east expected to make some new progress. 103.人们常嘲笑他娘娘腔,因为他过分多愁善感。

He is often teased for his being womanish because he is too sensitive (sentimental).


As she exceeded herself in work, she is assigned to take the charge of the newly establish high-tech department.

105.家庭成员之间的正常关系不容忽视,因为家庭问题是造成人们精神压力的一个主要因素。The normal relation among family members should not ignore for the family problem is one of the main factor of mental pressure.


As her design goes a step further than the former one and is really faultless, we have decided to adopt it.

107.一个当今的工程技术人员必须不断地了解自己所从事的专业领域内的最新进展. A present-day technical worker should keep himself well-informal about the latest development in his own (professional) field.

108.许多国家都在大力发展通信卫星,因为通信卫星能使远距离传送各种图像成为可能。Many countries are developing communications satellite on a large scale which (, for it) makes it possible to transmit all kinds of picture over long distance.


One of the important (vital) global problems is the rapidly-increasing pressure of population on land.


People often turn to labs to create what (something that) nature cannot provide for them.


No matter where you go, to big cities or small towns, you can see that the new building come in sizes and styles. 112.电的便利之处是它能容易地从发电的地方输送到需要的地方。

The convenience of electricity is that it can be easily transmitted from where it is generated to where it is needed. 113.这台计算机的程序设计得使它能从外层空间广泛收集信息。

The program in the computer is designed to collect widely range of information from out-space.
