


考试大纲词汇表词性词意短语搭配或句子a(an) [?, e?(?n)] art. 一(个、件……)

ability [??b?l?t?] n. 能力;才能

able [?e?b(?)l] a. 能够;有能力的

about [??ba?t] ad.

prep. 大约;到处;四处关于;在各处;四处

above [??b?v] prep. 在……上面

abroad [??br??d]ad. 到(在)国外

absent[??bs?nt] a. 缺席;不在

accent [??ks?nt] n. 口音;音调

accept [?k?sept]vt. 接受I received his invitation but I didn’t

accept it.(我


accident [??ks?d?nt] n. 事故,意外的事

ache[e?k] vi. & n. 痛;疼痛

achieve[??t?i?v]vt. 达到;取得He hopes to achieve all the aims soon .


across [??kr?s] prep 横过;穿过

act [?kt] n.

v. 法令;条例



Six added to four makes ten.


action [??k?(?)n] n. 行动

active[??kt?v] a. 积极的,主动的

activity[?k?t?v?t?] n. 活动

add[?d] vt. 增添;增加

address[??dres] n. 地址

advantage [?d?vɑ?nt?d?]n. 优点;好处

advertisement [?d?v??t?sm?nt] n. 广告

advice [?d?va?s] n. 忠告;劝告;建议

advise[?d?va?z] vt. 忠告;劝告;建议My teacher advised me to do more reading .


afford [??f??d]vt. 负担的起(……的


间);提供Mary was not able to afford a new car. (玛丽买不起新车。)

afraid[??fre?d] a. 害怕的;担心的

after [?ɑ?ft?(r)]ad.


conj. 在后;后来在……之后;在……后面在……以后

afternoon [ɑ?ft??nu?n]n. 下午,午后again[??ɡe?n]ad. 再一次;再,又against [??ɡe?nst]prep. 对着,反对age [e?d?] n. 年龄;时代

ago [??ɡ??]ad. 以前

agree [??ɡri?]v. 同意;应允Her father didn’t agree to buy him a computer.


agreement[??ɡri?m?nt]n. 同意;一致;协定

air [e?(r)] n. 空气;大气

airline [ ?e?lain] n. 航空公司

airplane [?e?ple?n] n. (美)飞机

airport [?e?p??t]n. 航空站,飞机场

alive [??la?v] a. 活着的,存在的

all [??l]ad.


pron. 全部地



allow [??la?] vt. 允许,准允Father allowed me to go to the cinema .


almost [???lm??st] ad. 几乎,差不多

alone [??l??n] a. 单独的,孤独的

along [??l??; (US) ??l??]ad.

prep. 向前;和…..在一起;一同


aloud[??la?d] ad. 大声地

already [??l?red?] ad. 已经

also [???ls??] ad. 也

although [??l?e??] conj. 虽然;尽管always [???lwe?z] ad. 总是;一直;永远America [??mer?k?] n. 美国;美洲

American [??mer?k?n] a.

n. 美国人;美国人的美国人

among [??m??]prep. 在……中间;在(三

个以上)之间ancient [?e?n??nt] a. 古代的;古老的

and [?nd, ?nd] conj. 和;又;而

angry [??nɡr?] a. 生气的,愤怒的animal[??n?m(?)l] n. 动物

another [??n?e?(r)] a.

pron. 再一;另一;别的;不同的



[?ɑ?ns?(r); (US) ??ns?r]n.





I couldn’t answer all the exam questions.


Ant [?nt] n. 蚂蚁

any [?en? we?] pron.

a. (无论)哪一个;那些


anybody[?en?b?d?] pron. 任何人,无论谁

anyone [?en?w?n] pron. 任何人,无论谁

anything [?en?θ??]pron. 什么事(物);任何


anyway[?en?] ad. 不管怎样

anywhere [?en?we??] ad. 任何地方

appear [??p???] vi. 出现It appears that he’s lost interest in singing.


apple [??p(?)l] n. 苹果

April [?e?pr(?)l] n. 四月

area [?e?r??] n. 面积;地域;区域;


arm [ɑ?m]n. 臂,支架

army [?ɑ?m?]n. 军队

around [??ra?nd] ad.

Prep. 在周围;在附近在……周围;大约

arrive [??ra?v] vi. 到达;达到They arrived in Huizhou on time .


art [ɑ?t]n. 艺术,美术;技艺

article [?ɑ?t?k(?)l]n. 文章;东西;冠词

as[?z, ?z] ad.&conj.

Prep. 像……一样;如同;因为


Asia [?e???] n. 亚洲

Asian [?e??(?)n, ?e??(?)n] a.

n. 亚洲的;亚洲人的亚洲人

ask[ɑ?sk]v. 问,询问;请求,要

求;邀请He asked a policeman for help when was in trouble yesterday. 昨天他有困难时向警察求助。

Asleep[??sli?p] a. 睡着的,熟睡

at [?t] prep. 在(几点钟);在(某


Atlantic[?t?l?nt?k] n. & a. 大西洋(的)attention[??ten?(?)n] n. 关心;注意

August [???ɡ?st]n. 八月

aunt [ɑ?nt; (US) ?nt]n. 伯母;舅母;审;


Australia [??stre?lj?] n. 澳洲;澳大利亚

Australian [??stre?l??n] a.

n. 澳洲的;澳大利亚的


autumn [???t?m] n. 秋天,秋季


[??ve?l?bl (US) ??vel?b?l]a. 有用的;有效的The swimming pool is available onlyin summer.


Avoid [??v??d] v. 避免;躲开;逃避She should avoid eating too much chocolate.


awake(awoke;awoken) v. 唤醒;醒着的This morning I was awoken by my alarm alarm


. 着重指从路线或物体表面的一边到另一边(表面)词汇详解中考1600世界/ ★across the country / the world 全国go / walk across the street = cross the street★ A new bridge

will be built across the river. swim across the river ★A across the bridge ★一个,某个,任何一个art. 1.a (an) 的对面在……★across from unable 反义词:adj.有才干的;有能力的,能够的 2. able ; . 行为;举动& v11. act n. 肢体残疾的adj. disabled ability 能力;才干;才能n. 词性转换:to do sth )★be unable (=not able★be able to do sth有能力做某事行动;行为;. 2) action n n. 男演员/女演员1) actor/actress have the ability to do sth ★有做某事的能力activities (复数)n. 活动活跃的4)activity 3) active adj. 积极的;; adv. 处处,到处对于,关于;大约;在….周围3. about prep. Let's take action now!)采取行动★take action(to do sth ★be about to do即将做某事We should take action to protect the environment. Let's begin with small things 正打 算做某事就在这时……be about to do when + 句子. ★积极)参加take( an active) ★part in : (We were about to go when it suddenly rained.hink everyone should take an active part in the social activities. I don't t 3. run about 到处跑◆. look about = look around环顾四周扮演….★act as…用来征求意见★. What/How about + n. / pron. / doing? 添加;增加;v. 12. add …..的书★a book about …. 一本关于add up these numbers 把这些数字加起来1). add up 加起来below 反义词:上面的;prep. adj.在…之上;超过;大于,多于; 4. above 25 他们加起来是They add up to 25 2).add up to合计最重要的★above all Please add some salt to the noodles. 把…. 添加到…. 3). add…to…Above all, the work must be finished before nine by ourselves. pl. addresses . 地址;住址13. address n最重要的是工作必须在九点之前由我们自己独立完成。可数)优点;有利之处(14. advantage n. 在外国5. abroad adv. 劣势,缺点,不利之处反: disadvantage 出国★go abroad ◆from abroad 从国外,从海外利用take advantage of 短语:国内外新闻news abroad and at home ◆★study abroad 留学Playing computer games has its advantages and disadvantages. 的意思,是收到并接受;接受、认可“6. accept:主观上“不可数名词) (n. 建义,劝告;15. advice ”但不一定接受客观上“收到receive:征求建议一条建议★ask for advice ★ a piece of advice I received a lot of gifts on my birthday, but I didn't accept any. ……建议about / on…向某人提出关 于★give sb some advice 生日那天我收到许多礼物,但是我并没有收下任何礼物。take/follow one's advice接受、遵照某人的建议★(地)),意外的(adj. / adv. accidental(ly) 偶然的地7. accident n. 事故;偶然v.t建议16. advise 意外地,偶然地★. by accident= by chance = accidentally ★be advised to do sth advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事★交通事故★a traffic accident 建议做某事★advise doing sthMany traffic accidents were caused by careless driving. 建议某人做某sb. (should )+ do sth. ★advise that 是介词)(to根据…;依照8. according to prep. ,,承担得起(后果)买得起(…的费用等)17. afford v. 支付得起成就n. achievement 9. achieve v. 实现;达到;完成afford sth/ afford to do sth. ★◆常与can/can't 连用achieve your dream = realize your dream = make your dream come true ★We can't afford to wait to take action now.1) I can't afford (to buy ) the house. 2) 实现你的梦想惊慌的;恐怕的adj. 18. afraid :你的梦想会实现的。Translate ….★be afraid of sth./ doing sth. 害怕Your dream will be achieved./realized. on't be afraid of asking for help from others.不要害怕向别人求助。DYour dream will come true. 不敢做某事★be afraid to do sth. You will achieve /realize your dream = make your dream come true. ) ……(+句子I'm afraid that ….. 恐怕★, 横过对面prep10. across .在…/ 恐怕如此★


2017年考试说明 a (an) art. 一(个、件……) ability n.能力 able a. 能够;有能力的 about ad. 大约;到处;四处 prep.关于;在各处;四处 above prep. 在……上面; a. 上面的 ad.在……之上 abroad ad. 到(在)国外 absent a. 缺席的,不在的 accept v. 接受;收受 accident n. 事故,意外的事 achieve vt. 达到,取得 across prep. 横过,穿过 act n. 法令,条例 v.(戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏);行动,做事 action n. 行动 active a. 积极的,主动的 activity n. 活动 actor n.演员 actress n. 女演员 actually ad. 实际上,事实上 ad.(=advertisemnt) n.广告 add v.添加,增加 address n. 地址 advantage n. ,() advice n. 忠告,劝告,建议 advise v.建议;劝告 afford v.买得起;提供 afraid a. 害怕的;担心 Africa n.非洲 African a. 非洲的 n. 非洲人 after ad. 在后;后来 prep.在……之后 conj.在……以后 afternoon n. 下午,午后 again ad. 再一次;再,又 against prep. 对着,反对 age n. 年龄;时代 ago ad. 以前 agree v. 同意;应允 agreement n. 协议;同意;一致 air n. 空气;大气 airport n. 航空站,飞机场 alive a. 活着的,存在的 all a. 全(部);所有的;总;整 pron.全部;全体人员 allow vt. 允许,准许 almost ad. 几乎,差不多 alone a. 单独的,孤独的 along ad. 向前;和……一起;一同 prep.沿着;顺着 aloud adv.大声地;出声地 already ad. 已经 also ad. 也 although conj. 虽然,尽管 always ad. 总是;一直;永远 amazing a. 了不起的 America n. 美国;美洲 美国的;美国人的n. 美国人 among prep. 在……中间;在(三个以上)之间 ancient a. 古代的,古老的 and conj. 和;又;而 angry a. 生气的,愤怒的 animal n. 动物 another a. 再一;另一;别的;不同 pron.另一个


2017人教版新课标初中英语单词 七年级上册 Starter Unit 1 good [gud] adj. 好的 morning ['m?:ni?] n. 早晨;上午 Good morning! 早上好! hi [hai] interj. (用于打招呼)嗨;喂 hello [h?'l?u] interj. 你好;喂 afternoon [,a:ft?'nu:n] n. 下午 Good afternoon! 下午好! evening ['i:vni?] n. 晚上;傍晚 Good evening! 晚上好! how [hau] adv. 怎样;如何 are [a:] v. 是 you [ju:] pron. 你;你们 How are you? 你好吗? I [ai] pron. 我 am [?m] v. 是 fine [fain] adj. 健康的;美好的 thanks [θ??ks] interj.&n. 感谢;谢谢 OK [?u'kei] interj.& adv. 好;可以 Starter Unit 2 what [w?t] pron.&adj. 什么 is [iz] v. 是 this [eis] pron. 这;这个 in [in] prep. (表示使用语言、材料等)用;以English ['i?gli?] n. 英语adj. 英格兰的;英语的in English 用英语 map [m?p] n. 地图 cup [k?p] n. 杯子 ruler ['ru:l?] n. 尺;直尺 pen [pen] n. 笔;钢笔 orange ['?rind?] n. 橙子 jacket ['d??kit] n. 夹克衫;短上衣 key [ki:] n. 钥匙 quilt [kwilt] n. 被子;床罩 it [it] pron. 它 a [?] art. (用于单数可数名词前)一(人、事、物) that [e?t] pron. 那;那个 spell [spel] v. 用字母拼;拼写 please [pli:z] interj. (用于客气地请求或吩咐)请 Starter Unit 3 color ['k?l?] n. (=colour) 颜色 red [red] adj.& n. 红色(的) yellow ['jel?u] adj.&n. 黄色(的) green [gri:n] adj.&n. 绿色(的) blue [blu:] adj.&n. 蓝色(的) black [bl?k] adj.&n. 黑色(的) white [wait] adj.&n. 白色(的)purple ['p?:pl] adj.&n. 紫色(的) brown [braun] adj.&n. 棕色(的);褐色(的)the [ei;e?] art. 指已提到或易领会到的人或事now [nau] adv. 现在;目前 see [si:] v. 理解;明白 can [k?n] modal v. 能;会 say [sei] v. 说;讲 my [mai] pron. 我的 Unit 1 name [neim] n. 名字;名称 nice [nais] adj. 令人愉快的;宜人的 to [tu:] 常用于原形动词之前,该动词为不定式meet [mi:t] v. 遇见;相逢 too [tu:] adv. 也;又;太 your [j?:] pron. 你的;你们的 Ms. [miz] (于女子的姓名前,不指明婚否)女士his [hiz] pron. 他的 and [?nd] conj. 和;又;而 her [h?:] pron, 她的 yes [jes] interj. 是的;可以 she [?i:] pron. 她 he [hi:] pron. 他 no [n?u] interj. 不;没有;不是 not [n?t] adv. 不;没有 zero ['zi?r?u] num. 零 one [w?n] num. 一 two [tu:] num. 二 three [θri:] num. 三 four [f?:] num. 四 five [faiv] num. 五 six [siks] num. 六 seven ['sevn] num. 七 eight [eit] num. 八 nine [nain] num. 九 telephone ['telif?un] n. 电话;电话机 number ['n?mb?] n. 号码;数字 phone [f?un] n. 电话;电话机telephonephone number 电话号码 first [f?:st] adj. 第一 first name 名字 last [la:st] adj. 最后的;末尾的 last name 姓 friend [frend] n. 朋友 China ['t?ain?] 中国 middle ['midl] adj. 中间的;中间 school [sku:l] n. 学校 middle school 中学;初中 Unit 2 sister ['sist?] n. 姐;妹 mother ['m?e?] n. 母亲;妈妈


2017年上海市中考英语试卷 I. Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共30分) A.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) 1. B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) 7.A.Pink. B.Blue. C.White. D.Brown. 8.A.For one week. B.For one year. C.For two weeks. D.For two years. 9.A.By making a call.B.By sending an email.C.By writing a letter.D.By leaving a message.

10.A.On Monday.B.On Wednesday.C.On Thursday.D.On Friday. 11.A.To visit China. B.To try something new. C.To make friends. D.To learn something easy. 12.A.Work on her project. B.Go to the school dance. C.Take a physics exam. D.Meet her dance teacher. 13.A.In a hotel. B.In a bookshop. C.In a cinema. D.In a classroom. 14.A.The food. B.Their car. C.The supermarket. D.Their house. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following sentences are true or false 15.判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T“表示,不符合的用“F“表示 15.Peter makes hamburgers for customers in a fast food restaurant. 16.Once,Peter delivered 30 sets of hamburger meals to a school with his partner.17.The students were waiting at the school gate when Peter arrived. 18.There would be a sports meeting for the student the next day. 19.The teacher ordered the hamburger meals to encourage the students.20.Peter loves his job as he gains happiness from his working experiences.


词汇表对照表 考试大纲词汇表词性词意短语搭配或句子a(an)[?,e?(?n)]art.一(个、件……) ability[??b?l?t?]n.能力;才能 able[?e?b(?)l] a.能够;有能力的 about[??ba?t]ad. prep.大约;到处;四处关于;在各处;四处 above[??b?v]prep.在……上面 abroad[??br??d]ad.到(在)国外 absent[??bs?nt] a.缺席;不在 accept[?k?sept]vt.接受I received his invitation but I didn’ t accept it.(我收到他的邀请,但我没接 受。) according to根据,按照 achieve[??t?i?v]vt.达到;取得He hopes to achieve all the aims soon. (他希望很快达成所有目标。) across[??kr?s]prep横过;穿过 act[?kt]n. v.法令;条例 表演,扮演(角色);演出,行动 action[??k?(?)n]n.行动 active[??kt?v] a.积极的,主动的 activity[?k?t?v?t?]n.活动 actor[??kt?]n.演员,男演员,行动者 actress[??ktr?s]n.女演员 add[?d]vt.增添;增加 address[??dres]n.地址 advantage[?d?vɑ? nt?d?] n.优点;好处 advice[?d?va?s]n.忠告;劝告;建议 advise[?d?va?z]vt.忠告;劝告;建议My teacher advised me to do more reading. (我的老师建议我多读。) afford[??f??d]vt.负担的起(……的费 用);抽的出(时间); 提供Mary was not able to afford a new car.(玛丽买不起新车。) afraid[??fre?d] a.害怕的;担心的Africa n.非洲 African a.非洲的,非洲人的 after[?ɑ?ft?(r)]ad. prep. conj.在后;后来 在……之后;在……后面 在……以后 afternoon[ɑ?ft??nu? n] n.下午,午后again[??ɡe?n]ad.再一次;再,又


2017年浙江省中考英语词汇表 A a (an) art. 一(个、件……) ability n. 能力;才能 able a. 能够;有能力的 about ad. 大约;到处;四处prep. 关于;在各处;四处 above prep. 在……上面a. 上面的ad. 在……之上 abroad ad. 到(在)国外 absent a. 缺席的,不在的 accent n. 口音,音调 accept vt. 接受 accident n. 事故,意外的事 ache vi.& n.痛,疼痛 achieve vt. 达到,取得 across prep. 横过,穿过 act n. 法令,条例v. (戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏);行动,做事action n. 行动 active a. 积极的,主动的 activity n. 活动 add vt. 添加,增加 address n. 地址 advantage n. 优点;好处 advertisement n. 广告 advice n. 忠告,劝告,建议 advise vt. 忠告,劝告,建议 afford vt. 负担得起(……的费用);抽得出(时间);提供 afraid a. 害怕的;担心 after ad. 在后;后来prep.在……之后;在后面conj.在……以后 afternoon n. 下午,午后 again ad. 再一次;再,又 against prep. 对着,反对 age n. 年龄;时代 ago ad. 以前 agree v.同意;应允 air n. 空气;大气 airline n. 航空公司;航空系统 airplane n. (美)飞机 airport n. 航空站,飞机场


中考阅读及完型高频词汇总结 act v. 行动,表演 achieve vt. 完成;达到 vi. 达到目的 accept vt./ vt. 接受;承认;容纳 admire vi./vt. 钦佩;赞美 affect vt.影响,感动 afford vt. 给予,提供;买得起 agreement n.协定,协议,同意 aim n. 目标,目的 allow vt.允许,准许 amazing a.令人吃惊的 ambulance n.救护车,野战医院 amount n.总数,数量,总和 appear vi. 出现;似乎;显得; appearance n. 外貌,外观;出现,露面 application n.请求,申请,施用 against prep. 反对,违反;靠;倚;adj 对立的;不利的article n.文章,条款,物品 ashamed adj. 羞愧的 at least 至少,最低限度 athletic a.运动的;竞技的 average n.平均数 a.平均的 avoid vt. 避免避开,躲避;消除 battle n.战役,斗争 vi.作战 backward(s) adj. 向后的;反的; adv. 相反地;向后地forward(s) adj.向前的 basic adj. 基本的;基础的 n. 基础;要素 beat vt. 打;打败 vi. 打;打败;拍打 benefit n 利益,好处 vt. 有益于,对…有益 vi. 受益blame vt.责备,把…归咎于 blind a.瞎的,盲目的 bomb v. 轰炸n. 炸弹 bother v. 打扰 breathe v. 呼吸 bully n. / v. 欺负 cage n.笼,鸟笼,囚笼 cancel v. 取消 cancer n.癌,癌症 cause n.原因,理由 casual(ly) adj. 偶然的;随便的;非正式的 celebration n.庆祝,祝贺 certain adj. 确信的;有把握的 pron. 某些;某几个 chain n.链,链条,项圈 challenge n.挑战 cheer v. 欢呼 close adj. 亲密的 comfortable a.舒适的,安慰的 command vt.命令,指挥,控制 common a.普通的,共同的 community n.社区 ?communicate vi. /vt. 通讯,传达;交流 communication n.交流 compare vt.比较,对照 complain v. 抱怨,投诉 complaint n.抱怨,控告 complete v. 完成 adj. 完整的 confuse vt. 使混乱;使困惑 confused adj.困惑的 confident adj. 自信的;确信的 unconfident ad j.不自信的 confidence n.信心 connect vt.连接,联系 contain vt. / vi.包含;容纳;控制; 含有 contact n.v. 接触,联系 continue vt.继续 control vt.控制,克制 n.控制 consider vt. 认为;考虑;细想;把…当作 concentrate vi./ vt. 集中;浓缩;全神贯注n. 浓缩液;浓缩,精选countless a.无数的 courage n.勇气,胆量 course n. 课程


中考1600词汇详解 A a (an) art. 一个,某个,任何一个 用法:不定冠词的常见用法:1)第一次提到,表示泛指。 2)含有数量“一”的概念,但是不如one 强烈。 ability n.能力;才干;才能 短语:1. a man of ability 有能力的人 2. the ability to do sth 做某事的能力 able adj.有才干的;聪颖的 短语:1. be able to do sth有能力做某事 about prep. 对于,关于;大约;在….周围; 短语:1. be about to 即将 2.look about 3.run about 4.What/How about…? above prep. adj.在…之上;超过;大于,多于; 上面的; 短语:1.above all 最重要的 注意:above的反义词为below abroad adv. 在外国;广泛地;传播 短语:1. from abroad 从国外,从海外 2. go abroad 出国 accept v.接受;赞同;欢迎;听从 近义词辨析:accept 和receive accept 是“接受、认可“的意思,是收到并接受;receive 有”收到“的意思,但不一定接受。accident n. 事故;偶然

短语:1.by accident意外地,偶然地 2.a traffic accident 交通事故 according to prep.根据…;依照 achieve v. 实现;达到;完成 across prep.在…对面 近义词辨析:across 和through across表示“横过,穿过”;着重指从路线或物体表面的一边到另一边(表面)。through “穿过,从……中间通过”;着重指从空间的一头穿到另一头(内部)。 act n. & v. 行为;举动;假装; 短语:1.act as担任(起...作用) 词性转换:actor/actress n.男演员/女演员 action n. 行动;有能量;行为; active adj. 积极的; 短语:1. take an active part in : 积极参加 activity n. 活动;工作;职业 add v. 添加;增加;合计;相当于 短语:1. add to; 2.add up 3.add up to 4.add…to… address n. 地址;住址;演说;讲话 advantage n. 优点;利益 advertisement (ad) n.公告;启事;广告 advice n. 建义,劝告;信息 短语:1.a piece of advice一条建议 2.ask for advice 寻求建议


2016学年第二学期黄浦区初三模拟考 英语试卷2017.4 Part II 第二部分语音、语法和词汇 II.Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案):(共20分) 26. Which of the following words is pronounced[fe?]? A) fillB) fair C) fear D) fire 27. After a long journey, the old man sat down and had _____ short rest. A) aB) an C) the D) / 28. Everybody rose and clapped their hands _____ the end of the concert. A) by B) in C) at D) for 29. Studies show that less active students in class require a little more _______ A) prize B) task C) friend D) care 30. Jane took _____ look at her house the moment she started her car. A) other B) others C) another D) the other 31. Benjamin was born in Boston ______ the morning of January 17, 1907. A) in B) on C) at D) by 32. The waiter was asked to welcome guestswith _____ smile and bow. A) friendly B) kindly C) politely D) happily 33. It’s important for a teacher to express _______ clearly in class. A) he B) him C) his D) himself 34. According to a recent survey, Google Play is one of ______ apps in the world. A) popular B) more popular C) most popular D) the most popular 35. The newspaper says house prices in Australia are expected ______ by 10% in 2017. A) rise B) rising C) to rise D) to rising 36. Something must be done to stop air pollution, ________ we will have no fresh air. A) or B) for C) but D) so 37. Taobao shop owners are busy _____ clothes for their online customers. A) pack B) to pack C) packing D) to packing 38. More than six million guests ______ Shanghai Disneyland Park since last June. A) visit B) visited C) were visiting D) have visited 39. Listen! Someone ______ at the door. Please go and answer it. A) knocks B) is knocking C) has knocked D) was knocking 40. Passengers must not leave their seats ______ the plane comes to a full stop. A) until B) since C) if D) become 41. Many parts of this car_____ in less developed countries, like Thailand. A) produce B) produced C) are produced D) was produced 42. We _____ respect the local culture and customs when traveling abroad. A) can B) need C) may D) should 43. _______ good time they are having with their family on the beach! A) What B) How C) What a D) How a 44. --What about reading loud to practice our spoken English? --_________


杨浦区2017年初三年级学业质量调研 英语学科试卷2017年4月 (满分150分,考试时间:100分钟) 考生注意:本卷有7大题,共94小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。 Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力) I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解) (共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6分) B C D A E F G H 1.________ 2. _______ 3. _________ 4. __________ 5. __________ 6. _________ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你 听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) (8分) 7. A) Tomatoes. B) Potatoes. C) Eggs. D) Chicken. 8. A) Rainy. B) Snowy. C) Cloudy. D) Sunny. 9. A) 9:00 . B) 10:00 . C) 11:00 . D) 12:00 . 10. A) By bus. B) By car. C) By underground. D) By running. 11. A) At the library. B) At the airport. C) At the hospital. D) At the restaurant. 12. A) Favourite sports. B) Ways to relax. C) Weekend plans. D) Future jobs. 13. A) Go to Maria’s party. B) Attend a meeting. C) Eat out with Maria. D) Take Maria to London. 14. A) The woman will get her laptop repaired. B) The woman will buy a new laptop. C) The woman will buy a desktop computer. D) The woman will buy a battery for her laptop. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列 句子是否符合你听到的短文内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) (6分) 15. Nancy was very excited because she got her driver’s license. 16. Nancy and Abby’s mom was nervous about her daughters’ driving to the store. 17. The road near Nancy’s house was blocked and a police car came to help.


2020年英语中考1600词汇详细讲解 A a (an) art. 一个,某个,任何一个 用法:不定冠词的常见用法:1)第一次提到,表示泛指。 2)含有数量“一”的概念,但是不如one 强烈。ability n.能力;才干;才能 【常用简单短语】:1. a man of ability 有能力的人 2. the ability to do sth 做某事的能力 able adj.有才干的;聪颖的 【常用简单短语】:1. be able to do sth有能力做某事 about prep. 对于,关于;大约;在….周围; 【常用简单短语】:1. be about to 即将 e.g. We were about to go when it suddenly rained. 我们正要出发,突然天下雨了。 2.look about 3.run about 4.What/How about…? above prep. adj.在…之上;超过;大于,多于; 上面的; 【常用简单短语】:1.above all 最重要的 e.g. Above all, the work must be finished before nine by ourselves. 最重要的是工作必须在九点之前由我们自己独立完成。 注意:above的反义词为below abroad adv. 在外国;广泛地;传播 【常用简单短语】:1. from abroad 从国外,从海外 e.g. His parents has just come back from abroad. 他的父母刚刚从海外回来,我们去看望他们吧。 2. go abroad 出国 accept v.接受;赞同;欢迎;听从 近义词辨析:accept 和receive accept 是“接受、认可“的意思,是收到并接受;receive 有”收到“的意思,但不一定接受。 e.g. I received a lot of gifts on my birthday, but I didn’t accept any. 生日那天我收到许多礼物,但是我并没有收下任何礼物。 accident n. 事故;偶然 【常用简单短语】:1.by accident意外地,偶然地 2.a traffic accident 交通事故 according to prep.根据…;依照 achieve v. 实现;达到;完成across prep.在…对面 近义词辨析:across 和through across表示“横过,穿过”;着重指从路线或物体表面的一边到另一边(表面)。 e.g.across the street;横过马路。through “穿过,从……中间通过”;着重指 从空间的一头穿到另一头(内部)。 e.g. through the forest. 穿过森林。 act n. & v. 行为;举动;假装; 【常用简单短语】:1.act as担任(起...作用) 词性转换:actor/actress n.男演员/女演员 action n. 行动;有能量;行为; e.g.We must take action right now, otherwise we’ll be late 我们现在就得采取行动了,否则就迟到了。 active adj. 积极的; 【常用简单短语】:1. take an active part in : 积极参加 e.g. I don’t think everyone should take an active part in the social activities. 我认为并不是所有的人都应该积极参与到社会活动中去。activity n. 活动;工作;职业 add v. 添加;增加;合计;相当于 【常用简单短语】:1. add to; 2.add up 3.add up to 4.add…to… address n. 地址;住址;演说;讲话 advantage n. 优点;利益 advertisement (ad) n.公告;启事;广告 e.g. Have you read the want ad in the newspaper? 你看过报纸上的招聘广告吗? e.g. Put an advertisement in the newspaper advice n. 建义,劝告;信息 【常用简单短语】:1.a piece of advice一条建议 2.ask for advice 寻求建议 3.give advice提建议 4.take/follow one’s advice接受、遵照某人的建议 advise v.给…出主意;建议;通知 【常用简单短语】:1.advice sb to do sth 建议某人做某事 afraid adj. 惊慌的;恐怕 【常用简单短语】:1.be afraid of 害怕 e.g. Don’t be afraid of asking for help from others.不要害怕向别人求助。


A a (an) art. 一(个、件……) ability n. 能力,才能 able a. 能够,有能力的 about ad. 大约,到处,四处 prep. 关于,在各处,四处 above prep. 在……上面 a. 上面的 ad. 在……之上 abroad ad. 到(在)国外 absent a. 缺席,不在be absent from…accept vt. 接受 accident n. 事故,意外事件 by accident 意外地;偶然地 according to prep. 根据 achieve vt. 达到,取得 across prep. 横过,穿过 act n. 法令,条例v. (戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏);行动 action n. 行动 take action to do sth 采取行动做某事active a. 积极的,主动的 activity n. 活动 actor n. 男演员 actress n. 女演员 add vt. 添加,增加,继续说add… to…address n. 地址 advantage n. 优点,好处disadvantage advice n. 忠告,建议 a piece of advice advise vt. 忠告,劝告,建议 afford vt. 负担得起(……的费用),抽得出(时间) can’t afford to do sth afraid a. 害怕的,担心的 Africa n. 非洲 African a./n. 非洲的,非洲人 after ad. 后来prep. 在……之后,在后面conj. 在……以后after all afternoon n. 下午,午后 again ad. 再一次,再,又 against prep. 对着,反对 be against/for sth age n. 年龄,时代 ago ad. 以前 agree v. 同意,应允 agreement n. 同意,一致协定,协议air n. 空气;大气 airport n. 航空站,飞机场 alive a. 活着的,存在的 all ad. 全部地 a. 全(部),所有的 pron. 全部,全体人员 allow vt. 允许,准许 allow sb to do sth /allow doing sth almost ad. 几乎,差不多 alone a. 单独的,孤独的 along ad. 向前,和……一起,一同 prep. 沿着,顺着 aloud ad. 大声地 already ad. 已经 also ad. 也 although conj. 虽然,尽管 always ad. 总是,一直,永远 America n. 美国,美洲 American a. 美国的,美国人的 n. 美国人 among prep,在(三个以上)之间 ancient a. 古代的,古老的 and conj. 和,又,而 angry a. 生气的,愤怒的 animal n. 动物 another a. 再一,另一,别的 answer n./v. 回答,答复,答案 ant n. 蚂蚁 any pron. (无论)哪一个,哪些任何的, (用于疑问句、否定句)一些 anybody pron. 任何人,无论谁 anyone pron. 任何人,无论谁 anything pron. 什么事(物),任何事(物) anyway ad. 不管怎样 anywhere ad. 任何地方 appear vi. 出现disappear消失 apple n. 苹果 April n. 四月 area n. 面积;地域,地方,区域;范围 arm n. 手臂 army n. 军队join the army around ad. 在周围;在附近 prep. 在……周围;大约 arrive vi. 到达;达到 art n. 艺术,美术;技艺 article n. 文章,东西,物品,冠词 artist n. 艺术家 as ad.& conj.像……一样,如同,因为 prep. 作为,当做 Asia n. 亚洲 Asian a. 亚洲的,亚洲人的n. 亚洲人 ask v. 问,询问,请求,要求 asleep a. 睡着的,熟睡fall asleep at prep. 在(几点钟),在(某处) attend v. 出席,参加 attention n. 注意,关心 pay attention to August n. 八月 aunt n. 伯母,舅母,婶,姑,姨 Australia n. 澳洲;澳大利亚 Australian a. 澳洲的,澳大利亚人的 n. 澳大利亚人 autumn/ fall n. 秋天,秋季 avoid v. 避免,躲开,逃避avoid doing awake (awoke, awoken) v. 唤醒醒着的 away ad. 离开,远离 awful a. 可怕的 B baby n. 婴儿 back ad. 回(原处),向后 a. 后面的 n. 背后,后部,背 background n. 背景 bad (比较级worse, 最高级worst) a. 坏 的;有害的,不利的;严重的 bag n. 书包,提包,袋子 ball n. 球 balloon n. 气球 bamboo n. 竹 banana n. 香蕉 bank n. (河、海、湖的)岸,堤,银行 baseball n. 棒球 basic a. 基本的 basket n. 篮子 basketball n. 篮球 bathroom n. 浴室,盥洗室 be v. 是(原形),其人称和时态形式有 am, is, are, was, were, being, been;成为 beach n. 海滨,海滩 bean n. 豆,豆形植物 bear n. 熊 beat (beat, beaten) v. 敲打,跳动,打赢 n. (音乐)节拍beat sb win sth beautiful a. 美的,美丽的 because conj. 因为because of… become (became, become) link-v. 变得, 成为 bed n. 床 bedroom n. 寝室,卧室 beef n. 牛肉 before prep. 在……以前;在……前面 ad. 以前conj. 在……之前 begin (began,begun) v. 开始,着手 behind prep. (表示位置)在……后面 ad. 在后面,向后 believe v. 相信,认为 bell n. 钟,铃 below prep. 在……下面above beside prep. 在……旁边;靠近 besides prep. 除……以外(还有) ad. 还有,此外 best a. 最好的 better a. 较好的 between prep. 在(两者)之间 big a. 大的 bike = bicycle n. 自行车 bill n. 账单,法案,钞票 bird n. 鸟 birth n. 出生,诞生 birthday n. 生日 biscuit n. 饼干 bit n. 一点,一些,少量的 black n. 黑色 a. 黑色的 blackboard n. 黑板 blind a. 瞎的 block n. 街区 blood n. 血,血液 blouse n. 女衬衣 blow (blew, blown) v. 吹,刮风,吹动 blue n. 蓝色 a. 蓝色的,沮丧的 board n. 木板;布告牌v. 上(船、火车、 飞机) boat n. 小船,小舟 body n. 身体 第1页共11页
