

Part 1巧记考纲单词

Ⅰ. 核心单词·熟写

1.reduce vt. 减少

2.nearby adj. 附近的

3.likely adj. 可能的

4.adult n. 成人

5.ban vt. 禁止

6.affect vt. 影响; 对……有坏影响

Ⅱ. 拓展单词·会用

1.addict n. 对(药物等)上瘾的人; 瘾君子→addictive adj. (药物等)上瘾的

2.danger n. 危险→endanger vt. 危及→dangerous adj. 危险的

3.inject vt. 注射→injection n. 注射

4.power n. 力量; 权力→powerful adj. 有力的; (药等)有功效的→ powerless adj. 无力的5.crime n. 罪行; 犯罪行为→criminal n. 罪犯

6.connect v. 联系; 连接→connection n. 联系; 关系; 关联

7.legal adj. 合法的→illegal adj. 违法的; 不合法的

8.treat vt. 治疗; 对待→treatment n. 治疗

9.disagree vi. 不同意; 意见不合→disagreement n. 不同意

10.horrible adj. 令人不快的; 极讨厌的; 可怕的→ horribly adv. 令人不快地; 极讨厌地; 可怕地; 极其

11.participate v. 参加; 参与→participation n. 参加→participant n. 参与者; 参加者

12.recognise vt. 认识; 认知; 认出→recognition n. 认出; 识别

13.distract vt. 使分心; 使混乱→distraction n. 分心; 分散注意力

14.jog v. 慢跑→jogging n. 慢跑

Part 2闪记重点短语

1.as a result of由于; 作为……的结果

2.die from死于

3.(be)related to与……有关

4.such as诸如; 例如

5.look up查阅; 抬起头

6.break into破门而入; 强行闯入

7.be in danger处于危险中

8.belong to属于

9.become addicted to对……上瘾; 沉迷于

10.take one’s advice听取某人的意见

11.in order to/so as to为了……

12.put up提高; 举起; 建造; 张贴

13.break the law犯法

14.in public当众; 公开地

15.agree/disagree with同意; 赞成; 适合于/与……有分歧; 不一致16.as well也; 又

17.all the same仍然; 照样地

18.set a date定一个日期

19.a couple of两/几个

20.give up戒除; 放弃

21.instead of代替; 而不是

22.be based on根据; 以……为基础

Part 3速记经典句式

1.In the United Kingdom, smoking(吸烟)causes 121, 000 deaths a year. (动名词作主语)2.I’m 19 years old and I used to be(过去是)a drug addict. (used to do sth. 过去常常做某事)

3.And I had to steal something every day to pay for the drugs(付毒品钱). (动词不定式作目的状语)

4.Now I work in a centre for drug addicts, helping others to stop taking drugs(帮别人戒毒). (现在分词作伴随状语)

5.Some people feel so nervous that(如此紧张以至于)they call the police. (so. . . that. . . 句型)

6.I couldn’t agree more(我完全同意).


7.In almost every US city and town, there are local organisations to help people stop smoking(帮助人们戒烟). (动词不定式作定语)

8.Participants learn to recognise smoking triggers (things that start them smoking)and they try to set a date in the future when they will stop smoking(他们戒烟的日期). (when引导的定语从句)

9.Whatever you’re doing(不管你在做什么)when you want to smoke—do something else! (whatever引导的让步状语从句)


1.—tive/—ive后缀加在动词或名词之后, 表示“……的”, 是形容词后缀

1addictive (药物等)上瘾的5comparative 比较的

2active 活跃的⑥attractive 吸引人的3sensitive 敏感的⑦effective有效的

4creative 有创造力的⑧competitive竞争的2.“动词+ prep. ”类短语集萃

1break into 破门而入; 强行闯入

2belong to 属于

3tell by 从……可以看出

4believe in 相信

5care about 关心; 顾虑; 在乎
