散文翻译 中英对照

散文翻译 中英对照
散文翻译 中英对照




新编英语教材学生用书8 部分重点课文解读和课后答案。




1.But, from the historical perspective, we are now a little more mature,realistic:four hundred years ago, people regarded happiness with wonderment, thinking that it befell someone as a result of an inexplicable arrangement made by the mysterious universe.

2.Happiness in shakespeare's time, and even afterwards, was associated with wealth, success and position, which in some way, came upon a certain person, who would express such an occasion in the form of great joy or excitement.

3.Happiness is no longer accidental,indeed, it becomes an objective to achieve.

4.People definitely varied in their opinions as to what has given rise to happiness and what happiness actually means.


1.They were amazed at my being so stubbornly inquisitive over that issue, unable to figure out how

i could be so ignorant of what was going on about so commonplace a practice in the american economic and political life.

2.When immorality prevails, it's practically no use talking convincingly about conscience.

3.Many americans are always preaching about human equality, but will take a firm stand against the issue of equal rights in their communities and schools.

4.It seems that they are also brave enough to take the risk in reiterating their worry,

which ,consequently, makes them such unforgivable bores to those successful social climbers.

5.Ultimately, only these people may hopefully help to create a society that is characterized by its moral strength that leads to its continuous existence instead of its moral degradation that ends in tis destruction.


1.We tend to believe that we are a harmonious impartial and benevolent people, living under

approved laws but not by the will of any individual in the government.

2.If we ignore this other aspect of the fact, we shall fail to look at our nation from an unbiased perspective.

3.No mater how hard we persuaded ourselves to believe that indians and negroes were inferior to us, we ,in actual fact, were quite clear that they ,just like us, were God's children.

4.The evidence regarding such suppression as recorded in american history is amply supplied in american literary works.

5.What the whites refused to encounter in their description of the past was actually recounted in the dreams and fantasies in artistic forms.


1.From the footsteps of that frightened woman, i, for the first time ,realized that my being born a black has unfortunately enabled people, at the sight of me, to adjust their distance from me in a most unfriendly manner.

2.I was also well aware that i looked exactly like a bad boy who would intrude, from time to time, into the neighborhood from a slum nearby.

3.To be a man, you must acquire the power to scare and subdue people.

4.When i was a boy, i saw many juvenile delinquents taken away by the cops.i have since attended several funerals,too.

5.I was not in a position to prove my identity. What i could think of was that i walk quickly to join someone who could verify who i was.


1.But such case were sufficient in number to make it seem as if there were justification for the increasing fear of communists.

2.Joseph mccarthy thought it was high time that he should come upon the stage, declaring that he held a list of names of active communists who were striving to ruin the government now.

3.He was kept fully occupied, but he didn't seem to be successful.

4.Then in wheeling that February evening at the beginning of the 50s, joe, at last, was fortunate enough to have seized a wonderful chance and ,like a meteor, started to climb up the political ladder.

5.From that moment, it seemed that the senator had placed the entire country under his control.


1,what the book tries to tell is that the iks have become an unalterably repulsive people, self-centered,

irrational ,inconsiderate and unfeeling, as a result of the disintegration of their traditional culture.

2,it should be agreed first of all that human beings are an evil breed. Living in this world all for nothing but their own interests,and they may show some love and sympathy, simply because they were taught to develop such as their habits.

3,they never talk except when they make rude demands and impolite refusals.

4,they will laugh to see ill luck befall other people.

5,the lonely ik, banished in the desolation of a vanished culture, has found another way to protect himself.


Under the blows of peasant wars and kingly conquest, the isolated existence of early feudalism gave way to centralized monarchies.

=peasant wars and monarchical triumphs concluded the early separate feudal societies, and the unified and centralized kingdoms assumed power.

And in turn the great national adventures of the english and spanish and portuguese sailor-capitalists brought a flood of treasure and treasure-consciousnes s back to europe.

=a nationwide fervor of seafaring merchants in england, spain and portugal to explore countries overseas consequently brought back a lot of wealth and renewed a noticeable wealth-awareness among the european nations.

=the attitude of christopher columbus was representative of a time in history, which quickened the formation of a society characterized by an ambition for success and a craving for money.

=along with this social change, there was little wonder that power began to descend upon the merchants, because they were financially knowledged, and depart from the contemptuous gentlemen, because they were financially ignorant.

=it was not so easy for bookkeeping to be adopted as a necessary accounting device, and double entry was not universally accepted as an accounting mechanism until the 17th century


The new science

The great chariot of society, which for so long had run down the gentle slope of tradition, now found itself powered by an internal combustion engine. Transactions and gain provided a new and startling motive force.What forces could have been sufficiently powerful to smash a comfortable and established world and institute in its place this new society. There was no single massive cause . It

was not great events, single adventures, individual laws, or charming personalities which brought about the economic revolution. It was a process of internal growth.First, there was the gradual emergence of national political spirit in Europe. Under the blows of peasant wars and kingly conquest, the isolated existence of early feudalism gave way to centralized monarchies. A second great current of change was to be found in the slow decay of the religious spirit under the impact of the skeptical, inquiring, humanist views of the Italian Renaissance. Still another deep current lies in the slow social changes that eventually rendered the market system possible. In the course of this change, power naturally began to gravitate into the hands of those who understood money matters--the merchants---and away from the disdainful nobility,who did not. 在这个变化之中,权利便自然而然地从那些鄙视财迷的高尚者的手中转入那些懂得经营钱财的商人的手中。




1,the analogy is drawn between the movement of a chariot and the development of society. Social development had been steady but slow, following the traditional ways. But now something growing from inside society itself provided a strong driving force, drastically pushing society forward.

2, no,this is the question the excerpt is intended to answer.

3,the simile"like a butterfly inside a chrysalis",just as a butterfly grows out of a chrysalis, so does the new way of life out of the old.


American Dilemma翻译

About seven years ago, I accepted an invitation to participate in a seminar on the ethical and moral problems of American society that was sponsored by the Aspen Institute in Colorado. Among the other invited guests were business executives, college presidents, judges, government officials, managing editors, professors and theologians.

大概七年前,我应邀参加一个由科罗拉多阿斯彭研究所(Aspen Institute)赞助的研讨会,探讨有关美国社会道德伦理问题。出席会议的还有企业家、大学校长、法官、政客、执行编辑、教授和神学家。

Although there was no conflict or controversy in the discussions, one of the largest presentations has had a profound, almost obsessive, impact upon my thoughts about the character and quality of American life[1]


In a rather quiet voice, a recently retired vice-president of one of the largest corporations in America told the group that one of the persistent problems faced by his office was how to keep the accounting records of the corporation in such a way that they would be accurate and would also obscure the fact that regular operating expenses were payoffs to municipal official to expedite the installation of new construction in the large cities throughout the United States. [2] Casually, this participant cited this as another example of a prevailing functional immorality with which big business had to come to terms.


When none of the other participants raised a question about the ethical implication of this practice, I eventually asked why this powerful corporation did not bring this matter to local and Federal law-enforcement officials. My colleagues clearly considered my question na?ve. They reacted to my persistent questions as if I were an unrealistic child who did not understand the economic and political rules of the great American game.


Now I was shocked not only by the disclosure but equally shocked at the fact that my fellow seminar participants were not shocked. They thought themselves realistic in not permitting an academic discussion of ethical and moral values to be confused by “minor”specific examples of generally accepted institutionalized immorality.[3]


What is the basic systemic problem---the fundamental problem of perspective, value and character ---that seems to be inherent in the chronic crises plaguing American society?Obviously the answer to this question is not to be found in deprivation and poverty of resources.


The paradoxical problem of American society is that it has been too successful ;it's affluent and efficient even as it has legitimized and accepted pervasive dishonesties as the price of apparent success.When dishonesty appears to work, it’s difficult to argue persuasively for honesty.


So far, America has been able to have its democratic ideals and pursue the cruelties racism. T oday the majority of Americans will vote yes in favor of desegregation of the public schools--but a greater majority will vote against busing of students to obtain desegregation schools. Many American under the banner of democratic egalitarianism will argue and insist upon their right to keep less desirable, “less equal” Americans out of their communities and schools.


They also seem to have the courage to risk the repeated expressions of their concern and thereby serve as a gnawing and irritating conscience to those who have attained success.

In the final analysis only these individuals provide the hope for that ultimate type of realism that is defined by the capacity of a society to survive rather than to be destroyed eventually on the altar of human barbarity.



I have here in my hand 翻译

There seemed no stopping . He boasted: “McCarthyism is Americanism with its sleeve rolled.”He gloried in being himself: the poor kid from the wrong side of the tracks who had fought his way up,who was going to teach the snobs a thing or two. “McCarthyism, ”wrote critic Peter Viereck, “is the revenge of the noses that for 20 years of fancy parties were pressed against the outside window pane. ” The Wisconsin Senator had tapped into one of the universal recurring themes in American life: the antagonism between the uppity, dudish, big-city smart alecks and the rough and ready independent, true-blue Americans from the backwoods. “it’s not the less fortunate.. who have been selling this nation out,” he cried, “but rather those who have had all the benefits—the finest homes.the finest college educations, and the finest jobs in government. The bright young men who are born with silver spoons in their mouths are the worst.”

麦卡锡似乎已无人能挡。他自夸道:“麦卡锡主义是卷起袖子准备大干一场的美国主义。”他感到十分自豪,因为自己出生卑微,但一路奋斗,现在要去给那些势力小人一点教训。批评家皮特·菲尔艾克(Peter Viereck)写道:“麦卡锡主义其实是那些被民主政党拒之门外20年,且只能用鼻子顶住玻璃窗的人所采取的报复行为。”这个威斯康星州的议员借用了美国人生活的一个普遍而循环的主题,即自负、纨绔且自作聪明的城市人与简单、敏捷、独立而忠


There were not many such cases. But there were enough to lend a semblance of reasonableness to the growing Red Scare.


Perhaps we should examine the background of the men who have done the planning, and let the American people decide whether…we’ve lost because of stumbling ,fumbling idiocy,or because they planned it that way.”


This was McCathyism, the exploitation of a nation’s fears ,a brutal attack on Americans with divergent views, and it became an overriding fact of American life.


McCathy’s first three years in the Senate marked him as simply another ambitious young legislator—somewhat prone to use the knee and the elbow ,but always with a smile a wisecrack,the friendly and open look of the American boy playing the get-ahead game, certain everyone understood he meant nothing personal.


It was at the moment that Joseph McCathy stepped forward, claiming the had the names of live Reds, busy undermining the government now.

= at this mement, JMC stepped forward and said he had the names of people who were involved with RED SCARE and now attacking the government.

It kept him busy but it didn’t seem to be getting him anywhere.

= though he kept busy with the murder investigation, he didn’t get any benefit or promotion from it.

Then in Wheeling that February evening as the 50s began, Joe finally caught hold of a star and started his meteoric climb.

=on the evening in February in 1950s in Wheeling, Joe finally took advantege of the situation to rise rapidly though it last for a short time.

As of that moment, the Senator seemed to have the whole country in his pocket.

= at that moment, the Senator seemed to have the entire control of the country.

Night walker 翻译

My first victim was a woman—white, welldressed, probabaly in her early twenties. I came upon her late one evening on a deserted street in Hyde Park, a relatively affluent neighborhood in an otherwise mean, impoverished section of Chicago….我的第一个受害者是个妇女——白种人,穿着华丽,大概20出头。一个深夜,在海德公园的一条荒凉街上,我与她邂逅。这是芝加哥的贫困区,但从某一定角度上看这里相对而言是比较富有的片区了。当我朝着她的那条大道走去时,我们之间其实是有一段??的距离的。不过她不以为然。她不安地回头看了一下。在她看来,背后这个身高六尺,胡子2寸长,头发蓬乱,双手插在肥胖军装的口袋里,充满稚气的黑人就像一个毒瘤近在咫尺。回头粗略看了几次后,她加快了速度,急切地跑了起来,几分钟后消失在十字路口了。


It’s clear that she thought herself the quarry of a mugger, a rapist, or worse.显然,她以为自己成了抢劫者、强奸犯甚至更可恶的人的追逐目标。失眠了一段日子,我??

It also made it clear that I was indistinguishable from the muggers who occasionally seeped into the area from the surrounding ghetto.显然,我和那些偶然从贫民窟涌入城市的抢劫者没什么区别。

It is, after all, only manly to embrace the power to frighten and intimidate.毕竟,有能力恐吓和威胁他人的人才称得上是男人。

As a boy, I saw countless tough guys locked away, I have since buried several ,too.


I had no way of proving who I was, I could noly move briskly toward the company of someone who knew me.


Violence as an American tradition 翻译

Self knowledge is the indispensable prelude to self-control;and self-knowledge ,for a nation as well as for an individual, begins with history. W e like to think of ourselves as a peaceful tolerant, benign people who have always lived under a government of laws and not of men.



When we refuse to acknowledge the existence of this other strain, we refuse to see our nation as it is.


However much we pretended that Indians and Negroes were subhuman, we really knew that they were God’s children,too.


The evidence that such repression took place in the writing of American history is abundantly provided by American literature.


What white America declined to confront in its explicit portrayal of the past, it could not escape in the dreams and fantasies that underlie artistic creation.


Happiness 翻译

No other country in the world has worked the notion of happiness into its Constitution the every source of its national authority, the way the founding fathers of the United States of America chose to do when they linked the pursuit of happiness with life and with liberty as a trio of utterly inalienable rights.


Without question there were different interpretations of what prompts happiness, and what constitutes it. for many devoutly religious people (to this day), a stroke of business success, a marriage that works, the emergence over time of strong, intelligent, well-behaved children who seem able and content with their lot in life are all signs of sorts, evidence of god's favor.


Happiness in Shakespeare’s time, and later as well, referred to good fortune, good luck, to favorable circumstances visited, somehow, on a particular person who registered such a state of affairs subjectively with a condition of good cheer, pleasurable feeling.



One was satisfied with one’s situation, glad to be in one’s given place and time by virtue of how one’s life has gone. The emphasis is, put differently, upon fate - an almost external force.


T o be sure, individuals craved pleasure, money, power, territory, a certain woman, a certain man - but "happiness" was not in itself sought.


Rather, a person’s personal and workday success was noted by that person, and thankfully acknowledged - his or hers by virtue of divine grace, or the stars and their mysterious doings, or, quite simply, a series of fortuitous events.


For those who don't know what to believe (about this life, and our place or purpose on earth), happiness seems something accidental, contingent, or at best, a feeling for which one has worked hard indeed. but now we are a bit ahead of ourselves, historically: four hundred years ago, there was a sense of awe about happiness - as if it were visited upon some in accordance with the unfathomable workings of an inscrutable universe.


it was only in more recent time, as men and woman became more the center of this world (in their own minds, more the makers, the doers, the ones who wield and see the consequences), that happiness became, with everything else, a goal, a purpose, or, as those hard working, ambitious rationalists who framed our constitution put it, something for which a "pursuit" is waged. No longer does happiness happen; happiness is obtained.












I 1-15 V ocabulary 客观题15 15 15 教材多项选择

II 15-30 Cloze 客观题15 15 15 教材一段文章,有15



III 31-40 Proofreading &

error correction 主观题10 10 10 教材一段文章,其中




IV 41-45 Paraphrase 主观题 5 20 20 教材

V 46-55 Reading

Comprehension 客观题10 20 20 教材



VI 56 Translation 主观题 1 20 20 教材英译中

考试范围:Units 1-6, Unit 8中的Text I和后面的练习。


I. Vocabulary

Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word. Write the letter of the correct answer in the Answer Sheet, e.g.,

1.Several of them were convicted various crimes in the ______ of the committee

hearings—notably a one-time State Department official named Alger Hiss.

A. afterwards

B. afterglow

C. aftermath

D. aftertaste

II. Cloze

Complete the following paragraph with the words listed below. Fill in each of the blanks with ONE word only and each word should be used ONCE only. Five of the words will be left free. Write the letter in front of your choice of word for each blank in the Answer Sheet. (Do not write the word.),



A. storing

B. returned

C. differs

D. wells

E. groundwater

F. constant

G. vapor

H. back

I. wisely

J. available

K. falls L. surfaces M. off N. plants O. soil

P. enters Q. part R. cycle S. land T. form

U. bicycle V. apart X. of Y. persistent W. go

Water (1) _________ the atmosphere by evaporation from land and water (2) _________. Winds carry water (3) _________ and clouds to other areas. There the moisture is (4) _________ to the earth in the (5) _________ of rain or snow. Much of the water (6) _________ on land and runs (7) _________ to the sea in rivers. But some moisture enters the (8) _________. It helps growing (9) __________ or build up the (10) _________ supply. The (11) _________ movement of water from land to sea to air and (12) _________ again is called the water (13) _________. The amount of water (14)-_________ for farming, industry, and many other uses (15) _________ from one climate to another. People try to overcome these differences by using water resources (16) __________. The water cycle can be controlled in (17) _________ for a short time by (18) _________ water in reservoirs, irrigating (19) _________, draining wetlands, or pumping water from (20) _________.

III. Proofreading & error correction

The following excerpt contains TEN errors. Each line contains a maximum of one error. In each case, only one word is involved. You should proofread the excerpt and correct it in the f ollowing way:

For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct

one in the blank provided at the end of the line;

For a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with a

“∧” sign and write the word you believe to be missing in the blank

provided at the end of the line;

For an unnecessary word, cross out the unnecessary word with a

slash “/” and put the word in the blank provided at the end of the line. Example:

Finding enough meat was a problem for primitive man. When getting

it, keeping for some time was just as hard. Three ways were

found to keep meat from spoiling: salt, drying, and freezing. People near salty waters salted their meat. At first they probably rubbed dry salt on it, but this preserved only outside. Later they may have pickled their meat by soaking them in salt water.

In hot, dry lands, men were found that they could eat meat that

had dried but it was still on the bones. They later learned to cut meat 76.







into thin strips and hang it up to dry it in the hot air.

Men in cold climates found that freezing meat did not spoil. They could leave their meat outside and eat it when they pleased. 83.



IV. Paraphrase

Explain the following sentence in your own words.


It was in the echo of that terrified woman’s footfalls that I first began to know the unwieldy inheritance I’d come into—the ability to alter public space in ugly ways.

Suggested key: From the footsteps of that frightened woman, I, for the first time, realized that my being born a black has unfortunately enabled people, at the sight of me, to adjust their distance from me in a most unfriendly manner.

V. Reading Comprehension

T est A

Five questions

T est B

Five questions

VI. Translation

Put the following passage into Chinese.

散文翻译 Sweet September

散文翻译Sweet September Sweet September By Hal Borlnd 甜美的九月 September is more than a month, really; it is a season, an achievement in itself. It begins with August's leftovers and it ends with October's preparations, but along t he way it achieves special satisfactions. After summer's heat and haste, the year co nsolidates itself. Deliberate September-in its own time and tempo---begins to sum u p another summer. 真的,九月不仅仅是一个月份,它还是一个季节,一份成就。它始于八月的余热,终于十月繁忙的预备。但在这之间,它带来了异常的惊喜与满足。熬过夏季的躁热,这年就平静下来。九月,伴着它的时令,踩着它的节拍,翩然而至,宣告夏季的结束。 With September comes a sense of autumn. It creeps in on a misty dawn and vanis hes in the hot afternoon. It tiptoes through the treetops, rouging a few leaves, the n rides a tuft of thistledown across the valley and away. It sits on a hilltop and ho ots like an October owl in the dusk. It plays tag with the wind. September is a cha llenging busy as a squirrel in a hickory tree, idle as a languid brook. It is summer's ripeness and richness fulfilled. 九月悄然给我们捎来了一丝秋意。它无声无息地浸入雾蒙蒙的清晨,又在阳光煦暖的午后没了踪影;它蹑手蹑脚地跨过树梢,擦过些许叶子,又轻踏一簇毛蓟绕过山谷而去。它时而独栖山顶,像十月黄昏中猫头鹰的鸣叫;时而又同微风嬉戏;时而如山核树上的松鼠,忙得不亦乐乎;时而如慵懒的小溪,汩汩流淌。夏季的成熟与丰饶成就了甜美的九月。 Some of the rarest days of the year come in the September season-days when it is comfortably cold but pulsing with life, when the sky is clear and clean, the air cris p, the wind free of dust. Meadows still smell of hay and the sweetness of cut gras s. September flowers are less varied than those of May but so abundant that they make September another flowery month. Goldenrod comes by mid-August, but rises to a peak of golden abundance in early September. Late thistles make spectacular purple accents. And asters blossom everywhere, along the roadsides, in meadows, o n the hilltops, even in city lots, raging in color from pure white through all degrees of lavender to the royal New England purple. 九月给我们带来了一年中最难得的时光:晴空万里,秋高气爽,清风徐来,一尘不染,生命


翻硕复习资料中国现代散文汉译英 许多院校在考试的试卷上都喜欢出一些中国比较经典的现在范文片段,然后让学生进行汉译英的翻译,所以凯程老师整理了经典的现代散文翻译供大家参考,同时在文章后面对于个别字词进行了解析,帮助同学们弄懂文章的意思。 祖父和灯火管制(1) 冰心 一九一一年秋,我们从山东烟台回到福州老家去。在还乡的路上,母亲和父亲一再嘱咐我(2),“回到福州住在大家庭里,不能再像野孩子(3)似的,一切都要小心。对长辈们不能没大没小的。祖父是一家之主,尤其要尊敬……” 到了福州,在大家庭里住了下来,我觉得我在归途中的担心是多余的。祖父、伯父母、叔父母(4)和堂姐妹兄弟(5),都没有把我当作野孩子,大家也都很亲昵平等,并没有什么“规矩”。我还觉得我们这个大家庭是几个小家庭的很松散的组合(6)。每个小家庭都是各住各个的,各吃各的,各自有自己的亲戚朋友,比如说,我们就各自有自己的“外婆家(7)”! 就在这一年,也许是第二年吧,福州有了电灯公司。我们这所大房子里也安上了电灯,这在福州也是一件新鲜事,我们这班孩子跟着安装的工人们满房子跑,非常地兴奋欢喜!我记得这电灯是从房顶上吊下来的,每间屋子都有一盏,厅堂上和客室里的五十支光,卧房里的光小一些,厨房里的就更小了。我们这所大房子里至少也五六十盏灯,第一夜亮起来时,真是灯火辉煌,我们孩子们都拍手欢呼! 但是总电门是安在祖父的屋里的。祖父起得很早也睡得很早(8),每晚九点钟就上床了。他上床之前,就把电闸关上,于是整个大家庭就是黑沉沉的一片! 我们刚回老家(9),父母亲和他们的兄弟妯娌(10)都有许多别情要叙,我们一班弟兄姐妹,也在一起玩得正起劲(11),都很少在晚九点以前睡的。为了防备(12)这骤然的黑暗,于是每晚在九点以前,每个小家庭都在一两间屋里,点上一盏捻得很暗的煤油灯。一到九点,电灯一下子都灭了,这几盏煤油灯便都捻亮了,大家相视而笑,又都在灯下谈笑玩耍。 只有在这个时候,我才体会到我们这个大家庭是一个整体,而祖父是一家之主! Grandpa and Nightly Blackout Bing Xin In the autumn of 1911, we returned from Yantai of Shandong Province to our native place Fuzhou. While on the way, my parents warned me again and again, “Since we’ll be living in a big family in Fuzhou, remember always to behave properly and never act like a naughty child. Show respect for your elders, particularly your grandpa, who is head of the family…” After settling down in the big family in Fuzhou, however, I found that my previous worries on the way turned out to be unfounded. My grandpa, uncles, aunties and cousins never thought me a naughty child. We treated each other lovingly and equally. There never existed anything like “family rules of good behaviour”. I also found that the big family was a loose community of several smaller ones, which lived and ate separately. They each had their own relatives and friends, for example, their own


经典英语美文短篇:爱母亲甚于爱自己 说明和注解:丁克威 这是一篇动情之作,读完后掩卷而思:母亲的胸怀是博大的,母亲的心灵是至纯的,母亲的爱是无私的。然而我们对于母亲的报答又有多少? 文章语言朴素简单,相信作为中学生的你能轻松地读下来。读到佳句妙语处,真希望你能把它记下来、背下来。 Those Childhood Days When you came into the world, she held you in her arms. ?hold somebody in one’s arms: 把某人抱在怀中 You thanked her by weeping your eyes out. ?weep one’s eyes out: 痛 哭;大哭 When you were 1 year old, she fed you and bathed you. ?注意bathe在此处用作及物动词,意为“给……洗澡”。 You thanked her by crying all night long. ?all night long:整夜;如 说“整天”则是all day long。 When you were 2 years old, she taught you to walk. ?可说teach somebody to do something(教某人做 某事) You thanked her by running away when she called. When you were 3 years old, she made all your meals with love. ?do something with love: 带着爱意/心做某事。 You thanked her by tossing your plate on the floor. ?toss: 抛投。When you were 4 years old, she gave you some crayons. ? crayon: 蜡笔。 You thanked her by coloring the dining room table. ?color在此句中用作动 词,表示“着色”。When you were 5 years old, she dressed you for the holidays. ? dress: 给……穿衣。 You thanked her by plopping into the nearest pile of mud. ?plop: 扑通一声地掉下去。 When you were 6 years old, she walked you to school. ?注意walk在此处用作及物动词,意为“陪……一起走”。

2016翻译硕士复习资料:英译中国现代散文选(11) (1)

2016翻译硕士复习资料:英译中国现代散文选(11) 朋友 巴金 这一次的旅行使我更了解一个名词的意义,这个名词就是:朋友。 七八天以前我曾对一个初次见面的朋友说:“在朋友们面前我只感到惭愧(1)。你们待我太好了,我简直没法报答你们。”这并不是谦虚的客气话,这是真的事实。说过这些话,我第二天就离开了那个朋友,并不知道以后还有没有机会再看见他。但是他给我的那一点点温暖至今还使我的心颤动(2)。 我的生命大概不会很长久罢。然而在短促的过去的回顾中却有一盏明灯,照彻了我的灵魂的黑暗,使我的生存有一点光彩。这盏灯就是就友情。我应该感谢它,因为靠了它我才能够活到现在;而且把旧家庭给我留下的阴影扫除了的也正是它。 世间有不少的人为了家庭抛弃朋友,至少也会在家庭和朋友之间划一个界限,把家庭看得比朋友重过若干倍。这似乎是很自然的事情。我也曾亲眼看见一些人结婚以后就离开朋友,离开事业。…… 朋友是暂时的,家庭是永久的。在好些人的行为里我发见了这个信条。这个信条在我实在是不可理解的。对于我,要是没有朋友,我现在会变成怎样可怜的东西,我自己也不知道(3)。 然而朋友们把我救了。他们给了我家庭所不能给的东西。他们的友爱,他们的帮助,他们的鼓励,几次把我从深渊的边沿救回来。他们对我表示了无限的慷慨(4)。 我的生活曾经是悲苦的,黑暗的。然而朋友们把多量的同情,多量的爱,多量的欢乐,多量的眼泪分了给我,这些东西都是生存所必需的。这些不要报答的慷慨的施舍,使我的生活里也有了温暖,有了幸福(5)。我默默地接受了它们。我并不曾说一句感激的话,我也没有做过一件报答的行为。但是朋友们却不把自私的形容词加到我的身上。对于我,他们太慷慨了(6)。 这一次我走了许多新地方,看见了许多新朋友。我的生活是忙碌的:忙着看,忙着听,忙着说,忙着走。但是我不曾遇到一点困难,朋友们给我准备好了一切,使我不会缺少什么。我每走到一个新地方,我就像回到我那个在上海被日本兵毁掉的旧居一样。 每一个朋友,不管他自己的生活是怎样苦,怎样简单,也要慷慨地分一些东西给我,虽然明知道我不能够报答他。有些朋友,连他们的名字我以前也不知道,他们却关心我的健康,处处打听我的“病况”,直到他们看见了我那被日光晒黑了的脸和膀子,他们才放心地微笑了,这种情形的确值得人掉泪。 有人相信我不写文章就不能够生活。两个月以前,一个同情我的上海朋友寄稿到《广州民国日报》的副刊,说了许多关于我的生活的话。他也说我一天不写文章第二天就没有饭吃(7)。这是不确实的。这次旅行就给我证明;即使我不再写一个字,朋友们也不肯让我冻馁。世间还有许多慷慨的人,他们并不把自己个人和家庭看得异常重要,超过一切。靠了他们我才能够活到现在,而且靠了他们我还要活下去。 朋友们给我的东西是太多、太多了(8)。我将怎样报答他们呢?但是我知道他


Person of the Year(Nancy Gibbs) Sept.11 delivered both a shock and a surprise---the attack, and our response to it----and we can argue forever over which mattered more. There has been so much talk of the goodness that erupted that day that we forget how unprepared we were for it. We did not expect much from a generation that had spent its middle age examining all the ways it failed to measure up to the one that had come before—all fat, no muscle, less a beacon to the world than a bully, drunk on blessings taken for granted. It was tempting to say that Sept. 11 changed all that, just as it is tempting to say that every hero needs a villain, and goodness needs evil as its grinding stone. But try looking a widow in the eye and talking about all the good that has come of this. It may not be a coincidence, but neither is it a partnership: good does not need evil, we owe no debt to demons, and the attack did not make us better.It was an occasion to discover what we already were. “Maybe the purpose of all this,” New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said at a funeral for a friend, “is to find out if America today is as strong as when we fought for our independence or when we fought for ourselves as a Union to end slavery or as strong as our fathers and grandfathers who fought to rid the world of Nazism.” The terrorists, he argues, were counting on our cowardice. They’ve learned a lot about us since then. And so have we. For leading that lesson, for having more faith in us than we had in ourselves, for being brave when required and rude where appropriate and tender without being trite, for not sleeping and not quitting and not shrinking from the pain all around him, Rudy Giuliani, Mayor of the World, is TIME’s 2001 Person of the Year.(From Time, December 31, 2001)

翻译 中英对译 英文散文赏析

原文 巷 柯灵译者-张培基 巷,是城市建筑艺术中一篇飘逸恬静的散文,一幅古雅冲淡的图画①。这种巷,常在江南的小城市中,有如古代的少女,躲在僻静的深闺,轻易不肯抛头露面②。你要在这种城市里住久了,和它真正成了莫逆,你才有机会看见她③,接触到她优娴贞静的风度。 人耐心静静走去,要老半天才走完。它又这么曲折, 什么时候,你向巷中踅去,都如宁静的黄昏,可以清晰地听到自己的 斑斑驳驳的苔痕,墙上挂着一串串苍翠欲滴 的藤萝,简直像古朴的屏风。春来 小巷的动人处就是它无比的悠闲。无论是谁, 你的心情就会如巷尾不波的古井,那是一种和平的静穆,而不是阴森和肃杀⑩。它闹中取静,别有天地,仍是人间。它可能是一条现代的乌衣巷(11),家家有自 己的一本哀乐帐, 使人忘忧。 译文 The Lane Ke Ling The lane, in terms of the art of urban architecture, is like a piece of prose of gentle gracefulness or a painting of classic elegance and simplicity①.

a small the lane, a maiden of ancient times hidden away in a secluded boudoir, is reluctant to make its appearance long time.③ The does not taste of the countryside at all. It is long and deep, so it will take you a long while to walk patiently and quietly through it from end to end. It is also so winding that it seems ⑤when you look far ahead, but if you keep walking until you take a turning, you’ll find it again lying endless and still more quiet. There is nothing but stillness there⑥. At any hour of day, you can even distinctly hear in the , which, moss-covered and hung with clusters of fresh green wisteria, look almost like screens of primitive simplicity. Inside the walls are residents’ gardens with In spring, beautiful peach and apricot blossoms atop the walls, ⑧waving their red sleeves, will sway hospitably to beckon the pedestrians. The charm of the lane lies in its absolute serenity. No matter who you are, if you in the lane for a while⑨, your mind will become as unruffled as the ancient well at the end of the lane. There you will a kind of peaceful calmness rather than gloomy sternness⑩. There reigns peace and quiet in the midst of noisy bustle. It is a world of its own on earth. It may be a modern (11)where each family, secluded behind closed doors, has its own covered-up story of (12)The all-pervading and all-purifying atmosphere of water-like placidness makes one forget all cares and worries.


【关于孝的英语美文欣赏】经典英语美文欣赏50篇 对父母亲的感恩就是对老人孝顺,孝敬有多种形式。吃好穿暖心情爽,精心照顾不添烦。自由生活无拘束,玩牌购物遂心愿。了关于孝的英语美文,欢迎阅读! “Enough! Enough!”I said when Father and Mother were still giving me more fish ad meat. My bowl was piled up like a little hill. “Don't study too late into the night. Do be careful of your health. Have you had any examinations recently?”Father asked me in great concern. My face turned red. I didn't dare to give Father an answer. I hadn't made any progress in my studies. I did badly in all subjects. I only got 60 for maths and failed in physics. “It doesn't matter. Try to find better study methods and to work harder. I am sure you can enter a college!”Hearing these words, I bent my head down. What a kind father! He didn't scold me, but encouraged me instead.


2016翻译硕士复习资料:散文翻译(4) 美文妙译 林语堂的Moment in Peking当中描写慈禧太后的句子: 1. The ignorant old woman who ruled for the entire last half of the nineteenth century did more than any other single person to hold back China’s progress. Without her the progressive Emperor Kuangshu would certainly have gone on with his reforms. To the end, the Emperor, like an eagle deprived of its wings, remained submissive to his aunt. Ignorance added to a strong character was a double curse; stupidity joining hands with stubbornness was twice stupid. 张振玉先生的译文: 那个愚蠢无知的老太婆统治了19世纪的后50年,使中国不能进步,她可算功劳第一。若没有她,锐意求进的光绪皇帝,一定会进行他的维新大计。光绪皇帝,像个剪去翅膀的苍鹰,一直对他这位大权在握的老伯母必恭必敬,百依百顺。愚而妄,其为祸则加倍地强烈。愚蠢再与刚愎携手,则愚蠢倍增。 【spoiltcat点评】 最后一句实在是经典。“愚蠢无知”来译ignorant,有点过,因为ignorant 似乎并无“愚蠢”之意。 苍鹰不是一个一个的吧。“必恭必敬”尚可表现出无奈的感觉,“百依百顺”则不可。 【spoiltcat改译】那个无知的老太婆在19世纪后半叶统治中国整整50年之久。阻止中国进步的第一大功臣,当真非她莫属。若不是她,锐意进取的光绪皇帝,一定能推行他的维新大计。然而自始至终,光绪都慑服于他这位伯母的淫威之下,如一只剪去翅膀的苍鹰。无知而刚愎,其为祸则倍增。愚蠢与顽固携手,便是愚不可耐。 2. All of these disciplines have changed so much in recent years that I cannot image people climbing over departmental walls and specialty boards so easily. On the other hand, I do envision a time ahead when the clinical science will come to share the same ground in their base of knowledge. 原译: 所有这些学科在近年来变化如此之大,我真难以想象我们何以能够容易地跨越科学的高墙和不同的专业舞台。但是,我确能预见,有朝一日名临床学科能在其知识基础上共享一席。 【spoiltcat点评】 此译妙在“共享一席”。“如此之大”,句子有欧化之嫌。“何以能够……”,似乎含有“已经跨越,只是原因未知”的意思,而原文中是否定性的预见,觉得这种跨越不太可能。要“跨越”“高墙”恐怕确实非一般人所能,且“跨越”与“舞台”搭配也有些勉强。 【spoiltcat改译】所有这些学科在近年发生了深刻的变化,能否轻易翻越科学的高墙和不同的专业舞台,我着实难以想象。但是,我确能预见,有朝一日各临床学科能在其知识基础上共享一席。 PS:这段话是从一篇关于医学的文章里选出来的,所以“临床学科”似乎可


Fall in Love with English 爱上英语 Hiding behind the loose dusty curtain, a teenager packed up his overcoat into the suitcase. He planned to leave home at dusk though there was thunder and lightning outdoors. He had got to do this because he was tired of his parents’ nagging about his English study and did not want to go through it any longer. He couldn’t get along well with English and disliked joining in English classes because he thought his teacher ignored him on purpose. As a result, his score in each exam never added up to over 60. His partner was concerned about him very much. She understood exactly what he was suffering from, but entirely disagreed with his idea. In order to calm him down and settle his problem, she talked with him face to face and swapped a series of learning tips with him. The items she set down helped him find the highway to studying English well. The teenager was grateful and got great power from his friend’s words. Now, he has recovered from being upset and has fallen in love with English. 2 Different Countries Have Different Kinds of Englishes 不同的国家有不同的英语 Voyages of people from England play an important part in spreading the English language. At present, English is frequently spoken as an official or common language in many countries, such as America, Singapore, Malaysia and some African countries. All based on British English, the English spoken in these countries can be well understood by native English speakers. But actually, these Englishes have been gradually changing in accents, spellings, expressions and the usage of vocabulary. Because of this fact, you can make use of the differences to tell which country the foreigners of your block are from. For example, if a boss fluently commands his driver, “Come up straight to my apartment by elevator and take some gas for my trucks and cabs”, instead of requesting, “Please come to my flat by lift and take some petrol for my lorries and taxis”, you can recognize his American identity, while the latter suggests that he is British .3.A Hard Trip一次辛苦的旅行 My sister was fond of traveling. Ever since graduating, she had been determined to organize a trip to an old temple. Since transporting fare was expensive, she decided to use a bicycle to cycle there not caring about the disadvantages. Her stubborn attitude was always her shortcoming. Once she made up her mind to do something, no one could persuade her to change her mind. Finally, we gave in as usual though we preferred to take a train. After we prepared everything, including the schedule, reliable weather forecast and


珍禽血雉 China's Native Pheasant 边幽芬译 在陕西省西部,有一山高林密、生物资源丰富的太白山,海拔I3,767米,是秦岭山脉的主峰。我国特有的秦岭血雉就主要出产在这里,故又称太白鸡。 The Qinling blood pheasant,also known as the Taibai chicken,lives mostly I in the dense forests of the3,767-meter-high Taibai Mountain—the main I peak of the Qinling Mountain Range. 秦岭血雉,形似家鸡而略小。雄鸟头部褐中杂灰,部分羽毛向后j延伸成羽冠;下胸是鲜草绿色,尾羽因部位而异,有褐灰、绯红、灰_白、褐黑等多种色彩。雌鸟则以褐色为主。 The bird is a bit smaller than a chicken.The head of the male bird is covered with brown and gray feathers,which extend backwards to form a crest.Its[chest is grass-green and its tail varies from brown to crimson,grayish white,i and black. The female bird’s plumage is predominantly brown. 它们生活在高寒山区,常分布于海拔1,800-3,200米的针阔-混交林和针叶林中;结群性较强,少时6-8只,人冬则结成40-50只的大群;见人不惧,常在林间羊肠小道上昂首阔步。每年四月底至七月初是繁殖期,这时秦岭血雉筑巢于高山草丛或石洞中,每窝产卵6-8枚,孵化期29天。雏鸟出壳后,跟随亲鸟生活,直到冬天。血雉活动范围随季节变化而做有规律的迁移,不善飞行但奔跑疾速,夜间在树上过夜。它们的食物在夏秋是莎草科和禾本科的草叶、种子,忍冬的花朵,金背杜鹃的花以及蘑菇和少量昆虫等;冬春二季因冰雪覆盖,以苔藓为主。 Qinling blood pheasants are usually found in the pine forests of the frigid alpine belt1,800to3,200meters above sea level.They move in groups of at least six or eight birds,and in winter a flock may have as many as40or50pheasants. They are not afraid of people,and sometimes they can be found strolling along forest trails.Mating season runs from late April to earlv July.The pheasants build their nests in alpine meadows or in caves,and after laying six to eight eggs,the female bird begins to brood for29days.The young birds live with their parents until winter, then the family makes its seasonal migration.The bird does not fly well,but it runs very fast.It sleeps in trees and feeds during summer and autumn on leaves and sedge or grass seeds,honeysuckle and azalea flowers,mushrooms,and a few insects. In winter and spring,when the alpine belt is icebound,it mostly eats moss.


Dear son... 孩子… The day that you see me old and I am already not, have patience and try to understand me … 哪天你看到我日渐老去,身体也渐渐不行,请耐着性子试着了解我…… If I get dirty when eating… if I cannot dress… have patience. 如果我吃的脏兮兮,如果我不会穿衣服……有耐性一点…… Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you. 你记得我曾花多久时间教你这些事吗? If, when I speak to you,I repeat the same things thousand and one times… 如果,当我一再重复述说 Do not interrupt me… listen to me 同样的事情…不要打断我,听我说…. When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep… 你小时候,我必须一遍又一遍的读着同样的故事,直到你静静睡着…….. When I do not want to have a shower,neither shame me nor scold me… 当我不想洗澡,不要羞辱我也不要责骂我…… Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented,in order that you wanted to bath… 你记得小时后我曾编出多少理由,只为了哄你洗澡….. When you see my ignorance on new technologies… give me the necessary time and not look at me with your mocking smile…


19翻硕考研张培基现代散文精选翻译 不单是诗人,就是被关闭在牢狱里的囚犯,萧索的感触来的,不但是诗人,就是被关闭在牢狱里的囚犯,到了Not only poets,even convicts in prison,I suppose,have deep sentiments in autumn in spite of themselves 秋天,不由自主地In spite of oneself 何尝有国别,更何尝有人种的阶级区别呢Autumn treats all humans alike,regardless of nationality,race or class. 不过在中国,文字里有一个秋士的成语,读本里有着很普遍的欧阳子的秋声与苏东坡《赤壁赋》等,就觉得中国的文人和秋的关系特别深了However,judging from the Chinese idiom qiushi(autumn scholar,meaning an aged scholar grieving over frustration in his life)and the frequent selection in the textbooks of ouyangxiu’s on the autumn sough and Su Dongpo’s on the red cliff,Chinese men of letters seem to be particularly autumn-minded. 可是这球的深味,尤其是中国的秋的深味,非要在北方,才感受到底But,to know the real flavor of autumn especially china’s autumn,one has to visit the North. 南国之秋,当然有它的特异的地方的,比如二十四桥明月,钱塘江的秋潮,普托上的凉雾,荔枝湾的残荷等等Autumn in the south also has its unique feature such as the moon-lit Ershisi bridge in Yangzhou,the flowing sea tide at Qiantangjiang River,the mist-shrouded Putuo mountain and lotuses at the Lizhiwan Bay. 可是色彩不浓,回味不永。But they all lack strong colour and lingering flavour. 比起北国的秋来,正像是黄酒之余白干,稀饭之于馍馍,鲈鱼之于大蟹,黄犬之于骆驼。The southern autumn is to the northern autumn what yellow rice wine is to kaoliang wine, congee to steamed buns,perches to crabs, yellow dogs to camels. 秋天,这北国的秋天,若留得住的话,我愿把寿命的三分之二折去,换得一个三分之一的零头。Autumn,I mean northern autumn,if only it could be made to last forever!I would be more than willing to keep but one-third of my life-span and have two-thirds of it bartered for the prolonged stay of the season. 北方的果树,到秋来,也是一种奇景Fruit trees in the North also make a wonderful sight in autumn. 第一是枣子树;Take jujube tree for example. 屋角,墙头,茅房边上,灶房门口,他都会一株株的长大起来They grow everywhere---around the corner of a house,at the foot of a wall,by the side of a latrine or outside a kitchen door. 像橄榄又像鹅蛋似的这枣子壳儿,在小椭圆形的细叶中间,显出淡绿色微黄的颜色的时候,正是秋的全盛时期;It is at the height of autumn that jujubes,shaped like dates,make their appearance in a light yellowish-green amongst tiny elliptic leaves. 椭圆形的elliptic
