



I. Vocabulary and Structure (15%)

There are 30 questions in this section. For each of the questions, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE that best answers the question.

1. Is the city noted D its champagne?

A. in

B. about

C. on

D. for

2. Everyone blames you A a certain mistake.

A. on

B. for

C. in

D. against

3. The Mississippi River carries great amounts of fine sand and silt into the Gulf of Mexico south of

New Orleans. D

A. collections

B. mounds

C. reserves

D. quantities

4. In arithmetic, a number stands for the size of a set of things. D

A. measures

B. estimates

C. cancels

D. represents

5. The theory of plate tectonics provided scientists with a framework for understanding how and

why the various features of the Earth constantly change. D

A. goal

B. motive

C. subject

D. structure

6. Without exception, the earliest literate societies originated along the banks of great rivers. D

A. public libraries

B. schools

C. naval academies

D. communities

7. An employment contract can be mutually beneficial to both employer and employee. D

A. obviously

B. hardly

C. frequently

D. jointly

8. The school ____D______ is worn on the boys’ caps.

A. stamp

B. label

C. figure

D. badge

9. The committee was under ____B_________ to reach agreement before midnight.

A. duty

B. pressure

C. control

D. influence

10. If you ask me, she _____A______ too high an opinion of herself.

A. keeps

B. takes

C. has

D. feels

11. His business is growing so fast that he has to ____B________ more workers.

A. take up

B. take on

C. take over

D. take out

12. At that time they were poor and they went _______D______ a difficult time.

A. down

B. along with

C. in for

D. through

13. New ways must be found to facilitate the ___B_____ of the problem.

A. revision

B. solution

C. decision

D. conclusion

14. One’s mastery of a foreign language is largely deter mined by his ___D____ to the language.

A. measure

B. exposure

C. pressure

D. seizure

15. She couldn’t understand his ____C_____ of country life to city life.

A. liking

B. reference

C. preference

D. loving

16. The rapid ___A_____ of the country into a world power surprised the world.

A. change

B. shift

C. growth

D. break

17. The __A_____ of the various sciences are in some way more important than the sciences


A. application

B. use

C. usage

D. implication

18. In recent years, the ___C____ of a wide variety of electronic tools has greatly speeded up the chemists’ work.

A. production

B. research

C. development

D. making

19. City dwellers may not be conscious of their ___D_______ of water because water supply is

convenient in the city.

A. carefulness

B. hatefulness

C. gratefulness

D. wastefulness

20. Before 1949, many poor children in China died of ____B_____.

A. shortage

B. starvation

C. hunger

D. anger

21. The use of wild animals in circuses was an innovation first introduced in the United States. D

A. a number

B. a program

C. a musical spectacle

D. a new idea

22. In his The Old Man and The Sea, Ernest Hemingway celebrates the indomitable courage of an elderly fisherman. C

A. discusses

B. investigates

C. praises

D. analyzes

23. People who live in cold climates eagerly look forward to warm, ___C______ summer holidays.

A. airy

B. stuffy

C. sunny

D. clean

24. Why do we have to put up with this ___D_______?

A. worry

B. anxiety

C. eagerness

D. disturbance

25. A motor-car may be regarded as a ___B_______ wealth.

A. personnel

B. personal

C. individual

D. single

26. His illness may result C malnutrition.

A. in

B. to

C. from

D. for

27. The manager will have to hire two people to make up B the lost time.

A. in

B. for

C. on

D. of

28. _____D_______ between them while they waited for the girl to come back.

A. A word was hardly said

B. A word was said hardly

C. Hardly a word was said

D. Hardly was said a word

29. They supposed he was ____D_____ man to be allowed to miss his flight.

A. a too important a

B. a too important

C. too important

D. too important a

30. A motorway was ____B ___ through the garden of one house.

A. building

B. being built

C. built

D. gong to build

II. Cloze (10%)

There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE that best fits into the passages.

The great power of tornadoes is almost (31) . The speed of this whirling funnel-shaped (32) may be more than 500 (33) per hour. It can tear up trees, carry buildings away, and can even lift large trucks (34) the highway. The tornado is like a giant vacuum sweeper that (35) up anything in its (36) . Experts believe that the most violent force of a tornado is (37) inside the funnel, where a vacuum is created because of very low air pressure. When this vacuum moves (38) a building which is filled with air under (39) pressure, the difference between the air pressure inside the building and that outside causes the building to explode. The largest tornado (40) record had a funnel a mile wide.

There are many interesting stories about the strange things that tornadoes have done in the U.S.

Common wheat (41) has been driven several inches (42) posts and trees. Buildings have been (43) completely around on their foundations and have remained (44) . People and animals have been (45) hundreds of feet, often suffering no physical harm. Feathers have been (46) from chickens. Cars, trucks, and even whole freight-trains have been carried away.

A few years ago in the (47) of Indiana, three people were walking into a church just as a tornado (48) . Two walked up the steps into the church building and the third person went (49) into the basement. In that moment, the church building was carried away and the two persons (50) were killed. The one in the basement was not hurt.

31. A. inbelievable B. unknowable C. unseeable D. unbelievable D

32. A. storm B. wind C. rain D. breeze D

33. A. miles B. meters C. inches D. feet A

34. A. above B. over C. off D. up D

35. A. sucks B. breathes C. stuck D. struck A

36. A. passing B. path C. pass D. past B

37. A. seen B. looked C. sought D. found A

38. A. beyond B. into C. over D. off C

39. A. normal B. ordinary C. common D. usual A

40. A. in B. of C. off D. on A

41. A. stick B. branch C. straw D. grass C

42. A. inside B. into C. onto D. past C

43. A. turned B. moved C. shifted D. switched C

44. A. unchanged B. unwounded C. uninjured D. undamaged D

45. A. brought B. taken C. carried D. fetched C

46. A. removed B. broken C. infected D. split A

47. A. county B. city C. state D. province C

48. A. stub B. struck C. stuck D. stuff B

49. A. over B. above C. down D. up C

50. A. upward B. upstairs C. downstairs D. downward B

III. Reading Comprehension (40%)

There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some True-False questions or Multiple-Choice questions. Choose among A, B, C, and D or between T and F to answer each question. Write the letter of your choice on your Answer Sheet.

Passage 1

If we view a science as a body of systematized knowledge, then chemistry is usually called a natural science because it is concerned with knowledge of the natural world. At times we may wonder why there is no complete system into which all of chemistry fits perfectly. Gaps in the present system, however, show that chemis try is still a growing subject and that we haven’t yet discovered all of its facts, laws, and theories. In other words, chemistry as a science is very much with us today, and its future holds the bright promise of much more to come.

Man’s knowledge about h imself and nature has grown into a variety of sciences. The growth of the separate sciences has been more developmental than intentional. The separation of the natural sciences into physical and biological sciences, and physical sciences into physics and chemistry,

happily breaks up a larger body of knowledge into more manageable parts. At the same time we should remember that the concepts, techniques, and applications of the various sciences are interdependent and not exclusively a part of one science or another. In this respect, chemistry is a key science among the natural sciences because everyone, regardless of the area of natural science he wishes to pursue, needs at least an introduction to the principles and simpler applications of chemistry as a foundation for his specialty.

Chemistry deals with the properties of matter, changes in matter, the laws and principles describing these changes, and the concepts and theories that interpret them. Traditionally, chemistry has evolved into four provinces: organic, inorganic, physical, and analytical chemistry.

The traditional area of organic chemistry is concerned primarily with compounds of carbon, and inorganic chemistry deals with non-carbon compounds. Physical chemistry, a productive marriage of physics with chemistry, includes the problems of chemical reactions, the energy associated with them, the structure of molecules, and the nature of various states of matter. Analytical chemistry emphasizes the development of precise methods of analyzing the chemical composition of substance. Analysis may be qualitative (what is in it?) or quantitative (how much of each component is in it?). In recent years, the development of a wide variety of electronic tools has greatly speeded up the chemist’s work and has made poss ible more accurate measurements as well as measurements of new factors.

Chemistry has grown up as a discipline during the past 200 years. It is younger than astronomy but older than psychology. Today, when a student begins to study a discipline, such as chemistry, it may appear to him that the subject is completely “worked out,” that all the answers have been found, and that there is nothing new to discover. Because there is a huge body of knowledge — facts, theories, and applications—already worked out, this impression is understandable. However, more new chemistry than ever is now being discovered in these three areas. There are over tow million entries in the current index to the chemical literature each year, and at least 300,000 new compounds are made annually. An intellectual discipline must provide for freedom of exchange of ideas, discoveries, and applications. Consequently, an intellectual discipline thrives best in an academic atmosphere.

51. If we view a science as a body of …. C

A. examine

B. look at

C. consider

D. watch

52. Gaps in the present system, however, show that …. D

A. distance

B. an empty space between two objects

C. difference

D. a lack (of something)

53. Chemistry deals with the properties of matter, …. B

A. possession

B. quality

C. ownership

D. fortune

54. Chemistry has grown up as a discipline…. D

A. obedience and self-control

B. punishment

C. a method of training

D. a branch of learning

55. There are over two million entries in the current index to… B.

A. entrance

B. a list

C. a gate

D. the right to enter

Passage 2

For centuries town and country have been regarded as being in opposition to each other. It has been suggested that the superficial differences between the two—wide-open spaces contrasting with brick and concrete—are less important than the contrasting attitudes of town and country.

I am one of the many city people who are always saying that given the choice we would prefer to live in the country away from the dirt and noise of a large city. I have managed to convince myself that if it weren’t for my job I would immediately head out for the open spaces and go back to nature in some sleepy village buried in the country. But how realistic is this dream?

Cities can be frightening places. The majority of the population live in noisy massive tower blocks. The sense of belonging to a community tends to disappear when you live fifteen floors up. All you can see from your window is sky, or other blocks of flats. Children become aggressive and nervous, staying at home all day, with nowhere to play; their mothers feel isolated form the rest of the world. Strangely enough, whereas in the past the inhabitants of one street all knew each other, nowadays people on the same floor in tower blocks don’t even say hello to each other.

Country life, on the other hand, differs from this kind of isolated existence in that a sense of community generally binds the inhabitants of small villages together. People have the advantage of knowing that there is always someone to turn to when they need help. But country life has disadvantages too. While it is true that you may be among friends in a village, it is also true that you are cut off from the exciting and important events that take place in cities. There’s little possibility o f going to a new show or the latest movie. Shopping becomes a major problem, and for anything slightly out of the ordinary you have to go on an expedition to the nearest large town. The city-dweller who leaves for the country is often oppressed by a sense of unbearable stillness and quiet.

What, then, is the answer? The country has the advantage of peace and quiet, but suffers from the disadvantage of being cut off; the city breeds neurosis and a feeling of isolation—constant noise batters the senses. But one of its main advantages is that you are at the centre of things, and that life doesn’t come to an end at half past nine at night. Some people have found (or rather bought) a compromise between the two; they have expressed their preference for the “quiet life” by leaving the suburbs and moving to villages within commuting distance of the large cities.

56. In the author’s opinion, ____C_____.

A. city life is better than country life

B. country life is better than city life

C. city life and country life have their own advantages and disadvantages each

D. neither of city life and country life is desirable

57. All the following are advantages of country life except that C .

A. it has fresh air

B. people there are more friendly to each other

C. it is cut off from the outside world

D. it is peaceful

58. All the following are disadvantages of city life except that B .

A. people are more isolated from each other

B. life doesn’t come to an end at half past nine at night

C. it is dirty and noisy

D. it is crowded

59. All the following about people living in the country are right except that A .

A. they live a more convenient life.

B. they are easier to find help.

C. they have a stronger sense of community.

D. they live a less exciting life.

60. The compromise between country life and city life is B .

A. to live in the city for a period of time and then in the country for another

B. to work in the city and live in a nearby village

C. to give up the job and live in the countryside

D. to live in the countryside after retirement

Passage 3

Geologists have been studying volcanoes for a long time. Though they have learned a great deal, they still have not discovered the causes of volcanic action. They know that the inside of the earth is very hot, but they are not sure exactly what causes the great heat. Some geologists have thought that the heat is caused by the great pressure of the earth’s outer layers. Or the heat may be left from the time when the earth was formed. During the last sixty years, scientists have learned about radium, uranium, and other radioactive elements. These give out heat all the time as they change into other elements. Many scientists now believe that much of the heat inside the earth is produced by radioactive elements.

Whatever the cause of the heat may be, we do know that the earth gets hotter the farther down we dig. In deep mines and oil wells the temperature rises about 1℉ for each 50 feet. At this rate the temperature 40 miles below the earth’s surface would be over 4,000℉. This is much hotter than necessary to melt rock. However, the pressure of the rock above keeps most materials from melting at their usual melting points. Geologists believe that the rock deep in the earth may be plastic. In other words, the ro ck yields slowly to pressure but is not liquid. But if some change in the earth’s crust releases the pressure, the rock melts. Then the hot, liquid rock can move up toward the surface. When the melted rock works its way close to the earth’s crust, a volcan o may be formed. The melted rock often contains steam and other gases under great pressure. If the rock above gives way, the pressure is released. Then the sudden expansion of the gases causes explosions. These blow the melted rock into pieces of different sizes and shoot them high in the air. Here they cool and harden into volcanic ash and cinders. Some of this material falls around the hole made in the earth’s surface. The melted rock may keep on rising and pour as lava. In this way, volcanic ash, cinders, and lava build up the cone-shaped mountains that we call volcanoes.

61. Geologists have discovered the causes of volcanic action. F

62. The deeper we dig, the hotter the earth is. T

63. Rocks deep in the earth melt when the pressure from the rock above is lost. T

64. The explosions blow the melted rock into pieces of different sizes and shoot them high in the air

so that they cannot be found again. F

65. V olcanoes are cone-shaped mountains built up by volcanic ash, cinders and lava. T

Passage 4

Individuals receive most of their income as suppliers of the factors of production. As laborers they receive wages. As landlords they receive rent. As lenders of money capital they receive interest. As owners, or part owners, of business firms they receive an income that is partly interest and partly profits. Their decisions in disposing of this income determine what goods will be produced and in what quantities.

In primitive times, individuals and families satisfied their own wants directly by hunting and fishing and gathering wild foods. If they had clothing, it was the skins of animals they had killed themselves. They built their own shelter in the form of huts or of tents made from skins. Later some

people started to raise agricultural products and others started to breed domesticated animals for their own use. As long as these conditions persisted, the economy was simple to understand and explain.

Later, however, we began to have some specialization and division of labor. Some skilled individuals began to devote most of their time to making bows and arrows and trading them to the hunters for meat. Some people discovered how to make clay pots and traded them to others for agricultural products. In some places people discovered how to weave cloth and traded the cloth for other products. Most primitive tribes developed some form of money to overcome the difficulties of direct barter exchange.

Our present economic system represents an extremely high development of this principle of specialization and division of labor. Few people now produce goods for their own use and almost no one produces all the different kinds of goods that he wishes to use. Instead we find large numbers of individuals who devote all their working time to making a small part of one particular article or performing one particular operation in a productive process. Others are performing various kinds of specialized services. Most people sell their productive services for money and then use the money to buy goods and services that are produced by a large number of other people. Some people are engaged in making machines that will be used to make other machines or tools with which to manufacture goods.

This process of specialization and division of labor results in a tremendously greater output of goods and services than would be possible without it. It also makes us extremely dependent upon other people both to buy the goods or services that we help to produce and to supply the goods or services for us to buy that we do not produce for ourselves. This interdependence contributes to the complexity and severity of many problems arising out of changes in economic activity. In spite of the problems created by interdependence, almost no one advocates a return to a system of individual family self-sufficiency. Not only would a return to self-sufficiency mean a greatly reduced standard of living; it is doubtful if the present population could even be maintained under such a system. 66. The individuals’ decisions in disposing of their money determine what goods will be produced

and how many of each kind of goods will be produced. T

67. The specialization and division of labor made the economy simpler to understand and explain. F

68. Money was developed as a means to overcome the difficulties of direct barter exchange. T 68. Specialization and division of labor greatly speeded up the development of economy. T 70. The interdependence among people in modern society makes economic problems more complex

and severe. T

IV. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (10%)

71. Well do I remember the stories he told me about his childhood.


72. He has done this by his ignorance, his greed, and his wastefulness.


73. The complications of international trade arise because the two parties use different monies.


74. A student of any area of natural science needs at least an introduction to the principles and

simpler applications of chemistry as a foundation for his specialty.


75. One person out of three will be dismissed from the company by the end of the year.


V. Translate the following sentences into English. (10%)

76.人人都需要吃、喝和休息。we all need to eat, drink and rest.

77.这个大厅可容纳多达三千人。(up to)

The hall can accommodate up to 3000 people.


The major categories of natural sciences constitute a systematized body of knowledge.

79.第一次世界大战爆发于1914年。World War I broke out in 1914.


They run out of money, so they have to interrupt the project.

VI. Writing (15%)

For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic CARS IN THE CITY. You should write at least 100 words and base your opinions on sound proofs or facts. The following points may serve as a framework.


(2) 说一下汽车增多有什么好处或坏处。

(3) 你认为应该如何克服这些坏处?

Today, most people in the city rely on automobiles as a means of transportation. So more and more are driving to work every in thei r own cars. To many city dwellers, cars have become a necessity. But to o many cars in the street also create problems. Traffic congestions, a ccidents and air pollution are the three most obvious problems that accompany a sharp increase of cars. We often get caught in h eavy traffic during the rush hours, when it takes a long tim e to move forward even an inch. And thousands of people die wh ile a greater number are injured, some crippled for life, in traffic accidents every year. If we want to enjoy our cars in safety, we had better follow the traffic rules carefully. Too many cars have created a lot of serious problems in our world. Besides congestion, accidents and fast fuel co nsumption, cars are responsible for a good part of air pollution in big cities. All the time, they are pumping huge amounts of waste gases into the atmosph ere. These gases are very harmful, causing disease and even death. One possible solution is to design and develop clean cars and clea n fuels. In Shanghai, some of the public buses begin


郑州工商学院 期末考试 1. (单项选择)The doctor’s report ____ that her death was due to heart disease.( ) (本题2分) A. indicating B. indicated C. indicates D. will indicate 答案: B 解析: 无 2. (单项选择)Medical researchers reached the ____ long ago that smoking is a serious hazard to health.( ) (本题2分) A. decision B. investigation C. conclusion D. explanation 答案: C 解析: 无 3. (单项选择)George Washington, the first President of the U.S., is known ____ the Father of His Country.( ) (本题2分) A. for B. like C. as D. because 答案: C 解析: 无 4. (单项选择)The fire that broke out in the plant during the night was still seen _____ a lot of smoke the next morning.( ) (本题2分) A. giving off B. give off C. giving in D. give in 答案: A 解析: 无 5. (单项选择)They have invented a new ____ washing machine.( ) (本题2分) A. types B. kinds of C. kind D. type of 答案: D


2017 年大学英语普通专升本全真试题 Directions: In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentence. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. One point is given to each correct choice. 16. Shall we ask the team leader____our suggestion again? A. to consider B. considering C. consider D. considered California 17. The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, measures_____that one. A. as twice as long B. twice long as C. as twice long as D. twice as long as 18. It’s no good_____. You just have to put up with all these. A. complained B. to be complaining

C. complaining D. to complain ’s been out 19. You____have seen Jane in her room last Monday. She of city for a week. A. couldn ’t B. didn ’t C. mustn ’t D. shouldn ’t 20.The brochure_____to give customers the information about our new products. A. designed B. is designed C. designs D. has designed 21.You ’d better not disturb me, I____letters all the morning and have written six so far. A. write B. was writing C. have been writing D. am writing 22. The tea cher didn ’t seem to be satisfied with the examination . A. So did the students B. So the students did C. Neither the students did D. Neither did the students


1. 专升本大学英语词汇要求 领会式掌握4000个左右的单词,以及由这些词构成的常用词组(包 括中学所掌握的词和词组),并且有按照基本构词法识别生词的能力。 2. 大学英语对升本语法结构要求 巩固和加深基本语法知识,提高在语篇水平上运用语法知识的能力。 ●考核学生对语法结构和词语用法的掌握程度。 ●重视词汇和语法的学习。不能只求记住多少单词、词组的意义和语法规则, 要做到灵活运用。 B. 考查重点 1. 词汇考查重点 1. 动词、名词与介词的搭配如:popular (patient)+with;yield/solution/adapt/transfer/access+to;accuse/require+of;charge+for;under+discussion等等。 习惯用法如:confess to/set about/be used to+doing;be supposed to/have (make) sb.+do等。 2. 由同一动词构成的短语如:come,go,set,break等构成的短语。 3. 单个的动词、抽象名词、形容词和副词多以近义词、同义词的形式 出现。 4. 介词短语在句中作状语如:in terms of;with the exception of;in vain等,另外还应注意rather than,other than,such as,none/nothing+but等词在考题中出现。

2. 语法结构考查重点 1.基本语法知识:词类,非谓语动词,名词从句,形容词从句,副词从句,独立主格,一致,倒装,强调等。 2.语法结构重点为内容庞杂较难掌握的项目,如:虚拟语气,状语从句,定语从句,独立主格,情态动词。 1)虚拟语气的考点 ① would rather+that从句+ ; ② It is vital/necessary/important/urgent/imperative/desirable /advisable/natural/essential+that+ ; ③ It is time/about time/high time+that+ ; proposal/suggestion+that+ ; ④ lest+that+should+ ; ⑤ if only+that+would+ 。 2)状语从句的考点 ①非if引导的条件状语从句,此类句子多用at times,provided,so long as,in case,once等来替代if; ②由even if/so,now that,for all等引导的让步状语从句; ③ just/hardly…when引导的时间状语从句; ④ more than,as…as,not so much as,the same as,as much as 等引导的比较状语从句。


《大学英语》样卷 Part II. Reading Comprehension (40 points) Directions:There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One How do young children learn to have good values? How can parents teach their children about the importance of kindness, patience, and self-discipline? At a time when more and more parents worry about the negative and violent images (暴力形象) their children see on TV, in the movies and, on the internet, some are turning to fairy tales (童话) as a way to teach their young ones how to behave in society. Fairy tales were not always intended for children. We know this because some of these stories have existed for hundreds of years and were passed from generation to generation through songs and drama. They were considered entertainment for everyone, not only for young people. In these ancient stories, the heroes were extremely clever, fiercely independent, and never gave up. Over the years, some of the heroes’ qualities and story lines have been changed to fit the times. Psychologists think that fairy tales have a positive influence on children because they present the two sides of good and evil very clearly. When children hear the stories, they develop sympathetic for the heroic characters. In each tale, they can see that there are many different kinds of people in the world and that we all have a choice about what kind of people we want to be. We can choose to do good actions, rather than bad ones, in our lives. What kind of values can children learn from fairy tales? In “The Princess and the Pea,”a poorly dressed girl who insists she is a princess is given a difficult test by the Queen. When she passes the test, we learn that she is rewarded because she stayed true to herself. In “The Little Mermaid,” the mermaid (美人鱼) who lives under the sea longs to be with the humans on land. Through her experiences, we learn about the importance of living with and accepting other cultures. In “Pinocchio,” a wooden puppet (木偶) turns into a boy when he finally learns how to tell the truth. Teaching values is the reason most often given for teaching literature and encouraging reading. These old stories can indeed teach us lessons about human relationships that are universal (普遍的) enough to survive throughout the centuries. This might be the reason why they have been around for so long and are unlikely to disappear any time soon. 1. What do we learn about fairy tales from the passage? A. They are written solely for children.


大学英语3(专升本)综合测试3 总分:100分得分:0分 一、单选题 1. People at the party worried about him, ___________because no one was aware he had gone.(1分) (A) of where (B) of the place where (C) where (D) the place 参考答案:A 2. A police officer claimed that the young man had attempted to______ paying his fare.(1分) (A) avoid (B) reject (C) refuse (D) neglect 参考答案:A 3. It's high time we___________ the lecture because everybody has arrived.(1分) (A) will start (B) shall start (C) start (D) started 参考答案:D 4. This kind of material expands ___________the temperature increasing.(1分) (A) to (B) for (C) with (D) at 参考答案:C 5. __________these honors he received a sum of money.(1分) (A) Except (B) But (C) Besides (D) Outside 参考答案:C 6. A sudden noise of a fire-engine made him ___________ to the door.(1分) (A) hurrying (B) hurried (C) hurry


普通专升本《大学英语》考点复习资料 1. able ability enable capable be able to do能够做… have the ability to do能够做,有能力做…: He has the ability to make very good boat. enable sb to do使…能做…: Internet has enabled us to get information from all over the world. Be capable of能够做…:He is capable of drawing oil painting. He is able to read and write in English. 2. absent反义词:present 3. abroad国外,海外:live ~ go ~ Many young people are eager to go abroad to study. 4. access:入口,途径;机会,权利。Have access to sth Citizens in the town all have access to the books in the local(当地的)library. 5. absorb吸收be absorbed in全神贯注于… All the students are absorbed in Professor's lecture on China's economy. 6. accept接受receive收到(不一定接受) She received a gift from him,but she didn‘t accept it. 7. by accident=by chance偶然地on purpose故意地 8. according to根据 According to the article,environmental pollution has been taken under control. 9. take…into account=take…into consideration把…考虑在内 I hope my teacher will take into account my illness when he grades our test paper. Account描述 She gave an account of what he saw in China. 10. accuse sb of sth = charge sb with(for)sth指责…做了…;指控…犯了… He was accused of robbing the bank and sentenced ten years in gail. His mother charged him with being lazy. 11. be accustomed to = be used to习惯于后接sth或doing sth used to过去有过去常常后接do sth Mr. Smith is not used/accustomed to driving on the right. I'm already used to the life here. There used to be a house near the river. He used to get up while he was in the middle school. 12. achieve获得,达到 You will achieve nothing if you waste your time this way. 13. adapt=adjust适应~ adopt收养;采用 You should adapt to college life as soon as possible. He adjusted himself very quickly to the weather in the country. 14. add to增添add up to总计达 15. in addition(to)=besides此外 In order to master a foreign language,we should learn some grammar. In addition,we'd better learn some words. 16. adequate=enough 17. admit承认


【Vocabulary and Structure】专项练习100题 1. It is well known that Tomas Edison __________ the electric lamp. A. discovered B. Found C. developed D. invented 2. I couldn’t enter the lab because I had ____________ the key in my office. A. taken B. left C. missed D. got 3. I regret ____________ you that we are unable to offer you employment. A. informing C. to inform B. having informed D. to have informed 4. The chairman has informed us that he ____________a few minutes late after the meeting begins. A. has arrived C. could arrive B. should arrive D. may arrive 5. She had made __________many mistakes in the article that we couldn’t catch what she meant. A. such B. that C. so D. as 6. I sincerely ____________him to make great progress with his new job in a short tine. A. expect B. believe C. think D. instruct 7. Is ____________ necessary to complete the design before National Day? A. this B. that C. it D. such 8. She said she would live in London for ____________ four or five years. A. another B. others C. other D. the others 9. Mr. Smith used to smoke ____________but he has given it up now. A. badly B. seriously C. heavily D. hardly 10. Thousands of people took part in when the old temple ____________. A. was rebuilding C. would be rebuilt B. was being rebuilt D. had been rebuilt 【1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.B】 11. ____ with each other, two systems can work better. A) When combine C) When combined B) When combining D) When they combined 12. It's important that everyone ____ here on time. A) is B) will be C) must be D) be 13. The stormy weather gradually gave _____ to a period of sunshine. A) room B) way C) space D) place 14. I could not do anything except just _____ for him to come round. A) waiting B) to wait C) waited D) wait 15. I can't _____ the sight of that poor man. A) suffer B) endure C) bear D) put up 16. Wang Ming ____ ill. I saw him playing basketball a moment ago. A) needn't have been C) couldn't have been


现代远程教育 2019年专升本大学英语 入学考试复习题 I. Grammar Structure and Vocabulary Section A ( 1.5 marks each) Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a pencil. 1. Seeing the black cloud he went back to his house to_____B______his umbrella. A. carry B. fetch C.bring D. take 2. Tom is now working in London and is not ____C_______ to driving on the left. A. served B. costumed C. accustomed D. using 3. The story ____D_____ mainly of four parts. A. makes B. composes C. is consisted D. consists 4. It was nearly an hour before the sleeping pill took _____A______ . A. effect B. action C. force D. place 5. Will you ____B_____ your shoes when you get in ? A. put off B. remove C. escape D. shake 6. I don’t have any change with me. Will you pay the fare for me? _D______. A. That’s all right B. I don’t believe you C. How dare you say that D. Sorry, but that’s no excuse 7. What do you think __C____ a taxi to the airport? A. to take B. your taking C. about taking D. taking 8. He is always complaining about one thing or __C_____. A. others B. something C. another D. everything 9. None of you ___C____ to stay until the game is over, if you do not want to. A. must B. needn’t C. has D. haven’t 10. I don’t unders tand this point of grammar. I wish I __B__ it better. A. understand B. understood C. would understand D. had understood 11. In learning English we should place emphasis D practices. A. for B. to C. of D. on 12. John and I have never been to this C town. A. tiny B. short C. small D. slight 13. Being a fashion model B frequently bargaining with the fashion-show


2014 年福建省普通高职(专科)专升本招生统一考试 大学英语试卷 (考试时间120 分钟,满分150 分) 考生答题注意事项: 1、答题前,考生务必在试题卷、答题卡规定的地方填写自己的准考证号、姓名(答题卡 背面只需填写姓名)。考生要认真核对答题卡粘贴的条形码的“准考证号、姓名”与考生本人准考证号、姓名是否一致。 2、本试卷分为两部分,第一部分为选择理,第二部分为非选择题。选择题每小题选 出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号。非选择题用0.5毫米黑色签字笔并严格按照题号顺序在答题卡上书写作答,在试题卷上作答无效。 3、考试结束后,考生必须将试题卷和答题卡一并交回。 4、合理安排答题空间,超出答题区域无效。 第一部分选择题 I . Vocabulary and Structure (45 points,1.5 for each) Directions:In this section, there are 30 incomplete sentences or dialogues. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence or the dialogue. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET. 1. —Could you help me? —__________ A. Good idea B. No problem C. Not at all D. It doesn’t matter 2. He was__________sad that tears came to his eyes suddenly. A. very B. so C. too D. much 3. __________I have a look at your ID card? We have to check your information. A. May B. Must C. Need D. Should 4. Mr. Black is looking forward to__________from his son working abroad. A. hear B. heard C. hears D. hearing 5. There are a lot of parks in my town. Most of__________are beautiful. A. it B. they C. them D. us 6. The poor old man has little money. He can not__________a warm sweater. A. effort B. effect C. afford D. affect 7. Would you like__________cup of tea? A. other B. the other C. another D. others 8. —Thank you very much for helping me with my English.—__________. A. Don’t mind B. That’s all C. Don’t mention it D. That’s right 9. I will tell you as soon as she __________. A. will come back B. came back C. come back D. comes back 10. The American twin sisters are new students in our school. __________of them can speak Chinese very well. A. Neither B. None C. No one D. All 11. There must be__________wrong with my TV set. It doesn’t work. A. nothing B. everything C. anything D. something 12. Having lived here for nearly one year, I have__________the customs in the area now. A. used to B. got used to C. got use to D. been use to


1. able/ability/enable/unable/disable/disabled/dis ability able的同根词用法一致,后接不定式。 比较:be able to do sth. / be capable of (doing) sth. 2. 动词词缀:en-+ adj./n.或adj./n.+/-en enable/enlarge/enrich/encourage/brighten/wid en/worsen/sharpen/strengthen/heighten/length en 3. abandon vt. 放弃,抛弃,放纵abandon oneself to 纵情于,沉溺于(=be addicted to) 4. aboard adv. 在船(车)上,上船abroad adv. 在国外,到国外 board n. 木板on board 在船上 broad adj. 宽的,宽阔的 5. absent adj. 不在的, 缺席的(反:present) 6. absolute adj. 完全的, 绝对的 7. absorb vt. 吸收, 吸引 be absorbed in 全神贯注于 8. abundant adj. 丰富的,大量的(=plentiful) 9. access n. 通路, 接近,入门 have access to 接近,有权使用 e.g. Citizens may have free access to the public library. 10. accident n. 意外事件, 事故 by accident 偶然(=by chance)(on purpose 故意) 11. accompany vt. 陪伴,陪同 12. accomplish vt. 完成, 达到, 实现~ the task accomplishment n. 成就 13. account n. 计算, 帐目, 说明,解释 on account of 由于 take... into account 考虑到(= take…into consideration) account for 解释,说明 14. accuse vt. 指责,控告 accuse sb. of sh. 因某事控告某人 (同:charge sb. with sth. 因某事控告某人) e.g. He was accused of robbing the bank and sentenced ten years in jail. His mother charged him with being lazy. 15. achieve vt. 完成, 达到 achievement n. 成就, 功绩 16. action n. 动作, 行动, 举动 take action to do sth. 采取行动做某事(同:take measures to do sth.) 17. actor n. 男演员→actress n. 女演员 类似:waitress(女侍者,女服务生), hostess(女主人), princess(公主,王妃)18. adapt vt. 使适应, 改编 adapt oneself to sth. 适应(= adjust oneself to sth.) e.g. He adapted/adjusted himself very quickly to the weather in the country. 比较:adopt vt. 采用, 收养 19. advance n. 前进, 提升v. 前进, 提前 in advance 预先,提前 20. advantage n. 优势, 有利条件(反:disadvantage n. 不利条件, 缺点)have an advantage over 胜过,占优势 take advantage of 利用 21. advertise v. 为…做广告 advertisement/ad n. 广告 22. advise vt. 劝告, 忠告 advise sb. to do sth. 劝说(强调动作) persuade sb. to do sth. 说服(强调结果)注意:advise的宾语从句或It is advised that结构的主语从句,需使用should型虚拟语气。 advice n. 忠告, 建议 23. afford vt. 买得起, 负担得起 ~ sth. (a new car, vacation, etc.) ~ to do sth. 24. agree vi. 同意, 赞成 agree with sb. agree on sth. (经过讨论后)就…达成一致 agree to sth. (plan, proposal, etc.)


现代远程教育 2011年专升本大学英语 入学考试复习题 (一) 注;答案一律写在答题纸上,做在试题上无效 I. Grammar Structure and V ocabulary Section A (1.5 marks each) Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a pencil. 1. Many things ___ impossible in the past are common now. A. considered B. considering C. to consider D. to be considered 2. The factory is said ___ in a fire two years ago. A. to be destroyed B. to destroy C. to have destroyed D. to have been destroyed 3. The reason for his success is ____ he worked hard. A. why B. that C. because D. for 4. By the time the course ends, ___ a lot about Britain. A. we’ll learn B. we are learning C. we have learnt D. we’ll have learnt 5. I did not know ___ him or not. A. whether to help B. if to help C. how to help D. what to help 6. It was very good _____ him to help us. A. by B. of C. from D. about 7. We’ll have to get out and walk; the car’s _____ down. A. fallen B. broken C. run D. gone 8. There was a small _____ of sugar in the cup. A. amount B. number C. the number D. few


《大学英语》复习题(专升本) 一、单项填空 1. ---Have you heard the latest news? ---No, What ________? A. is it B. is there C. are they D. are those 2. Some pre-school children go to a day care center, __________ they learn simple games and songs. A. then B. there C. while D. where 3. Does this meal cost $50? I __________ something far better than this! A. prefer B. expect C. suggest D. suppose 4. ---Can you read the sign, sir? No smoking allowed in the lift! ---__________________. A. Never mind B. Don’t mention it C. Sure, I don’t smoke D. Pardon me 5.---The last one __________________ pays the meal. ---Agreed! A.arrived B.arrives C.to arrive D.arriving 6.---How’s your tour ar ound the North Lake? Is it beautiful? ---It ________ be, but it is now heavily polluted. A.will B.would C.should D.must 7.We all know that, __________, the situation will get worse. A.not if dealt carefully with B.if not carefully dealt with C.if dealt not carefully with D.not if carefully dealt with 8.I smell something __________ in the kitchen. Can I call you back in a minute? A.burning B.burnt C.being burnt D.to be burnt 9.Between the two generations, it is often not their age, _________ their education that causes misunderstanding. A.like B.as C.or D.but 10.The manager suggested an earlier date ____________ the meeting. A.on B.for C.about D.with 二、完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的
