



课后答案: Unit One/Section A I. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text: 1. Charles Babbage; Augusta Ada Byron 2. input; output 3. VLSI 4. workstations; mainframes 5. vacuum; transistors 6. instructions; software 7. digit; eight; byte 8. microminiaturization; chip II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa: 1. artificial intelligence 人工智能 2. paper-tape reader 纸带阅读器 3. optical computer 光计算机 4. neural network 神经网络 5. instruction set 指令集 6. parallel processing 并行处理 7. difference engine 差分机 8. versatile logical element 通用逻辑元件 9. silicon substrate 硅衬底 10. vacuum tube 真空管 11. 数据的存储与处理the storage and handling of data 12. 超大规模集成电路very large-scale integrated circuit 13. 中央处理器 central processing unit 14. 个人计算机personal computer 15. 模拟计算机analogue computer 16. 数字计算机digital computer 17. 通用计算机general-purpose computer1

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18. 处理器芯片processor chip 19. 操作指令operating instructions 20. 输入设备 input device III. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, making changes if necessary: We can define a computer as a device that accepts input, processes data, stores data, and produces output. According to the mode of processing, computers are either analog or digital. They can also be classified as mainframes, minicomputers, workstations, or microcomputers. All else (for example, the age of the machine) being equal, this categorization provides some indication of the computer’s speed, size, cost, and abilities. Ever since the advent of computers, there have been constant changes. First-generation computers of historic significance, such as UNIVAC (通用自动计算机), introduced in the early 1950s, were based on vacuum tubes. Second-generation computers, appearing in the early 1960s, were those in which transistors replaced vacuum tubes. In third-generation computers, dating from the 1960s, integrated circuits replaced transistors. In fourth-generation computers such as microcomputers, which first appeared in the mid-1970s, large-scale integration enabled thousands of circuits to be incorporated on one chip. Fifth-generation computers are expected to combine

---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ very-large-scale integration with sophisticated approaches to computing, including artificial intelligence and true distributed processing.2

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IV. Translate the following passage from English into Chinese: 计算机将变得更加先进,也将变得更加容易使用。



人们正在开发其他的奇异计算模型,包括使用生物机体的生物计算、使用具有特定属性的分子的分子计算,以及使用遗传基本单位 DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)存储数据和执行操作的计算。




Unit Two: Computer Architecture Unit Two/Section A I. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text: 1. input; output; storage 2. Basic Input/Output System 3. flatbed scanners; hand-held scanners 4. LCD-based 5. dot-matrix printers; inkjet printers 6. disk drives; memory 7. volatile 8. serial; parallel II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa: 1. function key 功能键,操作键 2. voice recognition module 语音识别模块 3. touch-sensitive region 触敏区 4. address bus 地址总线3

---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 5. flatbed scanner 平板扫描仪 6. dot-matrix printer 点阵打印机(针式打印机) 7. parallel connection 并行连接 8. cathode ray tube 阴极射线管 9. video game 电子游戏 10. audio signal 音频信号 11. 操作系统 operating system 12. 液晶显示(器) LCD (liquid crystal display) 13. 喷墨打印机 inkjet printer 14. 数据总线 data bus 15. 串行连接 serial connection 16. 易失性存储器 volatile memory 17. 激光打印机 laser printer 18. 磁盘驱动器disk drive 19. 基本输入/输出系统BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) 20. 视频显示器 video display III. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, making changes if necessary:CD-ROM stands for compact disc read-only memory. Unlike floppy and hard disks,which use magnetic charges to represent 1s and 0s, optical discs use reflected light. On aCD-ROM disc, 1s and 0s are represented by flat areas and bumpy (高低不平的) areas (called “pits”) on its bottom surface. The CD-ROM disc is read by a laser that projects a tiny beam of light on these areas. The amount of reflected light determines whether the area represents a 1 or a 0. Like a commercial CD found in music stores, a CD-ROM is a “read-only” disc. Read-only means it cannot be written on or erased by the user. Thus, you as a user have4

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access only to the data imprinted (压印) by the publisher. A single CD-ROM disc can store 650 megabytes (兆字节) of data. That is equivalent to 451 floppy disks. With that much information on a single disc, the time to retrieve or access the information is very important. An important characteristic of CD-ROM drives is their access rate. IV. Translate the following passage from English into Chinese: 调制解调器是在模拟和数字信号之间进行转换的设备。







Unit Three: Computer Language and Programming Unit Three/Section A I. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text: 1. artificial; instructions 2. low-level;

---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ high-level 3. machine 4. machine 5. functional; logic 6. statement 7. module 8. digital II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:5

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第一单元:计算机与计算机科学 课文A:计算机概览 一、引言 计算机是一种电子设备,它能接收一套指令或一个程序,然后通过对数字数据进行运算 或对其他形式的信息进行处理来执行该程序。 要不是由于计算机的发展,现代的高科技世界是不可能产生的。不同类型和大小的计算 机在整个社会被用于存储和处理各种数据,从保密政府文件、银行交易到私人家庭账目。计 算机通过自动化技术开辟了制造业的新纪元,而且它们也增强了现代通信系统的性能。在几 乎每一个研究和应用技术领域,从构建宇宙模型到产生明天的气象报告,计算机都是必要的 工具,并且它们的应用本身就开辟了人们推测的新领域。数据库服务和计算机网络使各种各 样的信息源可供使用。同样的先进技术也使侵犯个人隐私和商业秘密成为可能。计算机犯罪 已经成为作为现代技术代价组成部分的许多风险之一。 二、历史 第一台加法机是法国科学家、数学家和哲学家布莱斯.帕斯卡于1642年设计的,它是数 字计算机的先驱。这个装置使用了一系列带有10个齿的轮子,每个齿代表从0到9的一个数字。轮子互相连接,从而通过按照正确的齿数向前转动轮子,就可以将数字彼此相加。17世纪70 年代,德国哲学家和数学家戈特弗里德.威廉.莱布尼兹对这台机器进行了改良,设计了一台 也能做乘法的机器。 法国发明家约瑟夫―玛丽.雅卡尔,在设计自动织机时,使用了穿孔的薄木板来控制复 杂图案的编织。在19世纪80年代期间,美国统计学家赫尔曼.何勒里斯,想出了使用类似雅 卡尔的木板那样的穿孔卡片来处理数据的主意。通过使用一种将穿孔卡片从电触点上移过的 系统,他得以为1890年的美国人口普查汇编统计信息。 1、分析机 也是在19世纪,英国数学家和发明家查尔斯.巴比奇,提出了现代数字计算机的原理。 他构想出旨在处理复杂数学题的若干机器,如差分机。许多历史学家认为,巴比奇及其合伙 人,数学家奥古斯塔.埃达.拜伦,是现代数字计算机的真正先驱。巴比奇的设计之一,分析 机,具有现代计算机的许多特征。它有一个以一叠穿孔卡片的形式存在的输入流、一个保存 数据的“仓库”、一个进行算术运算的“工厂”和一个产生永久性纪录的打印机。巴比奇未 能将这个想法付诸实践,尽管在那个时代它在技术上很可能是可行的。 2、早期的计算机 模拟计算机是19世纪末开始制造的。早期型号是靠转动的轴和齿轮来进行计算的。用任 何其他方法都难以计算的方程近似数值,可以用这样的机器来求得。开尔文勋爵制造了一台 机械潮汐预报器,这实际上就是一台专用模拟计算机。第一次和第二次世界大战期间,机械 模拟计算系统,以及后来的电动模拟计算系统,在潜艇上被用作鱼雷航线预测器,在飞机上 被用作轰炸瞄准具的控制器。有人还设计了另一个系统,用于预测密西西比河流域春天的洪 水。 3、电子计算机 第二次世界大战期间,以伦敦北面的布莱切利公园为工作地点的一组科学家和数学家, 制造了最早的全电子数字计算机之一:“巨人”。到1943年12月,这个包含了1500个真空管 的“巨人”开始运转了。它被以艾伦.图灵为首的小组用于破译德国用恩尼格码加密的无线 电报,他们的尝试大部分是成功的。 除此而外,在美国,约翰.阿塔纳索夫和克利福德.贝里早在1939年就在艾奥瓦州立学院


They can also be classified as mainframes, minicomputers, 3版)》练习参考答案《计算机英语(第workstations, or microcomputers. All else (for example, the age of the machine) being equal, this Unit One: Computer and Computer Science categorization provides some Unit One/Section A indication of the computer's speed, size, cost, and abilities. I. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text: Ever since the advent of computers, there have been constant 1. Charles Babbage; Augusta Ada Byron changes. First-generation 2. input; output computers of historic significance, such as UNIVAC (通用自动计3. VLSI 4. workstations; mainframes 算机), introduced in the 5. vacuum; transistors early 1950s, were based on vacuum tubes. Second-generation 6. instructions; software computers, appearing in the 7. digit; eight; byte early 1960s, were those in which transistors replaced vacuum 8. microminiaturization; chip tubes. In third-generation computers, dating from the 1960s, integrated circuits replaced II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into transistors. In fourth-generation Chinese and vice versa: computers such as microcomputers, which first appeared in the 1. artificial intelligence 人工智能mid-1970s, large-scale integration enabled thousands of circuits to be incorporated on 纸带阅读器2. paper-tape reader one chip. Fifth-generation 3. optical computer 光计算机 computers are expected to combine very-large-scale integration 神经网络4. neural network with sophisticated approaches 5. instruction set 指令集 to computing, including artificial intelligence and true distributed 并行处理6. parallel processing processing. 差分机7. difference engine 8. versatile logical element 通用逻辑元件IV. Translate the following passage from English into Chinese: 硅衬底 9. silicon substrate 计算机将变得更加先进,也将变得更加容易使用。语音识别的真空管10. vacuum tube 改进将使计算机的操数据的存储与处理11. the storage and handling of data 作更加容易。虚拟现实,即使用所有人类官能与计算机进行交超大规模集成电路12. very large-scale integrated circuit 互的技术,也将有助于创13. central processing unit 中央处理器建更好的人机接口。人们正在开发其他的奇异计算模型,包括analogue 模拟计算机个人计算机14. personal computer 15. 使用生物机体的生物计算、computer 使用具有特定属性的分子的分子计算,以及使用遗传基本单位数字计算机digital computer 16. DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)存17. 通用计算机general-purpose computer 储数据和执行操作的计算。这些都是可能的未来计算平台的例18. 处理器芯片processor chip 子,而它们迄今还能力有operating instructions 19. 操作指令限或完全属于理论范畴。科学家们研究它们,是因为嵌入硅中20. 输入设备input device 的电路的微小型化受到物理限制。还有一些限制与甚至最微小 的晶体管也会产生的热量有关。III. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, making Unit One/Section B changes if necessary: I. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text: We can define a computer as a device that accepts input, 1. experimentation processes data, stores data, and 2. interfacing produces output. According to the mode of processing, computers 3. interdisciplinary are either analog or digital. 4. microprocessor


习题+答案 2.1 Write T or F to each stateme nt T6. An asynchronous device is a clocked device. T7. A latch is an asynchronous device, because it functions at arbitrary times. T8. The repetiti on of clock pulse can vary from very low rate to very high rate. T9. A synchronous device changes its state only on the arrival of a clock pulse. F10. A clock in put may occur at any time. T11. The clock pulses are used to synchronize all operations of the shift register. T13. A uni direct ional shift register is capable of shift ing in one direct ion only. F14. I n a shift-left register the serial in put determ ines what goes into the leftmost position during the shift register. F15. To provide parallel tran sfer capability some additi onal in put and output lines should be provided to the shift register. Choose the best an swer for each of the follow ing 1. How can the output of a logic gate be en ergized? C A By cha nging its in puts. B By rema ining its in puts un cha nged. C By meet ing the specific in put con diti on. D By givi ng a pulse. 3. A NAND gate con sists of D . A an OR gate followed by an in verter B an AND gate followed by an in verter C an AN D gate followed by an OR gate D an in verter followed by an AND gate 4. Un der what con diti on is the output of a two-i nput XOR gate logic-high? B A Its in puts are simulta neously at the same logic level. B Its in puts are simulta neously at opposite logic levels. C Its in puts are logic-low. D its in puts are simulta neously logic-high. 2.2 Write T or F for each stateme nt T 1. The CPU uses the in put and output un its to com muni cate with the outside world. F2. Main memory is sometimes called exter nal memory. F3. After execution the program and the related files of data and files of information will be retained in the main memory for later use. F4. Personal computers have not the features of the larger system.. T5. Large systems offer higher process ing speeds for user and retur n more data tha n PCs.


Project Six Multimedia TEACHING OBJECTIVE 1. Master all the professional terms in this Unit. 2. Develop the students’ reading abilities. 3. P ractice the dialogue to improve he students’ communication ability. 4. .I mprove t he students’ the writing ability TEACHING APPROACH: 1. Method of Lecture 2. TBLT(Task Based Language Teaching ) 3. CLTA (Communicative Language Teaching Approach) IMPORTANT POINTS: 1. Words and terms 2. comprehension ability of professional articles DIFFICULT POINTS: 1 .How to grasp the main idea of the paragraph. 2. How to use specialized English knowledge to finish professional tasks in English environment. 2.TIME ALLOTMENT: 1) Theoretical learning (4课时) 2) Practical learning(2课时) 3 ) Occupation English(2课时) 4) Simulated writing:(2课时) TEACHING PROCEDURE:


Unit Five: Software Process Unit Five/Section A I. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text: 1. off-the-shelf 1 2. exclusive 2 3. cascade 3 4. requirements; integration 4 5. throwaway 5 6. immediate; stable 67. reuse-oriented; framework 78. software; compromises II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa: 1 1. system specification 系统规格说明 2 2. unit testing 单位(或单元、部件)测试 3 3. software life cycle 软件生命周期(或生存周期) 4 4. system validation testing 系统验证测试 5 5. evolutionary development process 演化开发过程 6 6. simple linear model 简单线性模型 77. program unit 程序单元 88. throwaway prototype 抛弃式原型 99. text formatting 正文格式编排,文本格式化 1010. system evolution 系统演变 1111. 系统设计范例system design paradigm 1212. 需求分析与定义requirements analysis and definition 1313. 探索式编程方法exploratory programming approach 1414. 系统文件编制system documentation 1515. 瀑布模型waterfall model 1616. 系统集成system integration 1717. 商用现成软件commercial off-the-shelf ( 或COTS) software 1818. 基于组件的软件工程component-based software engineering (CBSE) 1919. 软件维护工具software maintenance tool 2020. 软件复用software reuse III. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, making changes if necessary: There are three different types of software maintenance. Firstly, there is maintenance to repair software faults. Coding errors are usually relatively cheap to correct; design errors are more expensive as they may involve rewriting several program components. Requirements errors are the most expensive to repair because of the extensive system redesign that may be necessary. Secondly, there is maintenance to adapt the software to a different operating environment. This type of


计算机专业英语作业答案(供参考) 计算机专业英语作业1 第1-3章作业 一.V ocabulary( 词汇) (一).Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese(写出下列词组的汉语。) 1.central processing unit(CPU)中央处理器 2.title bar 标题栏 3.operating system 操作系统4.personal computer 个人计算机 5.menu bar 菜单栏6.desk publishing 桌面排版 7.electronic spreadsheet 电子表格8.hard disk 硬盘 9.database 数据库10.Cursor 光标 (二).Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English abbreviations.(根据汉语写出相应的英语缩写。) 1.随机存储器RAM 2.只读存储器ROM 3.传输控制协议TC P 4.数字视频光盘DVD 5.通用串行总线USB 6.计算机辅助设计CAD 7.计算机辅助制造CAM 8.中央处理器CPU (三).Translate the following Chinese into English.(根据汉语写出相应的英语。) 1.键盘keybord 2.鼠标mouse 3.扫描仪scanner 4.打印机printer 5.输入input 6.输出output 7.显示器monitor 8.存储器storage 9.数据库database

10.操作系统operating system 11.应用软件application software 12.字处理器word processor 13.网络浏览器web browser 1 / 18 二.Tell whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F).(判断正误。) 1.As soon as you turn the computer off, the contents of RAM will disappear. (√) 2.Windows XP is Microsoft's most advanced desktop operating system. (√) Software can be divided into two general classes: system software and application .3software. ()√4.Microsoft Word XP is a member of Microsoft office 2000 . (×) 5.Application software (also called end-user program) is designed to perform a specific function directly for the user. (√) 6. Without systems software, application software in a computer is useless. (√) 7. WinZip, WinRAR and Microsoft's Internet Explorer are all data compression software. (×) 8. Word doesn't have the feature to accessing to World Wide Web. (×) 9. Menu bar displays the names of the application and document. (×) 10. Microsoft Word can help you design and manipulate spreadsheet electronically. (×). 三.Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in meaning in the right column.(将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语匹配。) (一). a. 操作系统CPU)1. central processing unit( b. 2. hardware 输入. c. 3. RAM(random access memory) 只读存储器 d. 4. ROM(read-only memory) 应用软件 5. input e . 中央处理器 6. output f . 系统软件 7. operating system g. 硬件 8. application software h. 随机存储器 9. system software i. 内存 j. 10. memory 输出 1.e 6. j .g 2.7a d 8. 3.h 2 / 18 4.c 9. f 5.b 10. i (二) . 1. binary system a an input device


《计算机英语(第3版)》练习参考答案 Unit One: Computer and Computer Science Unit One/Section A I. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text: 1. Charles Babbage; Augusta Ada Byron 2. input; output 3. VLSI 4. workstations; mainframes 5. vacuum; transistors 6. instructions; software 7. digit; eight; byte 8. microminiaturization; chip II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa: 1. artificial intelligence 人工智能 2. paper-tape reader 纸带阅读器 3. optical computer 光计算机 4. neural network 神经网络 5. instruction set 指令集 6. parallel processing 并行处理 7. difference engine 差分机 8. versatile logical element 通用逻辑元件 9. silicon substrate 硅衬底 10. vacuum tube 真空管 11. 数据的存储与处理 the storage and handling of data 12. 超大规模集成电路 very large-scale integrated circuit 13. 中央处理器 central processing unit 14. 个人计算机 personal computer 15. 模拟计算机analogue computer 16. 数字计算机 digital computer 17. 通用计算机 general-purpose computer 18. 处理器芯片 processor chip 19. 操作指令 operating instructions 20. 输入设备 input device III. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, making changes if necessary: We can define a computer as a device that accepts input, processes data, stores data, and produces output. According to the mode of processing, computers are either analog or digital. They can also be classified as mainframes, minicomputers, workstations, or microcomputers. All else (for example, the age of the machine) being equal, this categorization provides some indication of the computer’s speed, size, cost, and abilities. Ever since the advent of computers, there have been constant changes. First-generation computers of historic significance, such as UNIVAC (通用自动计算机), introduced in the early 1950s, were based on vacuum tubes. Second-generation computers, appearing in the early 1960s, were those in which transistors replaced vacuum tubes. In third-generation computers, dating from the 1960s, integrated circuits replaced transistors. In fourth-generation computers such as microcomputers, which first appeared in the mid-1970s, large-scale integration enabled thousands of circuits to be incorporated on one chip. Fifth-generation computers are expected to combine very-large-scale integration with sophisticated approaches to computing, including artificial intelligence and true distributed processing. IV. Translate the following passage from English into Chinese: 计算机将变得更加先进,也将变得更加容易使用。语音识别的改进将使计算机的操 作更加容易。虚拟现实,即使用所有人类官能与计算机进行交互的技术,也将有助于创 建更好的人机接口。人们正在开发其他的奇异计算模型,包括使用生物机体的生物计算、 使用具有特定属性的分子的分子计算,以及使用遗传基本单位DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)存


计算机专业英语教程Array第三版练习参考答案 Unit 1 [Ex 1] 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. T 8. T 9. T 10. F [Ex 2] 1. input, storage, processing, and output 2. power; speed; memory 3. central processing unit 4. internal; primary; memory 5. keyboard; central processing unit; main memory; monitor [Ex 3] A. 1. F 2. D 3. G 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. E 8. H B. 1. user 2. monitor 3. data 4. keyboard 5. data processing 6. information 7. computer 8. memory [Ex 4] 1. input device 2. screen, screen 3. manipulates 4. instructions 5. retrieve 6. code 7. hard copy 8. function [Ex 5] 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. T 8. F Unit 2 [Ex 1] 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. T 8. F [Ex 2] 1. sizes, shapes, processing capabilities 2. supercomputers, mainframe computers, minicomputers, microcomputers 3. mainframe computer 4. microcomputers, storage locations 5. protables, laptop computers/notebook/palm-sized computer. desktop workstations 6. semiconductor 7. CPU, memory, storage, devices, processing, users 8. microprocessor chip [Ex 3] A. 1. C 2. A 3. H 4. I 5. E 6. F 7. G 8. B B. 1. capacity 2. device 3. laptop computer 4. Portable computers 5. Silicon 6. semiconductor 7. workstation 8. voltage 9. RAM 10. ROM [Ex 4] 1. portable 2. access 3. main memory 4. sophisiticated programs 5. processing capability 6. instructions 7. computation 8. computer professional [Ex 5] 1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. F 10. T 11. F 13. T 14. T Unit 3 [Ex 1] 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. T 7. F 8. F 9. T 11. T 12. F 13. F 14. T [Ex 2] 1. microprocessor 2. bus 3. register 4. control unit 5. processor 6. binary 7. arithmetic, logical 8. milliseconds, nanoseconds. 9. instruction 10. execution 11. megahertz 12. wordsize [Ex 3] A. 1. F 2. A 3. J 4. C 5. D 6. E 7. H 8. I 9. B 10. G B. 1. Storage 2. chip 3. registers 4. ALU 5. bus 6. control unit 7. machine language 8. binary system 9. bits 10. computer program [Ex 4] 1. configuration 2. converts 3. data buses 4. characters



Unit1 EX1 1 F 2 T 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 F 7 T 8 T 9 T 10F EX2 Input hardware, storage hardware, processing hardware, output hardware power, speed, memory central processing unit internal, primary, memory keyboard, central processing unit, main memory, monitor EX3 PARTA 1 F 2 D 3 G 4 C 5 B 6 A 7 E 8 H EX3 PART B 1 F 2 E 3 G 4 B 5 A 6 C 7D 8 H EX4 1 input device 2 screen 3 manipulates 4 instructions 5 retrieve 6 codes 7 hardcopy 8 function EX5 1 T 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T 6 F 7 T 8 T

UNIT2 EX1 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 F 7 T 8 F EX2 1 sizes, shapes, processing capabilities 2 supercomputers, mainframe computers, minicomputers, microcomputers 3 mainframe computer 4 microcomputer, storage locations 5 portables, laptop computers, desktop workstations 6 semiconductor 7 CPU, memory, storage, devices, processing, users 8 microprocessor chip EX3 PARTA 1 C 2 A 3 H 4 I 5 E 6 F 7 G 8 J EX3 PARTB 1 capacity 2 device 3 laptop computer 4 Portable computers 5 Silicon 6 semiconductor 7 workstation 8 Voltage, voltage 9 RAM 10ROM EX4 1 portable 2 access 3 main memory


计算机专业英语试题及答案 Ⅰ. Vocabulary(词汇)(30分) (一).Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese(写出下列词组的汉语。)(共10分,每题1分) 1.operating system 2.requirements analysis 3.network security 4.data structure 5.decision support system 6.relational database 7.software crisis 8.computer virus 9.email attachment 10.central processing unit ( CPU ) (二).Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English abbreviations.(根据汉语写出相应的英语缩写。) (共10分,每题1分) 1.数据库管理系统2.传输控制协议 3.多文档界面4.面向对象编程 5.只读存储器6.数字视频光盘 7.计算机辅助设计8.结构化查询语言 9.通用串行总线10.企业之间的电子商务交易方式 (三)Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in meaning in the right column.(将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语匹配。)(10分,每空1分) 1. multimedia a.字处理器 2. software life cycle b.交换机 3. structured programming c.多媒体 4. functional testing d.局域网 5. word processor e.结构化程序设计 6. code windows f.软件生命周期 7. firewall g.功能测试 8. LAN h.代码窗口 9. hacker i.黑客 10. switch j.防火墙 1. 6. 2.7. 3.8. 4.9. 5.10. Ⅱ. Comprehension(阅读理解) (一)Fill in the blanks with suitable words or expressions from the list given below, and change the form where necessary. (从下面方框中选择合适的词或表达,以其适当的形式填空。)(10分, 每空2分) Software Engineering, which means the application of engineering to software, is a


课后答案: Unit One/Section A I. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text: 1. Charles Babbage; Augusta Ada Byron 2. input; output 3. VLSI 4. workstations; mainframes 5. vacuum; transistors 6. instructions; software 7. digit; eight; byte 8. microminiaturization; chip II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa: 1. artificial intelligence 人工智能 2. paper-tape reader 纸带阅读器 3. optical computer 光计算机 4. neural network 神经网络 5. instruction set 指令集 6. parallel processing 并行处理 7. difference engine 差分机 8. versatile logical element 通用逻辑元件 9. silicon substrate 硅衬底 10. vacuum tube 真空管 11. 数据的存储与处理the storage and handling of data 12. 超大规模集成电路very large-scale integrated circuit 13. 中央处理器central processing unit 14. 个人计算机personal computer 15. 模拟计算机analogue computer 16. 数字计算机digital computer 17. 通用计算机general-purpose computer 18. 处理器芯片processor chip 19. 操作指令operating instructions 20. 输入设备input device III. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, making changes if necessary: We can define a computer as a device that accepts input, processes data, stores data, and produces output. According to the mode of processing, computers are either analog or digital. They can also be classified as mainframes, minicomputers, workstations, or microcomputers. All else (for example, the age of the machine) being equal, this categorization provides some indication of the computer’s speed, size, cost, and abilities. Ever since the advent of computers, there have been constant changes.
