

1.Explain the syntactic distinction between the predictive and non-predictive use of modal auxiliary with examples. The syntactic distinction between the predictive and non-predictive use of modal auxiliary is clear in the following two sentences: 1) He ca n?t have been there yesterday. 2) He couldn?t be there yesterday.

The two sentences reveal two quite different uses of the modal auxiliary. The first sentence, where the predictive can?t relates to impossibility and the main verb is mark ed for past time reference, refers to the speaker?s present denial of possibility of a past event. In the second, the modal auxiliary itself, in non-predictive use, is marked for past tense, referring to lack of ability in the past.

2.What’s the function o f relative pronoun?

The relative pronoun serves as a “link” between the relative clause and its antecedent. It performs two functions: showing concord with its antecedent and indicating its function within the relative clause.

3.If tense is related to time, what is aspect related to?

When tense points to the temporal location of an event or a state of affairs, aspect “reflects the way in which the verb acti on is regarded or experienced with respect to time”.

4.Apart from querying the truth of a statement, what other potential functions can a No question perform?

They may be regarded as the speaker?s invitations or suggestions, made in a tentative way as they often are, rather than his negative assumptions. They are like imperatives. For example: Won?t you come in? Won?t you sit down?

They can also be like exclamations: Isn?t it lovely? Aren?t you silly?

5.List the types of antecedents.

The antecedent is divided into nominal antecedent and non-nominal antecedent. Nominal antecedents fall into different subclasses: they may be common nouns or proper nouns, personal pronouns or demonstrative pronouns. Non-nominal antecedent can be subdivided into three types: clause, verb phrase, predicative adjective.

6.Provide examples to illustrate result-adjuncts and purpose-adjuncts that are introduced by so that.

He worked harder, so that he managed to pass the examinations. (result)

He worked harder so that he could pass the examinations. (purpose)

7.Provide examples to illustrate the three degrees of comparison.

My brother is as tall as me. (positive degree)

My brother is taller than my father. (comparative degree)

My brother is the tallest in the family. (superlative degree)

8.When the simple present refers to the present time, what are its characteristic uses?

When the simple present refers to the present time, it is suitable for the general timeless statements or the expression of so-called “eternal truths”. At the same time, it also denotes the present existence or state of aff airs. Besides, it can express regular recurrence such as a habit, and it is also found in the presentation of an event that happens simultaneously with speech.

9.What are contingency adjuncts? How many types of contingency adjuncts have we recognized?

Contingency adjuncts are an adverbial category that includes adjuncts denoting some kind of cause-effect relation. They can be divided into subclasses: reason-adjuncts, result-adjuncts, purpose-adjuncts, concession-adjuncts and condition-adjuncts.

10.Explain the differences between a double relative clause and an embedded relative clause.

In double relative clauses, there are two relative clauses, one enclosing the other, whereas in embedded relative clause there is only one relative clause which itself is embedded in a clause.

11.Provide examples to illustrate some different types of time adjuncts.

1) When-adjuncts: soon, on Friday morning, now, etc. 2) Duration-adjuncts: for ten years, very long, since we met, etc.

3) Frequency-adjuncts: daily, weekly, often, etc.

12. What kind of relative clause do we normally use to modify a non-nominal antecedent?

We normally use non-restrictive-relative clause to modify a non-nominal antecedent. e.g.

1) Her husband is my brother and my wife is her sister, which makes us double in-laws.

2) She dance well, which I don?t. 3) Nick is tall, which I will never be.

13. Where are given information and the new information located in the sentence.

Generally speaking, the given information is offered at the beginning in each sentence while the new information is consistently found in the predicate which normally constitutes the latter half of sentence.

14.What is the pseudo-passive?

A pseudo-passive sentence is passive in form but active in meaning. Its ed-participle is adjectivalzed so that it becomes a subject complement in the SVC structure. As an adjective, therefore, it can occur in a comparative construction, with a variety of prepositional phrases other than by-phrase, and with other link verbs besides be and get.

15.Explain the conditions in which we need to use non-assertive words in positive statements and assertive words in question.

When a positive answer is expected, assertive words can be used in questions, such as: Is there some news for me? Is somebody waiting for me? And in affirmative sentences in which there are if clauses, putative should-clauses, and comparative clauses, non-assertive words can be used, such as: If anyone calls me, it must be John. It?s odd that he should say anything like that. He is better than anyone else in this class.

16.List the major types of postponement.

Postponement is generally realized by active-to-passive transformation, by extraposition of a clause element, by discontinuity of adjacent elements.

17. What’s the major function of preposition? And list the two types of preposition.

The major function of preposition is to connect words of nouns verbs and adjectives to other part of the sentence. We divide prepositions into two types: simple preposition and complex preposition.

18. Provide examples of partial inversion and complete inversion.

Partial inversion: Under no circumstances can you underestimate your rival.

Complete inversion: The door burst open and in rushed a large angry crowd.

19. As a future time expression, what special meaning does the simple present impart?

When there is something we conceive as unalterable and we can be as confident of as we are of the given facts, we use the simple present to refer to the future time. Something that happens on calendar or timetable falls into this category.

20. What are the three principle of concord?

The three complementary principles of concord are the grammatical principle, the notional principle and the principle of proximity.

21.What order do the different types of place adjuncts follow when they co-occur?

When place adjuncts of different types co-occur, they usually follow this order: distance + direction + source + goal + position.

22. Why is the past tense often used for politeness?

Because the past tense can make a question or a statement or a suggestion less direct. It is more polite to use the past tense on the part of the speaker.

23.Do we always use the singular verb with a clausal subject?

No. Generally, a one-clause subject takes the singular verb and a two-clause subject, the plural verb. The notional principle of concord applies if the context suggests the plurality of a one-clause subject.

24.Provide examples to illustrate the three major types of non-finite subordinate clause.

1) Infinitive clauses: He didn?t know what to do with his enemy.

2) –ing participle clauses: She kept nodding her head from time to time as though understanding every word of his lecture.

3) –ed participle clauses: Work hard until told to stop.

25.What are some of the constraints that the double genitive is subject to?

The second noun in the double genitive almost always refers to persons, never to objects. And the first noun usually has

indefinite reference (typically premodified by the indefinite article) and the second noun is always definite.

26. Explain the principle of proximity of concord with examples.

The principle of proximity denotes “agreement of the verb with a closely preceding noun phrase in preference to agreement with the head of th e noun phrase that functions as subject”. For example:

Neither my wife nor I am coming to the ceremony.

Not only the layers but also the coach was responsible for the defeat.

27.List the types of subordinate clauses.

Subordinate clauses are usually divided into three types by their function: relative clauses, adverbial clauses and nominal clauses. In form, subordinate clauses may also be divided into finite clauses and verbless clauses.

28. What are generic reference and specific reference?

Generic reference and specific reference are the two uses of articles, Generic reference indicates the whole species or kind, while specific reference indicates one specific people or thing.

29.What concord principle do we normally apply to the existential sentence?

Concord in the existential sentence normally complies with the notional principle. The verb agrees with the notional subject.

30. What are restrictive adjectives and non-restrictive adjectives?

A restrictive adjective helps identify the referent of the noun by describing its distinctive qualities. Whereas a non-restrictive adjective merely provide some additional information which is usually not essential for the identification of the referent.

31.Point out instances of the stative and dynamic uses of prepositions with reference to spatial relations.

The car was parked in front of the building. (In front of indicates a static location)

He jumped into the river. (Into indicates the direction of a movement)

32. What are some of the typical semantic components of the present progressive?

Some of the typical semantic components of the present progressive are: duration, simultaneity, temporariness, incompleteness, vividness, emphasis, etc.

33.Define the finite clauses and the non-finite clauses.

The finite clauses are the ones that have subjects and finite verbs as predicates.The non-finite clauses are the ones that leave subjects unsaid and verbs in non-finite forms.

34.Why do we need to go beyond the sentence and study the text?

Because to express a clear and complete idea or thought, we need more than one sentence. It is quite rare that we only use one sentence to express our ideas. When an idea or thought is expressed in more than one sentence, we have a text, which relates sentences together. In other words, sentences in a text are coherent so that they help each other in expressing a complete idea. The study of the text is to know how sentences can be joined together coherently so that they can best express ideas.

35.What are the semantic and functional differences between a prefix and a suffix?

The function of a prefix tends to be semantically oriented. That is, it adds new meaning to a base. Most of prefixes do not change word classes while only a few (like a-, be -, em/en-etc) change word classes. Suffixes are basically class-changing morphemes. They change nouns to verbs, adjectives, or change adjectives to nouns, verbs, or adjectives to nouns, verbs, or adjectives to adverbs.

42.What are the verbs which transferred negation often occurs with? What is their shared semantic feature?

The verbs which transferred negation often occurs with are:think,believe,suppose,imagine and expect.They are the verbs that express “opinion”.

36.Distinguish root, stem and base as morphological terms.

“Root”, “stem” and “Base” may refer to the same thing in some cases, but they are differen t from each other in that: A root is that part of a word that remains when all affixes have been removed; A root is not farther analyzable in morphological forms; A stem has to do with inflectional features and is the part that remains when all inflectional affixes have been removed; A base is any form to which affixes of any kind can be added.

37. Explain the differences between a tag question with a final rising tone and one with a final falling tone.

With a rising tone, the question express the speaker?s neutral expectation of the hearer?s response and invites the hearer to verify the truth of the proposition in the statement.

With a falling one, the speaker asks for the hearer?s confirmation of the statement. It can be regarded as similar to an exclamation.

38.What is the primary of a WH-question?

The primary function of a WH-question is to ask for information concerning what, when ,why, whose, which and how.

39..What are the four major types of sentences and what discourse functions are they normally associated with?

The four major types of sentences are declaratives, interrogatives imperatives and exclamatives. These four types are respectively associated with giving information, requiring information, requiring actions and expressing the speaker?s impression of something.

40.What are the two major types of exclamations?

The two major types of exclamations are WHAT—exclamations and HOW-exclamations.The former is followed by a noun phrase;the latter is followed by an adjective or adverb.

41.What are the two major types of alternative questions?

They are the type of YES-NO questions, e.g. A: Would you like tea or coffee? B: Tea, please.

And the type of WH-questions, e.g. A: What would you like, tea of coffee? B: Tea, please.

43. What are the differences between determiners and adjectives?

Determiners and adjectives are different in five ways:

1) Determiners usually precede adjectives in premodification;

2) The choice of determiners is often determined by the head word but not that of adjectives;

3) Adjectives describe the head word by showing its characteristics, but determiners determine the head word by identifying or quantifying;

4) Adjectives can postmodify the head word, but not determiners (except though);

5) Adjectives have comparative forms, inflectional or periphrastic, but not determiners (except few, little, many and much).

44.Under what general circumstances do we prefer genitive to of-phrase and vice versa.

When nouns refer to people, and the relation between the nouns is one of definition, classification, etc. genitives are preferred. When nouns refer to inanimate, lifeless objects, and the head words of noun phrases are classifying adjectives, of-phrases are classifying adjectives, of-phrases are preferred.

45.Explain the relationship between tense and time.

Time and tense are not the same thing;time is concept and tense is a grammatical device.Different tenses can express the same period of time,such as the present.

46.What are the typical expressions of the future time?

The future time can be expressed by will/shall do something, be going to do something, present progressive, and simple present.

47.Given the present time as its most important meaning, what is special about the simple present when it is used to refer to the past and the future?

When the simple present refers to the past, it brings the past events or states to the present time as if they were actually happening at the moment of speech, it is used in narrative writing to achieve vividness. It can also be found in

1) Newspaper headlines

2) Photographic captions

3) Stage directions

4) Utterances with verbs of communication (say, hear, tell, etc). Simple present referring to the future is common in dependent clauses.

48.What are generic reference and specific reference?

Generic reference and specific reference are the two uses of articles.Genetic reference indicates the whole species or kind,while specific reference,specific one or thing.

49. Provide examples to illustrate nominal, verbal and clausal substitution.

1) Nominal substitution: I know I need a good car, but I can?t afford one.

2) Verbal substitution: --Have you finished all the essays?

--I have done one.

3) Clausal substitution: --Is he the right person for the job?

--I suppose so.

50. Provide examples to illustrate reference as realized by pronouns, demonstratives and comparison.

1) Reference by pronouns: Look at the man. I think he?s t he person wanted by the police.

2) Reference by demonstratives: They finally arrived at an agreement to stop fire. That agreement saved the country from war.

3) Reference by comparison: John is both stupid and lazy. His brother is no better.

51. What is a unified text?

The unified text is one that is not only structurally well-integrated but also semantically coherent.

52.Provide example to illustrate nominal, verbal and causal ellipsis.

1) Nominal ellipsis: Why give me two cups of coffee? I only asked for one.

2) Verbal ellipsis: --Have you seen him before?

--Yes, I have (seen him before).

3) Causal ellipsis: --Are you OK?

--Yes (, I am OK).

53.What kind of relative clause do we normally use to modify a non-nominal antecedent?

We normally use non-restrictive relative clause to modify a non-nominal antecedent.

54.List the conditions we need to take into consideration when we choose a relative pronoun?

We need to take three conditions into consideration.

(1)the relation of the relative clause to its antecedent:restrictive or non-restrictive; (2)the gender

type of the antecedent:personal or non-personal;(3)the function of the relative pronoun as subject,object,or complement.

55.Explain the difference between a double relative clause and an embedded relative clause?

Double relative clause can be easily confused with embedded relative clause because of their seemingly identical structure.However,there is a difference between them.In double relative clause,there are two relative clauses,one enclosing the other,whereas in embedded relative clause there is only one relative clause which itself is embedded in a clause.

In terms of which three factors are words classified?

The three factors are: the environment where words occur, their internal structure and their meaning.

Under what general circumstances do we prefer genitive to of-phrase and vice versa?

When nouns refer to people,and the relation between the nouns is one of definition,classification,etc,genitives are preferred,when nouns refer to inanimate,lifeless objects,and the head words of noun phrases are classifying adjectives, of—phrases are preferred.examples: men?s clothes / the teacher?s book the color of the car / the struggle of the exploited

If tense is related to time, what is aspect related to?

When tense points to the temporal location of an event or a state of affairs,aspect“reflects the way in which the verb action is regarded or experienced with respect to time.”

What are the voice constraints?

The voice constraints refer to grammatical constraints, semantic constraints and stylistic constraints.

What are the three mood forms:

The three mood forms are: indicative, imperative and subjunctive.

What are the two major semantic categories of modal auxiliaries?

The predictive and non-predictive(also termed …epistemic and non epistemic?)

What are the three types of non-finite verbs?

They are: infinitive, -ing participle and –ed participle

The bare infinitive?

The infinitive, which occurs as a verb in the base form without to is called bare infinitive.

What are attributive adjectives and predicative adjectives?

An attributive adjective refers to an adjective that modifies a noun and stands either before or after the noun in a noun phrase. An predicative adjective refers to an adjective that can modify a noun by way of serving as a subject complement or an object complement.

When adjectives are used in the dynamic sense, what are their syntactic and semantic features?

When adjectives are used in the dynamic sense,their syntactic features are to denote subjective measurement or suggest a temporary state; and their semantic features are that the qualities denoted by the adjectives can be controlled or restricted

What are restrictive adjectives and non-restrictive adjectives?

A restrictive adjective helps identify the referent of the noun by describing its distinctive qualities.Whereas a non—restrictive adjective merely provides some additional information which is usually not essential for the identification of the referent.

What is the difference between coordination and subordination?

Coordination is typically realized by coordinators which join units at the same, level, whereas subordination realized by subordinators, involves the linking of units at different levels so that they form a hierarchy. The difference between coordination and subordination also lies in the amount of importance the speaker wishes to attach to the joined constituents.

What are the major types of finite and non-finite subordinate clauses?

The major types of finite subordinate clause are relative clause, adverbial clause and nominal clause.The major types of non—finite subordinate clause are infinitive clause,—ing participle clause and—ed participle clause and verbless clause.

Discuss various grammatical forms that disjuncts may take.

The majority of disjuncts take the form of the adverb and occur in the initial position of the sentence. However, disjuncts can also take other forms, such as prepositional phrase, infinitive clause, -ing participle clause, -ed participle clause and finite clause. For example, in all frankness, to be frank, frankly speaking, put frankly, if I can speak frankly.


郑州信息工程职业学院 2017—2018学年下学期期末考试 2017级国际学院计网专业 《大学英语语法》试卷A 说明 一、本试卷共有六道大题,总分为100分,考试时间为100分钟。 二、严格按照要求填写好自己的姓名、学号和座位号等信息。 三、请仔细阅读以下注意事项: 1.在试卷的有效位置作答。 2.监考人员宣布考试开始时,考生方可答题。 3.监考老师宣布考试结束时,考生应立即停止作答,将试卷、答题卡反扣在桌面上,待监考老师确认数量无误后,方可离开。 4.若有答题卡时,一定要对准题号将“答案”填写在答题卡上。 PartⅠChoose the best one from the four choices given. (10×2′=20 scores) 1.They are_________. A . woman teachers B. women teachers C. women teacher D. woman teacher 2.Would you like _______, please? A. two glass of water B. two glasses of water C. two glass of waters D. two glasses of waters 3.About_________ of the students in their school are boys. A. one-three B. one third C. one three D. one thirds 4. How_________ the song sounds! A. pleasure B. pleasant C. pleased D. pleasantly 5. _________, he is very good at numbers. A. A little boy as he was B. A little boy he is C. As he was a little boy D. A little boy as he is 6.I _________ from the scientist you mentioned so far. A. don’t hear B. didn’t hear C. haven’t heard D. hadn’t heard 7.By this time next year, we _________ all the land into rice fields. A. had turned B. have turned C. will have turned D. have been turning 8.This novel_________ well. A. will be sold B. is sold C. sells D. has been sold 9. We _________ about two thousand English words by the end of last term. A. learned B. have learned C. had learned D. would learn


高考英语语法练习题精选 1. --Hello, this is . A. How are you? B. Will you come tonight? C. Can I take a mesage? D. Is that Mike? 2. Tom suggested that we __________such a meeting, but Jenny insisted that it _________of great importance. A. not hold ; should be B. didn't hold ; be C. hold ; was D. not hold ; was 3. You should take the medicine after you read the __________. A. lines B. instructions C. words D. suggestions 4. --Hi, Tracy, you look tired. --I am tired. I__________ the living-room all day. A. painted B. have been painting C. had painted D. have painted 5. I'm sorry. I _____________ you__________ to me. A. don't know; are speaking B. don't know ;were speaking C. didn't know; were speaking D. didn't know; are speaking 6. "Please __________why you're so late," said his girlfriend. A. excuse B. explain C. apologize D. tell 7. The rescue team made every __________ to find the missing mountain climber.


三天搞定英语语法 英语语法分为两个部分。一个部分是词法,即词的构成和词的使用规律。另一个部分是句法,即句子的组成和句子的使用方法。 英语语法的特点可以用三句话来表示:1、每个词都有词性;2、每句话都有动词(实意动词或系动词);3、每句话都必须符合五个基本句型。 三句话用一句话来说,就是,标出句中每一个单词的词性,找出句中所有动词,并标出其种类和相应的句子成分。理解,掌握,运用好这句话,按照一:词性;二:动词种类;三:动词相对应的句子成分;四:从句;五:非谓语动词方法就能透彻理解英语语法体系。 词的分类 词类又叫词性,英语单词根据其在句子中的功能,可以分成十个大类。 词类词义英语名称缩写形式例词中译 noun n. student 学生 1、名词表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名 称。 2、代词主要用来代替名词。pronoun pron. you 你 3、形容词表示人或事物的性质或特征。adjective adj. happy 高兴的 4、数词表示数目或事物的顺序。numeral num. three 三 5、动词表示动作或状态。verb v. cut 砍、割 adverb adv. quickly 迅速地 6、副词修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,说明时 间、地点、程度等。 7、冠词用在名词前,帮助说明名词。article art. a 一个 preposition prep. at 在... 8、介词表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句 子成分的关系。 9、连词用来连接词、短语或句子。conjunction conj. and 和 10、感叹词表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。interjection interj. Oh 哦 词性的分类: 修饰: 形容数冠代词名词 (red)(one)(a/the)(my)wood 1.名词 代替: 代词it 形容词the red 数词one


英语语法简答题,共50题,由模拟考卷整理出来的。 1. What are the two major types of alternative questions? They are the type of YES-NO questions, e.g. A: Would you like tea or coffee? B: Tea, please. And the type of WH-questions, e.g. A: What would you like, tea of coffee? B: Tea, please. 2. Why do we need to go beyond the sentence and study the text? Because to express a clear and complete idea or thought, we need more than one sentence. It is quite rare that we only use one sentence to express our ideas. When an idea or thought is expressed in more than one sentence, we have a text, which relates sentences together. In other words, sentences in a text are coherent so that they help each other in expressing a complete idea. The study of the text is to know how sentences can be joined together coherently so that they can best express ideas. 3. Explain the syntactic distinction between the predictive and non-predictive use of modal auxiliary with examples. The syntactic distinction between the predictive and non-predictive use of modal auxiliary is clear in the following two sentences: 1) He can’t have been there yesterday. 2) He couldn’t be there yesterday. The two sentences reveal two quite different uses of the modal auxiliary. The first sentence, where the predictive can’t relates to impossibility and the main verb is marked for past time reference, refers to the speaker’s present denial of possibility of a past event. In the second, the modal auxiliary itself, in non-predictive use, is marked for past tense, referring to lack of ability in the past. 4. What’s the function of relative pronoun? The relative pronoun serves as a “link” between the relative clause and its antecedent. It performs two functions: showing concord with its antecedent and indicating its function within the relative clause.


英语语法期末试卷 注意事项:1、课程编码:2、出卷人:3、考试形式:闭卷(开、闭) 4、本试卷共8 页,满分100 分,考试时间为100 分钟. 5、答题时请使用蓝、黑钢笔或圆珠笔. 注意:所有答题内容必须写在答题纸上 一、语法知识部分:(45 分) I、填空题(26分) 1、语言一般由____________, _____________, 和____________ 三部分组成. 2、学习词性的目的是弄清词汇在句中的起到的语法作用不同..英语的十大词性可 以划分三个范畴,第一范畴包括:___________, __________, _________, _________, 第二范畴包括_________, __________, ____________,第三范畴包括________, _________, ____________. 、限定词之所以重要是因为:它是构成 ______________ 的一个不可缺少的部分. 限定词的功能是对名词起:__________, _____________, ___________, 和___________等限定作用. 4. 副词在句中担当状语,修饰动词、形容词、副词或修饰整个句子.逻辑连接副词 在文章中起到_______________的作用. 5、英语谓语动词的三种语气是:1)__________;2)____________;3)___________. 6、就在句中充当的语法功能而言,非谓语动词有着不同的属性.动名词具有名词 的属性;分词具有形容词和_____________的属性, 动词不定式有着____________, __________, 和_________的属性.因此, 举例说,分词可以在句中充当:__________, __________, 宾语补足语和____________等句子成分. 动名词在句子中充当__________,___________,__________,和介词宾语等句子成分. 7、非谓语动词中,动词不定式和分词都可充当状语,二者的区别是:不定式通 常用作_________、_________和______状语, 而分词出现在句首时通常是__________、_________、__________和______状语, 出现在句尾时通常是


英语语法练习题(一) Part I. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given word in the brackets. (20%) 1. This pair of trousers ____________ (cost) fifty yuan. 2. All their belongs, together with the remains of torn-up newspapers, _________ (lie) scattered over the carpets. 3. The class _________ (be) taking notes, their pens scribing quickly over their exercise books. 4. John, rather than his roommates, ___________ (be) to blame. 5. It’s high time that we _________ (have) a rest. 6. When she ___________ (arrive) I ___________ (telephone) Harry. (= She arrived during my telephone call.) 7. I wouldn’t object to ___________ (ask) some questions. 8. It is recommended that the work ___________ (not start) until all the preparations have been made. 9. I didn’t mean ___________ (eat) anything but the cakes looked so good that I couldn’t resist ________ (try) one. 10. A President’s power is very strong. He is the most _________ (power) executive in t he nation. 11. What _____________ (happen) if they can’t reach an agreement? 12. If we ___________ (catch) the 10 o’clock train, we _________ (get) there by lunch time. 13. What is __________ (funny) joke you have ever heard? 14. It’s _________ (pr etty) well impossible to travel over these mountains. 15. Unreliable delivery dates are one of the most important obstacles to ____________ (increase) our exports. 16. Lee __________ (learn) English for several years, and at last he _________ (master) the irregular verbs. 17. It’s the first time I __________ (explain) this particular aspect of grammar. 18. This time tomorrow everyone __________ (read) of your success, and all sorts of people __________ (ring) up to congratulate you.


大学英语语法 学习提纲 一、词类、句子成分和构词法: 1、词类:英语词类分十种: 名词、形容词、代词、数词、冠词、动词、副词、介词、连词、感叹词。 1、名词(n.):表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。如:boy, morning, bag, ball, class, orange. 2、代词(pron.):主要用来代替名词。如:who, she, you, it . 3、形容词(adj..):表示人或事物的性质或特征。如:good, right, white, orange . 4、数词(num.):表示数目或事物的顺序。如:one, two, three, first, second, third, fourth. 5、动词(v.):表示动作或状态。如:am, is,are,have,see . 6、副词(adv.):修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,说明时间、地点、程度等。如:now, very, here, often, quietly, slowly. 7、冠词(art..):用在名词前,帮助说明名词。如:a, an, the. 8、介词(prep.):表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。如in, on, from, above, behind. 9、连词(conj.):用来连接词、短语或句子。如and, but, before . 10、感叹词(interj..)表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。如:oh, well, hi, hello. 2、句子成分:英语句子成分分为七种:主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、表语、宾语补足语。 1、主语是句子所要说的人或事物,回答是“谁”或者“什么”。通常用名词或代词担任。如: I’m Miss Green.(我是格林小姐) 2、谓语动词说明主语的动作或状态,回答“做(什么)”。主要由动词担任。如:Jack cleans the room every day. (杰克每天打扫房间) 3、表语在系动词之后,说明主语的身份或特征,回答是“什么”或者“怎么样”。通常由名词、 代词或形容词担任。如:My name is Ping ping .(我的名字叫萍萍) 4、宾语表示及物动词的对象或结果,回答做的是“什么”。通常由名词或代词担任。如: He can spell the word.(他能拼这个词) 有些及物动词带有两个宾语,一个指物,一个指人。指物的叫直接宾语,指人的叫间 接宾语。间接宾语一般放在直接宾语的前面。如:He wrote me a letter . (他给 我写了一封信) 有时可把介词to或for加在间接宾语前构成短语,放在直接宾语后面,来强调间接宾 语。如:He wrote a letter to me . (他给我写了一封信) 5、定语修饰名词或代词,通常由形容词、代词、数词等担任。如: Shanghai is a big city .(上海是个大城市)


高中英语语法练习题-高考精粹(带解析答案) 1. 't . A. B. C. D. 2. " !" . A. a B. a C. D. 3. . A. /; B. /; / C. ; / D. ; 4. a . A. ; B. ; C. ; D. ; 5. . A. B. C. D. 6 . A. B. C. D. 7 . A. B. C. D. 8 a 's , ? A. 't I B. 't C. 't D.

9 . A. B. C. D. 10 a . A. B. C. D. 11 , . A. B. C. D. 12 , . A. 't B. 't C. 't D. 't 13 . ? A. B. C. D. 14 a , . A. B. C. D. 15. . A. B. C. D. 16. A , . A. B. C. D. 17. , . A. B. C. D. 18. World Trade Center. A. B. C. D. 19. o' . I .

A. B. C. D. 20. . A. B. C. D. 21 . . A. B. C. D. 22. , , . A. B. C. D. 23 . A. B. C. D. 24 ; . A. 't B. 't C. 't D. 't 25 a , ﹖ A. B. 't C. 't D. 't 26. a a , . A. B. C. D. 27. 't 20 , I I . A. B. C. D. 28. a , . A. B. C. D. 29. . A. B. C. D. 30. , 't . A. B. C. D.


大学英语语法模拟试题 1. Mr. and Mrs. Burns feel more comfortable on a ship than they would be if they ______________any other way. A. would travel B. travelled C. are travelling D. have travelled 2. We______________ that Jim be there. A. hope B. wish C. expect D .ask 3. Lucy is glad she didn’t stay on the farm. She______________ bored. A. may be B. will be C. could be D. might have been 4. The dean of studies would have come to see you had it been possible, but he ______________so busy then. A. had been B. was C. were D. would be 5. They would certainly have come and helped us ______________time. A. did they have B. had they had C. had they have D would they have 6. If you were in better health, we______________ you to join in the work last week. A. would have allowed B. would allow C. should allow D. had allowed 7. She cried for her______________ lover. A. departed B. being departed C. departing D. having departed 8. ______________ in an important examination, one of the students in his class lost interest in his work A. Failing B. Failed C. Having been failed D. Having Failed 9. If it______________ tomorrow, I’ll stay at home. A. rained B. will rain C. had rained D. rains 10. “It’s getting very late.”“Yes, it’s time______________.” A. that we left B. we leave C. we’ll leave D. we have left a bus to go there, but he preferred to walk.


基础英语语法练习题 第一套(全十六单元) Unit 1 1. It took the workmen only two hours to finish ________ my car. A. repairing B. repair C. to repair D. repaired 2. It's no good _______ over split milk. A. to cry B. crying C. cried D. cry 3. Have you forgotten ___________$1000 from me last month? Will you please remember _________ it tomorrow? A. borrowing; to bring B. to borrow; bring C. borrowed; bringing D. borrowing; bringing 4. The classroom wants __________. A. clean B. cleaned C. to clean D. cleaning 5. Jack said that he wouldn't mind ___________ for us. A. o wait B. wait C. waiting D. waited 6. My brother keeps _________ me with my work. A. to help B. help C. helping D. helped 7. We should often practise _________ English with each other. A. to speak B. spoke C. speak D. speaking 8. Keep on _________ and you will succeed. A. a try B. try C. triing D. trying 9. Don’t forget ________ the notebook with you when you go to the lecture. A. to take B. to carry C. to send D. to bring 10. You’d better ________ her, it would only worry her. A. not tell B. tell C. to tell D. not to tell 11. The librarian work is ________ the books in the library. A. takes care of B. take care of C. to take care of D. taking care of 12. Her parent’s won’t let her ________ out with her boyfriend. A. goes B. to go C. going D. go 13. I asked her _______ with us. A. when to go B. when he will go C. if he will go D. that he would go 14. I have not got a chair ________. A. for sitting B. to sit on C. to sit D. for sitting on 15. My mother often tells me ________ in the sun A. not to read B. don’t read C. doesn’t read D. not read 16____ makes this shop different is that it offers more personal services. A. What B. Who C. Whatever D. Whoever 17 ____ fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differences from one aspect. A. What B. That C. This D. Which


初一英语语法练习题 I. be 动词 (用 be 动词的正确形式填空) 1. your grandmother thin or chubby (胖乎乎的) ? 2. Where your book on snakes? 3. Where my pencil case and my notebook? 4. There nine people in my family. 5. ---How much the exercise book and the magazine? ---- T hat ninety dollars. 6. Ben a middle school student, and his parents architects. 8) My brother is engineer, and my sister is executive now. 9) I don’t like movie. It’s boring. 10) Jenny’s birthday is Nov. 12th . 11) --Let’s go and play chess. --Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t. It’s time for me to play piano. 12) He usually has his breakfast at 7:00am and goes to school at 7:30. IV. 写出下列名词的复数形式 7. Scott likes action movies best. His favorite actors 1) Cemetery 2) tooth 3) country Jackie Chan and Jet Li. 8. -- What color your shoes? -- Black. 4) month 5) sandwich 6) brush bar 8) kangaroo 9)man 10) day 7) candy 11) watch 9. -- Hello. My name Jack. This is my friend. His name Tom. 12) photo 13) orange 14)dictionary -- Nice to meet you. I Rick. 16) dollar 15) tomato 10. you still a librarian? No, I an accountant now. 17) peach 19)church 18) strawberry 20) child II. 用 a ,an ,the 或者 \ 填空 1) There is water on the floor. 2) There is orange on desk. 3) What do you know about pandas? 4) I want to have chicken for dinner. 5) There is fish in the bow. Look! It can swim very fast. 6) There is ‘m’ in ‘climb’ and there is ‘u’ in ‘country’. 7) I don’t like broccoli but I like apples. V. 用动词的正确形式填空 1. You from India. Brian from Korea. And I from China. (be) 2. I Chinese and English. Brian German, Chinese and English. (speak) 3. George from Italy but he spaghetti very much.. (come, like) 4. Penguins in Antarctica. It’s cold, so no people want there. (live) 5. The movie is very scary. I it is a good movie for kids. (think)


得分 成都理工大学外国语学院2011-2012学年第二学期 《英语语法》期末试卷(B) 请将此誓言译成汉语,然后再慎重签上你的姓名: On my honor as a student I have neither given nor received any help for this assignment/test. Signature : Sectiong I. Multiple choice (50×1=50points) Directions: There are 50 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. At , the baby, when a biscuit was held in front of him, immediately grabbed it with both hands. A. six-and-a-half-month B. six-and-a-half months C. six and a-half months D. six-and a-half months 2. There’re twenty in our university. A. woman professors B. women professor C. woman’s professors D. women professors 3. For lunch, I had a sandwich and an apple. sandwich wasn’t very nice. A. The B. A C. An D. /


英语语法练习题(答案详解) 1. Ms Nancy didn't mind at all ______ to the ceremony. A. being not invited B. not being invited C. not inviting D. not to be invited B 2."_____ your meeting is!" he offered them his sincere congratulations. A. How a great success B. What a great success C. How great success D. What great success B success 名词,保留远动词含义"成功"是不可数名词;如用来代替具体的人(成功者)或具体的事(成功的事情(东西))是可数名词。故排除C,D;A中how是副词,如改成how great a success就是正确的。 3. We must remember that _____fashion is not the most important thing in _______ life. A. /; the B. /; / C. the; / D. the; the B 抽象名词不特指时,前不用冠词。 4. It _____ quite a few years _____ the accused was declared innocent and set free. A. was; since B. is; that C. will be; when D. was; before D 如将A项中was, since改成is, since是正确的;即从句中谓语先发生。如用B项,是强调句,而强调句前后两个谓语动词在时间上必须一致(a);被强调部分能还回原句中(b),即因为句中was declared是过去时, B项中is改成was;因为句中was declared是非延续性动词,在years后加上ago将"一段" 时间变成"一点"就是正确的。C 项前后时间不一致。


高中英语语法练习题-高考精粹(带解析答案)1. Ms Nancy didn't mind at all ______ to the ceremony. A. being not invited B. not being invited C. not inviting D. not to be invited 2. "_____ your meeting is!" he offered them his sincere congratulations. A. How a great success B. What a great success C. How great success D. What great success 3. We must remember that _____fashion is not the most important thing in _______ life. A. /; the B. /; / C. the; / D. the; the 4. It _____ quite a few years _____ the accused was declared innocent and set free. A. was; since B. is; that C. will be; when D. was; before 5. The professor said he could talk on _____ interested the audience. A. any topic B. which topic C. whichever topic D. the topic he thought it no circumstance _____ to tell lies to parents. A. children are allowed B. are children allowed C.


英语语法期末试卷… 装……………………………………………… 订………………………………………… 线……………………………班级 学号姓名 密封线内不要答题 英语语法期末试卷 注意事项:1、课程编码:2、出卷人:3、考试形式:闭卷(开、闭) 4、本试卷共8 页,满分100 分,考试时间为100 分钟。 5、答题时请使用蓝、黑钢笔或圆珠笔。 注意:所有答题内容必须写在答题纸上 一、语法知识部分:(45 分) I、填空题(26分) 1、语言一般由____________, _____________, 和____________ 三部分组成。 2、学习词性的目的是弄清词汇在句中的起到的语法作用不同。。英语的十大词性 可以划分三个范畴,第一范畴包括:___________, __________, _________, _________, 第二范畴包括_________, __________, ____________,第三范畴 包括________, _________, ____________。 3、限定词之所以重要是因为:它是构成 ______________ 的一个不可缺少的部分。 限定词的功能是对名词起:__________, _____________, ___________, 和 ___________等限定作用。 4. 副词在句中担当状语,修饰动词、形容词、副词或修饰整个句子。逻辑连接副 词在文章中起到_______________的作用。 5、英语谓语动词的三种语气是:1)__________;2)____________;3)___________。 6、就在句中充当的语法功能而言,非谓语动词有着不同的属性。动名词具有名词 的属性;分词具有形容词和_____________的属性, 动词不定式有着 ____________, __________, 和_________的属性。因此, 举例说,分词可以在 句中充当:__________, __________, 宾语补足语和____________等句子成
