

What is a scientific paper? A paper is an organized description of hypotheses, data and conclusions, intended to instruct the reader. Papers are a central part of research. If your research does not generate papers, it might just as well not have been done. “Interesting and unpublished” is equivalent to “non-existent.”


Realize that your objective in research is to formulate and test hypotheses, to draw conclusions from these tests, and to teach these conclusions to others. Your objective is not to “collect data.”


A paper is not just an archival device for storing a completed research program, it is also a structure for planning your research in progress. If you clearly understand the purpose and form of a paper, it can be immensely useful to you in organizing and conducting your research. A good outline for the paper is also a good plan for the research program. You should write and rewrite these plans/outlines throughout the course of the research. At the beginning, you will have mostly plan; at the end, mostly outline. The continuous effort to understand, analyze, summarize, and reformulate hypotheses on paper will be immensely more efficient for you than a process in which you collect data and only start to organize them when their collection is“complete.”


The reason for outlines. I emphasize the central place of an outline in writing papers, preparing seminars, and planning research. I especially believe that for you, and for me, it is most efficient to write papers from outlines. An outline is a written plan of the organization of a paper, including the data on which it rests. You should, in fact, think of an outline as a carefully organized and presented set of data, with attendant objectives, hypotheses and conclusions, rather than an outline of text.


An outline itself contains little text. If you and I can agree on the details of the outline (that is, on the data and organization), the supporting text can be assembled fairly easily. If we do not agree on the outline, any text is useless. Much of the time in writing a paper goes into the text; most of the thought goes into the organization of the data and into the analysis. It can be relatively efficient to go through several (even many) cycles of an outline before beginning to write text; writing many versions of the full text of a paper is slow.


All the writing that I do - papers, reports, proposals (and, of course, slides for seminars)- I do from outlines. I urge you to learn how to use them as well.


How should you construct an outline? The classical approach is to start with a blank piece

of paper, and write down, in any order, all important ideas that occur to you concerning the paper. Ask yourself the obvious questions:“Why did I do this work?”“What does it mean?”“What hypothesis did I mean to test?”“What ones did I actually test?”“What were the results?”“Did the work yield a new method or compound? What?”“What measurements did I make?”“What compounds? How were they characterized?” Sketch possible equations, figures, and schemes. It is essential to try to get the major ideas written down. If you start the research to test one hypothesis, and decide, when you see what you have, that the data really seem to test some other hypothesis better, don't worry. Write them both down, and pick the best combinations of hypotheses, objectives and data. Often the objectives of a paper when it is finished are different from those used to justify starting the work. Much of good science is opportunistic and revisionist.


章有关的所有重要观点。自问一些显而易见的问题:为什么我要做这项工作?它意味着什么? 我要验证哪些假设? 我究竟验证了哪些假设?结果如何?这项工作产生了新方法或新物


When you have written down what you can, start with another piece of paper and try to organize the jumble of the first one. Sort all of your ideas into three major heaps (A-C).


A) Introduction

Why did I do the work? What were the central motivations and hypotheses?



B) Results and Discussion

What were the results? How were compounds made and characterized? What was measured?



C) Conclusions

What does it all mean? What hypotheses were proved or disproved? What did I learn? Why does it make a difference?


所有这一切意味着什么?证实或否定了什么假设?我学到了什么?结果为什么与众不同?Next, take each of these sections, and organize it on yet finer scale. Concentrate on organizing the data. Construct figures, tables, and schemes to present the data as clearly and compactly as possible. This process can be slow - I may sketch a figure 5-10 times in different ways, trying to decide how it is most clear (and looks best aesthetically).


Finally, put everything-outline of sections, tables, sketches of figures, equations - in good order.


When you are satisfied that you have included all the data (or that you know what

additional data you intend to collect), and have a plausible organization, give the outline to me. Simply indicate where missing data will go, how you think (hypothesize) they will look, and how you will interpret them if your hypothesis is correct. I will take this outline, add my opinions, suggest changes, and return it to you. It usually takes 4-5 repeated attempts (often with additional experiments) to agree on an outline. When we have agreed, the data are usually in (or close to) final form (that is, the tables, figures, etc., in the outline will be the tables, figures,…in the paper.)

当你已经囊括了所有的数据(或者你明确知道你还需要收集哪些额外的数据),有了一个合理的构架,你对这些都感到满意时,将大纲交给我。简要地标明哪些地方还缺数据,你认为(或推测)这些数据大概是什么样。如果你的推测是正确的,你将如何去解释它。拿到你的大纲后,我将把我的观点,建议反馈给你。一般,我们需要四或五个来回才能达成一致(中间经常还需要补做一些实验)。在我们的意见一致后,所有的数据通常以最终(或接近最终的)形式确定下来(也就是说,在提纲中的表格,图表等最终将成为文章中的表格,图表)。You can then start writing, with some assurance that much of your prose will be used.


The key to efficient use of your and my time is that we start exchanging outlines and proposals as early in a project as possible. Do not, under any circumstances, wait until the collection of data is “complete” before starting to write an outline. No project is ever complete, and it saves enormous effort and much time to propose a plausible paper and outline as soon as you see the basic structure of a project. Even if we decide to do significant additional work before seriously organizing a paper, the effort of writing an outline will have helped to guide the research.


The outline


What should an outline contain?




Abstract: Do not write an abstract. That can be done when the paper is complete.




Introduction: The first paragraph or two should be written out completely. Pay particular attention to the opening sentence. Ideally, it should state concisely the objective of the work, and indicate why this objective is important.


In general, the Introduction should have these elements:

The objectives of the work.

The justification for these objectives: Why is the work important?

Background: Who else has done what? How? What have we done previously? Guidance to the reader. What should the reader watch for in the paper? What are the interesting high points? What strategy did we use?






Summary conclusion. What should the reader expect as conclusion? In advanced versions of the outline, you should also include all the sections that will go in the Experimental section (at this point, just as paragraph subheadings).


Results and Discussion. The results and discussion are usually combined. This section should be organized according to major topics. The separate parts should have subheadings in boldface to make this organization clear, and to help the reader scan through the final text to find the parts that interest him or her. The following list includes examples of the phrases that might plausibly serve as section headings:


Synthesis of Alkane Thiols


Characterization of Monolayers


Absolute Configuration of the Vicinal Diol Unit


Hysteresis Correlates with Roughness of the Surface


Dependence of the Rate Constant on Temperature


The Rate of Self-Exchange Decreases with the Polarity of the Solvent


Try to make these section headings as specific and information-rich as possible. For

example, the phrase “The Rate of Self-Exchange Decreases with The Polarity of The Solvent” is obviously longer than “Measurement of Rates,” but much more useful to the reader. In general, try to cover the major common points:

尽可能使副标题具体并且内容丰富。例如,“The Rate of Self-Exchange Decreases with The Polarity of The Solvent”这个短语明显比“Measurement of Rates”长,但是对读者更有帮助。一般来说,尽量概括该段落的共同点。

Synthesis of starting materials


Characterization of products


Methods of characterization


Methods of measurement


Results (rate constants, contact angles, whatever)


In the outline, do not write any significant amount of text, but get all the data in their proper place: any text should simply indicate what will go in that section.

Section Headings

Figures (with captions)

Schemes (with captions and footnotes)


Tables (correctly formatted)







Remember to think of a paper as a collection of experimental results, summarized as

clearly and economically as possible in figures, tables, equations, and schemes. The text

in the paper serves just to explain the data, and is secondary. The more information that

can be compressed into tables, equations, etc., the shorter and more readable the paper

will be.


Conclusion. In the outline, summarize the conclusions of the paper as a list of short

phrases or sentences. Do not repeat what is in the Results section, unless special

emphasis is needed. The Conclusions section should be just that, and not a summary. It

should add a new, higher level of analysis, and should indicate explicitly the significance

of the work.

结论。在提纲里,总结论文中的结论应是由一些简短的短语或句子组成。除非是为了特殊的强调,一般不要重复在结果部分已经有的结论。结论部分应该是像上面说的那样,而不仅仅只是一个总结。它应该增加新的,更高层次的分析,并且应该明确地指出这项工作的意义。Experimental. Include, in the correct order to correspond to the order in the Results

section, all of the paragraph subheadings of the Experimental section.


In summary:


- Start writing possible outlines for papers early in a project. Do not wait until the “end”.

The end may never come.


- Organize the outline and the paper around easily assimilated data - tables, equations, figures, schemes - rather than around text.

整理提纲和论文要围绕易于接受的数据-表格,方程式,图表,示意图,而不是围绕正文。- Organize in order of importance, not in chronological order. An important detail in writing paper concerns the weight to be given to topics. Neophytes often organize a paper in terms of chronology: that is, they recount their experimental program, starting with their cherished initial failures and leading up to a climactic successful finale. This approach is completely wrong. Start with the most important results, and put the secondary results later, if at all. The reader usually does not care how you arrived at your big results, only what they are. Shorter papers are easier to read than longer ones.

不是按照时间顺序, 而应按重要性来整理。论文写作的一个重要细节是要考虑各部分的权重。新手常常按照时间顺序来写论文:他们常常从珍爱的开始时的失败写起,直到最后的成功来叙述实验过程。这种方法是完全错误的。应该从最重要的结果写起,然后是较重要的结果。读者们通常不关心你是怎么得到的结果,而只关心结果是什么。短文章比长文章更易读。Some Points of English Style


1) Do not use nouns as adjectives:



ATP formation formation of ATP


reaction product product of the reaction


2) The word “this” must always be followed by a noun, so that its reference is explicit 在“this”后面必须接名词,这样“this”所指的对象就会更加清楚。


this is a fast reaction this reaction is fast


this leads us to conclude this observation leads us to conclude


3) Describe experimental results uniformly in the past tense.



Addition of water gives product addition of water gave product


4) Use the active voice whenever possible.



It was observed that the solution turned red. The solution turned red Or We observed that the solution turned red.


5) Complete all comparisons.



The yield was higher using bromine The yield was higher using bromine than chlorine.


6) Type all papers double-spaced (not single-or one-and-a-half spaced), and leave 1 space after colons, commas, and after periods at the end of sentences. Leave generous margins. (generally, 1.25” on both sides & top & bottom).

打文章时,要使用两倍行距(不用一倍或一倍半)。冒号、逗号和句末的句号后要空一格。要留出足够的页边空间。(通常,在文章两侧、页首和页尾留出1.25英寸的空间)Assume that we will write all papers using the style of the American Chemical Society. You can get a good idea of this style from three sources:


评徐松岩译5伯罗奔尼撒战争史6 刘玮* 以今天的标准看,商务版/汉译世界名著丛书0中修昔底德和希罗多德的两部史学巨制5伯罗奔尼撒战争史6和5历史6的翻译已经显得有些过时了。1因此看到西南师范大学的徐松岩教授时隔四年连续出版了这两部巨著的最新译注本,o笔者着实兴奋了一阵。但是当我翻开徐教授的译文,阅读几页之后,便发现其中值得商榷之处颇多。在这篇小文中,笔者仅就修昔底德的翻译谈一些自己的看法。 一、翻译修昔底德的艰辛 随便找一个西方大学古典学系的教授问这样一个问题:在希腊散文(prose)作家中,谁最难读?几乎所有人都会回答)))修昔底德。修昔底德在古典学界确实以语言艰涩著称,丰富的词汇、复杂的语法、多变的句式、雄辩的文风,这些都给理解修昔底德造成了巨大的困难,更不要说把他的文本翻译成另外一种语言了。?沃尔纳(Rex W arner)在他的/译者注0中发出的感慨颇有代表性: 尝试将修昔底德翻译成英文是困难、令人愉快和鲁莽的。不仅要工作很长时间,因为这部作品很长;更重要的是,虽然修昔底德的意思通常足够清楚(不过并 不总是如此),但是表达意思的文体却极难转变成另一种语言。一开始,译者有时 *1o?我要感谢加州大学伯克利分校古典学系的帕帕扎卡达斯(N i kolaos Papaz arkad as)教授在修昔底德著作的希腊本版本和一些西文译本方面给笔者提供的帮助。 修昔底德:5伯罗奔尼撒战争史6,谢德风译,商务印书馆1960年版;希罗多德:5历史6,王以铸译,商务印书馆1959年版。前者是从英文版转译过来的,而且所依据的英文版本并非最佳(下详),因此参考价值已经非常有限;而后者堪称新中国成立后历史著作翻译中的里程碑,但是在今天看来文风略显古旧,而且注释不足。 修昔底德:5伯罗奔尼撒战争史6,徐松岩、黄贤全译,广西师范大学出版社2004年版;希罗多德:5历史6,徐松岩译,三联书店2008年版。 目前修昔底德著作最权威的希腊文版本是意大利古典学家阿尔伯蒂编辑的:Thucyd i d is,H istoriae,ed.Ioannes Bapti sta A l b ert,i3Vols.,Ro m e:Typ i s pub li cae offici nae pol ygraph i cae,1972-2000。当2000年阿尔伯蒂历经近三十载将最后一 卷出版之后,霍恩布鲁尔毫无保留地称该版本为:/现有最好的修昔底德版本0(参见S i m on H orn b lo w er,/The B estA2 vail ab le Text ofThucyd i des,0i n The C lassic a l Revi e w,V o.l52(2002),pp.238-240)。另外两个常用的希腊文版本是琼斯(H enry S t uart Jon es)编辑,鲍威尔(J ohn Enoch Po w ell)修订的牛津古典文本系列版(Ox f ord C l assical T exts): Thucyd i d i s,H ist ori a e,2V ol s.,Oxon i:i E Typ ographeo C larendon i ano,1942;另一个带有详细注释的经典希腊文版本是德国古典学家Johannes C l assen编辑,Juli us S teu p修订的版本:Thukyd i d es,B erlin:W ei d m ann,1900-1922。此外,下面提到的几个希)法、希)德和希)意对照本中的希腊文本也非常优秀。除此之外,修昔底德著作中单卷的希腊文本编辑和注释因为数量较多,这里不做讨论。当然这些希腊文本都只不过是一个起点,如果做高度学术性的翻译,那么还需要参考古典学家撰写的数量庞大的讨论文本问题的论文。 *

科技英语论文实用写作学习心得 (5000字)



亚历山大与希腊化时代 “希腊化”(Hellenistic)一词意即“希腊似的”,主要是指希腊文明随着希腊统治的扩张而传播到东方各地,东方被希腊化了。开启希腊化时代的主角是马其顿人。马其顿地处希腊的东北边缍,这个偏辟落后的小国是怎样崛起、进而发展成为一个地域辽阔的大国的呢?亚历山大又是怎样在他的帝国内传播希腊文化的呢?亚历山大又对希腊化时代做出什么养的贡献呢? 公元前四世纪后半叶。正当希腊腹地发展了200年的城邦政治制度日趋衰微之时,腓力二世领导下的马其顿王国即蓬勃崛起、一技独秀。腓力选择借鉴了希腊城邦和波斯帝国的经验,对马其顿的政治制度和币制进行了改革。公元前338年,马其顿在克罗尼亚战役,进一步挫败了以雅典、底比斯为首的反马其顿盟军,迫使几乎全希腊都承认了他的霸权。此后,腓力又拟订了进一步开疆拓土的战略方针,他在希腊的拥护者号召把战争引向亚洲,把财富夺回希腊,并举行了向波斯宣战的集会。公元前336年,壮志未酬的腓力遇刺身亡。“亚力山大是马其顿国王腓力二世的儿子,也就是该国的王子,他实际上是杀死他父亲之后登上王位的,接着便开始了他惊人的征服之旅,很大程度上是受波斯人在公元前五世纪入侵希腊、洗劫雅典的启发,亚历山大生活在公元前四世纪中叶,大约是波斯战争一百多年后,他随后开始了惩罚波斯帝国的征程。”(澳大利亚悉尼大学博士丹·坡茨) 雄才大略的亚历山大是人类历史上第一位所向披靡、横扫欧亚非的军事天才。“公元前334年,以亚历山大为首的希腊东征军跨过了赫勒斯滂海峡,在格拉尼库斯河畔首战告捷,第二年又在叙利亚的伊苏斯平原,大败十万波斯军,俘

虏了波斯国大流士三世的母亲、妻子和两个女儿。”(中国人民大学历史系副教授米辰峰)然后亚历山大挥师南下,迅速攻占了腓尼基、巴勒斯坦,兵不血刃、占领了埃及。“厚颜无耻的埃及法老神庙祭司立刻尊奉亚历山大为阿蒙神之子,埃及法老的合法继承人。在平定了埃及以后,亚历山大又挥师北上,在公元前331年,在亚述古都尼尼微的附近高加美拉与号称百万的波斯大军展开了决战,开战不久,波斯国王大流士三世又一次弃阵逃跑、全军溃散。”(中国人民大学历史系副教授米辰峰)亚历山大相继攻陷巴比伦、苏撒和波塞波利斯三大古都,亚历山大的军队对古都进行了洗劫。“大肆洗劫王宫,仅仅在古都波塞波利斯一地就报抢劫了12万塔兰特的金银财宝,不久逃往大夏的波斯国王大流士三世被谋反的当地总督所杀,宫毁人亡,标志着以亚历山大为首的希腊入侵者取代了波斯帝国,在古代西亚的统治地位。”(中国人民大学历史系副教授米辰峰)公元前327年,亚历山大进一步向东扩张。“他越过了东伊朗的北部,到达索格底亚纳、大夏地区即现在的乌兹别克斯坦和阿富汗北部,随后进入印度北部、西印度的北部即现在的巴基斯坦,到达印度河谷后,他停止了前进,他不想再继续了,于是决定回师,他决定从陆地返回,他们穿过俾路支斯坦和伊朗东部的沙漠,旅途异常艰辛、损失惨重。”(澳大利亚悉尼大学博士丹·坡茨) 亚历山大于公元前324年初返回巴比伦,历时10年的东征方告结束。他认定未来世界的中心不在相对贫穷的西方,而在富庶的东方,故定都巴比伦。从此,古代世界前所未有的庞大的亚历山大帝国崛起。这个横跨欧亚非的帝国西起巴尔干半岛,南达利比亚、埃及,东至印度、中亚大夏一带,北达多瑙河和黑海北岸。在东征期间,亚历山大每占一地,都要留下驻军委任总督。据说,他在亚非大陆新建了七十多座军事要塞,都叫亚历山大里亚。“一个很普遍的现象就是古


世界史研究生开题报告 从研究生培养管理的角度讲,开题报告是研究生学位论文工作 的重要环节,下面和一起来看看吧! 一、选题背景 公元前415年,时值伯罗奔尼撒战争的间歇期,雅典公民大会通过决议,决定派遣主力舰队远征西西里,希望获得西西里的财富,从而打败斯巴达。但就在舰队起航的前夜,雅典城内随处可见的、用作界标的赫尔墨斯石像大部分被人毁坏了。这一事件使雅典人大为震惊,并由此引发了一系列事件,最终导致了西西里远征的失败以及最后雅典在伯罗奔尼撒战争的全面失败。历史学家修昔底德在《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》中细致地描述了这一赫尔墨斯神像破坏案: 与此同时,在雅典人的城市中有如此多的石雕赫耳墨斯头像。它们是以当地风格雕成的四方形石雕,许多树立在私宅和圣地的大门前。一晚其中的大部分表面被全然凿毁。并无人知晓这是何人所为,但(城邦)通告以大额赏金捉拿他们,并且投票决定,如有人知晓其它不敬神的行为,若愿意,应毫无畏惧地举报,无论是公民,还是外邦人或奴隶。而且他们(雅典人)把此事看得更为严重,因为它被看成是远征的不祥之兆,而且同时也是阴谋政变和推翻民主政治(demos)的一部分。 二、研究目的和意义 为什么在历史学家修昔底德的笔下,希腊人认为对赫尔墨斯神像的破坏不仅是远征不祥的征兆,更是一场政治阴谋的酝酿?对这一

问题的追问也引发了另外一系列问题:赫尔墨斯是一个什么样的神?为什么他的神像被毁能在全城民众中引起激烈的反响,进而引来一个国家的高度重视?古希腊的宗教与城邦政治之间存在着什么样的关系?诸如此类的问题,让我们把研究的目光集中在了赫尔墨斯崇拜这一问题上,也就是说,理解了赫尔墨斯崇拜及其在希腊文化中的地位,就能理解上述这些问题。古希腊人对赫尔墨斯的崇拜,出现时间比较早,并存在一个由地方性崇拜到泛希腊宗教崇拜的过程。赫尔墨斯还是奥林波斯神圣家族中少有的几个能够在希腊城邦经历了古典时期 的宗教危机后,仍未丧失其宗教特点的希腊神之一,也没有因为基督教的胜利而消失。因此,对赫尔墨斯神崇拜的研究,还能够扩展我们对希腊宗教的认识,加深我们对古希腊宗教特征的理解。 三、本文研究涉及的主要理论 20世纪50年代初线形文字B①成功释读后,泥板文书中所出现的神的名字也相继被学者们释读出来,其中就有后来被称为赫尔墨斯神的名字。德克萨斯大学的琼·古丽兹(JoannGulizion)于2000年发表论文《赫尔墨斯同e-ma-a2:论其崇拜从青铜时代到历史时期的连续性》 (Hermesande-ma-a2:thecontinuityofhiscultfromtheBronzeageto theHistoricalPeriod)[2],文中通过对泥板文书中所对应出现的赫尔墨斯一词的分析,肯定了古希腊人在青铜文明时期就有对赫尔墨斯这一男神的崇拜,后进一步通过对泥板文书中文字格式和内容的分析,并结合希腊城邦时期及古典时期对赫尔墨斯神的崇拜,肯定了古希腊


中英文科技论文写作教程 标题 一、英文文章标题(Title)的结构: 1.完整句子作为题目,这是一种常见的结构,尤其在报刊中常用: Fuzhou Strives for Better Exports (由于是题目,在句尾不能用句号) 2.名词+动词不定式结构:这种结构表示将来,因在题目中一般不用will或shall The Chinese Communist Party to Hold Its 18th Congress 3.名词或名词短语+过去分词。这种结构常用于报道已做过的事情. Capital International Airport Enlarged. 北京国际机场扩建 4.现代分词短语结构。 Visiting a Friend on a Snowy Night 5.介绍短语结构 In Memory of …. 6.名词或名词短语+介词短语结构 Home for the Sailors 7.以动词原形开始的短语结构,这种结构常用于带有号召性的题目中。 Server the People 8.名词或名词短语结构,例如 A small Green City 二、注意题目字母的大小写问题 1. 题目中除介词、冠词、和连接词的字母全部小写外,其它的词的第一个字母要大写(介词和冠词在题目开头时第一个字母也要大写) My Family and Myself 2.题目中全部字母大写,这种形式大多用于书籍封面上的题目,例如: 上海简介 A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO SHANGHAI 3.题目第一个词的第一个字母大写外,其它字母一律小写,但遇到专门名词时,该词的第一个字母仍须大写,现在报纸上的题目大都采用这种形式,主要是便于排版。 中国体操选手夺得七枚金牌 Chinese gymnasts sweep away seven gold medals 三.在英语文章题目中,冠词常可省略,例如 美国总统在西方 U.S. President in West 四、英文文题的一般性原则 *文题应准确而清晰反映文章的内容和重点。就根据情况,不一定要逐字译出题目中常有的“谈谈”,“浅析”,“初探”,“试论”,“我见”等字样。例如: 浅谈高等院校的短跑训练 Dash Training in Colleges and Universities 英文文题应尽量避免像“on the ”,“report on ”,“regarding”,“use of”,“research on ”,“a study of ”,“studies on…”,“investigation of …”,“relationship between …and …”,之


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外国史学史参考文献 一、参考书目 1、杜经国等《历史学概论》,高等教育出版社,1990年。 2、董进泉等《历史学》,四川人民出版社,1989年。 3、宁可等《史学理论与方法》,中央广播电视大学出版社,1993年。 4、陈耀林等《西方社会历史观》,河北教育出版社,1990年。 5、陈海宏等译《历史研究国际手册》,华夏出版社,1989年。 6、何兆武《历史理性批判散论》,湖南教育出版社,1994年。 7、杨豫译《当代史学主要趋势》,上海译文出版社,1987年。 8、严建强《西方历史哲学》,浙江人民出版社,1997年。 9、宋瑞之等《西方史学史纲》,河南大学出版社,1989年。 10、郭圣铭《西方历史概要》,上海人民出版社,1983年。 11、孙秉莹《欧洲近代史学史》,湖南人民出版社,1984年。 12、庞卓恒等《西方新史学述评》,高等教育出版社,1992年。 13、张广智等《现代西方史学》,复旦大学出版社,1996年。 14、张广智等《史学,文化中的文化》,上海社会科学院出版社,2003年。 15、万斌《历史哲学论纲》,浙江大学出版社,1992年。 16、郭小凌《西方史学史》,北京师范大学出版社,2000年。 17、姜义华等《史学导论》,复旦大学出版社,2004年。 18、杨豫等《历史学的思想和方法》,南京大学出版社,1999年。 19、李振宏等《历史学的理论与方法》,河南大学出版社,2001年。 20、[美]伊格尔斯《20世纪的历史学》辽宁教育出版社,2003年。 二、扩展参考书目 1、爱德华?卡尔:《历史是什么?》,吴柱存译,商务印书馆1981年版. 2、比德:《英吉利教会史》,陈维振、周清民译,商务印书馆1991年版。 3、布罗代尔:《长时段:历史和社会科学》,载布氏论文集《资本主义论丛》,顾良译,中央编译出版社1997年版。 4、布克哈特:《意大利文艺复兴时期的文化》,何新译,商务印书馆1979年版。 5、伏尔泰:《路易十四时代》,吴模信等译,商务印书馆1982年版。 6、费尔南?布罗代尔:《15至18世纪的物资文明、经济和资本主义》,三联书店1992年版。 7、费尔南?布罗代尔:《法兰西的特征》,商务印书馆1994-1997年。


学号:95161246 本科毕业论文 学院历史文化 专业历史学 年级9级 姓名裴杰 论文题目从民主运行机制视角看古代雅典民主政治的衰落指导教师王瑞红职称副教授

3年5月15日 信阳师范本科学生毕业论文开题报告


目录 摘要 (5) Abstract (5) 前言 (2) 一、古代雅典民主政治运行机制的特点 (6) (一)直接民主制 (6) (二)轮番而治 (7) (三)主权在民原则 (7) (四)多数决定原则 (8) 二、古代雅典民主政治运行机制的局限性 (9) (一)民主政治的执行主体具有狭隘性 (9) (二)民主政治下实际的不自由 (9) (三)直接民主制缺乏对群体决策必要的约束机制 (10) (四)在多数决定原则下群众易受演说术左右 (11) (五)在多数决定原则下容易出现集体的非理性 (12) 三、古典学者对古代雅典民主政治运行机制的批判 (13) 结语 (12) 参考文献 (17)

从民主运行机制视角看古代雅典民主政治的衰落 学生姓名:裴杰学号:95161246 历史文化历史学专业 指导教师:王瑞红职称:副教授 摘要:在古希腊的文明中,雅典的民主政治备受瞩目与称赞。然而,古希腊的民主政治经历了发展和繁荣,却最终走向了衰亡。本文试图从雅典民主政治的运行机制方面并结合古典学者对雅典民主政治的反思来分析其衰落的原因。探究雅典民主政治衰亡的原因,对我国今天的民主政治建设具有重大的意义。 关键词:古代雅典;民主政治;运行机制;反思 Abstract:Among the civilizations of ancient Athens,the Athenian democracy seems outstanding and is widely appreciated.However,ancient Athenian democracy saw its own development and prosperity,finally fading away.It is of great meaning for the current democracy construction of our country to analyze the reasons for the collapsing of ancient Athenian democracy.This paper attempts to analyze the reasons by picking out the shortcomings of this regulation,combined with some ancient scholars’ thought into it. Keywords: Classical Athens;Democratic policies;Working system;Profound thought 前言


Research on Trigonometric Leveling Freedu School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University,Wuhan430079,China E-mail:1111111111@https://www.360docs.net/doc/f317383750.html, Abstract —As the total station trigonometric leveling can survey without the restrictions oftopography. So, we can use it to survey the third &fourth order level survey in some special areas.In this article, we propose a new total station measuring method from combining the defect of traditional measurementmethods. The advantages of this method is that it can improve the precision without measuring height of device and prism, and it canreplace the third and fourth level of measurement under certain conditions. This method can greatly improve efficiency and shortenthe project duration in the construction survey . Keywords- trigonometric leveling ;total station ;error analysis I. I NTRODUCTION Engineering construction often relates to height measurement. Thetraditional measurement methods are leveling surveying andtrigonometry trigonometric leveling. Although the two methods have their own characteristics, but there are shortcomings.With the widespread use of the Total Station and using the track rod with the total station method to measure the elevation of the increasingly popular, traditional trigonometric leveling method has shown its limitations.After a long journey, a new trigonometric leveling method has been summed up.This approach combines the advantages of two traditional approaches to further improve the accuracy of the trigonometric leveling and tosurvey faster. This article systematically expounds the principle of traditional trigonometric leveling methods and the new methods, compares their advantages and disadvantages, and analyses the main errors and measurement accuracy in the process of trigonometric leveling. II. P RINCIPLE OF T RADITIONAL T RIGONOMETRIC L EVELING AND THE N EW M ETHOD The basic formula of the traditional trigonometric leveling: tan B A H H D i t α=++- (1) where A H is the elevation of a known point, B H is the elevation of the unknown point, D is the horizontal distance between the two points, αis the vertical angle when observe from point A to point B,i is instrument height, t is the height of the prism. For traditional methods, total station must be set up in the known elevation point. At the same time, you must measure out the height ofboth the instrument and the prism if you want to measure the elevation of the unknown points. If we can measure the elevation of the measured point while set point of total station arbitrarily like leveling surveying, instead of set it on a known elevation point, and do not measure out instrument and prism,speed of measurement will be faster. As shown in the figure 1, assuming that the elevation of the point A is known, the elevation of the point B is unknown, here we measurethe elevation of other points by total station. Figure 1. Diagram for trigonometric leveling Firstly, seen by trigonometric leveling principle: (tan )B A H H D i t α=-+- (2) where i, t is unknown, but one thing is sure that once the instrument set, value of i will remain unchanged.At the same time choose tracking lever as a reflecting prism, assume that the value of t is also fixed. Seen from formula (2), tan B A H i t H D W α+-=-= (3) By formula (3),the value of W will remain unchanged in any station. And while both A H and tan D αare known, it is possible to calculate the value of W . Operation of this new method is as follows: Shown in Figure 2, elevation of point A is known, elevation of point B is unknown, and the instrument is set up at point C between A and B. The instruments sight point A to get the reading 1V . That 1V =1D 1tan α, and calculate the value of W, W = A H +1D 1tan α. At this time related constants such as elevation of station, instrument height and prism height can beof any value, not necessary to set before measuring. And then set elevation of point Cto W , set the instrument height and prism height to 0. Then elevation of point C is known. Finally sight the target point B and measured its elevation, that is 22tan B H W D α=+ (4) Therefore, using the new method, elevation of point B is 1122tan tan B A H H D D αα=-+ (5)


政治 39 2019.3 | SOCIAL SCIENCES DIGEST 战后苏美从合作走向对抗的路径和原因 文/沈志华 余伟民 古希腊历史学家修昔底德以公元前五世纪雅典与斯巴达的冲突为例,在《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》一书中提出,当一个崛起的大国与既有的统治霸主竞争时,双方面临的危险多数以战争告终。这就是所谓的“修昔底德陷阱”,并被后人称为国际关系的“铁律”。近代以来,这种历史现象仍不乏其例,最典型的就是二十世纪前半叶德国(在欧洲)和日本(在亚洲)的所作所为及其后果。战后苏美关系的变化,也是如此。 那么,苏联究竟是如何掉进“修昔底德陷阱”的?苏美是怎样从大国合作走向全面对抗的?今天重提这个问题,对于调整当前的国际体系,尤其是处理中美关系正在出现的危机,可以提供历史的借鉴。 雅尔塔体系的基础:美苏利益的重合与战略协调 在第二次世界大战后期,主导反法西斯联盟的美英苏三国举行了一系列首脑会议和私下会谈,讨论战后世界的安排。通过在这些会议和会谈中达成的协议、发表的宣言和公告、组建的国际组织等,构建了战后国际秩序的基本框架和运行机制。由于雅尔塔会议的影响最突出,故名之为“雅尔塔体系”。 在雅尔塔体系的构成要素中,最重要的原则就是“大国一致与合作”、通过划分势力范围维持大国利益的平衡,并使他们分摊责任。 在战争后期的历次首脑会议上,美英苏“三巨头”讨论的中心问题都涉及上述原则,而作为具体的安排,丘吉尔与斯大林的“百分比协定”和美英苏三国的“雅尔塔协定”最为典型地贯彻了上述原则。前者划分了战胜德国后英国(和西方)与苏联在欧洲的势力范围(雅尔塔会议对此有所调整,并得到美国认可),后者划分了战胜日本后美苏在远东的势力范围(大致以中国长城和北纬三十八度线为界)。这样的安排基本符合战争结束时苏联军队在西线和东线抵达的前沿。在这样的安排中,既体现了美苏对战后秩序的支配作用,也满足了双方的利益诉求,因此初步形成了“大国一致与合作”的局面,雅尔塔体系就是在 这样的美苏战略协调中构建而成的。 苏联是雅尔塔体系的倡导者和获益者,因此斯大林采取了一系列方针和措施来保证这一体系的运行。1943年5月,斯大林突然宣布解散共产国际,表明苏联放弃以推翻资本主义制度为基本任务的世界革命方针的意向。在战争接近尾声和战后初期,苏联则大力推行以建立“联合政府”为目标的对外政策,这种政策在其势力范围之内(东欧),体现为推动建立多党联合执政的议会政府,不强制推行苏联模式的社会主义;在其势力范围之外(法、意、希),则“劝告”各国共产党放弃武装力量,以合法身份参加议会选举和组建政府。由此,美苏之间的合作在战争后期形成了“高潮”。在这段时间内,作为与美国一起主导战后国际秩序的“中心国家”,苏联在国际舞台上的角色与美国没有很大区别,其行为遵循了大国政治的逻辑,并表现出民族主义-国家主义的色彩。 欧洲冷战起源:美苏之间的战略互疑和防范 当美苏共同主导战后国际秩序的构建时,两国在国际政治层面找到了利益的重合点,也愿意就战后世界的安排进行战略协调,寻求“大国一致和合作”的途径。但是,美苏在国家制度和意识形态层面毕竟存在着明显的异质性,这种状况得不到改变,就必然形成双方战略上的互疑和防范心理,并由此衍生出难以调和的各种矛盾。 苏联作为历史上第一个社会主义国家,从其诞生之日起就以推翻资本主义世界为己任。在国内,苏联建立起了一套高度集权的社会主义模式,即国有化加计划经济的经济体制和“以阶级斗争为纲”实行高压统治的政治体制;在国外,苏共领导的国际共产主义运动,本质是将理论上的“无产阶级革命”与实践中的落后国家现代化及民族解放运动联结在一起的“世界革命”,是对西方资本主义体系的“替代性选择”。在这种意识形态和国家制度的对抗中,处在资本主义世界汪洋大海包围中的苏联首要考虑的自然是安全问题,并由此形成了“孤岛意识”。在斯大林的内心深处,始终无法摆脱一种不安全感的困扰。出于这


英文科技论文写作技巧与时态表达总结 英语谓语动词时态共有16种,在英文科技论文中用得较为频繁的主要有三种:即一般现在时、一般过去时和将来时。正确地使用动词时态是科研写作的基本功。此次分享的是英文科技论文写作技巧与时态表达总结。 首先应该把握以下三个基本要点: 1、一般现在时:主要用于不受时间限制的客观存在事实的描述,或发生或存在于写论文之时的感觉、状态、关系等的描述或致谢的表述等。值得注意的是,出于尊重,凡是他人已经发表的研究成果作为"previously established knowledge",在引述时普遍都用一般现在时。 2、一般过去时:用于写论文中作者自己所做工作的描述。例如描述自己的材料、方法和结果。 3、一般将来时:用于撰写论文之后发生的动作或存在的状态。例如提出下一步的研究方向。 摘要(Abstract): 摘要反映我们自己的研究结果,一般采用过去时。 概述(Introduction): (1)概述中的研究背景通常会引用相关学科中广为接受的原理或事实,以及你所做研究的重要性,这些通常采用现在时。 例如:Genomics provides crucial information for rational drug design. (2)在概述中也可能引用与你从事项目相关的一些研究结果,为表达你对该研究结果仍坚信其正确性及相关性,即使已经是很久以前的研究结果,可使用现在时。

例如:Many of the lakes and wetlands in the region are located in craters or valleys blocked by early Pliocene lava flows (Ollier & Joyce, 1964). Garcia (1993) suggested that under certain conditions, an individual’s deposit income is the same as the income from purchased national debt, thus changes in the amount of bank loans and deposits caused by changes in the amount of reserves will eventually affect the bond price. 需要注意的是如果引用的是一些已经过时或失效的科研结果,动词要使用过去时。 例如:Nineteenth-century physicians held that women got migraines because they were "the weaker sex," but current research shows that the causes of migraine are unrelated to gender. (注意这里从过去时态过渡到现在时态) 材料与方法(Materials and Methods): 对写论文之前自己所做工作的描述,通常采用一般过去时。 例如:(例1) Total phosphorous (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) were measured in the laboratory using standard procedures. (例2)The standard protocol was followed for the preparation of the media from stock solutions. 结果(Results): 对自己得出的研究结果,采用过去时进行详细的阐述。 例如:(例1)Overall, more than 70% of the insects collected were non-phytophagous.


英文科技论文写作 一篇好文章分享 撰写英文科技论文的第一步就是推敲结构。最简单有效的方法即采用IMRaD形式(Introduction,Materials and Methods,Results,and Discussion),这是英文科技论文最通用的一种结构方式。 IMRaD结构的逻辑体现在它能依次回答以下问题: Introduction(引言):研究的是什么问题? Materials and Methods(材料和方法):怎样研究这个问题? Results(结果):发现了什么? Discussion(讨论):这些发现意味着什么? 按照这个结构整体规划论文,有一个方法值得借鉴,即剑桥大学爱席比教授提出的“概念图”。首先在一张大纸上(A3或A4纸,横放)写下文章题目(事先定好题目很重要),然后根据IMRaD的结构确定基本的段落主题,把他们写在不同的方框内。你可以记录任何你脑海中闪现的可以包括在该部分的内容,诸如段落标题、图表、需要进一步阐述的观点等等,把它们写在方框附近的圈内,并用箭头标示它们的所属方框。画概念图的阶段也是自由思考的阶段,在此过程中不必拘泥于细节。哪些东西需要包括进文章?还需要做哪些工作,是找到某文献的原文,还是补画一张图表,或者需要再查找某个参考文献?当你发现自己需要再加进一个段落时就在概念图中添加一个新框。如果你发现原来的顺序需作调整,那就用箭头标示新的顺序。绘制概念图的过程看似儿童游戏,但其意义重大,它可以给你自由思考的空间,并通过图示的方式记录你思维发展的过程。这便是写论文的第一步:从整体考虑文章结构,思考各种组织文章的方法,准备好所需的资料,随时记录出现的新想法。采用这个方法,不论正式下笔时是从哪一部分写起,都能够能做到大局不乱。 英文科技论文的基本格式包括: Title-论文题目 Author(s)-作者姓名 Affiliation(s) and address(es)-联系方式 Abstract-摘要 Keywords-关键词 Body-正文 Acknowledgements-致谢,可空缺 References-参考文献 Appendix-附录,可空缺 Resume-作者简介,视刊物而定 其中正文为论文的主体部分,分为若干章节。一篇完整的科技论文的正文部分由以下内容构成: Introduction-引言/概述 Materials and Methods-材料和方法 Results-结果 Discussion-讨论 Conclusions-结论/总结 下面对科技论文主要构成部分的写法和注意事项进行详细介绍。 1.Title(论文题目) 由于只有少数人研读整篇论文,多数人只是浏览原始杂志或者文摘、索引的论文题目。
