

Tips for Writing Letters of


Language Department

Prof. Dr. Stephanie Swartz-Janat Makan

Letter of motivation

A letter of motivation (also called a "statement of purpose" or "personal essay") is a brief essay in which you explain what you hope to achieve during your studies or the scholarship program for which you are applying, as well as what it is that qualifies you as a top candidate for the scholarship.

The letter of motivation is an extremely important part of the application documents because it provides the selection committee with a description of your personality, as well as in what way you plan to contribute to and benefit from the scholarship program for which you are applying. Useful advice

?Make sure you know the exact format of the letter of motivation required by the competition before you start writing (required number of words/pages, spaces, etc.) ?Make sure your text is clear and readable

?Answer the questions: Why that country, why that university or company, what do you expect to gain by going abroad (mention concrete goals and benefits expected). Learning the language is not reason enough!

Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing a letter of motivation.

? A "letter of motivation" is your opportunity to "sell" yourself, i.e. convince the institution or company that they need to have you. Do not be modest: when applying, explain clearly why you think you are suited for the position or why the institution should support you.

?The goal of a letter of motivation is to provide a picture of your background and goals that will persuade the admission committee to accept you.

?Recruiters expect you to show that what you have matches what they want. Remember, this is a question of interpretation, and the secret of writing a good letter of motivation lies in using your qualifications and experience to show that you are the best person to support.

?Beyond the particular skills required by each program, a letter of motivation should show you to be a clear-headed person, capable of thinking clearly, and a motivated, active learner. Write in a clear and logical manner: remember, the way you write and present yourself says a lot about you.

?Before writing the first draft, take some time to think about yourself, your goals and your skills. Think about your background, what and where you have studied, and how all that

makes you suitable for the program/position. Put this in to the first part of the letter of motivation.

?Continue in the second section with your professional goals, explaining the connection between them and your studies. Present your long-term plans, and say how the program you are applying for will help you achieve those goals. Make clear why your background makes you suitable for the program, and how the program will help you achieve your long-term goals. In this section also explain why precisely that university etc. is your choice – the courses, faculty, research interests are possible reasons. In conclusion, state how you can contribute to the program.

?You need to take time. Expect to revise your letter up to 10 times (no exaggeration!) before you come up with a good letter. One strategy is, let it rest after you have written a new draft for a few days, and read it again, in order to get a more objective view. And have it checked by as many other people as possible! To do this, of course, means you must start the process early.

?And don't just copy what you have said in the other documents that you submit, but try to add to them. Answer the essay/statement question, if you have one - it usually will be something like "Why are you the right person for this program?".

Some important terminology:

I would like to apply …..

I am seriously considering specializing in …….

I am keenly interested in acquiring more theoretical/practical knowledge in ……

I would hope to be given the opportunity to …….

I would hope to be able to take part in …….

I am familiar with …….

It is my hope to learn more about ……. and experience other methods of …….

….. is my first choice as a foreign country because ……


Recommendation Letter Draft Dear Sir or Madam, I am glad to recommend Ms. XX to your graduate program. She is a hardworking and intelligent student in my class. Ms. X did good job on my lectures of digital signal processing and microelectronic circuit design. Through hard working, she became one of the top students in my class. Ms. X is focusing on machine to machine networking and doing wireless communication research work with my colleague in the Joint Institute. However, she never limits her knowledge to this certain realm but tries to study different topics. As a self-motivated person, she tries to acquaint herself with a wide range of engineering subjects, such as smart semiconductor devices, matrix theory and graph theory. Also, she succeeded in doing several engineering programs in our institute and for other organizations. Except for her research on network and communication, she participated in signal filter design, webpage and website construction as well as Grading Book system development. I appreciate her industry. Despite her sedulity, Ms. X is also a very sociable student with leadership. She is the president of Yunnan V olunteer Charity Program, which aims to improve the education and living quality of children in the western region of China. Ms. X gathered capable students and non-governmental organizations to realize their responsibilities. Also, she once worked for Microsoft Research Asia as an intern in her sophomore year. She was one of the youngest interns in the company. Her superior performance there set up good reputation for our Joint Institute. Besides, she helped to hold a collaborative discussion between Microsoft and our deans, Professor XX and XX. I am confident that Ms. X will be a good graduate student at your department. Her diligence and strong social ability are the two biggest merits for her to be successful in the overseas study. Sincerely yours, Prof. XX UM-SJTU Joint Institute


美国大学文书申请范文 I guess it was inevitable that I’d be on hockey skates at some point in my life, but I did not expect that I’d become one of a rare group of female ice hockey officials before I even reached high school. Being born into a family of hockey players and figure skaters, it seemed that my destiny had already been decided. Right from the beginning, my two older brothers and my father strapped me up and threw me onto the ice. I loved it and, in my mind, I was on my way to becoming a female Gretzky! But my mom had to think of something fast to drag her little girl away from this sport of ruffians. Enter my first hot pink figure skating dress! That was all it took to launch fifteen years of competitive figure skating. Even though figure skating soon became my passion, I always had an unsatisfied yearning for ice hockey. It took a great deal of convincing from my parents that competitive figure skating and ice hockey didn’t mix. My compromise became refereeing ice hockey; little did I know that I was beginning an activity that would influence my character and who I am today. When I began, I would only work with my dad and brothers. Everyone was friendly and accepting because I had just started. I soon realized though that to get better I needed to start refereeing with


讲解入党申请书的书写格式 第一篇:讲解入党申请书的书写格式 每一个要求入党的人,都必须由本人向党组织提出申请书,这是为了向党组织表明自己入党志愿,使党组织了解自己的信念和要求,便于党组织对申请入党者有意识进行考察、教育和培养,讲解入党申请书的书写格式。申请入党应采用书面申请的形式。 入党申请书的格式是: 1、标题。在第一行的正中写“入党申请书”。 2、称呼。即在标题下空一行顶格写出接受入党申请书的组织名称。 3、正文。入党申请书的主要内容包括:个人履历、家庭主要成员以及主要社会关系情况;对党的认识、入党动机和对待入党的态度;个人在政治、思想、工作、作风等方面的主要表现情况,等等,入党申请书《讲解入党申请书的书写格式》。本人如果有政治历史问题或受过奖励、处分,都必须如实写清楚,不能隐瞒、欺骗组织。 4、结尾。一般在正文后写“此致”,再另一行顶格写“敬礼”。 5、署名和日期。在结尾下一行的后半行(右下方)写出申请人的姓名和具体申请日期。 第二篇:入党申请书的书写 入党申请书的书写 一、入党申请书的基本书写格式以及内容要求如下: (1)标题。第一行居中写“入党申请书”。

(2)称谓。即申请人对所在党组织的称呼,一般写“敬爱的xxx党支部”。顶格写在标题的下一行,后面加冒号。 (3)正文。主要内容(共7段):①表明自己的入党愿望,通常写“我志愿加入中国共产党”。②党的性质和指导思想。③自己概括党史。 ④对党的认识、入党动机。⑤大学规划。⑥今后努力方向以及如何以实际行动争取入党,本部分一定要做出承诺,并表达请党组织考察的心情和愿望。通常写“假如党组织接受我的入党申请,我就??;假如党组织不接受我的申请,我就??。请党组织在实践中考验我。”⑦誓词。 (4)结尾。全文的结尾一般用“此致敬礼”。 (5)在申请书的最后,要署名和注明申请日期。一般居右书写“班级:xxx”,下一行写“申请人:xxx”,再下一行写“xxxx年xx月xx日”。 二、写入党申请书需要注意的几个问题: (1)入党申请书要用400格的顶部印有“佛山科学技术学院”字样的原稿纸与黑色笔书或钢笔写,字体必须为手写,字数要求2000字以上。 (2)党的性质和指导思想不能有错漏,正确、正面概括党史, 不犯政治性错误。 (3)联系实际谈对党的认识和入党动机,不要以旁观者身份一味评论别人。 (4)对党忠诚,向党组织反映真实思想情况。 (5)申请书要写得朴实而庄重,不需要追求华丽的辞藻,夸夸其谈。


一个中国学生的美国大学申请个人陈述: “爸爸,为什么我们的工厂没有自己的品牌?”六岁那年,我忍不住把藏在心里很久的问题向爸爸提出来。 “这个问题一言难尽。虽然注册一个属于自己的品牌很简单,但是要把牌子真正的经营好很困难。首先涉及到创新设计的问题,市场缺乏这样的人才,而模仿加工容易,这是加工厂成批出现的原因。其次开发这些新产品需要耗费很大的财力和时间,还有很大风险。”虽然爸爸没有直接给我答案,可是他的回答却激发了我的兴趣,让我开始思考这个问题。 ….. (中间写了学生从小在爸妈的工厂生活成长,对爸妈工厂的发展的看法,以及对他们只是代加工国际品牌衣服而没有自己品牌的困惑。) “爸爸,为什么我们生产的衣服利润一件只有100多元,但是在杭州大厦卖的价格却是10倍这么高?”十二岁那年陪爸爸到杭州大厦给妈妈买生日礼物时,看到我们厂里代加工的衣服的售价,我忍不住问了爸爸。 “一个牌子能一直流行下来最核心的价值是它的品牌和设计。同一块面料,香奈儿的设计师设计出来的裙子会比普通牌子的设计师设计出来的裙子贵太多太多。”跟往常一样,爸爸的回答再次引发了我的思考。 ….. (中间写了学生在这之后,对爸妈的加工厂的利润和出路的思考) “爸爸,为什么你要卖了我们的工厂呢?”去年年底当得知爸爸居然要卖了他一手创办的存在了十几年的工厂时,我又震惊又难过的跑去问爸爸。 “因为近几年来中小企业融资难,招工难,同时管理成本越来越大(工资要求高,做事效率低)。由于没有自己的的品牌导致利润低,特别是09年金融风暴,外贸行业收到严重影响,许多中小企面临倒闭。”爸爸的回答充满无奈,迫使我直面这个困扰我很久的问题。 …. (最后写学生对此的想法,对家乡义乌那一片工业区的加工厂倒闭的想法,以及希望为此做出努力的决心)


入团申请书格式大全版 本文从网络收集而来,上传到平台为了帮到更多的人,如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载本文档(有偿下载),另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意! ★入团申请书频道为大家整理的入团申请书格式范文大全版,供大家参考。更多阅读请查看本站入团申请书频道。 内容 入团申请书从内容上看,一般要有以下几层意思: ⒈要谈清自己对团组织的认识和入团要求,这是青年加入共青团组织的思想基础。 ⒉要结合自己的成长过程,个人情况,谈自己对共青团组织的认识是如何提高的。 ⒊入团申请书不仅要写清自己对团组织的认识和入团要求,而且要写明自己的努力方向以怎样的行动争取入团。 ⒋入团申请书的最后部分,也可谈谈自己以怎样的态度接受团组织的考验。 以上是从内容上谈入团申请书的写法,这里只是给大家在写入团申请书时作以参考,而不是要求每份入团申请书都要写的面面俱到,都要写成一种模式。 [编辑本段]格式

团的条件是什么? 团章规定:”年龄在十四周岁以上,二十八周岁以下的中国青年承认团的章程,愿意参加团的一个组织并在其中积极工作,执行团的决议和按期交纳团费的,可以申请加入中国共产主义青年团。” 这些是做一个共青团员必须具备的条件。 入团申请书的写法格式 入团申请书的写作格式一般来讲都是固定的,它的内容主要包括五个部分:标题、称呼、正文、结尾、落款。 (一)标题:入团申请书一般由申请内容和文种名共同构成。如“入团申请书”。题目要在申请书第一行的正中书写,而且字体要稍大。入团申请书,题目也可单独写在第一页上,字体醒目。 (二)称呼:通常称呼要在标题下空一两行顶格写出接受申请书的团支部的名称,并在称呼后面加冒号。如“敬爱的团组织:”。 (三)正文:这是申请书的主要部分,第一段先写:我自愿申请加入中国共产主义青年团。第二段通常要先介绍一下个人的现实情况、个人简历、家庭成员及社会关系情况。然后,要写明申请入团的动机、理由、对团的认识、自己的决心等。对个人情况的介绍可以


To whom it may concern, My name is XXX. As the English teacher of XXX Middle School, which is one of the most prestigious middle schools in XXX, I deem it a pleasure to recommend XXX, one of the outstanding students in our department for admission and support her application for advanced study in your university. I first became acquainted with XXX since 2014, when she first came to our school as a high school student. Since her enrollment into our department with remarkable entrance scores, XXX has embodied the fine character of strong inquisition and industriousness in learning, which has gained her significant academic success during her college years. I am aware of her distinctive academic performance as reflected in her transcripts. She maintains a very high score in my courses that places him in the top 5% out of 20 through the past years. In the English Speech Contest organized by the International Department of our school, she excelled most of other contestants in the 10th grade. I have also discovered her to be perseverant and enthusiastic in studies and extracurricular activities. During the Military Life Experiencing period, a compulsory training program for all Chinese high school freshmen upon their immediate entrance, she was granted the title of Excellent Trainee thanks to her painstaking training efforts, though the training was extraordinarily rigorous and demanding. In the past 2 years, she has


一寸光阴不可轻 外国大学申请书范文 Dear Sir, I am writing in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to further my study in Applied Physics toward Master degree in your university. My name is Li Jin,an undergraduate student of the Department of Applied Physics,Huabei University.Next year in the summer,I will graduate and get my B.S.degree.I plan to continue my study and research in this field.I chose Boston University because there are a congenial team of researchers,an array of databases and research projects in your school of Physics.I believe my interests are extremely congruent with the strengths of the school.And my solid academic background will meet your general entrance requirements for graduate study. I will appreciate it very much if you could send me the Graduate Application Forms,the Application Form for Scholarships/Assistantships,and other relevant information.My mailing address is shown on the top of this letter. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely yours, Li Ming 1


入团申请书的书写要求 入团申请书的书写要求: 入团申请书的写作格式一般来讲都是固定的,它的内容主要包括五个部分:标题、称呼、正文、结尾、落款。 (一)标题 入团申请书一般由申请内容和文种名共同构成。如“入团申请书”。题目要在申请书第一行的正中书写,而且字体要稍大。 入团申请书,题目也可单独写在第一页上,字体醒目。 (二)称呼 通常称呼要在标题下空一两行顶格写出接受申请书的团支部的名称,并在称呼后面加冒号。如“敬爱的夏华中学团支部:”。 (三)正文 这是申请书的主要部分,通常要先介绍一下个人的现实情况、个人简历、家庭成员及社会关系情况。然后,要写明申请入团的动机、理由、对团的认识、自己的决心等。对个人情况的介绍可以较简单,而把重点放在入团的动机、对团的认识以及自己的决心上。 正文要从接受申请书的团组织名称下一行空两格处写起。

申请书的正文部分一般篇幅较长,所以要注意分段。 具体写法 1.介绍个人的现实情况 对个人现实情况的介绍,是为了让团组织对自己的身份、情况有一个初步和大致的了解,不用展开来写,简明扼要即可。 2.个人简历和家庭成员及社会关系的情况 这一部分的内容也要简单,无须多用笔墨,但也必须清楚明白。对个人简历的写法,一般要求从上学时写起,到目前为止,只需依据时间的顺序,一项项地排列出来即可。 主要家庭成员及社会关系的情况,在申请书正文中可以简单地介绍一下,也可以不写,要视具体情况而定。有的家庭成员及主要社会关系可附在申请书后。 3.入团动机和理由 入团的动机、理由要重点写。申请的理由比较多,则可以从几个方面、几个阶段来写 4.对团的认识 对团的认识往往是同个人的成长经历有关的,这在申述自己的入团动机时已有所涉及。这里指的是专门较集中的对团认识的文字。 5.自己的心情、决心 这一部分是抒写自己入团的强烈愿望,表达自己的决心


入党申请书标准格式写作规范 以下是关于入党申请书标准格式写作规范的文章,供大家学习参考! 入党申请书写法 入党申请书的基本写法 根据党章规定,要求入党的同志必须亲自向党组织提出申请。申请可分为口头申请和书面申请两种形式。通常情况下,申请入党的同志应写书面申请。 入党申请书的基本书写格式及内容通常如下: 1. 标题。居中写"入党申请书"。 2. 称谓。即申请人对党组织的称呼,一般写"敬爱的党组织"。顶格书写在标题的下一行,后面加冒号。 3. 正文。主要内容包括:①对党的认识、入党动机和对待入党的态度。写这部分时应表明自己的入党愿望。②个人在政治、思想、学习、工作等方面的主要表现情况。③今后努力方向以及如何以实际行动争取入党。 4. 结尾。申请书的结尾主要表达清党组织考察的心情和愿望,一般用"请党组织在实践中考验我"或"请党组织看我的实际行动"等作为结束语。全文的结尾一般用"此致,敬礼"。 在申请书的最后,要署名和注明申请日期。一般居右书

写"申请人×××",下一行写上"××××年×月×日"。 另外,为了使党组织对自己有较全面的了解,申请人可另写一个附加材料,将个人的履历,家庭成员及主要社会关系的情况写清楚。将自己的政治历史情况和奖惩情况也要写清楚。如果自己家庭成员和主要社会关系中,有人政治历史情况比较复杂,或受过刑事或其它重大处分,也应实事求是地写出。 写入党申请书应注意的问题 1. 要认真学习党章,掌握基本精神,加深对党的性质、宗旨、任务、党员的权利、义务等基本知识的理解。 2. 要联系自己的思想实际谈对党的认识和入党动机,不要以旁观者身分一味评论别人。 3. 对党忠诚者实,向党组织反映真实思想情况。 4. 申请书要写得朴实、庄重,不要追求华丽的辞藻,夸夸其谈。对基本写法正文中各部分的内容可根据自己的实际情况掌握。 入党申请书参考例文 敬爱的党组织: 我志愿加入中国共产党,愿意为共产主义事业奋斗终身。中国共产党是中国工人阶级的先锋队,是中国各族人民利益的踏实代表,是中国社会主义事业的领导核心。党的最终目的是实现共产主义的社会制度。我们党是以马列主义、


篇一:出国留学自荐信及推荐信 浅谈ps的写法 001-11-19 10:49:36 1.个 性 原 则 : 我相 信申请出国的大多数人都不是牛人。当你不是牛人,无法向对方吹嘘自己是多么的聪明的时候, 你就必须向对方展现自己的个人魅力。当你坐在计算机前开始写作的时候,你一定要想清楚自 己是什么样的人,自己有什么优点。如果你不能让对方相信你的聪明和爱因斯坦是同数量级的 (这种人指的是毕业于名校,gpa在3.8以上),那么你就应该让他相信你的勤奋或是坚韧 的毅力与阿甘相比有过之而无不及,--------当然你也可以想出你的其他优点。不过,你也 不要把我的意思弄拧了,我并不是说,你不能说自己是聪明的,而是说,你或许可以着更多的 笔墨在你的勤奋上。毕竟,聪明仅仅是成功的一个因素,而你的毅力,合作力等等可能是成功 更重要的因素。 2.专 业 原 则 你在 你的ps和rl里首先要写大量的专业性的东西,并且在写rl的时候尤其要以指导老师的口 吻写很多你做实验的细节性的东西,并且说你如何解决了一些决定性的问题。 象去骗签证官,如果你无法说出一两个专业名词的话,即使有大学毕业证书证明你是哪所学校 什么专业毕业的,也不能让签证官相信你确实是去美国上学,而不是去打工或移民什么的。因 为任何文件都可以造假,而你的思想是造不了假的。你要尽量把你的思想给反映出来。 你一 定要记住,美国的大学之所以给你奖学金,求着你去学他们的理工科专业,并不是因为你的英 语学的比美国人好,gre考的比美国人高,或是想给中国免费培养人才,而是你能为他们做实 验,能给他们出文章,你在美国攻读学位期间所做的工作将会或大或小的为美国的经济发展做 出贡献,尽管也许一时还看不出来。所以,专业原则是最重要的一个原则。


哈佛大学留学申请书范文 通过学习留学申请书范文可以帮助大家熟悉申请文书写作的规范,今天给大家提供一篇申请哈佛大学的申请文书范文,希看对大家有所帮助。 Of all the characters that I' ve " met" through books and movies, two stand out as people that I most want to emulate. They are Attacus Finch from T o Kill A Mockingbird and Dr. Archibald " Moonlight" Graham from Field of Dreams. They appeal to me because they embody what I strive to be. They are influential people in small towns who have a direct positive effect on those around them. I, too, plan to live in a small town after graduating from college, and that positive effect is something I must give in order to be satisfied with my life. Both Mr. Finch and Dr. Graham are strong supporting characters in wonderful stories. They symbolize good, honesty, and wisdom. When the story of my town is written I want to symbolize those things. The base has been formed for me to live a productive, helpful life. As an Eagle Scout I represent those things that Mr. Finch and Dr. Graham represent. In the child/adolescent world I am Mr. Finch and Dr. Graham, but soon I' ll be entering the adult world, a world in which I' m not yet prepared to lead.


篇一:入党申请书(写作格式,内容要求及范文) 入党申请书 一.入党申请书,又称入党申请报告,是要求入党的人向所在单位的党组织提出的一种书面材料。入党申请有书面申请和口头申请两种方式,除非不具备必要的条件和能力,一般应采取书面申请的形式;有的同志口头提出入党申请后,事后也应补写书面入党申请。词义入当申请书 词义 入党申请书 入党申请书标志着申请人经过了郑重思考,向党组织表明自己有入党的志愿和要求,使党组织了解申请人的政治信仰和追求,便于党组织对申请人有针对性地进行培养、教育、考察,同时也是党组织确定入党积极分子和发展对象的重要依据。入党申请书是要求入党的同志对党的认识和自我认识的反映。因此,每一位要求入党的同志,都应该认真写好入党申请书。写好入党申请书不仅可以增加被批准的概率,而且写作本身这个过程也是一次学习和反思,还可以锻炼和提高自己应用写作的能力。 入党誓词: 我志愿加入中国共产党,维护党的纲领,遵守党的章程,履行党员的义务,执行党的决定,严守党的纪律,保守党的秘密,对党忠诚,积极工作,为共产主义奉献一生,随时准备为党和人民奉献一切,永不叛党。 入党申请书格式 根据《中国共产党章程》的规定,要求入党的同志必须亲自向党组织提出申请。申请可分为口头申请和书面申请两种形式。通常情况下,申请入党的同志应写书面申请。入党申请书的基本内容和写法如下:[1] 标题 (1)标题。一般写“入党申请书”或“入党申请”。 称谓 (2)称谓。申请人对党组织的称呼,如“敬爱的党组织”或“敬爱的×××党支部”等,顶格写在第一行,后面加冒号。 正文 (3)正文。这是入党申请书的关键部分,主要包括三方面内容:一是对党的认识和要求入党的动机,也就是为什么要入党。对党的认识,主要是对党的性质、纲领、奋斗目标、宗旨、党的路线、方针、政策的认识;入党动机,就是参加中国共产党的目的,即为什么要加入党组织。写这部分要联系自己的思想实际,可以写通过学习党的基础知识、听了党课、参加了有意义的活动以后的思想演变过程,以及思想认识上有什么提高等。二是个人履历(学历和工作经历)、家庭成员和主要社会关系的情况。如果本人家庭成员和主要社会关系中,有人有政治历史问题、或者犯过什么错误、或受到过刑事处分的,都要写清楚并表明自己的态度,以便让组织上了解。三是自己的优缺点和今后的努力方向。即个人在政治、思想、学习、工作、作风、纪律


美国大学申请书 美国大学申请书 申请美国的名牌大学和申请书诀窍 申请指南加入201X-3-3 0:39:34点击: 1433 美国大学到底欢迎什么样的人呢?特别是美国的名牌大学,怎么样才能被录取入学呢?这是每个申请人最想知道的。 (一)美国大学的录取标准 美国大学的录取标准与中国大学有很大不同。中国大学是一考定终身,分数线决定一切;美国大学则看重发展潜力、人格魅力和综合素质。 ①分寄个人成绩单。在美国,分数固然重要,在申请材料中成绩单是不可缺少的。由于美国高中是四年制,所有大学都需要申请人四年的成绩单。因此,中国申请人要把从初三开始的成绩寄往美国大学,分三次寄走。第一次是1月1日申请截止日期前的成绩,第二次是申请过程中的成绩,第三次,则是被录取后的最后成绩。 你在阅读申请要求时,会发现任何一所大学都将学业优异作为录取的最基本的首要条件。但没有一所大学会仅仅因为你在考试中取得了高人一等的分数而录取你,因为分数并不能完全说明学业上的潜力,更不能体现人的全面素质。 ②个人学术能力。学术优秀是美国大学选拔人才的一个首要条件。申请人的成绩单,所学课程的难度,排名、sat、toepl等标准考

试成绩,学科竞赛取得的奖项,甚至是参加过的培训,都是招生办所看重的。学术潜力表现为超出一般课业水平的学术能力。 对英特尔奖的得主,美国各大学当然是张开双臂欢迎的。在国际奥林匹克竞赛以及其他一些较高层次的学科竞赛中获奖的学生当然同样受到欢迎。 ③个人课外成就。这是仅次于学术的一个重要方面。招生办在申请的校内和社会活动项中,寻找能够证明申请人的责任心、领导才能的证据。他们希望了解申请人的成就、动力、领导力、精力、勤奋、正直、公正以及热情。 ④人格天赋魅力。这是美国各大学在录取中极为强调的一点。此外,有着卓越天赋的学生,可以由大学的专业教师或教练来进行评价。 ⑤个人艺术特长。申请人的艺术作品,如视觉艺术、舞蹈、戏剧或音乐,可以由大学的教师进行评价,并决定是否在评审录取时对申请人的特长进行特殊考虑。 4. 作曲与作曲技术理论 5. 音乐技术,录音艺术 onduting 书本和个人花费$4500 合计: $48960年。总体来说,专门的音乐学院学费比较贵,综合大学的下属音乐学院相对学费便宜。 第三篇: 美国大学招生潜规则 美国大学招生潜规则 美国大学的招生过程错综复杂、使人困惑。中国,以及大多数国家都采用简明直接的大学录取考试制度。可美国大学却要求学生提交


Coding-independent regulation of colon cancer cell proliferation PROJECT DESCRIPTION Colorectal Cancer (CRC), a malignant disease derived from colon epithelial cells, is one of the major threats to public health. Australia has one of the highest rates of CRC in the world. It is the third most common type of newly diagnosed cancer in the country. Moreover, it is the second most common cancer killer, claiming lives of around 3982 Australians each year. However, there is currently no curative treatment for metastatic colorectal cancers. Investigation of genes and signaling pathways that are dysregulated in CRC is a high priority for identification of novel therapeutic targets. Only 1.5% of the mammalian genome encodes proteins, and most of the genome is transcribed to tens of thousands of long (>200 nt) non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs). However, the functional consequence of the expression of lncRNAs has been largely uncharacterized. To date, a very small number of lncRNAs have been investigated, and their functional roles, revealed, in colon cancer. Preliminary studies from Professor Xu Dong Zh ang’s laboratory have shown that the expression of a lncRNA called REG1CP is elevated in five CRC tissues in comparison with adjacent non-cancerous colon epithelial tissues. The increase in REG1CP is further confirmed in a panel of CRC cell lines compared with a normal human colon cell line FHC. Of note, inhibition of REG1CP by siRNA reduced, whereas overexpression of REG1CP enhanced, CRC cell proliferation. To turn this information into our advantage in understanding CRC biology and in the treatment of the disease, we propose in this application to clarify the consequence of REG1CP upregulation and the mechanism involved in CRC cells, and to examine whether REG1CP-mediated signal is a potential therapeutic target in CRC. Our specific aims are to test whether targeting REG1CP inhibits proliferation of CRC cells and retards CRC xenograft growth in animal models, and to define the mechanism that drives the increase in REG1CP expression in CRC cells and the mechanism by which REG1CP regulates colon cancer growth. University of Newcastle has a strong cancer research program aiming to translate scientific advances into better clinical care. This project fits perfectly to the objectives of Cancer Program in that it will potentially lead to the development of new treatment approaches for CRC. Professor Xu Dong Zhang’s laboratory is highly experienced in similar studies, and it is well equipped with techniques and other materials and support needed for carrying out this project. Background: lncRNA: It has been recently shown that over 70% of the genomes of human and higher eukaryotes are transcribed, but only 1.5% of the human genome codes for proteins. lncRNAs are a large and diverse class of transcribed RNA molecules of more than 200 nucleotides that do not encode proteins, which may exert their functions either by binding to DNA or RNA in a sequence specific manner or by binding to proteins. lncRNA in cancer: Increasing evidence shows that lncRNAs play an important role in cancer biology. Dysregulated expression of lncRNAs in cancer frequently marks disease progression and often serves as an independent predictor for poor prognosis of cancer patients. (1, 2) REG1CP:REG1CP is an RNA that lacks an open reading frame. It is located to the locus enriched with regenerating (REG) gene family members, whose expression levels are closely associated with the survival rate of CRC patients (3). Interestingly, we have found REG1CP expression levels are positively related with the levels of REG gene family members including REG1A, REG1B and REG3A, suggesting that REG1CP may plays an important role in CRC patient survival as well. Supporting data: lncRNA microarray data showed that REG1CP was the most significantly upregulated lncRNA in five CRC tissues compared with adjacent non-cancerous colon epithelial tissues. While overexpression of REG1CP promotes, inhibition of REG1CP reduces, CRC cell proliferation. Moreover, REG1CP is also commonly upregulated in cultured CRC cell lines irrespective of their origins and genetic backgrounds in comparison with the cultured normal colon epithelial cell line FHC. Of note, REG1CP expression is positively associated with REG family members, which have been reported as predictors of poor CRC patient survival.
