


1 引言


2 概述


3 施工企业成本控制原则







4 施工成本控制措施



5 加强项目成本控制的现实意义




6 目前施工企业项目成本控制分析

6.1 当前项目成本的问题及原因


6.2 项目部亏损的原因分析


6.2.1 主观原因使成本失去控制








6.2.2 客观因素的影响是项目部总成本增加的一个方面








6.3 降低项目部亏损的对策


6.3.1 自行施工的项目部的成本控制措施








6.3.2 分包施工的项目部的成本控制措施




7 如何进行有效地进行成本控制

7.1 优化工程成本


7.2 制定动态成本计划





7.3 进行成本分析,提高企业成本管理水平






8 小结


The construction project cost control

1 Introduction

Project is a corporate image window and effectiveness of the source. With increasingly fierce market competition, the quality of work and the construction of civilizations rising material prices fluctuations. uncertainties and other factors, make the project operational in a relatively tough environment. So the cost of control is through the building of the project since the bidding phase of acceptance until the completion of the entire process, It is a comprehensive enterprise cost management an important part, we must organize and control measures in height to the attention with

a view to improving the economic efficiency of enterprises to achieve the purpose.

2 Outlining the construction project cost control

The cost of the project refers to the cost and process of formation occurred, on the production and operation of the amount of human resources, material resources and expenses, guidance, supervision, regulation and restrictions, in a timely manner to prevent, detect and correct errors in order to control costs in all project costs within the intended target. to guarantee the production and operation of enterprises benefits.

3 The cost of the construction enterprise principles of construction enterprises control

The cost of control is based on cost control of construction project for the center, Construction of the project cost control principle is the enterprise cost management infrastructure and the core, Construction Project Manager in the Ministry of Construction of the project cost control process, we must adhere to the following basic principles.

1)Principles lowest cost. Construction of the project cost control, the basic purpose is to cost management through various means, promote construction projects continue to reduce costs, to achieve the lowest possible cost of the objective

requirements. The implementation of the principle of minimum cost, attention should be given to the possibility of reducing costs and reasonable cost of the minimum. While various mining capacity to reduce costs so that possibility into reality; The other must proceed from actual conditions, enacted subjective efforts could achieve a reasonable level of the minimum cost.

2)Overall cost control principles. Cost Management is a comprehensive enterprise-wide, and full management of the entire process, also known as the "three" of management. The full project cost control is a system of substantive content, including the departments, the responsibility for the network and team economic accounting, and so on, to prevent the cost control is everybody's responsibility, regardless of everyone. Project cost of the entire process control requirements to control its costs with the progress of construction projects in various stages of continuous, neither overlooked nor time when, should enable construction projects throughout costs under effective control.

3)Dynamic Control principle. Construction of the project is a one-time, cost control should emphasize control of the project in the middle, that is, dynamic control. Construction preparation stage because the cost is under the control of construction design to determine the specific content of the cost, prepare cost plans, the development of a cost-control program for the future cost control ready. And the completion of phase cost control, as a result of cost financing has been basically a foregone conclusion, even if the deviation has been too late to rectify.

4)Principle of management by objectives. Management objectives include : setting goals and decomposition, the goal of responsibility and implementation of the aims of the inspection results of the implementation, evaluation of the goals and objectives that form the management objectives of the planning, implementation, inspection, processing cycle, PDCA.

5)Responsibility, authority, in light of the profit principle. Construction of the project, project manager of the department, the team shouldering the responsibility for cost control at the same time, enjoy the power of cost control, project manager for the

department, Teams cost control in the performance of regular examination and appraisal of implementation of a crossword punishment. Only to do a good job duties, rights, and interests combining cost control, in order to achieve the desired results.

4 The construction cost control measures

Project Manager of the project cost management responsibility for the first, comprehensive organization of the project cost management, timely understand and analyze profit and loss situation and take prompt and effective measures; engineering technology department should ensure the quality, Regular tasks to complete as much as possible under the premise adopt advanced technology in order to reduce costs; Ministry of Economic Affairs should strengthen budget management contract, the project to create the budget revenue; Finance Ministry in charge of the project's financial, Analysis of the project should keep the financial accounts of reasonable scheduling of funds.

Develop advanced economies reasonable construction program, which can shorten the period, and improve quality, reduce costs purpose; paid attention to quality control to eliminate redone, shorten the acceptance and reduce expenses; control labor costs, material costs, Machinery and other indirect costs.

5 Strengthen project cost control practical significance

1)Strengthen project cost control railway construction enterprises out of their predicament, the need to increase revenue. At present, the railway construction enterprises just into the market, to participate in market competition, will face a tough test of the market. Now the construction market liberalization, implement bidding system, and the strike has very low weight, To create efficiency is the only way to strengthen internal management and improve their internal conditions, internal efficiency potentials. Therefore, the strengthening of project cost control is a very realistic way.

2)Strengthening Project Cost control is adapt to the market competition, and strengthening internal management to the needs of their work. With the railway

enterprise's rapid development, construction increasingly fierce market competition. For a period of time, the railway construction enterprises will face the increasingly fierce market challenges Construction of the business environment difficult to be improved. Efficiency increases, effective cost control and claims will be strengthened in the future management focus. This requires the railway construction enterprises should respect the unity of the work to reduce costs and enhance efficiency objectives.

6 Currently construction enterprise project cost control analysis of the current project cost

6.1 Problems and the causes of the current project implementation

In summary, the current project of cost management, accounting only after the accounting, rather than advance the prevention and control things. The reasons are : lack of cost awareness. simply that the cost of management is the financial sector or the superior leadership, have nothing to do with them. only focused on the "production tasks are completed" and "contracting profit and loss," the groups have a "negative effect." Therefore, project to mobilize the full participation of the Ministry of cost control, deepening of the project cost management imperative.

6.2 Project Department analysis of the reasons for the losses as a project of building products

Commodities direct producers, both under the contract and construction drawings, self-regulating organizations of the construction authority, but also by contracting, design, Enterprises and other projects related to the construction of the units affected and constrained. In addition, geological and climate changes, Design changes, but on objective factors of the construction projects have a significant impact, and all of the above factors will affect the cost of project expenditures.

6.2.1 Lost control of the cost of the so-called subjective reasons,

Subjective reasons refer to the project, can not dispose of any external influence on the control of the costs, As mentioned above the project with the Ministry of Construction for the autonomy of the cost. mainly include the following aspects :

1)No strict cost control of the overall goal or no cost control goals. Most of the loss items Department head, there is no cost control goals. Although some but not strictly enforced, thus the cost of the project is out of control.

2)Materials, spare parts planning, procurement, inspection, custody, out of the reservoir, consumption of the system is not sound. the loss of the item, the purchase of materials and accessories unplanned phenomenon abound. procurement lies in the number of project managers even material, the result is bound to lead to a backlog of material, cost overruns.

3)Serious quality problems. serious losses Project Department, almost all relatively serious quality problems, resulting in rework, repair, It seems a repetition of construction, increase the costs of construction. For example, in the bridge construction, there is the basis sank, Pier deflect such phenomena.

4)Unreasonable arrangements. During the construction process, the project was not in a reasonable allocation of manpower, materials, equipment and other resources. lead to a waste of sabotage work; Construction of the manufacturing arrangements unreasonable to step in to complete the actual conduct of the second, three complete, the resulting redone, and so on.

5)More accidents. the loss of the item, Most of the projects have occurred in the Department of varying degrees of security incidents and minor injuries affected employees work injuries have affected staff work, Also the cost of medical expenses, but can also enable the staff of physical and skills decline, reduced labor and labor efficiency; fatal accidents resulting in huge pension costs to be incurred, directly increasing costs, and may also affect sentiment reduce production efficiency.

6)Contract management confusion. the loss of the item, Most of the projects the Ministry failed contract management awareness, knowledge of the contract, and have little do not understand the basic elements of the contract, contract management led to confusion, enterprises suffered huge economic losses.

6.2.2 The influence of objective factors of the project is to increase the total cost of a connection so-called objective factors

Project Department is unable to control its own and must take place or because there are things or phenomena, such as contracting, design, enterprises in terms of the contract for the project outside the Ministry of Construction issued the directive, geological and climate changes, Design changes such. These factors for the emergence of the cost incurred, Project Department is not the objective to control costs. These factors are :

1)Costs. Some enterprises in order to gain access to a particular market in the qualifications, thereby meeting the quality of construction projects built on the premise that right to take the tender bid price is lower than the cost of bidding strategy for the final bidding process, in the operating strategy is bound to happen, but projects are concerned, no matter what steps are taken it will be difficult to make these projects profitable.

2)Geological and Climate changes. the geological conditions are inconsistent with the design, Projects will be forced to change the construction method, thus affecting the construction period, so that the total project costs. the same time will also cost breakdown of a larger change. Winter, Construction of the rainy season and the number of days of sandstorms construction increase, the Ministry will allow the project to increase various fees.

3)Design changes. various engineering design changes so that the project will cost changes affect the total project cost. For example, contracting unit to increase the number of extend or shorten the construction period. changes in construction plans and projects to improve the quality of grading, etc..

4)Construction design less reasonable. As a construction site with the actual difference individual projects in construction design at the time of the existence of irrational phenomena, such as the personnel, materials, equipment arrangements and plans for the accuracy of individual projects or processes of the time, the lack of quality considerations. Projects can make the cost increase.

5)Sabotage work of the project. As work on the link between tasks or for other reasons, Projects have some sabotage work, in this period sabotage work needed to meet various costs, such as wages or basic living expenses. fixed asset depreciation charges, indirect costs of the project. Projects

6.3 Containment measures for the loss

Containment measures for the loss of containment for a variety of reasons over the project losses, in accordance with the requirements of clear responsibilities, Projects should control the cost of the project is able to cost control measures were taken. for a project to control the cost of the project by the Ministry of control; and the project beyond the control of the costs or losses, by the enterprises should take measures to control it.

6.3.1 Construction projects to the Ministry of the so-called cost control measures to the Ministry of Construction of the project.

Construction projects to the Ministry of the so-called cost control measures to the Ministry of Construction of the project.refer to enterprises directly organized by the staff and farmers contract workers, temporary workers and the labor force composed of the internal construction team, mixed construction team and construction services sub-teams composed of Construction Projects.

1)Determine the total project cost targets and the profit and loss targets. Every one of the successful projects, in a formal pre-construction, identify the project and sub-project for the dates, materials, equipment and identify the project and sub-project of the labor, materials, machinery and indirect costs. On this basis, The project will determine the profit or loss targets.

2)Implemented material bidding procurement. Projects must thoroughly change the past, piecemeal purchase goods, the enterprises of all projects, including the main material to build on all the tender for the procurement, Obviously choice of material suppliers. Meanwhile, we should fully consider the time value of money. choose a suitable form of payment.

3)Controllable according to the principle of cost control. The Ministry of Construction of the project team and staff, In accordance with the principle of cost control and distinguish the project department, the construction team and the staff of the costs of monovalent responsibility, including dates Price, Materials Unit, select the unit and units, or fixed rates. We must strictly enforce the internal inspection system for pricing, timely construction team and staff honored economic interests.

4)Enhance safety, and quality management. Projects must establish security, Quality is the major benefits of efficiency. actively prevent and avoid possible security, quality accidents, for the accident-prone regions of constant surveillance. to strictly implement the responsibility for the accident the penalty system so that all staff clearly establish the safety, quality consciousness.

5)Strengthen contract management. All of the projects, In particular, the main sub-projects of the need for a designated person responsible for contract management, In addition to the timely settlement or deal with the things, with the other units or individuals from the economic, technical, labor matters, must sign the formal contract, not with the verbal agreement. at the contract process, should act in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of the contract for disposal.

6)Improve the management system, establish a cost-control mechanism. Projects must connect with reality, the development and control of the cost to draw up rules and regulations, such as material procurement, custody, inspection, warehousing, consumption system, the labor remuneration management systems, equipment management, financial management, accounting, security, quality management approach, the post-mortem valuation methods, and to establish the cost of the project department of internal control and supervision mechanisms.

6.3.2 Construction of the sub-item of cost control measures in the so-called sub-Construction Projects

1)Determined in accordance with the assembly The objectives of the sub-projects to determine the price.

2)Allocated in strict accordance with the requirements of the project and the clearing. Projects must be in accordance with the provisions of the contract settlement price of the project, completion of the sub-units of qualified engineering post-mortem will be conducted on a monthly basis for the valuation and then clearing projects, sub-units will not be allowed to advance baiting, and for projects.

3)Strictly prohibited construction of external units link . Projects must be in accordance with the requirements of enterprises, prohibit external units linked to various forms of external construction enterprises. Any item shall not allow the Ministry of External units to enterprises in the name of contractor carry out projects, the post-mortem pricing and settlement payments.

7 On how to conduct effective cost control

7.1 Segmentation project cost

Optimal allocation of project resources project allocation of resources is directly related to cost control methods and extent of For many of the ongoing state-controlled construction of large enterprises, Basically, the cost of the project is a subcontractor costs and cost of the construction team, and the enterprises is the main source of economic control subcontractor costs. Team Construction costs are often difficult to create cost-effective. both how the mix, the cost of the project into how, This enterprise is the key to cost control problems.

7.2 The development of a cost plan

A cost of the complete dynamic control costs and responsibilities of sub-division and the initial cost of the two identified some of the costs, To work out the total cost of the scheme, the total cost of the scheme is in addition to covering the costs and responsibilities of sub-cost, should also consider funding the project site, the higher management fees, taxes and other factors. The total cost will be divided into two parts :

1)Uncontrollable cost of the project : it refers to taxes, the higher management fees can not be subjective project management control;

2)Controllable cost of the project : the total cost of the scheme, apart from the uncontrollable costs other than the full cost, such as subcontracting costs, responsibility for the cost, on-site expenses.

Controllable costs are focused on cost control, controllable cost of the project is planned prior to the commencement of the construction time, construction, construction design based on. Along with the progress of works and that will happen if the construction program improvement works to change, to build factors such as rising price changes. So for the cost of plans to conduct timely adjustment, the cost of the scheme is to ensure that the guidance and control, in the adjustment should pay more attention to analysis of the different factors changes to the original cost of the scheme is the extent of the effect.

7.4 Conduct a cost analysis, improve enterprise cost management level after the end of construction

According to the total cost of the scheme and controllable cost plan and the final actual cost comparison analysis, cost analysis charts available in various forms, such as comparative analysis not only to the total cost, but also to process cost analysis, but mainly to process analysis, process reached higher or lower cost reasons.

1)First analyze the conditions for the construction, Construction programs, materials price changes caused by changes in the unit price for the process, collecting the introduction of new technology, new techniques, and new materials processes cost information;

2)Followed by the subjective determination of the cost comparison part of the process the price analysis by the enactment of the unreasonable result of the high or low price processes, while accumulation of written information, for the future development of similar projects the cost of the scheme;

3)Sub-units of information collection and evaluation of sub-contractors, prepared, "the roster of qualified sub-contractors" for future similar projects to choose subcontractors and sub-development costs;

4)Summary subcontracting costs and responsibility cost data, after screening analysis for enterprise Bidding reference.

8. Summary of the construction project cost control

Summary of the construction project cost control is a complicated systematic project. the application needed to be applied with flexibility the actual operation be adapted to local conditions, different sizes, different construction firms and different management systems have differences, But in any case are the construction of the production and operation of enterprises in the amount of human resources, material resources and expenses, guidance, supervision, regulation and restriction. Therefore, "increases production and economize, to increase revenues and reduce expenditures" is a common construction enterprises, This requires constant practice in the review and improve cost control, ways and means to ensure that the project cost goals.

From《Canada Journal Of Civil Engineering 》


XXXXXXXXXX 项目 施 工 成 本 控 制 计 划 书 编制单位: 编制时间:二零一六年三月

目录 一、工程及成本概况………………………………………………… 1、工程概况 2、成本概况 二、成本控制的分析………………………………………………… 1、成本控制管理中的问题; ⑴、成本控制管理意识欠缺 ⑵、陈本管理方式落后 ⑶、成本控制管理方法不当 ⑷、成本管理系统松散 2、建筑成本管理的要点………………………………………… ⑴、建筑成本管理应以节约为主 ⑵、建筑成本管理应制定合理目标 ⑶、要对建筑施工成本进行动态管理 ⑷、各个部门进行责任与权力的结合 3、加强建筑施工成本管理的对策……………………………… ⑴、实现建筑施工成本动态控制 ⑵、对施工项目进行合理的分配 ⑶、提高成本管理意识 三、成本控制管理机构及责任……………………………………… 1、成立项目成本控制管理小组: 2、成本控制小组管理责任: 四、搞好成本预测、确定成本控制目标…………………………… 1、人、材、机费用预测 2、施工方案引起费用变化的预测 3、辅助工程费的预测 4、大型临时设施费的预测 5、小型临时设施费、工地转移费的预测 6、成本失控的风险预测 五、围绕成本目标,确立成本控制原则…………………………… 1、节约原则 2、全面控制原则 3、寻找有效途径,实现成本控制目标 4、加强质量管理,控制返工率 5、加强合同管理,控制工程成本

莱芜市大汶河农业嘉年华项目 施工成本控制计划书 一、工程及成本概况 1、工程概况 工程名称: 工程地点: 建设单位: 设计单位: 监理单位: 施工单位: 标高:以甲方控制点高程为准(施工以设计高程为准、黄海高程) 山东省XXXXXXXXXX项目位于山东省莱芜市莱城区汶河南,该项目依傍莱芜市大汶河建设,有良好的原始绿化面积覆盖。利用水力资源和原有绿化覆盖面打造生态园林。 项目施工总面积约83万m2,其中绿化面积约41万m2,硬质铺装约5.3万m2,工程主要分为四大块,水景水系、房屋建筑、道路及景观桥、绿化景观。项目主要建设内容包括:游道、广场路面铺装、服务用房、湿地公园户外训练、青少年培训、农业嘉年华、花坊、商业、住宅景观桥、水体、公路、标致小品、综合管网、绿化栽植等。 2、成本概况(中标及合同定了之后填写详细情况)


建筑工程项目管理成本控制 1.引言 当前施工企业普遍存在成本控制弱化的问题。加强成本控制,实现向效益型企业的转变是企业在市场经济中生存和发展的根本。许多企业己认识到成本控制的重要性,有的企业制定了相关成本控制制度,有的企业推行了责任成本控制,并取得了宝贵的成本控制的经验。但是,从整体上讲,由于国家大的投资环境及企业管理体制的约束,企业自身成本控制还处于从算账报账型向经营型、从经验型向科学型、从经济型向经济和技术结合型、从被动型向主动型转变的历史时期,还表现在企业内部经济承包体制不健全、成本控制制度规章缺乏科学性和统一性等方面。项目部成本控制关系到企业成本控制的成败。从成本控制模式上讲,多数企业还是应用传统的成本控制方法,制订施工预算,根据这个预算控制成本,只要是没有超过预算的成本就是有效的控制了成本,比较粗糙、简单的控制成本,没有使工程成本达到最优化的控制。因此,需要进一步改善成本控制的方法,提高企业的经济效益。 2.工程项目管理概述 工程项目管理的概念及特点 所谓工程项目管理,就是为了使工程项目在一定的约束条件下取得成功,对项目的所有活动实施决策与计划、组织与指挥、控制与协调等一系列工作的总称。工程项目管理是以建设工程项目为对象,以项目经理责任制为核心,以施工图预算中标价为依据,以创优质工程为目标,经济合同为纽带,最终产品的最佳效益为目的,实行从项目开工到竣工验收交付使用的一次性全过程施工生产经营管理。它是由项目经理为责任主体的管理班子,受企业法人委托和授权全权组织施工生产诸要素,对于工程项目工期、质量、安全、成本、现场、综合效益进行高效率、有计划的组织协调和管理的一种现代项目管理制度。概括的讲,就是根据具体工程项目的情况,按照建筑工程施工管理规律、程序和方法,对工程项目组织施工,实行全过程管理。 工程项目管理具有以下几点鲜明的特点:



译文: 在价值链的成本控制下减少费用和获得更多的利润 摘要: 根据基于价值链的成本管理理念和基于价值的重要因素是必要的。首先,必须有足够的资源,必须创造了有利的价值投资,同时还需要基于客户价值活动链,以确定他们的成本管理优势的价值链。其次,消耗的资源必须尽量减少,使最小的运营成本价值链和确保成本优势是基于最大商业价值或利润,这是一种成本控制系统内部整个视图的创建和供应的具实践,它也是一种成本控制制度基于价值链,包括足够的控制和必要的资源投资价值的观点,创建和保持消费的资源到合理的水平,具有价值的观点主要对象的第一个因素是构造有利的价值链,从创造顾客价值开始;第二个因素是加强有利的价值链,从供应或生产客户价值开始。因此它是一个新型的理念,去探索成本控制从整个视图的创建和供应的商品更盈利企业获得可持续的竞争优势。 关键词:成本控制,价值链,收益,支出,收入,成本会计 1、介绍 根据价值链理论,企业的目的是创造最大的顾客价值;和企业的竞争优势在于尽可能提供尽可能多的价值给他们的客户,作为低成本可能的。这要求企业必须首先考虑他们是否能为顾客创造价值,和然后考虑在很长一段时间内如何创造它。然而,竞争一直以“商品”(或“产品”)作为最直接的载体,因此,传统的成本控制方法主要集中在对“产品”和生产流程的过程。很显然,这不能解决企业的问题,企业是否或如何能为客户创造价值。换句话说,这至少不能从根本上解决它。 因此,企业必须首先投入足够的资源,以便他们能够创建客户值取向,然后提供它以最少的资源费用。所以在整个视图中对价值创造和提供整体的观点来控制成本,它可以为客户提供完美的动力和操作运行机制运行成本的控制,也可以从根本上彻底克服了传统的成本控制方法的缺点,解决了无法控制的创造和供应不足的真正价值。基于此,本文试图从创作的整体观讨论成本控制提供价值并探讨实现良性循环的策略,也就是说,“创造价值投资成本供应价值创造价值”。 2、成本及其控制的基于价值链理念 2.1基于价值链的成本观念 根据价值链理论,如果企业是要被客户接受,它必须创造和提供能满足其客户的价值。因此,成本(价值或资源支付费用)这不离为创造和提供顾客价值的活动,其活动的价值链。因此,我们应该从价值链角度看成本的重要。


(一)以施工图预算控制成本支出 在施工项目的成本控制中,可按施工图预算,实行"以收定支",或者叫"量入为出",是最有效的方法之一, 具体的处理方法如下: (1)人工费的控制。项目经理部与施工队签订劳务合同时,应该合理定出人工费 (辅工还可再低一些),其余部分考虑用于定额外人工费和关键工序的奖励费。如此安排,人工费就不会超支,而且还留有余地,以备关键工序的不时之需。 (2)材料费的控制。在实行按"量价分离"方法计算工程造价的条件下,材料价格随行就市,实行高进高出;地方材料的预算价格二基准价X(l十材差系数)。 在对材料成本进行控制的过程中,首先要以上述预算价恪来控制地方材料的采 购成本;至于材料消耗数量的控制,则应通过"限额领料单"去落实。 由于材料市场价格变动频繁,往往会发生预算价格与市场价格严重背离而使 采购成本失去控制的情况。因此,项目材料管理人员有必要经常关注材料市场 价格的变动;并积累系统翔实的市场信息。如遇材料价格大幅度上涨,可向"定 额管理"部门反映,同时争取甲方按实补贴。 (3)钢管脚手、钢模板等周转设备使用费的控制。施工图预算中的周转设备使用费=耗用数X市场价格,而实际发生的周转设备使用费二使用数X企业内部的租赁单价或摊销率。由于两者的计量基础和计价方法各不相同,只能以周转设 备预算收费的总量来控制实际发生的周转设备使用费的总量。 (4)施工机械使用费的控制。施工图预算中的机械使用费=工程量X定额台班 单价。由于项目施工的特殊性,实际的机械利用率不可能达到预算定额的取定 水平;再加上预算定额所设定的施工机械原值和折旧率又有较大的滞后性,因而使施工图预算的机械使用费往往小于实际发生的机械使用费,形成机械使用费 超支。 由于上述原因,有些施工项目在取得甲方的谅解后,于工程合同中明确规定 一定数额的机械费补贴。在这种情况下,就可以施工图预算的机械使用费和增 加的机械费补贴来控制机械费支出。 要坚持"以施工图预算控制合同金额"的原则,绝不允许合同金额超过施工图 预算。根据部分工程的历史资料综合测算,上述各种合同金额的总和约占全部


工程成本控制措施 一、工程项目成本控制的概念 工程项目成本控制是指为实现工程项目的成本目标,在工程项目成本形成的过程中,对所消耗的人力资源、物质和费用开支,进行指导、监督、调节和限制,及时控制与纠正即将发生和已经发生的偏差,把各项费用控制在规定和规定的范围内。 二、施工项目成本控制的原则 (1)全面控制的原则 ①全面控制 a.建立全员参加责权利相结合的项目成本控制责任体系 b.项目经理、各部门、施工队、班组人员都负有成本控制的责任,在一定的范围内享有成本控制的权利,在成本控制方面的业绩与工资奖金挂钩,从而形成一个有效的成本控制责任网络。 ②全过程控制 a.成本控制贯穿项目施工过程的每一个阶段 b.每一项经济业务都要纳入成本控制的轨道 c.经常性成本控制通过制度保证,不常发生的“例外问题”也有相应措施控制,不能疏漏。 (2)动态控制的原则 ①项目施工是一次性行为,其成本控制应事前重视、事中控制。 ②在施工开始之前进行成本预测,确定目标成本,编制成本计划,制订或修订各种消耗定额和费用开支标准。 ③施工阶段重在执行成本计划,落实降低成本措施,实行成本目标管理。 ④成本控制随施工过程连续进行,与施工进度同步,不能时紧时松,更不能拖延。 ⑤建立灵敏的成本信息反馈系统,使成本责任部门(人员)能及时获得信息、纠正不利成本偏差。 ⑥制不合理开支,把可能导致损失和浪费的苗头消灭在萌芽状态。 (3)创收与节约相结合的原则 ①施工生产既是消耗资财人力的过程,也是创造财富增加收入的过程,其成

本控制应坚持增收与节约相结合的原则。 ②作为合同签约依据,编制工程预算时,应“以支定收”,保证预算收入。在施工过程中,要“以收入定支”,控制资源消耗和费用支出。 ③每发生一笔成本费用,都要核查有否相应的预算收入,收支是否平衡。 ④经常性的成本核算时,要进行实际成本与预算收的对比分析。 ⑤严格控制成本开支范围,费用开支标准和关财务制度,对各项成本费用的支出进行限制和监督。 ⑥提高施工项目的科学管理水平、优化施工方案,提高生产效率、节约人、财、物的消耗。 ⑦采取预防成本失控的技术组织措施,制止可能发和的浪费。 ⑧施工的质量、进度、安全都对工程成本有很大的影响,因而成本控制必须与质量控制、进度控制、安全控制等工作相结合、相协调,避免返工(修)损失、降低质量成本、减少并杜绝工程延期违约罚款、安全事故损失等费用发生。 ⑨坚持现场管理标准化,堵塞浪费的漏洞。 (4)责权利相结合的原则 ①要使控制真正发挥作用,必须严格按照经济责任制要求,贯彻责权利相结合的原则。有责无权,不能完成所承担的责任,有责无利,缺乏履行责任的动力。 ②工程项目成本涉及面广,必须形成覆盖项目全员的成本责任网络,归口控制项目成本,并与奖金分配挂钩,有奖有罚。 三、工程项目成本控制的方法 (1)制度控制 制度控制是企业层次对项目成本实施的总体宏观控制,使项目施工过程中成本管理“有章可循”。这些制度主要有《劳务工作管理规定》、《机械设备租赁管理办法》、《料具租赁管理办法》、《工程项目成本核算管理标准》等,详见公司内部文件。 (2)定额控制 为了控制项目成本,企业必须有完整的定额资料,这些定额除了国家统一的建筑、安装工程基础定额以及市场的劳务、材料价格信息之外,企业还应有完善的内部定额资料。内部定额资料根据国家的统一定额,结合现行质量标准,安全操作规程,施工条件及历史资料等进行编制,并以此作为编制施工预算,工长签发施工任务书,控制考核,工效及材料消耗的依据。


施工项目管理与项目成本控制 孙国胜 施工项目管理是现代企业制度的重要组成部分,施工项目管理是市场化的管理,市场是施工项目管理的环境和条件,企业是市场的主体,又是市场的基本经济。 施工企业的主体又是由众多的工程项目单元组成的,工程项目是施工企业生产要素的集结地,是企业管理水平的体现和来源,直接维系和制约着企业的发展。 施工企业只有把管理的基点放在项目管理上,通过加强项目管理,实现项目合同目标,进行项目成本控制,提高工程投资效益,才能达到最终提高企业综合经济效益的目的,求得全方位的社会信誉,从而获得更为广阔的企业自身生存、发展的空间。 一、施工项目管理的内容和特点 施工项目管理的内容就是以高效益地实现项目目标为目的,以项目经理负责制为基础,对项目按照其内在逻辑规律进行有效地计划、组织、协调和控制,以适应内部及外部环

境并组织高效益的施工,使生产要素优化组合、合理配置,保证施工生产的均衡性,利用现代化的管理技术和手段,以实现项目目标和使企业获得良好的综合效益。 施工项目管理是为使项目实现所要求的质量、所规定的时限、所控制的费用所进行的全过程、全方位的规划、组织、控制与协调。 项目管理的对象是项目,由于项目是一次性的,故项目管理需要用系统工程的观念、理论和方法进行管理,具有全面性、科学性和程序性。项目管理的目标就是项目的目标,项目的目标界定了项目管理的主要内容是“三控制二管理一协调”,即进度控制、质量控制、费用控制、合同管理、信息管理和组织协调。 施工项目的生产要素有劳动力、材料、机械设备、技术和资金,这些要素具有集合性、相关性、目的性和环境适应性,是一种相互结合的立体多维的关系,这就说明项目是具有系统性的施工,施工项目管理是具有系统管理的特点的。 二、加强项目管理的基本策略 项目管理的主体是项目经理部及其所属机构职能人员。


工程项目施工成本控制管理制度 一、工程项目成本控制是指在施工生产中,对项目成本过程中发生的偏差进行持续的预防、督促和纠正,使项目成本费用限制在计划成本的范围内,以达到控制成本提高效益的目的,工程项目成本控制通常采用组织措施、技术措施和经济措施三种方式。 (一)采取组织措施控制项目成本的核心内容是落实成本责任制。通过界定项目各岗位人员在成本工作中应担负的责任,明确各业务科室所承担的降低成本指标,并加强考核工作来落实成本责任制。此项工作由项目总工和成本经理负责。 (二)采取技术措施控制项目成本的工作由项目技术负责人主持。 1、在施工准备阶段,做出多种施工方案,进行技术经济比较,然后确定利于缩短工期、提高质量、降低成本的最佳方案。 2、在施工过程中,贯彻执行各种降低消耗、提高工效的新工艺、新技术、新材料等技术措施。 3、在竣工验收阶段,注意保护成品,缩短验收时间,提高交付使用效率。 (三)采取经济措施控制项目成本,此项工作由成本经理负责。 1、抓好计划成本的贯彻实施工作,努力将实际成本控制在计划成本之内。 2、以合同的形式加强对分包单位的经济约束。分包合同应明确规定分包工程完成后,应通过项目质检员验收,方能结算工费,出现返工返修时,浪费的材料费、机械台班费由应负责任分包单位承担。如果该单位不能在规定的时间内返工返修到位,项目可安排别的单位处理,工费从原责任单位工费中扣减支出。 二、材料费成本支出控制: 1、材料室主任负责将材料成本降低指标从材料采购成本、材料使用成本、库存损耗等方面进行分解,制定措施,实现各项分解后的具体指标。

2、材料采购时,做好询价工作,坚持"货比五家"的原则。在保证产品质量的前提下,尽量降低采购成本。平均材料费用支出应地于市场价格,具体单项材料费用支出不应高于同类产品价格。 3、严格执行定额发料制度,施工队不能超量存料,以防材料外流。 4、周转料不用时,应及时组织退场,以减少无用的租金支出。 5、做好库存物资的盘点工作,加强材料的月份核算,及时发现问题,堵塞漏洞。 三、工费成本支出控制: 1、工费采用平米包干形式:主体结构采用平米包干;装修工程采用分项工程平米包干,或扩大形式的平米包干(即平米劳务费+辅助材料费+工机具费+中小机械费,但原则是施工队负责部分不能直接构成工程 主体,直接影响工程质量)。项目同劳务队签订的劳务合同,应以北京市劳动定额为依据,由成本室、工程室、技术室负责制订,技术室对施工队的施工质量标准、施工进度进行具有明确量化指标的限定,工程室对施工队的现场安全文明施工提出要求(要求必须在合同条款中量化,并直接与施工月结算挂钩),成本室汇总并形成合同,成本室负责劳务合同的书面制订、报批及解释等,合同制定后由成本室将相关条款复印发放各科室。合同的制定必须注意整体性,加强各队的横向比较,并与经济利益相结合。技术室、工程室、材料室等部门有义务配合成本室累积平米用量数据,合同范围内不存在任何杂工。 2、特殊情况不属于各分包单位的责任范畴的零星用工,由工程经理当天填写派工单、确认工作部位及内容、成本经理确认工作量、当天验收、当天办完手续。派工单应填写派工原因、人数、工作部位及内容、任务完成起始时间。派工单必须在派工任务发生一周内,交成本室。对于单项工程用工小于10工日,工程量极难估计的工程室可与成本室协商开工天。项目人员如有违反,按其所开工天的15%至30%从当月工资内扣除。 3、各施工队的施工安排应以劳务合同为依据,各有关部门应仔细研读合同约定的施工队施工内容及其他事项,严格按照合同约束安排施工,坚决杜绝重复安排施工或交叉施工。如因施工需要,出现重复现象, 工程室必须按月向成本室书面说明从何队扣除,并有被扣队现场负责人签字。如果项目人员无故或工作失误造成重复用工,由成本室按项目损失费用的15%至30%酌情从当事人每月的工资中扣除,并报项目经理审批,情节严重的项目内通报批评。

施工项目成本控制原则 方法

施工项目成本控制原则、方法所谓施工项目的成本控制,是指在项目成本的形成过程中,对整个工程施工过程中所消耗的人力资源、物质资源和费用开支,进行指导、监督、调节和限制,及时纠正施工项目实施中发生的偏差,把各项生产费用控制在计划成本的范围之内,以保证成本目标的实现。目前,施工企业要适应改革开放、搞活经济的新形势新环境,在市场经济的大潮中寻求时机,敢于竞争,以自身的优势占领大市场中的一席之地,在激烈的市场竞争中求生存,求发展。所以,提高施工项目的成本控制水平是转换企业经营机制的关键。施工项目成本控制的目的,主要是降低项目成本,提高企业的经济效益。然而项目成本的降低,必须执行施工项目成本控制的原则。1.成本控制的原则1.1 收支对比的原则。每发生一笔金额较大的成本费用,都要查一查有无相对应的预算收入,是否支大于收。在分部分项工程成本核算和月度成本核算中,也要仔细地进行实际成本与预算收入的对比分析,以便从中探索成本节超的原因,纠正项目成本的不利偏差,提高项目成本的降低水平。如2002年,在山东境内国道206线公路施工中,由于我单位参加社会工程施工,没有公路工程施工项目成本控制方面的经验,虽从各环节进行了努力,但还是没有从根本上抓住要害,经核算对比分析,经济效益不理想。1.2 全面控制的原则。即项目成本的全员控制和项目成本的全过程控制。项目成本是一项综合性的指标,它涉及到项目组织中各个部门、单位和班组的工作业绩,当然与每个职工的切身利益有关。施工项目成本的高低需要施工人员的群策群力共同关心。工程项目确定以后,自施工准备开始,到工程竣工交付使用后的保修期结束,其中每一项经济业务,都要纳入成本控制的轨道。国道206线公路施工从工程管理角度上讲,虽然每次开会要求各个


建筑工程施工成本控制的具体措施 近年来,随着市场竞争环境的日益激烈,经济的不断发展,建筑行业也日趋蓬勃,建筑商要想在激烈的市场竞争中取得一席之地,必须在扩大经营规模的基础上,狠抓成本管理工作。具体的工程实施过程中,建筑工程施工项目管理及成本控制严重关系着建筑企业发展的质量水平,对企业的存亡起着至关重要的影响作用。具体的工程实施过程中,建筑工程施工项目管理及成本控制严重关系着建筑企业发展的质量水平,对企业的存亡起着至关重要的影响作用。传统的项目成本管理模式已经无法适应现阶段的发展形势,因此必须建立新的管理模式来有效地控制成本。为此,本文针对建筑工程施工项目管理及成本控制,谈几点看法。 一、工程施工项目成本控制的原则 全面成本控制原则 全面成本包括全企业、全员和全过程的成本控制。成本控制的综合性,成本控制不是独立的去控制,它只有与安全目标、质量目标、进度目标、相结合才能体现出它的价值。因为它既涉及到项目组织的各个部门、单位和班组的工作业绩,也关系到每个职工的切身利益,因此,项目成本控制是一个需要企业全员集思广益,共同关注的环节,应该做到项目成本控制“人人有责”。此外,项目成本控制应该体现在项目施工的每个环节。 动态控制原则 动态控制也叫做中间控制,由于施工项目具有一次性的特点,只

有在施工中对项目进行控制,才能实现成本的有效控制,这就要求在开工前要制定成本计划,修订各种消耗定额和费用开支标准;施工阶段应落实各项成本降低措施;所以,基础、结构、装饰等主要施工阶段是成本控制的重心。 目标管理原则 目标管理是贯彻执行计划地方法,它要求把计划的方针、任务、目的和措施逐一分解,提出进一步的具体要求,并分别落实到执行的部门、单位和个人。实施目标管理不仅可以把责任落实到各人,还能够通过随着检查目标的执行情况,及时的发现施工中存在的问题,并采取必要的应对措施,使成本控制保证在一个良性的循环之中。 成本节约原则 节约是成本控制的一项最主要的基本原则,节约就是减少人力、物力、财力的消耗和损失,成本节约通过主观努力实现的。 责、权、利相结合的原则 在项目施工过程中,各相关人员对成本控制既有权力也有义务和责任,只有坚持责、权、利相结合的成本控制原则,充分发挥激励机制在成本控制中的作用,定期考评,实现考评与个人利益挂钩。责、权、利相结合充分调动各层员工的积极性,保证成本控制措施落到实处。 二、建筑施工项目成本控制措施 做好费用控制管理工作 人工费的控制


浅谈施工项目管理及成本控制 发表时间:2016-12-08T10:18:49.740Z 来源:《基层建设》2016年26期9月中作者:林庆增 [导读] 摘要:一个施工企业要想在激烈的市场竞争中站稳脚跟立于不败之地,关键在于企业既要加强内部管理,又要严格控制成本的支出,以降低工程成本,从而为企业提高经济效益。施工项目成本是施工项目管理的核心,而施工项目成本控制又是成本管理的核心。文章分析了施工项目管理的内容和特点,在此基础上探讨了项目成本控制的原则和措施。 天元建设集团有限公司山东临沂 276000 摘要:一个施工企业要想在激烈的市场竞争中站稳脚跟立于不败之地,关键在于企业既要加强内部管理,又要严格控制成本的支出,以降低工程成本,从而为企业提高经济效益。施工项目成本是施工项目管理的核心,而施工项目成本控制又是成本管理的核心。文章分析了施工项目管理的内容和特点,在此基础上探讨了项目成本控制的原则和措施。 关键词:施工项目;管理;成本;控制 在市场经济条件下,施工项目管理中的成本管理是一个逐步明晰化的过程。从项目的筹备、实施到最后的竣工,在每一个阶段都必须有效的预测和控制成本,不断地协调成本目标与工期目标、质量目标之间的关系,以确保整个工程能够保质保量地如期完工,实现预期利润。而在上述前提下,企业是否能获得较大的经济效益,关键在于成本是否低廉。因此,施工项目成本是施工项目管理的核心,而施工项目成本控制又是成本管理的核心。下面结合个人工作实际,谈谈自已对施工项目成本管理的认识。 一、施工项目管理的内容和特点 施工项目管理的内容是研究如何以高效益地实现项目目标为目的,以项目经理负责制为基础,对项目按照其内在逻辑规律进行有效地计划、组织、协调和控制,以适应内部及外部环境并组织高效益的施工,使生产要素优化组合、合理配置,保证施工生产的均衡性,利用现代化的管理技术和手段,以实现项目目标和使企业获得良好的综合效益。施工项目管理是为使项目实现所要求的质量、所规定的时限、所批准的费用预算所进行的全过程、全方位的规划、组织、控制与协调。项目管理的对象是项目,由于项目是一次性的,故项目管理需要用系统工程的观念、理论和方法进行管理,具有全面性、科学性和程序性。项目管理的目标就是项目的目标,项目的目标界定了项目管理的主要内容是“三控制二管理一协调”,即进度控制、质量控制、费用控制、合同管理、信息管理和组织协调。施工项目的生产要素有劳动力、材料、机械设备、技术和资金,这些要素具有集合性、相关性、目的性和环境适应性,是一种相互结合的立体多维的关系,这就说明项目是具有系统性的施工,施工项目管理是具有系统管理的特点的。加强施工项目管理,必须对施工项目的生产要素详细分析,认真研究并强化其管理。 二、项目管理的施工系统 (1)技术系统。技术系统是三个分系统的核心,因为施工项目管理的最终目的是向业主交付低成本高质量的工程产品。施工活动关键是技术性活动,只有采取先进的技术措施,才能做到低投入高产出,并创造优质产品。确定科学、合理的施工方案与施工工艺是技术系统的重要内容。(2)社会系统。施工项目是由人来操作的,故必然产生人与人之间的联系,即为社会系统。项目管理,人是第一要素。工程施工项目的第一责任人项目经理除必须具备较高的政治素质、具有较全面的施工技术知识、具有较高的组织领导工作能力,而这组织领导工作能力高低的体现关键就在于能否充分调动广大劳动者的积极性,这也是顺利实现项目目标的关键所在。(3)经济系统。经济系统是项目管理施工系统的关键分系统,是“目标分系统”之一。工程施工是一种生产活动过程,同时也是经济活动过程。工程施工势必投入“人、材、机”及资金,投入太多会造成浪费,投入不足又会影响施工进度与工程质量。经济系统是与技术系统、社会系统相伴随而发生的,是一个投入和产生的系统。施工过程中的每个环节都要进行投入产生分析,搞好责任成本管理,对所有资源要素按时间节奏进行动态优化组合,以保证以最低的投入获得最大的产生,也就是说,工程项目在施工生产过程中的每一环节就要进行项目成本控制,成本核算过程与施工生产过程同步进行,在时间上保持一致,这样才能保证项目成本核算的准确性和一致性,才能真正做好项目成本控制。项目成本控制,指在项目成本的形成过程中,对生产经营所消耗的人力资源、物质资源和费用开支,进行指导、监督、调节和限制,及时纠正将要发生和已经发生的偏差,把各项生产费用控制在计划成本的范围之内,保证成本目标的实现。施工项目成本控制的目的,在于降低项目成本,提高经济效益。 三、项目成本控制原则 1.成本最低化原则。施工项目成本控制的根本目的,在于通过成本管理的各种手段,促进不断降低施工项目成本,以达到可能实现最低的目标成本的要求。在实行成本最低化原则时,应注意降低成本的可能性和合理的成本最低化。一方面挖掘各种降低成本的能力,使可能性变为现实;另一方面要从实际出发,制定通过主观努力可能达到合理的最低成本水平。 2.全面成本控制原则。全面成本管理是全企业、全员和全过程的管理,亦称“三全”管理。项目成本的全员控制有一个系统的实质性内容,包括各部门、各单位的责任网络和班组经济核算等等,应防止成本控制人人有责,人人不管。项目成本的全过程控制要求成本控制工作要随着项目施工进展的各个阶段连续进行,既不能疏漏,又不能时紧时松,应使施工项目成本自始至终置于有效的控制之下。 3.动态控制原则。施工项目是一次性的,成本控制应强调项目的中间控制,即动态控制,因为施工准备阶段的成本控制只是根据施工组织设计的具体内容确定成本目标、编制成本计划、制订成本控制的方案,为今后的成本控制作好准备;而竣工阶段的成本控制,由于成本盈亏已基本定局,即使发生了纠差,也已来不及纠正。 4.目标管理原则。目标管理的内容包括:目标的设定和分解,目标的责任到位和执行,检查目标的执行结果,评价目标和修正目标,形成目标管理的计划、实施、检查、处理循环,即PDCA循环。 5.责、权、利相结合的原则。在项目施工过程中,项目经理部各部门、各班组在肩负成本控制责任的同时,享有成本控制的权力,同时项目经理要对各部门、各班组在成本控制中的业绩进行定期的检查和考评,实行有奖有罚。只有真正做好责、权、利相结合的成本控制,才能收到预期的效果。 四、项目成本控制措施 降低施工项目成本的途径,应该是既开源又节流,或者说既增收又节支。只开源不节流,或者只节流不开源,都不可能达到降低成本的目的,至少是不会有理想的降低成本效果。控制项目成本的措施归纳起来有三大方面:组织措施、技术措施、经济措施。


外文翻译 原文 Cost Control Material Source:Encyclopedia of business,2 and ed. Author:Anthony, Robet N 1 Cost Control Cost control, also known as cost management or cost containment, is a broad set of cost accounting methods and management techniques with the common goal of improving business cost-efficiency by reducing costs, or at least restricting their rate of growth. Businesses use cost control methods to monitor, evaluate, and ultimately enhance the efficiency of specific areas, such as departments, divisions, or product lines, within their operations. During the 1990s cost control initiatives received paramount attention from corporate America. Often taking the form of corporate restructuring, divestment of peripheral activities, mass layoffs, or outsourcing, cost control strategies were seen as necessary to preserve—or boost—corporate profits and to maintain—or gain—a competitive advantage. The objective was often to be the low-cost producer in a given industry, which would typically allow the company to take a greater profit per unit of sales than its competitors at a given price level. Some cost control proponents believe that such strategic cost-cutting must be planned carefully, as not all cost reduction techniques yield the same benefits. In a notable late 1990s example, chief executive Albert J. Dunlap, nicknamed "Chainsaw Al" because of his penchant for deep cost cutting at the companies he headed, failed to restore the ailing small appliance maker Sunbeam Corporation to profitability despite his drastic cost reduction tactics. Dunlap laid off thousands of workers and sold off business units, but made little contribution to Sunbeam's competitive position or share price in his two years as CEO. Consequently, in 1998 Sunbeam's board fired Dunlap, having lost confidence in his "one-trick" approach to management. A complex business requires frequent information about operations in order to plan for the future, to control present activities, and to evaluate the past performance of managers, employees, and related business segments. To be successful,


10、工程项目成本控制措施 10.1、工程项目成本控制的概念 工程项目成本控制是指为实现工程项目的成本目标,在工程项目成本形成的过程中,对所消耗的人力资源、物质和费用开支,进行指导、监督、调节和限制,及时控制与纠正即将发生和已经发生的偏差,把各项费用控制在规定和规定的范围内。 10.2、施工项目成本控制的原则 10.2.1、全面控制的原则 (1)全面控制 建立全员参加责权利相结合的项目成本控制责任体系 项目经理、各部门、施工队、班组人员都负有成本控制的责任,在一定的范围内享有成本控制的权利,在成本控制方面的业绩与工资奖金挂钩,从而形成一个有效的成本控制责任网络。 (2)全过程控制 成本控制贯穿项目施工过程的每一个阶段 每一项经济业务都要纳入成本控制的轨道 经常性成本控制通过制度保证,不常发生的“例外问题”也有相应措施控制,不能疏漏。 10.2.2、动态控制的原则 (1)项目施工是一次性行为,其成本控制应事前重视、事中控制。 (2)在施工开始之前进行成本预测,确定目标成本,编制成本计划,制订或修订各种消耗定额和费用开支标准。 (3)施工阶段重在执行成本计划,落实降低成本措施,实行成本目标管理。 (4)成本控制随施工过程连续进行,与施工进度同步,不能时紧时松,更不能拖延。

(5)建立灵敏的成本信息反馈系统,使成本责任部门(人员)能及时获得信息、纠正不利成本偏差。 (6)制不合理开支,把可能导致损失和浪费的苗头消灭在萌芽状态。1023、创收与节约相结合的原则 (1)施工生产既是消耗资财人力的过程,也是创造财富增加收入的过程,其成本控制应坚持增收与节约相结合的原则。 (2)作为合同签约依据,编制工程预算时,应“以支定收”保证预算收入。在施工过程中,要“以收入定支”控制资源消耗和费用支出。 (3)每发生一笔成本费用,都要核查有否相应的预算收入,收支是否平衡。 (4)经常性的成本核算时,要进行实际成本与预算收的对比分析。 (5)严格控制成本开支范围,费用开支标准和关财务制度,对各项成本费用的支出进行限制和监督。 (6)提高施工项目的科学管理水平、优化施工方案,提高生产效率、节约人、财、物的消耗。 (7)采取预防成本失控的技术组织措施,制止可能发和的浪费。 (8)施工的质量、进度、安全都对工程成本有很大的影响,因而成本控制必须与质量控制、进度控制、安全控制等工作相结合、相协调,避免返工(修)损失、降低质量成本、减少并杜绝工程延期违约罚款、安全事故损失等费用发生。 (9)坚持现场管理标准化,堵塞浪费的漏洞。 1024责权利相结合的原则 (1)要使控制真正发挥作用,必须严格按照经济责任制要求,贯彻责权利相结合的原则。有责无权,不能完成所承担的责任,有责无利,缺乏履行责任的动 力。 (2)工程项目成本涉及面广,必须形成覆盖项目全员的成本责任网络,归口控制项目成本,并与奖金分配挂钩,有奖有罚。 10.3、工程项目成本控制的方法


1Z202033施工成本控制的方法 一、施工成本的过程控制方法 施工阶段是成本发生的主要阶段.这个阶段的成本控制主要是通过确定成本目标并按计划成本组织施工.合理配置资源,对施工现场发生的各项成本费用进行有效控制,其具体的控制方法如下. (-)人工费的控制 人工费的控制实行“量价分离”的方法.将作业用工及零星用工按定额匸H的一定比例综合确定用工数障与单价.通过劳务合同进行控制。 1.人工费的影响因索 (1)社会平均工资水平.建筑安装工人人工草价必须和社会平均工资水W?趙同.社会平均工资水平取决于经济发展水平.由于我国改革开放以来经济迅速增长,社会平均工资也有大幅增长,从而导致人工单价的大幅提高. (2)生产消费指数.生产消费指数的提高会导致人工单价的提鳥.以祓少生活水平的下降,维持原来的生活水平.生活消费指数的变动取决于物价的变动.尤其取决于生活消费品物价的变动. (3)劳动力市场供盖变化.劳动力市场如果供不应求,人工单价就会捉高;供过于求.人工单价就会下降. (4)政府推行的社会保障和福利政策也会影响人工单价的变动。 (5)经会审的施工图,施工定额、施工组织设计聲决定人工的消耗故. 2.控制人工费的方法 加强劳动定额管理,捉高劳动生产率,降低工程耗用人工工日,是控制人工费支出的主要手段. (1)制定先进合理的企业内部劳动定额.严格执行劳动定额,并将安全生产、文明施工及公星用工下达到作业队进行控制。全面推行全额计件的劳动借理办法和单项工程集体承包的经济背理办法,以不超出施工图预算人工费指标为控制目标,实行工资包干制度. 认真执行按劳分配的原则,使职工个人所得与劳动贡献相一致,充分调动广大职工的劳动积极性.以捉岛劳动力效率.把工程项目的进度、安全、质魅等描标与定额管理结合起来.提高劳动者的综合能力,.实行奖励制度. (2)提高生产工人的技术水平和作业队的组织符理水平,根据施工进度、技术要求,合理搭配各工种工人的数績少和避免无效劳动。不断地改善劳动组织,创造良好的工作环境,改???匚人的劳动条件,提高劳动效率.合理训节各工序人数安排情况,安排劳动力时,尽蜀做到技术工不做普通匸的工作,高级工不做低级工的工作,避免技术上的浪费,既要加快工程进度,又要节约人工费用. (3)加强职工的技术培训和多种施工作业技能的培训.不断提高职?匸的业务技术水平和熟练操作程度.培养一专多能的技术工人,提高作业工效.提偶技术草新和推广新技术,提高技术装备水平和工厂化生产水平,提高企业的劳动生产率。 (4)实行弹性需求的劳务管理制度。对施工生产各环节上的业务廿干和基本的施工力虽?技保持相对稳定.对短期需要的施工力逻,JMR好预测、计划管理,通过企业内柿的劳务市场及外部协作队伍进行调剂.严格做到项目部的定员随工程进度要求及时进行调整,进行弹性管理?要打破行业、工种界限,提侶一专多能,提高劳动力的利用效率.


外文翻译 原文 Cost-Containment and Cost-Management Strategies Material Source: Author: Alan f. Goldberg ,William P. Fleming The leadership and boards of trustees of all healthcare organizations are the ultimate stewards of the limited resources available to best meet community needs. The strategic planning process leads the organization down a clear path of setting priorities, making choices, and taking action. The day a new cancer center opens or the latest technology arrives is an exciting one for the community. After the ribbon cutting, these new programs become the responsibility of the hospital's service line directors or clinical managers. Their staffing is based on projections and other assumptions that may or may not be on point but have a direct impact on the operations and finances of the organization. As part of normal decision making for a hospital's new initiatives, a payer mix and revenue stream were predicted. Now two significant environmental events have made projections more uncertain and put aggressive cost management on center stage: the economic downturn and payment reform. The economic downturn affecting hospitals began in the fall of 2008. Its broad impact on the organization was described by Goldberg and Petasnick (2010): With credit markets drying up, unemployment rising, consumer confidence eroding, and employee morale shaken, healthcare system executives had their hands full. The combined result of the turmoil made the old adage "cash is king" truer than ever. As consumers pulled back and individuals lost health insurance, hospitals experienced losses in volume for elective, nonemergent healthcare. Financial operating results suffered. Meanwhile, losses in investment values eliminated the safety net reserves created by nonoperating income. Many hospitals and healthcare systems were forced to consider or enact layoffs and postpone or cancel capital-intensive projects. All were required to rethink their strategic plans. Because of the economic downturn and high unemployment, which led to income declines and individuals losing job-based healthcare coverage, Medicaid enrollment is projected to increase 10.5 percent in fiscal 2010.
