


热爱英语的宝宝们都知道,阅读英语新闻是一个提高英语能力很好的学习方式。那么,都有哪些好用的英语新闻类APP呢?(别跟我说宝宝天天看的都是报纸,别以为我不知道你们一个个都是手机依赖症重度患者)除了大家都知道的各种外媒的新闻客户端,小编首先想要推荐几个非常好用并且高颜值的新闻聚合类APP,一来可以帮助广大群众释放手机内存,二来也方便大家更省事儿地学习英语。1News RepublicNews Republic 是双语君首推的一款新闻聚合APP,它与全球优秀媒体和知名博主合作,有上百个内容供应商,涵盖了经济、政治、娱乐等各类主题。(你想看的它都有~)

News Republic的员工们都不是正八经儿的记者,而是一群有情怀的新闻爱好者。每天他们要从供应商们提供的几万条信息中进行层层筛选,然后提供给读者,可以说是“为信息过剩提供了解药” 。(简直太感人了,看看人家这爱好...)

用户可以选择自己感兴趣的栏目,设置个性化主页,大大提高了自主性,实现了百分百的人性化。如果看英语新闻看得生无可恋,还可以随时切换成简体中文,看看国内新闻。同样是很多的内容供应商,和海量的信息资源。颜值也是可以的,双语君最喜欢“最新消息”的热点模块,可惜不能给你们弄个动图,圆形版的简直就是3D效果好不好~~~(就右上角那个,那些词都能动的,能动啊兄弟们~)2Yahoo DigestYahoo在2014年推出了基于 Summly 的新闻 App——Yahoo News Digest,每天从各大新闻源萃取9篇精选内容置于主页,并且放大了卡片式阅读,简洁美观。(诚实点儿,你就说好看不好看~)

就新闻聚合这一点来说,它的内容信息量也相当庞大,不仅有维基百科的注解,地图等等,还有第三方社交网站的评论,并在文末附上了参考来源的链接,通过这一篇新闻可以扩展很多内容,简直是太感动了~3Smart News 风靡美国日本的Smart News也是一个已经拥有超千万下载量的聚合新闻客户端,(对不起,您的沙发已抢光...)而且他们还高端的很,运用学习算法来评估全球各地的新闻,根据阅读量来推荐你感兴趣的内容。感觉现在的app做的越来越让朕满意了~而且可以根据网速选择阅读形式,就是带图或不带图的,绝对根治你们的流量恐惧症~(实在不好意思说一个月1.5G的流量全用来刷微博动图了...)4News 360News 360的内容就不仅仅是新闻了,它的关注点更有趣味性,360度全方位提供各种信息、文章和观点。比如说,如果我对希拉里感兴趣,可以搜索其专门的版块,就能直接阅读到当天关于希拉里的新闻大汇总,是!不!是!很!方!便! (此处需要你们默契的捧场,快配合我说是~)5NEWS & Newscrific这两个app不知道为何谜之相似。打开以后是各种分类的版块,点进去之后可以选择各国针对这一主题的供应商,内容量很广,涨姿势哦~6Headlines如同它的名字,这个app上面主要是为用户推送全球各地的头条新闻,也是分门别类的那种。

通过这种便捷的方法,我们就能可以很快速地浏览多方的重要新闻啦。其实它还会提供天气和交通查询,但是地区仅限于纽约,咱们用不了喽。(么关系,我们的百度地图也是很强大的~)7English Radio



除了这些好用的新闻聚合类APP,以下这几个应用看英语新闻也是棒棒哒。8AJ AJ 是半岛电台新媒体战略的成功之作,在客户端将视频新闻卡片化,有视频卡片、艺术卡片、评论卡片等等。他们找到了很多自由职业者和公民记者,用移动端拍摄实时更新。因此比起一个专业新闻app,它更像一个大型的新闻共享社区。9Pocket

也许有小伙伴用过这个app,它是一个主流稍后读的应用,可以帮助热爱阅读的人省去很多麻烦。Pocket 的全平台支持功能覆盖了各种主流浏览器和app,几乎所有文章和链接都可以直接分享到Pocket里面。这样在各个软件上收藏起来的东西,就可以统一留着看啦。早上来不及看的新闻再也不用担心找不着啦~10China Daily

当然还有我们的China Daily!了解各种国内外热点,尤其是国内时政要闻,用China Daily最合适不过啦。我们的英语表达用词精准,是非常权威和规范的学习素材,考研党和英语爱好者有很多都用咱们的APP~


打开设置里面的Text translation,读文章时,按住不认识的单词,屏幕最上方就会出现该单词的查询结果。(简直太贴心有木有)双语君暂时就先推荐这几个亲测过的,这么点儿存货全奉献给你们了。



英语新闻词汇大全 accredited journalist n. 特派记者advertisement n.广告. advance n.预发消息;预写消息 affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻 anecdote n.趣闻轶事 assignment n.采写任务 attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源 back alley news n. 小道消息backgrounding n.新闻背景 Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。banner n.通栏标题 beat n.采写范围 blank vt. "开天窗" body n. 新闻正文 boil vt.压缩(篇幅) box n. 花边新闻 brief n. 简讯 bulletin n.新闻简报 byline n. 署名文章 caption n.图片说明 caricature n.漫画 carry vt.刊登 cartoon n.漫画 censor vt. 审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查chart n.每周流行音乐排行版 clipping n.剪报 column n.专栏;栏目 columnist n.专栏作家

continued story 连载故事;连载小说contributing editor 特约编辑 contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿contributor n.投稿人 copy desk n.新闻编辑部 copy editor n.文字编辑 correction n.更正(启事) correspondence column读者来信专栏correspondent n.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者cover vt.采访;采写 cover girl n. 封面女郎 covert coverage 隐性采访;秘密采访 crop vt.剪辑(图片) crusade n.宣传攻势 cut n.插图vt.删减(字数) cut line n.插图说明 daily n.日报 dateline n.新闻电头 deadline n.截稿时间 dig vt.深入采访;追踪(新闻线索);“挖”(新闻) digest n.文摘 editorial n.社论 editorial office 编辑部 daily 日报 morning edition 晨报 evening edition 晚报 quality paper 高级报纸 popular paper 大众报纸 evening paper 晚报


英语新闻标题常用的60个单词 aid=assist(帮助,援助) alter=change or modify(改变) ask=inquire(询问) assail=denounce(谴责) axe=dismiss\\\\reduce(解雇,减少) balk=impede(阻碍) ban=prohibit or forbid(禁止) bar=prevent(防止,阻止) bare=expose or reveal(暴露,揭露) blast=explode(爆炸) begin=commence(开始) bid=attempt(努力) bilk=cheat(欺骗) bolt=desert or abandon(放弃) boost=increase(增加,提高) check=examine(检查) claim=ause the death of…(夺去……的生命)clash=disagree strong1y(发生分歧,争议)curb=control or restrict(控制) dip=decIlne or decrease(下降) ease=lessen(减轻,缓和) end=terminate(结束,中止) flay=criticize(批评) flout=insult(侮辱) foil=prevent from(阻止,防止) grill = investigate(调查) gut=destroy(摧毁) head=direct(率领) hold=arrest(逮捕) laud=praise(赞扬) lop=diminish(下降,减少) map=work out(制订) mark=celebrate(庆祝) name=appoint\\\\nominate(命名,提名)moot=discuss(讨论) mull=consider(考虑) nab=arrest(逮捕) nip=defeat(击败) ease=lessen(减轻,缓和) end=terminate(结束,中止) flay=criticize(批评) flout=insult(侮辱)


曹姗(2012年安徽英语状元) 英语要大声朗读,我基本上每天早起读英语或新概念,朗读是一个培养语感的好办法,有助于在解题没有明确依据的情况下提高答案正确率。 坚持阅读训练,达到英语能力和应试能力的统一需要做一定量的题目,尤其是阅读和完形的成绩的提高需要一个过程,不会立杆见影,一定要有毅力和耐心同时要会总结。我从高二起每天做两篇阅读一篇完形,做完后仔细思考做错的题,思维有什么偏差,出题者到底想考什么,逐渐使自己的思路接近命题者。 高考英语阅读题:阅读新闻报道类短文注意六个个方面 在高考阅读理解中屡屡出现,已经引起了我们师生的注意。我们考生在阅读新闻报道类短文时,应该注意以下几个方面: 一、如果有标题的话,要重视新闻报道文章的标题 标题通常点明短文的主题思想,例如:通过某文的标题Old Computers Make for Unhappy Workers Survey说明本篇报道的主题就是陈旧电脑设备导致工人不满,并告知读者这是一份调查报告。但是高考试卷中的大部分新闻报道都会有意识地删掉标题,以考查考生对主题思想的归纳概括能力。 二、重视对新闻报道文章导语部分 由于高考试卷中的大部分新闻报道短文都会有意识地删掉标题,因此全文的主题和论点这时必须通过理解和分析导语部分来获得。考生可以从导语部分的开头来了解该新闻报道的来源和时间,如通过本文开头Beijing 读者可以了解到该篇报道是由中国国内报道的。如果是New Yoke ,那么考生就会知道这篇报道是来自于美国方面的报道。因此考生要想掌握新闻报道的主题或论点概况,必须仔细阅读导语。导语(1ead)就是指新闻报道的第一段或第一、二段(例如上文的第一段),它是新闻报道最基本内容的概括和浓缩,它通常反映新闻报道的主题或论点。 三、重视每个段落的链接 新闻报道通常结构看似比较松散,而实际上并非如此。新闻报道的正文主要对导语部分所提供的主题信息的相关细节进行叙述或议论。新闻报道在叙述或议论过程中其正文部分往往由很多短小的段落组成,但是这些短小的段落确是按照一定的时间、逻辑或空间等顺序进行展开,环环相扣,因此结构仍然很紧密。 四、重视新闻报道文章的阅读方法


-Hi. W , What are you doing now. -Hi . L . I want to buy a news paper . -why don’t you see news in Internet ,more and more people don’t comprehend news in newspaper . -Internet .why? -The Internet can help you easily obtain more information ,and the Internet don’t require natural resources to make . So the Internet will replace the newspaper in future . -But the newspaper has many features can’t replace the scent of the ink . take feel of paper in one’s hands, the turning over of pages. -May be you are right . There may be fewer people reading newspaper , but the are enough of them to keep it alive. -Yeah now I want to try to use the Internet to see the news , Could you teach me . -Yes , of course .come on. -你好。W,你正在做什么。 -你好。l 我想买一个新闻报纸。 -为什么你没有看见新闻在互联网,越来越多的人不理解新闻在报纸。互联网,为什么? 互联网可以帮助你轻松——得到更多的信息,和互联网不需要自然资源制作。所以互联网将取代报纸在未来。 但报纸有很多功能不能取代芳香的墨水。把感觉纸在某人手中,翻的页面。


高中英语黄金阅读 Golden Reading for Senior Middle School Students 三、新闻类 (1) The 12-month bloody conflict has been a nightmare(噩梦) in the lives of thousands of Israelis(以色列人)and Palestinians(巴勒斯坦人). Khalaf is one of them. Although she was born in fear of bombs and attacks. Finally, her parents made a painful decision to send her back to the US. “I wanted so much to stay here and to go to university here,” she said. “I’m afraid of leaving my home and my parents. But here, the bloody attack is not going to end soon.” The war has broken the dreams of a generation raised in peace. In the 1990s Israeli and Palestinian leaders were moving towards an agreement to end the long-lasting fight over territory(领土) and the ownership of the Holy City Jerusalem. This gave the new generation hope for a peaceful future. But now, at the Friends School in Ramallah, attended by children of each English-speaking Palestinian families, only 300 pupils started the new school year, while last year there were 480. According to a recent report, 28 per cent of Isreaelis aged from 18 to 28 have considered leaving the country in the past 6 months. “To have a safe future, we have no other choice but to go abroad,” a 16-year-old Israeli boy said. Not only does the future of the young generation lie in another place, but also the adults in both Palestine and Israel don’t see any hope in their own countries. 1. Khalaf’s parents wouldn’t to send her back the US, would they? A. Yes. B. No, but they had to. C. Perhaps. D. Sure. 2. Why did the new generation have hope for a peaceful future? A. The two sides settled their problems. B. The two sides fought against each other. C. The two sides moved towards an agreement in the 1990s. D. The two sides reached a final agreement. 3. Which is true according to the news report? A. Khalaf has lived in the Palestine since she was born. B. Khalaf has lived in the US since she was one year old. C. Khalaf has lived in the Palestine since she was one year old. D. Khalaf has ever been to the US. 【答案与解释】巴以双方长期的军事冲突给两国人民带来深重的灾难,尤其是青年学生被迫背井离乡、他国求学。人们痛恶战争、向往和平的殷切之情跃然纸上。 1. B。语义理解题。根据Finally, her parents made a painful decision to send her back to the US 可以做出正确选择。 2. C。细节理解题。从第5 段可知答案。 3. D。语义理解题。从第2 段第2 句话中的…to send her back to the US 可知答案为D。 (2)


教育类英语新闻词汇 1.大学校长president 2.综合性大学分院长dean of College/school 3.中学校长principal 4.小学校长headmaster 小学校长(女)headmistress 5.报到/登记register/enroll 6.开学典礼opening ceremony 7.(介绍会)指学校综合情况orientation meeting 8.报告lecture 9.基础课basic course 10.专业课specialized course 11.必修课required course 12.选修课optional/selective course 13.幼儿园kindergarten 14.初等教育elementary education 15.中等教育secondary education 16.高等教育higher education 17.成人教育adult education 18.免试入学制open admission 20.幼儿园(美国)day-care center 21.托儿所nursery school 22.小学(英/美)primary/elementary school 23.中学secondary school 24.男女生同校制度coeducation 25.附中attached middle school 26.技校technical school 27.理工学院/科技大学polytechnic institute 28.重点中学key school

29.研究生院graduate school 30.夜大、函大open university 31.私立学校(美)private school 32.公立学校(美)public school 33.公学(英国)public school 34.公办学校(英国)state school 35.本科undergraduate 36.旁听生guest student 37.住宿舍boarder 38.开卷考open-book exam 39.抽考pop test 40.教学设施teaching facilities 41.助学金assistantship 42.奖学金scholarship 43.食宿room and board 44.礼堂auditorium 45.学习年限period of schooling 46.学分制credit system 47.课程表schedule=school timetable 48.晚自习individual study 49.个别指导individual coaching=tutorial 50.毕业评估graduation appraisal 51.毕业证书diploma=graduation certificate 52.辍学drop out 53.退学quit school 54.校纪school discipline 55.出勤率attendance/participation 56.上课attend a lecture 57.缺课miss a class


Go grandmaster Lee Se-dol of South Korea and computer program AlphaGo are facing off in the final game of the century of the ancient Chinese board game. The final game of the best-of-five series began at 1 pm, or 0400 GMT, in Seoul. Lee is the Go World Champion. He won the fourth game after three straight losses to AlphaGo. The computer program was developed by Google's London-based artificial intelligence subsidiary DeepMind. Lee won playing white stones. He believes AlphaGo has more trouble playing black, which means making the first move. So Lee requested to play black in the final game, saying it would make a win more valuable. Google’sAlphaGocomputersystemsealeda 4-1 victoryoveraSouthKoreanGograndmasteronTuesday, inalandmarkmomentforthedevelopmentofartificialintelligence. 周二,谷歌(Google)的AlphaGo计算机系统以4比1的总比分战胜了韩国围棋大师李世石(LeeSe-dol)。这是人工智能发展中的一个里程碑时刻。 MasteryoftheeastAsiangameofGowaslongseenasasternchallengeforcomputersgivenitshu gecomplexity. AlphaGo’screatorsestimatethatthereareabout 250 potentialmovesateachpointofagame, against 35 inchess, yieldingapossiblenumberofboardconfigurationsof 10 squaredby 170. 鉴于围棋极其复杂,长期以来,精通围棋一直被视为计算机面临的一项严峻挑战。AlphaGo 的创建者估计,围棋的每一步都有250种可能走法(国际象棋只有35种),产生的可能局面数量为10的170次方。 LeeSe-dol, arguablythebestplayerofthepastdecade, hadexpectedtowinacrushingvictory, arguingthatAlphaGolackedthe “intuition” neededtobeathim. Buttheprogramwonthefirstthreegamesintheseries, whichbeganlastWednesday, beforeMrLeeclawedbackavictoryonSunday. 李世石可以说是过去10年最棒的围棋手,他曾预计自己会取得压倒性胜利。他认为,AlphaGo 缺少击败他所需的“直觉”。但在上周三开始这场对决中,计算机程序赢了前三局,而后李世石在上周日扳回一局。 Tuesday’sfinalgamewasoneoftheclosest: AlphaGorecoveredfromanearlyerrortoforceMrLeeintoresignationinovertime, witheachplayerhavinguseduptheallottedtwohours. 周二的最后一局是双方拼杀得最难解难分的一局:AlphaGo起先出现了一次失误,但后来挽回了局面,把李世石拖入读秒,李世石在读秒阶段投子认输。双方都用尽了分配给自己的两小时。 Thevictorydemonstratesthepowerofthe “deeplearning” systemsemployedbyAlphaGo’screatorsatDeepMind, aLondon-basedstart-upacquiredbyGoogletwoyearsago.


政治 常见政治问题新闻词汇 ●Sanction制裁 ●Anarchy无政府状态 ●Ballot选票 ●Boycott联合抵制 ●Truce休战 ●Activist激进分子 ●Asylum政治庇护 ●Bill议案 ●Violate违反 ●Treaty协定 ●Parliament国会 ●House of commons下议院 ●Senate参议院 ●Congressman国会/众议院议员 ●Court法庭[院] ●House of lords上议院 ●Congress(美国等国的)国会、议会●Senator参议员 ●Legislature立法机关、立法机构 ●Procurator检察官 ●Security forces安全部队 ●Campaign运动选举 ●Cease-fire停火●Armed forces武装部队 ●Expel驱逐,放逐 ●Cabinet内阁 ●Casualty伤亡 ●Diplomatic tie外交关系 ●Ambassador大使,使节 ●Inflation通话膨胀 ●Reject否决 ●Statement声明 ●Interfere干涉 ●Unseat罢免 ●Protest示威 ●Democracy民主 ●Proposal提议 ●Domestic affairs内政 ●Resignation辞职 ●Impeach弹劾 ●Insurgent造反者,反抗国内政权的人●Multi-party elections多党选举 ●Amnesty特赦 ●Curfew宵禁 ●Anarchism无政府主义 ●Ballot选举票,投票,票数,投票 常见政治头衔新闻词汇 ●President总统 ●Premier总理 ●Secretary of state国务卿●Prime minister首相 ●Chief executive行政长官●Deputy president副总统●Foreign minister外长 ●Finance minister财长 ●Secretary-general秘书长●Chairman主席 新闻中出现的中国时政的词汇 ●Rapid economic growth快速经济增长 ●Disparate development发展不平衡 ●Flood-prevention project防洪工程 ●Building redundant project重复建设 ●Work contracted to households包干到户 ●Strive for a relatively comfortable life奔小康 ●Lighten the burden on the peasant(farmers)减轻农民负担●A constructive strategic partnership建设性战略伙伴关系 外交用词 ●Ambassador大使●Diplomacy外交●Consulate领事馆,领事任期,领事 的职位


中考英语阅读理解——新闻报道类30例(72) 1、Beijing Sunshine Secondary School offers after-school clubs and activities from Monday to Friday. These activities are offered to all of the students at no cost. The school decides to give its students opportunities(机会) to become successful lifelong learners. Clubs and activiti es Time Place Advisor( 指导教 师) Art Club Tuesday& Thursday 3.05PM— 4.35PM Art Room Ms. Wang Chess Club Monday& Wednesday 3 .05PM—4.35PM Chess Room Mr. Zhang Computer Club Tuesday& Thursday 3.05PM— 4.35PM Computer Room Mr. Chen Sewing Club Monday& Wednesday 3.05PM— 4.35PM The dressmaker ’s Ms Wang Web Design Monday 3.05PM— 4.35PM Computer Room Mr. He Drama Club Tuesday& Thursday 3.05PM— 4.35PM Music Room Ms Qing& Ms Yao


闻报道常用英语词汇 accredited journalist n. 特派记者advertisement n.广告.advance n.预发消息;预写消息affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻anecdote n.趣闻轶事assignment n.采写任务attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源back alley news n. 小道消息backgrounding n.新闻背景Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。banner n.通栏标题beat n.采写范围blank vt. "开天窗" body n. 新闻正文boil vt.压缩(篇幅) box n. 花边新闻brief n. 简讯bulletin n.新闻简报byline n. 署名文章caption n.图片说明caricature n.漫画carry vt.刊登cartoon n.漫画censor vt. 审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查chart n.每周流行音乐排行版clipping n.剪报column n.专栏;栏目columnist n.专栏作家continued story 连载故事;连载小说contributing editor 特约编辑contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿contributor n.投稿人copy desk n.新闻编辑部copy editor n.文字编辑correction n.更正(启事) correspondence column读者来信专栏correspondent n.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者cover vt.采访;采写cover girl n. 封面女郎covert coverage 隐性采访;秘密采访crop vt.剪辑(图片) crusade n.宣传攻势cut n.插图vt.删减(字数) cut line n.插图说明daily n.日报dateline n.新闻电头deadline n.截稿时间dig vt.深入采访;追踪(新闻线索);“挖”(新闻) digest n.文摘editorial n.社论editorial office 编辑部daily 日报morning edition 晨报evening edition 晚报quality paper 高级报纸popular paper 大众报纸evening paper 晚报government organ 官报party organ 党报trade paper 商界报纸Chinese paper 中文报纸English newspaper 英文报纸vernacular paper 本国文报纸Japanese paper 日文报纸political news 政治报纸Newspaper Week 新闻周刊the front



Words : 1.advance [?d’sɑ:ns, ?d'v?ns ] n. 发展;前进;增长;预付款 adj. 预先的;先行的 vs.提出;预付;使……前进;将……提前 He risked his health and his reputation to advance the idea that we are not over nature but a part of it. 他冒着牺牲健康和名誉的危险提出了这一思想,即我们人类不是超越于自然的,而只是它的一部分。 in the advance of 在…进程中 in advance 预先; 提前 schedule in advance 预定 ?No interest shall be deducted from the principal in advance . 第二百条借款的利息不得预先在本金中扣除。?Breach in 3 days in advance , charge 80% of the total rental rate. 提前3天以下解除协议时,支付租金总额的80%的违约金。 ?War being war , though , it is not always in advance what will be needed when .

然而战争毕竟是战争,不可能总是预先知道到时候需要些什么。 2. Affair [?’fε?] n.事情;事务;私事;(尤指关系不长久的)风流韵事state of affairs 事态;情势 love affair 风流韵事;强烈爱好 have an affair 有外遇;通奸;婚外恋 private affair 私事 business affair [律]商务 3. Attribution [, ?tri’bju: ??n] n. 归因;属性;归属 ?The attribution of the play to that famous poet was shown to be wrong . 将这个剧本归为那位著名诗人的手笔已证明是错误的。attribution theory 归因理论 causal attribution 因果性归因 4. Alley [‘lid] n. 小巷;小路;小径 ?The Green Alley program uses new technologies to help protect the environment , save energy and reduce heat in the city . 绿色小巷计划实用新的技术帮助保护环境,节省能源


英语新闻词汇大全accreditedjournalistn.特派记者advertisementn.广告.advancen.预发消息;预写消息affairn.桃色新闻;绯闻anecdoten.趣闻轶事assignmentn.采写任务attributionn.消息出处,消息来源backalleynewsn.小道消息backgroundingn.新闻背景Badnewstravelsquickly.坏事传千里。bannern.通栏标题 beatn.采写范围 blankvt."开天窗"bodyn.新闻正文boilvt.压缩(篇幅) boxn.花边新闻 briefn.简讯 bulletinn.新闻简报 bylinen.署名文章 captionn.图片说明caricaturen.漫画 carryvt.刊登 cartoonn.漫画 censorvt.审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查

chartn.每周流行音乐排行版 clippingn.剪报 columnn.专栏;栏目 columnistn.专栏作家continuedstory连载故事;连载小说contributingeditor特约编辑 contributionn.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿contributorn.投稿人 copydeskn.新闻编辑部 copyeditorn.文字编辑 correctionn.更正(启事) correspondencecolumn读者来信专栏correspondentn.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者 covervt.采访;采写 covergirln.封面女郎 covertcoverage隐性采访;秘密采访 cropvt.剪辑(图片) crusaden.宣传攻势 cutn.插图vt.删减(字数)cutlinen.插图说明dailyn.日报 datelinen.新闻电头 deadlinen.截稿时间 digvt.深入采访;追踪(新闻线索);“挖”(新 闻) digestn.文摘


一.国际事务: negotiations,delegate,delegation,summit 峰会 charter n. 特许状,执照,宪章 pledge n. 诺言,保证,誓言,抵押,信物,保人,祝愿vt. 许诺,保证,使发誓,抵押,典当,举杯祝……健康 vt. 特许,发给特许执照 promote peace 促进和平 boost economic co-op 加强经济合作 make concession/compromise 作出妥协 pass a resolution 通过决议 sanction n. 核准,制裁,处罚,约束力 vt. 制定制裁规则,认可,核准,同意 default n. 违约,不履行责任,缺席,默认值 vt. 疏怠职责,缺席,拖欠,默认 vi. 疏怠职责,缺席,拖欠,默认 veto a bill 否决议案 break the deadlock 打破僵局 a scientific breakthrough 科学突破 an unexpected outcome 出乎意料的结果 sign/ratify an accord/deal/treaty/pact/agreement 签署协议diplomatically isolated country 在外交上被孤立的国家diplomatic solutions 外交解决方案 hot spot 热点 take hostilities toward..... 对……采取敌对态度 ethnic cleansing 种族排斥 refugee,illegal aliens 非法移民 mediator 调解员 national convention 国民大会 fight corruption 反腐败 corrupted election 腐败的选举 peace process 和平进程 give a boost to... 促进 booming economy 促进经济发展 mutual benefits/interests 双赢 Defense Minister,evacuate,flee from Pentagon 五角大楼impose/break a deadline 规定/打破最后期限 retaliate 报复 banking reform 金融改革 commissioner 代表 go bankrupt 破产 file for bankruptcy 提出破产 deputy 代表


(I)★★★ MONTREAL (Reuters) – Crossing the US-Canada border(边界)to go to church on a Sunday cost a US citizen $10,000 for breaking Washington’s strict new security(安全)rules. The expensive trip to church was a surprise for Richard Albert, who lives right on the Canadian border. Like the other half-dozen people of Township 15, crossing the border is a daily occurrence for Albert. The nearby Quebec village of St. Pamphile is where they shop, eat and go to church. There are many such situations in these areas along the largely unguarded 5,530-mile border between Canada and the US-which in some cases actually runs down the middle of streets or through buildings. As a result, Albert says he did not expect any problems three weeks ago when he returned home to the US after attending church in Canada, as usual. The US customs(海关)station in this are is closed on Sundays, so be just drove around the locked gate, as he had done every weekend since the gate appeared last May, following a tightening of border security. Two days later. Albert was told to go to the customs office, where an officer told him he had been caught on camera crossing the border illegally(非法). Ottawa has given out special passes to some 300 US citizens in that area so they can enter the country when Canadian customs stations are closed, but the US stopped a similar program last May. That forces the people to a 200-mile detour along hilly roads to get home through another border checkpoint. Albert has requested that the customs office change their decisions on the fine, but he has not attended a Sunday church since. “I feel like I’m living in a prison,” he said. 1.We learn from the text that Richard Albert is . A.an American living in Township 15 B.a Canadian living in a Quebec village C.a Canadian working in a customs station D.an American working in a Canadian church 2.Albert was fined because he . A.failed to obey traffic rules B.broke the American security rules C.worked in St. Pamphile without a pass D.damaged the gate of the customs office 3.The underlined word “detour” in paragraph 5 means . A.a drive through the town B.a race across the fields C.a roundabout way of travelling D.a journey in the mountain area 4.What would be the best title for the text? A.A Cross-country Trip B.A Special Border Pass C.An Unguarded Border D.An Expensive Church Visit (II)★★


英语新闻中常用高频词汇大全新闻词汇精选 1.Academy Awards 学院奖(奥斯卡金像奖) 2. Apollo Program 阿波罗计划 3. Mr Bean 豆子先生 4. Beat Generation 垮了的一代 5. Bible 《圣经》 6. Black Monday 黑色星期一 7. Broadway(New York) 百老会 8. Central Park 中央公园 9. Charlie Chaplin 查利·卓别林 10. Chinatown 唐人街 11.Civil rights movement 民权运动 12.Bill Clinton 比尔·克林顿 13.Coca-cola 可口可乐 14.Cookbooks 烹饪书 15.Cosmopolitan 大都 16.Cowboy 牛仔 17.Credit Card 信用卡 18.Disneyland 迪斯尼乐园 19.First lady 第一夫人 20.ghost towns 鬼城 21.the God father 教父 22.Grammy Awards 格来米奖 23.Great Depressions 大萧条 24.Great Salt lake 大盐湖 25.Gulf War 海湾战争

26.Halloween 万圣节(节) 27.Hariem 哈雷特(黑人区) 28.Harvard University 哈佛大学 29.Oxford University 牛津大学 30.Camoridge University 剑桥大学 31.Holiday Inn 假日酒店 32.Hollywood 好来坞 33.home computer 家用电脑 34.home video 家用录像 35.hot dog 热狗 36.Independence Day 独立日 37.Michael Jordan 麦克尔·乔丹 38.Michael Jackson 麦克尔·杰克逊 39.Helen Keller 海伦·凯莉 40.Kennedy Assasination 肯尼迪暗杀案 41.Kentucky Fried 肯德鸡 42.Bill Jean 比尔·金 43.Martin Luther King 马丁·路德金 44.Kodak 科达 45.Korean War 朝鲜战争 46.Lincoln Memorial 林肯纪念碑 47.Little Rock 小万城 48.Los Angeles 洛杉机 49.Bruce Lee 李小龙 50.McDonalds 麦当劳 51.Madonna 麦当娜 52.Marijuana 大麻 53.Marlboro Man 万宝路人 54.Mickey Mouse 米老鼠
