




1. A.healthB.break C.death D. head ache

2. A.suffer B.flu C. current D. plus

3. A. calculation B.formulation C. equation D.location

4. A. apply B. athlete C.actor D.acti on

5. A.trouble B.outbreak?C. house D. doubt


6.Many peopleinAfricaare now suffering______ hunger anddiseases.

A. by


D. of

7. He came into theroomquietly toavoid_____by theothers.

A.to see B.tobe seen C.being seen D. seeing

8.Anepidemic_______ inthesmallvillage forty years ago.

A. happen B.broke out C. occur D. was taken place

9.The oldmangot ill again,buthe_________ back intothe hospital.

A.refused to go B. reluctant to go C .glad to D.ref used going

10Many womentry to protecttheir skin______ bythe sun.

A.from burnt

B. from being burnt

C. away fromburning D.away fromburnt

11. The National Broadcasting Companyis called NBC_______.

A. simply

B. abbreviation

C. forshort


12.Thenurse_______his painbygiving him acoolingdrink.

A. to relieve

B. relieved

C. stopping

D. throw

13.Hisbrave action ________ a serous accident inthe street.

A.prevented B.protected C. help D. stop

14.My washing machineisout oforder and_____.

A.needsto berepairing B. needs being repaired

C. needs repaired

D. needsrepairing

15 The forest was ____________ by the fire.

A. helped

B. destroyed

C. improvedD. damage

16.It is hightime that we thatyou _____ upyourmind.

A. make B. made C.makingD. to make17.There is_________ on the front page oftoday’s paper.

A.somethingimportant B. important something

C. anything important

D.important anything

18.Scientists have_______thatworld ‘s populationwill double bythe end of the century.

A.counted B. worked C. calculatedD. resulted

19.They movedto another city several yearslater, ______, in 1990.

A.in another words B. that is to say

C.but D.someone say

20.Twelve _____ four is forty-eight

A. times B.time C. timed by D. multiple21.healways managed______ what he wants.

A.getting B get C. to obtain D.obtaining22.Thearrowon a sign_____ thewayto go.

A. gives B.tell C. indicate D.show

23.She can see over thewall because ofher______

A. high

B. weight C.heavyD.height

24.Her________ hasincreasedto 80 kilos.


B. height

C. weight D.body

25.Twenty-one ______three is seven.

A.minus B.times C.divided by D.plus26.Couldyou______ the heightofthedoorfor me?

A. count



D. test

27.Amemorial wasbuilt ____those who died for the country.A.in honorto B in honor of C.withthe honor D.be cause

28.We will have to______how much money we’ll needfor the pa rty.

A.work B.count outC. calculated D.work out

29.Thethief was seenrunning_______of the mountain.

A. to

B. toward

C. forward D. in the direct


30.Payment will be ______theworkdone notto the time spent doing it.

A. thesameasBproportion to C. respond to D. p

roportional to

第三节完形填空:阅读下面的短文,从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出正确的答案,将其字母标号写到答题纸相应的位置。(共10分,每小题1分) Food is very important. Everyone needsto__31__ well ifhe or she wants to have a strong body. Ourmindsalso need a kind of food. This kind of food is __32__. We begin toget knowledge even__33__ wearevery young.Smallchildrenare __34__ in everything aroundthem. Theylearn __35__ while they are watching and listening.When theyare gettingolder,t hey beginto __36__story books,science books…,anythingtheylike.When they findsomething new,they lovetoask que stionsand__37__to findoutanswers. What isthe best __38__ to get knowledge?If we learn by ourselves,wewill get __39__knowledge.If we are__40__ gettinganswersfromothers and donot ask why,wewill neverlearnwell. When we studyin therightway, we will learn more and understand be


31.A.sleep B. read C. drink D. eat

32. A.sport B.exerciseC.knowledge D. meat?33. A.until B. when C.after D. so

34.A. interestedB.interestingC.weak D.b etter

35. A.everything B.something C. nothing D. anythi ng

36. A. lendB. read C.learnD. write?37. A. try B.have C.refuseD. wait

38. A.place B.schoolC.way D. road39. A.little B. few C. many D. themost 40. A. often B.always C. usually D.something




Long ago ,there lived in Greece a learned man. He was so well knownfor hisgood knowledge of almost everything thatlots of people from alloverthe country cametolearnfrom him. The great man taughthis students whole-heartedlyandanswered their questions with great patience.

Oneday a studentasked him,“Mydearteacher,didn’tyou say youyourself have many ,manymorequestions aboutt hings than we do? ButIthink westudents havefar more than you.”

With a smile on his face,the teacherdrewtwo circles,one as large as a big cake, the other smaller.Thenhesai d, “Of course,I havelearned much more.But it’s wrongto th ink thatateacher has fewer questionsthan hisstudents.N
