Basic Circuit Theory(基本电路理论)

Basic Circuit Theory(基本电路理论)
Basic Circuit Theory(基本电路理论)

Basic Definitions

Electron: an indivisible particle of negative charge. The amount of charge is measured in coulombs (C). The magnitude of the charge associated with an electron is 1.602x10-l9 C.

Current: charge in motion (electrons). Current is measured in units of amperes, or more simply amp.

Voltage: an electric potential difference that causes electron flow. It is also called electromotive force (EMF). An analogy often used to describe current and voltage is water in a pipe. Current is analogous to the flow of water, while voltage is analogous to the pressure.

Conductor: a material that allows a continuous current to pass through it under the action of a fixed voltage. An example of a good conductor is copper or aluminum which is used in homes and offices for all electrical connections.

Insulator: the opposite of a conductor, it does not allow a continuous current to pass though it under the action of a fixed voltage. An example of an insulator is the plastic on electrical cords. Using our water analogy, a conductor can be envisioned as the region inside a pipe, while an insulator can be envisioned as the actual material of the pipe which contains the water flow.

Switch: used to control the flow of electrons, or current as it is commonly called. Ideally, a switch turns on or off instantly, and has no voltage across it while it is conducting. In our water analogy, an ideal switch would cut the flow immediately, from completely on to completely off in an instant.

Common Passive Circuit Elements

All circuit elements can be separated into two groups: active and passive. The electrical definition is very similar to the common definition: active circuit elements are capable of delivering power, while passive elements are capable of receiving, and possibly storing, power. In our water analogy, a pump would be an active element. A narrow section of pipe that restricts the flow, a tank, and a water wheel would all be examples of passive elements.

Resistors: circuit elements that literally "resist" current flow. Voltage is higher on the end of the resistor that sees the current first. Figure 1 shows two schematic representations of a resistor. In our water analogy, a resistor would be a narrow section of pipe that restricts the flow.

Figure 1. Schematic representations of a resistor

The on-resistance (R DS(on)) of our HEXFET? power MOSFETs is usually one of two parameters critical to the designer. The other is breakdown voltage (V(BR)DSS) or how much voltage the device can block when it is off. On-resistance is merely the resistance from drain to source of the power MOSFET in the "on" state. In the "off" state, the resistance is extremely high, but instead of R DS(off), we measure it as leakage current, or I DSS.

Capacitors: circuit elements that store electrons. In many instances, they are used as a rechargeable battery, providing a stable voltage reference far from the input power point. They have many different uses in electrical circuits in addition to simply storing electrons. There are many different types of capacitors, including aluminum electrolytic, tantalum electrolytic, ceramic disk, mica, polycarbonate, polypropylene, and polystyrene.

Two important considerations in the selection of capacitors are equivalent series inductance (ESL), and equivalent series resistance (ESR). Ideally, these two parameters should be as close to zero as possible, especially as frequency increases. The capacitors above are mentioned approximately in order of decreasing ESL and ESR. Aluminum electrolytic capacitors have extremely high capacitive values, but also high ESL and ESR. This makes them good for dc applications, such as the capacitors on the output of a bridge rectifier, to provide the dc supply to the rest of the circuit. Polypropylene and polystyrene capacitors have very low capacitive values, but also extremely low ESR and ESL values making them good for extremely high frequency applications.

Stray capacitance exists in all circuits to some extent. While usually to ground, it can occur between any two points with different potentials. All semiconductor devices have capacitance between their external terminals, and are specified on the data sheets. Figure 2 shows several different schematic representations of capacitors. In our water analogy, a capacitor would be a tank storing water for later use.

Figure 2.Schematic Representations of Capacitors

Stray capacitance is also responsible for electro-static discharge (ESD). ESD is responsible for the shock you receive in the winter after walking across a carpeted room and touching the doorknob. ESD is particularly dangerous to MOS-gated semiconductors. The amount of static required to cause damage is so small, that a person can damage a device without knowing it. This is why anyone who handles MOS-gated semiconductors must follow strict ESD prevention procedures. Following proper procedures is essential as devices can be damaged, reducing their lifetime, with no perceivable effects at the time of damage.

Figure 3. Schematic representations of inductors

Inductors: circuit elements that resist change. If, after a period of current flow, an attempt is made to interrupt the current flow, the inductor will continue to force current. Figure 3 shows the schematic representations of two different inductors. In our water analogy, an inductor would be a water wheel - it is difficult to start spinning, but once it is spinning, it is difficult to stop.

Figure 4.Toroidal Inductor

Inductors are typically manufactured by winding wire in a toroidal (donut) shape shown in Figure 4. If the inductor is wound around a non-ferromagnetic material such as plastic, ceramic, cardboard, or merely air, the inductance per unit volume is considerably less than if the inductor is wound on a ferromagnetic core. The upper inductor in Figure 4 depicts an air-cored inductor, while the lower inductor depicts a ferromagnetic cored inductor. Ferromagnetic refers to magnetic materials, whose characteristics greatly vary.

Figure 5. B-H Characteristics for a Magnetic Material.

Figure 5 shows the B-H characteristics for a ferromagnetic material where B is the magnetic flux density, and H is the magnetic field. Operation follows the line, in the direction indicated by the arrow. Although the explanation of this figure is beyond the scope of this module, some important concepts can be observed without a thorough understanding of the plot. During operation, the operating point slides along the curve in

the direction of the arrows. If the positive magnetic flux density (B) is not offset by an equal negative magnetic flux density, the operation curve will slowly creep up, until the material saturates (magnetic flux density (B) is at a maximum and cannot further increase).

At saturation the inductance drops to the value of an equivalent air-cored inductor, and the current through it is merely limited by the core's internal resistance which is usually quite low. This is seen at the top of the above curve where the lines flatten, and further increases in flux density (B) are not allowed. Saturation can be caused by one of two mechanisms. First, if the magnetic material is underdesigned, and the flux generated by the current in the winding is greater than the core can handle, the material will saturate. In the above figure, this would place the operating point at the top of the B-H curve.

The second method applies if the magnetic material is not allowed to reset between consecutive pulses. Sufficient time between pulses is necessary to allow the energy stored in the magnetic element to go to zero, or reset. If the design does not allow this to occur, the flux in the magnetic element will build up, or staircase, with each consecutive pulse until the device saturates. This results in a large current which usually destroys the semiconductors in its path. This phenomenon also affects transformers which are merely special cases of the inductor.

Figure 6. Schematic Representation of a Transformer

The final circuit element is the transformer. Figure 6 shows the schematic representation of a transformer. A transformer could be thought of as a ferromagnetic-cored inductor with two or more sets of wires wound on it. Saturation is also a problem in transformers. Thus transformers and inductors are sometimes lumped together and simply called magnetics.

Transformers are most commonly used for one of two purposes. The first is isolation, which is typically needed between two sections of a system which have different ground levels. The second is to change voltage levels. A familiar example is the large ac adapter wall plug supplied with most portable equipment for home use. The adaptor box contains

a transformer which steps the voltage down from the line voltage, usually to around 12V, which is then further conditioned by two diodes, and finally supplied to the equipment.

Leakage inductance is a critical parameter for transformers, generators, and motors. Leakage inductance is the difference between the self-inductance and the mutual inductance of the primary and secondary windings. Its value is typically quite small, but very important in determining the characteristics and operation of the circuit. It is of particular interest as the switching device may be asked to dissipate the energy stored in the leakage inductance. The leakage inductance contributes to a turn-off voltage spike seen by the switching device. If the energy and/or voltage is sufficient, a snubber may need to be added to the circuit to protect the switching device from damage due to this spike. IR specifies the amount of energy HEXFET? power MOSFETs can dissipate in this mode and are tested as shown in Figure 7, the unclamped inductive test circuit.

Figure 7. Unclamped Inductive Test Circuit

Basic Electrical Definitions

Power is defined as current multiplied by voltage:

P=V* I

where P is the power measured in watts (W) (also joules per second), V is the steady state voltage measured in volts (V), and I is the steady state current measured in amps (A).

Energy is defined as current multiplied by voltage, multiplied by time:


where "E" is the energy measured in joules (also watt-seconds), "V" is the instantaneous voltage measured in volts, "i" is the instantaneous current measured in amps, and "T" is the time period measured in seconds.

To calculate power, given energy and frequency, multiply energy by the frequency. For example, if an IGBT has a total switching energy loss of 1.4mJ under a given set of operating conditions, and is operated at 20kHz, the total power loss due to switching will be 28W.

E (1.4mJ) * f (20kHz) = P (28W)

ac versus dc

Direct current (dc) has a constant magnitude. In contrast, alternating current (ac) has a magnitude dependent on time. it follows a sinusoidal waveform, shown below. ac is generated by moving a copper winding through a magnetic field. This causes a voltage to be developed on the winding. Generators in the United States operate at 60Hz, but many places in the world, 50Hz is the standard. Hz is the abbreviation for Hertz, which is the unit of measure for frequency. Frequency is only defined for regular waveforms that repeat indefinitely. Frequency is how many times per second the same position on the waveform occurs. Thus, in the figure below, sixty peaks will pass in one second if the frequency is 60Hz. T is the period, while 1/T is the frequency.

Figure 8. 60Hz Sine Wave.

Nearly all current starts off as ac, which is generated through an electromechanical process, and is then converted to dc. It is difficult to generate dc directly, as it requires either a dynamo or a chemical reaction such as the one within in a solar cell which converts sunlight into dc voltage. In applications where dc is present, there is usually a nearby ac source. For example, in your automobile the battery that drives the lights, all the

electronics, and all the motors are typically 12 volts dc. This battery is charged by the alternator which is basically a small generator driven by the engine. A three-phase diode bridge is responsible for converting the ac output of the alternator to be compatible with the dc battery.

The last important concept is the role of frequency on magnetics. It is beyond the scope of this training module to explain why, but as the operating frequency of a circuit increases, the physical size of the magnetics (remember this means both inductors and transformers) shrinks. This is one of the reasons designers are constantly increasing the frequency of their designs. In the power supply world, one of the benchmarks of a design is how many watts per cubic inch the power supply delivers. One way to substantially increase this number is by moving to higher frequency, and hence, physically smaller magnetic components. The tradeoff of higher frequency operation is increased switching losses in the semiconductor devices, whether it be a diode, IGBT, or power MOSFET.


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《电路基础》作者:范世贵主编;王淑敏,段哲民,范世贵编者西北工业大学出版社 , 2007 《电路基础常见题型解析及模拟题》作者:王淑敏主编;段哲民,王淑敏编著《电路典型题解》向国菊孙鲁扬孙勤编清华大学出版社 《电路基础》作者:上海交通大学电工原理教研组编页数:434 (经典资料) 代办试卷复印事项: 试卷是5元/份,试卷均来自图书馆 632法理学 《法理学》(21世纪法律教育互动教材——基础课系列)郑成良主编清华大学出版社,2008年 801船舶结构力学 《船舶结构力学》陈铁云、陈伯真主编上海交大出版社 802理论力学 《理论力学》刘延柱高教出版社,《理论力学》洪嘉振高教出版社 804材料力学 材料力学》(第一版)单辉祖编高等教育出版社1999 或高教出版社《材料力学》孙国钧、赵社戌编交大出版社,《材料力学》金忠谋等编机械工业出版社 809机械原理与设计 《机械原理》邹慧君、张春林、李杞仪主编(第二版)高教出版社 2006;《机械设计及理论》李柱国、许敏主编科学出版社 2003 810传热学 《传热学》第二版或第三版杨世铭编高等教育出版社 811质量管理学 《质量管理学》伍爱编暨南大学出版社 813工程热力学 《工程热力学》沈维道童钧耕第四版高教出版社;《工程热力学学习辅导与


《电路与电子技术基础》参考解答 习题七 7-1 什么是静态工作点如何设置静态工作点若静态工作点设置不当会出现什么问题估算静态工作点时,应根据放大电路的直流通路还是交流通路 答:所谓静态工作点就是输入信号为零时,电路处于直流工作状态,这些直流电流、电压的数值在三极管特性曲线上表示为一个确定的点,设置静态工作点的目的就是要保证在被被放大的交流信号加入电路时,不论是正半周还是负半周都能满足发射结正向偏置,集电结反向偏置的三极管放大状态。 可以通过改变电路参数来改变静态工作点,这就可以设置静态工作点。 若静态工作点设置的不合适,在对交流信号放大时就可能会出现饱和失真(静态工作点偏高)或截止失真(静态工作点偏低)。 估算静态工作点是根据放大电路的直流通路。 7-2 试求题图7-1各电路的静态工作点。设图中的所有三极管都是硅管。 解:图(a)静态工作点 V R I U U mA I I A mA I c c cc ce b c b 3.14101107.9247.9194.050194194.010 1207 .024333 =???-=-==?===≈?-=-βμ 图(b)和图(c)的发射结反向偏置,三极管截止,所以I b =0,I c =βI b ≈0,三极管工作在截止区,U ce ≈U cc 。 图(d)的静态工作点 c R e R b 3V 6V R e R b 1 R e

) 1.3712(]10)212(1065.212[)]()6(6[65.226026.01 65.21027 .06333 --=?+??--=+----≈=≈=≈+= =?-= -e c c ce e c e b e R R I U mA I I A mA I I mA I μβ 依此I c 电流,在电阻上的压降高于电源电压,这是不可能的,由此可知电流要小于此值,即三极管工作在饱和状态。 图(e)的静态工作点 V R I U U mA I I I I mA I V U e e cc ce e b e c e B 3.161021085.3240475.01 8085.3185.310 27.08810310)6030(24333 3 3=???-=-==+=+=≈=?-==???+= -β 7-3 放大电路的输入电阻与输出电阻的含义是什么为什么说放大电路的输入电阻可以用来表示放大电路对信号源电压的衰减程度放大电路的输出电阻可以用来表示放大电路带负载的能力 答:输入电阻就是将放大电路看为一个四端元件,从输入端看入的等效电阻。即输入端的电压与输入端的电流之比。输出电阻也是将放大电路看作一个四端元件,从输出端看的等效电阻。即戴维南等效电路的内阻。 因为信号源为放大电路提供输入信号,由于信号源内阻的存在,因此当提供给放大电路的信号源是电压源串电阻的形式时,输入电阻越大,则放大电路对信号源的衰减越小;若信号源是电流源与电阻并联,则输入电阻越小,放大电路对信号源的衰减越小。 放大电路我们可以根据戴维南等效电路将其化简为一个电压源与电阻的串联形式,输出电阻可以看作一个电源的内阻,因此,输出电阻越小,放大电路的带负载能力越强。 请参看下图,可以增强对上面文字描述的理解。


7-1 试决定下列时间函数的相量: a. f(t)=10cos(2t+30)+5sin2t; b. f(t)=2sin(3t-90)+2cos(3t+45); c. f(t)=sint+sin(t+30)+sin(t+60) 解:a) b) c) 7-2 试写出下列相量所代表的正弦量。 a. V=100<30 b. Im=5<0 c. Vm=4+j3 d. I=80-j60

解:a) b) c) d) 7-3 试写出下列微分方程的特解。 a. ; b. ; c. 。解: a)对方程两边取相量: b)对方程两边取相量:

c)对方程两边取相量: 7-4 如图所示电路是有线性定常元件组成的。 a. 试求出其入端(驱动点)阻抗Z(jw); b. 算出w=0和w=1rad/s时的阻抗Z(j0)和Z(j1)(用模和幅角来表示); c. 试对w=0和w=inf时Z(j0)和Z(jinf)作出物理解释。 解: 题9.4图 a)

b) c)当时,电容相当于开路,电感相当于短路, 当时,电容相当于短路,电感相当于开路, 7-5 已知如图所示的网络已处于正弦稳态和is(t)=10sin(2t-pi/3)。 a. 试求I L,I R,I C,和V; b. 试写出iL(t),iR(t),ic(t)和V(t)的函数表达式,并按比例画出他们的波形图。 解: 题7.5图 a)

b) 7-6 有一如图所示的电路,已知对所有的t,有: Vs(t)=50sin(10t+pi/4),i(t)=400cos(10t+pi/6),试问电路的两个元件应为何种类型的元件?

林家儒 《电子电路基础》 课后习题答案

第一章 思考题与习题 1.1. 半导体材料都有哪些特性?为什么电子有源器件都是由半导体材料制成 的? 1.2. 为什么二极管具有单向导电特性?如何用万用表判断二极管的好坏? 1.3. 为什么不能将两个二极管背靠背地连接起来构成一个三极管? 1.4. 二极管的交、直流等效电阻有何区别?它们与通常电阻有什么不同? 1.5. 三极管的放大原理是什么?三极管为什么存在不同的工作状态? 1.6. 如图P1-1(a)所示的三极管电路,它与图P1-1(b)所示的 二极管有何异同? 1.7.稳压二极管为何能够稳定电压? 1.8.三极管的交、直流放大倍数有何区别?共射和共基电 流放大倍数的关系是什么? 1.9.三极管的输入特性和输出特性各是什么? 1.10. 如图P1-2所示,设I S =10-11A ,U T =26mV ,试计算 u i =0,0.3V ,0.5V ,0.7V 时电流I 的值,以及u i =0.7V 时二极管的直流和交流等效电阻。 解: 由I= I S *(exp(U i / U T )-1) 当U i =0时,I=0; 当U i =0.3V 时,I=1.026×10-6A ; 当U i =0.5V 时,I=2.248×10-3A ; 当U i =0.7V 时,I=4.927A ; 直流等效电阻R= U i /I = 0.7V/4.927A = 0.142 Ω ∵exp(U i / U T )>>1 ∴交流等效电阻R d = 26/I = 26/4927 = 5.277×10-3 Ω (a) (b) 图 P1-1 图P1-2 + - u i D i

1.11. 电路如图P1-3所示,二极管导通电压U D =0.7V , U T =26mV ,电源U =3.3V ,电阻R =1k Ω,电容C 对交流信号可视为短路;输入电压u i 为正弦波,有效值为10mV 。试问二极管中流过的交流电流有效值为多少? 解:U =3.3V>>100mV , I =(U -U D )/R = (3.3-0. 7)/1k = 2.6 mA 交流等效电阻:R d = 26/I = 10 Ω 交流电流有效值:Id = Ui/Rd = 1 mA 1.1 2. 图P1-4(a)是由二极管D 1、D 2组成的电路,二极管的导通电压U D =0.3V 、 反向击穿电压足够大,设电路的输入电压u 1和u 1如图P1-4(b)所示,试画出输出u o 的波形。 解: 1.13. 如图P1-5所示电路,设二极管为理 想二极管(导通电压U D =0,击穿电压U BR =∞ ),试画出输出u o 的波形。 解: 5V u 1 t u 2 t 5V 图P1-4(a) 图P1-4(b) + D1 u 1 u o R u 2 D2 P1-5 R + - u o D 2 D 1 D 3 D 4 图P1-3 + - u i D R C U 4.7V u 0 t u o t


题11.1 根据定义求 和的象函数。 解: (1) (2) 题11.2 设 求的象函数。 解: 由拉氏变换的微分、线性和积分性质得: 题11.3 设 (t 为纯数)。分别求对应象函数、、,验证卷积定理。 解: 设 , 则 与的卷积为 )()(t t t f ε=)(e )(t t t f at ε-=2020 001e 1e 1e e )()(- s s dt s s t dt t t s F st st st st =-=+-==∞-∞-∞-∞ -- - - ??ε 20)(20 )(00) (1e )(1e 1e e )(e )(-ααααεααα+=+-=+++-==∞ +-∞+-∞-∞-----??s s dt s s t dt t t s F t s t s st st t ξ ξετd f c t bf t t f a t f f t A t f t t )()(d )(d )(,0)0(),()e 1()(01 11 21/1?-++==-=--)(2t f )(2s F ) /1(//1)(1 τττ+=+-=s s A s A s A s F ) /1(/ )()()/(]/)([)()]0()([)(2 2 111112τ τ+++=++=++-=-s s A c bs as s F s c b as s s F c s bF f s sF a s F )()()(,e 2)(,e 5)(2 15221t f t f t f t f t f t t *===--)(1s F )(2s F )(s F 25)}({)(1 1+==s t f s F L 5 2 )}({)(2 2+==s t f L s F ) 5)(2(10 )()(2 1++=s s s F s F )(1t f )(2t f


上海交通大学研究生入学考试488基本电路理论基本电路答案7 a. f(t)=10cos(2t+30)+5sin2t; b. f(t)=2sin(3t-90)+2cos(3t+45); c. f(t)=sint+sin(t+30)+sin(t+60) 解:a) b) c) 7-2 试写出下列相量所代表的正弦量。 a. V=100<30 b. Im=5<0 c. Vm=4+j3 d. I=80-j60 解:a)

b) c) d) 7-3 试写出下列微分方程的特解。 a. ; b. ; c. 。解: a)对方程两边取相量: b)对方程两边取相量: c)对方程两边取相量:

7-4 如图所示电路是有线性定常元件组成的。 a. 试求出其入端(驱动点)阻抗Z(jw); b. 算出w=0和w=1rad/s时的阻抗Z(j0)和Z(j1)(用模和幅角来表示); c. 试对w=0和w=inf时Z(j0)和Z(jinf)作出物理解释。 解: 题9.4图 a) b) c)当时,电容相当于开路,电感相当于短路,

当时,电容相当于短路,电感相当于开路, 7-5 已知如图所示的网络已处于正弦稳态和is(t)=10sin(2t-pi/3)。 a. 试求I L,I R,I C,和V; b. 试写出iL(t),iR(t),ic(t)和V(t)的函数表达式,并按比例画出他们的波形图。 解: 题7.5图 a) b)

7-6 有一如图所示的电路,已知对所有的t,有: Vs(t)=50sin(10t+pi/4),i(t)=400cos(10t+pi/6),试问电路的两个元件应为何种类型的元件? 解: 题7.6图 电流趋前于电压,可见电路是容性的,可将此电路等效为一个导纳


第三章放大器的负反馈 §3-1反馈的基本概念 一、填空题 1、放大器的反馈,就是将输出量(电压或电流)的一部分或全部,通过的电路形式送回到输入回路,并与输入量进行叠加 过程。 2、反馈放大器由基本放大和反馈电路两部分组成,能否从电路中找到是判断有无反馈的依据。 3、按反馈的极性分,有正反馈和负反馈,判断方法可采用瞬时极性法,反馈结果使净输入量减小的是负反馈,使净输入量增大的是正反馈。 4、按反馈信号从输出端的取样方式分,有电压反馈与电流反馈;按反馈信号与输入信号的连接方式分,有串联反馈和并联反馈。采用输出短路法,可判断是电压反馈还是电流反馈;采用输入短路法,可判断是串联反馈还是 并联反馈,对常用的共发射极放大器,若反馈信号加到三极管基极为并联反馈,加到三极管发射极为串联反馈。 5、按反馈的信号分,有直流反馈和交流反馈。直流负反馈主要用于稳定放大器的静态工作点,交流负反馈可以改善放大器的动态特性。 二、判断题 1、瞬时极性法既能判断反馈的对象,也能判断反馈的极性。(对) 2、串联负反馈都是电流负反馈,并联负反馈都是电压反馈。(错) 3、将负反馈放大器的输出端短路,则反馈信号也随之消失。(错) 4、在瞬时极性法判断中,+表示对地电压为正,—表示对地电压为负。(错) 5、在串联反馈中,反馈信号在输入端是以电压形式出现,在并联反馈中,反馈信号在输入端是以电流形式出现。(对) 三、选择题 1、反馈放大短路的含义是(C )。 A.输入与输出之间有信号通路 B.电路中存在反向传输的信号通路 C.除放大电路外,还有反向传输的信号通路 2.图3-1-1所示为某负反馈放大电路的一部分,Re1引入(C ),Re2引入(B )。

《电路理论基础》(第三版 陈希有)习题答案第一章

答案1.1 解:图示电路电流的参考方向是从a 指向b 。当时间t <2s 时电流从a 流向b,与参考方向相同,电流为正值;当t >2s 时电流从b 流向a ,与参考方向相反,电流为负值。所以电流i 的数学表达式为 2A 2s -3A 2s t i t ? 答案1.2 解:当0=t 时 0(0)(59e )V 4V u =-=-<0 其真实极性与参考方向相反,即b 为高电位端,a 为低电位端; 当∞→t 时 ()(59e )V 5V u -∞∞=-=>0 其真实极性与参考方向相同, 即a 为高电位端,b 为低电位端。 答案1.3 解:(a)元件A 电压和电流为关联参考方向。元件A 消耗的功率为 A A A p u i = 则 A A A 10W 5V 2A p u i === 真实方向与参考方向相同。 (b) 元件B 电压和电流为关联参考方向。元件B 消耗的功率为 B B B p u i = 则 B B B 10W 1A 10V p i u -===- 真实方向与参考方向相反。 (c) 元件C 电压和电流为非关联参考方向。元件C 发出的功率为 C C C p u i = 则 C C C 10W 10V 1A p u i -===-

真实方向与参考方向相反。 答案1.4 解:对节点列KCL 方程 节点③: 42A 3A 0i --=,得42A 3A=5A i =+ 节点④: 348A 0i i --+=,得348A 3A i i =-+= 节点①: 231A 0i i -++=,得231A 4A i i =+= 节点⑤: 123A 8A 0i i -++-=,得123A 8A 1A i i =+-=- 若只求2i ,可做闭合面如图(b)所示,对其列KCL 方程,得 28A-3A+1A-2A 0i -+= 解得 28A 3A 1A 2A 4A i =-+-= 答案1.5 解:如下图所示 (1)由KCL 方程得 节点①: 12A 1A 3A i =--=- 节点②: 411A 2A i i =+=- 节点③: 341A 1A i i =+=- 节点④: 231A 0i i =--= 若已知电流减少一个,不能求出全部未知电流。 (2)由KVL 方程得


基本电路理论 基本概念 11001 题目/ 答案 11001 一调频接收机用一根2m 长的馈线和它的天线连接,如图11001所示。如果接收机调到100MHz 时,天线端出现的瞬时电流为80()sin(210)A i t I t π=?,问接收机输入端的瞬时电流是否与天线端相等?该馈线能否用集中参数模型来表示?为什么? 图11001 17101 在图17101所示电路中,各支路电压与支路电流都取一致的参考方向。 (1)若已知 110V v =,25V v =,43V v =-,62V v =,73V v =-,128V v =, 试尽可能多的求出其余支路电压; (2)若已知 12A i =,31A i =,45A i =,75A i =-,103A i =-, 试尽可能多的求出其余支路电流。 1 v 2v 3 v 4 v 5 v 6 v 7 v 8v 9 v 10v 11 v 12 v 图17101 17102 对题图17102,求证:12340i i i i +++=和678100i i i i +++= 1 v 2v 3 v 4 v 5 v 6 v 7 v 8v 9 v 10v 11 v 12 v 图17102

17103 求图17103所示部分电路中的电压v gf,v ag,v db和电流i cd。 d 图17103 17104 求图17104中的电压v ac,v ad和v0。 e 17105 求图17105电路中的1I和2I。 5 Ω 图17105

17201 对图17201所示的定向图 (1)下列支路集那些是割集?哪些不是割集?为什么? {1,2,3},{2,3,4,5},{4,5,6},{5,6,7},{4,6,7},{1,2,4,7},{4,7} (2)下列支路集那些是树?哪些不是树?为什么? {1,2,3},{1,2,4},{1,2,4,5},{3,4,5,6},{2,3,4,5},{2,3,5,6},{2,3,5,7},{1,2,3,4,5},{2,3,4,5,6} 图17201 17202 对图17202 的两个网络图,分别写出它们的关联矩阵a A 。 () a ①④ ③ () b ④③ 图17202 17203 已知降阶关联矩阵A 为 11100000000000001110000010000000110000111000000000000011000101 1 1 1 1 1 0A -?? ?-- ? ?--= ? ? ?-- ? ?---? ? 画出其对应的定向图。 17301 如图17301所示,求x i


习题答案 2-2 电路如题图2-2所示,已知30Ω电阻中的电流I 4=0.2A ,试求此电路的总电压U 及总电流I 。 解: 如上图所示,可得 V 901009.010090A 9.03010A 6.02A 3.02060 306030A 1.05.0323254345=?==Ω =+==+=Ω =+====+=Ω=+?= ==IR U R R I I I R R I I I I I R I I ac bc ac bc 2-6 六个相等电阻R ,各等于20Ω,构成一个闭合回路(题图2-6所示)。若将一外电源依次作用a 和b ,a 和c ,a 和d 之间,求在各种情况下的等效电阻。 Ω 题图2-2 习题2-2电路图 Ω 习题2-2电路图

解: 如上图所示,若将电源作用于a 和b ,则有 Ω =====350 65//52 2121R R R R R R R R R ab 同理,若将电源作用于a 和c ,则有 Ω =====380 68//422 2121R R R R R R R R R ac 若将电源作用于a 和d ,则有 Ω =====3069//332 2121R R R R R R R R R ad 题图2-6 习题2-6电路

2-11 试为题图2-11所示的电路,写出 (1) 基尔霍夫电流定律独立方程(支路电流为未知量); (2) 基尔霍夫电压定律独立方程(支路电流为未知量); (3) 网孔方程; (4) 节点方程(参考节点任选)。 解: 如上图所示。 (1) 由KCL ,有 00 524321164=--=--=--I I I I I I I I I (2) 由KVL ,有 I I 5


浅谈我眼中的基电课 5100309423 李亦言开学之前,看着那厚厚的一本基电书,我真怀疑一个学期是不是能够学完,现在这个疑惑已经有了答案。翻翻前面学过的厚厚的多半本内容,有一点成就感的同时,也有一点小小的感触。 刚刚接触这门课,我仍然停留在高中电路分析的思维模式之中。由于高中所学电路比较简单,只需要你把为数不多的几个式子列出来,解一解方程就行了。有时候甚至不需要思维很有条理就能做出来。我按照这种方式,刚开始的内容还可以应付。但是随着电路逐渐复杂,内容的增加,这种偏重于经验的解题方式就失去了优越性,往往会漏写方程,或者写着写着思维混乱,或者根本无从下手。而且到后面列写节点矩阵,回路矩阵的时候,就完全对不上号了。于是我只能静下心去看课本,按照课本的思路进行,才慢慢有了感觉。所以我觉得,学习基电很重要的一点就是思维的规范化,在规范的基础之上再讲究灵活变通。如果一味的追求灵活和快速,丢掉了规范化的根基,越到后面学习会越发吃力。 此外我觉得,学好这门课,不仅要把基本知识点搞清楚,前后内容的横向比较,方法的归类总结也非常重要。纵观课本内容,有许多地方都是相似相通或者相互继承的,比如拉普拉斯变换与相量变换,回路分析法与网孔分析法等等。比较性的学习,可以让我们学习更加高效,并找到知识之间的内部联系,以便加深理解记忆。翻一翻课本,我们会发现分析电路的很多方法,比如经典的电路分析法,三要素法,

拉普拉斯变换法,相量变化法等等。在我学习完这些方法之后,我觉得每种方法我都已经掌握了。但是在实际应用这些方法时却出现了问题:到底什么时候用哪种方法比较好?缺少宏观的统筹把握,精力都放在了细节的方法上,这是我觉得我自己学习中的问题。随后我和同学进行了交流,把问题进行分类,找到每类问题对应的最佳解决方法,并对每种方法之间的包含关系以及适用范围进行了总结,才对所学知识有了一个宏观的框架。 对于陈老师的上课风格,我个人是非常欣赏和钦佩的。虽然年纪比较大了,但上课时很有激情,思路清晰,简明扼要,有时候还很幽默与同学交流的时候总是面带微笑,给人感觉没有架子,很容易交流。 但是由于课时少内容多,老师上课所讲的只能是知识的主干和关键部分,对于一些细枝末节的东西,往往难以兼顾。而且讲课速度较,许多东西无法当场理解和记忆。所以,课后看教材就显得很关键了。对于这本教材,我个人认为编写的相当出色。从排版上看,重点突出,插图与文字结合得很好,给人一种和谐的美感。整本教材按照由浅入深,相互承接的方式来安排内容,思路清晰。而且有适量的实例应用,和生活结合的比较紧密。对于我而言,这本教材所学过的内容,我都会认认真真的看上一遍。但是我觉得,只听课看书也是不够的。因为在听课和看书的过程中,往往会有许多关键性的内容因为你体会不到它的作用而被你忽视掉。所以我觉得,理解记忆知识点之余,勤奋的去做一些练习,才能真正地掌握知识,并弥补知识的漏洞。对于我而言,往往是做题遇到了困难,回头再去看书上相关内容,会给我更加


电子电路基础习题册参考答案(第三版)全国中等职业技术 第一章常用半导体器件 §1-1 晶体二极管 一、填空题 1、物质按导电能力的强弱可分为导体、绝缘体和半导体三大类,最常用的半导体材料是硅和锗。 2、根据在纯净的半导体中掺入的杂质元素不同,可形成N 型半导体和P 型半导体。 3、纯净半导体又称本征半导体,其内部空穴和自由电子数相等。N型半导体又称电子型半导体,其内部少数载流子是空穴;P型半导体又称空穴型半导体,其内部少数载流子是电子。 4、晶体二极管具有单向导电性,即加正向电压时,二极管导通,加反向电压时,二极管截止。一般硅二极管的开启电压约为0.5 V,锗二极管的开启电压约为0.1 V;二极管导通后,一般硅二极管的正向压降约为0.7 V,锗二极管的正向压降约为0.3 V。 5.锗二极管开启电压小,通常用于检波电路,硅二极管反向电流小,在整流电路 及电工设备中常使用硅二极管。 6.稳压二极管工作于反向击穿区,稳压二极管的动态电阻越小,其稳压性能好。

7在稳压电路中,必须串接限流电阻,防止反向击穿电流超过极限值而发生热击穿损坏稳压管。 8二极管按制造工艺不同,分为点接触型、面接触型和平面型。 9、二极管按用途不同可分为普通二极管、整流二极管、稳压二极管、 开关、热敏、发光和光电二极管等二极管。 10、二极管的主要参数有最大整流电流、最高反向工作电压、反向饱和电流和最高工作频率。 11、稳压二极管的主要参数有稳定电压、稳定电流和动态电阻。 12、图1-1-1所示电路中,二极管V1、V2均为硅管,当开关S与M 相接时,A点的电位为 无法确定V,当开关S与N相接时,A点的电位为0 V. 13图1-1-2所示电路中,二极管均为理想二极管,当开关S打开时,A点的电位为10V 、 流过电阻的电流是4mA ;当开关S闭合时,A点的电位为0 V,流过电阻的电流为2mA 。 14、图1-1-3所示电路中,二极管是理想器件,则流过二极管V1的电流为0.25mA ,流过V2的电流为0.25mA ,输出电压U0为+5V。


答案8.1 解: )/1()(T t A t f -= T t <<0 ??-==T T dt T t A T dt t f T A 000)/1(1)(1A T t t T A T 5.0]2[02=-= ?-=T k dt t k T t A T a 0 )cos()/1(2ω 0)sin(2)]sin()/1(2[020=+?-=?T T dt t k T k A t k Tk T t A ωωωω ?-=T k dt t k T t A T b 0 )sin()/1(2ω π ωωωωωk A kT A dt t k T k A t k Tk T t A T T ==-?--=?2)cos(2)]cos()/1(2[020 所以 ∑∞ =+=1sin 5.0)(k t k k A A t f ωπ 频谱图如图(b)所示。 .0 答案8.2 解:电流i 的有效值 57.1)2/13.0()2/67.0()2/57.1(12222≈+++=I A 只有基波电流与正弦电压形成平均功率,故二端电路输入的平均功率为: 95.73)]90(90cos[2 57.122.94=?--?-?=P W 注释:非正弦周期量分解成傅里叶级数后,其有效值等于直流分量和不同频率交流分量有效值平方和的平方根。 答案8.3 解:对基波 ?∠=0100m(1)U V , A 010m(1) ?∠=I 由 Ω==-+=10)1(j ) 1(m ) 1(m ) 1(I U C L R Z ωω

求得 Ω=10R , 01 =-C L ωω (1) 对三次谐波 ?-∠=3050m(3)U V , A 755.1i m(3)ψ-∠=I 又由 Ω+?-∠==-+=)30(5.28)313(j m(3) m(3))3(i I U C L R Z ψωω (2) 所以 22 25.28)313(=-+C L R ωω (3) 将式(1)代入式(3), 解得 mH 9.31=L 将mH 9.31=L 代入式( 1 ),求得 F 3.318μ=C 再将C L R 、、 值代入式(2),有 Ω?-∠=Ω+=3028.5j26.7)10(i )3(ψZ 解得 ?=45.99i ψ 答案8.4 解: (1) 电压有效值: V 01.80)2 25()250()2100(222=++=U 电流有效值 58.74mA )2 10 ()220()280( 222=++=I (2) 平均功率 kW 42.345cos 210250cos 22050)45cos(280100=??+??+?-?=P Ω ?∠=?∠?∠=Ω =?∠?∠=Ω ?-∠=?∠?-∠=k 455.2mA 010V 4525k 5.2mA 020V 050k 4525.1mA 080V 45100)3()3()2()1(Z Z Z 注释:非正弦周期量分解成傅里叶级数后,某端口的平均功率等于直流分量和不同频率交流分量单独作用产生的平均功率之和。


一、Basic Definitions Electron: an indivisible particle of negative charge. The amount of charge is measured in coulombs (C). The magnitude of the charge associated with an electron is 1.602x10-l9 C. Current: charge in motion (electrons). Current is measured in units of amperes, or more simply amp. Voltage: an electric potential difference that causes electron flow. It is also called electromotive force (EMF). An analogy often used to describe current and voltage is water in a pipe. Current is analogous to the flow of water, while voltage is analogous to the pressure. Conductor: a material that allows a continuous current to pass through it under the action of a fixed voltage. An example of a good conductor is copper or aluminum which is used in homes and offices for all electrical connections. Insulator: the opposite of a conductor, it does not allow a continuous current to pass though it under the action of a fixed voltage. An example of an insulator is the plastic on electrical cords. Using our water analogy, a conductor can be envisioned as the region inside a pipe, while an insulator can be envisioned as the actual material of the pipe which contains the water flow. Switch: used to control the flow of electrons, or current as it is commonly called. Ideally, a switch turns on or off instantly, and has no voltage across it while it is conducting. In our water analogy, an ideal switch would cut the flow immediately, from completely on to completely off in an instant. Common Passive Circuit Elements All circuit elements can be separated into two groups: active and passive. The electrical definition is very similar to the common definition: active circuit elements are capable of delivering power, while passive elements are capable of receiving, and possibly storing, power. In our water analogy, a pump would be an active element. A narrow section of pipe that restricts the flow, a tank, and a water wheel would all be examples of passive elements. Resistors: circuit elements that literally "resist" current flow. Voltage is higher on the end of the resistor that sees the current first. Figure 1 shows two schematic representations of a resistor. In our water analogy, a resistor would be a narrow section of pipe that restricts the flow.

数字电子电路基础 答案

北京交通大学远程与继续教育学院2016——2017学年第一学期网络教育期末考试年级2015专业层次 《数字电子电路基础》答案(闭卷)C卷姓名学号 一、填空题(每空2分,共20分) 1.45、8FA.C6 2.10000111、000100110101 3.基本触发器、同步触发器、边沿触发器 4.2n>N 5. F = A · B、F = A +B 二、判断题(每题2分,共10分) 1.(√) 2.(×) 3.(×) 4.(×) 5.(√) 三、选择题(每空2分,共10分) A C C B C 四、名词解释(每题4分,共20分)

1.门电路 实现基本和常用逻辑运算的电子电路,成为逻辑门电路。 2.D/A转换器 将数字量转换成模拟量的电路成为数/模转换器,简称D/A转换器。 3.BCD码 把十进制数的十个数码0~9用二进制数码来表示,称为BCD码,即二—十进制编码。 4.逻辑与 只有决定事物的所有条件都具备时,结果才发生,这种逻辑关系成为逻辑与。 5.同步触发器 输入信号经过控制门输入,管理控制们的信号为时钟脉冲信号CP,只有在CP信号到来时,输入信号才能进入触发器,否则就会被拒之门外,对电路不起作用。 五、简答题(每题10分,共40分) 1.试用公式法证明逻辑代数基本定律中的分配率A +B· C=(A+B) ·(A +C) 证明:(A+B) ·(A +C)=A· A+A· B+A· C+B· C =A+AB+ AC+BC =A(1+B+C)+BC =A +BC 2.在数字电路中,基本的工作信号是二进制数字信号和两种状态逻辑信号, 而触发器就是存放这些信号的单元电路,那么触发器需要满足哪些基本要求?何为触发器的现态和次态? 答:触发器需要满足:


答案10.1 解:0t 时,求等效电阻的电路如图(b)所示。 等效电阻 Ω=++-==5)36(4i i i i i u R 时间常数 s 1.0i ==C R τ 0>t 后电路为零输入响应,故电容电压为: V e 6.0e )0()(10/t t C C u t u --+==τ

Ω6电阻电压为: V e 72.0)d d (66)(101t C t u C i t u -=-?Ω-=?Ω-=)0(>t 答案10.4 解:0t 后电路为零输入响应,故电感电流为 A e 3e )0()(2/t t L L i t i --+==τ)0(≥t 电感电压 V e 24d d )(21t L t i L t u --==)0(>t Ω3电阻电流为 A e 236321 33t L u i u i --=Ω +?Ω=Ω= Ω3电阻消耗的能量为: W 3]e 25.0[12123040 40 2 3 3=-==Ω=∞-∞ -∞Ω??t t dt e dt i W 答案10.5 解:由换路定律得0)0()0(==-+L L i i ,达到稳态时电感处于短路,故 A 54/20)(==∞L i 求等效电阻的电路如图(b)所示。 (b) 等效电阻 Ω==6.18//)4//4(i R 时间常数 s )16/1(/i ==R L τ 0>t 后电路为零状态响应,故电感电流为:


《电路基础》考试大纲 Ⅰ考试性质 普通高等学校本科插班生招生考试是由专科毕业生参加的选拔性考试。高等学校根据考生的成绩,按已确定的招生计划,德、智、体全面衡量,择优录取。《电路基础》是电气工程及其自动化、电子信息工程专业的一门重要的专业基础课。该课程考核的目的是为了衡量学生理解、掌握电路原理的基本概念、基本原理、基本电路分析计算方法的程度,衡量学生是否具备应用所学知识分析和设计电路的能力。 Ⅱ考试内容 总体要求:考生应按本大纲的要求掌握电路基本理论、基本概念;熟练掌握电路基本分析方法,能对一般电路进行正确计算;理解各种元器件的基本电路结构和特性;能较好地理解和运用所学知识解决电路问题和进行简单的电路设计,掌握一般问题的分析思路,具备进一步学习电气工程及其自动化、电子信息工程专业后续课程的能力和基础。 一、集总电路的分析基础 ⒈考试内容 (1)电路的基本概念,电路基本物理量的概念及计算,参考方向。 (2)基尔霍夫定律:基尔霍夫电流定律、基尔霍夫电压定律。 (3)电阻元件:伏安特性、欧姆定律、功率计算。 (4)独立电源:电压源、电流源的概念和基本性质、伏安特性曲线。 (5)受控源:受控源的概念、符号、计算。 ⒉考试要求 (1)掌握电路的基本概念,电路基本物理量的概念及其参考方向,掌握电路中电位、电压、电流、功率等物理量的分析计算。 (2)掌握基尔霍夫电流定理、基尔霍夫电压定律的概念、参考方向及其应用。 (3)掌握欧姆定律及其应用。 (4)理解电源的概念、电流源和电压源的计算方法,理解电源的基本性质。 (5)了解受控源的概念、符号、计算。 二、线性电路的基本分析方法 ⒈考试内容


电子电路基础习题册参考答案(第三版)全国中等职业技术 第一章常用半导体器件 §1-1 晶体二极管 一、填空题 1、物质按导电能力的强弱可分为导体、绝缘体与半导体三大类,最常用的半导体材料就是硅与锗。 2、根据在纯净的半导体中掺入的杂质元素不同,可形成N 型半导体与P 型半导体。 3、纯净半导体又称本征半导体,其内部空穴与自由电子数相等。N型半导体又称电子型半导体,其内部少数载流子就是空穴;P型半导体又称空穴型半导体,其内部少数载流子就是电子。 4、晶体二极管具有单向导电性,即加正向电压时,二极管导通,加反向电压时,二极管截止。一般硅二极管的开启电压约为0、5 V,锗二极管的开启电压约为0、1 V;二极管导通后,一般硅二极管的正向压降约为0、7 V,锗二极管的正向压降约为 0、3 V。 5、锗二极管开启电压小,通常用于检波电路,硅二极管反向电流小,在整流电路 及电工设备中常使用硅二极管。 6、稳压二极管工作于反向击穿区,稳压二极管的动态电阻越小,其稳压性能好。

7在稳压电路中,必须串接限流电阻,防止反向击穿电流超过极限值而发生热击穿损坏稳压管。 8二极管按制造工艺不同,分为点接触型、面接触型与平面型。 9、二极管按用途不同可分为普通二极管、整流二极管、稳压二极管、 开关、热敏、发光与光电二极管等二极管。 10、二极管的主要参数有最大整流电流、最高反向工作电压、反向饱与电流与最高工作频率。 11、稳压二极管的主要参数有稳定电压、稳定电流与动态电阻。 12、图1-1-1所示电路中,二极管V1、V2均为硅管,当开关S与M相接时,A点的电位为 无法确定V,当开关S与N相接时,A点的电位为0 V、 13图1-1-2所示电路中,二极管均为理想二极管,当开关S打开时,A点的电位为10V 、 流过电阻的电流就是4mA ;当开关S闭合时,A点的电位为0 V,流过电阻的电流为2mA 。 14、图1-1-3所示电路中,二极管就是理想器件,则流过二极管V1的电流为0、25mA ,流过V2的电流为0、25mA ,输出电压U0为+5V。
