



1.配对阅读:左栏是五个人购物需求的描述,右栏是七家商店的介绍,请为每个人选择合适的商店。( B )

【解析】【分析】(1)根据文中原句They are looking for an online shop where they can buy some clothes of Chinese styles. His girlfriend is crazy about Qipao. 可知他们要买中国风格的服装,他的女朋友对旗袍很着迷。以及One-stop shopping for beautiful Chinese clothing, including custom-made man' kung fu uniform and woman's Qipao. 这家网店卖美丽的中国服


(2)根据文中原句She wants to paint it with some environment-friendly products. She doesn't care about the price as long as the products are good. 可知Lucy要用环保的产品粉刷新房。不在乎价钱,只要产品好。以及Wonder Land has all kinds of eco-friendly products. Visit our store to choose wonderful products for beautiful house. 可知Wonder Land有很多环保产品。参观我们的店来选择美丽的家的好产品吧。可知和G项信息匹配,故选G。

(3)根据文中原句And he wants to find perfect gifts for both the mother and the baby. 他想要为母亲和孩子找到完美的礼物,以及Your Only Gift is the place you can find the perfect gift for people of different ages for birthdays, Christmas or any other event. 你唯一的礼物是你能为不同年龄的人找到生日、圣诞或任何其他大事的完美礼物,可知两项信息相符,故选F。(4)根据文中原句Lucy has just graduated from college. Most of her clothes are sports ones. She plans to buy some blouses for all kinds of job interviews. 可知Lucy要找各种应聘工作的工装,以及Lovely Women offers young women modern fashionable blouses to meet modern working women needs, at very good prices. Lovely Women提供年轻的女人现代的时尚工装来满足现代工作女性的需要,价格优惠,可知两项信息匹配,故选B。

(5)根据文中原句And Mr. Brown wants to buy her a pair of dancing shoes as a special gift. 可知布朗先生想给女儿买一双舞蹈鞋作为特殊的礼物,以及Super Clothes Online is a place where you can find many nice and interesting shoes at proper prices. You can also get some special shoes for dancing shows or dancing parties here. Super Clothes Online是一个你能以适当的价钱找到非常漂亮有趣的鞋子的地方。在这你也能找到特殊的舞蹈演出或参加舞会的鞋子。可知两项信息匹配,故选A。



Once upon a time,there was a king who had gone to visit neighboring kingdoms.He was gifted a pair of baby parrots by the king of the last kingdom where he was visiting.They were the most beautiful birds that he had ever seen.so,after returning to his kingdom,he called for a bird trainer and asked him to train parrots.

The king also set up a place in the palace garden for the parrots.He often looked at them from his palace window.As time passed,one day the trainer came to the palace and told the king that though one of the parrots was flying high in the sky,the other one was not moving from its branch since the day it had arrived.

When hearing this,the king summoned the best trainer from all his land and the nearby kingdoms.They came quickly and tried their best, but none of them could make the parrot fly!He even asked his courtiers to try to find a good way to make the parrot fly but they all failed.The parrot was not moving from his branch at all.Finally,after trying everything,the king thought to himself:"Perhaps I need someone who may be more familiar with natural

habitat."He asked his courtier to get a farmer from the countryside and take him to the parrot to see if he could understand the problem with the parrot.

The next morning,the king was surprised to see the parrot flying high above the palace gardens.He asked his servant to call that farmer to meet him.The servant quickly went and found the farmer.The farmer came and stood before the king.The king asked him,"How did you make the parrot fly?" With his hands folded with respect,the farmer said to the king,"It was very easy.I just cut the branch where the bird was sitting."

(1)Why did the king like the parrots so much?

A. Because they could talk to him.

B. Because he had never seen such beautiful birds.

C. Because they could fly high and sing.

D. Because they were the gifts from another kingdom.

(2)What does the underlined word "summon" probably mean in the passage?

A. Ask for.

B. Speak to.

C. Pay a visit to.

D. Be angry with (3)Who could make the parrot fly?

A. The king.

B. The trainer.

C. The farmer.

D. The courtiers.(4)Why could the parrot fly high after the branch was cut?What can we learn from it?





(4)Because the parrot had no branch to sit on,it had to fly . When one method doesn't work, we should change the other.


(1)细节理解题。根据短文第一段中的第三句话They were the most beautiful birds that he had ever seen.可知国王喜欢这些鹦鹉的原因你因为他原来没有见过这么美丽的鸟。故答案为B。

(2)猜测词义题。根据上下文可知国王知道另一只鸟不飞翔的时候召集来自全国和其他王国的训鸟师。所有应为“传唤,召唤”Ask for寻找(某人),找(人),speak to 说话;pay a visit to 参观;be angry with 生气;故答案为A。



答案为Because the parrot had no branch to sit on,it had to fly . When one method doesn't work, we should change the other.



"Have you finished your lesson, George?" said Mr. Prentice to his son, who had laid aside his book and was busy making a large paper kite.

"No, father, "replied George, hanging down his head.


"Because it is so difficult, father. I'm not sure that I shall learn it.________My memory is so bad."

"If I were to promise you a holiday on the thirtieth of the month after next, do you think you would forget the date?"


"You are good at skating, and flying your kite, and playing footballs, aren't you?"

"Yes, father."

"And you cannot learn your lesson! My dear boy, you are lying to yourself.________"

"But have I not tried, father?" again asked George.

"________Come, for this afternoon lay aside that kite you are making, and give another effort to get your lesson ready. Be serious, and you will soon learn it."

【解析】【分析】A. No, I'm pretty sure that I should not. 不,我很确定我不应该。

B. You can learn as well as any one, if you will try. 如果你愿意,你可以和任何人一样学习。

C. It is easy. 这很容易。

D. Well, try again. 好吧,再试一次。

E. Besides(而且), I could not remember it after I had learned it. 另外(而且),我学了之后就记不起来了。

F. If you don't pay more attention to your lessons you will never be fit for anything. 如果你不多注意你的功课,你将永远无法适应任何事情。

G. Why not, my son? 为什么不呢,我的儿子?

(1)根据Because it is so difficult, father,可知此处是询问原因的,故选G。

(2)根据I'm not sure that I shall never learn it.可知这是在解释自己不学的原因,故选E。

(3)根据do you think you would forget the date?可知此处是Prentice先生问George会忘记那个日期,这是一个一般疑问句,故此处是否定回答或肯定回答,故选A。

(4)根据“But have I not tried, father?” 可知George告诉他父亲他试过,故此处应是他的父亲在建议他试试,故选B。

(5)根据Come, for this afternoon lay aside that kite you are making, and give another effort to get your lesson ready可知 George的父亲让他放下风筝,再努力准备功课,此处表示他的父亲建议他再尝试一次。故选D。



Global warming is a big problem that we have to stop. One of the best things we do is to plant more trees. Trees can take in CO2 in the air and stop global warming. ________

A team of scientists at Boston University has been working with NASA to study Earth's green vegetation (植被). They used a special NASA camera and found that global leaf area had increased by 5 percent since the early 2000s. ________ That's about one-quarter of the size of the entire Amazon rainforest.

The growth mainly came from China's forest protection programs, NASA said. For example, since 1962, China has been planting trees in Saihanba, Hebei Province. It was once a desert. ________

________ Ant Forest, a feature in Alipay app, gives users points for doing eco-friendly things such as walking and going paperless in the office. Users can then use these points to water and grow their own virtual (虚拟的) trees. When the virtual trees are big enough, Ant Forest will plant real trees somewhere in the world. ________

A. More than 55 million trees have been planted in this way.


Qu Juanru is the official inheritor(官方传承人)of Jiaxing City Tongxiang flower—drum opera. She began to be on the stage when she was a teenager." My mother died when I was 14. I've lived with my father since then. In the old days, women were not allowed to perform opera. However, my father always supported me when I tried to sing." Qu said.

Qu started performing in the local troupe(剧团)called Aimin Flower—Drum Opera. Later, the troupe was disbanded (解散), and she went back to farming.

After that, the young girl tried to set up the troupe several times but failed. She really lived a hard life at that time. But she didn't give up.

In 2001, some developers planned to rebuild Wuzhen. They thought a place which has no culture is of little significance(意义).So they wanted to bring back local customs, including the Tongxiang flower—drum opera. Qu was their only hope.

Knowing she could sing again, Qu was so excited. Whether it's cold or hot. Qu always gives her everything on stage in Wuzhen. She has six rounds(场)of performing every day and each round lasts 30 minutes. In 2017, she was badly ill, yet it didn't stop her.

"I can still sing and perform. I'd love to be here." Qu said. In her opinion,opera life is a wonderful dream that can't be missed.

(1)When did Qu begin to be on the stage?

(2)Why did Qu go back to farming?

(3)Did Qu return to the stage or give up performing at last?

(4)How long does Qu perform every day?

(5)What does Qu think of the opera life?

【答案】(1)When she was a teenager.

(2)Because the troupe was disbanded.

(3)She returned/went back to the stage.

(4)180 minutes./3 hours.

(5)(It is)a wonderful dream(that can't be missed).


When you sleep somewhere else, like at a summer camp or a friend's house, you know you're there for a fun time. But for some kids, when they are away from home they feel sad. They start to miss- their own beds, their own parents, and all the things at home. It's called being homesick (想家的). Do you want to feel less homesick? Here's how.

Spend more time doing fun things. The more fun things you do, the less time you'll have to feel homesick. So try to take part in activities and soon you might start to have a good time.

You can make a plan to call your mum or dad. For a one-night visit, maybe you can call once that night, and again in the morning. In the camp, you might set a regular day and time for a phone call home. You can also send emails or short messages to keep in touch with family members and friends. If you're going to be away for a while, you might even write a letter! When you get in touch with someone, make sure to tell them about the fun things you're doing!

Sometimes, just tell someone that you're feeling homesick. This will help you feel better. Maybe you can tell a friend that you feel homesick. And both of you can do something fun, such as telling jokes. If you're at a camp, a camp counselor (顾问) would be a good person to talk to. He or she might have some ideas to help you feel better.


⑴根据第一段 when they are away from home they feel sad.故填away 。

⑵根据第二段try to take part in activities and soon you might start to have a good time.故填activities 。


keep in touch with family members and friends.来说的,词组:keep in touch 保持联系。故填touch 。

⑷根据第三段第一句You can make a plan to call your mum or dad. 可知填plan 。

⑸根据最后一句He or she might have some ideas to help you feel better.故填ideas 。



【解析】【分析】选项含义:A. Setting up an English club is one of the things we are going to do this term. So do it right now. Let's see how many people will join and then decide where and when to meet.建立一个英语俱乐部是我们这个学期要做的事情之一。现在就做吧。让我们看看有多少人会加入,然后决定在哪里和什么时候见面

B. You must know that pools are expensive to build, and they usually take several years to complete. So I think it's a good idea to get the swimmers to a nearby pool.你必须知道游泳池的建造成本很高,通常需要几年才能完成。所以我认为把游泳者带到附近的游泳池是个好主意。

C. Reading poems can be very fun. You can first ask your classmates to join, and then they will invite their own friends to join it.读诗会很有趣。你可以先让你的同学加入,然后他们会邀请自己的朋友加入。

D. Your plan sounds like a good one. As for the cost, you can ask your mother for some advice. She must know a lot about cooking.你的计划听起来不错。至于费用,你可以向你母亲征求意见。她一定对烹饪很了解。

E. First you should think about your interest. If you like playing games, a gaming club will be a good idea. If you are a swimming fan, it is great to start a swimming club.首先,你应该考虑一下你的兴趣。如果你喜欢玩游戏,一个游戏俱乐部是个好主意。如果你是个游泳迷,开一家游泳俱乐部很好。

F. I think it is a good idea to set up a club like that! You can first give speeches about protecting the environment at school.我认为建立这样的俱乐部是个好主意!你可以先在学校发表关于


G. A club can influence people a lot even if it has only a few members, so I wouldn't worry too much about it being small.一个俱乐部可以影响很多人,即使它只有几个成员,所以我不会太担心它是小的。


(2)根据文中的语句Sam cares about the environment very much. 理解可知,Sam非常关心环境,通读各个选项后,与环境有关的选项只有F,故选F。

(3)根据文中的语句Creating a swimming club 成立游泳俱乐部可知,Mike的愿望成立游泳俱乐部。与此话题有关的选项是E,故选E。

(4)根据文中语句Sue is thinking of starting an English club. But she worries about theme and the place they can meet.提示可知,Sue面对的问题是英语俱乐部的主题与位置,与英语俱乐部相关的选项是A,故选A。

(5)根据文中的语句Lucy expects to start a club about poetry because she knows that lots of kids love poetry. But she is wondering how to get people to join.提示可知,Lucy想成立诗词俱乐部,但是不知道怎样召集人,与诗词俱乐部相关的选项只有C,故选C。



Careful and careless are as different as fire and water. But it is strange that quite a few scientists have both these qualities (品质). They are both careful and careless. ________.

Once Newton invited a friend to dinner at home. When they were ready to eat, Newton left to get a bottle of wine (酒). ________, Newton still didn't come back. At last his friend found Newton in his lab. When Newton was going to get the bottle of wine, he suddenly had a new idea for his experiment. So he quite forgot his friend and the dinner. Another time, Newton was leading a horse up a mountain, and he held the rein(缰绳) in his hand. While he was walking along, he kept thinking about problems. ________, he found that the horse was gone.

Einstein was another example. ________. While waiting, he became lost in thought. It started to rain. The rain kept on for some time. When he took out a piece of paper to write something down, the paper was wet and then he knew that it was raining. ________, he again forgot he was standing in the rain.

A. But after he put the paper into his pocket

B. But after his friend had waited for a long time

C. Once he was waiting for a friend at a bridge

D. Newton, the famous English scientist, was such a person

E. When he got to the top of the mountain

【答案】 D;B;E;C;A




A. But after he put the paper into his pocket但是在他把钱放在口袋后

B. But after his friend had waited for a long time但是在他朋友等了很久后

C. Once he was waiting for a friend at a bridge一次他在桥边等一个朋友

D. Newton, the famous English scientist, was such a person牛顿,这个著名的英国科学家就是这样一个人

E. When he got to the top of the mountain当他到达山顶时

(1)根据上文But it is strange that quite a few scientists have both these qualities (品质). 和下文讲的是牛顿的故事,可知此处提到科学家牛顿,故选D。

(2)根据根据 Once Newton invited a friend to dinner at home. When they were ready to eat, Newton left to get a bottle of wine (酒). Newton still didn't come back. 可知在朋友们准备吃饭时,他去拿酒了但是等了很长时间牛顿还没有回来,可知等了很久,还没有回来,故选B。

(3)根据 Another time, Newton was leading a horse up a mountain, and he held the rein(缰绳) in his hand. While he was walking along, he kept thinking about problems. 和 he found that the horse was gone. 根据他牵着马上山,他边走边考虑问题,所以当他到达山顶时发现马不见了。故选E。

(4)根据While waiting, he became lost in thought. 当他等待时他陷入了沉思。可知此处说他在某处等待某人,故选C。

(5)根据 When he took out a piece of paper to write something down, the paper was wet and then he knew that it was raining. 当他拿出一张纸去写下什么东西,这张纸湿了,然后他知道正在下雨,可知此处说的事和纸有关,根据 he again forgot he was standing in the rain. 句式结构,可知此处缺少从句,故选A。



The Internet is becoming more and more important in our life. How much do you know about it? What is the Internet? The Internet is a large, worldwide collection of computer networks. A network is a small group of computers put together. The Internet is many different networks from (A) the world. These networks are called the Internet. Once you have learned to use the Internet, you can have a lot of interest in the World Wide Web.

What is the World Wide Web?

The World Wide Web has been the most popular development of the Internet. The Web is like a big electronic book with millions of pages. These pages are called homepages. You can find

information about almost anything in the world on these pages. For example, (B) you can use the Internet instead of a library to find information for your homework. You can also find information about your favourite sports or film stars, talk to your friends or even do some shopping on the Internet. Most pages have words, pictures and even sound or music.

What is e-mail? (C)电子邮件是给别人发送信息的一种方法。It's much quicker and cheaper than sending a letter. If you want to send e-mails, you must have an e-mail address. This address must have letters and dots(点)and an ‘@’(meaning ‘at'). This is what an address looks like: Emily @ star. net. Write a message, type in the person's e-mail address, and then send the message on the Internet. People don't need to use stamps, envelopes or go to the post office since the invention of the Internet. Quick. easy and interesting--that's the Internet!

(1)在A的空白处填入适当的词,使句意完整,上下文通顺:________ ________



(4)从文中找出所给句子的同义句:Sending a letter is much slower and dearer than it.





(3)An e-mail is a way to send messages to others.

(4)It's much quicker and cheaper than sending a letter.

(5)Quick. easy and interesting--that's the Internet!



(1)补全单词使句子完整理解题。根据短文提示,网络是来自全世界的不同网络。故答案是all over。

(2)英汉互译题。instead of词组代替而不是;to find information目的是找到信息。故答案你可以使用因特网为你的家庭作业查找所需资料而不用去图书馆。

(3)英汉互译题。a way todosth表示做某事的一种方法;send messages to others给别人发送信息,故答案是An e-mail is a way to send messages to others。

(4)找同义句题。根据文中It's much quicker and cheaper than sending a letter.。故答案It's much quicker and cheaper than sending a letter.发送电子邮件比发送送信便宜和快得多。(5)找中心句题。根据文中最后一句Quick. easy and interesting--that's the Internet!可知因特网的特点是Quick. easy and interesting--that's the Internet!



you are answering the call.


Listening to someone speaking in a second language over the telephone can be very challenging because you cannot see the person you are trying to hear. You may not realize that your pronunciation isn't clear. So pay special attention to your pronunciation and speak as slowly as possible.


Don't pretend to understand everything you hear over the telephone. Don't be afraid to remind the person to slow down more than once.


Ask another student to practice talking on the phone with you. Try to talk for at least fifteen minutes. The most important thing about practicing telephone English is that you are not able to see others' mouths.


There are many ways to get free telephone English practice. After business hours, you can call and listen to recorded messages. Write down what you hear the first time, and then call back and check if your notes are right.


Many speakers make the mistake of being too direct on the telephone. Sometimes just one word such as could or may is necessary in order to sound polite. Take the time to learn how to answer the phone in a polite manner.

【答案】 B;F;D;A;C


A. Use business recordings使用商业录制

B. Speak slowly and clearly慢慢地,清晰地说

C. Learn telephone manners学习电话礼仪

D. Practice often with a friend经常和朋友联系

E. Try your best to listen to the other person尽最大努力听别人说

F. Make sure you understand the other speaker确保你懂其他人说的话

(1)根据后面的句子However, it may be even more difficult for the person you are talking with to understand you. 可知别人未必听得懂你的话,你要说的清楚,慢一些,


(2)根据这段的第一句话Don't pretend to understand everything you hear over the telephone.可知要确保听得懂别人的话,故选F。

(3)根据第一句话Ask another student to practice talking on the phone with you.可知要


(4)根据这段的句子After business hours, you can call and listen to recorded messages. 可知要听业务记录,故选A 。

(5)根据这段T ake the time to learn how to answer the phone and say goodbye in a polite manner, as well as all the various ways one can start and end a conversation casually.要学习打电话的礼仪,故选C。




My neighbor is a doctor. He and his wife are some of the 1 people I have ever met. A few years ago, we started this kind of "favor war "where one of us would do something kind for the other, such as 2 the driveway or building a shed, and next time the other would 3 to top it with another favor.

Yesterday morning there was about 2 or 3 feet of snow on the ground and I 4 he

shoveled (铲) my driveway for me when I was out on a business trip last 5 . So I took out my shovel and took care of both our sidewalks and driveways because it was my turn to do a favor 6 . It took a while but I finished it and got into my car for work.

That night I got a 7 on my door, it was my neighbor. He immediately shook my hand and thanked me for shoveling 8 driveway and sidewalk, so that he was able to get to work earlier and 9 a boy.

"As soon as I started the car early this morning, a(n) 10 came through that a young boy in our neighborhood was seriously ill. 11 , my partner and I were only about 2 minutes away, but the closest ambulance (救护车) 10 minutes," added he. "A young boy got to live his life 12 you did me the favor earlier this morning."

It wasn't too much 13 to shovel a driveway, but what I did got a young boy to see his family again, go back to school again and live his life again.

14 favor is too small. Even the smallest favor can make the biggest 15 . One favor will always be followed by another.

1. A. nicest B. busiest C. richest D. happiest

2. A. looking for B. going down C. cleaning up D. walking across

3. A. try B. stop C. agree D. refuse

4. A. saw B. thought C. expected D. remembered

5. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter

6. A. soon B. back C. again D. first

7. A. note B. kick C. gift D. knock

8. A. my B. our C. his D. your

9. A. met B. saved C. supported D. encouraged

10. A. call B. card C. letter D. invitation

11. A. Finally B. Actually C. Luckily D. Suddenly

12. A. when B. unless C. because D. though

13. A. practice B. trouble C. attention D. experience

14. A. No B. Any C. Some D. Each

15. A. choice B. progress C. decision D. difference




(2)句意:我们当中的一个人为别人做点善事。例如打扫私家车道或者搭建简易车棚。A.寻找;B.下去;C.打扫;D.走过。根据宾语the driveway,可知应该是打扫,故答案是C。(3)句意:下一次,另一家人也会帮助上次做事的家庭以回报。A.试一试;B.停止;C.同

意;D.拒绝。try to do sth.尽力做某事,固定短语,故答案是A。

(4)句意:我记着他为我铲除私家车道的积雪。A.看见;B.思考;C.期待;D.记住。根据句子的两个时间yesterday和last winter,可知是记着,故答案是D。







(7)句意:那天晚上有人敲门。A.便条;B.踢;C.礼物;D.敲。根据on the door,可知应该是敲门声,故答案是D。










Global warming means the temperature of the Earth is getting higher and higher. If the Earth gets 1 , some of the following things could happen:

The sea level could 2 because of the melting of sea ice.

Many animals that live on the ice might 3 out.

There could be more floods(洪水), 4 near the sea and rivers.

Some plants and animals might die because they cannot live in high 5 .

Global warming is a very 6 problem now. There is something we can do to help to slow it down.

Scientists have been studying global warming for years. They have found that some things that people do in everyday life make much gas that 7 global warming. One big cause of this is the burning of oil, gas and coal for energy for our cars and homes. This gives off too much greenhouse gas. We can do something to cut 8 on the amount of greenhouse gas.

⒈ We can really help by using less energy in life, and less gas in our family cars. We should turn off the 9 and turn down other electrical equipment. We should walk more and use cars less.

⒉ 10 can take in some of the greenhouse gas. So we should plant more trees.

1. A. bigger B. older C. hotter D. slower

2. A. rise B. fall C. remain D. quit

3. A. go B. die C. let D. put

4. A. especially B. luckily C. continually D. nearly

5. A. talent B. tent C. top D. temperature

6. A. easy B. natural C. serious D. nervous

7. A. stops B. causes C. prevents D. affects

8. A. off B. into C. out D. down

9. A. doors B. lights C. invitations D. roads

10. A. Grasses B. Flowers C. Forests D. Animals



(1)句意:如果地球变得更热,可能会发生以下一些事情。A 更大的;B 更老的;C 更热的;D 更慢的。由the temperature of the Earth is getting higher and higher可知此处表示如果地球变得越来越热,故选C。

(2)句意:由于海冰融化,海平面可能上升。A 升起;B 跌落;C 保持;D 退出。由the melting of sea ice可知海平面会上升,故选A。

(3)句意:许多生活在冰上的动物可能会灭绝。A 出去;B 灭绝;C 释放;D 扑灭。由the Earth gets hotter可知此处表示许多住在冰上的动物会灭绝,故选B。

(4)句意:可能会有更多的洪水,尤其是在靠近海洋和河流的地方。A 特别是;B 幸运地;C 持续地;D 几乎。根据语句There could be more floods可知此处表示可能会有更多的洪灾,特别是在海洋和河流附近,故选A。

(5)句意:一些动植物可能会因为无法在高温下生存而死亡。A 天赋;B 帐篷;C 顶部;

D 温度。由the Earth gets hotter可知此处的是因为它们不能在高温下生存,故选D。(6)句意:全球变暖现在是一个非常严重的问题。A 容易的;B 自然的;C 严格的,严肃的;D 紧张的。由上文提到的全球变暖会导致的结果可知此处表示的是全球变暖现在是一


(7)句意:科学家们一直在研究全球变暖的起因。A 停止;B 引起;C 防止;D 影响。由One big cause of this is the burning of oil…可知此处表示科学家们一直在研究全球变暖的起因,故选B。

(8)句意:我们可以做点什么来减少温室气体排放量。A 切断;B 切入;C 裁剪;D 砍,

减少。由This gives off too much greenhouse gas,可知此处表示我们可以做点什么来减少温


(9)句意:我们应该关上电灯。A 门;B 光;C 邀请;D 路。由We can really help by using less energy in life可知此处表示我们应该关上电灯,故选B。

(10)句意:森林可以吸收一些温室气体。A 草;B 花;C 森林;D 动物。由So we should plant more trees,可知此处表示森林可以吸收一些温室气体,选C。





It was my 14th birthday and I would have the biggest party ever. The number of the

1 had quickly grown from seven to seventeen. Nearly every girl in my class was

2 .When each guest excitedly

3 the invitation, I was especially happy.

The 4 was full of shouts and laughter. We had just finished a game of Twister when the door bell rang. I was so 5 and I could feel my face turning red, because when I 6 the door, there at the front door stood Sarah Westly the quiet girl who sat next to me in music class﹣and she was holding a 7 .I thought about the guest list. How did I 8 to invite Sarah?

I remembered that I only added a name to the 9 when someone showed an interest in me. But Sarah had 10 done that. I accepted the box, a gift from Sarah, and asked her to join the party. "I can't 11 ," she said." My dad's waiting in the car. "At that moment I felt bad about forgetting to invite Sarah and really wanted her to rest for some time in my room." Thanks, but I have to go, "she said, turning 12 towards the door. "See you Monday."

I didn't open the box until the party was 13 . Inside the small box was a ceramic(陶瓷)tabby cat. It was the best gift I had received 14 I didn't like cats. I later 15 that the gift looked exactly like Sarah's cat, Seymour. I didn't know it then, but now I realize that Sarah was my true friend.

1. A. boys B. guests C. books D. desks

2. A. invited B. invented C. showed D. suggested

3. A. made B. found C. accepted D. passed

4. A. classroom B. library C. restaurant D. living room

5. A. surprised B. angry C. proud D. sad

6. A. touched B. opened C. caught D. saw

7. A. cat B. toy C. pen D. box

8. A. forget B. stop C. hope D. choose

9. A. gift B. list C. diary D. box

10. A. still B. even C. never D. only

11. A. stand B. song C. wait D. stay

12. A. quickly B. carefully C. finally D. early

13. A. ready B. successful C. over D. interesting

14. A. and B. so C. because D. though

15. A. took out B. found out C. though out D. put out


【解析】【分析】大意:本文讲述作者14岁生日在家里举办了一次生日派对,邀请了许多宾客,大家在一起玩得很高兴,但是,遗憾的是,没有要求Sarah Westly,惊讶的是,这位同学后来自己来了,作者为忘记邀请她而感到懊悔。

(1)句意:客人的数量很快从7人增长到17人。boys男孩;guests宾客;books书;desks课桌,根据上文"It was my 1 4th birthday and I would have the biggest party ever"可知,由于过生日,因此会邀请很多客人,故选B。

(2)句意:我班的每个女生都受到邀请。当每名客人激动地接受邀请时,我感到特别高兴。invited邀请;invented发明;showed展示;suggested建议,根据根据the invitation,可知,我班的每个女生都应该被邀请了,故选A。

(3)句意:当每名客人激动地接受邀请时,我感到特别高兴。made制造;found发现;accepted 接受;passed经过,根据语境可知,当每名客人激动地接受邀请时,我感到特别高兴,故选C。

(4)句意:起居室里充满吵闹声和笑声。classroom教室;library图书馆;restaurant饭店;living room,起居室,根据下文in my room"可知,声音应该是从起居室是发出,故选D。

(5)句意:我很吃惊,并且我能感觉到自己的脸通红,因为当我打开门时Sarah Westly,音乐课坐在我旁边且手里拿着一个盒子的文静女孩正好就站在前门。surprised吃惊;angry 生气的;proud骄傲的;sad伤心的。音乐课的那位那位文静的女孩Sarah Westly现在站在自己的门口,应该是让人感到和很吃惊的,故选A。

(6)句意:我很吃惊,并且我能感觉到自己的脸通红,因为当我打开门时音乐课坐在我旁边的文静女孩Sarah Westly正好就站在前门,她手里正拿着一个盒子。touched触摸;opened打开;caught抓住;sow播种。根据语境可知,打开门才发现自己的同学站在门口,用opened,打开,故选B。

(7)句意:我很吃惊,并且我能感觉到自己的脸通红,因为当我打开门时音乐课坐在我旁边文静女孩Sarah Westly正好就站在前门,她手里正拿着一个盒子。cat猫;toy 玩具;pen钢笔;box箱子(盒子);根据下文"I accepted the box,a gift from Sarah,可知Sarah Westly手里应该是拿着一个盒子,故选D。


择,根据下文"At that moment I felt bad about forgetting to invite Sarah"可知,作者忘记邀请Sarah,故选A。




(11)句意:她说:“我不能留下来,我爸爸正在车里等着我。”stand站;song歌曲;wait 等;stay停留。根据上文"and asked her to join the party"和下文"My dad's waiting in the car"


(12)句意:她一边说着,一边迅速地朝着车走去。quickly迅速地;carefully仔细地;finally最终;early早。根据上文"My dad's waiting in the car"可知,由于她爸爸正在车上等她,因此她应该是匆匆离去,故选A。


(14)句意:尽管我不喜欢猫,但是这是我曾经收到的最好的礼物。and 和(并且);so

因此;because 因为;though尽管。前句是一个主从复合句,后句是一个让步状语从句,


(15)句意:我后来发现这个礼物跟萨拉的猫西摩完全一样。took带走;found out查明;though out 想出(发现);put out扑灭,这个礼物跟萨拉的猫西摩完全一样,是作者

发现的,用found out,故选C。





One day in class, the teacher held up an apple. She stood on the platform (讲台) and said, "Please 1 it in the air, and…"

One student 2 his hand and said, "I can smell it. It is the smell of an apple."

The teacher stepped 3 the platform, passed by each of the students and said, "Smell 4 to see if the smell of the apple is still in the air."

Half of the students put up their hands to show that they could smell it. The teacher returned

to the 5 of the classroom and asked again who else could smell the apple. The rest raised their hands except one boy. The teacher came to the boy and asked, "You really can't smell the apple?"

The boy answered, "No, I can't smell it. I don't think it's a 6 apple."

The teacher 7 at the boy and said to the class, "He's right! It's not 8 to get the apple smell from this apple."

All of the other students had been tricked. Some may have thought that perhaps the apple didn't have the apple smell, 9 they didn't dare to speak up. They just 10 the first

student blindly and went along with him.

1. A. watch B. feel C. smell

2. A. shook B. raised C. showed

3. A. on B. off C. towards

4. A. later B. once C. again

5. A. front B. middle C. back

6. A. real B. tasty C. nice

7. A. laughed B. smiled C. shouted

8. A. surprising B. possible C. common

9. A. and B. so C. but

10. A. followed B. admired C. preferred




(2)句意:一个学生举起手。A.摇晃;B.举起;C.表明。raise one's hand,举起手,固定搭配,故选B。

(3)句意:老师走下讲台。A.在......上面;B.离开;C.朝向。根据后句passed by each of the students,可知老师走下讲台把苹果递给学生,step off走下,故选B。




(7)句意:老师对那个男孩微笑。A.嘲笑;B.微笑;C.喊叫。根据后文可知男孩说对了,所以老师对他微笑,smile at sb.朝某人微笑,故选B。


(9)句意:但是他们不敢说。A.和;B.所以;C.但是。根据前句Some may have thought that perhaps the apple didn't have the apple smell,一些认为苹果没有苹果味,但是他们不敢说,故选C。




任务型阅读常用词汇词性转换 动词变名词 1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve---achievement 成就 advertise--- advertisement// advertising agree— agreement apartment 公寓 amusement 娱乐 argue---argument争吵 commit奉献—commitment develop---development disgree—disagreement department 局,部 experiment 实验,试验 equip 装备---equipment 装备,器材 govern 统治—government 政府 manage---management 经营管理 2.V+ tion 结尾 admit 承认—admis sion attract吸引—attraction 有吸引力的事或人;令人向往的地方conclude—conclusion 结论 compete—competition 竞争,比赛 discuss—discussion 讨论 educate-----education decide----decision describe—description描写,描绘 express 表达----expression 词语;表达方式 graduate 毕业—graduation operate 操作,动手术—operation organize----organization imagine—imagination 想象力 introduce—introduction 介绍 instruct—instruction 指导,介绍 invent—inventor / invention invite—invitation pollute----pollution 污染 predict---prediction 预言 pronounce ---pronunciation impress 给人印象—impression 印象 permit 允许-----permission suggest-建议,暗示--suggestion solve解决-----solution 解决方法 3.V+ ance 结尾

中考英语任务型阅读10篇 完整 优质 新颖

中考英语任务型阅读10篇(附答案)中考英语任务型阅读试题(二) 【1】 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 阅读短文,并按要求回答76-80题。 Several Asian hospitals are doing experiments with tele-medicine. Tele-medicine is a technology that allows doctors to "see" patients without them being in the same place. This is made possible through high-speed communication networks (网络).At both ends of the line, the way of video-meeting lets them see and talk to each other. Blood pressure (血压) and body temperature are directly shown on computers. Tele-medicine is already in wide use in some places such as the United States and Germany. Among other uses, village doctors hold "consultations (会诊)" with far-away experts(专家). The experts can also help them during operations. Tele-medicine has been slow to reach Asia because of high costs, besides other reasons. When things improve, this technology will develop very fast. Chinese University of Hong Kong's medical school has joined a big hospital in Beijing, and Thailand is building a tele-medicine station connecting 20 areas. Tele-medicine will do good to patients because doctors from different places can see them and give their medical advice. The help is quite important if the disease is an unusual one. It also helps spread medical knowledge among experts. As tele-medicine develops well, its costs will be lower and it will become very popular in the medical field. 76题为判断正误(“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误);77完成句子;78—79题简略回答问题;80题将稳中划线句子译为汉语。 76. Tele-medicine is already in wide use in some countries. [ ]


. 英语任务型阅读专项训练 任务型阅读解题策略: 1.略读。理解文章大意是做题的第一步,也是关键的一步。因此,要快速浏览全文,尤其是每段的第一句话,即Topic sentence和首尾段落,理清文章的写作思路和基本结构,以便加深对文章内容的了解。同时文章的结构往往也是很重要的设题线索。表格项目可能就是根据文章的结构而设计的。只有读懂了文章,才能顺利地在表格中填出相应的信息。 2.扫读。扫读图表,分析表格结构,理清其显示的层次关系,准确定位其考察要求。要特别注意表格前的小标题,它通常就是段落和表格的主题句。读懂了表格标题有助于理解短文及表格的大意,了解表格结构和题目的设置。如捕捉信息题可以去文中查读,其他问题则需要对信息进行加工处理。一般题目的结构是:①全文的标题在标题中缺少一个关键词,根据文章填出所缺的关键词。②各段大意试题中给出各段大意,在给出的信息中缺少一些关键内容,学生把文章的各段对应起来,找准信息。③对各段大意的详细的阐述从文章各段或分散在全文的对应的信息点出发,这要求学生有高度驾驭语篇的能力,在文章中找到准确的信息完成填空。 3.精读。深入理解文章内容,精读与空格中要填的信息有关的文段,寻找确定答案的关键词语,或从文中进行概括,同时仔细斟酌用词,确保填的是最恰当词的最恰当形式。如填写时要注意所填单词的结构和形式,看是否与表格中所给的格式相同,同时注意单词的拼写、短语的搭配、所填词汇的词性、所填单词是否符合题目要求,还要注意字母的大小写。 4. 复查。通观全篇文章,务必再仔细核对文章和任务,确保准确性。 ★归纳概括的注意事项有:(1)大小写(2)单复数(3)搭配 掌握常见的归纳概括词语: (1)赞成和反对的理由pros and cons (2) 优劣 advantages,disadvantages (3) 异同 similarities, differences (4) 建议 suggestions, tips, advice (5) 态度、观点 attitudes to/towards, opinion of (6) 简介某个现象或问题 brief/general introduction, phenomenon(phenomena), problem(s) (一) 请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后图表中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。 注意:每空不超过1个单词。 Oh, the things that I should see if I had the power of sight for just three days! The fast day would be a busy one. I should call to me all my dear friends and look long into their faces, imprinting(刻上) upon my mind the outward evidences of the beauty that is within them, I should let my eyes rest, too, on the face of a baby, so that I could Catch a vision of the eager, innocent beauty which precedes the individual's consciousness of the conflicts which life develops. And I should like to look into the loyal, trusting eyes of my dogs--the serious, clever little Scottie, Darkie, and the strong, understanding Great Dane, Helga, whose warm, tender, and playful friendships are so comforting to me. On that busy first day I should also view the small simple things of my home. I want to see the warm colors in the carpets under my feet, the pictures on the walls, the lovely small furniture that transforms a house into home. My eyes would rest respectfully on the books in dot-raised type which I have read, but they would be more eagerly interested in the printed books which seeing people can read, for during the long night of my life the books I have read and those which have been read to me have built themselves into a great shining lighthouse, showing me the deepest channels of human life and the human spirit. In the afternoon of that first seeing day, I should take a long walk in the woods and intoxicate (使陶醉) my eyes on the beauties of the world of Nature trying desperately to absorb in a few hours the vast brilliance which is presenting itself to those who can see. On the way home from my woodland trip, my path would lie close to a farm so that I might see the patient horses ploughing in the field and the peaceful content of men living close to the soil. And I should pray for the glory of a colorful sunset. When dusk had fallen, I should experience the double delight of being able to see by artificial light which the genius of man has created to extend the power of his sight when Nature brings darkness. In the night of that first day of sight, I should not be able to sleep, so full would be my mind of the memories of the day!


一、浏览短文,了解大意 了解短文内容是解题的第一环节,也是关键的一步。因为阅读理解题一般没有标题,所以速读全文,抓住中心主旨很有必要,阅读时,重点关注第一段和最后一段,每段第一句和最后一句。 二、分析问题类型,做到心中有数 让学生清晰地明白问句类型,做到心中有数。英语疑问句有四种:一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句和反意疑问句。一般情况下,前两个问句是初中英语学习者应该熟练运用的两个句型。答题之前,要求学生明白两者的区别,有利于准确作答。一般疑问句由Yes 或 No 来回答,而特殊疑问句由疑问词what,who,where,why,when,which 和how 引出,回答时需完成疑问词所指的对象。选择疑问句是会提出两种或两种以上的情况, 结构中会用连词“or”连接。回答时,要求学生必须选择其中一种情况作答,答案用短语或陈述句句式写出。比如“Is he a teacher or a student? ”答案是“He is a teacher.”或“ He is a student.”而不是用Yes 或No回答。反意疑问句与其它三种问易于区别,用Yes 或 No 回答,不过在任务型阅读题中很少出现。 三、细读短文,各个击破。 带着问题回到文章中寻找、搜寻相关信息。找到相关信息之后,不要简简单单草率地将信息转移到答卷上,此时,学生要做到认真分析,仔细推敲,理解透彻,根据先前分析的问题类型,选择正确的回答方式。在书写答案时,应仔细推敲下面几点:1、时态一致,如果原问句用一般现在时提问,一般情况下,回答时用相同的时态。而谓语动词是被用来体现英语的各个时态的,所以分析句子成分,锁定谓语动词,锁定时态,即确定动词是用原形,第三人称单数,过去式,be +Ving ,还是have\has+过去分词形式。2、人称转换留意文章的人称与问句的人称是否一致,如果不一致,需要更改信息。将答语人称与问句人称务必保持一致。记住除了主语,不要忽略句中的其他人称,比如,物主代词。3、特殊疑问句一般是就文中某句、某段或某一具体的细节进行提问。做好这类型题的要领是:确定疑问词所询问的内容,询问地点找地点状语,询问时间找时间状语,找准关键信息,准确应用。切记原文只是提供信息,回答时,要求学生最好根据问题,运用所找到的信息和自身所掌握的语法知识写好问题答语。 四,复核 复核通常是将问题全部回答完之后,把文章再快速阅读一遍,这一步不可以省。要进一步查阅人称和数是否准确,动词时态、语态与该问句或文章是否相符等,千万不可违背文章或作者本意,在确认所填句意无误的基础上,再看单词拼写,大小写是否恰当,同时,单词书写一定要规范、工整、注意卷面整洁,以保证万无一失,拿到自己应得的分数。 完型解题技巧 题技巧 1. 充分利用文章的上下文和前后句,找到对选择有提示作用的词或句。(同义词或反义词) 2. 注意固定搭配 3. 注意同义词的辨义 4.根据上下文的逻辑关系确定选项 5. 根据生活常识以及相关知识确定选项 6. 利用语法知识选出正确选项三、解题技巧的具体运用 1 充分利用文章的上下文和前后句,找到对选择有提示作用的词或句。这些词有可能是同义词或反义词 2 注意固定搭配,包括动词与介词的搭配、动词与名词的搭配以及形容词与名词的搭配等,


中考英语任务型阅读10篇(附答案) 中考英语任务型阅读试题(二) 【1】 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 阅读短文,并按要求回答76-80题。 Several Asian hospitals are doing experiments with tele-medicine. Tele-medicine is a technology that allows doctors to "see" patients without them being in the same place. This is made possible through high-speed communication networks (网络).At both ends of the line, the way of video-meeting lets them see and talk to each other. Blood pressure (血压) and body temperature are directly shown on computers. Tele-medicine is already in wide use in some places such as the United States and Germany. Among other uses, village doctors hold "consultations (会诊)" with far-away experts(专家). The experts can also help them during operations. Tele-medicine has been slow to reach Asia because of high costs, besides other reasons. When things improve, this technology will develop very fast. Chinese University of Hong Kong's medical school has joined a big hospital in Beijing, and Thailand is building a tele-medicine station connecting 20 areas. Tele-medicine will do good to patients because doctors from different places can see them and give their medical advice. The help is quite important if the disease is an unusual one. It also helps spread medical knowledge among experts. As tele-medicine develops well, its costs will be lower and it will become very popular in the medical field. 76题为判断正误(“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误);77完成句子;78—79题简略回答问题;80题将稳中划线句子译为汉语。 76. Tele-medicine is already in wide use in some countries. [ ]


2016高考英语任务型阅读答题技巧 任务型阅读是高考英语试题中第二卷中的一种题型,分值为10分。本题型在测试考生阅读理解能力的基础上,侧重考查考生的单词拼写、词性转换、句式转换、段落归纳等综合能力。高考任务型阅读近三年文章体裁以议论文和说明文为主,词数在400~550之间。高考成绩的统计数据表明在这一项上,考生普遍失分较多。高考英语任务型阅读是英语阅读理解和完形填空的结合体,在掌握篇章表层含义的基础之上,还要求对文章结构框架的把握。考生不但要具备基本的英语词汇知识,而且要能够依据上下文的内容,运用逻辑判断,正确填出任务型阅读中的空白处。因而,任务型阅读对考生的英语阅读和对英语学科的感悟能力要求较高。也就是说,任务型阅读不仅检查考生的词、句、篇的掌握,而且涉及考生综合运用英语语法的能力。所以说,这种题型是比较全面的考查。学生在平时的学习过程中,要关注词汇的使用,领悟篇章的内部结构,同时还要注意词的搭配和语用知识。 一、任务型阅读题型的考查角度 1、单词的大小写(信息筛选题) 考生往往从文中便可直接找到答案,无需进行词性和词形的转化。但是如果没有根据英文首字母要大写的要求,或在特殊的上下文中。忽略字母的大小写,便无法得到本应该拿到的分数。 2、词性的变化(整合转换题) 要依据特定的语境结合文中涉及的词语,灵活地转变词性。比如:动词转变为形容词,形容词转变为名词,等等。 3、词形的转化(整合转换题) 主要依据任务型阅读提供的特殊框架,来敲定词语的各种形式。例如:文中过去式需要在题目中使用现在时,同时还要注意人称和数的变化。 4、近义词与反义词的转化(整合转换题) 根据任务型阅读题型中提供的已有信息,尽管文中也能发现相关的词语,却没能依据特定的语境进行必要的词语的转


江苏省高考英语任务型阅读解题技巧 考点一考查考生的阅读理解能力 阅读理解能力是高考试题的主要考查内容。除了阅读理解题型外,完形填空和任务型读写题型也都兼具考查考生的阅读理解能力。任务型读写题中的阅读能力同样要求考生在有限的时间内快速领会文章的主旨大意,快速理解句段细节意义和理清上下文的逻辑关系,要能够理解文章作者的观点、态度和意图,同时不能忽视对语篇的整体把握和领悟。任务型读写的体裁主要是说明文和议论文。 考点二考查考生对文中有效信息进行筛选、整合和综合概括能力。 1.信息筛选题 信息筛选题是基础题目,一般可以直接通过将表格和短文进行对照,边读文章边找出与试题相关的句子信息,获取到相关单词,有时试题和原文句型句式不同,需进行简单的逻辑推理然后找到相应单词,不需变化,直接填入。 2.整合转换题。 ? 整合转换题是典型的二次加工题型,需要考生有基本的构词法知识,对句子成分和词性的对应关系要明确。做题时,不但要找到与试题相关的句子信息,还要根据词法和句法知识以及上下文的逻辑关系进行加工,从而提炼出新词。可细分为如下两种情况: (1)词形整合转换。被考查单词在原文和试题中充当的句子成分不同,因而需在名词、动词、形容词、副词等之间进行转换。 (2)句型整合转换。试题中的被考查单词在原文中找不到同根词,无法获取单词进行转换,需根据原文中相应句子的意义和上下文逻辑联系进行句型转换。 ①表格内词性、大小写和语法运用上要保持一致。同一单元格要注意在用词方面保持一致的格式。 ②善用同义词和反义词进行转换。 ③正确使用构词法。 ④熟练运用语法句型转换。 3.综合概括题。 ; 综合概括题要求考生对全文或段落进行总体语篇把握,通过观察表格的设置特点,从而归纳和概括出所考查的单词。此类设题一般位于表格的第一行或第一列。为了更快捷地掌握概括能力,总结和熟记一些概括性词汇及其固定搭配也是很有必要的。下面举一些基本的概括性词汇: 总结、概括:conclusion, summary 建议:suggestion, tip, advice, proposal, recommendation 影响:effect, influence, impact 印象:impression 因果:reason, cause; result, consequence 1.审题思路 (1)一审表格结构。注意文章内容脉络,标题和所需的表达类型。 (2)二审短文意义。注意文章的段落和表格的匹性。 (3)三审语法运用。注意涉及到的构词法和语法项目。 ] 2.词性与句子成分的一致性关系

2020广东省中考——英语任务型阅读(回答问题)答题方法与技巧讲解 (中考新题型)(无答案)

2020中考冲刺新题型专项辅导任务型阅读理解答题方法(广东版) 2020年广东中考英语任务型阅读理解(阅读回答问题)答题方法和技巧辅导: 一、任务型阅读理题型解读 根据广东考试院最新文件,在2020年的中考中,“读写综合”中的“信息归纳”部分已被调整为“回答问题”。任务型阅读理解测试主要考查考生在有限的时间内根据不同的人的不同需要捕捉到相应的有效信息的能力。任务型阅读理解题所选文章题材真实可靠,内容贴近现代社会生活,涉及学生生活、富有时代气息,语言原汁原味。 该题型主要考查考生是否能够有效地运用语言“做事”的能力,体现了语言能力、理解能力和社会经验等方面能力的结合。从某种意义上来说,这一题型的阅读理解实际上就是一道综合能力检测题——综合检测考生的阅读、理解、分析、判断、跨文化知识以及提取信息、概括总结的能力等。 二、解题步骤 任务型阅读理解题的解题的关键在于正确把握要求与符合要求的条件之间的一一对应关系,该类的“对应”可能是“主旨对应”,也可能是“情节对应”,还可以是“细节对应”等。同学们只要能够把握住这一原则就能轻松做好这种试题。 “一一对应的阅读方法”的具体步骤如下:

【真题讲解】● 2019广东省中考:读写综合(“信息归纳”改成“回答问题”) 请阅读一篇有关2019洲文明对话大会之亚美食节广州站(The Asian Cuisine Festival Guangzhou)的短文,根据短文内容,回答下面的问题。 81.What is the purpose of the Asian Cuisine Festival Guangzhou? ______________________________________________________________________________. 82.What is the number of the top restaurants where visitors have enjoyed all the best foods? ______________________________________________________________________________. 83.What was the thing that hand-painted picture about? ______________________________________________________________________________. 84.How was the traditional food made in the festival? ______________________________________________________________________________. 85.What is Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong, well-known for? ______________________________________________________________________________.


任务型阅读归纳类常用词汇 话题:topic主题:theme定义:definition 原因:reason (for) , cause (of)后果,结果result; consequence 异同点:difference , similarity;功能:function 优缺点advantage/benefit , disadvantage;strengths and weaknesses 观点与态度:opinion , view (on/about) , viewpoint , idea;attitude to/towards 评论、评价:comment (on) , remark (on/upon) , assessment 解决问题的方法/措施:means of doing sth ;way to do sth; method (of) doing sth ;a solution to sth ; an approach ( to doing sth. );take measures to do sth.目的:purpose , aim , goal 积极和消极:positive ,negative; optimistic建议:advice [u] , suggestion , tip概括、总结:summary , conclusion特点:feature , characteristic种类:kind , type , category , class 精神上与身体上:mentally and physically影响:influence , impact , effect (on )当前情形,状况: present situation;current situation 建立:build , create , establish , found 出现:appear, occur(occurred)实现/完成:reach , realize , accomplish必要,必需: must /necessity方面,项目条款:item / aspect 材料: materials知识消息:knowledge / information日程计划: schedule / agenda百分比:percentage 性别:sex年龄:age成绩,成就achievement 满意:satisfaction忧虑,担忧,焦灼: concern (不)熟悉:familiar /unfamiliar个人,个人的: individual

中考英语 阅读篇e、任务型阅读篇a当堂测试题

当堂测一测之阅读篇E The time that made me grow up You cannot find you are grown up in a single night, it often makes you think that you have been grown up with a little thing. On your way to be a grown-up, what makes you suddenly feel that you are not a kid any longer? 请将文中划线的句子译为中文。 ① __________________________________________________________________________ ② __________________________________________________________________________ ③ __________________________________________________________________________ ④ __________________________________________________________________________ ⑤ __________________________________________________________________________

当堂测一测之任务型阅读篇A 50 years on from Kennedy’s death Former U.S. President John F. Kennedy is one of the most popular U.S. presidents in history. Although he was in office for just under three years (Jan 1961-Nov 1963), his legacy (留给后人的东西) lives on. John F. Kennedy didn’t pass any major bills. But his civil rights proposals (人权提案) led to the historic Civil Rights Act of 1964. ①At that time, black people didn’t have the same rights with white people. They couldn’t go to the same school as white children. They couldn’t even eat at the same table as white people. ②Kennedy’s propos als helped to end this situation. Some of his public speeches are also considered famous, including, “③My fellow (同胞) Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” However, Kennedy was shot in Dallas, Texas, while parading (游行) in the back of an open-top car on Nov 22, 1963. Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for his murder. But before he was sent to jail (监狱), he was shot and killed. Kennedy’s death was big news. He was held as a symbol of hope at the time. Also, w ith the growing popularity of televisions at the time, many watched the president’s parade. ④It was one of the first times so many people saw the death of an important leader. 1-2题为判断正误(正T错F);3题为补全句子;4-5题为回答问题;6题选择正确答案;7题为翻译句子①③④;10题为把句子②变为特殊疑问句。 1. John F. Kennedy is the most popular U.S. presidents in history. [ ] 2. Lee Harvey Oswald was shot and killed when he was sent to jail. [ ] 3. The murdererwho shot John F. Kennedy to death was __________________________. 4. How long was Kennedy in office for? ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. Was Kennedy’s death big news? ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. The underlined word “bills” in paragraph 2 means _________. A. 账单 B. 钞票 C. 广告 D. 法案 7. ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. ___________________________________________________________________________ 9. ___________________________________________________________________________


初中英语任务型阅读答题技巧探析 任务型阅读是一种读写相结合的题型,主要考查学生的语言综合运用能力。学生在对阅读材料进行阅读后,准确把握阅读材料中的某些细节,并对整篇材料进行归纳概括,从而独立完成考查任务的过程。任务型阅读涉及的内容广泛、形式灵活,对于学生而言,具有一定的难度。本文结合实际教学经验,简要阐述初中英语任务型阅读的一些答题技巧。 1. 略读图表,明确任务 明确阅读任务是解答任务型阅读题目的重要前提。任务型阅读的中心目的是解决阅读材料后面设计图表的任务。因此,学生在解答任务型阅读类题目时,首要任务是要略读图表内容,审清阅读材料的结构特征,明确阅读材料为学生设计的任务是什么,然后,让学生带着任务进行阅读,这样可以有效地避免阅读的盲目性,让学生在阅读时能够目标明确,做到有的放矢,从而能够有效地提升阅读效率。 2. 扫读全文,了解大意 扫读全文是解答任务型阅读题目的重要步骤。学生在明确阅读任务后,要快速扫读全文,从整体上了解阅读材料的主要内容,对于阅读材料中涉及的主要事件、人物、事件、地点、思想观点等内容需要明确,尤其是对于阅读材料中的首句、尾句、过渡句以及独立成段的句子要特别注意,这些句子往往与阅读材料的中心思想有着密切的联系。 3. 精读细节,解决问题 3.1 查找定位 查找定位是解答信息查找类题目的方法。通常学生在扫读全文后,对

于考查题目在阅读材料中的位置有了大致了解,教师让学生带着问题采用跳读的方式在原文中查找好和定位信息,并在关键处做好标记。通常情况下,英语任务型阅读中有三到四道直接获取答案类型的题目,这类题目比较简单,让学生把阅读材料原文和表格进行对照,直接在原文中寻找到与考查题目相关的信息,从而直接获取问题的答案。例如2011盐城中考题:To reuse:Take care of things or 52 the old thigns.Don’t use 53 cups and bags.答案repair和paper就是在原文中直接获取。 3.2 巧妙转化 巧妙转化是解答信息转换类题目的方法。对于不能直接在阅读材料原文中获取答案的题目,需要学生把表格中考查题目与材料原文放在一起比较,明确表格内容对原文语言转化的规律,判断填词的准确形式,根据句型结构和语法的变化,对词性和词形进行转化并提炼出新词,从而符合考查题目的要求。这需要学生具有扎实的基础知识,全面掌握词汇不同形式间的相互转化规律,对阅读材料原文信息进行加工分析,巧妙转化为考查题目所需要的表达方式。例如2014南京中考题61:Her collections is of great in African American history and culture.学生很容易就在材料原文中找到相关句子Clayton’s collection is very important.但学生在填表时,需要考虑词性的转化,把形容词变为名词形式importance。 3.3 归纳概括 归纳概括是解答信息概括类题目的方法。由于任务型阅读中会经常出现一些概括类型的题目,这需要学生充分了解阅读材料的主要内容,会用自己的语言组织和概括阅读材料的大意,这对学生来说具有一定的难度。


题型六任务型阅读 ,五年中考命题规律及趋势年份文体话题段落及词数考查形式 2016议论文是否应该保持我们 国家的传统 3段式,约160词 3道回答问题,2 道英译汉 2015说明文朋友的重要性及如 何成为好朋友 4段式,约240词 3道回答问题,1 道英译汉,1道汉 译英 2014记叙文成功的原因6段式,约290词3道回答问题,1道英译汉,1道汉 译英 2013记叙文与父亲登山所得3段式,约190词3道回答问题,1道英译汉,1道汉 译英 2012议论文青少年在保证自己 安全的前提下去帮 助他人 5段式,约200词 3道回答问题,1 道汉译英,1道英 译汉 任务型阅读的文体多为说明文和记叙文,话题涉及青少年的成长、教育、生活感悟及人生信念等,文章词数190~290。设置方式为:回答问题型及翻译句子题型。预测2017年中考的任务型阅读文体可能为说明文或记叙文。话题会贴近学生生活,设置方式会多样性。 ,解题方法与技巧任务型阅读理解题型均分三种即:回答问题,汉语句子译成英语,英语句子译成汉语。它不仅考查考生的阅读理解能力,还考查考生的语言组织能力、英汉互译能力以及其他语言知识,较好地呼应了新课标所倡导的“任务型语言教学”模式。所给的文章易于理解并贴近考生生活实际。旨在考查考生运用所学语言知识的能力,在对篇章整体理解的基础上,考查考生根据上下文的意思和逻辑联系进行推理、判断的能力。本题型重点涉及到简略回答、翻译句子等知识的运用。 一、通读全文,感知任务 答题前,认真阅读文章,掌握文章提供的信息容,同时要明确文章的中心思想,为答题做好准备。 二、紧扣原文,搜寻信息 通读全文后,再浏览问题,从原文中找出能回答问题的关键信息。 三、全面兼顾,准确作答 除了注意书写规以外,还要确保表达的准确性,要注意语态、时态和人称等的变化。 四、认真检查,验证答案 完成任务后要把答案带入原文,检查所写的答案是否符合要求,发现问题及时解决。 Many people,especially the old people hold the idea that we should not break with the traditions of our country.The traditions like Kung fu,paper cutting,clay art and so on should be passed from fathers to sons.In their eyes,we are different from other countries because we keep our traditions.If not,they think we will lose our special character(特征).
