


一、一般现在时: 1. The Browns ______ a nice car and Brown's brother _______ a nice jeep. A. have / have B. has / has C. have / has D. has / have 2. If their house ______ not like ours, what _______ it look like? A. is / is B. is / does C. does / does D. does / is 3. - ______ you think he will come? - If it _______ tomorrow, he will not come. A. Do / rains B. Are / rains C. Do / will rain D. Are / will rain 4. The little child ______ not even know that the moon _______ around the earth. A. do / move B. do / moves C. does / moves D. did / moved 5. Many a student _ A. are / goes 【练习答案】 二、现在进行时: ______ fond of films, but a good student seldom _______ to the cinema B. is / goes C. are / go D. is / go 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B is / am / are + 现在分词 1. How can you ______ If you are not ______ ? A. listening / hearing B. hear / listening C. be listening / heard D. be hearing / listening to 2. ___________________________________________ The girl even won't have her lunch before she ____________________________________ her homework. A. will finish B. is finishing C. had finished D. finishes 3. Those who have applied for the post( 职位 ) _______ in the office.( 此题超前 ) A. are being interviewed B. are interviewing C. interviewing 4. The old scientist _______ to do more for the country. A. is wishing B. has been wishing C. wishes 5. If he ______, don't wake him up. 练习答案】 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B 三、一般过去时 1. Yesterday I _______ (think) that you were not in Beijing. 2. Alice usually ______ (sit) in the front of the classroom, but she ________ (sit) at the back this morning. 3. He ______ (tell) the news to us three days ago. 4. He ______ (begin) to teach Chinese in 1990. 5. she would not telephone me if she ______ (have) no time. 测试精编 II : 1. They ______ the trip until the rain stopped. A. continued B. didn't continue C. hadn't continued 2. The local peasants gave the soldiers clothes and food without which they ______ of hunger and cold.(without 在这里表条件,你知道吗 ?) A. would die B. will die C. would be dead D. would have died 3. It was not until then that I came to know that the earth _______ around the sun. D. to be interviewing D. has been wished A. still sleeps B. is still sleeping C. still has been sleeping D. will be sleeping still D. would continue

[VIP专享]新视野大学英语视听说教程第2册单元测试答案 unit test 8

Unit 8 Crime does pay! Done with this task. Your current score: 100% Unit 8 test Next Directions: Click on the speaker to the left to start playing the audio recording for Parts I, II and III. They will be played continuously. Once the recording starts playing, please do NOT click on either the speaker icon or the 'Unit Quiz' link in the menu bar above. Otherwise, you may lose the chance of hearing the complete recording. Part I Script Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, and then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. Warning the woman against walking alone at night. B. Offering to walk back with the woman. C. Saying goodbye to the woman. D. Telling the woman to be on guard. 2.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. The woman's book is stolen. B. The woman steals the book. C. The man supports piracy. D. The man tries to persuade the woman not to buy pirated books. 3.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. She hopes to get back her laptop (笔记本电脑). B. She hopes to catch the thief.


第一单元提升练习 一、给加点的字选择正确的读音。 吹拂.(fúfó)堤.岸(tīdī)丝绦.(tiáo tāo) 茁.壮(chūzhuó)一堆.(duītuī)填.土(tiān tián) 二、读拼音,写字词。 三、加上部首组成新字,再组词。 卯—( )—( )( ) 直—( )—( )( ) 土—( )—( )( ) 永—( )—( )( ) 四、修饰词语我来填。 ( )的鲜花( )的礼物 ( )的日子( )的笑容 五、先把词语补充完整,再按要求填空。 A.五颜( )( ) B.碧空( )( ) C.引人( )( ) D.兴致( )( ) 1.像A组词语这样含有数字的词语还有、。 2.像B组词语这样描写天气的词语还有、。 3.像D组词语这样ABCC式结构的词语还有、。 六、按要求写句子。 1.把诗句补充完整,再写出诗句的诗意。 不知细叶谁裁出, 。 诗意:

2.发挥想象,把下面的句子补充完整。 春天来了!我们看到了她,她在小草嫩绿的叶片上微笑;我们听到了她, 她;我们闻到了她,她;我们触到了她,她。 3.这是多么美好的礼物啊!(仿写感叹句) 多么啊! 4.邓爷爷精心地挑选 ....几 ..了一棵茁壮的柏树苗,小心地移入 ..树坑,又挥锹填了 锹土。(仿写句子,连续运用至少三个动词) 七、结合本单元课文知识填空。 1.古诗回放。 (1)《村居》的作者是,前两句是: , 。 (2)默写《赋得古草原送别》:离离原上 草, 。, 。 2.《找春天》一文中的孩子们找到了春天,发现她在上荡秋千,在风筝尾巴上;在喜鹊、杜鹃嘴里叫,在桃花、杏花…… 3.《开满鲜花的小路》中,鼹鼠先生收到邮寄来的包裹,里面是。 4.《邓小平爷爷植树》一课中,邓小平爷爷在亲手栽种了一棵柏树。 八、阅读短文,完成练习。 (一)课内阅读。 春天像个害羞的小姑娘,遮遮掩掩,躲躲藏藏。我们(仔细细心)地找哇,找哇。 小草从地下探出头来,那是春天的眉毛吧? 早开的野花一朵两朵,那是春天的眼睛吧? 树木(露出吐出)点点嫩芽,那是春天的音符吧? 解冻的小溪叮叮咚咚,那是春天的琴声吧? 1.选择括号里恰当的词语。


人教新课标必修一Unit2 English around the world单元同步测试 I. 单项选择 1. ---Are you sure you have ______ all the documents in your list? ---Oh, sorry, I forgot to ______ the one you had sent me. A. included; contain B. listed; include C. listed; be included D. contained; listed 2. She didn’t come to his birthday party just ______what he had said to her the day before. A. because B. because of C. as result of D. thanks for 3. If you want to do international trade successfully, ______ of English is _______. A. good command; a must B. a good command; a need C. a good command; a must D. good command; must 4. Pandas are native ______ China. A. with B. to C. for D. in 5. If you can’t _____ a better plan, we have to carry ou t the present one. A. come along with B. come up with C. come across D. come about for 6. She pretended to be calm but _______she was more than nervous at the time she was being questioned. A. in actual B. actually C. as matter of fact D. in a fact 7. Everybody has ______ to play _____ our environment. A. a part; to protect B. a role; in protecting C. part; in protecting D. a role; to protect 8. When the expression first came into being, people refused to use it but _____ they began to accept it. A. usually B. gradually C. frequently D. quickly 9. You won’t be able to make a wise _____ of a word until you know all the _____ of it. A. use; uses B. usage; usages C. use; usages D. usage; uses 10.My elder sister is _______ studying in Britain and she can speak English quite fluently like a native speaker. A. in the present B. at present C. at the present D. for the present 11. Some minority(少数民族) languages are losing their ______ because of the invasion(入侵) of more popular spoken ones. A. ideas B. natures C. identities D. characters 12. Some animals ______ the tiger, the lion and the wolf are meat-eaters.


一、单项选择 1. the teacher at this college last year ? Yes, he did. A. Did, taught B. does, teach C. Did, teach D Do,teach 2、I went to the supermarket and bought a great many A.tomatoes B.potatos C.vegetables D.meat 3、He until it stopped raining. A.waited B. didn't wait C. didn’t leave D.left 4、For the whole period of two months, there no rain in this area. A.is B.will be C.has been D.have been 5、——Hey, how are you getting with your girlfriend? —— A .It’s none of your business! B.Dear me! C .Take it easy. D.Enjoy yourself. 6、A great number of students fond of films, but a good student seldom to the cinema A. are,goes B. is,goes C. are,go D. is,go 7、If their house not like ours, what it look like? A.is, is B.is, does C.does, does D.does, is 8. I’m _______ in that ________ film A. interesting, interested B. interested, interesting C. interested, interested D. interesting, interesting 9. ------ Hurry up! We have little time! ------ I ____________. A. will come B. come C. shall come D. am coming 10. -------_____________? -------I am Italian. A.What’s your job B. What’s your name C. What nationality are you D.Where do you from 11. I don’t have ______writing paper, I only have _____chalk s. A. any, any B. any, some C. some, some D.some,any 12. Look, the little dog ______after a big cat! A. runs B. is running C. is going to run D.is runing 13. It’s very cold. _______ your coat. A. Take off B. Put on C. Turn on D.Put off 14.The man could not bear it.He could not it. A.carry B.suffer C.stand D.lift 15.Just then,the telephone rang.It rang . A.at once B.immediately C.again D.at that moment 16.On the last day he made a big dicision.It was the day of his holiday. A.final B.end https://www.360docs.net/doc/04599009.html,test D.bottom 17.He calls at every house in the street.He everyone. A.shouts at B.calls C.cries out at D.visits 18.The detectives were a valuable parcel of diamonds.


新视野视听说3(第二版)Unit1 Enjoy the colorful campus life! II. Basic Listening Practice Keys: 1.C 2.D 3. B 4.D 5.A III. Listening In Task 1:On the first day Keys: (1)the first day (2)changing (3)really good (4)hard workers (5)went over her head (6)explained (7)notes (8)Wednesday (9)participation (10)education Task 2:How to select elective courses? Keys: (1)extra training (2)chemistry (3)accounting (4)many fields of study (5)better potential (6)business degree (7)challenging (8)how to learn (9)better understanding (10)narrow-minded Task3: How to get straight A's? Keys:1.B 2.C 3. D 4.A 5.D IV. Speaking Out MODEL1

MODEL2 MODEL3 V. Let?ˉs Talk Task 1:Maintaining the quality or increasing the intake? Keys: (1)quality (2)young (3)25 (4)difficult (5)government (6)quality (7)cut (8)extra-cautious (9)afford (10)experience (11)more (12)blame (13)budget (14)puzzled (15)service Task 2:What's your answer? According to the interviewee, it's difficult to strike a balance between maintaining the educational quality and making sure as many people as possible receive university education. In the past years, China has been confronted with the same problem. The university enrollment has been on the increase and some institutions of higher learning do not have enough teachers and teaching facilities, thus affecting the educational quality. Task 3:Let's group work! VI. Further Listening and Speaking Listening Task: Task1: Problems with our educational system Script: Hi, everybody. My topic today is "Problems with our educational system". I disagree on a lot of the ways that things have happened for a long time in our educational system. It seems that educators just want to give standardized tests, which focus only on academic performance and neglect students' abilities and


人教版二年级下册数学第二单元测试卷 一、算一算,连一连,帮小动物们上车.(14分) 二、填一填.(35分) 1. 一共有( )个苹果,每( )个分成一份,一共分成了( )份.用除法算式表示:( )÷( )=( ). 2.3056÷=读作( ),其中30是( ),5是( ),6是( ). 3.( )416?= 6?( )24= 3?( )18= ( )515?= ( )312?= 4?( )=20 4.在________里填上“>”“<”或“=”. 33?________6 45+________45+ 82÷________22? 11+________11÷ 93÷________93- 42-________42÷

5.在________里填上“+”“-”“×”或“÷”. 30________65= 25________520= 6________424= 18________92= 19________221= 27________93= 6.把表格补充完整. 三、判断.(对的画“√”,错的画“×”)(10分) 1.在除法里,除得的结果叫差。( ) 2.3065÷=,表示把30平均分成6份,每份是5.( ) 3.计算124÷=( ) 时,要用乘法口诀三四十二.( ) 4.求15里面有几个3,列式为155÷=3.( ) 5.被除数是6,除数是2,商是12.( ) 四、想一想,填一填.(15分) 1.每条船上有5人,3条船上一共有( )人. 2.15人坐3条船,平均每条船上有( )人.

3.一共有15人,每5人坐一条船,需要()条船. 五、解决问题.(26分) 1.明明在课余时间养小白兔.(12分) (1)每只小白兔喂4根胡萝卜,这些小白兔一共要喂多少根胡萝卜? (2)明明有30根胡萝卜,平均每只小白兔可以分到多少根胡萝卜? (3)明明准备28根胡萝卜喂这些小白兔,小白兔吃完后剩下3根胡萝卜,平均每只小白免吃了几根胡萝卜? 2.康乃馨每5枝扎成一束,玫瑰每6枝扎成一束,如果只买一枝花,买哪种花便宜?(6分)


七年级下册英语Unit2单元测试卷 一.单项选择。(20分) ( )1. — How about taking __________ walk now — Sounds great. A. a B. / C. an D. the ( )2. — When do you go to bed —Usually_______ nine o’clock. A. on B. in C. at D. to ( )3. —What’s t he time —__________ six o’clock. A. Its B. It’s C. This is D. They are ( )4. — How many _________ does the baby have — Two. So he only drinks some milk. A. books B. chairs C. groups D. teeth ( )5. — Is Mr. Zhang very popular (受欢迎的) with his students — Yes, his classes are ____ interesting. A. always B. never C. sometimes D. seldom ( ) vegetable soup I have more ( ) quickly and has no breakfast to work. dressed dress dress dressed ( ) is so hot should and have a rest(休息). take a shower a shower a shower shower ( ) goes to school every is late for class. ;never ;never ;always ;usually ( )10.—When do you ,Frank —. ;On weekends ;On weekend ;On weekends ;On weekend ( )11. The little boy __________ every morning. A. brushes his tooth B. brushes his teeth C. brush his tooth D. brush his teeth ( )12. — ___________ John often __________ school —No, he isn’t. A. Does; late for B. Is; late to C. Is; late for D. Does; late to


新概念第二册L57Can I help you, madam检测题一、翻译 1.太太,夫人 2.牛仔裤 3.犹豫,迟疑 4.接待,服务 5.轻蔑地 6.惩罚 7.fur 8.热切的,热情的 9. a woman in jeans 10.a n expensive shop 11.t hough 12.t he way she was dressed 13.g lance at 14.w alk out of the shop 15.a ngrily 16.d ecide to 17.p unish the woman 18.r eturn to the shop 19.t he following morning 17.d ressed in a fur coat 18.w ith a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other 19.s eek out 20.a sk for the same dress 21.b e eager to 22.s erve sb. 23.w ith great difficulty 24.e njoy oneself doing 25.m ake sb. Do 26.l et sb. Do 27.昂贵的珠宝 28.i nexpensive 29.c heap 30.a ffordable 31.h esitate to do sth. 32.a fur coat 33.p unish the thief 34.p unishment 35.g overnment 36.e nvironment 37.r ealize the importance of sth. 38.s erve the people 39.b e eager to do sth. 二、根据英文解释写出本课所学的英文单词 1.__________ costing a lot of money 2.__________ to make someone suffer because they have done something wrong or broken the law 3.__________ to know and understand something, or suddenly begin to understand it 4.__________ very keen and excited about something that is going to happen or about something you want to do 5.__________ to work or perform duties for a person, an organization, a country, etc. 三、短文填空 Dear Anne, How are you? I had great fun last Wednesday, 71 12th,2013. It was a traditional Chinese festival called Dragon Boat Festival that day. This festival is in memory of Qu Yuan, one of 72 greatest Chinese poets. He killed himself by jumping into the Miluo River on May 5th of the lunar calendar (阴历), 278 BC. People there rowed the boats to 73 him. But it was too late. They were very sad and then threw rice into the 74 to feed the fishes so that they would stay away from his body. 75 then on, every year on this day, people enjoy 76 Zongzi which is made of rice with meat, eggs and so on. In the past we ate it only 77 a year, but now we regarded it as our daily food. We can have it any time we like. Have you ever 78 the dragon boat race on TV? It is another important part of this festival. Several teams row their dragon-shaped boats as 79 as they can. The first team to reach the finish line wins. If you have a plan to visit China next year, would 80 like to spend this festival with us? Best wishes, Xiao Qiang

Removed_新视野大学英语视听说教程第2册单元测试答案 unit test 7

Unit 7 Does money talk? Done with this task. Your current score: 100% Unit 7 test Next Directions: Click on the speaker to the left to start playing the audio recording for Parts I, II and III. They will be played continuously. Once the recording starts playing, please do NOT click on either the speaker icon or the 'Unit Quiz' link in the menu bar above. Otherwise, you may lose the chance of hearing the complete recording. Part I Script Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, and then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. She is going to travel. B. She is going to blow it all immediately. C. She is going to save it for future use. D. She is going to invest it in a project. 2.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. He plans to travel around the world to enjoy himself at his forties. B. He wants to lead a luxurious life. C. He thinks money can buy happiness. D. He hopes to save up money to help the poor. 3.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. To spend it at Christmas. B. To pay the tuition.


人教部编版二年级语文下册单元测试卷 第二单元 [时间:50分钟 满分:100分] 一、基础知识。(60分) 1.读拼音,写词语。(8分) xi ān f ēn ɡ y āo qi ú b èi h òu li ú li àn w ēn nu ǎn b ō w én ɡān ti án m ǎi c ài 2.给加点字选择正确的读音,并打上“√”。(8分) 脑.袋(l ǎo n ǎo ) 捕.食(b ǔ p ǔ) 傍.晚(b àn b àng ) 淹没.(m éi m ò) 观察.(c á ch á) 四海为.家(w éi w èi ) 登.山(d ēn d ēng ) 得.到(d ěi d é) 3.读句子,给带点的词换成另外一个词语,使句子意思不变。(4分) (1)春天的郊外,景色异常..美丽。 ( ) (2)乘着温暖的春风,我们四处寻觅..。 ( ) (3)孩子急忙..尝了尝,笑了:“这就是平常吃过的米糕嘛!您给我买过。”( ) (4)“爸爸,什么是千人糕?”孩子好奇..地问。 ( ) 4.把词语补充完整。(7分) 弯弯的(小 路) 甜甜的( ) ( )的身影 ( )的歌声 清清的( ) 蒙蒙的( ) 清新的( ) 灿烂的( ) 5.想一想,连一连。(4分)

的确与众不同;不普通。特别的绿毯 特别完全确实,实在。柔软的小路 出色因有烂泥而不好走。弯弯的细雨 泥泞特别好;超出一般。蒙蒙的味道 6.判断题。(5分) (1)“背”的第二笔是点,不是横。() (2)“匹”的第二笔是竖折,半包围里面是“儿”。() (3)“能”是上下结构,共有10画。() (4)“冒”字是上下结构,上面是“日”字。() (5)“恋”字下面是“心”是卧钩,不是斜钩。() 7.看图,根据提示填空。(4分) (颜色) (形状) (1)春天到了,到处是_____的小草。(2)天上的月亮_____的,像一艘小 船。 8.按要求写句子,(12分) (1)给句子加上合适的标点。 ①雷锋叔叔你在哪里你在哪里 ②瞧那泥泞路上的脚窝就是他留下的足迹 (2)补充句子。(4分) ①平时肯帮人,。 ②锦上添花,雪中送炭。 (3)用上带点的词写句子。 ①天上的云,一团一团的,好像巨大的棉花糖。 大树又粗又壮,就像。 ②春天的郊外,景色异常 ..美丽。 异常: . 9.根据图意,选出恰当的词语写成通顺的句子。(4分) 1._______________________________________________ 2.______________________________________________ 3._____________________________________________


一、单选 1. ________ is the second day of the week. 2. --what do you have on mondays?-- i ______ chinese and english on mondays. a.have b.am c.has d.is a.at b.on c.for d.by 4. _________.where is our science teacher? a.sorry b.hello c.excuse me d.hi 5. we often ________ tv on saturday evening. a.look b.watch c.see d.say 6. it’s time ________ do homework. a.at b.for c.to d.on 7. what does your mother do ____ weekends? a.about b.on c.at d.to 8. i can play football ________ my father. a.and b.to c.for d.with 二、情境交际 1. 询问今天是星期几,应该说:______________ a.what day is it today? b.what day it is today? 2. 询问周二的课程安排时,应该说:_____________ a.what do you do on tuesday? b.what do you have on tuesday? 3. 介绍完自己后,想了解一下对方,应该说:_____________


New Concept English BookⅡ 一、单项选择 1. the teacher at this college last year ? Yes, he did. A. Did, taught B. does, teach C. Did, teach D Do,teach 2、I went to the supermarket and bought a great many A.tomatoes B.potatos C.vegetables D.meat 3、He until it stopped raining. A.waited B. didn't wait C. didn’t leave D.left 4、For the whole period of two months, there no rain in this area. A.is B.will be C.has been D.have been 5、——Hey, how are you getting with your girlfriend? —— A .It’s none of your business! B.Dear me! C .Take it easy. D.Enjoy yourself. 6、A great number of students fond of films, but a good student seldom to the cinema A. are,goes B. is,goes C. are,go D. is,go 7、If their house not like ours, what it look like? A.is, is B.is, does C.does, does D.does, is 8. I’m _______ in that ________ film A. interesting, interested B. interested, interesting C. interested, interested D. interesting, interesting 9. ------ Hurry up! We have little time! ------ I ____________. A. will come B. come C. shall come D. am coming 10. -------_____________? -------I am Italian. A.What’s your job B. What’s your name C. What nationality are you D.Where do you from 11. I don’t have ______writing paper, I only have _____chalk s. A. any, any B. any, some C. some, some D.some,any 12. Look, the little dog ______after a big cat! A. runs B. is running C. is going to run D.is runing 13. It’s very cold. _______ your coat. A. Take off B. Put on C. Turn on D.Put off 14.The man could not bear it.He could not it. A.carry B.suffer C.stand D.lift 15.Just then,the telephone rang.It rang . A.at once B.immediately C.again D.at that moment 16.On the last day he made a big dicision.It was the day of his holiday. A.final B.end https://www.360docs.net/doc/04599009.html,test D.bottom 17.He calls at every house in the street.He everyone. A.shouts at B.calls C.cries out at D.visits
