


2017---2018年八年级政治期末考试分析 万安中学姬凯妮期末考试已经结束,我对初二政治考试情况做以下分析: 一、试卷有如下特点: 本试卷给我第一印象是活而不难,基本上能够全方位地考察学生,考题贴近学生的生活,理论联系实际,考查学生的分析能力、观察能力、学以致用能力,试题体现了情感、能力、知识的测试和运用。此次考试满分为100分,题型分为单项选择题、填空题、材料分析题。简而言之,题目注重考查学生对课本基本知识点的掌握。 二、学生的答题情况: 这份试卷满分为100分,试卷并不是十分难,大部分学生都能够及格,及格率是 三、发现问题与原因陈述 1、学生书面语言表达能力差,表述不完整,表达不明确,条理不清晰,答非所问,不知所云。字迹潦草,有出现错别字的现象,一小部分试卷卷面凌乱埋汰。 2、学生基础知识薄弱,知识面比较窄,视野不够开阔,缺少灵活运用知识的能力和实际操作的能力,不能学以致用,课外知识掌握较少,发散思维能力差。 3、思维辨析能力低,答题角度单一,语言重复,不能多层次辩证地分析问题,不能将观点和材料有机地结合,忽略材料的作用,不能深入地理解分析材料,不认真审题,不按题目求去做,随意性大。 4、对于时事,学生关注得不多,对国家重大事件和社会生活中的热点话题了解较少,因此对时事政治不知所措。 四、解决措施及教学建议 1、转变教育观念,推进素质教育。 新的课程改革和构建“和谐高校思维对话”型课堂,让老师有责任把教育引到全面实施素质教育的轨道上来。因此,对每一次备课、每一次上课都要给予应有的重视,从备教材、备教法、备练习题和小测题、备学生等都要做到位,才能真正落实素质教育。 2加强基础知识、基本技能的教学,是提高教学质量的关键。 基础知识的讲解要准确无误,掌握要全面扎实,运用要灵活通透;基本技能的教学绝不能忽视,要贯穿在整个教育教学过程中。在今后的教学过程中,一定要注意学生的卷面和书写,要求卷面整洁,书写规范。


华中师范大学网络教育学院 《高级英语写作》练习测试题库参考答案 I. Complete each o f the following sentences with the correct choice of the words given in the brackets. 1.accounting 2.capitalization 3.consolidate 4.electronic 5.frequently 6.indent 7.intelligent 8.location 9.cultural 10.professional 11.accurately 12.description 13.imagination 14.italicize 15.peaceful 16.publicity immediately 17. 18.celebration 19.explanation

20.joyous 21.modify 22.reaction 23.specialty 24.traditional 25.typical 26.available 27.depend 28.excited 29.habitual 30.include 31.invite 32.prediction 33.transportation https://www.360docs.net/doc/0e6666318.html,bine 35.punctuate 36.screaming 37.effective 38.generous 39.gratefully 40.immediately 41.interrupt II. Revise the following sentences. For the revision of some of the sentences, please follow the directions before them.


2015~2016学年度第一学期15计算机班、15商务班、15机电班 《新模式英语1》期末考试卷A 考核方式:理论闭卷考核时间:100分钟 一、单选.(每题1分,共15分) 1、 __________________ your books. A open B opens C Open 2 、 __________________ the paper A Reads B reading C Read 3 、 __________________ the teacher A Listen to B listen to C Listens to 4、 __________________ your name AOpen B sit down C Write 5、 __________________ a piece of paper A Take out B open C Listen 6、 __________________ a student A Stand up B Help C Sit down 7、 We __________________16 years old. A am B is C are 8、 She __________________from San Diego. A am B is C are 9、 You __________________ married. A am B is C are 10、 Jennifer and I __________________ from the . A am B is C are 11、 The students __________________ from Cuba. A am B is C are 12、 John __________________ 6’tall. A has B is 13、 Yuuki __________________ three aunts A have B has. 14、 We __________________ for books at the bookkstore. A shop B shops 15、 Armand __________________ for flowers at the flower shop. 班级学号姓名成绩 A shop B shops 二、完形填空(共15分,每小题分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 Finally I got my driving license (驾照) last summer. Mom decided to go with me to take my first trip around an empty parking lot. I knew my mother was an excellent 1 . She had driven over 20 years without getting one ticket. However, I found that she was not the best teacher for me. It wasn't that she shouted, or told me that I was doing poorly. Her“helpful instructions” 2 managed to make me more nervous. Since I could no longer practice with her, the job was 3 in the hands of my father. The idea of learning from Dad was not so 4 . I loved him dearly, but I just did not see Dad as someone I could be comfortable learning from. He almost never talked. We shared a typical


2016-2017学年度下学期初二政治期末测试质量分析 茂兴中学:刘东伟一、考试情况简要分析 本次期末考试试卷从总体来看试卷抓住了本年级本册书的重点、难点、关键点。整个试卷注重了知识的提升、拓展,让学生用学到的知识,去解决生活中的各种问题。本次试卷不仅考查了学生对基本知识的掌握,而且考查了学生的学习技能。题目主要有选择题和非选择题两种形式,选择题部分,侧重基础,绝大部分都是应知应会重要考点,考生只要基础知识扎实,审题清楚,得分比较容易。 二、对今后教学的几点思考。 1、要教学生应试能力。如审题要“看材料-提信息-忆课本-找联系”,答案要素膁“原理+方法论+结合材料”(视具体题目而定,有斶只要方法论或只是方法论加结合材料或只要原理),答案布局要分层断意标醒目序号①②③……等等。还要强加学生的阅读理解能力,加强课外阅读,丰富学生的知识面,提高学生答题的准确度和全面度。 2、积极开展活动课教学,提高学生审题的能力和概括能力。 新教材以氻动贯穿始末,当然也需要教学中进行贯彻。让学生在参与实践活动的过程中学习知识,培养能力,增强社会责任感,这既是课标的要求,也是学生成长的需要。 3、树立正确的评价观。 初中的思想政治课的教学不仅仅是一场考试,它更是德育教育的主渠道,是培养人的德性的主学科,这就要求我们在教学过程中,要

用心去塑造,用人格的魅力去感染,用科学方法去疏导,从三维目标的角度全面地评价学生。 四、改进措施: 从失败中找教训,在教训中求发展,综观我们这次考试的情况来看,我以后要从以下几方面来做: 1、在教学时要多注意知识的前后联系,用最少的时间获得最有效的结果,这样也就可以避免考前没提醒学生也不容易忘记。 2、多向有经验的教师学习,掌握每一册书中的重点、难点、易考点,通过各种渠道提高自己的思品教学水平,平常练习中,选择各种各样不同的题型,拓宽学生的知识面,切实提高他们的解题能力。 3、注重培养学生做事认真的态度,逐步养成良好的分析问题、解决问题的习惯。


高中思想政治必修二《政治生活》期末测试试题 时间:90分钟 一.单项题(下列各题中只有一个正确的或最符合题意的选项。每小题2分,共50分) 1.2014年我国有多名省部级高官落马,10名以上省部级高官被判刑。材料体现国家的( ) A.统治属性B.阶级属性 C.主权属性 D.社会属性2.目前广东登记在册的各类社会团体共有28 500多个,并且以每年10%的速度增长。广东社会团体众多的现象表明( ) A.我国公民享有集会自由 B.公民积极履行政治性义务 C.公民积极参与基层民主管理 D.我国公民享有结社自由 3.“风声雨声读书声声声入耳,家事国事天下事事事关心。”作为当代中学生,参与政治生活应做到() ①明确政治生活的作用②学习政治知识 ③既关心国家大事,更要维护好个人利益④在实践中提高参与政治生活的热情 A. ①②③④ B.②③④ C.①②③ D.①②④

4.在2012年进行的新一届区县、乡镇人大代表选举中,各地选举委员会组织代表候选人与选民见面,由代表候选人介绍本人情况,回答选民的问题。候选人从“纸上”走到选民面前,接受选民的“面试”,这一变化( ) ①尊重了选民的知情权,扩大了选民的选举权利②可以帮助选民充分了解候选人,做出符合心意的选择③扩大了直接选举的范围,彰显了民主政治的进步④可以帮助候选人收集社情民意,更好地履行代表职责 A.①② B.②③ C.②④ D.③④ 5.制定和实施村规民约是村民自治的有效途径。我国《村民委员会组织法》规定,村规民约的内容不得与宪法、法律、法规和国家的政策相抵触,不得有侵犯村民的人身权利、民主权利和合法财产权利的内容。下列内容能够纳入村规民约的是() A. 村民发生纠纷必须服从村委会裁定 B. 牲畜毁坏他人作物被打死不赔偿 C. 外出务工者必须按时返乡参加选举 D. 村委会定期张榜公布村内重要事项 6.微博(微博客MicroBlog的简称)是一个信息分享、传播以及获取平台。从全国“两会”到强制拆迁,从社会热点事件到众多“草根明星”出炉,微博成为民众参与政治的一个利器。公民利用微博参与政治 ( ) ①保障了公民的基本民主权利②促进了政府决


高级英语期末考试题型: Lexical work: Unit 1 1.ego: self, especially as contrast with another self or the world 2.disparity: a noticeable difference 3.prestigious: having prestige,i.e. general respect or admiration felt for someone or something, because they have high quality, social influence, success, etc. 4.allot: give as a share or set apart for a purpose 5.typify: be a typical example of, show all the most usual characteristics of something Unit 2 1.minute: very small 2.chartered: hired for use by a particular group or person 3.a standing order: a permanent request(for something by a customer) 4.extract: obtain by much effort 5.trinket: a small ornament(as a jewel or ring)of little value 6.flapping: swaying loosely, and making a noise, especially when moved by wind Unit 3 1.disorientation: confusion, loss of one's bearings 2.vistas: sweeping views 3.eerie: frightening because of strangeness or gloominess 4.tactile: relating to the sense of touch 5.redemption: forgiveness from the consequences of sin and evil which Christians believe was made possible by Jesus Christ's death on the cross赎罪. This is a religious term. 6.congealed: stiffened 7.wino: one who is chronically addicted to drinking wine Unit 4 1.constraints: restrictions, limitations 2.scale: a graded series/scheme/system of rank of order; something graded especially when used as a measure or rule尺度 3.norm: a standard, e.g. of behaviour or ability, that is regarded as average or generally accepted 4.formalities: a way of writing letters in accordance with accepted rules for official occasion 5.tautologous:unnecessarily repetitive, obvious 6.veribage:too many unnecessary words in speech or writing Unit 5 1.sulk: be silently bad-tempered 2.surreal: having a strange dreamlike unreal quality 3.malevolent: having a wish to harm others, showing intense ill will; here, strong, adverse, harmful 4.torrential:(rain)pouring down rapidly and in great quantities 5.radically: drastically: severely 6.accentuate: make(something)more noticeable Unit 6


期末考试《新模式英语》 试卷 第1页( 共4 页) 期末考试《大学英语1》试卷 第2页( 共4页) 成都五月花计算机专业学校__________专业________级________班 姓名____________学号____________ ………………………………(密)………………………………(封)………………………………(线)……………………………… 密 封 线 内 答 题 无 效 《新模式英语》课程试卷 答卷说明:1、本试卷满分100分,答题时间90分钟。 2、请用蓝色或黑色的钢笔和中性笔作答。 3、考生必须准确填写姓名、学号等信息,考试结束上交本试卷。 得分 评卷人 I. Vocabulary and Structure(1*30=30) 1、 __________________ your books. A open B opens C Open D opened 2. I have two boys but ______ of them likes sweets. A.neither B.both C.none D.either 3. __________________ the paper A Reads B reading C Read 4 __________________ the teacher A Listen to B listen to C Listens to D listening 5. __________________ your name A Open B sit down C Write D writing 6. She felt ill but she managed to keep ___ ____ A.painful B.doubtful C.respectful D.cheerful 7. __________________ a student A Stand up B Help C Sit down D helping 8. __________________ a piece of paper A Take out B open C Listen D taking 9. His camera is much more expensive than ______ A.hers B.her C.it D.its 10 We __________________16 years old. A am B is C are D was 11. She __________________from San Diego. A am B is C are D come 12. she __________________ the radio and __________________the newspaper every day A listens to reads B listens to read C listen to read D listen for reading 13. Give me the red one ____ the green one , A.instead of B.because of C.on account of D.up to 14. This is the picture ___ my family. A.for B.of C.in D.at 15.He practices English in class ___ 5:00___ 6:30. A.from for B.from to C.from at Dfrom in 16.We ___ each other somewhere A.meeting B.to be met C.to have met D.to have been met 17. All of us know that he is ____ honest boy A.an B.a C.the D./ 18. _____ I help you? A.What can B.What may C.May D.Ought 19. Look! ____ A.There comes the bus B.The bus here comes C. The bus coming D.Bus comes 20. The music made him _______ excited A.feeling B.felt C.to feel D.feel 21. — Do your parents live here in the United States? —No ._______they live in Vietnam. A .and B. right now C. now D.and then 22. —May I use your telephone , please? —_______ A.Can A.Certainly C.May D.It ’s welcome 23. —Please don ’t make a noise —______ A.Yes, I won ’t B.No, I won ’t C.No, I will D.Yes, I will 24.Do you know the man who _____ by just now? A.pass B.past C.passed D.pasted 25. ____ Miss Smith ’s class. A.welcome to B.welcoming to C Welcome to D.welcome 26 — What color are Gabriela and Roberto ’s belts? —_______black. A.Their belts are B.they belt are C.Their belts were D.They belts are 27. It is ______ to answer her questions as honestly as you can. A.important B.happy C.surely D.interesting 28.Having got a cold , he had a painful headache ,but _______fever A.high B.much C.little D.low 29. —What does he look like? —he ___black hair and brown ___. A.have eye B.has eyes C.had eye D.have eyes 30.I was born _____ Monday A.on B.at C.in D.for 座位号


高集岗中学2013-2014学年度第一学期九年级政治期末考试质量分析 一、试卷基本情况 1、试题内容结构 试题内容是《思想品德》九年级全一册,不包含时政。 2、试卷题型、题量、分值 试卷分为单项选择题和非选择题。单项选择题共13道题,占总分值43%。非选择题部分共5道题,占总分值的57%。 3、试卷难度结构 整个试卷易、中、难比例依次约为6:3:1。 二、试卷的主要特点与亮点 1、注重基础知识的掌握和理解 试卷考查的内容基本覆盖了九年级全册的主干知识,紧扣新修订的“初中思想政治课课程标准”。非选择题部分试题选材贴近学生生活,也是要求学生牢固掌握的基础知识,基本常识。 2、注重能力的考查 考查学生通过活动运用知识、分析问题、解决问题的能力。 3、试题选材贴近学生生活,符合学生的认知规律 试题以现实生活中的事件、事例、情景作为背景材料,让学生运用所学有关知识进行判断和分析,有针对性地进行思想教育。如:创新精神的意义;关注国家发展,保护环境,融入社会,肩负使命,共建和谐社会法治社会等题目,较好地贯彻 - 1 -

了思想政治课的方向性原则、针对性原则、正面教育原则、知行统一原则等。 4、试题强调了实践性,坚持理论联系实际。 5、试卷能够始终围绕“以学生为本”的课改核心理念。 三、可以说明的问题 通过抽样分析表明: (1)学生对第一、二单元的基础知识掌握尚可,一些核心知识、本质知识基本能够再现,主要表现在选择题实际得分与预计得分基本齐平; (2)学生判断、陈述理由能力初步显现,表现在辨析题实际得分与预测得分比较接近; (3)学生答题比较规范,书写相对工整,答题风格与样式基本形成,表现在主观题分点回答,上下对齐,形式不失美观。 四、但试卷中也存在一些不容忽视的问题: (1)部分学生基础知识相对薄弱; (2)部分学生存在知识点的混淆不清,张冠李戴在试卷中并不少见; (3)部分学生对专业术语的表述不规范、不准确; (4)学生根据材料生成答案的能力有待增强; (5)学案中出现过的题目,考试中仍然失分; (6)部分学生对本学科的重视程度不够,学习态度有待- 2 -


高一政治期中考试分析 一、对试卷的分析 1、本此考试属于阶段性检测考试,试卷的难度对于高一学生来讲,有点难度。考试范围为政治必修二《政治生活》的第一课———第八课。 2、本次考试侧重于对政治生活模块教材知识的考查。 (1)、难题的比重占10%左右,要求对基础知识再识记的基础上加以综合与运用,在试卷中主要是以材料题的形式出现,如21和22题。(2)、中等难度题的分值主要体现在部分选择题中,如5、10、14、17题。要求学生理解知识,结合所给材料选择最佳答案,这有利于提升学生的综合运用只是的能力。 (3)、其余的考试内容为基础题。 3、本次考试平均分为72.3分,及格率95%。 二、学生考试情况分析 1、基础知识掌握不扎实,基本概念模糊。如1题中“村党组织”和“村委会”,5题中的“人大代表的权利”和“人大代表的义务”的区别,等等。 2、背记知识点模糊。答题时与所答问题不相对应。 3、审题不明确。 4、知识的综合运用能力比较差。不会阅读材料,找不到材料的中心含义,不会把材料和教材的知识点联系起来,从而出现无从下手的状

况,不会答题或者答题时简单的照搬材料,简单的罗列知识点。 5、语言组织能力差,表达不清晰。 6、文字书写功底差。 三、今后教学建议 1、努力提升课堂教学质量,让学生充分参与学习,调动学生学习的积极性和主动性。 2、强化书本知识的识记、理解和综合运用。采用读、记、背相结合的方式加以巩固,夯实学生的基础。 3、归纳易错易混淆的知识点,便于学生区分,从而加强记忆。 4、加强平时的学习练习,提高学生的解题思维和答题技巧。 5、抓好作业和教辅资料的练习。 2017年4月27日 高一政治备课组 声明:此资源由本人收集整理于网络只用于交流学习。如有侵权请联系删除处理。


湖北第二师范学院省级精品课程:《高级英语》第二册 综合测试(1) A Comprehensive Test On Book Two Adv. Eng. Ⅰ. For each of the following word, there are four choices marked A,B,C,D. Choose the one which best explains the word given: 20% 1. intricate A. difficult B. complicated C. invalid D. simple 2. eradicate A. cut into many small parts B. go round in circle C. draw together into a small space D. put an end to; destroy 3. wax A. grow bigger or greater

B. become less or smaller C. drop heavily D. cover with thick coating 4. squash A. invade B. infer C. squeeze D. separate 5. veer A. move forward B. look sideways C. change directions D. pour out 6. exultant A. triumphant B. ecure C. exhausted D. overflowing 7. unsightly A. invisible B. ugly C. precipitate


期末B 试卷 《新模式英语1》 2016.3 班级_______ 姓名________学号 分数___________ 一.选择题目:(每题1分,共15分) 1.We blue eyes and blond hair. A. have B. has C. are D.is 2.She 30 years old . A.are B. is C. has D. / 3. John 6’ tall . A. has B. is C./ D. have 4.How much the cheese ? A. is B. are C . has D.have 5.How much the pencils ? A. is B.are C. do D.does 6. — Do you know the foreign student in Class 2? —Yes. She's from America. ______ name is Alice. A. Her B. His C. My D. Its 7. —Dad, would you like to play chess with me? —Well, my dear, I'd love to, ____ I have to write a report. A. for B. and C. but D. or 8. The doctor told Mary that she ________ give up fatty foods because it was bad for her health. A. could B. should C. might D. would 9. —What a lovely dog! _____is it? —It's 11 years old. A. How much B. How heavy C. How long D. How old 10. While I ________ dinner last night, Angela called me and asked about homework. A. have B. will have C. was having D. am having 11. —Jim, do you want to come over for lunch tomorrow? —I'm sorry I can't. I _______ a movie with some friends. A. am going to see B. see C. saw D. have seen 12. We can start the meeting now ,as all the people ________. A. arrive B. have arrived C. arrived D. will arrive 13. Lily is a tidy girl. Her room ________ clean all the time A. kept B. was kept C. is kept D. keeps 14. My dad usually stops ________ a newspaper on his way home after work. A. to buy B. buying C. bought D. buy 15. —Tell me ________ my glasses, Sam. —They were just on the table, grandma. A. where will you find B. where you will find C. where did you find D. where you found 24. 25


九年级政治期末考试质量分析 一、试卷分析: 本次考试是人教版政治九年级第一单元到第四单元的内容,试卷分值110分,考试时间60分钟,题型有单项选择题、非选择题两类。从试题内容看,注重考查政治基础知识和基本技能;关注了学生学习过程和方法;关注学生思维过程和思维方法;还关注了学生的探究能力;体现情感态度与价值观。总的来说这次考试的难度不是很大,对基础问题的考查力度较大。 选择题是对课本知识的考查,总体来说,这一部分的难度不是很大,特别要注意的是符合型选择题,选项增多,组合方式不是很固定,需要学生花费更大的精力来完成。在考试中有个别的题争议较大,学生在这个问题上容易失分。非选择题总的来说有一定难度,增加热点话题,对于三四班的学生而言要想把分抓住有一定的困难。 二、答题情况分析: 1、一分两率:

一班:平均分:80 优秀率12% 及格率100% 二班:平均分:75.69 优秀率10% 及格率86% 三班:平均分50.38 优秀率2% 及格率41.3% 四班:平均分49.04 优秀率0% 及格率28.36% 2、答题情况: 单项选择题做得一般,平均分在36分。个别同学甚至失分严重。失分高的题有:17、22占75%,15、21占45%。 31题失分原因主要是学生没有审清材料的要求就直接表明观点。 32题失分原因只要是学生没有掌握一些答题技巧,答题没有自己的思想。 33题答题情况良好,满分率占50%。但个别同学失分严重。 34题(1)和31题一样,没有答出个体与集体的关系就直接谈感想。 (2)是考察关爱集体的表现,这个问题要求同学背熟了,但答的还是不理想,只有一小部分能得满分。 35题,需要学生概括,对于概括能力不足的同学,有一


simile 1.It is as though he suddenly came out of a dark tunnel and found himself beneath the open sky 2.They are like the musketeers of Dumas… 3.The Elizabethans blew on it as on a dandelion clock, and floated to the ends of the earth. metaphor 1... and it is not easy for him to step out of that lukewarm bath 2.It is not until he is released from the habit of flexing his muscles and proving that he is just a “regular guy” that he realizes how crippling this habit has been 3.The glow of the conversation burst into flames. 4.The conversation was on wings. 5.The glow of the conversation burst into flames. 6.I have an unending love affair with dictionaries 7.we ought to think ourselves back into the shoes of the Saxon peasant. 8.We can batten down and ride it out 9.Wind and rain now whipped the house. mixed metaphor 1.and no one has any idea where it will go as it meanders or leaps and sparkles or just glows. metonymy – change of name – the association of two unlike things[mi't?nimi] 转喻,借代He met his W aterloo. He likes to read Hemingway. 1.In short, all of these publications are written in the language that the Third International describes synecdoche – whole for part or part for whole[si'nekd?ki] 提喻 He has many mouth to feed in his family. China beat South Korea 3 to 1. The vineyard are intersected by channels, red and yellow sails glide slowly through the vines. Nowadays more and more people have a liking for cotton. 1.But neither his vanity nor his purse is any concern of the dictionary' s 2.yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind's final war. alliteration 1.… a concept of how things get written that throws very little light on Lincoln but a great deal on Life 2.ask of us here th e same high standards of strength and sacrifice… 3.One form of colonial control shall not have passed away. 4.We shall always hope to find them strongly supporting their own freedom. 5.We pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. 6.We shall pay any price, bear any burden 7.To assure the survival and the success of liberty assonance (元韵、母韵、半谐音) and antithesis … between the much-touted Second International (1934) and the much-clouted Third International (1961) antithesis – contrary in meaning but similar in form 对比 1.If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich 2.Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us. 3.Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate. 4.And so, my fellow Americans ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. parallelism – ideas are paired and sequenced in the same grammatical form


济源市技工学校10—11学年第二学期 10级新模式英语试卷 一、Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案。每题1分,共20分) ( )1、The famous actor plays his children in the park. A) about B) in C) at D) with ( )2、 The volunteers love students in that small village in the west of China. A) they B) picture C) their D) themselves ( )3、You can get much about the Would Expo on the Internet. A) map B) picture C) ticket D) information ( )4、New Zealand has two islands. One is North Island and is South island. A) another B) the other C) other D) the others ( )5、Listing is just as as speaking in language learning. A) important B) more important C) most important D) the most important ( )6、Is this a photo of your daughter? She looks in the pink dress! A) lovely B) quietly C) politely D) happily ( )7、We will have no water to drink we don’t protect the earth. A) until B) before C) though D) if ( )8、Money is important, it can’t buy everything. A) for B) but C) or D) so ( )9、Today is Father’s Day. My mother a special dinner for my grandpa now. A) prepare B) prepared C) is preparing D) will prepare ( )10、Tina and her parents to England for sightseeing last summer. A) go B) went C) will go D) have gone ( )11、The Harry Potter books pretty popular since they were published. A) become B) will become C) have become D) are becoming ( )12、A Disneyland Park(迪斯尼乐园) in Shanghai Pudong New Area in the near future. A)builds B) has built C) will build D) will be built ( )13、Richard turned off the computer after he had finished the email. A) write B) to write C) writing D) wrote ( )14、Before going to the History Museum, our teacher told us the public rules. A) obey B) to obey C) obeying D) obeyed ( )15、Everyone go through the security check(安检)when entering the World Expo Park. A) can B) may C) must D) ought ( )16、--- is it from here to the railway station? ---About ten kilometers. A) How far B) How fast C) How soon D) How often ( )17、 exciting sport it is to climb the mountains! A) How B) What C) What a D) What an ( )18、I want to know . A) when we should arrive at the airport. B) when should we arrive at the airport C) when the airport we should arrive at D) when the airport should we arrive at ( )19、My dog is gentle and never bites, so you needn’t be .
