

LIZZIE: Face it, Miranda. it doesn't matter which X-Man you are-- you could be Mystique that hot blue chick and Ethan Craft wouldn't give you the time of day. Which is why I'd be Rogue. I'd use my mutant power to suck away all Kate's popularity. Ethan Craft would have no choice but to turn to me.

MIRANDA: Or moi.

GORDO: Great, use the untapped powers of the universe to land a guy who's going to end up working at a gas station-- part-time. ( crashing sounds )

LIZZIE: Hello! Ever heard of knocking?

MA TT: Have you seen the flashlight?

LIZZIE: No. On the phone. leave! I have to get off the phone and crush my little brother. ( screams) (to MA TT) Y ou have five seconds till I sit on your head. One... two... three...

MA TT: Got it.

LIZZIE: ( groans ) Does anyone knock in this house?

LIZZIE: Yes, Dad, what do you want?

SAM: Do you have any idea why your little brother is covered in dirt?

LIZZIE: Y ou caught me-- I buried him in the backyard and he dug his way out. Joke! I don't know why he's mud boy but I've got a lot to worry about, Dad. I'm getting married in the morning and if you please would excuse me! ( huffing ) SAM :(to JO) Honey, a little help?

----------- THEME SONG -----------

* If you believe * * We've got a picture-perfect plan * * We've got you fooled * * 'Cause

we only do the best we can * * And sometimes we make it * * And sometimes we fake it * * But we get one step closer each and every day * * We'll figure it out on the way. * ( bell ringing )

MRS STEBEL: The rules for the social studies marriage project are as follows: I will pair you off into couples and then everyone will come and select an occupation from this fishbowl. Each couple must create a fictional lifestyle for themselves and the couple with the best marriage doesn't have to write a paper. Each couple must make all decisions together. The project will last one week and will end with a pretend 20th school reunion party where you'll give a report about your last 20 years. Any questions?

TOON LIZZIE: Y eah. Where's my bachelor number one?

MRS STEBEL: Okay, let's begin. Kate Saunders... you'll be married to... Larry Tudgeman.

TOON LIZZIE: Mr. and Mrs. Larry Tudgeman. Mrs. Kate Tudgeman. Kate Saunders Tudgeman. It's all good.

KA TE: Mrs. Stebel I can't be married to Larry. Ugh!

MRS STEBEL: But you are married to Larry.

KA TE: Stop saying that. I want a new husband.

MRS STEBEL: There are no new husbands, Kate. Now, you and Larry come on up and select your job.

TOON LIZZIE: This is great. I could be married to a tree frog and still have a better marriage than her.

KA TE: Ugh. Ugh.

LARRY: Y eah, hey, I'm a mailman! No, no-- I'm a mail delivery man. For without me, there is no mail, I am the mailman.

KA TE: I'm a TV anchorwoman? I love that.

LARRY: Honey, that is so great.

KA TE: Put a cork in it, Tudgeman.

MRS STEBEL: All right, Lizzie McGuire you'll be paired with... ( clock ticking )

TOON LIZZIE: Ethan Craft, Ethan Craft, Ethan Craft Ethan Craft, Ethan Craft! MRS STEBEL: David Gordon. ( buzzer sounds )

TOON LIZZIE: Gordo's cool. Y eah, I'm seeing it. Best friends equals best marriage. Mix those two together and we have a recipe for victory. No paper for us this weekend, yes!

LIZZIE: Lawyer? Cool Mo Dee.

GORDO: Sanitation engineer? Oh, I'm a garbageman. I'm Gordo the garbageman. My wife's a lawyer; I pick up trash.

LARRY: Hey, it doesn't make you less of a man. Trust me, I know. My wife... TV personality.

MRS STEBEL: Miranda Sanchez you'll be paired with Ethan Craft.

TOON LIZZIE: Okay, so she's my best friend so I guess I'm happy for her. But this is so unfair.

ETHAN: (to MIRANDA) Hey, Mrs. Ethan Craft. ( heart thumping )

ETHAN: Surgeon. That's like a doctor, right?

TOON LIZZIE: Okay, so I've met vegetables brighter than him. But he is a total hottie.

GORDO: He's a doctor, and I'm a garbageman. Wha...

MIRANDA: Homemaker.

ETHAN: Can I escort Mrs. Ethan Craft to her seat? ( wedding bells ringing ) MIRANDA: That's Mrs. Doctor Ethan Craft.

TOON LIZZIE: Mrs. Doctor Ethan Craft?

MIRANDA: Hi. Just wanted to let you know I'm eating with my husband the doctor, today. See you guys in gym.

LIZZIE: Sure. (to GORDO) Did you see that rock on Miranda's hand?

TOON LIZZIE: That's not a rock, it's a continent.

GORDO: I've been thinking about it. I'm not going to let this trashman thing get me down. I've got plans, big plans. I'm going to build a trash empire with employees and trucks and city contracts. It's going to be huge.

LARRY: Hey, Kate. Hey, Kate? Kate?

KA TE: Ugh, do I know you?

LARRY: Y eah, I'm your husband. Mrs. Stebel's class? Mailman? Okay, uh... We should probably get to work on this.

KA TE: Look, I have plans this weekend so I can't write a paper so I need the best marriage, which means you can't be in it, okay?

LARRY: Aah. Want a Brussels sprout?

KA TE: Ew!

GORDO: The key is one truck, just one garbage truck. Then that becomes two garbage trucks, then three then a lot of garbage trucks-- a fleet of garbage trucks. For, you see, trucks equal contracts and contracts equal money and money equals power. Are you even listening to me? Hello?

LIZZIE: Um... yeah. Y ou're talking about trash.

GORDO: Y ou know, Lizzie, I know we're best friends but sometimes I feel like you take me for granted. Like now.


GORDO: How do you think that makes me feel? We've been married for less than a period, and you're already jealous of someone else's husband.

LIZZIE: I'm not jealous.

GORDO: We have to work on this marriage thing together.

TOON LIZZIE: I'm not jealous. She's Mrs. Doctor Ethan Craft. I'm married to a trashman. I'm not jealous.

JO: Honey? Lizzie... Do you know where your brother is going?

LIZZIE: Mom, I'm his sister. We don't talk.

JO: I'm just worried. He's been really good lately. But, like, too good-- you're sure you haven't noticed anything weird?

LIZZIE: Hmm... besides his troll-like appearance and his distaste for hygiene? No. Anyway, I've got enough to worry about. Miranda gets to be Mrs. Doctor Ethan Craft and I get to be married to Gordo, the trash king. Oh, school project, don't


JO: I don't know what your teacher is telling you but marriage is not about how much you earn or what you have. It's about love and trust and communication. Right, honey?

SAM: Huh?

JO: Just say yes.

SAM: Y es.

JO: Good boy.

TOON LIZZIE: Okay, nice that my parents like each other but gross when they kiss in front of me, ugh!

LIZZIE: I am so out of here.

JO: Honey?

SAM: Hmm?

JO: I'm worried about Matt. I think you should go follow him.

SAM: I'll get my coat.

SAM: Matt? Hey, Matt. Hi. What are you doing here?

MA TT: Um, tidying up my cave.

SAM: Is that what this is?

MA TT: Uh, yeah.

SAM: I didn't know there was a cave up here.

MA TT: There wasn't.

SAM: Y ou mean you made this cave?

MA TT: I dug it.

SAM: Wow. Well, how long did it take you?

MA TT: I don't know, couple weeks.

SAM: Why?

MA TT: Well, you see, I ran into these rocks, and...

SAM: No, Matt, what I mean is, why did you dig a cave?

MA TT: Dad, haven't you ever wanted a place that is your own? A place you can just hang?

SAM: Each and every day of my life, son.

MA TT: Are you going to tell Mom?

SAM: Well, you have parental supervision so that would make this okay.

MA TT: Welcome to the Matt Cave.

TOON LIZZIE: Kate? Ethan? Probably totally innocent. Wait, it's Kate. Definitely not totally innocent.

KA TE :(to ETHAN) So, what I was thinking... I was thinking that Mrs. Stebel clearly made a mistake with my marriage so I'm planning to leave Larry at the reunion. ETHAN: Does that mean I get two wives?

KA TE: No.

ETHAN: But if you leave Miranda then you and I could be... married. ( squishing noise )

ETHAN: Oh, that's still pretty cool.

KA TE: How's that sound, Dr. Craft?

ETHAN: Y ou're really smart.

WAITRESS: Excuse me, here's your drink.

LIZZIE: Thanks. (to KA TE) Hi.

TOON LIZZIE: I would give a year's allowance to be anyplace but here right

now. Maybe two years.

GORDO: Garbage is gold-- stinky gold-- but gold nonetheless.

LIZZIE: Whatever.

GORDO: Come on, Lizzie. Give me a hand here. Y ou want the perfect marriage and you've been making zero effort.

LIZZIE: Gordo, quit nagging me.

GORDO: Nagging you? I wouldn't have to nag you if you paid attention to me. LIZZIE: I'd pay attention to you if you talked about something other than garbage. GORDO: Like what? Ethan and Miranda. Mmm.

SAM: There's a bunch of batteries in the garage. I think there's more beef jerky in the pantry.

JO: Hey!

SAM: Huh?

JO: Sam, can I talk to you for a second?

SAM: Sure. ( whispering to MATT )

MA TT: Got it.

JO: What's going on?

SAM: Nothing. Just a little male bonding time with me and Matt.

JO: Y ou know I'm going to find out.

GORDO: Trash may not be glamorous, Lizzie but it's going to put our kids through school.

LIZZIE: That's not it.

GORDO: What is it?

LIZZIE: I went to the Digital Bean yesterday and I saw Ethan with Kate. Kate is planning to leave Larry at the reunion and she wants Ethan to do the same to Miranda.

GORDO: But it's just a school project. It's not real.

LIZZIE: It will be real to Miranda when she gets dumped in front of the entire class. GORDO: Okay, you're right. We have to tell her before the reunion.

LIZZIE: And how do we do that?

GORDO: Well, you'll have to talk to her.

LIZZIE: Hey, Miranda. Haven't seen you around.

MIRANDA: Y eah, being a doctor's wife can be pretty hectic.

LIZZIE: So, how's it working for you?

MIRANDA: Oh, we've decided that Ethan is a heart surgeon. We have three kids-- Brittany, Gwyneth and Ethan Jr. I drive the kids to soccer practice in my metallic blue SUV with beige leather interior.

LIZZIE: And what about Ethan?

MIRANDA: Oh, he works a lot. Heart surgeons do, you know. He'll meet me here later. This project is so much fun.

LIZZIE: Great. Miranda, I have to tell you something.

ETHAN: Hey ladies Dr. E's in the house!

TOON LIZZIE: I am so erasing his name from my notebook.

ETHAN: Sorry I'm late. I had some "doctor" stuff to do.

MIRANDA: Y ou were saying, Lizzie?

LIZZIE: Uh... I was saying that... I'm meeting Gord... I'm meeting Gordo here so I have to go.

TOON LIZZIE: I'm not a coward, really. It's... it's just not the right time. MIRANDA: I hope you guys are as happy as we are.

GORDO: She, uh... doesn't look too upset.

LIZZIE That's because she doesn't know. I couldn't tell her. I mean, she looks so... ...happy.

GORDO: Y ou know, the longer you wait the more hurt she's going to get.

TOON LIZZIE: ( grunting ) I am such a wimp.

MA TT: Dad, does it get much better than this?

SAM: Nope, it doesn't. Y ou know, I've been thinking. What we really need is some more room.

MA TT: Talk to me.

SAM: I could blow that wall out another seven feet. Then we'd have enough room in here for a generator. We'd have indoor lights.

MA TT: And TV, okay? Can't forget TV.

SAM: Y eah, TV would be cool. We could probably punch a hole in the roof

here-- bring in some satellite.

MA TT: Cool.

SAM: How big a screen you think we could get in here?

JO: Sam! Matt! What are you guys doing in there? Get out of this mudhole right now!

SAM: But...

MA TT: But... JO No. No "buts." This thing could collapse on you any minute. Come on.

MA TT: But it's cool.

JO: I know it's cool, honey. but it's dangerous. Right, Sam? Right, Sam?

SAM: Son... she caught us fair and square. At this point resistance is futile.

MA TT: Women... you can't live with them you can't let them know where your cave is.

LIZZIE: I cannot believe you're wearing that.

GORDO: Well, I'm a trash man. I'm proud of where I come from.

LIZZIE: Don't you care if we win?

GORDO: No, I don't. Not anymore. I care that, ever since we got married. you just seem annoyed by me. I care that I feel like my best friend is taking me for granted. TOON LIZZIE: Not only am I a wimp, I'm a jerk. I'm batting two for two. FARMER KID: So, basically, while I was out milking the cow she was in the big city fighting crime.

PARKER: (COP KID) But I was home on the weekends and we had three kids.

MRS STEBEL: Commuter marriage. Interesting. So next up we have Kate Saunders and Larry Tudgeman.

KA TE: I left Larry the day after our wedding. Of course there were no children. I replaced Katie Couric on the Today show, and won several Emmys. I lived fabulously ever after. The end. Do I win?

LARRY I do not remember agreeing to any of that.

MRS STEBEL: Kate, Larry I want to see you after the presentations, please. After a five-minute break next up will be Miranda Sanchez and Ethan Craft.

GORDO: Where... where are you going?

LIZZIE: To tell her. I can't let her be embarrassed in front of the entire class. I mean, sure, she's been Dr. Ethan Craft for a week but Miranda's been my friend for much longer and I can't just let her walk into this.

LIZZIE: Hey, Miranda can I talk to you for a sec?

MIRANDA: Can't this wait? I'm about to give my report.

LIZZIE: No, it can't.

MIRANDA :(to ETHAN) Give us a sec.

ETHAN: Sure thing, sweetheart.

LIZZIE: Okay, Miranda, Ethan is going to leave you, like, now.

MIRANDA: Just because you're jealous doesn't give you the right to make stuff up.

LIZZIE: Miranda, I'm not making it up. I'm your friend.

MIRANDA: Y eah? Some friend you are.

LIZZIE: Some friend I am? One lame school project and you're spending all your time waiting around for some guy who doesn't even care about you? Who's going to leave you and embarrass you in front of the entire class?

MIRANDA: What are you talking about? Ethan and I spend tons of time together. LIZZIE: No. Ethan spends a ton of time with Kate. I saw them at the Digital Bean together. Kate asked Ethan to leave you at the reunion just like she left Larry. I... I tried to tell you but you seemed so... happy.

MIRANDA: What? How?

LIZZIE: I'm really sorry.

ETHAN: Uh... yo! Is there a Mrs. Doctor in the house? Me and Miranda had our issues, you know? Like on Ricki Lake.

MIRANDA: Ethan was a heart surgeon. I was a homemaker. We had three kids-- Brittany, Gwyneth and Ethan Jr. We had a vacation house a swimming pool. I thought we had a pretty good life.

ETHAN: Y eah, and then also...

MIRANDA: But Ethan was seeing someone else. Weren't you, Ethan?

ETHAN: Uh... no.

MIRANDA: Ethan was going to leave me for Kate. But, you see, Doctor that's not how I operate. I'm leaving you. Y ou can take the car-- you can take everything-- but you can't take my dignity. I can't be married to someone who can't even manage to be my friend.

ETHAN: Uh... Kate? I thought I was going to have two wives. Now I got... none.

LARRY: Kate, we need to go talk to Mrs. Stebel.

KA TE: Y ou better keep your mouth shut and agree that all of our decisions were mutual. I'm not writing a report because you're a lousy husband.

LARRY: Oh, I'm a lousy husband? Well, maybe if you had just worked with me like I asked, and the rules said we wouldn't be in this problem.

KA TE: Fine. I'll work with you. This marriage is over. How's that work for you? KA TE: Now pour me some punch.

LARRY: Y eah. Y eah. I'll pour you some punch. Now, this marriage is over. GORDO: I guess that's the risk you take when you marry a postal worker. MIRANDA: I can't believe Ethan was going to leave me. It had to happen, right? GORDO: Y eah.


MIRANDA: Well, I'm sorry I blew you guys off for Ethan.

GORDO: Now you know who your real friends are.

LIZZIE: That was some speech you gave, Miranda.

MIRANDA: Y eah, well, I have my real friends to thank for that.

LIZZIE: I can't believe you didn't win.

MIRANDA: I know. I never thought the cop and the farmer would take it. GORDO: A commuter marriage. How difficult was that? I mean, Lizzie, you and I we had some real issues that we worked through.

LIZZIE: And we still have 500 words due on Monday.

MIRANDA: So what are you guys going to write?

LIZZIE: I think I might write about not taking people for granted and being really lucky when you can marry your best friend.

GORDO: Oh, great. Y ou realize this now? Where was that a couple of hours ago? We could have won with that.

MIRANDA: Y eah, well, I'm waiting a really, really long time before I get married.

LIZZIE: Yeah. I think we're even too young to pretend we're married.

GORDO: I agree. My trash empire could have been something big.

LIZZIE: ( gasps ) ( phones hang up )

GORDO: Hel... hello? Hello?



GORDO: Chicks.


《成长的烦恼》 第一幕 背景介绍: 一家三口,爸爸妈妈是公司的职员,他们有一个可爱的小公主叫朵朵。妈妈说给孩子取名为朵朵,是希望她像花朵一样美丽,像云朵一样自由,长大后更能像天上的云朵一样载着梦想自由飞翔。 朵朵是一名10岁、三年级的小学生。这段时间,爷爷奶奶因身体不适回老家去静养了,现在每天放学都是朵朵独自回家。爸爸妈妈虽然很不放心朵朵,但是也很无奈,所以每天下班后,妈妈总是急急忙忙地去买菜,再急急忙忙地往家赶…… 这一天,妈妈下班了…… 剧情: 妈妈刚到家门口,拿着钥匙正准备开门,忽然听到里面隐隐约约传来的动画片的声音。“哎,这孩子又在看动画片了!”妈妈深呼吸了一口气,默念了三声亲生的,梳理好自己的情绪后,边开门边温柔地说,“朵朵,妈妈回来了!” 只见朵朵坐在客厅的沙发上,边吃着零食边看着电视,很是入神,对妈妈的归来浑然不觉。妈妈到厨房放下了手中的菜后,拿着朵朵专属的杯子,倒了一杯热茶,端到了客厅的茶几上,静静地坐在了朵朵的身旁。而朵朵对身旁的妈妈依然是视而不见,眼睛还是眨也不眨地盯着她那最喜欢的巴拉巴拉小魔仙…… 看看茶几上的一包薯片已经被吃了大半,再看看正要伸手再去拿的朵朵,妈妈再也坐不住了。 “朵朵,零食少吃一点,不然待会儿晚饭就吃不下了!”,妈妈边说边把茶几上的茶杯递到了朵朵的手上,“总吃这些垃圾食品不好,要多喝点水。” 而朵朵在接过妈妈手上的茶杯时,目光依然没有舍得离开电视。 朵朵啊朵朵,我该拿你怎么办?从下班进门的那一刻,妈妈就一直在忍,但是

朵朵这样的表现实在是让妈妈没办法再忍了!看着仍没有意向要去做作业的朵朵,妈妈说,“朵朵,我们每个人都有自己该做的事。接下来,妈妈要做的——是去做晚饭,而你要做的——就是去做作业,知道吗?” “妈妈,我知道!我把这杯水喝完就去做,还不行吗?” 这一幕被刚下班进门的爸爸全都看在了眼底。爸爸走到了客厅的沙发旁,站在了朵朵和妈妈面前,不怒自威地说,“我们的朵朵长大了,上了三年级,果然不一样!我们相信你会说到做到!”说完,爸爸拉着妈妈的手,一起走进了厨房。 听了爸爸的话,朵朵慢慢回忆起自己这学期的种种表现,想着爸爸妈妈每日的早出晚归和默默的付出,心里很不是滋味,眼眶也渐渐地红了……原本还看得津津有味的电视,好像也索然无味了,随后,朵朵放下了手中的杯子、拿起了遥控器、关掉了电视、拿起沙发上的书包,默默地走进了自己的房间…… 谢幕 再不快点,就要迟到了…… 怎么作业写这么慢…… 你怎么又粗心了…… 我养你这么大,你怎么不听话…… 爸爸妈妈,请你们不要像复读机一样重复着这样的话,也请你们不要烦恼,因为我们正像小树苗一样一天天在长高! 请相信:给我们时间、给我们空间、给我们犯错和改过自新的机会……假以时日,经过日晒雨淋、风吹雨打后的我们一定能养成好习惯,做最棒的自己!


中国诗词大会董卿开场汇总 第一季 第一期 “天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来”(唐?李白《将进酒》)。一千两百多年前的诗句,今天读来,依然让人血脉偾张。诗人如椽巨笔下喷涌而出的跌宕起伏的情感,让我们感受到震动古今的气势和力量。这就是中国古诗词的魅力。从今天开始,我们将和大家一起展开一场诗词之旅,去重温那些历久弥新的经典诗句。我想这样的温故知新,可以拂去我们记忆上的灰尘,而古代文人的情怀和智慧,也同样能点亮我们今天的生活。人生自有诗意,来吧,一起加入我们的诗词狂欢! 第二期 “随意春芳歇,王孙自可留”(唐?王维《山居秋暝》)。山林、秋雨、明月、清泉,还有那洗衣的女子,这一些看似平常的景象,在王维笔下,多了一份远离喧嚣洗去尘埃的意境。而诗人在文字背后寄情山水心志高洁的品性,也给今天的我们带来一份启示,当下又该如何诗意的生活。 第三期 “野火烧不尽,春风吹又生”(唐?白居易《赋得古原草送别》)。白居易在十六岁的时候写下的这一首《赋得古原草送别》,可能称得上是中国流传最为广泛的古诗之一了。我们每个人小时候几乎都背过,当然随着我们的成长,也会对诗里的含义有更新的理解。就像在今天,野火烧不尽,春风吹又生,对现场所有的选手来说,意味着又一场新的比赛开始了,我们也可以抓住新的希望,抓住新的机会,去创造新的成绩,祝各位好运。 第四期 “黄鹤一去不复返,白云千载空悠悠”(唐?崔颢《黄鹤楼》)。放眼望去,无论是岳阳楼还是黄鹤楼,无论是滕王阁还是蓬莱阁。哪一处,没有留下古来圣贤的名篇佳句,奇绝文笔。这些名句让建筑成为名扬天下的文化古迹,更重要的是它们也穿越时空,陶冶了一代又一代中国人的情操,这是我们的财富,也是我们的根。所以在这里也再一次盛情地邀请所有的朋友们加入到我们的诗词狂欢。 第五期 “春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干”(唐?李商隐《无题?相见时难别亦难》)。今天已经是我们中国诗词大会的第五场比赛了,越来越多的百人团的选手,凭借着自己的才学,脱颖而出,突出重围,有的甚至争取到了第二次上场的机会,可以说比赛是日益激烈。但是我在这个比赛现场,更多的感受到的还是一份温情,一份人情,一份意境。就像孔子在两千多年前,就曾经说:“诗可以兴,可以观,可以群。”所以如果在座的每一位选手,在这段时间里,结交到朋友,开阔眼界,增长见识。我想,那也是我们的一份幸运。我们也再一次掌上,送给所有的选手们,祝你们好运。不想在现场留下一点遗憾,觉得大家都把自己最真,最好,最美的一面展现在这,我们所有的导演组都在努力,那我站在台上,也应该争取做到自己的


关于绝望主妇第一季各集经典旁白 绝望夫妇是一部值得看的电影,不知道大家有没有看过,以下是小编给大家整理的《绝望主妇》第一季各集经典旁白,希望可以帮到大家 Season 1 第1集 Life was suddenly full of possibilities.Not to mention a few unexpected surprises. 生命突然充满了无限的可能,更有一些意料之外的惊喜。 An odd thing happens when we die. Taste,touch, smell, and sound become a distant memory,but our sight --ah, our sight expands,and we can suddenly see the world we've left behind so clearly.Of course, most of what's visible to the dead could also be seen by the living,if they'd only take the time to look. 人死后会有奇怪的事发生。味觉、触觉、嗅觉和听觉都成为遥远的回忆,但视觉却变开阔了,突然能把这个身后的世界看得如此清楚。当然,大多数死人能看见的世界,活着的人也能看清楚,只要他们愿意花时间去看。 Season 1 第2集 As I look back at the world I left behind, it's all so clear to me:the beauty that waits to be unveiled,the mysteries that long to be uncovered.But people so rarely stop to take a look,they just keep moving.It’s a shame really, there’s so much to see. 当我回头看这个身后的世界,它如此清晰。有那么多等待发现的美丽;和那么多等待揭示的神秘。但是人们很少会驻足留意,他们只是不停的往前走。这真是很遗憾……有那么多值得一看的东西。 Season 1 第3集 Yes, I remember the world --every detail.And what I remember most is how afraid I was. What a waste.You see, to live in fear is not to live at all.I wish I could tell this to those I left behind,but would it do any good? Probably not.I understand now -- there will always be those who


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 广告的翻译 2 初中生英语听力理解的障碍因素及对策 3 粤菜翻译之“信达雅” 4 从西方讽刺剧看品特的威胁喜剧 5 试探吸血鬼文化的起源 6 从女性主义角度分析美国女性--《律政俏佳人》 7 浅析科技英语的文体特点 8 小学英语语法任务式教学 9 论中国古典诗歌意象和意境英译——基于萨皮尔-沃夫假说 10 从电影《碟中谍》系列探讨美国式个人英雄主义 11 从中西文化差异的角度浅析商宴之道 12 浅析《黛西米勒》中男女主人公矛盾情感背后的文化冲突 13 汉英招呼语的对比研究 14 《野性的呼唤》的社会达尔文主义 15 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。原创Q 175 567 12 48 16 内向型与外向型性格对英语学习的影响 17 跨文化交际下的中英文禁忌语的对比研究 18 美国体育运动词语对美国英语的影响及语用分析 19 Jane Austen’s Opinion towards Marriage in Pride and Prejudice 20 “中式英语”和“中国英语”两个概念的区别研究:以公示语为例 21 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 22 从《暴风雨》看凯特?肖班的自由派女性主义思想 23 浅谈简奥斯丁《劝导》的反讽艺术 24 论英语广告中隐喻的翻译 25 英语运用中的歧义分析 26 比较《简爱》中女性“陈规形象”与《飘》中女性“新形象” 27 对于高中生英语学习感知风格的调查研究 28 英汉颜色词语义对比研究 29 《麦田里的守望者》主人公的性格分析 30 中西商务谈判中的跨文化因素研究 31 科技英语中名物化的功能 32 跨文化交际在英文电影赏析的应用 33 从奥巴马访华报道看中美媒体报道差异 34 英文姓名的起源和文化内涵 35 On Advertising Translation from the Perspective of Skopostheorie 36 Vocabulary Teaching Based on Pragmatic Approach 37 The Loneliness in Far From the Madding Crowd 38 《新成长的烦恼》影视字幕中文化负载词的英汉翻译策略 39 汉语外来词翻译的文化解析 40 The Comparison Between Chinese Numerical Idioms and English Numerical Idioms 41 英汉动物习语的对比研究


第一季第一集ploit Written by Marc Cherry Directed by Charles McDougall -NARRATOR: My name is Mary Alice Young. 我是Mary Alice Young。 When you read this morning's paper, you may come across an article about the unusual day I had last week. come across: 偶然遇到article: 文章unusual: 不平常的 当你浏览今天的晨报,可能会读到一篇文章关于上个星期我所渡过的不平常的一天。Normally, there's never anything newsworthy about my life. normally:通常newsworthy: 有新闻价值的 通常,我的生活里是没有什么有新闻报道价值的。 That all changed last Thursday. change: 改变 但是上个星期四一切都改变了。 Of course everything seemed as normal at first. of course: 当然seem: 好像,仿佛normal: 平常 as normal: 照常at first: 最初,开始时 当然,起初,一切看起来都很平常。 I made my breakfast for my family. make: 做breakfast: 早饭 我给一家人做好早餐。 -MARY ALICE: Here we are. Waffles. Waffles: 华夫饼干 华夫饼来了。 -NARRATOR: I performed my chores. perform: 完成chore: (家庭或农庄的)杂务,杂活 我做好了做家务。 -NARRATOR: I completed my projects. complete: 完成project: 设计【这里指美化家居】 完成我的手工作品。 --NARRATOR: I ran my errands. ran: 有步骤地进行errand: 差使,差事run errand: 跑腿 完成我的使命。 -NARRATOR: In truth, I spent the day as I spend every other day quietly polishing the routine of my life until it gleamed with perfection. in truth: 事实上,实际上spend: 度过every other day: 每隔一天[两天] polish: 使完美routine: 日常工作,日常事务gleam: (使)闪烁, (使)闪亮perfection: 完美 事实上, 和平时没什么不同——一切都和往常一样,直到一件不寻常的事情的发生。 -NARRATOR: That's why it was so astonishing astonishing: 令人震惊的 这就是为什么一切令人震惊, when I decided to go to my hallway closet to retrieve a revolver that had never been used.

成长的烦恼 第一季文本Growing Pains 122 Extra Lap

Growing Pains 122 Jason: Maggie! What's Uncle Bob doing sleeping in my office? Maggie: Oh...He and Mike played Poker last night. Mike won his room back. Jason: Really? Well, I'm glad to see Mike getting the upper hand for a change. Maggie: Me too. Too bad he lost your car. Jason: Well maybe Uncle Bob wouldn't mind giving us a lift to the store later. Mike: Where's Uncle Bob? Maggie: Still asleep I guess. Mike: You mean he's not up yet? Oh thank you, God! Dad can I borrow some of your shaving cream? Jason: I'd give it a while. Mike: Come on Mom! I mean I may never get another chance like this again, he's sprayed me four mornings in a row. Maggie: Four mornings in a row? T ake no prisoners. Mike: Yes sir! Jason: You're bad! Maggie: Always support the home team. Carol: Ok. Ben and I have ten Bucks saying Uncle Bob beats Mike in the Limbo contest. Ben: Want a piece of the action? Maggie: You two ought to be ashamed of yourselves betting against your own brother Jason: You're mother's right kids. Carol: It was Mike's idea. He said he'd cover any bet against him. Mike: And he's giving three to one odds. Jason: Three to one! Wow! Maggie: Jason! Jason: I'm just scratching. Jason: Mike! Mike: He's dead. Maggie: Oh my God! Maggie: For those of you that cried at the funeral, I just want to say that it's nothing to be ashamed of. Jason: Thank you Maggie. Maggie: Well! Are we all ready? Carol: This feels kind of strange Mom. Maggie: Oh it won't after we get started honey. Uncle Bob called th is a "remembering session". When someone in my family passed on, Uncle Bob would lead us all in sharing fond memories of that person. Jason: Who he would lovingly refer to as "the dearly defunct". Maggie: Who wants to start? Ok then, I will. When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a


中国诗词大会第一季第四期题目及答案 1、请从以下九个字中,识别一句诗词: 答案:行到水穷处(唐 王维《终南别业》) 2、请从以下十二个字中,识别一句诗词: 答案:一片孤城万仞山(唐 王之涣《凉州词》) 虽名为《凉州词》,但它却是一首诗,从西域传过来,是一种教坊曲。后来谢晋在一次题写扇面时不小心漏写了“间”字,便灵机一动改成一首词。 3、“会当凌绝顶”请接下句 答案:一览众山小(唐 杜甫《望岳》) 4、“飞入寻常百姓家”请说出上句 答案:旧时王谢堂前燕(唐 刘禹锡《乌衣巷》) 5、“近乡情更?,不敢问来人”请填字 答案:怯(唐 宋之问《渡汉江》) 林於明: 1、请从以下九个字中,识别一句诗词: 答案:恨别鸟惊心(唐 杜甫《春望》)

2、请从以下十二个字中,识别一句诗词: 答案:忽如一夜春风来 (唐 岑参《白雪歌送武判官归京》) 3、“此情可待成追忆”请接下句 答案:只是当时已惘然(唐 李商隐《锦瑟》) 4、“随风直到夜郎西”请说出上句 答案:我寄愁心与明月(唐 李白《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》) 5、名句“为谁辛苦为谁甜”出自唐代诗人罗隐笔下。请问诗人为赞美哪种动物而作? A 、蝴蝶 B 、蜜蜂 C 、蜻蜓 答案:B 6、“风吹柳花满店香,吴姬压酒唤客尝”这两句诗中的“压酒”指的是什么? A 、榨酒 B 、倒酒 C 、陪酒 答案:A (唐 李白《梦游天姥吟留别》) 俞蒙蒙: 1、请从以下九个字中,识别一句诗词: 答案:归雁入胡天(唐 王维《使至塞上》) 葛勇军: 1、请从以下九个字中,识别一句诗词:

答案:四海无闲田(唐 李绅《悯农二首》) 陈更: 1、请从以下九个字中,识别一句诗词: 答案:花间一壶酒 (唐 李白《月下独酌》) 2、请从以下十二个字中,识别一句诗: 答案:回眸一笑百媚生 (唐 白居易《长恨歌》) 3、“青山郭外斜”请说出上句 答案:绿树村边合 (唐 孟浩然《过故人庄》) 4、“玄都观里桃千树,尽是?郎去后栽”请填字 答案:刘 (唐 刘禹锡《元和十年自朗州召至京戏赠看花诸君子》) 5、下列哪首诗是写霍去病的? A 、出身仕汉羽林郎,初随骠骑战渔阳 B 、但使龙城飞将在,不教胡马度阴山


-NARRATOR: An odd thing happens when we die. Our senses vanish. odd: 奇怪sense: 感觉vanish: 消失 我们死去以后就会有奇怪的事情发生,我们没有感觉。Taste, touch, smell and sound become a distant memory. distant: 遥远的memory: 记忆 味觉、触觉、嗅觉和听觉成为遥远的回忆。 But our sight, ah, our sight expands. And we can suddenly see the world we?ve left behind so clearly. sight: 视野expand: 扩展suddenly: 突然leave behind: 丢在后面 但是我们的视觉,啊,我们的视野开阔了。我们能把被我们扔在身后的这个世界看清楚。 Of course, most of what?s visible to the dead can also be seen by the living, if they only take the time to look. visible: 能看见的the living: 活人,活着的人们,生者take the time to: 花时间去做 当然,死人能看见的世界活人也能看清楚,他们只是不愿意花时间去看而已。 -NARRATOR: Like my friend Gabrielle. I should?ve seen how unhappy she was. But I didn?t. unhappy: 不高兴 就像我的朋友Gabrielle。我过去应该看出来她有多么不开心,但是我没有 I only saw her clothes from Paris; 我只看见了她的法国时装, And her platinum jewellery; platinum: 白金jewellery: 珠宝 她的白金首饰, And her brand new diamond watch. brand: 崭新的diamond: 钻石的 和她崭新的钻石手表。 -NARRATOR: Had I looked closer, I?d?ve seen that Gabrielle was a drowning woman, desperately in search of a life raft. drowning: 溺水,溺死desperately: 绝望地in search of: 寻找raft: 木筏 如果我看得更仔细,我就会看出Gabrielle是个快溺毙的女人,绝望的在寻找生命的木筏 Luckily for her, she found one. 幸运的是,她找到了。 -NARRATOR: Of course, Gabrielle only saw her young gardener as a way to infuse her life with a little excitement. gardener: 园丁infuse with: 注入excitement: 兴奋,激动 当然,Gabrielle只是找到了她年轻的园丁给她的生活中注入新鲜血液, But now, she was about to discover just how exciting her life could get. be about to: 将要,正打算discover: 发现get: 变得 但是现在她想尝试一下究竟她的生活可以有多精彩。-GABRIELLE: Damn it! Come on. damn: 该死的come on: 拜托 该死! -JOHN: Whoa! whoa: 惊叹声 哇! -GABRIELLE: Come on, come on, hurry! Let?s go, let?s go! come on:快点hurry: 赶快 快点,快点,快点!赶紧!快走! -JOHN: Where?re the rest of my clothes? rest: 剩余 我还有衣服呢? -GABRIELLE: I?ll find them, just get out! get out: 出去 我会找到的,赶快出去。 -JOHN: Where? 去哪? -GABRIELLE: Out the window. 窗户外面。 -JOHN: What? 什么? -GABRIELLE: Go, go! 快走,快走! -GABRIELLE: Hi honey, you?re home early! 你好,亲爱的,你回来得真早。 -CARLOS: My meeting got cancelled. cancel: 取消 我的会议取消了。 You just took a shower this morning. shower:洗澡 你今天早上不是已经洗过澡了吗? -GABRIELLE: I, uh, I just finished a workout. finish: 完成workout: 健身 我,呃,我刚刚锻炼完身体。 -CARLOS: Mmm. Where?s John? John在哪里?


《中国诗词大会》第一季题库(共十期)第一期 1.点字成诗(九宫格),从下面九个字中识别一句诗词。 花多又花多又 知多时知多时 雨少落雨少落 竟思最竟思最 相长安相长安 物夕此物夕此 夜钓江夜钓江 独入雪独入雪 连雨寒连雨寒 限阳下限阳下 几好西几好西 时无夕时无夕

2.点字成诗(十二宫格),从下面十二个字中识别一句诗词。 飞江芳三飞江芳三 尺逢流绕尺逢流绕 直千宛下直千宛下 风遥水杏风遥水杏 村洒花牧村洒花牧 童旗指郭童旗指郭 依南笑绿依南笑绿 又春桃花又春桃花 江红风岸江红风岸 停眠车枫停眠车枫 渔卒愁火渔卒愁火 对爱江林对爱江林

3.对句题,答上或下句。 忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。 乱花渐欲迷人眼,浅草才能没马蹄。 在天愿做比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。 少小离家老大回,乡音无改鬓毛衰。 同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识。 不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀。 谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。 举杯邀明月,对影成三人。 4.填字题。 鸟宿池边树,僧敲月下门。 劝君更尽一杯酒,西出阳关无故人。 稻花香里说丰年,听取蛙声一片。 5.选择题 “无为在歧路,儿女共沾襟。”中的那个字是错的? A 为——违 B 歧——其 C 襟——巾 “白头搔更短,混欲不胜簪。”中的那个字是错的? A 搔——梢 B 混——浑 C 胜——剩

“千门万户曈曈日,总把新桃换旧符”中“新桃”是什么意思? A 早开的桃花 B 新的桃符 C 新年的寿桃馒头 从“故人西辞黄鹤楼”中“西辞”二字来看,作者的朋友要往哪里去? A 向东去 B 向西去 C 辞别西方向黄鹤楼去 “一道残阳铺水中,半江瑟瑟半江红”中“瑟瑟”是什么意思? A 碧绿 B 寒冷 C 寂寥 “商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱后庭花”中“国”是哪个朝代? A 商朝 B 陈朝 C 唐朝 下列诗句哪一项是正确的? A 休说鲈鱼滋味,尽西风、季鹰归未? B 休说鲤鱼滋味,尽西风、季鹰归未? C 休说鲈鱼堪脍,尽西风、季鹰归未? 苏东坡被贬岭南,照样享受生活,他有首诗写每天能吃 300颗水果,请问这是什么水果? A 龙眼 B 荔枝 C 葡萄


推荐20部美剧 1、Friends《老友记》,推荐指数:5星 讲述了6个青年男女的可爱幽默生活,历时10年十季,是《成长的烦恼》后,美剧的又一个经典。老实说第一集我看了好几遍才坚持看完,但后面就爱上了这部戏。这部也是英语口语听力的最佳教材,至今很多TOEFL老师还是力荐。什么时候无聊了,抽出一集看还是能让你开怀大笑。据说撒切尔夫人很喜欢这部剧,好像挺喜欢Joey。2、《24小时》,推荐指数:5星 2001年(刚好911)FOX推出的这部电视是里程碑式的作品,主人公是美国反恐特工的Jack,讲述了他和家人、同事、总统、**之间的错综复杂的关系,以及最终如何挫败**阴谋的故事。每集就是真实的一个小时发生的事,一季24集,刚好是整整一天的经历,所以比《越狱》还要紧张激烈。当初我第一次看第一季时,心跳加速得至今难以忘怀。第6季2007年1月份播出,Jack从中国回国,以前他是救美国,这次他将救自己。这部剧跟《越狱》一样,适合一季一季看。如果你喜欢《越狱》,这部一定要试试。对了,比尔盖茨也是《24小时》的忠实粉丝。(最近一集略显疲态,所以下降一位)3、Grey's Anatomy《实习医生格蕾》,推荐指数:5星虽然是医学剧,但是巧妙融合了生活、感情,所以活泼

有趣。编剧非常非常强,剧中不少病例让人很感动,背景音乐更是经典。总之是一部几乎完美的电视剧,除了感情生活有点乱之外,我曾开玩笑可以译名为《风流医生俏护士》。2006年美国超级碗决赛后这部戏收视率一直在《绝望的主妇》之上。目前正在播第三季,每集一两个病例,第二季口碑很不错。(第四季水准稍降)4、Boston Legal《波士顿法律》,推荐指数:5星我最喜欢一部法律剧,角色魅力,幽默对白,剧情张力,都是无可挑剔。前两季最经典,细细品味吧!或者再夸张点说,这是每个男人都应该看的剧!两个主角一老一中(年)都是活宝,特别对白比较直接!女人也该看,男主角Alan的魅力无法挡。5、Desperate Housewives 《绝望的主妇》,推荐指数:4星半。本剧通过一个自杀后的女人的灵魂,讲述了她的4个美丽、优越的年轻主妇朋友们,濒临崩溃、绝望生活的电视剧,这甚至吸引了布什夫人劳拉。第一季还是不错的,有悬念有冷幽默。第二季主题不是很明确。第三、四季水准回升。6、****** and the City《欲望都市》,推荐指数:4星半四个闺密的感情事和那档事,这部剧对女性观众的意义显然更大些。也许有点性启蒙和女权主义的色彩。7、Gilmore Girls《吉尔莫女孩》,推荐指数:4星半一部讲述单身妈妈和她女儿在小镇生活的故事,两个人说话都非常风趣,整部片子也很温馨,小美女和大美女各自的学习和工作,还有感情生活都是主要线索。编剧都是女

绝望主妇英语对白desperate housewives s1e1第一季第一集所有英文对白

My name is Mary Alice Young. In this morning's paper, you may come across an article about the unusual day I had last week. Normally, there's never anything newsworthy about my life, but that all changed last Thursday. Of course, everything seemed quite normal at first. I made breakfast for my family. I performed my chores. I completed my projects. I ran my errands. In truth, I spent the day as I spent every other day, quietly polishing the routine of my life until it gleamed with perfection. That's why it was so astonishing when I decided to go to my hallway closet and retrieve a revolver that had never been used. My body was discovered by my neighbor, Mrs. Martha Huber, who'd been startled by a strange popping sound. Her curiosity aroused, Mrs. Huber tried to think of a reason for dropping in on me unannounced. After some initial hesitation, she decided to return the blender she had borrowed from me six months before. [Screeams] It's my neeighbor. I think shee's beeeen shot. Theeree's blood eeveerywheeree. Yees, you'vee got to seend an ambulancee. You'vee got to seend onee right now. And, for a moment, Mrs. Huber stood motionless in her kitchen, grief-stricken by this senseless tragedy. But only for a moment. If there was one thing Mrs. Huber was known for, it was her ability to look on the bright side. I was laid to rest on a Monday. After the funeral, all the residents of Wisteria Lane came to pay their respects. And, as people do in these situations, they brought food. Lynette Scavo brought fried chicken. Lynette had a great family recipe for fried chicken. She didn't cook much while moving up the corporate ladder. She didn't have the time. But when her doctor announced she was pregnant, her husband Tom had an idea. "Why not quit yourjob?" "Kids do better with stay-at-home moms. It would be so much less stressful. " But this was not the case. In fact, Lynette's life had become so hectic she was now forced to get her chicken from the fast-food restaurant. Lynette would've appreciated the irony if she'd thought about it. But she didn't have the time. - Stop it, stop it, stop it.

成长的烦恼第一季 第一集剧本整理

Growing Pains成长的烦恼 【开场白】 Hi, I'm Jason Seaver. 我是杰森·西弗 I'm a psychiatrist(精神病专家/医生). 是个心理医生 I've spent the last 15 years helping people with their problems. 过去15年里,我致力于解决患者的问题 And I'm Maggie Seaver. 我是麦姬·西弗 I've spent the last 15 years helping our kids with problems even Jason wouldn't believe. 过去15年里,我一直围着孩子们转,解决那些杰森也束手无策的问题Now Maggie has gone back to work as a reporter for the local newspaper. 现在麦姬已重操旧业,在一家当地报社做记者。[local: 当地的] And Jason has moved his practice into the house. 杰森把他的诊所搬到了家里。[practice: (医生、律师等的)业务,生意] So he could be there for the kids. 这样就可以陪着孩子们了 They're great kids. 他们是可爱的孩子。 Most of the time. 大多时候都是。 And the rest of the time... 但是在其余的时间里… [rest: 剩余部分] - You'll love them anyway. - Yeah. -反正你会喜欢他们的。-没错Unbelievable. 鬼才相信。[unbelievable:难以置信的,不可信的] 01 Pilot出师受挫 [pilot: 舵手,领航员,向导,带路人] Alright, lady, drop that spatula or you're scramble d. 好,夫人,放下那锅铲,否则你就被炒了。 [spatula: 抹刀,小铲; scramble: 搅拌(牛奶等);炒(蛋)] Go ahead. Make my day(令我开心). 好啊,那样倒好了。 [go ahead: 开始(做某事); make sb.'s day: 使某人日子好过]


中国诗词大会第一季第三期题目及答案1、从以下九个字中识别一句诗句。 江春入旧年 2、从以下十二个字中识别一句诗句。 霜叶红于二月花 3、请说出下句:松下问童子,_________________。 言师采药去 4、请说出上句:____________________,古来征战几人回。 醉卧沙场君莫笑 5、但使龙城飞将在,不教胡马度_____山。 阴 6、下列选项中哪一项与快递员的辛苦生活有关?() A. 三十功名尘与土,八千里路云和月。 B. 一封朝奏九重天,夕贬潮州路八千。 C. 一骑红尘妃子笑,无人知是荔枝来。 C

7、“长记曾携手处,千树压、西湖寒雪”中的哪个字是错的?() A、记——忆 B、压——轧 C、雪——碧 c 8、请从以下九个字中,识别一句诗词: 难于上青天 9、请说出上句“__________________,江入大荒流” 山随平野尽(唐李白《渡荆门送别》) 10、杨万里“接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红”描写的是哪里的荷花?() A、无锡太湖 B、扬州瘦西湖 C、杭州西湖 C (宋杨万里《晓出净慈寺送林子方》) 11、请接下句“故人西辞黄鹤楼,__________________” 烟花三月下扬州(唐李白《黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵》) 12、“花径不曾________客扫,蓬门今始为君开”请填字 答案:缘(唐杜甫《客至》) 13、请从以下十二个字中,识别一句诗 答案:隔江犹唱后庭花(唐杜牧《泊秦淮》)

14、“平生不解藏人善,到处逢人说李斯”中哪个字是错的?() A、解→爱 B、善→恶 C、李→项 答案:C (唐杨敬之《赠项斯》) 15、成语“寸草春晖”出自下列哪首诗?() A、白居易《赋得古原草送别》 B、苏轼《春夜》 C、孟郊《游子吟》 答案:C 16、“诗圣”杜甫为了写出好诗也是蛮拼的,请问下列哪个选项是他对此的自述?() A、吟安一个字,捻断数茎须 B、为人性僻耽佳句,语不惊人死不休 C、两句三年得,一吟双泪流答案:B 17、假如古代有微信,以下哪位诗人会出现在武则天的的朋友圈中?() A、高适 B、岑参 C、宋之问 答案:C 吴空: 18、请从以下九个字中,识别一句诗词: 答案:沙场秋点兵(南宋辛弃疾《破阵子》) 19、请从以下十二个字中,识别一句诗词: 答案:一行白鹭上青天(唐杜甫《绝句》)


Chapter 7 Mary Alice: Previously on Desperate Housewives previously: 以前【previously on后加剧名,表示为对剧情的“前情提要”。】desperate: 绝望的,不顾一切的housewife: 家庭主妇 前情回顾。 -Mr. Shaw: What is it hired me to do? hire: 出钱雇佣某人做(某事) 你雇佣我来干什么? -Paul: Someone sent that to my wife. I need to know who. send: 送,寄 有人给我太太寄了这张纸条,我想知道是谁。 -Mary Alice: Some secrets were discovered. secret: 秘密discover: 发现,发觉 有些秘密被发现了。 -Zach: After Mom died, I started remembering what happened to Dana. die: 死亡start doing: 开始干…happen to: 发生 我妈妈死后,我开始回忆起发生在Dana身上的事。 -Julie: Dana? 谁是Dana? -Nurse: What are you doing? 你在这干什么? -Mary Alice: Some secrets were uncovered. uncover: 揭开,揭露 有些秘密揭开了。 -Carlos: Could be anyone she's having an affair with. have an affair with:(与某人)有不正当的男女关系 有可能是这些人中的某一个和她有一腿。 -Mama Solis:Don't worry. I'm not letting her out of my sight.
