Sensors and Actuators B Chemical

Sensors and Actuators B Chemical
Sensors and Actuators B Chemical

Sensors and Actuators B 140(2009)342–348

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Sensors and Actuators B:


j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /s n


Characterization of a multi-chip microelectro?uidic bench for modular ?uidic and electric interconnections

Sunghwan Chang 1,Sang Do Suk,Young-Ho Cho ?

Digital Nanolocomotion Center,Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,373-1Guseong-dong,Yuseong-gu,Daejeon 305-701,Republic of Korea

a r t i c l e i n f o Article history:

Received 1November 2006

Received in revised form 11January 2009Accepted 16January 2009Available online 28May 2009Keywords:

Microelectro?uidic bench Multi-chip system

Microelectro?uidic modules Electro?uidic interconnection

Low-pressure-loss interconnection Low-temperature interconnection

a b s t r a c t

We present the design,fabrication,and characterization of a multi-chip microelectro?uidic bench,achiev-ing both ?uidic and electric interconnections with simple and low pressure-loss interconnections.The microelectro?uidic bench provides easy alignment of ?uidic interconnection using microfabricated annu-lar ?uidic connectors;also provides simple electric interconnection using isotropic conductive adhesives at room temperature.Thus,the present microelectro?uidic bench provides a modular concept for ?uidic and electric interconnection.In experimental study,we characterize pressure losses,electric resistances loss,and pressure stability of the interconnection.The average pressure drop per each ?uidic contact is measured 0.12±0.19kPa at the DI water ?ow rate from 10to 100?l min ?1.The electric resistance per each electric contact is measured as 0.64±0.29 .The ?uidic interconnection endures maximum pressure of 115±11kPa.The present microelectro?uidic bench,therefore,offers a simple and low pressure-loss electro?uidic modular interconnection for electro?uidic multi-chip microsystems.

?2009Published by Elsevier B.V.


A signi?cant amount of research has been devoted to the development of micro?uidics and MEMS (Microelectromechanical Systems)over the past,pared with numerous func-tional microelectro?uidic devices [1],few approaches on interfaces and interconnections [2–5]among devices have been reported for integration of microsystems.Interconnection method is often ignored in research environments such as academic laboratories,because skilled personnel operate systems.However,it must be addressed prior to commercial success of any micro?uidic appli-cations where manual manipulation is not economical and the macro-to-micro interface must be developed [6].

Recent micro?uidic systems require multi-physical interfaces including not only ?uidic interconnection but also electric inter-connection.However,most of previous interconnection methods in micro?uidics focus on ?uidic interconnections [2–4].Previous interconnection methods for multi-chip systems have included ?u-idic interconnection:anodic bonding [2],o-ring tubing [3],and mechanical interlocking [4].In these methods,high temperature [2]of 400?C,relatively big waste volume [3]of 30?l,and hard alignment of interconnected devices [4]become a bottleneck of

?Corresponding author.Tel.:+82423508691;fax:+82423508690.E-mail (Y.-H.Cho).

1Current Address:Nano-Mechanical Systems Research Division,Korea Institute of Machinery &Materials (KIMM),Republic of Korea.

simple interconnection.Additionally,thermo?uidic or biochemi-cal multi-chip microsystems of nowadays require also electrical interconnections.Recently,Yang and Maeda have suggested socket-type electric interconnections [6]with ?uidic interconnections;however,they used silicon tubes for ?uidic interconnections,so more wastes of sample ?uids occurred in ?uidic interconnections than previous work [2–4]which has wastes of samples about 5–30?l.

Compared to integrated single-chip microsystems,intercon-nected multi-chip systems [7],composed of several chips,have problems of assembly and interconnection,while permitting a vari-ety of materials and process alternatives.Therefore,we propose a microelectro?uidic bench to achieve simple,low pressure-loss,low-temperature electro?uidic interconnection for interconnected multi-chip systems.The microelectro?uidic bench provides easy alignment of ?uidic interconnections using microfabricated annu-lar ?uidic connectors;also provides simple electric interconnection using isotropic conductive adhesives (ICA)[8]at room tempera-ture.Thus,compared to previous interconnection methods [2–6],the present microelectro?uidic bench can provide easier ?uidic and electric interconnections as a modular concept.2.Design and fabrication


Fig.1shows a perspective view of a prototype bench for a four-device interconnection,which offers two pairs of ?uidic I/O

0925-4005/$–see front matter ?2009Published by Elsevier B.V.doi:10.1016/j.snb.2009.01.075

S.Chang et al./Sensors and Actuators B 140(2009)342–348


Fig.1.A perspective view of the prototype microelectro?uidic bench composed of three layers for ?uidic and electric interconnections.

(input/output)ports and three electric I/O pads for each con-nected device.The prototype bench is composed of the electric interconnection layer,?uidic contact layer,and ?uidic channel layer.Microelectro?uidic devices such as micropumps,micromix-ers,detectors,and so on,which have electro?uidic interfaces below two ?uidic I/O ports and three electric I/O pads,can be intercon-nected to the bench with ?uidic and electric interconnections as a microelectro?uidic module (Fig.2).In order to branch out ?uidic inlets/outlets and electric inputs/outputs,we should accommodate them either in the device or in the bench.

If devices interconnect to the bench as shown in Fig.3,?uidic interconnections can be achieved by plasma treatment bonding [9–11];electric interconnections are achieved by isotropic con-ductive adhesives (ICA)?lling in the gap between electric pads of the bench and a device.We select PDMS (polydimethylsilox-ane)as structure materials of the bench,because PDMS is easily bonded with glass and other polymers after O 2plasma treatment.The prototype bench is composed of three layers (Fig.1):the electric interconnection layer;the ?uidic contact layer;the ?uidic channel layer.For realization of ?uidic and electric interconnection shown in Fig.3,it is important to ?nd compatibility with previous electro?u-idic devices in terms of size,material,and shape.In addition,?uidic and electric loss in interconnection should be considered by select-ing ?uidic channel dimensions as well as electrical pad size and the gap thickness between electric pads of the bench and a device.

The dimension and the layout of each layer are listed in Fig.4.Thus,in this bench,interconnected electro?uidic devices should be standardized in the ?uidic I/O and electric I/O with the bench


Fig.2.Fluidic and electric interconnections of four devices using the microelec-tro?uidic


Fig.3.Fluidic and electric interconnection at the cross-section,A–A ,of Fig.2:(a)cross-sectional view of the A–A before interconnection;(b)cross-sectional view of the A–A after interconnection.

tecture in Fig.4.In the electric interconnection layer (Fig.4(a)),there are three electric connectors for each device.Two electric connec-tors are commonly connected to two electric pads.The last electric connector is connected to independent electric,monly connected two electrical I/O interfaces can be used for voltage sources for electro?uidic chips;last one can be used for additional electric signal inputs for optional uses.The ?uidic contact layer (Fig.4(b))has the microfabricated annular ?uidic connectors which enable easy alignment between a device and the bench for bond-ing.In this ?uidic connector,volume of wasting sample ?uid is calculated as 3.14?l,which is reasonable considering previous ?u-idic interconnection methods [2–4]which have wastes of samples about 5–30?l.In the ?uidic channel layer (Fig.4(c)),there are three kinds of channels:4mm-length (S1),8mm-length (S2),and 24mm-length (E1and E2).S1and S2are straight channels;E1and E2are curved channels which have two elbows and four elbows,respec-tively.It is important to match the pressure drops between couples of channels:S1–S1,S2–S2,and E1–E2for equivalent transport of samples.In the case of the S1–S1,S2–S2pairs,it is obvious to match the pressure drops of channel couples due to same dimensions;however,in the case of the E1–E2pair,we should consider minor loss due to elbow effect.Thus,we choose dimensions of the E1and E2to have 24mm-equiv.lengths by setting radius of curvature to be three times [12]to the width of the channel.

Fig.5shows a reference device as an example of interconnected devices.For interconnection using the prototype bench,the location of ?uidic I/O ports and electric I/O pads in real devices should follow the location of the ?uidic input ports,?uidic out ports,and electric connectors in Fig.5.The outer diameters of the ?uidic connectors in the prototype bench are designed about 1.5mm (Fig.4(b));thus,it is recommended that we design ?uidic I/O ports of interconnected devices to be larger than 1.5mm.The alignment between the micro-electro?uidic bench and the reference device is achieved by the ?uidic connectors.It is possible to align the bench and devices by close-?tting without help of microscopes because the heights and outer diameters of the ?uidic connectors in the bench are about 500?m and 1.5mm (Fig.4(b)),respectively.

344S.Chang et al./Sensors and Actuators B140(2009)

342–348,youts and dimensions of the three layers in Fig.1:(a)the electric intercon-nection layer;(b)the?uidic contact layer;(c)the?uidic channel layer.


Fabrication processes for the prototype bench are described in Fig.6(a).We make the bench by assembling the electric intercon-nection layer,?uidic contact layer,and?uidic channel layer.The electric interconnection layer is fabricated by patterning Cr/Au on polycarbonate(PC)substrate.The windows in Fig.4(a)are punched out by a plastic cutter.The?uidic contact layer is fabricated by PDMS molding process[9,10].After two-step lithography with SU-8100,negative photoresist,on silicon substrate and development, we make the mold of the?uidic interconnection layer.The?u-idic channel layer is also fabricated by PDMS molding process.


Fig.5.Bottom view of the reference device.

100?m-thick SU-8patterned silicon substrate is used as a mold of the?uidic channel layer.In Fig.6(b),there is fabrication process of a reference device,which is an imitation of microelectro?uidic modules such as micropumps,micromixers,detectors,and so on; it will be used for electro?uidic interconnection characterization of the fabricated bench.The reference device is composed of an electric layer and a?uidic channel layer.The?uidic I/O ports are made by PDMS punching.Fig.7shows the fabricated bench and the reference device with a penny.

3.Experimental methods

Table1shows experimental scope and conditions.In the experimental study,we characterize pressure drops of?uidic interconnections and resistance of electric interconnections after bonding the bench and the reference devices.Oxygen plasma treat-ment bonding[9–11]is used for?uidic bonding and isotropic conductive adhesives(ICA)?lling is used for electric bonding. Additionally,for measuring pressure stability of plasma bonding between the bench and the reference device,we observe helium gas leakage in the device-bench set.

Fig.8(a)shows the experimental apparatus for measuring pres-sure drops and resistances.We have monitored the line and contact pressure drops for varying DI water?ow rate for?uidic intercon-nection characterization.For obtaining interconnection pressures, we subtract measured pressure drops of?uidic lines from measured total pressure drops including?uidic lines and?uidic contacts.In Fig.9(a),there are two?uidic interconnections and three4mm-length(S1)channels in the?uidic interconnection path,so a?uidic interconnection pressure drop becomes the following equation: P con=

P total?3× P S1


(1) where P total is the measured total pressure drop including?uidic line and interconnections; P S1is the measured line pressure drop of the4mm-length(S1)channel; P con is the measured contact pressure drop.

In the same way,for the electric interconnection character-ization,we measure line and contact resistance.For obtaining electric interconnection resistance,we subtract measured electric line resistance from measured total resistance including lines and interconnections.In Fig.9(b),there are Cr/Au electric lines and three electric interconnections,so an electric interconnection resistance can be measured by the following equation:

R con=

R total?(R AA’+R AB+R BB’)


(2) where R total is the measured total electric resistance including line and interconnections;R AA ,R AB,and R BB are the measured line

S.Chang et al./Sensors and Actuators B140(2009)342–348


Fig.6.Fabrication process of(a)the microelectro?uidic bench and(b)the reference device.

electric resistance of A–A ,A–B,and B–B ,respectively;R con is the measured interconnection electric resistance.

Fig.8(b)shows the experimental apparatus for measuring pres-sure stability of the bench.Helium gas is applied to a?uidic input in the bench with the device-bench set while pressure gauge is connected.We measure maximum sustained pressures of intercon-nections by observing helium gas leakage.

4.Results and discussion

4.1.Fluidic interconnection

In the?uidic interconnection characterization,we measure the pressure drops across the?uidic lines and?uidic contacts for the different DI water?ow rates of10,40,70,and100?l min?1.Because the line pressures drops cannot be measured directly in the bench, we design additional test structures,which have channel lengths of4mm(S1),8mm(S2),24mm(S3),24mm(E1),and24mm(E2). The S1,S2,E1and E2have same dimensions with the channels of the bench.The S3is designed for comparing with E1,E2whether they have the equivalent pressure drops.

Fig.10(a)summarizes estimated and measured line pressure drops at three different-length channels:S1,S2,and S3.We estimate the numerical line pressure drops using?uent5.5.The measured average pressure drops are13.6,57.0,97.2and125.4Pa mm?1 with the nonlinearity of3.1%for the?ow rates of10,40,70and 100?l min?1,respectively.Fig.10(b)shows estimated and mea-sured line pressure drops of S3,E1,and E2.The measured pressure


S.Chang et al./Sensors and Actuators B 140(2009)342–348

Table 1

Experimental scope and conditions.Purpose

Measuring quantity Conditions

Fluidic interconnection Line pressure drop Pressure drop DI water ?ow rate of 10,40,70,and 100?l min ?1Contact pressure drop Electric interconnection Line resistance Electric resistance Electric interconnection using ICA a

Contact resistance

Pressure stability

Maximum sustained pressure

Helium gas ?owing


Isotropic conductive adhesives (ICA).

Fig.7.Fabricated microelectro?uidic bench and reference device with a penny.

drops by elbows are under 0.098kPa,which is the measuring error,and this corresponds to 3.3%of the pressure drop in the 24mm-length channel (S3).There are few pressure differences among S3,E1,and E2;we can say the bench has two equivalent 24mm-length channels in the ?uidic channel layer,experimentally.

Fig.11shows contact pressure drops measured by Eq.(1).Aver-age contact pressure drops are 0.12±0.19kPa.The average value corresponds to 4.0%of the measured pressure drop generated in S3at the ?ow rate of 100?l min ?1in Fig.10(a).In higher ?ow rates,deviations of interconnection pressure drops becomes larger,however,the errors from the measurements also become larger at higher ?ow rates.We measure the contact pressure drops from Eq.(1)subtracting line pressure drops from total pressure drops,thus

contact pressure drops have large deviations due to the large errors of line pressure drops in higher ?ow rates.However,the deviations of measured contact pressure drops at higher ?ow rates are negli-gible values considering the line pressure drops,because they are less than 6.3%of the measured line pressure drops.

Fig.8.Experimental apparatus for (a)the characterization of ?uidic and electric interconnections and (b)the pressure stability.

4.2.Electric interconnection

In the electric interconnection characterization (Table 2),we measure the electric resistances of electric lines and electric con-tacts as a format of mean value ±standard deviation.The average electric resistance per unit length is 0.26 mm ?1.The interconnec-tion resistance,including the isotropic conductive adhesives (ICA)and the contact of ICA-pad,is measured as 0.64±0.29 by Eq.(2).The average interconnection resistance of 0.64 is 9.9–29%of the electric line resistances of the bench.The standard deviation of elec-tric interconnection resistance,0.29 ,is originated by variations of gap sizes between two electrodes in the bench and the reference

devices.Because,ICA ?lls the volume between the gaps,the con-tact resistance is varied relatively largely,however,comparing with the standard deviation of line resistance,the standard deviation of

contact resistance is under twice of the standard deviation of line resistance.Thus,

in order to reduce the standard deviation of con-

Fig.9.Fluidic and electric interconnection of the bench and the reference device for measuring the contact pressure drops and the contact resistances:(a)the ?ow


)path in the ?uidic interconnection;(b)the current ()path in the electric interconnection.

S.Chang et al./Sensors and Actuators B 140(2009)342–348


Fig.10.Measured and estimated line pressure drops of the ?uidic channels for the DI water ?ow rates of 10,40,70,and 100?l min ?1,respectively,in the case of (a)S1,S2,and S3and (b)S3,E1,and E2.

tact resistance,we should control the gap thickness and ICA volume more uniformly or should use high-conductivity ICA.The gap sizes between two electrodes in the bench and the reference devices are determined by the thickness of the reference devices.We can con-trol the gap thickness by controlling the thickness of the reference devices.The ICA volume can be controlled by microliter syringes.However,due to the standard deviation of the line resistance,the contact resistances cannot be lower than the standard deviation of the line resistance.4.3.Pressure stability

We measure the maximum sustained pressure,which the bench endures without leakage with helium gas ?owing.The measured maximum pressure that has no leakage is measured as 115±11.2kPa.The PDMS layers are cleaved at the maximum pressure.This PDMS–PDMS separation pressure is a


Fig.11.Measured ?uidic contact pressure drops for the DI water ?ow rates of 10,40,70,and 100?l min ?1,respectively.

Table 2

Measured line resistance of R AA ,R AB ,and R BB and contact resistance of R con in Fig.9(b).

Electric characteristics Measured resistance ( )R AA a 2.20±0.18R AB b 6.48±0.19R BB c 3.40±0.21R con



a Electric line resistance between A and A in Fig.9(b).

b Electri

c line resistance between A an

d B in Fig.9(b).c

Electric line resistance between B and B in Fig.9(b).

value considering conventional PDMS plasma bonding strength [11].


We presented the design,fabrication,and characterization of a multi-chip microelectro?uidic bench,achieving both ?uidic and electric interconnections with a simple,low pressure-loss and low-temperature electro?uidic interconnection method.The microelectro?uidic bench provided easy alignment of ?uidic inter-connections using microfabricated annular ?uidic interconnectors;also provides simple electric interconnection by isotropic conduc-tive adhesives (ICA)?lling at room temperature.The proposed microelectro?uidic bench was capable of interconnecting four dif-ferent microelectro?uidic chips,which have two pairs of ?uidic I/O and three pairs of electric I/O as microelectro?uidic modules.In experimental study,we characterized ?uidic contact pressure drops,electric contact resistances,and pressure stability of the bench.The maximum pressure drop per each ?uidic contact was measured as 0.12±0.19kPa.The electric resistance per each elec-tric contact was measured as 0.64±0.29 .The pressure stability of the bench was con?rmed until 115±11.2kPa.The present micro-electro?uidic bench provided a simple,low pressure-loss and low-temperature electro?uidic interconnection method and had reasonable pressure stability for general micro?uidic applications.Therefore,the present microelectro?uidic bench can be useful in thermo?uidic and biochemical multi-chip microsystems of modu-lar concepts.Acknowledgements

This work has been supported by the National Creative Research Initiative Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)and the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF)under the project title of “Realization of Bio-Inspired Digital Nanoactuators.”Additional support from Korea-Switzerland Joint Research Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)and the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF)under the project title of “NanoBioFluidic Device and Characteriza-tion”is also acknowledged.References

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Sunghwan Chang received a BS degree from Pohang University of Science and Technology(POSTECH),Pohang,Korea,in2001,a MS degree from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST),Daejeon,Korea,in2003,and a PhD degree from KAIST for dielectrophoretic(DEP)virtual pillar particle separator research completed in February2009.In December2008,he moved to Nano-mechanical Systems Research Division at Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM),where he is currently a senior researcher.Dr.Chang’s research interests are focused on nano/micro manufacturing process and bio?uidic microsystems for the point-of-care testing and lab-on-a-chip applications.

Sang Do Suk received a BS degree from Department of Mechanical Engineering at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST),Daejeon,Korea,in 1999,and a MS degree from the Department of Biosystems at the KAIST,in2004.His research interests are focused on bio?uidic microsystems and lab-on-a-chip.

Young-Ho Cho received a BS degree summa cum laude from Yeungnam University, Daegu,Korea,in1980;a MS degree from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST),Seoul,Korea,in1982;and a PhD degree from the Univer-sity of California at Berkeley for his electrostatic actuator and crab-leg micro?exure research completed in December1990.From1982to1986,he was a research sci-entist of CAD/CAM Research Laboratory,Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST),Seoul,Korea.He worked as a post-graduate researcher(1987–1990)and a post-doctoral research associate(1991)of the Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center (BSAC)at the University of California at Berkeley.In August1991,Dr.Cho moved to KAIST,where he is currently professor in the Departments of Bio and Brain Engi-neering&Mechanical Engineering as well as the Director of Digital Nanolocomotion Center.Dr.Cho’s research interests are focused on the nano/micro electro mechanical systems(N/MEMS)where bio-inspired actuators and detectors are integrated with control circuitry for the high-performance,low-power,low-cost manipulation and processing of non-electrical information carriers or substances in nano/microscales. In Korea,he has served as the Chair of MEMS Division in Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers,the Chair of Steering Committee in Korea National MEMS Programs,and the Committee of National Nanotechnology Planning Board.Dr.Cho has also served for international technical society as the General Co-Chair of IEEE MEMS Conference 2003,the Program Committee of IEEE Optical MEMS Conference,the Chair of World Micromachine Summit2008.Dr.Cho is a member of IEEE and ASME.


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有绿框框着的是逻辑分区,此时就好对磁盘进行压缩,如果磁盘空间不够大的话就直接对最后一个逻辑分区进行手术。 先说说磁盘空间不够大的情况,可以先删除最后一个逻辑分区,方法是:右击最后一个逻辑分区,选择删除卷,然后选择是,此时你能看到在最后出现了可用空间,这时右击可用空间,选择格式化,此时不要将整个可用空间格式化,只用格式化8G空间就足够了,剩余的空间留着装Linux用。格式化时注意选择格式为FAT32。 如果磁盘空间足够大就只需将磁盘进行压缩,具体方法是,右击一个逻辑驱动器,选择压缩卷,只用腾出38G就足够了,然后将这38G按上面的方式格式化8G,其余不用管。

现在就可以在网上下载一份Linux系统镜像,下载地址,/d/iso/1000001036.html(建议下载完整版) 下面就要将下载好的镜像复制到刚刚前面格式化好了的FAT32磁盘里,用Winrar解压软件,将镜像中的inages和ioslinu两个文件夹复制到FAT32磁盘的根目录中,当然,原来的镜像要保留不能修改。 然后将isolinux文件夹中的initrd.img和vmlinuz两个文件夹复制到FAT32磁盘的根目录下,同时将其也复制到C盘的根目录中。 刚才的工作结束后,你的FAT32磁盘中应该如下图所示: 接下来需要在网上下载EasyBCD 2.02,下载地 址:,/soft/58174.htm 安装EasyBCD程序,与安装一般软件一样,这里就不做详细说明了。 运行EasyBCD程序出现的第一个界面就是问你将EasyBCD的配置文件的保存路径,这里可以随便选择,我选择的是默认的C盘,下面的两个选框不用选,然后点右下角的确定。 下面是EasyBCD的界面:


Pxe 网络安装windows和linux 来自天地一沙鸥网络学习总结 上一个星期在数据中心装了几百台服务器,在研究通过网络安装windows系统,之前也在linux环境下搭建了pxe server环境下安装centos。这次在windows环境下利用tftp32工具和binlsrv在windows搭建环境,安装windows和linux系统。在vmware测试。在linux搭建环境还是比在windows环境下的要稳定很多。只是在日常工作中不是经常用linux,自己的工作电脑也是windows系统。所以还是在windows下使用的方便点,相对更加实际点。 Windows和linux都利用脚本自动安装。 介绍下工具的目录结构: W2k3.0 winxp.0 w2k.0 vmlinuz5.5 都是启动引导文件,2003和2000,xp都是在i386提取重命名的文件,vmlinuz是linux系统引导需要的文件。 Winxp.sif win2k3.sif 是windows无人值守安装脚本。 参考:,/895003/501329 这篇文章有纤细的介绍windows xp 2003 2000系统引导文件的制作。 引导菜单 Pxelinux.cfg目录下建立default文件,内容如下。注意kernel写的就是相应的引导文件。

DEFAULT vesamenu.c32 PROMPT 0 MENU TITLE PXE Boot Install All System BY backsan MENU BACKGROUND backsan.png TIMEOUT 600 LABEL hdd MENU LABEL 0‐‐‐‐Boot From HARDDISK kernel chain.c32 APPEND hd0 1 LABEL winxp MENU LABEL 1‐‐‐‐Boot Install Windows XP pro From Network kernel winxp.0 LABEL win2k MENU LABEL 2‐‐‐‐Boot Install Windows 2000 server From Network kernel w2k.0 LABEL win2k3 MENU LABEL 3‐‐‐‐Boot Install Windows 2003 server From Network kernel w2k3.0 LABEL centos5.5 MENU LABEL 4‐‐‐‐Boot Install centos5.5 From Network kernel vmlinuz5.5 append initrd=initrd5.5.img LABEL centos6.3 MENU LABEL 5‐‐‐‐Boot Install centos6.3 From Network kernel vmlinuz6.3 append initrd=initrd6.3.img。 脚本文件:2003server为例 [data] floppyless = "1" msdosinitiated = "1" ; Needed for second stage OriSrc = "\\\tftp\win2k3\i386" OriTyp = "4"


windows下虚拟linux 要在windows系统上虚拟linux系统,首先要在WINDOWS系统里边先装一个虚拟机,有好多版本,我用的是VMware Workstation汉化版,下载VMWare解压后根据提示正触安装VMWare到硬盘中 (1) 建立虚拟机 A.用鼠标左建双击桌面中的"VMware workstation"图标,运行虚拟机 B.建立一台虚拟机。点击“FILE(文件)”-“NEW(新建)”--“NewVirtual Machine( 新建虚拟机)”,弹出虚拟机创建菜单。 C.根据向导一步一步地创建虚拟机,首先选择安装方式是“TYPICAL(典型)”还是“CUS TOM(自定义)”安装。我这里选择典型。 D.因为这里是用于安装REDHAT,所以在Guest operating system(客户操作系统)“中选择”LINUX“,点击下一步。 E.在Virtual machine name(虚拟机名字)中输入你想建立的虚拟机的名字 F.在Location(位置)中选择虚拟机的安装位置。因为会在虚拟机中安装操作系统和应用软件,所以建议将虚拟机安装在一个有较大空间的磁盘分区中 G.如果你的电脑连接在网络中,那么选择一个合适的网络环境。我这里选择 Use bridged net-working(使用路由网络) H.点击finish,返回VMWARE主界面,LINUX虚拟机就建好了。上面的安装和设置,基本上不会出现什么异常的情况,下面就开始安装linux系统安装操作系统: A. 选中LINUX虚拟机,点击VMWARE工具栏中的Power ON按钮,启动LINUX 虚拟机 B.然后插入REDHAT光盘,虚拟系统根据你选择的安装方式开始安装。 3.从硬盘安装REDHAT 如果你认为从光驱中安装比较费时间,又不方便,那你可以将光盘文件转换成ISO文件拷贝在硬盘中,然后从硬盘安装。


长江流域资源与环境》 英文刊名:RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT IN THE YANGTZE BASIN 期刊刊号:ISSN1004-8227;CN42-1320/X 邮发代号:38-311 创刊年代:1992年;2001年出版至第10卷 出版周期:双月刊;逢单月1日出版期刊容量:96页/期(2001年);大16开 主办单位:中国科学院资源环境科学与技术局、中国科学院武汉文献情报中心 主编:许厚泽编辑部主任:刘典伟 核心期刊类别:《中文核心期刊要目总览》(2000年版)环境科学类核心期刊; 期刊网址: 投稿地址:湖北省武汉武昌小洪山西区25号《长江流域资源与环境》编辑部 邮政编码:430071 联系电话: EMAIL: 《城市环境与城市生态》 英文刊名:URBAN ENVIRONMENT & URBAN ECOLOGY 期刊刊号:ISSN1002-1264; CN12-1128/X 邮发代号:18-111 创刊年代:1988年;2001年出版至第14卷 出版周期:双月刊;双月20日出版期刊容量:64页/期(2001年);大16开 主办单位:天津市环境保护局 协办单位:天津市环境科学学会;中国生态学会城市生态专业委员会等 主编:邢振钢常务副主编:张燕华 核心期刊类别:《中文核心期刊要目总览》(2000年、1996年版)环境科学类核心期刊; 期刊网址: 投稿地址:天津市南开区复康路17号《城市环境与城市生态》编辑部 邮政编码:300191 联系电话: EMAIL: 《重庆环境科学》 英文刊名:CHONGQING ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 期刊刊号:ISSN1001-2141;CN50-1117/X 邮发代号:78-74 创刊年代:1979年;2001年出版至第23卷 出版周期:双月刊;逢双月15日出版期刊容量:78页/期(2001年);大16开 主办单位:重庆市环境保护局、重庆市环境科学学会 社长:张绍志主编:陈尧华执行副主编:傅仕俊编辑:居晓青、黄红 核心期刊类别:《中文核心期刊要目总览》(2000年、1996年、1992年版)环境科学类核心期刊;期刊网址:


windows下搭建Linux开发环境 以前一直都是安装的双系统来运行windows和linux,当想学习一下linux编程的时候就跑到linux下面去,做其他事情的时候就转到windows下面来。虽然在linux 下也学会了使用wine,也能够运行source insight看看程序,或者打开winamp听听歌,不过毕竟不是windows环境,还是有很多不方便的地方,winamp最小化了居然还原的时候桌面上没有图标;采用source insight打开linux源码,中文注释却全是乱码,好不容易转好了字体,打开来,字体大小不一,根本无法查看,最后只好放弃。 无意间,用vmware安装好了ubuntu的图形化界面,才发现一切原来如此简单。以前虽然也用过vmware,不过以前电脑配置实在是太差,在vmware下面安装linux 的图形化界面能安装成功,却无法使用,只好望洋兴叹。这次终于应用vmware把所有东西都搞定了,可以让我远离双系统了,也节省下了40G的硬盘空间。 1)vmware安装Ubuntu 很简单,感觉都没什么好说的,先安装vmware,windows安装程序,傻瓜式的安装,easy。然后到ubuntu网站去下载live cd或者dvd版本都行,个人建议下载live cd就可以了,安装以后基本的系统环境和常用软件都有了,当然IDE环境是没有的;不过我下载的dvd版本好像安装的时候也没有把IDE环境安装上去,还是我自己后来安装的,因此live cd和dvd在初始安装时,差别不大。 2)设置ubuntu环境 在vmware下面安装过的ubuntu图形界面,分辨率好像是800*600的,即使是全屏,也只能占这么大的屏幕,不是一般的郁闷;就像你面前有一顿美食,偏偏是锁在一个大铁笼子里的,而你的手能够到的却只有一两个菜,那个郁闷劲,确实让人难受。不过也没有关系,因为你没有安装vmware tools,所以你无法享受全屏带来的好处。安装过vmware tools以后,你就发现屏幕能根据具体大小进行自动调整了。不过我在安装vmware tools时,是出错了的,有一步编译出错了,不过最后还是安装成功了,只是在windows和linux之间共享的文件不能相互访问。不过,平时访问文件比较少,而且Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V,已经文件的复制、粘贴都能正常使用,因此对于我来说,这点缺憾我能接受,由于安装的ubuntu环境只是简单的办公环境,都是一些基本软件,惟一能派上用场的可能就是open office,而开发环境方面,只有最基本的一些软件。个人比较习惯于用IDE来开发程序,因为可以省去很多其他的麻烦,比如手动编写makefile文件,运行cvs命令进行cvs操作,或者是采用gdb 命令进行调试,这样可以更专注于程序编写。关于IDE开发还是采用最简单的vi开发,gcc编译,gdb调试,仁者见仁,智者见智,没有好坏,关键看个人喜好。 与我而言,我安装好ubuntu以后,需要安装一个最适合的IDE环境,以便于开发;在ubuntu下面安装软件,现在也是越来越方便了,有图形化的添加/删除界面,很是方便,惟一需要说明的是找一个合适的软件源,否则你会发现安装软件真是一件郁闷的事情,看着你的电脑以400Bps的速度从网络上面下载软件包时,估计你恨不得把网络给拆了,顺便把你的网络运营商给臭骂一通,其实这一切的根源在于你没有找到合适的软件源,我采用的是电信的ADSL线路,找的是lupa网络的源,也是电信的线路,速度不是一般的快,真的是很幸福,源地址为:deb,/ubuntu intrepid main universe;如果你是教育网的网络或


WIN7操作系统安装linux形成双系统详解: 需要软件EasyBCD2.0 和linux ISO系统镜像 安装前准备工作: 1 一个windows盘D E F任选其一都可以,将其格式化为FAT32格式,除C盘以外任意盘均可格式化FAT32,且此盘必须小于32GB,否则无法格式化FAT32。 2 磁盘最后末端要有未分配的空间,如果没有可利用WIN7 右键计算机—管理—磁盘管理—选择最后面的盘符右键单击选择删除卷(也就是删除相应盘符,建议删除最后一个盘符)。这样就有了未分配的磁盘空间,用来做linux。 3 硬盘模式调成AHCI 1将linux镜像复制到FAT32格式化的磁盘里 2用winrar解压软件,将镜像中的images 和ioslinu两个文件夹提取出来,与linux镜像一同放置在FAT32盘的根目录。原来镜像还要保留 3 isolinux文件夹中的initrd.img和vmlinuz两个文件复制到FAT32盘的根目录,同时也复制到C盘根目录下。 4 安装EasyBDC程序,一路默认安装即可。 5 运行EasyBDC程序出现第一个界面是问你将EasyBDC的配置文件放置在哪个盘里,随便选择即可,下面两个不用选中,我选择的是C盘,然后右下角确定。 6 进入easyBCD操作页面,

上图中当点击第4个的时候会出现一个记事本文本框,将以下代码输入进去。 title install linux root (hd0,1) kernel (hd0,1)/isolinux/vmlinuz initrd (hd0,1)/isolinux/initrd.img 将上述代码复制粘贴进出来的文本框内即可,其中红色部分是可以更改的仅仅代表一个名字,我将其修改为我的系统名字centOS了。如果你的系统没有100M的保留分区那么请将上述代码中的1改为0。 7 点击EasyBCD右上角的save 保存此时可以关闭EasyBCD了。 8 重新启动电脑不要选择WIN7 而选择NeoGrub Bootloder 9此时就可以按照图形界面开始安装,在选择安装文件位置的地方时选择你的FAT32的盘符,然后next即可 其余都是常识性的东西了! Linux分区 第一个/Boot 100M 即可 第二个/ 5G 即可 第三个/swap 你实际内存的2倍。如果内存2G 那么相等即可。 上述分区仅供参考,因实际而酌情考虑。 FAT32在linux下的盘符: 在WIN7下查看右键计算机—管理—磁盘管理—通过这里查看你的FAT32盘是否是主分区 1我的FAT32是主分区: 如果你的盘里有系统保留分区100M 那从C盘开始hda1—D盘hda2—E盘hda3—F盘hda4 2 我的FAT32是逻辑分区: 那么观察你的FAT32是第几个逻辑分区,如果是第一个逻辑分区那么盘符就是hda5,同样以此类推,第二个逻辑分区是hda6,第三个hda7

linux的步骤 在windows下的虚拟机中安装linux

在VMware workstation中安装linux的步骤 在windows下的虚拟机中安装linux 近段时间,由于要做ARM 的开发,就想到了装个Linux系统。VMware workstat ion是一个不错的选择。正好手边有VMware workstation4.5.3版本的,旧是旧了点,想着应该不影响性能吧。 VMware workstation就是一个虚拟机软件,它可以在你现有的操作系统上虚拟出一个新的子机,这个子机一方面是建立在你正在运行的操作系统之上的,同时,它又拥有自己独立的CPU,硬盘,内存及各个硬件,当然,这些都是虚拟出来的,虚拟子机的CPU是通过i386的保护模式实现的,虚拟的硬盘其实就是母机上的一个文件,内存当然是从物理中划出一块,别的如网络设备也都是通过某种途径实现的.有了VMware workstation,就可以在一台机器上真正同时运行两个以上的独立操作系统,一个是原始的操作系统,一个运行于虚拟机上,前者称之为母机,后者为子机. 我的笔记本配置如下:迅驰1.7Ghz,40G硬盘,512M内存(最低要求为96 M),Windows XP. 1。先将VMware workstation4.5.3装载到机子上,按照提示步骤就OK了。(注:不知道为什么,装的时候挺容易,但卸载就很麻烦了。不能修复,也卸载不干净,让我反复恢复系统才终于搞定) 2。建立虚拟机 A,打开VMware workstation,选择NewVirtual Machine(新建虚拟机),弹出虚拟机创建菜单 B,按照安装向导的提示: ●TYPICAL(典型) → ●LINUX----Virtual machine name(虚拟机名字)中输入要建立的虚拟机的名 字并在Location(位置)中选择虚拟机的安装位置(这里选择一个有比较大的空间安装)→ ●选择网络连接Use bridged net-working(使用路由网络) → ●点击finish(完成),返回VMWARE主界面。 这样LINUX虚拟机就建好了。 3。要安装redhat linux首先要有安装软件,光盘或者ISO 镜像文件。这里,我下载了redhat linux 9.0 的ISO镜像(1.72G),从硬盘安装。 4。安装操作系统 ●点击虚拟(M)→ ●设置(S)→ ●在Hardware(硬件)选项中选中CD-ROM1→ ●在右边的Connection(连接)选项中选择使用ISO镜像→ ●点击Browse(预览)按钮,找到放置ISO文件的目录,打开第一个ISO镜像 → ●在Virtual device mode(虚拟设备节点)选择虚拟设备的接口方式,选择I DE0:0项-→ ●点击确定返回到虚拟机界面下-----然后点击Power ON启动这台虚拟机。


2017年环境类核心期刊影响因子 期刊名称出版周期复合影响因子 年增幅(%)综合影响因子年增幅(%)中国人口.资源与环境月刊 4.53085.73 3.01646.6 生态学报半月刊 3.54024.12 2.32118.2 土壤学报双月刊 3.47432.44 2.48733.4 应用生态学报月刊 3.26728.98 2.16613.6 自然资源学报月刊 3.250 5.25 2.28222.0 中国农业科学半月刊 3.04317.13 2.02722.0 环境科学月刊 2.87025.16 2.02615.6 水科学进展双月刊 2.80641.01 2.14719.9 中国环境科学月刊 2.61418.50 1.9480.8 中国生态农业学报月刊 2.457126.66 1.617-3.6 生态环境学报月刊 2.39128.62 1.55911.0 环境科学学报月刊 2.3460.64 1.563 5.3 农业环境科学学报月刊 2.21822.27 1.51313.1 环境科学研究月刊 2.094 1.60 1.567-1.8 生态学杂志月刊 2.019-17.32 1.344 4.0 气候与环境研究双月刊 1.95012.72 1.237-21.4 干旱区资源与环境月刊 1.93967.88 1.2780.9 水土保持学报双月刊 1.873-14.40 1.26918.6 长江流域资源与环境月刊 1.815-19.23 1.22713.1 中国环境监测双月刊 1.649116.40 1.290-7.1 水生生物学报双月刊 1.571-4.50 1.082-6.5 生态与农村环境学报双月刊 1.560-12.46 1.127 6.7 环境化学月刊 1.378-7.08 1.02110.5 微生物学通报月刊 1.336-6.90 0.93315.9 应用与环境生物学报双月刊 1.30011.490.905 1.2 微生物学报月刊 1.261-14.22 0.82310.2 环境工程学报月刊 1.24430.130.84423.8 植物资源与环境学报季刊 1.1470.970.833-6.4 环境污染与防治月刊 1.03912.320.75126.9 环境科学与技术月刊0.990-22.96 0.6568.6 环境工程月刊0.936 5.050.56610.1 水处理技术月刊0.89913.800.552-2.6 海洋环境科学双月刊0.86416.760.562-6.0 中国生物工程杂志月刊0.807-21.65 0.56111.5 环境与健康杂志月刊0.743-2.24 0.533-4.0 环境与职业医学月刊0.73659.6530.612 1.5 给水排水月刊0.63921.020.42628.7 中国给水排水半月刊0.636-17.19 0.476-16.2 江苏农业科学月刊0.527-25.04 0.330 3.1


1 长江流域资源与环境中科院资源环境与技术局、中科院武汉文献情报中心武汉市武昌小洪山西区25号(430071) 2 工业水处理天津化工研究设计院 3 海洋环境科学国家海洋局环境保护研究所等大连市303信箱(116023) 4 化工环保中国石化集团公司北京化工研究所、中国化工防治污染技术协会北京和平街北口北京化工研究院(100013) 5 环境保护国家环境保护总局北京海淀区普惠南里14号(100036) 6 环境工程冶金部建筑研究总院、中国环境科学学会环境工程分会北京海淀区学院路43号(100088) 7 环境化学中科院生态环境研究中心、中国环境科学学会北京海淀区双清路15号2871信箱环境化学专业委员会(100088) 8 环境监测管理与技术江苏省环境监测中心、南京市环境监测中心站江苏省南京市虎踞路175号(210013) 9 环境科学中科院环境科学委员会、中科院生态环境研究中心北京2871信箱(100085) 10 环境科学学报中科院环境科学委员会、中科院生态环境研究中心北京2871信箱(100085) 11 环境科学研究中国环境科学研究院北京安外立水桥(100012) 12 环境科学与技术湖北省环境保护局、湖北省环境科学研究院湖北省武汉市武昌珞珈山八一路338号(430072) 13 环境污染与防治浙江省环保局、浙江省环境保护科学设计研究院杭州天目山路43号(310007) 14 环境污染治理技术与设备中国科学院生态环境研究中心北京市2871信箱(100085) 15 农村生态环境国家环保局、南京科学研究所南京市蒋王庙街8号(210042) 16 农业环境保护中国农业生态环境保护协会天津南开区复康路31号(300191) 17 水处理技术国家海洋局杭州水处理中心杭州市文一路158号(150080) 18 水资源保护环境水利研究会、河海大学江苏省南京市西康路1号(210098) 19 应用与环境生物学报中国科学院成都生物研究所四川省成都市人民南路4段9号(610041) 20 中国环境监测中国环境检测总站北京市朝阳区北四环东路育惠南路1号(100029) 21 中国环境科学中国环境科学学会北京西直门内南小街115号(100035) 22 中国人口.资源与环境中国可持续发展研究会、山东省可持续发展研究中心、中国21世纪议程管理中心、山东师范大学 23 自然灾害学报中国灾害防御协会、中国地震局工程力学研究所哈尔滨市学府路29号(150080


机器上最好有一个FA T32文件格式的分区,比如本例中ISO文件放在FA T32格式的D盘下,然后用解压工具进入ISO文件中的isolinux目录,复制vmlinuz和initrd.img两个文件; 在D盘下新建一个文件夹名称为linux,将vmlinuz和initrd.img两个文件拷到该目录下,注意该目录不要放其他任何文件 一、安装WinGrub WinGrub为在Windows下面的一个系统引导管理程序,可以用它来管理进入多个操作系统。下载地址为:,/main/files/WINGRB0206.EXE 下载后安装到硬盘上即可。 二、用WinGrub安装Grub 1、打开 wingrub程序,选择 tools菜单,然后点击 install grub ,出来一个对话框,并按附图填写,然后install: 2、查看tools-Partition list,记录下D盘对应的Name,比如为(hd0, 4),在下一步将会用到。

三、配置Grub Grub默认安装在C:\Grub\下面,MENU.LST为配置文件,用文本编辑器打开该配置文 件,修改成如下内容: 引用: timeout 10 title FC5install root (hd0, 4) #(hd0,4) D盘 kernel (hd0, 4)/linux/vmlinuz initrd (hd0, 4)/linux/initrd.img title WindowsXp root(hd0, 0) makeactive chainloader +1 以上几行应该比较好理解: timeout为等待的时间,即10s, title即为看到的标题,即可以选择FC5install或者WindowsXp进入,之后的三行为进入(hd0,4)(本文例子等价于D盘)的根目录, 然后分别调用D:\linux目录下面的vmlinuz和initrd.img,即可以进入跟


第七编工业技术 TB1,2 工程基础科学 1.振动工程学报2. 工程图学学报3.工程力学 TB3工程材料学 1.复合材料学报 2.无机材料学报 3. 功能材料 4. 材料导报5. 材料研究学报 6.材料科学与工程学报师 7.材料工程. TB4工业通用技术与设备 1.中国粉体技术2.包装工程 TB5声学工程 1.噪声与振动控制 2.应用声学 TB6制冷工程 1.低温工程 2.制冷学报 TB7真空技术 1.真空科学与技术学报 2.真空 TB9计量学 1.计量学报 TD(除TD82)矿业工程(除煤矿开采) 1.岩矿测试 2.中国矿业大学学报3.爆破4.金属矿山 5. 矿山压力与顶板管理(改名为:采矿与安全工程学报) 6.中国矿业 7.矿冶工程 8. 非金属矿 9. 矿业研究与开发10. 矿业安全 与环保 11.工程爆破12. 矿山机械 13. 化工矿物与加工14. 西安科技大 学学报 TD82煤矿开采 1.煤炭学报2. 煤炭科学技术3.煤矿安全4. 煤田地 质与勘探5. 选煤技术6.煤炭工程7.煤炭技术8. 中国煤炭9. 煤矿机械10..煤矿开采 TE 石油,天然气 1. 石油勘探与开发2. 石油学报3. 天然气工业 4. 石油与天然气地质 5. 石油化工 6. 石油实验地质7. 石油大学学报.自然 科学版(中国石油大学学报.自然科学版)8. 石油钻采工艺9. 油田化学10. 新疆石油地质 11. 西南石油学院学报(改名为:西南石油大学学报) 12.石 油机械 13.钻采工艺 14. 石油炼制与化工15. 大庆石油地质与开发16.西安石油大学学报.自然科学版17. 石油地球物理勘探18. 油气地质与采收 率19. 油气储运20. 石油天然气学报21.中国海上油气22. 石油钻探技术23. 大庆石油学院学报24. 石油物探25. 油气田地面工程26.天然气地球 科学27. 石油学报.石油加工28.测井技术29.断块油气田 TF 冶金工业 1.冶金分析 2. 钢铁3. 粉末冶金技术4.钢铁研究学报5. 有色金属.冶炼部分6. 轻金属 7. 炼钢8.中国稀土学报 9. 稀有金属10.有色金属 11.特殊钢 12. 炼铁 13. 粉末冶金工业14.稀有金属与硬质 合金15. 稀土16. 烧结球团17. 硬质合金18.贵金属19.中国有色冶金 20.湿法冶金21.冶金自动化 22.钢铁钡钛 23.黄金 TG 金属学与金属工艺 1.金属学报 2.中国有色金属学报 3. 特种铸 造及有色合金4. 稀有金属材料与工程5. 金属热处理6. 铸造 7. 焊接学 报8. 中国腐蚀与防护学报9. 材料保护 10. 腐蚀科学与防护技术11. 热加工工艺12 . 塑性工程学报13. 材 料热处理学报 14.中国表面工程 15. .机械工程材料16. 铸造技术17. 锻压技术18. 材料科学与工艺19. 表面技术20.轻合金加工技术 21. 焊接


想在笔记本上装linux便于学习,在网上搜了个比较详细的方法介绍,感谢下作者写这么仔细,让我这菜鸟顺利装好;记录下。。。。 一、关于系统引导管理器的简单介绍; wingrub 是一款系统引导管理程序,和windows的ntloader 相似,比如我们在安装windows 98 后,又安装了windows 2000,我们在机器启动的时候,会看到有两个菜单,一个是windows98的,另外是windows 2000的; 系统引导管理器,相当于一个容器,把机器中所有的系统的引导都装载在管理器中,管理所有的系统的引导和启动,这样方便了我们在一台机器上安装多个操作系统,并且我们有绝对的能力来控制在机器中的所有系统的引导;比如在开机的时候,出来一个菜单,让我们选择所进入的操作系统; 系统引导管理器grub就是一个多操作系统的引导管理器;wingrub是grub的windows 版本; 目前我所接触过的系统引导管理器有: grub 目前几乎有的Linux操作系统,都采用grub 作为默认的引导管理器;能引导Linux ,也能引导Winodws,功能强大,几乎无所不能;配制简单方便,建议大家使用;而我们目前做以介绍的wingrub,就是grub的windows版本,用法和windows的grub没有太大的区别,在windows中,只是轻点鼠标,就能安装上,使用和配置和Linux版本没有太大的区别; lilo 这个是linux 最老的引导管理器,能引导linux ,也能引导windows ;由于历史设计的原因,使得lilo一度是落后于grub ;不过目前又一些发行版做为默认的系统引导,比如Slackware ; yaboot 系统引导管理器,这个是用在powerpc架构机器上的,对普通的X86机没有任何用处,能引导Unix类的操作系统,也能引导MACOS ; 所以对于我们来说,grub是最实用的,因为他能管理多个系统,而且还能在windows中用;这也是我们在安装Linux的时候,选择wingrub的理由; 二、wingrub的安装: 1、下载地址:, 或:,/main/files/WINGRB0206.EXE 在上面的网址中,有下载页面,里面说的就是wingrub; 2、安装: 1]安装grub软件到机器中,点鼠标应该会吧,就直接按它默认的安装,下一步、下一步就安装好了;没有什么难的看几张图;


一、不得不知道的一件事 相信中国大多数个人用的电脑在买回来时已经安装了Windows,并且大家习惯了用Windows,而且有很多人会想当然地认为电脑就是Windows,运行电脑就是要运行那个Windows。 但事实是,你买回来的电脑本身是一台“干净”的电脑,是一堆电子器件,就像每个人刚从娘胎里生下来的时候只是一个肉身,没有穿衣服也没有戴帽子。而操作系统是后来安装上去的软件,就象每个人慢慢地会穿各种各样的衣服一样,目前全世界操作系统至少有三百种(我个人没去统计过,但我猜实际数目也可能有几千种),但最主流的只有Windows、Linux、Unix等一些,虽然大家各有各的名字,甚至外表看起来可能千奇百怪各有不同,但实现的功能是相同的,即让每个人能通过鼠标、键盘、麦克风等各种工具把数据输入到电脑里去,同时让每个人能通过电脑屏幕甚至电视机屏幕查看到电脑里的数据。 对了,这就是操作系统,它的功能是:让每个人能通过鼠标、键盘、麦克风等各种工具把数据输入到电脑里去,同时让每个人能通过电脑屏幕甚至电视机屏幕查看到电脑里的数据,或者通过音箱把电脑里的歌曲播放出来给大家听。 /************关于本文档******************************************** *filename: 如何在安装了Windows操作系统的电脑上安装Linux操作系统 *purpose: 如何在安装了Windows操作系统的电脑上安装Linux操作系统,实现多操作系统共存 Linux爱好者Linux知识传播者SOHO族开发者最擅长C语言编程 *date time:2006-07-08 22:20:00 *Note: 任何人可以任意复制代码并运用这些文档,当然包括你的商业用途 * 但请遵循GPL *Hope:希望越来越多的人贡献自己的力量,为科学技术发展出力 *********************************************************************/ 二、以下是我之前回答一些朋友的问题时的几个问答: 1、linux是什么? 分析:这个问题是完全不知道linux的人才会提出来的,提问者可能长这么大就一直用的是Windows。


Win7系统下装Linux操作系统详细流程 经过大半天的摸索与实验终于在自己的电脑上成功的装上了Win7和Linux的双系统,现在我把详细的流程给大家分享了,希望有兴趣的可以去试试。 不要说什么百度一下一大片,百度上的流程都是相当相当的抽象,当然,这份流程也是通过百度上的一些方法然后加上自己的细化而来的。 首先要先做好准备工作,将Win7中的磁盘空间腾出18G左右,这里的腾出不是说磁盘中的剩余空间,而是要将部分磁盘进行压缩。具体方法如下: 右键单击计算机,选择管理,在管理窗口中有一项磁盘管理,如下图: 单击后在中间出现磁盘管理,如下图:

有绿框框着的是逻辑分区,此时就好对磁盘进行压缩,如果磁盘空间不够大的话就直接对最后一个逻辑分区进行手术。 先说说磁盘空间不够大的情况,可以先删除最后一个逻辑分区,方法是:右击最后一个逻辑分区,选择删除卷,然后选择是,此时你能看到在最后出现了可用空间,这时右击可用空间,选择格式化,此时不要将整个可用空间格式化,只用格式化4~5G空间就足够了,剩余的空间留着装Linux用。格式化时注意选择格式为FAT32(格式化的这一部分在装完Linux 之后是可以讲里面的东西删掉然后重新当作Windows磁盘用的)。 如果磁盘空间足够大就只需将磁盘进行压缩,具体方法是,右击一个逻辑驱动器,选择压缩卷,只用腾出18G就足够了(可以视自己的磁盘空间更改),然后将这18G按上面的方式格式化4~5G,其余不用管(因为我的硬盘是500G的,所以我就腾出了30G的空间)。 现在就可以在网上下载一份Linux系统镜像,下载地址,/d/iso/1000001036.html(建议下载完整版) 下面就要将下载好的镜像复制到刚刚前面格式化好了的FAT32磁盘里,用Winrar解压软件打开,将镜像中的images和ioslinu两个文件夹复制到FAT32磁盘的根目录中,当然,原来的镜像要保留不能修改。


人人类生存的空间及其中可以直接或间接影响人类生活和发展的各种自然因素称为环境。 对人的心理发生实际影响的整个生活环境也称为环境,更多称为心理环境。那么有哪些好发 的环境类核心期刊呢? 《》(双月刊)1985年创刊,是我国环境监测领域内唯一一份中央级科技期刊,国内外公 开发行。一贯坚持学术性、专业性与实用性普及性相结合的办刊原则,以宣传总局对环境监 测工作的指示精神。全面介绍国内、外先进的环境监测技术,广泛交流环境监测的科研成果 为办刊宗旨。所载文章具有一定的导向性、针对性、实用性和权威性,从而体现了中国环境 监测杂志的办刊特色。中国环境监测杂志具有稳定的读者群。 《环境科学》(月刊)创刊于1976年,自创刊以来,无论学术质量还是编辑质量,都在 不断提高。稿源较多,所发表论文报道内容代表了我国环境科学研究和技术的最高水平。始 终坚持“防治污染,改善生态,促进发展,造福人民”的宗旨,报道我国环境科学领域具有创 新性高水平,有重要意义的基础研究和应用研究成果,以及反映控制污染,清洁生产和生态 环境建设等可持续发展的战略思想,理论和实用技术等。 《》是国内环境科学领域最有影响的学报级学术期刊,1981年创刊。现为月刊,由中 国科学院生态环境研究中心主办,科学出版社出版。宗旨:及时报道国内环境科学与工程领 域新近取得的创新性研究成果,跟踪最新学术进展,推动中国和世界环境科学事业的发展。 报道领域:主要为环境化学、环境地学、环境毒理与风险评价、环境修复技术与原理、环境 污染治理技术原理与工艺、环境经济与环境管理等。读者对象:主要包括环境科学与工程领 域科研或管理机构的科学家、工程师,以及高等院校相关专业的教师、研究生。 《安全与环境学报》(双月刊)2001年创刊,是安全与环境学科的学术性双月刊,主要 刊载石油、化工、生态、环境、矿业、信息、网络、冶金、建筑、交通、勘探、国防等领域 的相关论文。本刊的办刊宗旨:交流安全与环境方面研究的最新成果,发展安全与环境科学 技术,培育安全与环境科研队伍,为中国和全球的工业安全和环境保护服务。主要读者对象:


如何在Windows下装一个linux系统啊?怎么装?望高手指点 Step 1 安装Windows,不用废话了吧?! Step 2 Red Hat Linux 9 安装光盘镜像文件下载并刻录(当然可以买现成的)红帽子公司官方下载点: ---Disk 1:,/pub/redhat/linux/9/en/iso/i386/shrike-i386-disc1.iso ---Disk 2:,/pub/redhat/linux/9/en/iso/i386/shrike-i386-disc2.iso ---Disk 3:,/pub/redhat/linux/9/en/iso/i386/shrike-i386-disc3.iso Step 3 预留安装Linux的磁盘空间,建议留出未被分配的空间(在Red Hat Linux 安装过程中再进行分配),当然留出一个可用分区也是可以的(最好记住它的大小,在Linux中可没有C:, D:,E:的概念)。Red Hat Linux 9的最小安装只需几百兆,建议至少给出5G,不要小气嘛,10G比较理想。 Step 4 更改Bios,从光盘引导,放入第一章安装光盘(内含引导及引导盘制作文件)。Step 5 在出现的安装界面中直接敲回车,进入图形化安装界面。 Step 6 测试光盘介质,可测试光盘是否有物理损坏,或者是否是Red Hat官方发布以确保安装光盘完整可靠。如果不想花太多时间请选Skip跳过, Step 7 后面就不用多说了吧,和微软的产品类似了,选择安装过程的语言,Next 就可以了。 Step 8 注意选择设备,通常可以由安装程序自动检测出,如果未能检测出你的系统设备,指定参数相似的Generic设备即可。 Step 9 选择安装类型: (建议选择Custom自定义) ---个人桌面安装(Personal Desktop):安装图形化桌面环境和应用程序,不安装服务器组件。 ---工作站安装(Workstation): 带有软件开发和系统管理的图形化桌面环境。


中国科学引文数据库来源期刊列表(2009年-2010年) 中国科学引文数据库分为核心库和扩展库,数据库的来源期刊每两年进行评选一次。核心库的来源期刊经过严格的评选,是各学科领域中具有权威性和代表性的核心期刊。中国科学引文数据库(2009 -2010年版)共遴选了核心库期刊744种(按英文刊名字顺和中文刊名拼音音序排序)。 期刊名称ISSN 库标 识Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica 1672-9145 C Acta Geologica Sinica 1000-9515 C Acta Mathematica Scientia 0252-9602 C Acta Mathematica Sinica. Eng Sers 1439-8516 C Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica 0168-9673 C Acta Mechanica Sinica 0567-7718 C Acta Oceanologica Sinica 0253-505X C Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 1671-4083 C Acta Physiologica Sinica 0371-0874 C Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 0256-1530 C Algebra Colloquium 1005-3867 C Applied Mathematics. Series B : A Journal of Chinese Universities 1005-1031 C Asian Journal of Andrology 1008-682X C Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 0895-3988 C Cell Research 1001-0602 C Chemical Research in Chinese Universities 1005-9040 C China Welding 1004-5341 C Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 0252-9599 C Chinese Chemical Letters 1001-8417 C Chinese Geographical Science 1002-0063 C Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 1000-9361 C Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics 1009-9271 C Chinese Journal of Cancer Research 1000-9604 C Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 1004-9541 C Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics 1674-0068 C Chinese Journal of Chemistry 1001-604X C Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering 1000-9345 C Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 0254-4059 C
