
(大学)代理校长Acting President

(大学)副校长Vice President


(大学)专科Major Types of Education in China short 2- to 3- year higher education programs (大学的)研究小组;讨论会seminar


(戏剧学院)表演系Acting Department

(系)主任chairman; chairperson

(小学)校长Head /Master

(职工)子弟学校school for children of workers & staff members


爱国人士patriotic personage

爱国主义教育education in patriotism

百分制100-mark system

班主任Class Discipline Adviser/Head Teacher

办学效益efficiency in school management

半工半读学校part-work and part-study school

半文盲semiliterate; functional illiterate

包分配guarantee job assignments

被授权be authorized to do

必修课required/compulsory course

毕业典礼graduation ceremony; commencement

毕业鉴定graduation appraisal

毕业论文thesis; dissertation

毕业设计graduation ceremony


毕业实习graduation field work

毕业证书diploma; graduation certificate

博士doctor (Ph.D)

博士后post doctorate

博士后科研流动站center for post-doctoral studies

补考make-up examination

补习学校continuation school


材料工程系Department of Materials Engineering

材料科学系Department of Materials Science

财贸学校finance and trade school

财政拨款financial allocation

测量系Department of Survey

成绩单school report; report card; transcript

成人教育adult education

成人学校adult school

成人夜校night school for adults

成为有理想,有道德,有文化,守纪律的劳动者to become working people with lofty ideals, moral integrity, education and a sense of discipline

初等教育elementary education

初中junior middle school

辍/失学青少年school dropout/leaver


德才兼备to combine ability with character; equal stress on integrity and ability

低年级学生lower grade pupil/student; pupil/student in junior grades

地理系Department of Geography

地球物理系Department of Geophysics

地质系Department of Geology

电机工程系Department of Electrical Engineering

电机制造学校electrical machinery school

电力学校electric power school

电视大学T.V. university

电子系Department of Electronics

雕塑系Department of Sculpture

定向招生students are admitted to be trained for pre-determined employers

东方语言学系Department of Oriental Languages & Literature

动物学系Department of Zoology


短训班short-term training course


俄语系Department of Russian

发挥学生主动性、创造性to give scope to the students' initiative and creativeness 法律系Department of Law

法语系French Language Department


纺织工程系Department of Textile Engineering

纺织航海学校textile machinery school

分数mark; grade

分校branch school

服务性行业service trade

辅导员assistant for political and ideological work

附中attached middle school

附属中学attached middle school

副教授associate professor



岗位培训undergo job-specific training

高等教育higher/tertiary education

高等学校institution of higher education

高年级学生upper/higher grade pupil/student; pupil/student in senior grades 高中senior middle school

工程物理系Department of Engineering Physics

工业大学polytechnic university

工业工程系Department of Industrial Engineering

工业管理系Department of Industrial Management

工业设计系Department of Industrial Design

工业学院engineering institute

公费生government-supported student

公开课open class

共产主义道德品质communist ethics

共产主义教育education in communism

管理科学系Department of Management Science

广播电视大学television and radio broadcasting university

国画系Department of Tradition Chinese Painting

国际关系系Department of International Relations

国际经济系Department of International Economics

国际劳工组织International Labor Organization

国际贸易系Department of International Trade

国际文化交流intercultural communication

国际政治系Department of International Politics

国际主义教育education in internationalism

国家发明奖National Invention Prize

国家教育经费national expenditure on education

国家科技进步奖National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology 国家统计局the State Statistical Bureau

国家自然科学奖National Prize for Natural Sciences

海洋学系Department of Oceanography

函授大学correspondence college

航海系Department of Navigation

河流港湾工程系Department of River & Harbor Engineering

护理系Department of Nursing

护士学校nurses' school

化工学校chemical engineering school

化学系Department of Chemistry

环境工程学系Department of Environmental Engineering 会计系Department of Accounting

会计学校accountant school

伙食补助food allowance

伙食费board expenses

机械工程系Department of Mechanical Engineering

基本框架basic framework

基础科学the fundamentals

基础课basic course



集体主义教育education in collectivism

计算机学系Department of Computer Science

记者招待会press conference

技工学校school of technology


家业经济系Department of Agricultural Economics

假期工作vacation jobs

坚持社会主义方向to keep to the socialist orientation

兼职教授Part-time Professor

建筑工程系Department of Architectural Engineering

建筑工程学校building engineering school

建筑学Department of Architecture




奖学金生prize fellow

教材编写组Teaching Materials Writing Group

教导主任Director of Teaching and

教师进修学校teachers' college for vocational studies


教书育人to educate the person as well as impart book knowledge

教务长Dean/Director of Teaching Affairs, dean of studies

教学、科研、生产的"三结合" "3-in-1 combination" involving teaching, research, and production 教学大纲teaching program; syllabus

教学内容content of courses

教学人员the faculty; teaching staff

教学组teaching group

教研室/组teaching and research section/group

教研室主任Head of the Teaching and Research Section

教育必须为社会主义现代化服务,必须同生产劳动相结合,培养德智体全面发展的建设者和接班人。Education must serve the needs of socialist modernization, be integrated with productive labor, and train builders and successors who are well developed morally, intellectually

and physically.

教育部Ministry of Education

教育程度educational background

教育方针guideline(s)/guiding principle(s) for education

教育投入input in education

教育系Department of Education

教育要面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来Gear education to the needs of modernization, the world and the future

教员休息室staff room; common room

教职员teaching and administrative staff


解剖学Department of Anatomy

进修班class for advanced studies

进修课程refresher course

经济(学)系Department of Economics

经济管理系Department of Economic Management

考古学系Department of Archaeology


客座教授visiting professor


口译分类词汇—-“一国两制"和祖国统一?概述General Terms?“港人治港”“Hong Kong people administer Hong Kong ."?“一国两制" “one country,two systems”?爱国统一战线the patriotic united front ?反对“台独”opposethe “Independence of Taiwan” 反对制造“两个中国",“一中一台"?oppose theattempt to create “two Chinas” or“one China,oneTaiwan" 享有高度自治enjoy ahighdegree of autonomy 海峡两岸关系the relationshipsbetweenthe two sides of the Taiwan Straits?恢复对香港行使主权resume theexercise ofsovereignty over Hong Kong 坚持统一,反对分裂,增加了解,化解歧见 persistin reunification,opposeseparation , increaseunde rstandingand iron out differences 决不承诺放弃使用武力neverundertaketo renounce the use of force 两岸直航促进会Association forPromotion of Cross-Straits Direc tTransportation 三通threedirect links oftrade ,mail , and airand shipp ingservices across the TaiwanStraits ?台湾当局the Ta iwanauthorities 台湾同胞Taiwan compatriots?探亲外交family—visit diplomacy;relative—visiting diplomacy 汪辜会谈Wang Daohan—koo ChenfuTalks;Wang—Koo Talk s 香港/澳门特别行政区基本法 the BasicLawofthe Hong Kong / Macao Special Administrative Region ?一个中国的原则是和平统一的基础?The One-China Principleis t he foundationand prerequisitefor peaceful reunification 祖国和平统一大业 the great cause ofpeaceful reunification of the motherland harmonious socialist society 社会主义和谐社会 sound andfast development又快又好的发展 people's well—being “民生” to safeguardsocial fairnessand justice维护社会公平和正义new socialist countryside 社会主义新农村 basic living /subsistence allowance system for rural resid ents 农村最低生活保障制度 minimum living/subsistenceallowance最低生活补助 new type of rural cooperativemedical care system新型农村合作医疗制度 methane 沼气


汉英口译分类词汇——改革开放词汇 保险业 The insurance industry 保证重点支出 Ensure funding for priority areas 被兼并或挤掉 annexed or forced out of business 补发拖欠的养老金 Clear up pension payments in arrears 不良贷款 Non—performing loan 层层转包和违法分保 Multi-level contracting and illegal subcontracting 产值 output value 城乡信用社 Credit Cooperative in both urban and rural areas 城镇居民最低生活保障 A minimum standard of living for city residents 城镇职工医疗保险制度 The system of medical insurance for urban workers 抽样调查 data from the sample survey 出口信贷 Export credit 初步建立社会主义计划商品经济新体制。 to establish at a preliminary level a new system of socialist planned commodity economy. 贷款质量 Loan quality 贷款质量五级分类办法 The five-category assets classification for bank loans 第二产业 secondary industry 第三产业 tertiary industry


口译笔译分类词汇(13)--常见职位词汇 Accountant 会计员,会计师 Accounting Assistant 会计助理 Accounting Clerk 会计文员 Accounting Manager 会计经理 Accounting Payable Clerk 应付帐款文员Accounts Receivable Clerk 应收帐款文员Actuarial Analyst 保险分析员Administration Assistant 行政助理Administrator 行政主管 Apprentice 学徒 Architect 建筑师 Assistant Manager 副经理 Assistant Portfolio Manager 组合基金经理助理Assistant Production Manager 副厂长 Audit Manager 审计经理 Auditor 审计师 Bank Administrator 银行事务管理员 Bank Clerk 银行出纳 Bank Treasurer 资金调拨 Billing Clerk 票据文员 Billing Supervisor 票据管理员 Bookkeeper 档案管理 Bookkeeping Clerk 档案管理助理 Budget Analyst 预算分析 Business Manager 业务经理 Cashier 出纳员 Certified Public Accountant 注册会计师

Chief Accountant 总会计主任Chief Engineer 总工程师 Chief Financial Officer 首席财务官Civil Engineer 土木工程师 Clerk 文员(文书) Collections Officer 收款负责人Credit Analyst 信用分析 Credit Manager 信用管理经理Director 董事 Electrical Engineer 电气工程师Executive Director 行政董事Executive Secretary 行政秘书Financial Analyst 财务分析家Financial Consultant 财务顾问Financial Controller 财务总监Financial Manager 财务经理Financial Planner 财务计划员Foreman 领班,组长 General manager 总经理Insurance Underwriter 保险承销商Junior Accountant 初级会计Junior clerk 低级文员(低级职员)Loan Administrator 贷款管理员Loan Servicer 贷款服务员Management Accountant 管理会计Manager 经理 Marketing Executive 市场部主任Marketing Manager 市场部经理


一.起居类分类词汇 1.卧室 blanket 毛毯 cushion 垫子 quilt 被子 cotton terry blanket 毛巾被 feather quilt 羽绒被 cotton quilt 棉被 bedding 床上用品 mosquito net 蚊帐 pillow 枕头 bolster 长枕 pillow case 枕套 tick 褥子 carpet 地毯(一般指大的整块的,铺房间的那种) rug 地毯(一般指小块的,放在沙发等边上的那种) bed frame/bed base 床架 headboard 床头板 sofa bed 沙发床 folding guest bed 折叠床 loftbed frame 架在空中的床(下面可放沙发、桌子等) bunkbed frame 上下铺的床 slatted bed base 板条床 sprung base 弹簧床 bedspread 床罩 sheet 床单 mat 席子 mattress 床垫(厚的那种) mattress pad 床垫(薄的那种) bed canopy 支在床上的篷子(一般用于儿童床上的装饰) bedside table 床头柜 2. 厨房 refrigerator 冰箱 automatic rice cooker 电饭锅 steamer 蒸锅 oven 烤箱 grill 烧烤架 toaster 烤面包机 egg beater 打蛋器 ice crusher 刨冰机 food processor 食品加工机 paper towel 纸巾apron 围裙 tableware 餐具 plate 盘子 dish 碟子 bowl 碗 cupboard 碗橱 dining table 餐桌 larder 食品柜 drop-leaf table 可以折叠边缘的桌子chopping board 案板 cutlery tray 装餐具的容器 3. 卫生间 bathroom 浴室,厕所 flushing system 冲水系统 flush toilet 抽水马桶 flush pipe 冲水管 foul drainage system 排污水系统drainage 排水道 ventilation shaft/pipe 通风管道toilet seat 马桶坐圈 toilet lid 马桶盖 squatting pot 蹲式马桶 urinal 小便池 toilet paper/tissue 卫生纸 toilet brush 马桶刷 4. 浴室 bathtub 浴缸 hand shower 手握式淋浴器shower nozzle 喷头 tap faucet 水龙头 plastic curtain 防水浴帘 shower cap 浴帽 bath slipper 洗澡用拖鞋 bath mat 防滑垫 towel hanger/holder 毛巾架towel ring 毛巾环 bath towel 浴巾 soap stand 肥皂盒 comb 梳子 soap 肥皂 shampoo 洗发露 conditioner 护发素 dryer 吹风机 razor 刮胡刀 toothpaste 牙膏 toothbrush 牙刷


口译笔译分类词汇--政治政府词汇 按保护价敞开收购粮食的政策a policy of purchasing grain without limitations at protective prices 把处理事与处理人结合起来integrate the handling of cases with the handling of violators 把有限的资金用在“刀刃上”use our limited funds where they can be put to best use 保持经济适度快速增长maintain an appropriate rapid economic growth 保监会the China Insurance Regulatory Commission 保证国家的长治久安guarantee China’s long-term stability 保证社会公共需要guarantee social needs 保证这些项目如期建成并发挥效益ensure that these projects are completed according to schedule and yield economic returns 避免形成倒逼机制、欲罢不能The uncompleted projects cannot drag on and on and require excessive investment. 不合法、不合理基金和收费项目illegal and unjustifiable funds and charges

不会导致货币过量发行without causing overissue of currency 不进则退no progress simply means regression 不良贷款non- performing loans 不能搞赤字预算cannot leave a deficit in their budgets 不再经商no longer engage in trade 财政偿还能力our ability to service debt 财政的承受能力financial capacity 财政监督条例the Regulations on Financial Supervision 财政日子将更加难过We will be in financial straits. 财政收入占国内生产总值的比重the ratio of revenue to GDP 财政收支基本平衡的原则a principle of maintaining a basic balance between revenue and expenditures 财政资金申请、立项、拨付、使用效果等各个环节的监督supervision over the whole process of fund allocation from application, project determination and actual allocation to returns on investment 拆迁补偿费compensation for demolition 产权划转和产权变动the transfer of and changes in


中级口译口试词汇分类整理--教育 函授学院correspondence school 附中middle / high school affiliated to … 政治思想教育political and ideological education 自学成才to become educated through independent study 奖学金scholarship; fellowship; financial grant 领取助学金的学生 a grant-aided student 博士生Ph.D candidate 博士后post–doctoral 毕业生分配graduate placement 成人高考/自学考试the national higher education exams for self-taught adults 成人教育adult education 充电update one's knowledge 初等教育elementary education 大学城college town 大学社区college community 大专文凭associate degree 分数mark; grade 成绩单transcript 毕业论文(大学)paper; (研)thesis; (博)dissertation 实习internship; field work 毕业典礼graduation ceremony; commencement 毕业证书certificate 高等教育higher education 高等学府institution of higher education 综合性大学comprehensive university 文科院校colleges of (liberal) arts 理工科大学college / university of science and engineering 师范学院teachers' college / normal college 工科大学polytechnic university 农学院college of agriculture 医学院medical school 中医院institute of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) 音乐学院music school 美术学院academy of fine arts 高分低能high scores and low abilities 高考(university / college) entrance examination 高校扩招the college expansion plan 国家普通话水平考试National Proficiency Test of Putonghua (Mandarin) 函授大学correspondence university 教授professor 副教授associate professor


Nn nach Pr?p. 〈支配第三格〉向,到;在……之后,接着;按照,根据 【例句】Ich bin nach Deutschland gefahren.我去了德国。 Nach dem Film gehen wir noch ein Bier trinken.看完电影后我们还得喝杯啤酒。 【搭配】nach und nach渐渐地 nach wie vor始终 nach au?en向外 nach/ahmen Vt. 模仿 【例句】Er mag einen S?nger nachahmen.他喜欢模仿一位歌手。 【联想】nachahmenswert Adj.值得模仿的 Nachahmer m.模仿者 Nachahmung f.模仿,伪造 Nachbar der, -n/ -s, -n 邻居,邻座,邻国 【例句】Er bekommt einen neuen Nachbar.他有了新邻居。 Wir verstehen uns gut mit unseren Nachbarn.我们同我们的邻居相处很好。 【联想】Nachbarin, -nen f.女邻居 nachdem Konj. 当……之后 【例句】Nachdem er gegessen hatte, schaute er noch ein wenig fern.他吃完饭之后,还看了一会儿电视。 【搭配】je nachdem视……而定 nach/denken Vi. 思考,考虑 【例句】Lass mich nachdenken!容我三思! Er war in tiefes Nachdenken versunken.他陷入了沉思。 【搭配】(über j-n./etw.) nachdenken=überlegen考虑某事 【变位】dachte nach, hat nachgedacht nachdenklich Adj. 沉思的,思考的 【例句】Ich schweige nachdenklich.我沉思不语。 Nachfolger der, -s, - 继任者,接替人 【例句】Er ist als Nachfolger des Pr?sidenten vorgesehen.他被定为总统的接替人。 Nachfrage die, -, -n 需求 【例句】Die Nachfrage nach Konzertkarten übersteigt das Angebot.音乐会的票供不应求。 nach/geben Vi. 屈服,让步 【例句】Nach langer Diskussion gab ich schlie?lich nach.经过长时间的讨论,我终于作出了让步。


口译笔译分类词汇(附1)--标识提示汇编 1-Road and Traffic 公路和交通 Approaching end of motorway 即将驶出高速。 Avoid the jams. 避免交通堵塞。 Dangerous bend 弯道危险 Diverted traffic 交叉路口 Entry to motorway 高速入口 Left junction 左交叉口 Look left (right) 向左(右)看。 Low bridge ahead 前方桥低。 New hours of parking control 停车控制新时段 No entry 禁止驶人 No stopping at any time 任何时间不准停车 No thoroughfare 禁止通行 No trade or business vehicle unless authorized 未经允许货车禁止通行。 Pedestrian crossing ahead 注意前方人行横道。 Pedestrian crossing 人行横道 Please drive carefully 请小心驾驶。 Road closed 此路封闭 Slow, school 前方学校请慢行。 Speed limit of 48kmh 限速每小时48公里 The law requires you wear a seatbelt 法规要求系安全带。 This vehicle stops frequently 随时停车 2-Car and Parking 汽车和停车 Car park front and rear.前后停车 Cars parked here without permission will be clamped 未经允许在此停车将被拖走Guest's car park 来客停车场 Limited parking 停车位有限 No parking constantly in use 此处经常使用,禁止停车。 No parking except for loading. 除装货外,禁止停车。 No parking in front of this gate 门前禁止停车 No parking in use 24 hours a day 此处24小时使用,禁止停车。 No parking or materials in front of doors 门前不准停车或堆放杂物。 Parking for taxis only 只准许出租停。 Parking permitted 允许停车 Please do not park in front of the barrier 请不要在护拦前停车。 Please do not park. Garage in use. 车库使用,门前请不要停车。 209


口译笔译分类词汇(04)--政治政府词汇 按保护价敞开收购粮食的政策a policy of purchasing grain without limitations at protective prices 把处理事与处理人结合起来integrate the handling of cases with the handling of violators 把有限的资金用在“刀刃上”use our limited funds where they can be put to best use 保持经济适度快速增长maintain an appropriate rapid economic growth 保监会the China Insurance Regulatory Commission 保证国家的长治久安guarantee China’s long-term stability 保证社会公共需要guarantee social needs 保证这些项目如期建成并发挥效益ensure that these projects are completed according to schedule and yield economic returns 避免形成倒逼机制、欲罢不能The uncompleted projects cannot drag on and on and require excessive investment. 不合法、不合理基金和收费项目illegal and unjustifiable funds and charges 不会导致货币过量发行without causing overissue of currency 不进则退no progress simply means regression 不良贷款non- performing loans 不能搞赤字预算cannot leave a deficit in their budgets 不再经商no longer engage in trade 财政偿还能力our ability to service debt 财政的承受能力financial capacity 财政监督条例the Regulations on Financial Supervision 财政日子将更加难过We will be in financial straits. 财政收入占国内生产总值的比重the ratio of revenue to GDP 财政收支基本平衡的原则a principle of maintaining a basic balance between revenue and expenditures 财政资金申请、立项、拨付、使用效果等各个环节的监督supervision over the whole process of fund allocation from application, project determination and actual allocation to returns on investment 拆迁补偿费compensation for demolition 产权划转和产权变动the transfer of and changes in property rights of enterprises 产销衔接状况the ratio of sales to production 产业升级upgrade industries 长江流域的生态掩体an ecological shelter along the Yangtze River Valley 长江三峡和黄河小浪底水利枢纽工程the key water projects at the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River and at Xiaolangdi on the Yellow River 长期国债long-term government bonds


M machine[]vt.用机器制造;用机器加工 【例句】The machine is down.机器坏了。 【助记】机器马需要吃什么食物呢?分析:ma—“马”的拼音;chi—“吃”的拼音;ne —“呢”的拼音。 【派生】machinery n.机械;机器;机构;机械装置 macrobian[]n.长寿的人 【例句】How to become a macrobian?怎么样才能做长寿之人? maculate[]vt.弄污 【例句】He maculated her clothes.他弄脏了她的衣服。 【派生】maculation n.斑点;污点 magistrate[]n.地方行政官;文职官员 【例句】The magistrate remanded him in custody for two weeks.法官命令把他拘留两星期。 magnanimous[]adj.宽宏大量的 【例句】He is a leader who is magnanimous in victory.他是个在胜利时宽宏大度的领袖。

【搭配】a magnanimous conqueror一个无畏的将军 magnanimous disposition豪迈性情 【派生】magnanimously adv.大度宽宏地,度量大地;高尚地 magnanimity n.宽宏大量;慷慨 【助记】magn大,anim生命,ous-宽宏大量的 magnate[]n.巨头;大资本家 【例句】That did not make him the top-paid auto magnate by any means.不过这绝不是说,他就可以算得上收入最高的汽车大亨。 【助记】magnet磁铁→磁石般能吸金→能吸金的巨头,财主 magnet[]n.磁换;磁体;有吸引力的人(或事物) 【例句】The castle is a magnet for visitors.这城堡使游客流连忘返。 【助记】mag(看作magic有魔力的)+net(互联网)→网络像磁石一样有魔力,吸引人【派生】magnetism n.磁性,磁力;磁学;吸引力 magnificent[]adj.壮丽的;宏伟的;豪华的;华丽的;极好的【例句】He was a magnificent commander.他是一位威严的指挥官。 【助记】mag大,nificent-大的建筑物-宏伟的 【派生】magnificently adv.壮丽地,宏伟地;壮观地 magnificence n.壮丽;宏伟;富丽堂皇

口译分类词汇 菜单词汇

菜单词汇 本帖被only_lala 从中高级口译移动到本区(2007-06-06) 山宴会料理Yama Kaiseki Dinner / 开胃菜Appetizer 极品小菜Seasonal Dish 清汤Clear Soup 生鱼片Raw Fish 烧烤物Broiled Dish 煮物Stewed Dish 油炸物Fried Fish 醋拌物Vinegarish Dish 主食Rice or Noodle 水果Fruit 涮牛肉火锅Beef Shabushabu 蔬菜Vegetable 牛肉Beef 乌冬面Noodle 煎牛肉火锅Beef Sukiyake 鸡肉海鲜火锅Yosenabe 生鱼片SASHIMI 什锦生鱼片(梅)Assorted Sashimi Tuna,Salmon,Yellow Tail,Cuttlefish,Sea Urchin 什锦生鱼片(竹)Assorted Sashimi 二 Tuna,Salmon,Yellow Tail,Cuttlefish,Ark shell 什锦生鱼片Assorted Sashimi 四 Tuna,Salmon,Yellow Tail,Cuttlefish,Sea Urchin 什锦生鱼片船(小) Tokusen moriawase special selection of sliced raw fish(Small) 什锦生鱼片船(大) Tokusen moriawase special selection of sliced raw fish(Big) 金枪鱼Tuna 三文鱼Salmon 墨斗鱼Cuttlefish 黄狮鱼Yellow Tail 雪鱼籽Cod roe with chili 醋腌青花鱼Mackerel 金枪鱼腩Tuna fatty meat 章鱼Octopus 海胆Sea Urchin


Pp paar Pron.几个,一些 【例句】Der Zug wird in ein paar Minuten eintreffen.火车几分钟就到。 【搭配】ein paar几个 Paar das,-(e)s,-e一双,一对 【例句】Sie sind ein neues verm?hltes Paar.他们是一对新婚夫妇。 【联想】ein paar几个 paarig Adj.成双的,成对的 【例句】Ohren und Augen sind paarige Organe.耳朵和眼睛都是成对的器官。 Pacht die,-,-en租赁,租佃;赁金,租金;租约 【例句】Die Pacht l?uft ab.租约期满。 P?ckchen das,-s,-小包裹,小邮备;一(小)包 【例句】Ich muss noch schnell das P?ckchen zur Post bringen.我还必须很快的把这个小包裹带到邮局去。 packen Vt./Vi.抓住,揪住,使感动,吸引;把……装入,收拾收拾行李 【例句】Ich mu?noch packen.我还要收拾行李。

【变位】packt,packte,hat gepackt packend Adj.引人入胜的,很动人的 【例句】Das Stück ist packend geschrieben.这出戏写得很感动人。 Packung die,-,-en包装物,(商品的)一包;包装,商品的装潢 【例句】Bei Beanstandungen bitten wir,die Packung an unser Werk zurückzusenden. 若不满意,请把原包裹寄回。 P?dagoge der,-n,-n教育工作者,教育家 【例句】Sie ist eine P?dagoge.她是一名教师。 【联想】p?dagogisch Adj.教育的,教师的 P?dagogik f.教育学 P?dagogin,-nen f.女教育家 P?dagogik die,-unz.教育学 【例句】Er studierte Geschichte und P?dagogik in München.他在慕尼黑学习历史学和教育学。 Pagode die,-,-n(佛教的)宝塔,浮屠 【例句】Die meisten Pagoden findet man in China und Japan.大多数宝塔都在中国和日本。


中高口译词汇整理 汉英口译分类词汇(01)--社会发展词汇 211工程211 Project 安居工程housing project for low-income families 安居小区a neighborhood for low-income families 保障妇女就业权利to guarantee women’s right to employment 补发拖欠的离退休人员统筹项目内的养老金All back pension entitlements have been paid for the retired covered by the overall government plan. 裁定保险赔偿adjudication of benefits 城镇居民最低生活保障guarantee of subsistence allowances for urban residents在城镇强制推行以养老、失业、医疗为重点的社会保险Social welfare insurance, particularly old-age, unemployment and medical insurance, must be made mandatory in urban areas. 城镇社会保障体系the social security system in urban areas 城镇职工基本医疗保险制度the basic medical insurance system for urban employees 创新精神be innovation-minded; to have a creative mind 促进学生德、智、体、美全面发展ensure that students improve in terms of their moral, intellectual and fitness level as well as in their appreciation of aesthetics 大家庭extended family 大力推行个人助学信贷Personal loans to finance education should be vigorously promoted. 大专文凭associate degree (conferred to junior college students) 代培training-on-contract program 代培生trainee on contract 带薪分流assign redundant civil servants to other jobs while allowing them to retain their original rank and benefits 待业人员job seekers


口译笔译分类词汇(15)--科学技术词汇 “863”计划《高技术研究发展计划纲要》863 Program; High-Tech R & D Program Outline 《国家科学技术奖励条例》Regulation on National Science and Technology Awards 《世界版权公约》Universal Copyright Convention α干扰素recombinant human interferon α 版权(著作权)copyright 版权税royalties 办好国家高新技术产业开发区ensure successful operation of national innovative and high technology industrial development zones 不甘落后be not reconciled of being lagged behind 猖獗的盗版行为rampant piracy 创新innovation 达到配套程度make complete and systematic 蛋白质工程protein engineering 多肽药物polypeptide drugs 多学科交叉攻关tackle the hard-nut topics in science through interdisciplinary efforts 发展多种形式的产学研结合promote the integration of production, teaching and research in a variety of approaches 风险投资基金venture capital investment fund 风险资本venture capital 改革试点pilot reform 改造传统产业renovate conventional industries 高新技术innovative and high technology 高新技术产业开发区high-tech industrial zones 工程中心engineering centers 公益型科研机构public service based research institutions 国家创新体系建设develop a national innovation system 改变研究机构与企业相分离, 研究、设计、教育与生产相脱节的状况reverse the divorce between research institutes and industrial enterprises, between research, designing, education and commercial production 国家技术发明奖National Award for Technological Invention 国家科学技术进步奖National Award for Science and Technology Progress 国家重点科研项目research projects of national priority 国家自然科学奖National Award for Natural Sciences 国家最高科学技术奖National Top Science and Technology Award 海洋工程技术ocean engineering technology 航天技术space technology 核甘酸nucleic acid; nucleotide 153


1、政治类词汇 发达国家Developed country 发展中国家Developing country=Underdeveloped country 落后国家The least developed country 欠发达国家The less developed country 发展是硬道理Development is of overriding importance. 法治国家a country under the rule of law 反腐倡廉combat corruption and build a clean government 工薪阶层salariat; state employee; salaried person 公款吃喝recreational activities using public funds 灰色收入income from moonlighting 吃皇粮receive salaries, subsidies, or other supported from the government 重复建设building redundant project; duplication of similar projects 建设廉洁、勤政、务实、高效政府 build a clean and diligent, pragmatic and efficient government 建设一个富强、民主、文明的国家 build a prosperous, strong, democratic and culturally advanced country 强制性普及方案universally compulsory program 框架framework 机制mechanism; framework 侵犯infringe upon 坚持不懈persistently
