
























videoconfere nce, Secretary of the provincial Committee of Xia Baol ong stressed: this year is t he "five water treatment" "357" timetables "for three years to resolve outstanding i ssues, obviously w orked," victory of the year. The County's departme nts at all levels must firmly establish t he "guanghui is gold and silver" gree n devel opme nt conce pt, convi nce d that Castle i s not relaxed, always maintai ning strategi c ability a nd strong determi nation to improve t he environment, consiste ntly playing w ell "five water treatment of" winning the w ar, ever-higher levels of compre hensive well-of f society was built. (A) lay the sewage uphill battle. This year w e will "river water quality improved at the county level, up t o five" this basi c objective grasp of polluti on contr ol that focus, wit h the focus on three t hing s: a good job, "clear river s" reachi ng the County created. Organizati on "look ba ck" special i nspecti on, the County garbage River, bla ck and odorous River is "Dragnet" investigati on, timely rectificati on of problems found i n pla ce firmly to prevent river polluti on re bound. In a ccorda nce wit h the "one-stop strategy", improving the i nferior five water

quality monitoring stati ons work thi s year to ensure the Elimination of 1 pr ovincial control, five water quality se ction 3 muni cipa lities controll ed deteri oration, ensure the creation thi s year of "clear rivers" standards. Second, pay special attenti on t o poll ution-cutti ng construction of na notubes. Inte rcepting nanotubes are the basi s of poll ution of water source e ngineering, engi neering, matter of success or failure of water manageme nt. Urba n sew age treatment, to improve "effluent from sew age treatment rate, running a ccuracy, com pliance" requirement, spee d up t he tow n's support netw or k constructi on, i s focusing on nanot ube s home "last meters" question. Domestic sewage treatment in r ural areas, thi s year is the final year of the three-year acti on, determinati on to fight a nd the m omentum around, e ndi ng the battle on w hich fully to ensure t he realizati on of all County 648 forme d village coverage. Also, be sure to attach importa nce t o focus on rural domest ic waste water treatment facility operation a nd ma nagement, e nsur e that wastewater treatment facility up and runni ng, role play, av oid the "Sun" problem. Third, pay spe cial attention

to the River Lake pond desilting operation. Pr ovinces now have focused on polluti on control of water go to "dig up mud", as t he deepe ning water of this year's "plays". Next, to jump-start an i nvestigation line touches w ork, impleme ntation plan a ccordi ng to the priorities a nd t he pr ogramme of work, in a ccordance wit h the "o ne river one policy" requires deta iled cleani ng, dre dging plan, planning a head of time cleani ng out mud "way out", accordi ng to local conditi ons to do sludge, pr omote scientific re source ut ilization of silt a nd mud. (B) the heavy regulation of heavily poll uting i ndustries. Polluti on of water must grab the sour ce, wastewater i s primarily the source of backwar d production capacity, increase the intensity of













videoconfere nce, Secretary of the provi ncial Committee of Xia Ba olong stresse d: thi s year is the "five water treatment" "357" timetables "for three years to resolve outstanding i ssues, obviously w orked," victory of the year. The County's de partments at all level s must firmly establish the "g uanghui is g old a nd silver" green deve lopme nt concept, convi nce d that Castle is not relaxed, al ways maintaini ng strategic a bility and strong determinati on t o improve the environment, consiste ntly playing w ell "five water treatment of" winning t he war, ev er-hig her level s of com prehe nsive w ell-off society was built. (A) lay the sewage uphill battle. This year we wi ll "river water quality impr oved at the county level, up to five" this basi c objective grasp of polluti on contr ol that focus, wit h the focus on t hree thi ngs: a g ood job, "clear rivers" reaching t he County created. Organizati on "look ba ck" special i nspecti on, t he County gar bage River, bl ack a nd odor ous R iver is "Dragnet" investigation, timely rectification of pr oblems found in place firmly to prev ent river polluti on re bound. In a cc orda nce w ith the "one-stop strategy", improving the inferior five water

quality monitoring stations work thi s year to ensure the Elimination of 1 pr ovincial control, five water quality se ction 3 municipalities controlled deterioration, e nsure t he creati on thi s year of "clear rivers" standards. Second, pay speci al attention to polluti on-cutting constr uction of na not ubes. Inte rcepting nanotubes are the basi s of poll ution of water source engineering, engi neering, matter of success or failure of water manageme nt. Urban se wage treatment, to impr ove "effluent from sewage treatment rate, running a ccuracy, complia nce" requirement, spee d up the tow n's support networ k constructi on, i s focusing on nanot ube s home "last meters" questi on. Domestic sewage treatment in r ural areas, this year is the final year of the thre e-year a ction, determinati on t o fight and t he moment um around, e ndi ng the battle on whi ch fully to e nsure the realizati on of all County 648 forme d village coverage. Also, be sure to attach importa nce t o focus on rural domestic wa stewater treatment facility operation a nd ma nagement, e nsure that wastewater treatment facility up a nd ru nni ng, rol e play, avoid t he "Sun" pr oblem. T hird, pay spe cial attenti on to

the River Lake pond desi lting operation. Provi nces now have focused on polluti on contr ol of water go to "dig up mud", as t he de epe ning water of this year's "plays". Next, to jump-start an i nvestigation li ne touches w ork, impleme ntation plan a ccordi ng to the pri orities a nd the programme of work, in accordance with the "one river one poli cy" requires detaile d clea ning, dredgi ng pla n, pla nni ng ahe ad of time clea ning out mud "way out", accor ding to l ocal conditions to do sl udge, promote scie ntific resource utilizati on of silt and m ud. (B) the heavy regulati on of heavily polluti ng indust ries. Poll ution of water must grab the source, wa stewater is primari ly the source of back ward pr od ucti on capacity, increase t he inte nsity of

















videoconfere nce, Secretary of the provincial Committee of Xia Baol ong stressed: this year is t he "five water treatment" "357" timetables "for three years to resolve outstanding i ssues, obviously w orked," victory of the year. The County's departme nts at all levels must firmly establish t he "guanghui is gold and silver" gree n devel opme nt conce pt, convi nce d that Castle i s not relaxed, always maintai ning strategi c ability a nd strong determi nation to improve t he environment, consiste ntly playing w ell "five water treatment of" winning the w ar, ever-higher levels of compre hensive well-of f society was built. (A) lay the sewage uphill battle. This year w e will "river water quality improved at the county level, up t o five" this basi c objective grasp of polluti on contr ol that focus, wit h the focus on three t hing s: a good job, "clear river s" reachi ng the County created. Organizati on "look ba ck" special i nspecti on, the County garbage River, bla ck and odorous River is "Dragnet" investigati on, timely rectificati on of problems found i n pla ce firmly to prevent river polluti on re bound. In a ccorda nce wit h the "one-stop strategy", improving the i nferior five water

quality monitoring stati ons work thi s year to ensure the Elimination of 1 pr ovincial control, five water quality se ction 3 muni cipa lities controll ed deteri oration, ensure the creation thi s year of "clear rivers" standards. Second, pay special attenti on t o poll ution-cutti ng construction of na notubes. Inte rcepting nanotubes are the basi s of poll ution of water source e ngineering, engi neering, matter of success or failure of water manageme nt. Urba n sew age treatment, to improve "effluent from sew age treatment rate, running a ccuracy, com pliance" requirement, spee d up t he tow n's support netw or k constructi on, i s focusing on nanot ube s home "last meters" question. Domestic sewage treatment in r ural areas, thi s year is the final year of the three-year acti on, determinati on to fight a nd the m omentum around, e ndi ng the battle on w hich fully to ensure t he realizati on of all County 648 forme d village coverage. Also, be sure to attach importa nce t o focus on rural domest ic waste water treatment facility operation a nd ma nagement, e nsur e that wastewater treatment facility up and runni ng, role play, av oid the "Sun" problem. Third, pay spe cial attention

to the River Lake pond desilting operation. Pr ovinces now have focused on polluti on control of water go to "dig up mud", as t he deepe ning water of this year's "plays". Next, to jump-start an i nvestigation line touches w ork, impleme ntation plan a ccordi ng to the priorities a nd t he pr ogramme of work, in a ccordance wit h the "o ne river one policy" requires deta iled cleani ng, dre dging plan, planning a head of time cleani ng out mud "way out", accordi ng to local conditi ons to do sludge, pr omote scientific re source ut ilization of silt a nd mud. (B) the heavy regulation of heavily poll uting i ndustries. Polluti on of water must grab the sour ce, wastewater i s primarily the source of backwar d production capacity, increase the intensity of













videoconfere nce, Secretary of the provi ncial Committee of Xia Ba olong stresse d: thi s year is the "five water treatment" "357" timetables "for three years to resolve outstanding i ssues, obviously w orked," victory of the year. The County's de partments at all level s must firmly establish the "g uanghui is g old a nd silver" green deve lopme nt concept, convi nce d that Castle is not relaxed, al ways maintaini ng strategic a bility and strong determinati on t o improve the environment, consiste ntly playing w ell "five water treatment of" winning t he war, ev er-hig her level s of com prehe nsive w ell-off society was built. (A) lay the sewage uphill battle. This year we wi ll "river water quality impr oved at the county level, up to five" this basi c objective grasp of polluti on contr ol that focus, wit h the focus on t hree thi ngs: a g ood job, "clear rivers" reaching t he County created. Organizati on "look ba ck" special i nspecti on, t he County gar bage River, bl ack a nd odor ous R iver is "Dragnet" investigation, timely rectification of pr oblems found in place firmly to prev ent river polluti on re bound. In a cc orda nce w ith the "one-stop strategy", improving the inferior five water

quality monitoring stations work thi s year to ensure the Elimination of 1 pr ovincial control, five water quality se ction 3 municipalities controlled deterioration, e nsure t he creati on thi s year of "clear rivers" standards. Second, pay speci al attention to polluti on-cutting constr uction of na not ubes. Inte rcepting nanotubes are the basi s of poll ution of water source engineering, engi neering, matter of success or failure of water manageme nt. Urban se wage treatment, to impr ove "effluent from sewage treatment rate, running a ccuracy, complia nce" requirement, spee d up the tow n's support networ k constructi on, i s focusing on nanot ube s home "last meters" questi on. Domestic sewage treatment in r ural areas, this year is the final year of the thre e-year a ction, determinati on t o fight and t he moment um around, e ndi ng the battle on whi ch fully to e nsure the realizati on of all County 648 forme d village coverage. Also, be sure to attach importa nce t o focus on rural domestic wa stewater treatment facility operation a nd ma nagement, e nsure that wastewater treatment facility up a nd ru nni ng, rol e play, avoid t he "Sun" pr oblem. T hird, pay spe cial attenti on to

the River Lake pond desi lting operation. Provi nces now have focused on polluti on contr ol of water go to "dig up mud", as t he de epe ning water of this year's "plays". Next, to jump-start an i nvestigation li ne touches w ork, impleme ntation plan a ccordi ng to the pri orities a nd the programme of work, in accordance with the "one river one poli cy" requires detaile d clea ning, dredgi ng pla n, pla nni ng ahe ad of time clea ning out mud "way out", accor ding to l ocal conditions to do sl udge, promote scie ntific resource utilizati on of silt and m ud. (B) the heavy regulati on of heavily polluti ng indust ries. Poll ution of water must grab the source, wa stewater is primari ly the source of back ward pr od ucti on capacity, increase t he inte nsity of













videoconfere nce, Secretary of the provincial Committee of Xia Baol ong stressed: this year is t he "five water treatment" "357" timetables "for three years to resolve outstanding i ssues, obviously w orked," victory of the year. The County's departme nts at all levels must firmly establish t he "guanghui is gold and silver" gree n devel opme nt conce pt, convi nce d that Castle i s not relaxed, always maintai ning strategi c ability a nd strong determi nation to improve t he environment, consiste ntly playing w ell "five water treatment of" winning the w ar, ever-higher levels of compre hensive well-of f society was built. (A) lay the sewage uphill battle. This year w e will "river water quality improved at the county level, up t o five" this basi c objective grasp of polluti on contr ol that focus, wit h the focus on three t hing s: a good job, "clear river s" reachi ng the County created. Organizati on "look ba ck" special i nspecti on, the County garbage River, bla ck and odorous River is "Dragnet" investigati on, timely rectificati on of problems found i n pla ce firmly to prevent river polluti on re bound. In a ccorda nce wit h the "one-stop strategy", improving the i nferior five water

quality monitoring stati ons work thi s year to ensure the Elimination of 1 pr ovincial control, five water quality se ction 3 muni cipa lities controll ed deteri oration, ensure the creation thi s year of "clear rivers" standards. Second, pay special attenti on t o poll ution-cutti ng construction of na notubes. Inte rcepting nanotubes are the basi s of poll ution of water source e ngineering, engi neering, matter of success or failure of water manageme nt. Urba n sew age treatment, to improve "effluent from sew age treatment rate, running a ccuracy, com pliance" requirement, spee d up t he tow n's support netw or k constructi on, i s focusing on nanot ube s home "last meters" question. Domestic sewage treatment in r ural areas, thi s year is the final year of the three-year acti on, determinati on to fight a nd the m omentum around, e ndi ng the battle on w hich fully to ensure t he realizati on of all County 648 forme d village coverage. Also, be sure to attach importa nce t o focus on rural domest ic waste water treatment facility operation a nd ma nagement, e nsur e that wastewater treatment facility up and runni ng, role play, av oid the "Sun" problem. Third, pay spe cial attention

to the River Lake pond desilting operation. Pr ovinces now have focused on polluti on control of water go to "dig up mud", as t he deepe ning water of this year's "plays". Next, to jump-start an i nvestigation line touches w ork, impleme ntation plan a ccordi ng to the priorities a nd t he pr ogramme of work, in a ccordance wit h the "o ne river one policy" requires deta iled cleani ng, dre dging plan, planning a head of time cleani ng out mud "way out", accordi ng to local conditi ons to do sludge, pr omote scientific re source ut ilization of silt a nd mud. (B) the heavy regulation of heavily poll uting i ndustries. Polluti on of water must grab the sour ce, wastewater i s primarily the source of backwar d production capacity, increase the intensity of














videoconfere nce, Secretary of the provi ncial Committee of Xia Ba olong stresse d: thi s year is the "five water treatment" "357" timetables "for three years to resolve outstanding i ssues, obviously w orked," victory of the year. The County's de partments at all level s must firmly establish the "g uanghui is g old a nd silver" green deve lopme nt concept, convi nce d that Castle is not relaxed, al ways maintaini ng strategic a bility and strong determinati on t o improve the environment, consiste ntly playing w ell "five water treatment of" winning t he war, ev er-hig her level s of com prehe nsive w ell-off society was built. (A) lay the sewage uphill battle. This year we wi ll "river water quality impr oved at the county level, up to five" this basi c objective grasp of polluti on contr ol that focus, wit h the focus on t hree thi ngs: a g ood job, "clear rivers" reaching t he County created. Organizati on "look ba ck" special i nspecti on, t he County gar bage River, bl ack a nd odor ous R iver is "Dragnet" investigation, timely rectification of pr oblems found in place firmly to prev ent river polluti on re bound. In a cc orda nce w ith the "one-stop strategy", improving the inferior five water

quality monitoring stations work thi s year to ensure the Elimination of 1 pr ovincial control, five water quality se ction 3 municipalities controlled deterioration, e nsure t he creati on thi s year of "clear rivers" standards. Second, pay speci al attention to polluti on-cutting constr uction of na not ubes. Inte rcepting nanotubes are the basi s of poll ution of water source engineering, engi neering, matter of success or failure of water manageme nt. Urban se wage treatment, to impr ove "effluent from sewage treatment rate, running a ccuracy, complia nce" requirement, spee d up the tow n's support networ k constructi on, i s focusing on nanot ube s home "last meters" questi on. Domestic sewage treatment in r ural areas, this year is the final year of the thre e-year a ction, determinati on t o fight and t he moment um around, e ndi ng the battle on whi ch fully to e nsure the realizati on of all County 648 forme d village coverage. Also, be sure to attach importa nce t o focus on rural domestic wa stewater treatment facility operation a nd ma nagement, e nsure that wastewater treatment facility up a nd ru nni ng, rol e play, avoid t he "Sun" pr oblem. T hird, pay spe cial attenti on to

the River Lake pond desi lting operation. Provi nces now have focused on polluti on contr ol of water go to "dig up mud", as t he de epe ning water of this year's "plays". Next, to jump-start an i nvestigation li ne touches w ork, impleme ntation plan a ccordi ng to the pri orities a nd the programme of work, in accordance with the "one river one poli cy" requires detaile d clea ning, dredgi ng pla n, pla nni ng ahe ad of time clea ning out mud "way out", accor ding to l ocal conditions to do sl udge, promote scie ntific resource utilizati on of silt and m ud. (B) the heavy regulati on of heavily polluti ng indust ries. Poll ution of water must grab the source, wa stewater is primari ly the source of back ward pr od ucti on capacity, increase t he inte nsity of
















videoconfere nce, Secretary of the provincial Committee of Xia Baol ong stressed: this year is t he "five water treatment" "357" timetables "for three years to resolve outstanding i ssues, obviously w orked," victory of the year. The County's departme nts at all levels must firmly establish t he "guanghui is gold and silver" gree n devel opme nt conce pt, convi nce d that Castle i s not relaxed, always maintai ning strategi c ability a nd strong determi nation to improve t he environment, consiste ntly playing w ell "five water treatment of" winning the w ar, ever-higher levels of compre hensive well-of f society was built. (A) lay the sewage uphill battle. This year w e will "river water quality improved at the county level, up t o five" this basi c objective grasp of polluti on contr ol that focus, wit h the focus on three t hing s: a good job, "clear river s" reachi ng the County created. Organizati on "look ba ck" special i nspecti on, the County garbage River, bla ck and odorous River is "Dragnet" investigati on, timely rectificati on of problems found i n pla ce firmly to prevent river polluti on re bound. In a ccorda nce wit h the "one-stop strategy", improving the i nferior five water

quality monitoring stati ons work thi s year to ensure the Elimination of 1 pr ovincial control, five water quality se ction 3 muni cipa lities controll ed deteri oration, ensure the creation thi s year of "clear rivers" standards. Second, pay special attenti on t o poll ution-cutti ng construction of na notubes. Inte rcepting nanotubes are the basi s of poll ution of water source e ngineering, engi neering, matter of success or failure of water manageme nt. Urba n sew age treatment, to improve "effluent from sew age treatment rate, running a ccuracy, com pliance" requirement, spee d up t he tow n's support netw or k constructi on, i s focusing on nanot ube s home "last meters" question. Domestic sewage treatment in r ural areas, thi s year is the final year of the three-year acti on, determinati on to fight a nd the m omentum around, e ndi ng the battle on w hich fully to ensure t he realizati on of all County 648 forme d village coverage. Also, be sure to attach importa nce t o focus on rural domest ic waste water treatment facility operation a nd ma nagement, e nsur e that wastewater treatment facility up and runni ng, role play, av oid the "Sun" problem. Third, pay spe cial attention

to the River Lake pond desilting operation. Pr ovinces now have focused on polluti on control of water go to "dig up mud", as t he deepe ning water of this year's "plays". Next, to jump-start an i nvestigation line touches w ork, impleme ntation plan a ccordi ng to the priorities a nd t he pr ogramme of work, in a ccordance wit h the "o ne river one policy" requires deta iled cleani ng, dre dging plan, planning a head of time cleani ng out mud "way out", accordi ng to local conditi ons to do sludge, pr omote scientific re source ut ilization of silt a nd mud. (B) the heavy regulation of heavily poll uting i ndustries. Polluti on of water must grab the sour ce, wastewater i s primarily the source of backwar d production capacity, increase the intensity of













videoconfere nce, Secretary of the provi ncial Committee of Xia Ba olong stresse d: thi s year is the "five water treatment" "357" timetables "for three years to resolve outstanding i ssues, obviously w orked," victory of the year. The County's de partments at all level s must firmly establish the "g uanghui is g old a nd silver" green deve lopme nt concept, convi nce d that Castle is not relaxed, al ways maintaini ng strategic a bility and strong determinati on t o improve the environment, consiste ntly playing w ell "five water treatment of" winning t he war, ev er-hig her level s of com prehe nsive w ell-off society was built. (A) lay the sewage uphill battle. This year we wi ll "river water quality impr oved at the county level, up to five" this basi c objective grasp of polluti on contr ol that focus, wit h the focus on t hree thi ngs: a g ood job, "clear rivers" reaching t he County created. Organizati on "look ba ck" special i nspecti on, t he County gar bage River, bl ack a nd odor ous R iver is "Dragnet" investigation, timely rectification of pr oblems found in place firmly to prev ent river polluti on re bound. In a cc orda nce w ith the "one-stop strategy", improving the inferior five water

quality monitoring stations work thi s year to ensure the Elimination of 1 pr ovincial control, five water quality se ction 3 municipalities controlled deterioration, e nsure t he creati on thi s year of "clear rivers" standards. Second, pay speci al attention to polluti on-cutting constr uction of na not ubes. Inte rcepting nanotubes are the basi s of poll ution of water source engineering, engi neering, matter of success or failure of water manageme nt. Urban se wage treatment, to impr ove "effluent from sewage treatment rate, running a ccuracy, complia nce" requirement, spee d up the tow n's support networ k constructi on, i s focusing on nanot ube s home "last meters" questi on. Domestic sewage treatment in r ural areas, this year is the final year of the thre e-year a ction, determinati on t o fight and t he moment um around, e ndi ng the battle on whi ch fully to e nsure the realizati on of all County 648 forme d village coverage. Also, be sure to attach importa nce t o focus on rural domestic wa stewater treatment facility operation a nd ma nagement, e nsure that wastewater treatment facility up a nd ru nni ng, rol e play, avoid t he "Sun" pr oblem. T hird, pay spe cial attenti on to

the River Lake pond desi lting operation. Provi nces now have focused on polluti on contr ol of water go to "dig up mud", as t he de epe ning water of this year's "plays". Next, to jump-start an i nvestigation li ne touches w ork, impleme ntation plan a ccordi ng to the pri orities a nd the programme of work, in accordance with the "one river one poli cy" requires detaile d clea ning, dredgi ng pla n, pla nni ng ahe ad of time clea ning out mud "way out", accor ding to l ocal conditions to do sl udge, promote scie ntific resource utilizati on of silt and m ud. (B) the heavy regulati on of heavily polluti ng indust ries. Poll ution of water must grab the source, wa stewater is primari ly the source of back ward pr od ucti on capacity, increase t he inte nsity of










videoconfere nce, Secretary of the provincial Committee of Xia Baol ong stressed: this year is t he "five water treatment" "357" timetables "for three years to resolve outstanding i ssues, obviously w orked," victory of the year. The County's departme nts at all levels must firmly establish t he "guanghui is gold and silver" gree n devel opme nt conce pt, convi nce d that Castle i s not relaxed, always maintai ning strategi c ability a nd strong determi nation to improve t he environment, consiste ntly playing w ell "five water treatment of" winning the w ar, ever-higher levels of compre hensive well-of f society was built. (A) lay the sewage uphill battle. This year w e will "river water quality improved at the county level, up t o five" this basi c objective grasp of polluti on contr ol that focus, wit h the focus on three t hing s: a good job, "clear river s" reachi ng the County created. Organizati on "look ba ck" special i nspecti on, the County garbage River, bla ck and odorous River is "Dragnet" investigati on, timely rectificati on of problems found i n pla ce firmly to prevent river polluti on re bound. In a ccorda nce wit h the "one-stop strategy", improving the i nferior five water quality monitoring stati ons work thi s year to ensure the Elimination of 1 pr ovincial control, five water quality se ction 3 muni cipa lities controll ed deteri oration, ensure the creation thi s year of "clear rivers" standards. Second, pay special attenti on t o poll ution-cutti ng construction of na notubes. Inte rcepting nanotubes are the basi s of poll ution of water source e ngineering, engi neering, matter of success or failure of water manageme nt. Urba n sew age treatment, to improve "effluent from sew age treatment rate, running a ccuracy, com pliance" requirement, spee d up t he tow n's support netw or k constructi on, i s focusing on nanot ube s home "last meters" question. Domestic sewage treatment in r ural areas, thi s year is the final year of the three-year acti on, determinati on to fight a nd the m omentum around, e ndi ng the battle on w hich fully to ensure t he realizati on of all County 648 forme d village coverage. Also, be sure to attach importa nce t o focus on rural domest ic waste water treatment facility operation a nd ma nagement, e nsur e that wastewater treatment facility up and runni ng, role play, av oid the "Sun" problem. Third, pay spe cial attention

to the River Lake pond desilting operation. Pr ovinces now have focused on polluti on control of water go to "dig up mud", as t he deepe ning water of this year's "plays". Next, to jump-start an i nvestigation line touches w ork, impleme ntation plan a ccordi ng to the priorities a nd t he pr ogramme of work, in a ccordance wit h the "o ne river one policy" requires deta iled cleani ng, dre dging plan, planning a head of time cleani ng out mud "way out", accordi ng to local conditi ons to do sludge, pr omote scientific re source ut ilization of silt a nd mud. (B) the heavy regulation of heavily poll uting i ndustries. Polluti on of water must grab the sour ce, wastewater i s primarily the source of backwar d production capacity, increase the intensity of














videoconfere nce, Secretary of the provi ncial Committee of Xia Ba olong stresse d: thi s year is the "five water treatment" "357" timetables "for three years to resolve outstanding i ssues, obviously w orked," victory of the year. The County's de partments at all level s must firmly establish the "g uanghui is g old a nd silver" green deve lopme nt concept, convi nce d that Castle is not relaxed, al ways maintaini ng strategic a bility and strong determinati on t o improve the environment, consiste ntly playing w ell "five water treatment of" winning t he war, ev er-hig her level s of com prehe nsive w ell-off society was built. (A) lay the sewage uphill battle. This year we wi ll "river water quality impr oved at the county level, up to five" this basi c objective grasp of polluti on contr ol that focus, wit h the focus on t hree thi ngs: a g ood job, "clear rivers" reaching t he County created. Organizati on "look ba ck" special i nspecti on, t he County gar bage River, bl ack a nd odor ous R iver is "Dragnet" investigation, timely rectification of pr oblems found in place firmly to prev ent river polluti on re bound. In a cc orda nce w ith the "one-stop strategy", improving the inferior five water quality monitoring stations work thi s year to ensure the Elimination of 1 pr ovincial control, five water quality se ction 3 municipalities controlled deterioration, e nsure t he creati on thi s year of "clear rivers" standards. Second, pay speci al attention to polluti on-cutting constr uction of na not ubes. Inte rcepting nanotubes are the basi s of poll ution of water source engineering, engi neering, matter of success or failure of water manageme nt. Urban se wage treatment, to impr ove "effluent from sewage treatment rate, running a ccuracy, complia nce" requirement, spee d up the tow n's support networ k constructi on, i s focusing on nanot ube s home "last meters" questi on. Domestic sewage treatment in r ural areas, this year is the final year of the thre e-year a ction, determinati on t o fight and t he moment um around, e ndi ng the battle on whi ch fully to e nsure the realizati on of all County 648 forme d village coverage. Also, be sure to attach importa nce t o focus on rural domestic wa stewater treatment facility operation a nd ma nagement, e nsure that wastewater treatment facility up a nd ru nni ng, rol e play, avoid t he "Sun" pr oblem. T hird, pay spe cial attenti on to the River Lake pond desi lting operation. Provi nces now have focused on polluti on contr ol of water go to "dig up mud", as t he de epe ning water of this year's "plays". Next, to jump-start an i nvestigation li ne touches w ork, impleme ntation plan a ccordi ng to the pri orities a nd the programme of work, in accordance with the "one river one poli cy" requires detaile d clea ning, dredgi ng pla n, pla nni ng ahe ad of time clea ning out mud "way out", accor ding to l ocal conditions to do sl udge, promote scie ntific resource utilizati on of silt and m ud. (B) the heavy regulati on of heavily polluti ng indust ries. Poll ution of water must grab the source, wa stewater is primari ly the source of back ward pr od ucti on capacity, increase t he inte nsity of



