Universality in Voltage-driven Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions

Universality in Voltage-driven Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions
Universality in Voltage-driven Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions

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Universality in Voltage-driven Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions ?Johann Kroha,Michael Arnold,and Beate Griepernau ?Physikalisches Institut,Universit¨a t Bonn,Nussallee 12,53115Bonn,Germany We consider the non-equilibrium ferromagnetic transition of a mesoscopic sample of a resistive Stoner ferromagnet coupled to two paramagnetic leads.The transition is controlled by either the lead temperature T or the transport voltage V applied between the leads.We calculate the T and V dependence of the magnetization.For systems with a ?at density of states we ?nd within mean-?eld theory that even at ?nite bias the magnetization does not depend on the position along the sample axis,although the charge density and other quantities do vary.This may be relevant for possible spintronics applications.In addition,we establish a generalized control parameter in terms of T and V which allows for a universal description of the temperature-and voltage-driven transition.PACS numbers:73.23.-b,75.10.-b,85.75.-d 1.INTRODUCTION Phase transitions in interacting electron systems far from thermody-namic equilibrium are an exciting,relatively young ?eld of research,both for fundamental theoretical reasons and for application purposes.While the theory of equilibrium phase transitions is well developed,a theory for phase transitions out of equilibrium is much more di?cult to formulate,largely because in the most general case the thermodynamic states of the system

are not characterized by a minimum of the free energy and because often the temperature T as a state variable driving the transition is not even ?Dedicated to Prof.Hilbert von L¨o hneysen on the occasion of his 60th birthday.?Present address:Center for Bioinformatics,Universit¨a t des Saarlandes,P.O.Box 151150,66041Saarbr¨u cken,Germany

J.Kroha,M.Arnold,and B.Griepernau

de?ned.On the other hand,nonequilibrium phase transitions are of high technological potential,since a mesoscopic electron system can be driven out of equilibrium in a highly controlled way,and controlling a nonequilib-rium phase transition by externally applied?elds can be envisaged.It opens up the prospect of fast switching between di?erent magnetic or conducting states of a mesoscopic system,e.g.by applying a transport bias voltage or by an applied laser?eld,with possible spintronics applications.

A thermodynamic phase transition in equilibrium is in general controlled by the minimum of the free energy

F=U?T S,(1) i.e.by the balance of the internal energy U and the entropy S.The depen-dence on the control parameter temperature favors an ordered phase at low T and a disordered phase at high T.In a stationary nonequilibrium situa-tion internal energy and entropy are statistically still well-de?ned quantities. One may,therefore,conjecture that a relation analogous to Eq.1holds even in this case.The di?erent phases of a stationary non-equilibrium system would then again be determined by the minimum of the free energy.How-ever,in the above relation(1)the entropy coe?cient T would have to be generalized,since temperature T is in general not de?ned in nonequilibrium. Based on general thermodynamic arguments we propose in the present ar-ticle a de?nition of such a generalized control parameterτwhich allows to describe electron systems driven out of equilibrium by an applied stationary bias voltage V in a uni?ed way.

To be speci?c,we consider the voltage-driven magnetic phase transition of a Stoner ferromagnet.Such a system can be realized as a mesoscopic sample of a magnetic metal,contacted by two paramagnetic electron reser-voirs or leads at chemical potentialsμL andμR,respectively,as seen in Fig. 1a).It has recently been demonstrated that the fabrication of such devices, which sustain a high nonequilibrium bias,is technologically feasible using metallic nanobridges with high lead-to-bridge aspect ratio1or using resis-tive nanowires.2As will be seen below,the ferromagnetic transition in the mesoscopic sample can be controlled both by the reservoir temperature T and by the voltage V=μL?μR applied between the reservoirs.The mag-netic state of the sample may be probed by a third,ferromagnetic electrode, attached to the sample via a tunnel junction.This electrode stays in equilib-rium with itself,independent of the transport voltage V,so that it remains in the ferromagnetically ordered state throughout the transition of the sample, and its tunneling conductance depends strongly on the magnetization in the sample.A related proposal of controlling magnetism by a nonequilibrium transport bias has recently been put forward in Ref.[3].However,in that

Universality in Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions

proposal the magnetization was induced in a paramagnetic metal sample by ferromagnetism in the leads,and the sample was assumed to be zero-dimensional in the sense that it was smaller than the electrons’elastic mean free path?,implying ballistic transport and a position independent electron distribution function in the metal sample.In the present work we consider the more realistic case of a resistive,ferromagnetic sample whose lateral size L is greater than the elastic mean free path,L>?,but still smaller than the inelastic and spin relaxation lengths,L

One might think that this transition,driven by the transport voltage at reservoir temperature T=0might be a quantum phase transition,since it is controlled by a parameter di?erent from the temperature.However, at any?nite voltage V=0the nonequilibrium quasiparticle distribution is such that there exists a?nite phase space for inelastic scattering(see, e.g.,Section2.1),so that the quantum dephasing rate in the sample,γ?, remains?nite even for reservoir temperature T=0.Thus,critical diver-gencies of correlation functions at the phase transition are dominated by classical,statistical?uctuations rather than quantum?uctuations,i.e.the transition belongs to the universality class of classical rather than quantum phase transitions,in contrast to the assertion of Ref.[4].Remarkably,the authors of Ref.[4]do,however,?nd that the transition is governed by the classical critical exponents.In fact,as will be seen in Section3,the roles of V and T are completely analogous,as far as thermodynamic properties are concerned.

This paper is organized as follows.In Section2we de?ne the Stoner model in a steady-state nonequilibrium situation with?nite bias.The quan-tum Boltzmann equation for a resistive wire with a Stoner mean-?eld in-teraction is derived in Section2.1,and the Stoner mean-?eld equations in the presence of?nite bias are presented in Section2.2,along with their numerical solution for various temperatures and voltages.In Section3we provide general thermodynamic arguments which allow us to introduce a control parameterτ(T,V),depending on the reservoir temperature T and the bias voltage V,as a generalization of the temperature to the voltage-biased non-equilibrium situation,as far as thermodynamic properties are concerned.We demonstrate explicitly that this provides a universal descrip-tion of the voltage-driven Stoner transition.Some concluding remarks are given in Section4.

J.Kroha,M.Arnold,and B.Griepernau

reservoir left


right μR μL


b)Fig.1.a)Schematic view of a magnetic transitor.The ferromagnetic meso-scopic sample is shown in light grey.It is attached to paramagnetic leads kept at chemical potentials μL and μR ,respectively.A magneto-tunneling current depending on the sample magnetization can be extracted through the third electrode FM.The position coordinate along the sample of length L is denoted by s ,as shown in the ?gure.b)The Keldysh Hartee-Fock di-agrams de?ning the Stoner mean-?eld theory in stationary nonequilibrium.Solid lines denote the electron propagators,wavy lines the screened Coulomb interaction U .


As a simple model for a ferromagnetic transition in an itinerant,di?usive electron system we consider electrons on a lattice with dispersion εk ,with a random potential V j induced by static impurities on lattice sites j and a strongly screened,local Coulomb repulsion U between electrons on the same site,H = k σεk c ?k σc k σ+ jσV j c ?jσc jσ+U j

c ?j ↑c j ↑c ?j ↓c j ↓.

(2)Here c ?k σ,c k σdenote the electron creation and destruction operators with momentum k and spin σ=±1/2,and c ?jσ=

k exp(i kx j )c ?k σis the creation operator at site j .We assume that any antiferromagnetic instabilities that could be induced by nearest neighbor hopping on a cubic lattice are frus-trated,e.g.,by an appropriate lattice structure or by a next-nearest neighbor hopping included in the band structure εk .

2.1.Nonequilibrium Distribution in a Di?usive Ferromagnet Any theory of an interacting system out of equilibrium requires knowl-edge of the quasiparticle distribution f σx (ω)as a function of the particle energy ω.In a paramagnetic,di?usive system at bias V ,if inelastic relax-

Universality in Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions

ations can be neglected,fσx(ω)is known5,6,7,2to have a double-step form according to the two Fermi edges in the reservoirs,and to depend linearly on the position x=s/L along the sample axis(see Fig.1a)).In a ferromagnet, however,the Stoner splitting may in general depend on x as well,inducing nontrivial position and spin dependences to fσx(ω)even in the absence of inelastic or dynamical spin?ip processes.In the following we derive the dis-tribution function for the case of a mesoscopic ferromagnet,where ineleastic and spin?ip processes can be neglected.

The kinetic equation(quantum Boltzmann equation)for fσx(ω)is ob-tained as the o?-diagonal part of the Keldysh Dyson equation for the lesser Green’s function G<σ(ω,x,x′).8After transforming to center-o?-mass and relative coordinates,r=(x+x′)/2,?x=x?x′,taking?x to be con?ned in a small volume compared to the scale on which the external?elds vary, and Fourier transforming to momentum space with respect to?x within that volume,the resulting quantum Boltzmann equation acquires the form of a continuity equation in phase space,

? E(r)·?k G<σr(k,ω)=I{fσr(k)}(3) where G<σr(k,ω)=2πifσr(k)Aσr(k,ω)is expressed in terms of the distribu-tion fσr(k)and the spectral density Aσr(k,ω)of momentum k at position r in the sample.v k=?r/?t=?εk/?k is the electron group velocity and ?e E(r)= ?k/?t the force acting on the electrons due to an external?eld E(r).The latter includes both,the external bias voltage and the electrostatic potential generated by the random impurities.Since we consider a station-ary situation and assume that the sample is smaller than the inelastic and the spin relaxation lengths,the explicit time derivative and the collision in-tegral I{fσr(k)}vanish in Eq.(3).After summation over k the force term vanishes as well.This is because of the relation

?k·E(r)f r(k)Aσr(k,ω)= S k E(r)fσr(k)Aσr(k,ω)·d S k=0.(4) kσ

Here the second term implies an integration over the surface of the1st Brillouin zone,where fσr(k)is either0or1,i.e.fσr(?k)=fσr(k)and d S?k=?d S k.The same k-summation also introduces the particle and the current density in Eq.(3),

ρσr(ω)= k fσr(k)Aσr(k,ω)(5)

jσr(ω)= k v k fσr(k)Aσr(k,ω),(6)

J.Kroha,M.Arnold,and B.Griepernau

which in a di?usive system with di?usion coe?cient D are related by Fick’s law,

jσr(ω)=?D?rρr(ω).(7) In this way the di?usive Boltzmann equation in a ferromagnet takes the form

?D?2r[fσr(ω)Nσr(ω)]=0,(8) where Nσr(ω)= k Aσr(k,ω)is the Stoner split electronic density of states (DOS)at position r in the sample.Note that in a paramagnetic system Nσr(ω)is in general position independent and can be dropped from Eq.

(8).In a ferromagnet,however,the spectral function contains the Stoner selfenergyΣσr(see Section2.2),which depends in general on the position





where s is the coordinate along the sample axis(see Fig.1a))and x=s/L. Taking into account only the linear dependence of the DOS on x,with N′σ(ω)≡dNσx(ω)/dx|x=0.5=?[dNσx(ω)/dω·dΣσx/dx]|x=0.5and Nσ(ω)≡Nσx(ω)|x=0.5,the quantum Boltzmann equation in a resistive ferromagnet takes the?nal form

?D d2fσx(ω)


d fσx(ω)




Universality in Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions

where f(0)(ω)=1/[exp(ω/k B T)+1]is the Fermi distribution and T the reservoir temperature.

2.2.Stoner Mean-Field Equations in Stationary Nonequilibrium

For simplicity we assume an elliptic DOS(per spin)of the disordered system without interactions,N0(ω+μ0)=(2/π)

π x ??,?σ

1?(?+,?σ)2+arcsin(?+,?σ) +π ,




values of the transport voltage V as indicated.V is given in units of the equilibrium Curie temperature T c0.The screened Coulomb interaction was chosen such that T c0=0.01B(i.e.UN0(0)=1.0001669).The small dips in the m(T)curves near T=0are a consequence of the slightly non-constant DOS for high bias V.

absorbed into the(equilibrium)chemical potential for each x:μ0?Σ0?→μ0. The selfenergy then consists only of the spin dependent part,Σσ≡σ?Σ. Eq.(15),together with Eqs.(12)and(13)constitute the unconstrained, selfconstistent Hartree-Fock equations which determine the magnetization per site,m=gμB?Σ/U,g andμB being the Land′e factor and the Bohr magneton,respectively.We note that for the present case of a?at DOS it follows immediately from Eqs.(13),(15),(16)and from the linearity of f x(ω) with respect to x,Eq.(12),that(i)?Σ,and hence the magnetization,are independent of the position x and that(ii)the total particle density n x is a linear function of x.The latter is consistent with Fick’s law(7)and the fact that the stationary current j x in the sample is homegenous.The x independence of the magnetization m remarkably implies that the total sample magnetization can be switched as a whole by a transport voltage V, although at?nite bias the electron density n x and other quantities vary along the sample.This may be of technological relevance for spintronics devices,although this property does not persist exactly for non-constant DOS.9The mean-?eld solutions for the magnetization m as a function of reservior temperature T are shown for various applied transport voltages V in Fig.2and as a function of V for various T in Fig.3.For these data

values of T,as indicated.The parameter values used are as in Fig.2.

the strength of the screened Coulomb interaction U has been chosen such that the Stoner criterion,UN0(0)>1,is satis?ed and that the equilibrium Curie temperature is T c0=0.01B,corresponding to T c0≈300K for a half bandwidth of B=3eV.


The fact that the Stoner transition can be controlled by both,temper-ature T and transport voltage V,the similarity of the magnetization curves m(T)and m(V)in Figs.2and3,and the independence of the magneti-zation of the position x in the sample for a?at DOS suggest that there is a universality in this transition in terms of the two control parameters T and V.Indeed,the complete thermodynamics of any system is deter-mined,once the internal energy U or the free energy F(with appropriate state variables)is known.At least the internal energy is well-de?ned also in a stationary nonequilibrium situation.For any stationary electron sys-tem in or out of equilibrium,U is uniquely determined by the quasiparticle distribution function f x(ω).The latter is,in turn,uniquely de?ned by the applied transport voltage V(and the concomitant boundary conditions),if the system is coupled to one or more reservoirs to ensure stationarity,and by the reservoir temperature T.This suggests that it should be possible to de?ne a single,uni?ed state variable,involving both T and V,in terms of the internal energy.

a single curve,depending on τ(T,V )(Eq.18)only.The data for di?erent parameter values of T and V are displayed here using di?erent symbols.

Therefore,we put forward the following procedure.The temperature of an equilibrium system is usually measured by bringing it in heat contact with a reference system whose internal energy is known as a function of T ,like an ideal gas (ideal gas thermometer).Since the ideal gas is not suitable for applying a transport voltage,we propose to use a di?usive,noninteracting electron gas as a reference system for any voltage-biased,interacting system,like,e.g.,a mesoscopic Stoner ferromagnet,Eq.(2).As before,we will restrict ourselves here to the case that the DOS is constant within the voltage window,N 0(0),and defer the general case to a forthcoming paper.9The change of the internal energy density of this reference system as a function of T and V is well-de?ned and is readily calculated as,

?U =U (T,V )?U (0,0)=N 0(0)

∞?∞dωω f x (ω,T,V )?f (0)(ω,0,0) (17)

=π24π2(eV )2 .Remarkably,?U does not depend on the position x where the energy density is considered,as long as the DOS is ?at,in accordance with the results of Section 2.2.The expression (17)can now be used to extract a generalized state variable,τ(T,V ),that uniquely determines the internal energy of the reference system,and thus the thermodynamics of any stationary electron

Universality in Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions

system controlled by the state variables T and V,

τ(T,V)= 4L V2,(18)

where L=π2k2B/3e2is the Lorentz number,and?U=(π2/6)N0(0)τ2. Note that the form of the expression forτ(T,V)is equivalent to the e?ective temperature of a voltage-biased,hot electron system that has equilibrated due to strong inelastic processes.6However,in our line of arguments above no assumption has been made about whether or not there are inelastic processes involved.This supports the universality of the de?nition Eq.(18).

We have tested whether the Stoner transition can be described by τ(T,V)in a universal way.In Fig.4we have plotted all the data con-tained in Figs.2and3as a function ofτ(T,V).Indeed there is a perfect collapse of all data onto a single curve,as expected.


Even the simple Stoner model of a ferromagnetic transition can ex-hibit interesting behavior when considered in a non-equilibrium situation. We have used this model to de?ne a generalized control parameterτ(T,V) which allows to describe the voltage and temperature dependence of the Stoner transition in a uni?ed way.The model has been evaluated within mean-?eld theory where the critical exponent of the magnetization in de-pendence of both T and V isα=1/2.We emphasize that the generality of our thermodynamic arguments that led to the de?nition ofτ(T.V)strongly suggest that it not only allows for a universal description of the magnetiza-tion but also of the complete thermodynamics of the Stoner model,and that this holds true even beyond mean?eld theory.In particular,correlations will certainly change the value ofα,but it will remain the same for the T and the V dependence.Moreover,the thermodynamic arguments suggest that not only Stoner ferromagnets but the thermodynamics of any interacting elec-tron system controlled by the reservoir temperature T and a nonequilibrium transport voltage V can be described byτ(T,V)in a universal way.Con-versely,it is obvious that dynamical and spectral properties are in?uenced by T and V in quite di?erent ways,which cannot be captured only by the T and V dependence of the internal energy.Therefore,no uni?ed behavior is expected for these quantities.

As mentioned above,the magnetization m will acquire an x-dependence, as soon as the density of states in the sample as function of energy is not?at. In this case the interaction-induced correlation length will also in?uence the spatial dependence of m.The thermodynamics of voltage-driven systems,

J.Kroha,M.Arnold,and B.Griepernau

the in?uence of correlations in general and the position dependence of the magnetization in particular will be subjects of further research.


This work is supported by DFG through SFB608and through KR1726/1.We are grateful to V.Rittenberg and T.Klapwijk for useful discussions and to H.Weber for pointing out the experimental possibility of driving a ferromagnetic transition by a non-equilibrium transport voltage.


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165426(2001);H.B.Weber,R.H¨a ussler,H.v.L¨o hneysen,and J.Kroha, in Kondo E?ect and dephasing in low-dimensional metallic systems,V.Chan-drasekhar,C.v.Haesendonck,and A.Zawadowski,eds.,NATO Science Series II,50,53(Kluwer Academic Publishers,2001).

2.H.Pothier,S.Gu′e ron,N.O.Birge,D.Esteve,and M.H.Devoret,Z.Phys.B


3. F.Giazotto,F.Taddei,Rosario Fazio,and F.Beltram,Appl.Phys.Lett.89,


4. A.Mitra,S.Takei,Y.B.Kim,and https://www.360docs.net/doc/4017731742.html,lis,cond-mat/0607256(2006).



7.V.I.Kozub and A.M.Rudin,Phys.Rev.B52,7853(1995).

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9.M.Arnold and J.Kroha,in preparation.


?Never be afraid of grammar ?Collect some examples; ?Watch them very carefully; ?Find out something in common; ?Try to use the rules ---- practise. it用法完全归纳 一、it 作人称代词的用法 1.指事物 作为人称代词,it 可以除人以外的一切事物或动物。如: I dropped my watch and it broke. 我把手表掉在地上摔坏了。 It’s hard work, but I enjoy it. 工作很辛苦,可是我乐意干。 “Where is the dog?”“It’s in the bedroom. ”“狗在哪?”“在卧室里”。 2.指人 it 指人主要用于指不性别不明的婴儿或用于确认某人的身份。如: Is it a boy or a girl? 是男孩还是女孩? There is a knock on the door. It must be the postman. 有人在敲门,一定是邮递员。 【说明】在答语中,常用来指本人,如说It’s me。

3.代替某些代词 代词it 还可用于代替指示代词this, that 以及复合不定代词something, anything, nothing等。如: “What’s this?”“It’s a new machine. ”“这是什么?”“是一种新机器”。 Nothing is wrong, is it? 没出什么问题,是吗? 二、it 作非人称代词的用法 1.基本用法 it 作非人称代词的用法,主要用于指时间、距离、价值、天气、气候及温度等自然现象。如: It’s too late to go there now. 现在去那儿已经太迟了。 It rained all day yesterday. 昨天下了一天的雨。 It can get very hot here. 这里有时会很热。 2.用于某些句型 It’s time for sth. 该做某事了。 It’s time to do sth. 该做某事的时候了。 It’s time for sb to do sth. 某人该干某事了。 It’s (about / high) time + that-从句. 某人该做某事了。(从句谓语用过去式,有时也用“should+动词原形”) It’s first (second) time + that-从句. 某人第几次干某事。(从句谓语用现在完成时)

compare 的两个重要词组区别

compare to 和compare with 的区别是什么 Compare to 是“把……比作”的意思。例如: We compare him to a little tiger. 我们把他比作小老虎。 The last days before liberation are often compared to the darkness before the dawn. 将要解放的那些日子常常被比作黎明前的黑暗。 Compare ... with 是“把……和……比较”的意思。例如: We must compare the present with the past. 我们要把现在和过去比较一下。 We compared the translation with the original. 我们把译文和原文比较了下。 从上面比较可以看出,compare with 侧重一个仔细的比较过程。有时,两者都可以互相代替。例如: He compared London to (with) Paris. 他把伦敦比作巴黎。 London is large, compared to (with) Paris. 同巴黎比较而言,伦敦大些。 在表示“比不上”、“不能比”的意思时,用compare with 和compare to 都可以。例如: My spoken English can't be compared with yours. 我的口语比不上你的。 The pen is not compared to that one. 这笔比不上那支。 1、c ompare…to…意为“把…比作”,即把两件事物相比较的同时,发现某些方面相似的地方。这两件被比较的事物 或人在本质方面往往是截然不同的事物。如: He compared the girl to the moon in the poem. 他在诗中把那姑娘比作月亮。 2、compare…with…“与…相比,把两件事情相比较,从中找出异同”,这两件事又往往是同类的, 如:I'm afraid my English compares poorly with hers. 恐怕我的英语同她的英语相比要差得多。 compare to和compare with有何区别,当说打比方时和做比较是分别用哪个? compare…to…比喻.例如: The poets often compare life to a river. 诗人们经常把生活比喻成长河. compare…with…相比.例如: My English can't compare with his. 我的英文水平不如他.


php语言,PHP(PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor的缩写,中文名:“PHP:超文本预处理器”)是一种通用开源脚本语言。语法吸收了C语言、Java和Perl的特点,入门门槛较低,易于学习,使用广泛,主要适用于Web开发领域。 特性:PHP 独特的语法混合了C、Java、Perl 以及PHP 自创新的语法;PHP可以比CGI 或者Perl更快速的执行动态网页——动态页面方面,与其他的编程语言相比,PHP是将程序嵌入到HTML文档中去执行,执行效率比完全生成htmL标记的CGI要高许多,PHP具有非常强大的功能,所有的CGI的功能PHP都能实现;PHP支持几乎所有流行的数据库以及操作系统;最重要的是PHP可以用C、C++进行程序的扩展。 Java语言,Java是一种可以撰写跨平台应用软件的面向对象的程序设计语言,是由Sun Microsystems公司于1995年5月推出的Java程序设计语言和Java平台(即JavaSE, JavaEE, JavaME)的总称。 Java 技术具有卓越的通用性、高效性、平台移植性和安全性,广泛应用于个人PC、数据中心、游戏控制台、科学超级计算机、移动电话和互联网,同时拥有全球最大的开发者专业社群。在全球云计算和移动互联网的产业环境下,Java更具备了显著优势和广阔前景。 Java的优势,与传统程序不同,Sun 公司在推出Java 之际就将其作为一种开放的技术。全球数以万计的Java 开发公司被要求所设计的Java软件必须相互兼容。“Java 语言靠群体的力量而非公司的力量”是Sun公司的口号之一,并获得了广大软件开发商的认同。这与微软公司所倡导的注重精英和封闭式的模式完全不同。 Sun 公司对Java 编程语言的解释是:Java 编程语言是个简单、面向对象、分布式、解释性、健壮、安全与系统无关、可移植、高性能、多线程和动态的语言。 python语言,是一种面向对象、直译式计算机程序设计语言,Python语法简洁而清晰,具有丰富和强大的类库。它常被昵称为胶水语言,它能够很轻松的把用其他语言制作的各种模块(尤其是C/C++)轻松地联结在一起。 常见的一种应用情形是,使用python快速生成程序的原型(有时甚至是程序的最终界面),然后对其中有特别要求的部分,用更合适的语言改写。 Python是完全面向对象的语言。函数、模块、数字、字符串都是对象。并且完全支持继承、重载、派生、多继承,有益于增强源代码的复用性。 Python支持重载运算符和动态类型。相对于Lisp这种传统的函数式编程语言,Python对函数式设计只提供了有限的支持。有两个标准库(functools, itertools)提供了Haskell和Standard


none和no one的区别 _________ of the reasons was true. A. None B. No one C. Nothing D. All 这道题的正确答案是A还是B?none和no one有何区别? (浙江宁波杜辛欣) 【答】这道试题考查的是不定代词的用法。“all of + 可数名词复数”作主语时,句中谓语动词要用复数形式。nothing和no one后不可以接of短语。none后可以接of短语,作主语时,句中谓语动词多用单数形式。所以这道题的答案应该是A。 none和no one意思相近,但用法有所区别。 none是all的反义词,意为“没有人;没有什么东西;一个也不”,既可以指人,也可以指物,它与of连用修饰名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词既可用单数也可用复数。no one意为“没有人”,只能指人,不能与of连用,作主语时,谓语动词只能用单数形式。例如: None of the money on the table is mine. 桌子上的钱没有一分是我的。 None of us enjoys / enjoy getting up early. 我们没人喜欢早起。 None of the boys has / have passed the history examination. 男孩子中没有人历史考试及格。 No one likes her. 没人喜欢她。 No one knows how to do the work. 没有人知道怎样做那项工作。 另外,需要注意的是:回答how many 引起的特殊疑问句时要用 none;回答 who 引起的特殊疑问句时要用 no one。例如: (1) —How many birds are there in the tree? 树上有多少只鸟? —None. 一只也没有。 (2) —Who is in the classroom? 谁在教室里? —No one. 谁都不在。(一个人也没有)


现场处理措施决定书: 1、现场处理措施决定书,是指安监部门在监督检查中,发现生产经营单位存在安全生产违法行为或者事故隐患的,依法作出现场处理决定而使用的文书。 2、制作说明 (1)使用范围:可以针对当场纠正、责令立即停止作业(施工)、责令立即停止使用、责令立即排除事故隐患、责令从危险区域撤出作业人员、责令暂时停产停业、停止建设、停止施工或者停止使用等多种决定使用。 (2)依据:现场处理措施是为预防、制止或者控制生产安全事故的发生,依法采取的对有关生产经营单位及其人员的财产和行为自由加以暂时性限制,使其保持一定状态的手段。作出现场处理决定,应当有法律法规规定,并在文书中列明所引用的条款。 (3)与其他文书的区别 一是与《责令限期整改指令书》的区别。《责令限期整改指令书》主要适用于责令限期整改、责令限期达到要求这两种情况。 二是与《强制措施决定书》的区别。《强制措施决定书》主要适用于查封、扣押和临时查封有关场所等行政强制措施。 三是责令暂时停产停业、停止建设、停止施工或者停止使用的期限届满或者依生产经营单位申请,安全监管部门应当进行复查,并制作《整改复查意见书》。 3、注意事项 文书要加盖安监部门公章,不得使用内设机构印章。送达由负责人在文书上签名并签署时间即可,其他人签收的,应有相应的职务证明或者同时加盖生产经营单位公章。 强制措施决定书 1、行政强制措施决定书,是行政执法机关为查明事实,保全证据而对当事人作出

强制性措施决定的文书。 本文书仅在依法实施采取查封、扣押、临时查封有关场所时使用。 2、制作说明 (1)存在的问题 该部分应当具体列明违反法律、法规、规章可以采取强制措施的情形。 (2)依据 该部分应当明确法律、法规、规章有关可以采取强制措施的条款,最好明确法律、法规、规章的名称、条、款、项。 (3)强制措施 该部分应当根据存在的问题,即违法的情形、情节以及严重程度,明确强制措施的种类。 3、注意事项 (1)对有根据认为不符合国家标准或行业标准的设施、设备、器材予以查封或扣押时,应当下发《强制措施决定书》。 (2)根据《易制毒化学品管理条例》(国务院令第445号)第三十二条第二款规定,行政主管部门在进行易制毒化学品监督检查时,可以依法查看现场、查阅和复制有关资料、记录有关情况、扣押有关的证据材料和违法物品;必要时,可以临时查封有关场所。 (3)符合《中华人民共和国安全生产法》第五十六条第一款第(四)项及相关法律法规规定的强制措施种类。


战略与策略的主要区别 一,什么是战略营销? 必须首先明确,什么是战略。 1,战略的本质是一个企业的选择。为什么要做选择?因为任何一个企业都不是全能的。不可能做所有的事情,也不是所有的事情都能做好!任何企业的资源和能力都是有限的。战略就是要把有限的资源和能力,用到产出最大的地方。战略就是一个选择的过程,选择什么?如何选择?这是企业战略规划所要研究的课题。 2,战略首先意味着放弃。在中国目前的经济环境下,战略对于企业家的意义,更为重要的是“放弃”。中国的经济处在快速发展期,有太多的市场机会可供选择。但选择意味着放弃,而放弃是一件很痛苦的事情。 综上所述,战略选择的核心是对企业目标客户群的选择。而战略营销就是从战略的高度思考和规划企业的营销过程,是聚焦最有价值客户群的营销模式。 我们都知道80/20原理,20%的客户创造了企业80%的利润。战略营销要做的就是找到适合企业的目标客户群,并锁定他们进行精确打击,使企业的资源和能力发挥最大的效益,并实现企业能力的持续提升。 因此,战略营销的三个关键要素就是:1)客户细分;2)聚焦客户价值;3)为股东和客户增值。 二,什么是策略营销? 策略营销主要指的是在市场营销中,将企业的市场策略运用到营销中的过程。 比如: 1,低成本策略 通过降低产品生产和销售成本,在保证产品和服务质量的前提下,使自己的产品价格低于竞争对手的价格,以迅速扩大的销售量提高市场占有率的竞争策略。 2.差别化策略 通过发展企业别具一格的营销活动,争取在产品或服务等方面具有独特性,使消费者产生兴趣而消除价格的可比性,以差异优势产生竞争力的竞争策略。 3.聚焦策略 通过集中企业力量为某一个或几个细分市场提供有效的服务,充分满足一部分消费者的特殊需求,以争取局部竞争优势的竞争策略。 一个企业的市场营销策略必须是在企业的战略营销策略下确定的,可以简单把策略营销理解成企业在市场的战术营销。这就是两者的区别!


、真理的定义和特点以及谬误的区别 定义:真理是人们对客观事物及其规律的正确反映。 特点:1、真理具有客观性。真理的内容是客观的;检验真理的标准是客观的。 2、真理具有价值性。真理的价值性是指真理对人类实践活动的功能性,它揭示了客观真理具有能满足主体需要、对主体有用的属性。 9.资本循环和资本周转(资本循环的三个阶段三大职能,两大前提条件;资本周转的定义,影响周转的因素) 资本循环指产品资本从一定的形式出发,经过一系列形式的变化,又回到原来出发点的运动。产品资本在循环过程中要经历三个不同的阶段,于此相联系的是资本依次执行三种不同的职能: 第一个阶段是购买阶段,即生产资料与劳动力的购买阶段。它属于商品的流通过程,在这一阶段,产业资本执行的是货币资本的职能。 第二个阶段是生产阶段,即生产资料与劳动者相结合生产物质财富并使生产资本得以增值,执行的是生产资本的职能。 第三个阶段是售卖阶段,即商品资本向货币资本的转化阶段。在此阶段产业资本所执行的是商品资本的职能,通过商品买卖实现商品的价值,满足人们的需要。 资本循环必须具备两个基本前提条件: 一是产业资本的三种职能形式必须在空间上同时并存,也就是说,产业资本必须按照一定比例同时并存于货币资本、生产资本和商品资本三种形式中。 二是产业资本的三种职能形式必须在时间上继起,也就是说,产业资本循环的三种职能形式必须保持时间上的依次连续性。 资本周转是资本反复不断的循环运动所形成的周期性运动。 影响资本周转最重要的两个要素是:一是资本周转的时间;二是生产资本的固定资本和流动资本的构成。要加快资本周转的时间,获得更多的剩余价值,就要缩短资本周转时间,加快流动资本周转速度。 第五章 2.垄断条件下竞争的特点 竞争目的上,垄断竞争是获取高额利润,并不断巩固和扩大自己的垄断地位和统治权力;竞争手段上,垄断组织的竞争,除采取各种形式的经济手段外,还采取非经济手段,使经济变得更加复杂、更加激烈; 在竞争范围上,国际市场的竞争越来越激烈,不仅经济领域的竞争多种多样,而且还扩大到经济领域范围以外进行竞争。 总之,垄断条件下的竞争,不仅规模大、时间长、手段残酷、程度更加激烈,而且具有更大的破坏性。 3.金融寡头如何握有话语权 金融寡头在经济领域中的统治主要通过“参与制”实现。所谓参与制,即金融寡头通过掌握

none,no one,nobody,nothing区别教案资料

n o n e,n o o n e,n o b o d y,n o t h i n g区别

none 与 no one / nobody 及 nothing 区别 no one / nobody 常用来指人,作主语时谓语动词要用单数形式; nothing 常用来指物,作主语时谓语动词也要用单数形式; none 可指人也可指物,作主语时,如和 of 连用指不可数名词时,谓语动词要用单数形式;指可数名词时,谓语动词用单、复数均可。如: Noone likes a person with bad manners. Nothing is difficult in the world if you put your heart into it. None of them has / have seen me before. None of this money belongs to me. 注意: 1 ) none 可与 of 连用表示范围,而 no one / nobody 及 nothing 不可。 2 ) none 可用来回答 How many / much…?的特殊疑问句;而 no one / nobody 及 nothing 则分别用来回答 Who…?和 What…?的特殊疑问句。如: — How many birds are there in thetree? —None. — What is in the box? —Nothing. — Who is in the classroom? —No one / Nobody. 3 ) none 可用来回答“ any + 名词”构成的一般疑问句:而 nobody 和 nothing 则分别用来回答由 anybody 和 anything 构成的一般疑问句。如: — Is there any bread left? — No,none at all. — Is there anything in the sky? — No,nothing.


近几十年在国内外城市污水处理工程实践中,采用较多的城市污水处理工艺有传统活性污泥法,吸附再生法、分段进水法、AB法、A/O法、A/A/O法、SBR法、氧化沟法、一体化池(UNITANK)等等,而各种工艺中又有一些变化了和改进了新形态。几种不同污水处理工艺技术特点见表2。 以上列举的这些城市污水处理工艺,其核心设施—曝气池都是敞开的,一般在池底装有曝气器或者在池面装有曝气机,设施结构较为简单,便于检修和维护,其中:AB法由于采取了两次生化处理,工艺的单元构成较复杂,产生的污泥也不稳定,需要污泥处置设施对其进行稳定化处理和处置,管理环节多,建设投入比较多(1500~2000元/(m3/d)),污水处理单位成本也高(0.7~1.0元/m3)。但是,由于该工艺是针对高浓度城市污水处理而设计的,去除单位污染物的建设投入和运行消耗并不高,是一种特殊场合宜用的城市污水处理工艺。 传统活性污泥法、分段进水法、吸附再生法属于中等负荷的污水处理工艺,该工艺出水水质稳定且较好,运行管理比较简单,但是由于污泥不稳定,需要增加设施进行稳定化处理,增加了运行管理环节,加大了基建投入(1000~2000元/(m3/d)),但是污泥产生的沼气可用来发电或直接驱动鼓风机,使污水处理总能耗低(0.15~0.20 kWh/m3),运行成本低(0.25元/m3左右),由于其明显的经济性,特别是在大型城市污水处理项目建设中(>20万m3/d),是国内外广泛采用的城市污水处理工艺。 氧化沟、序批池(SBR)、一体化(UNITANK)都是属于低负荷污水处理工艺,出水

水质非常好。由于负荷低、一般不再设置初沉池,而二沉池也往往和曝气池组合为一;由于泥龄长、污泥较为稳定,一般可以不再作稳定化处理而直接处置或者应用,省去了污泥稳定化设施,大大简化了工艺构成,使运行管理非常简单,但是负荷低、泥龄长也使生化部分大大增加,增加了污水处理设施的建设投入,提高了能耗(0.28 kWh/m3左右),提高了运行消耗成本。这一类工艺还有一个特点是负荷变化范围宽,在需要的时候也可以按中等负荷运行,适应城市水污染治理的阶段需要。这一类工艺比较适合规模较小(<20万m3/d),技术力量较薄弱的中小城市的城市污水处理。 2/ 由于抗生素污水在处理上有相当的难度,处理装置投资大,技术比较复杂,运行费用也相当可观,为此,作一小结,期望能起到抛砖引玉之效果。1污水处理工程简介在建本污水处理工程前,在“七五”期间,该厂的6.6kg/a阿霉素工程曾建有一套60m3/d规模的污水处理装置,其处理方法为:臭氧氧化-生物接触氧化法。在实际运行中,装置好氧生化部分已无余量,臭氧氧化解毒处理部分还尚有每天处理能力十几m3污水的余量。由于该厂“八五”项目:500kg/a妥布霉素、10kg/a丝裂霉素、1 000kg/a阿佛菌素工程的相继建设,有关专家和省、地、市环保部门建议:在新厂区应综合规划,几个项目的污水进行集中统一治理。经与厂方反复研究,总结阿霉素工程污水处理的成功经验,决定利用阿霉素工程污水处理站的余量处理设施,再设计一套处理污水量为240m3/d,处理COD Cr进量为 2 500kg/d 的污水处理装置。 根据该厂生产工艺特点和水质情况,对于各股污水进行仔细分析和计算,为了使生化处理系统能顺利运行及降低基建投资,本设计采用如下预处理措施:(1)用臭氧氧化法预处理丝裂霉素污水,使抗生素的环状母体结构断裂。(2)用生物水解工艺预处理混合污水,使钢制厌氧反应器容积减少,以降低基建投资。[1] [2] [3] [4] [下一页] 2污水处理工艺流程丝裂霉素车间污水用泵送至已建的阿霉素污水处理站臭氧氧化塔处理,经处理的污水与妥布霉素等车间的污水一道自流入污水集水池,平均每月 1.2批,每批28t的发酵倒罐液由工艺物料泵送至设在集水池顶上的倒罐液贮存池,经自然沉淀的上清液慢慢加入污水集水池中,沉淀物用泵送到污泥浓缩塔,再经高速离心分离机处理,此泥饼可回收做复合饲料或作农肥,滤液返回到污水集水池,此池中的污水由潜污泵送到污水调节池。由于各车间的污水排放不均匀,所以潜污泵开停只得由集水池中的高低水位来控制(即高水位时开泵,低水位时停泵)。污水调节池容积设有1天之设计水量,以利于水质均化。污水调节池出水自流入本池下面的生物水解反应池,在此池中装有半软性组合填料,在厌氧菌的作用下,能将较复杂的有机物分解为小分子化合物。经生物水解反应池处理的污水,用污水泵均匀地将水送到旋流式浮腾厌氧反应器处理。厌氧反应器出水再自流到菌液分离池、预曝气池、生物接触氧化池及气浮净水器处理。为控制生物接触氧化池的进水浓度,从而保证处理的污水达标排放,本设计特设清下水集水池1座,用泵将清下水送往预曝气池。 为使厌氧反应器工作效率较佳和稳定,本设计在水解反应池的进口处设有蒸汽加温措施,温度自动控制在35±2℃,并还设有温度指示和报警装置。 生化处理的沉淀污泥和气浮净水器的浮渣均经高速离心机处理后运出作农肥。 厌氧处理所产生的沼气,根据有关资料计算,每天约1 025m3,本设计设有200m3气柜1台,经水封罐后,送到锅炉房作辅助燃料之用。3主要处理构筑物和设备设计参数 3.1生物水解反应池 为使池中有较高的厌氧微生物存在,以将进水中颗粒物质和胶体物质迅速截留和吸附,在此池中放置了半软性组合填料。污水停留时间为8h。 3.2旋流式浮腾厌氧反应器


高考英语语法知识之It 的用法总结 1.It is + 被强调部分+ that ... 该句型是强调句型。将被强调的部分放在前面,其它部分置于that之后。被强调部分可以是主语,宾语,状语。强调的主语如果是人,that可以由who换用。 如果把这种句型结构划掉后,应该是一个完整无缺的句子。这也是判断强调句型与其它从句的方法。 It was they that (who) cleaned the classroom yesterday. It was in the street that I met her father. 2.It was not until + 被强调部分+ that ... 该句型也是强调句型。主要用于强凋时间状语,译成汉语"直到...才...",可以说是not ... until ... 的强调形式。 It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous film star. = Not until she took off her dark glasses did I realize she was a famous film star. = I didn’t realize she was a famous film star until she took off her dark glasses. 3.It is clear ( obvious, true, possible,certain....) that ..... 该句型中it 是形式主语,真正的主语是that 引导的主语从句,常译为"清楚(显然,真的,肯定...)"是主语从句最常见的一种结构。 It is very clear that he’s round and tall like a tree.= That he’s round and tall like a tree is very clear. 4. It is important ( necessary, right, strange, natural...) that ... 由于主句中的形容词不同,that 后的从句中要用虚拟语气(should + 动词原形),should 可以省去。 It is important that we (should) learn English well. It is necessary that he (should) remember these words. 5. It is said (reported, learned....) that ... 该句型中的it 仍是形式主语,真正主语是that 引导的主语从句。该结构常译为"据说(据报道,据悉...)"。It is said that he has come to Beijing. 6. It is suggested ( ordered ... ) that ... 主句中的过去分词是表示请求,建议,命令等词时,that后的从句要用虚拟语气(should + 动词原形),should 可以省。常译为"据建议;有命令.. It is suggested that the meeting ( should ) be put off. It was ordered that we ( should ) arrive there in two hours. 7. It is a pity ( a shame ... ) that ... 该句型中,that后的从句一般用虚拟语气(should + 动词原形),should可省去.表示出乎意料,常译为"竟然"。没有这种意义时,则不用虚拟语气。 It is a pity that such a thing ( should ) happen in your class. It is a pity that he is ill. 8. It is time ( about time ,high time ) that ... 该句型中that 后的从句应该用虚拟语气,值得注意的是①常用过去时态表示虚拟.②有时也用should + 动词原形,should 不能省。常译为"是(正是)...的时侯..."。 It is time that children should go to bed. = It is time that children went to bed. 9. It is the first ( second ... ) time that ... 该句型中的that 从句不用虚拟语气,而用完成时态。至于用什么完成时态,由主句的谓语动词的时态决定。如果是一般现在时,后面从句用现在完成时态;如果是一般过去时,后面从句则用过去完成时态。该结构中that 可以省去;it有时用this / that 替换.常译为"这是某人第几次做某事了"。 It is the first time I have been here. = This is the first time I have been here. 10 It is the +形容词最高级+ 名词+ that + ….. 该句型中的that 从句不用虚拟语气,而用完成时态。至于用什么完成时态,由主句的谓语动词的时态决定。如果是一般现在时,后面从句用现在完成时态;如果是一般过去时,后面从句则用过去完成时态。该结构中that 可以省去;it有时用this / that 替换.常译为"这是某人做过的最…的事情"。 This is the best film that I have ever seen . That was the worst song that he had heard . 11. It is .... since ...


功能和特点的区别Excel的主要功能和特点 Excel的主要功能和特点 Excel电子表格是office系列办公软的-种,实现对日常生活、工作中的表格的数据处理。它通过友好的人机界面,方便易学的智能化操作方式,使用户轻松拥有实用美观个性十足的实时表格,是工作、生活中的得力助手。 一、Excel功能概述; 1、功能全面:几乎可以处理各种数据 2、操作方便:菜单、窗口、对话框、工具栏 3、丰富的数据处理函数 4、丰富的绘制图表功能:自动创建各种统计图表 5、丰富的自动化功能:自动更正、自动排序、自动筛选等 6、运算快速淮确: 7、方便的数据交换能力 8、新增的Web工具 二、电子数据表的特点Excel 电子数据表软工作于Windows平台,具有Windows环境软的所有优点。而在图形用户界面、表格处理、数据分析、图表制作和网络信息共享等方面具有更突出的特色。工.图形用户界面Excel 的图形用户界面是标准的Windows的窗口形式,有控制菜单、最大化、最小化按钮、标题栏、菜单栏等内容。其中的

菜单栏和工具栏使用尤为方便。菜单栏中列出了电子数据表软的众多功能,工具栏则进一步将常用命令分组,以工具按钮的形式列在菜单栏的下方。而且用户可以根据需要,重组菜单栏和工具栏。在它们之间进行复制或移动操作,向菜单栏添加工具栏按钮或是在工具栏上添加菜单命令,甚至定义用户自己专用的菜单和工具栏。当用户操作将鼠标指针停留在菜单或工具按钮时,菜单或按钮会以立体效果突出显示,并显示出有关的提示。而当用户操作为单击鼠标右键时,会根据用户指示的操作对象不同,自动弹出有关的快捷菜单,提供相应的最常用命令。为了方便用户使用工作表和建立公式,Excel 的图形用户界面还有编辑栏和工作表标签。. 2.表格处理 Excel的另-个突出的特点是采用表格方式管理数据,所有的数据、信息都以二维表格形式(工作表)管理,单元格中数据间的相互关系一目了然。从而使数据的处理和管理更直观、更方便、更易于理解。对于曰常工作中常用的表格处理操作,例如,增加行、删除列、合并单元格、表格转置等操作,在Excel中均只需询单地通过菜单或工具按钮即可完成。此外Excel还提供了数据和公式的自动填充,表格格式的自动套用,自动求和,自动计算,记忆式输入,选择列表,自动更正,拼写检查,审核,排序和筛选等众多功能,可以帮助用户快速高效地建立、编辑、编排和管理各种表格。

2018年高考英语天津专版复习:专题一 语法知识 第十三讲 含答案

第十三讲代词 考点1 none,nothing,no one的区别 Nikiisalwaysfullofideas,but________isusefultomyknowledge.(2015·四川,10) A.nothing B.noone C.neither D.none 答案 D 解析句意为:Niki总是有很多想法,但是据我所知,没有一个想法有用。nothing 什么都没有,没有东西;noone指人,故选项B错误;neither两者都不,语意不符;none既可指人,也可指物,故此题选D。 考点归纳 1.none可与由of连接的人或物组成短语,而nothing,noone不可。Noneofuswenttotheconcertlastnight. 昨天晚上我们中没有一个人去听音乐会。 2.none回答Howmany...或Howmuch...的问题,而noone (nobody)和nothing 则分别用来回答Who...和What...的问题。—Howmanystudentsinyourclasswenttothelecture? —None. ——你们班有多少学生去听报告了? ——一个也没有。 —Whodidyouseeenterthelonelyhouse? —Nobody.

——你看见谁进了那间僻静的房间? ——没看见一个人。 3.none可以指代前面提到的人或物;noone (nobody)和nothing没有这种作用。Hehasabrother,butIhavenone. 他有一个兄弟,而我一个也没有。 考点2 none,neither,all,both,either,any的区别1.Theresearchgroupproducedtworeportsbasedonthesurvey, but________containedanyusefulsuggestions.(2015·福建,21) A.all B.none C.either D.neither 答案 D 解析句意为:这个研究组发布了以这个调查为基础的两个报道,但是都没有有用的建议。根据题干中的tworeports和but可知,此处表示“两者都不”,所以用neither。 2.—WhenshallIcall,inthemorningorafternoon? —________.I’llbeinallday.(2014·江西,32) A.Any B.None C.Neither D.Either 答案 D 解析句意为:——我什么时候打电话过来,早晨还是下午?——都可以,我一直都在。根据句意可知是在早晨和下午这两种情况中做出选择。A、B两项通常都表示三者或三者以上的情况;neither表示两者都不;either表两者中选择其一。


方案违背和方案偏离的定义、区别和处理 方案违背(Protocol Violation)和方案偏离(Protocol Deviation)的差别在于严重程度不同,但是关于PD和PV的定义、记录及通报过程,在不同的试验方案或不同的申办方,要求也不尽相同。 方案偏离:研究者管理下,任何的改变和不遵循临床试验方案设计或流程的,且没有得到IRB批准的行为。只要没有严重影响受试者的权益、安全性和获益,或研究数据的完整性,精确性和可靠性,这种属于轻微的方案偏离。 方案违背:方案违背是偏离IRB批准的方案的一种,它可影响到受试者的权益,安全性和获益,或研究数据的完整性,精确性和可靠性。 方案违背是方案偏离的一种,PV比PD严重,就像SAE和AE一样的关系。 PV一般需要在临床总结报告中报告,而轻微的PD可以不在临床总结报告中报告。 1偏离方案分类 按发生的责任主体可分为:研究者/研究机构不依从的PD,受试者不依从导致的PD,申办者方面不依从的PD; 2常见的方案偏离 ?访视/观察/检查在时间窗外,但不影响受试者按方案继续使用研究药 物,或不影响对主要疗效和关键的次要疗效指标评价的有效性。 ?方案规定观察的数据点或实验室参数缺失而导致数据的指缺失,但不影 响主要疗效或关键的次要疗效或安全性指标结果。如方案中规定收集的 指标没有设计在病例报告表中,某研究机构不具备某实验室指标的检查 条件等。 ?观察/评价不全,但不影响主要或次要关键疗效或安全结果,如在非高 血压的临床试验中,忘记测量血压。 3以下情况不属于方案偏离 ?因为提前中止试验(患者撤销同意,或因其他原因决定中止患者参加试 验),中止后的检查未做。


语法专题十:it的用法 1.指代事物、动物、婴儿或未知的人。 2.指天气、时间、距离、自然现象、环境等。 3.代替不定式,作形式主语或形式宾语(常与feel, consider, find, believe, make, take, imagine, think, suppose, regard等连用)。 4.代替动名词,作形式主语或形式宾语: It is no good / no use / useless / dangerous + doing I think it no good / no use / useless / dangerous + doing I think it no use complaining about their prejudice. 5.代替主语从句、宾语从句,作形式主语或形式宾语: It seems / appears / happens / turns out / proves + that… It is certain / likely / possible / probable + that… We have made it clear that she has nothing to do with the case. 6.用于强调句:It is / was … that / who… A student witnessed the car accident at the turning last night. (1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) (1) _________________________________________________________. (2) _________________________________________________________. (3) _________________________________________________________. (4) _________________________________________________________. It is not until +被强调的部分+ that… I didn’t realize she was a famous film star until she took off her dark glasses. ________________________________________________________________. 7. 其他重要句型: It is important (necessary, right, strange, natural) that…(should+动词原形) It is said (reported, learned…) that… It is suggested (ordered…) that…(should)+动词原形 It is a pity (a sham) that …(should)+动词原形 It happens (seems, looks, appears ) that... It occurs to sb. to do / that…:使某人想起…… It is/ has been +一段时间+ since ...+过去时 It will be +一段时间+ before ... It looks ( seems ) as if … It is no wonder…:难怪 When it comes to…:当谈到…… It comes about that…:发生 8. appreciate, love, like, hate, see to(负责,注意) + it + 从句 巩固练习: 1. It took us over an hour ______ along the street. A. walk B. to walk C. walking D. walked 2. I think it a great honour ______to visit your country. A. to invite B. inviting C. having invited D. to be invited 3. Many people now make ______a rule to buy cards for their friends before Christmas. A. themselves B. it C. that D. this 4.______is very clear to everyone that he's round and tall like a tree.


it的用法 一、考点聚焦 1、it的基本用法 (1)用作人称代词,代替前文提到过的事物。 The train has arrived. It arrived half an hour ago. (2)用以代替提示代词this, that。[来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,K] —What’s this? —It’s a knife. —Whose watch is t hat? —It’s mine. (3)起指示代词的作用,指一个人或事物。 —Who is knocking at the door? —It’s me. (4)指环境情况等。 It was very noisy(quiet) at the very moment. (5)指时间、季节等。 —What time is it? —It’s eight o’clock. It often rains in summer here. (6)指距离。 It is a long way to the school. (7)作形式主语。 It is not easy to finish the work in two days. It is no use crying over spilt milk. It is as pity that you didn’t read the book. (8)作形式宾语。 I think it no use arguing w ith him. I found it very interesting to study English. He made it clear that he was not interested in that subject. (9)用于强调结构。 It was Xiaoming whom(that)I met in the street last night. It was in the street that I met Xiaoming last n ight. It ws last night that I met Xiaoming in the street. It was I who met Xiaoming in the street last night. 2、含有“It is …”的句型 (1)It is time (for sb.) to do sth. It is (high) time that sb. did sth.(虚拟语气) (2)It is + 形容词(+of / for sb.)+ to do sth 通常用 of的词有brave、clever、careful、hopeless、kind、good、naughty、nice、silly、stupid、foolish、wise 等。 (3)It is + 形容词+ that + sb. + (should) do sth.(虚拟语气)[来源:学科网ZXXK] 能用于这个句型的形容词有strange、wonderful、natural、good、proper、right、wrong、well、fortunate、important、necessary、useless、likely、probab le、impossible等。有时可省去should而直接用动词原形。如:It is important that we should pay close attention to grain. It is natural that he(should)say so. (4)It is no use/ good + doing sth. It is no use trying again = It is of no use to try again. (5)It is + 被强调部分+ that/who + …[来源:学科网ZXXK][来源:Z+xx+https://www.360docs.net/doc/4017731742.html,] Was it in the street that you met her? Who was it that called him“comrade”? It was not until yesterday that I met my old friend.
