



1.某中学有高中生3 500人,初中生1 500人.为了解学生的学习情况,用分层抽样的方法从该校学生中抽取一个容量为n 的样本,已知从高中生中抽取70人,则n 为( )

A .100

B .150

C .200

D .250

A [解析] 法一:由题意可得70n -70=3 500

1 500,解得n =100,故选A.

法二:由题意,抽样比为703 500=150,总体容量为3 500+1 500=5 000,故n =5 000×1



2.已知复数z 满足(z -3)(2-i)=5(i 为虚数单位),则z 的共轭复数z -

为( ) A .2+i B .2-i C .5-i

D .5+i

C [解析] 依题意得,z -3=52-i =5(2+i )(2-i )(2+i )

=2+i ,z =5+i ,z -=5-i ,选C.

3.在长为3 m 的线段AB 上任取一点P ,则点P 与线段AB 两端点的距离都大于1 m 的概率等于( )





D [解析] 将线段AB 平均分成3段,设中间的两点分别为C ,D ,所以当点P 在线段CD 上时,符合题意,线段CD 的长度为1,所以所求概率P =13


4.在中秋节前,小雨的妈妈买来5种水果,4种肉类做月饼.要求每种馅只能用2种食材,且水果和肉类不能混合在一起做馅,则小雨妈妈做出水果馅月饼的概率是( )




D.79 B [解析] 设5种水果分别为A 1,A 2,A 3,A 4,A 5,4种肉类分别为B 1,B 2,B 3,B 4,用2种食材,且水果和肉类不能混合在一起做馅的所有可能结果为(A 1,A 2),(A 1,A 3),(A 1,A 4),(A 1,A 5),(A 2,A 3),(A 2,A 4),(A 2,A 5),(A 3,A 4),(A 3,A 5),(A 4,A 5),(B 1,B 2),(B 1,

B 3),(B 1,B 4),(B 2,B 3),(B 2,B 4),(B 3,B 4),共16种,用水果做馅的共10种,所以做出水果馅月饼的概率是5



5.某公司为确定明年投入某产品的广告费,对近5年的年广告费x (单位:千元)与年销售量y (单位:吨)进行了初步统计,得到下列表格中的数据:

经测算,年广告费x 与年销售量y 满足线性回归方程y ^

=0.76x -71,则n 的值为( ) A .4 B .4.5 C .5

D .6

C [解析] 由表格中的数据可得,x -=100,y -=2+3+n +7+8

5=4+n 5,因为回归直

线y ^=0.76x -71必经过样本点的中心(x -,y -

),所以4+n 5=0.76×100-71,解得n =5,故选



录他们的考试成绩,得到如图所示的茎叶图.已知甲班5名同学成绩的平均数为81,乙班5名同学成绩的中位数为73,则x -y 的值为( )

A .2

B .-2

C .3

D .-3

D [解析] 由题意得,72+77+80+x +86+90

5=81 x =0,易知y =3,所以x -y =


7.从某小学随机抽取100名同学,现已将他们的身高(单位:厘米)数据绘制成频率分布直方图(如图).若要从身高在[120,130),[130,140),[140,150]三组内的学生中,用分层抽样的方法选取18人参加一项活动,则从身高在[140,150]内的学生中选取的人数应为( )

A .2

B .3

C .4

D .5

B [解析] 依题意可得10×(0.005+0.010+0.020+a +0.035)=1,解得a =0.030,故身高在[120,130),[130,140),[140,150]三组内的学生比例为3∶2∶1,所以从身高在[140,150]内的学生中选取的人数应为3.

8.执行如图所示的程序框图,如果输入的a =-1,b =-2,则输出的a 的值为( )

A .16

B .8

C .4

D .2

B [解析] 当a =-1,b =-2时,a =(-1)×(-2)=2<6;当a =2,b =-2时,a =2×(-2)=-4<6;当a =-4,b =-2时,a =(-4)×(-2)=8>6,此时输出的a =8,故选B.

9.若运行如图所示程序框图,则输出结果S 的值为( )

A .94

B .86

C .73

D .56

A [解析] 由程序框图可得i =1,S =1;i =2,S =4;i =3,S =10;i =4,S =22;i =5,S =46;i =6,S =94,结束循环.输出的S =94.


由公式K 2

=n (ad -bc )(a +b )(c +d )(a +c )(b +d ),算得K 2=





参照附表,以下结论正确的是( )

A .在犯错误的概率不超过0.1%的前提下,认为“爱好该项运动与性别有关”

B .只有不超过1%的把握认为“爱好该项运动与性别有关”

C .有99%以上的把握认为“爱好该项运动与性别有关”

D .有99%以上的把握认为“爱好该项运动与性别无关”

C [解析] 因为7.8>6.635,所以有99%以上的把握认为“爱好该项运动与性别有关”.

11.如图所示,以边长为1的正方形ABCD 的一边AB 为直径在其内部作一半圆.若在正方形中任取一点P ,则点P 恰好取自半圆部分的概率为( )


2 B.12 C.π4

D.π8 D [解析] 所求概率P =12×π×????1221×1



12.阅读如图的程序框图,运行相应的程序,若输出S 的值为1,则判断框内为( )

A .i >6?

B .i >5?

C .i ≥3?

D .i ≥4?

D [解析] 依题意,执行程序框图,进行第一次循环时,S =1×(3-1)+1=3,i =1+1=2;进行第二次循环时,S =3×(3-2)+1=4,i =2+1=


;进行第三次循环时,S =4×(3-3)+1=1,i =4,因此当输出的S 的值为1时,判断框内为“i ≥4?”,选D.


[解析] 由题意可得,把800人平均分为50组,每组16人,设第1小组中随机抽到的学生编号为x ,则第k 组应取的编号为16(k -1)+x ,由503=16×(32-1)+x ,得x =7,故第1小组中随机抽到的学生编号为7.

[答案] 7


4,照此规律总结出第n 个不等式为


[解析] 由已知,三个不等式可以写成1+122<2×2-12,1+122+132<2×3-13,1+122+1


142<2×4-14,所以照此规律可得到第n 个不等式为1+122+132+…+1n 2+1

(n +1)2<2(n +1)-1n +1=2n +1

n +1


[答案] 1+122+132+…+1n 2+1(n +1)2<2n +1n +1


[解析] 分析题意只有一人说假话可知,甲与丙必定说的都是真话,故说假话的只有乙,即乙没有得优秀,甲也没有得优秀,得优秀的是丙.

[答案] 丙

16.在以点O 为圆心,1为半径的半圆弧上任取一点B ,如图所示,则△AOB 的面积大于1



[解析] 如图甲所示,过点B 作直线OA 的垂线,垂足为D ,则△AOB 的面积大于1


于12×1×|BD |>14,即|BD |>1

2.如图乙所示,作CO ⊥OA ,取P 为CO 的中点,过P 作MN ⊥OC ,连接OM ,ON ,则当点B 在MCN ︵上运动(不包括点M ,N )时,|BD |>1

2,故所求概率P =2π





2 [答案]



全国高考复习地理考前热身押题练(七)(解析版) 一、选择题 “海草房”零星分布在胶东半岛的自然村中,屋顶用海草等覆盖,外面紧绷着渔网,屋顶呈50°角的“人”字坡形。海草主要是用大叶海苔等野生藻类晒干后制成,含有大量卤盐和胶质。海草房最大的特点是冬暖夏凉。20世纪90年代以来,新建的海草房越来越少,旧的海草房大都弃之不用,一些经改良后仍然保留海草房特点的新式民居陆续出现。如图为海草房景观图。据此完成1~3题。 1.古代海草房的建筑工艺的最主要作用是() A.海草为天然建筑材料,废弃后容易降解 B.呈50°角的人字坡形屋顶,整齐美观 C.海草含有大量卤盐和胶质,可防蚊虫 D.外面紧绷着渔网,可防盗、防风、防鸟 2.20世纪90年代以来,新建的海草房越来越少,旧的海草房大都弃之不用,一些经改良后仍然保留海草房特点的新式民居陆续出现。其原因可能是() A.近海水产养殖增多,海草产量大幅减少 B.自然灾害增多,海草房的遮风避雨功能减弱 C.海草房知名度高,需要保护 D.城镇化水平提高,人口迁出增多 3.针对现存海草房,最合理的保护性开发方向是() A.保留海草房现状,留住乡愁 B.发展租赁业,开发民俗旅游 C.全面改造,融入现代化生活需要 D.争取国际合作,建立民居博物馆 解析:1.D 2.A 3.B第1题,海草房屋顶用特有的海带草苫成,堆尖如垛,浅褐色中带着灰白色调,含有大量卤盐和胶质,海草房最大的特点是冬暖夏凉,因此古代海草房的建筑工艺的最主要作用是外面紧绷着渔网,可防盗、防风、防鸟,所以D正确。第2题,20世纪90年代以来,新建的海草房越来越少,旧的海草房大都弃之不用,一些经改良后仍然保留海草房特点的新式民居陆续出现,主要原因是近海水产养殖增多,海草产量大幅减少,所以A正确。第3题,海草房是世界上最具代表性的原生态民居之一,具有冬暖夏凉、居住舒适、百年不腐等特点,最合理的保护性开发方向是发展租赁业,开发民俗旅游,所以B正确。 创意农业是融生产、生活、生态为一体的现代农业。近些年,北京郊区创意农业的发展迅猛,出现了“植物迷宫”景观农业、“波龙堡酒庄”产业融合、“平谷桃”产业链开发、“公园式”主题农业开发等创意发展模式。据此完成4~5题。 4.北京郊区创意农业发展的共同区位条件是() A.平坦开阔的地形B.知名品牌的农产品 C.发达便捷的交通网D.先进的农业生产技术


2014年12月大学英语六级CET6考试 考前冲刺试题及答案 2014年12月大学英语六级CET6考试考前冲刺试题及答案(1)Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (20 minutes) Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Example:You will hear: M: When shall we start our work, Jane? W: Tomorrow at 9 o'clock. But we must work quickly, for we have to finish everything before 2 in the afternoon. Q: For how long can they work? You will read: A) 2 hours. B) 3 hours. C) 4 hours. D) 5 hours. From the conversation we know that the two are talking about some work they will start at 9 o'clock in the morning and have to finish at 2 in the afternoon. Therefore, D)"5 hours" is the correct answer. You should choose [D] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the center. Sample Answer [A] [B][C] [D] 1. A) The man can have his camera fixed here. B) The woman will probably fix the man's camera herself. C) The man will buy a new camera. D) The woman suggests that the camera should have been brought in earlier. 2. A) Jack vacuumed the living room but not the bathroom. B) Jack cleaned the bathroom but not the living room. C) Jack cleaned neither the living room nor the bathroom because he is exhausted. D) Jack cleaned both the living room and the bathroom. 3. A) At the dentist's. B) At a grocery.


拓展训练前热身游戏 在训练或比赛开始之前先做几分钟的热身运动对身体和注意 力都是很好的准备过程。热身给大脑以刺激,让你的身体为更强的运动做好准备。以下是我带来拓展训练前热身游戏的相关内容,希望对你有帮助。 1、串名字游戏 游戏方法: 小组成员围成一圈,任意提名一位学员自我介绍单位、姓名,第二名学员轮流介绍,但是要说:我是***后面的***,第三名学员说:我是***后面的***的后面的***,依次下去……,最后介绍的一名学员要将前面所有学员的名字、单位复述一遍。 分析:活跃气氛,打破僵局,加速学员之间的了解 2、面对面的介绍 游戏规则:将所有人排成两个同心圆,随着歌声同心圆转动,歌声一停,面对面的两人要相互自我介绍。 注意事项: (1)排成相对的两个同心圆,边唱边转,内外圈的旋转方向相反。 (2)歌声告一段落时停止转动,面对面的人彼此握手寒喧并相互自我介绍。歌声再起时,游戏继续进行。 3、我是谁?

活动目标: 1.协助学生认识自己眼中的我,及他人眼中的我。 2.增进学生彼此熟悉的程度,增加班级凝聚力。 活动程序: (一)教师发给每位学生一张A4影印纸。 (二)学生两两分组,一人为甲,一人为乙(最好是找不熟悉的同学为伴) (1).甲先向乙介绍「自己是一个什么样的人」,乙则在A4纸上记下甲所说之特质,历时五分钟。 (2).教师宣布活动的规定为:「自我介绍者,在说了一个缺点之后,就必须说一个优点」。 (3).五分钟后,甲乙角色互换,由乙向甲自我介绍五分钟,而甲做记录。 (4).五分钟后,教师请甲乙两人取回对方记录的纸张,在背面的右上角签上自己的名字。然后彼此分享做此活动的心得或感受,并讨论「介绍自己的优点与介绍自己的缺点,何者较为困难?为何会如此?个人使用那些策略度过这五分钟?」。两人之中须有一人负责统整讨论结果。 (三)学生三小组或四小组并为一大组,每大组有六至八人。 (1).两人小组中负责统整的人向其它人报告小组讨论的结果。 (2).分享后,教师请每位同学将其签名之A4纸(空白面朝上)传给右手边的同学。而拿到签名纸张的同学则根据其对此位同学的观

2020高考数学 考前“保持手感”暨热身训练03 (学生版)

2013年高考数学 考前“保持手感”暨热身训练03 (学生版) 【解题小贴士】 对于 “证明数列”的问题时的思考方向 1、等差数列证明的方向: (1)定义法:1n n a a d +-=或者1(2)n n a a d n --=≥,一般强调使用前者,使用后者切 忌 必须跟上“2n ≥”这个条件; (2)中项法:证明数列中任意连续三项满足“122n n n a a a ++=+”,一般证明三个数成等 差数列时使用; (3)观察法:数列{}n a 的通项公式符合n a dn q =+的形式,或是数列{}n a 的前n 项和公 式符合2n S An Bn =+的形式,我们可以说数列{}n a 是等差数列,此方法适用于选填中 的使用,不能作为大题中的证明根据. 一、选择题 1.(2013年高考考前热身)已知集合},1|{2R x x y y M ∈-==, }2|{2x y x N -==,则=N M I ( ) A.),1[+∞-

B.]2,1[- C. ),2[+∞ D. ? 2.(2013年广东高考考前热身)曲线 21x y xe x =++在点(0,1)处的切线方程为( ) A.13+-=x y B.31y x =+ C.22+=x y D.22+-=x y 3.(2013届河北省重点中学高三模拟)下列函数中,在(1,1)-内有零点且单调递增的是( ) A .2log (2)y x =+ B .21x y =- C .212y x =- D .3y x =- 4.(2013届上海市闸北高三模拟)已知向量a ,b 满足:1||||==b a ,且||3||b k a b a k -=+(0>k ).则向量a 与向量b 的夹角的最大值为 ( ) A .6π B.3π C.65 π D.32 π 5.(2013届山东省济宁市高三模拟考试)已知数列{}n a 是各项均为正数的等比数列,12341,4a a a a +=+=,则5678a a a a +++= A.80 B.20


6级考前冲刺试题二 Dogs Make Employees More Productive At Work Leib Lurie never intended for his company, message delivery service One Call Now, to be pet-friendly. But his dog, Ivy, had other ideas. Five years ago, the German shepherd showed up unannounced at One Call Now?s Troy, Ohio-based office—a 1.5-mile trek from Lurie?s home. When he continued to make the trip each day he wasn?t brought to the office, Lurie realized it was time for a change in company policy. Today, four or five employee?s dogs, as well as a variety of fish, birds, and other caged animals join Ivy in the office daily to make One Call Now a workingman?s menagerie (动物园). “They?re not very good at sending voice messages,” Lurie jokes of the pets in his office. “But we?ve gotten them down with using the computer, at least the point part.” One Call Now joins a growing force of companies across the United States to welcome pets in the workplace. While only 17 percent of U.S. employers currently allow animals in the workplace, according to a survey from the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association, pet-friendly, often specifically dog-friendly, environments are building steam. From major companies like Google, Zynga, and https://www.360docs.net/doc/525915265.html, to growing start-ups, more and more canine companions are showing up to work. For many entrepreneurs, the inception of a dog-friendly environment begins long before offices enter the picture. “My dog, Blueberry, was the founding dog,” explains Randy Hetrik, founder of TRX Training. “Literally, it was him and me before any other people came in, so he takes great pride in what we?ve accomplished.” As Hetrik built his company, he never forgot his first partner. Today, up to ten dogs wander with Blueberry through the four floors of TRX?s San Francisco office. Many pet-friendly work environments develop as a part of the company?s larger mission or company culture. After spending years in uptight corporate climates, Nancy Squires founded her own consulting firm, The Squires Group, with a distinctly homey atmosphere, which included her two Italian greyhounds. Marketing software company G5?s dog-friendliness fits into the animal-friendly climate of their mountain town Bend, Oregon, as well as the company?s own cultural backbone. “We try to have a culture that promotes freedom for the employees and helps them thrive,” says G5 CEO Dan Hobin. “If that involves bringing your dog to work, bring your dog to work.” Having dogs underfoot might seem to some like a distraction, but advocates of animals in the workplace see quite the opposite. Dogs in the office foster friendlier, more collaborative work environments. At G5, this includes dogs posing as mascots for the company?s various divisions. “Everyone rallies around the dogs,” Hobin says. Employees surrounded by dogs also have a tendency to rally around their jobs. According to a survey of 50 small and large companies by the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association in 2008, companies that allow pets in the workplace see a lower rate of employee absenteeism (旷工) and more willingness to work longer hours. “There are a lot of people who know they have to spend extra hours at work, particularly in this economic climate,”says Debrah Schnackenberg, vice president of emergency services for the American Humane Association. “People feel comfortable spending that extra hour or two at the office when they know their dog is right there with them.” Dog-friendliness may generate more loyalty for the company as a whole. In the last two years, One Call Now has seen a two or three percent turnover rate. Lurie attributes this small number in part to the office pets. “You ask someone who is in a $12-an-hour job, …W ould you work anywhere else??And they say, …No way.? Where else could I bring my dog to work?” he says. This sense of loyalty stems from a simple concept: Dogs make people happy. “They?re always happy to see you, they?re happy for the smallest things, and they?re ever optimistic,”says Hetrik. “Having a dog wandering around just seems to make people smile.”

中考考前热身练习 (热量计算 )

热量计算 1.如图所示是某型号的电热水壶,有关参数如表,将电热水壶装入最大容量的水后,放置于面积为 1.2m2的水平桌面上,求: (1)该热水壶受到的总重力为多少N? (2)该热水壶对桌面的压强多大? (3)若正常工作7分钟即可将该壶中初温为20℃的水加热到100℃,则电热水壶正常工 3J/(kg·℃)) 作时的效率多大?(c 水=4.2×10 2.按照规定,我国载货车辆的轮胎对地面的压强应控制在7×105Pa以内.某型号货车部分参数如表所示.王师傅在执行一次运输任务时,开着装满沙子的货车在一段平直的公路上匀速行驶15km.(沙子的密度为2.4×103kg/m3,燃油的热值为4.5×107J/kg) 货车自重6×104N 车轮个数10 每个轮胎触地面积3×10﹣2m2 车厢容积10m3 请解答该货车在本次运输过程中的下列问题: (1)通过计算判断该货车是否超载? (2)货车在这段公路上匀速行驶时所受阻力为车总重的0.02倍,这段时间内货车牵引力

所做的功是多少? (3)货车在这一过程中消耗燃油4kg,其热机的效率是多少? 3.一台电热水器,其铭牌数据如下表所示.现将水箱中装满水,通电后正常工作40min, =4.2×103J/(kg·℃),请完成下列计算: 水温从25℃上升到45℃,水的比热容c 水 型号FED-H50额定电压220V 最大装水量50㎏额定功率2000W (1)水吸收的热量是多少? (2)电热水器的效率是多少? 4.某校为师生饮水方便,安装了电热水器。为测定热水器消耗的电能,关闭其它用电器,只用电热水器给水加热,一段时间后,可把20kg初温为25℃的水加热至100℃,电能表的示数由图甲示数变为图乙示数。求: (1)该电热水器在这段时间内消耗的电能; (2)这段时间内水吸收的热量;(水的比热容c=4.2×103J/(kg?℃)) (3)电热水器的热效率(结果保留一位小数)。 5.天然气热水器已经普遍使用,小明在家中尝试估测家中热水器的热效率,他把家里自动洗衣机的“水量”设置为50L,用热水器输出的热水注入洗衣机,当注入水的体积达到50L 时洗衣机便会自动停止注水.已知当时的自来水的温度是15℃,设定热水器输出热水的温 =4.2×103J/(kg?℃),q天然气= 度为35℃,注水前后天然气表的示数变化了0.15m3.(c 水

浙江省义乌市高三考前热身语文试卷 含答案

义乌市2016届高三考前热身试卷 语文 原创:杨仲冬(5.28) 一、语言文字运用(共24分,其中选择题每小题3分) 1.下列词语中,加点字的注音全都正确的一项是() A.濒.危(bīn)接.轨(jiē)喜恣恣.(zì)鸢.飞鱼跃(yuān) B.宝藏.(zàng)蕴.涵(yùn)美猴.王(hóu)喜不自禁.(jìn) C.灿.烂(càn)瞠.目(chēng)豁.出去(huō)自怨自艾.(ài) D.喁.望(yóng)脆.弱(chuì)兴.头话(xìng)比权量.力(liàng) 2.下列各句中,没有错别字的一项是() A.不见洪流滚滚激荡山川的气概,就将可以嬉戏的涓涓细流当成时尚生活的惊喜。不见冰瀑横空万山空绝的气质,便把使人滋润的习习野风当成茶余饭后的欣然。 B.我渐渐明白一个道理——一个从事书法艺术的人,就是一个孤魂,不要天真地指望谁来帮助你、支持你,没有谁会帮你临贴,帮你创作,更不要奢求罩着你、捧着你。 C.他们个个身怀绝技,遵守传儿不传女的老规矩。爱琴的人不一定是弹琴的好手,他们只是爱,只是精于收藏。收藏是一种奇怪的噬好,是一种癖,一旦迷上就很难改掉。 D.更古不变的是,水的温柔一直浸润到人的气质里。姑苏人讲话的吴音,就如同评弹和昆曲,姑苏人接人待物的举止也少见粗俗,这一切,不能不说都有水的好处。 3.下列各句中,加点的词语运用不正确的一项是() A.自古以来我没有见过一件佳作是二人以上合作而成的,许多古代书法家被称为颠、狂、怪、痴,他们都是飘来飘去的孤独魂魄,怀念 ..于自己的艺术世界,也正是由此。 B.正是爱国主义精神的鞭策,才使我们民族在内乱出现之时,不同利益集 团之间能以国家利益为重,相.敬如宾 ...,最终在利益双赢的基础上团结起来。 C.大选的“总统辩论”就是一个靠话锋、靠应对出彩的场合,奥巴马既.然.需要倍于常人的训练才能应付,如今在缺乏准备、过于劳累外加轻敌的情况下,他在辩论中失控,也就有了一些合理性。 D.如果在宏阔的公众共享空间中对水的运用,主要不是使其上扬,而是用沿着墙面流泻与奔.腾.出大面积水池的方式,就会很有点“水自天来眼波横”的意趣。 4.下列各句中,没有语病的一项是()


拓展训练,又称外展训练(Outward bound),原意为一艘小船驶离平静的港湾,义无反顾地投向未知的旅程,去迎接一次次挑战。这种训练起源于二战期间的英国。当时大西洋商务船队屡遭德国人袭击,许多缺乏经验的年轻海员葬身海底,针对这种情况,汉思等人创办了"阿伯德威海上学校",训练年轻海员在海上的生存能力和船触礁后的生存技巧,使他们的身体和意志都得到锻炼。战争结束后,许多人认为这种训练仍然可以保留。于是拓展训练的独特创意和训练方式逐渐被推广开来,训练对象也由最初的海员扩大到军人、学生、工商业人员等各类群体。训练目标也由单纯的体能、生存训练扩展到心理训练、人格训练、管理训练等。 拓展训练通常利用崇山峻岭、翰海大川等自然环境,通过精心设计的活动达到"磨练意志、陶冶情操、完善人格、熔炼团队"的培训目的。 拓展训练的课程主要由水上、野外和场地三类课程组成。水上课程包括:游泳、跳水、扎筏、划艇等;野外课程包括:远足露营、登山攀岩、野外定向、伞翼滑翔、户外生存技能等;场地课程是在专门的训练场地上,利用各种训练设施,如高架绳网等,开展各种团队组合课程及攀岩、跳越等心理训练活动。 训练通常有以下四个环节: 1、团队热身。在培训开始时,团队热身活动将有助于加深学员之间的相互了解,消除紧张,建立团队,以便轻松愉悦的投入到各项培训活动中去。 2、个人项目。本着心理挑战最大、体能冒险最小的原则设计,每项活动对受训者的心理承受力都是一次极大的考验。 3、团队项目。团队项目以改善受训者的合作意识和受训集体的团队精神为目标,通过复杂而艰巨的活动项目,促进学员之间的相互信任、理解、默契和配合。 4、回顾总结。回顾将帮助学员消化、整理、提升训练中的体验,以便达到活动的具体目的。总结,使学员能将培训的收获迁移到工作中去,以实现整体培训目标。 拓展训练的显著特点有: 1、综合活动性。拓展训练的所有项目都以体能活动为引导,引发出认知活动、情感活动、意志活动和交往活动,有明确的操作过程,要求学员全身心的投入。 2、挑战极限。拓展训练的项目都具有一定的难度,表现在心理考验上,需要学员向自己的能力极限挑战,跨越"极限"。 3、集体中的个性。拓展训练实行分组活动,强调集体合作。力图使每一名学员竭尽全力为集体争取荣誉,同时从集体中吸取巨大的力量和信心,在集体中显示个性。 4、高峰体验。在克服困难,顺利完成课程要求以后,学员能够体会到发自内心的胜利感和自豪感,获得人生难得的高峰体验。 5、自我教育。教员只是在课前把课程的内容、目的、要求以及必要的安全注意事项向学员讲清楚,活动中一般不进行讲述,也不参与讨论,充分尊重学员的主体地位和主观能动性。即使在课后的总结中,教员只是点到为止,主要让学员自己来讲。达到了自我教育的目的。 6、通过拓展训练,参训者在如下方面有显著的提高:认识自身潜能,增强自信心,改善自身形象;克服心理惰性,磨练战胜困难的毅力;启发想象力与创造力,提高解决问题的能力;认识群体的作用,增进对集体的参与意识与责任心;改善人际关系,学会关心,更为融洽地与群体合作;学习欣赏、关注和爱护大自然。



Passage 1 (2010·河南调研) 假定你是李华。你的英国笔友Pauline写信告诉你她想在七月份到河南旅游,并请你帮助安排有关事宜。请你给她写一封邮件,告诉她以下内容: 1.已经联系好郑州的国际旅行社,安排好了一切; 2.旅行安排是:她将参加一个20人的旅游团队,时间为7月10日至22日,有一名说英语的导游陪同,有车接送; 3.如对就餐、旅馆、费用等有疑问,请来信; 4.请她提前告知航班信息,以便接机。 注意:1.信的开头和结尾已给出; 2.词数100左右(不含开头和结尾部分)。 参考词汇:旅行社Travel Agency;旅馆住宿accommodation; 长途客车coach Dear Pauline, I'm very happy to receive your e-mail and to know you are coming to visit___________________________________

_______________________ Yours Li Hua 范文: Dear Pauline, I'm very happy to receive your e-mail and to know you are coming to visit Henan, which is a beautiful place with a long history. I have contacted the International Travel Agency in Zhengzhou, which has arranged everything for you as follows:You are to travel by coach together with a group of 20 people from July 10th to 22nd, and you will have a guide who speaks Standard English. If you have any questions on your accommodation, meals as well as how much you have to pay, you are welcome to write to me again. What's more, remember to inform me of the information about your flight ahead of time so that I can meet you at the airport. Looking forward to meeting you soon. Yours, Li Hua Passage 2 (2010·海淀期末)


冲刺试题一 Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Safety of Food. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 目前食品安全问题屡见不鲜 2. 分析产生这些现象可能的原因 3. 提出自己解决问题的意见 The Safety of Food ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions:In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked [A] , [B], [C] and [D]. For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. How to Create a Home Library “I cannot live without books,” declared U.S. President Thomas Jefferson to his friend John Adams. Indeed, Jefferson was an obsessive book collector from a young age, amassing (收集) three separate home libraries in his lifetime. The first collection was destroyed when his family home burned down in 1770. When the Library of Congress was destroyed in the War of 1812, Jefferson sold his second collection of about 6,000 books to the federal library. Jefferson’s librar y was considered the finest in the country, and his collection doubled the holdings of the Library of Congress. Still, Jefferson didn’t let the shelves at Monticello sit empty. By the time he died 11 years later, he had more than 2, 000 volumes in his library. Jefferson’s library might fit your conception of an old-fashioned home library with leather-bound books, wood paneling and uncomfortable furniture. But home libraries can be a dynamic expression of the owner’s pers onality. Creating a home library is a fun way to display your interests while establishing a special space for reading. Home Library Organization When you started using the public library, you probably learned about Melvil Dewey and his system for ordering libraries. The Dewey Decimal Classification System has ten broad categories for organizing books, including philosophy, religion and the arts. Each category is assigned a number, so for example, when you want a book on modern art, you head to the 700 block. Larger libraries, such as those at universities, tend to use the Library of Congress Classification System because it offers a more specific array of subjects for categorization, adding subjects such as medicine and law for a total of 21 categories. Your home library may or may not be as large as your local public library, but a good system of organization will still help you find the book you want quickly. You could take a page from Dewey and the Library of Congress and sort books by subject matter. Sections for subjects such as history, technology or fiction might make their retrieval easier. This system also would allow you to highlight a particular passion, such as an extensive collection of World War II history.


A lot of animals are afraid during an eclipse1 of the sun. Birds stop singing. Sometimes people too are afraid. Astronomers2 know the dates of eclipses and they are not afraid. The old astronomers of Babylon and Egypt had no telescopes3; but the sky in those countries is usually clear,and so they could watch the stars easily. They studied everything in the sky and they also noticed both total and partial eclipses. Because they knew the dates of eclipses,they had great power. People believed that the sky was important. They believed that an eclipse could kill a man. About 2500 years ago there was a very long war. One battle followed another, and the end never came. During one of the battles, there was a partial eclipse of the sun. The day got very dark,and the soldiers on both sides were filled with fear. They believed that the gods were angry. So they stopped fighting,and ended their long war. The sun is a star. It appears to be bigger than any other star. That is because it is near us; but the other stars are far away. The sun shines because it is very hot,but the moon shines because it reflects the sun's light. It is like a big mirror. If we visited the moon,we should see the earth. It is also like a mirror and it reflects the light of the sun. Does the sun ever get dark during the day? It does so when the moon hides it. Sometimes the moon goes in front of the sun. We can watch its edge when it slowly crosses the sun's disc5. Everything gets darker and darker; then,at last,we cannot see any part of the sun's disc. The moon is hiding it completely. That is a total eclipse of the sun; sometimes only part of the sun's disc is hidden; that is not a total eclipse. It is a partial eclipse of the sun.
