SeniorL3C-Lesson1 Business

New [senior] [Talkative] Level 3-C Lesson 1 Business

Pronunciation Correcting标准语音校正

Part A发音特别提示(Tips) 中的u发/i/,容易误发为/u/.


Part B 语音知识归纳(Summing-up)



spy /spai/ 轻辅音浊化就应该是/sbai/

spoon/spu:n /轻辅音浊化就应该是/sbu:n/

star /sta:/ 轻辅音浊化就应该是/sda:/

清辅音在/s/后浊化如stick 中t读作/d/

辅音浊化也并非完全的发浊音,它是界于清音和浊音之间那儿!发音并不如浊音那么强烈!Vocabulary Building必备词汇巩固

Part A 重点词汇批注(Expression Notes)['biznis] n. 商业;[贸易] 生意;[贸易] 交易;事情

[搭配]business card名片;商务名片in business经商;在经营;在商界

business philosophy经营理念,经营哲学business management企业管理;商务管理

business enterprise工商企业;企业机构do business经商


[例句]We do not do much business with them.


2.plan[pl?n] n. 计划;平面图vt. 计划;设计;打算vi. 计划;打算

[搭配]plan for为……订计划in plan作为平面图

development plan发展计划;开发计划plan on vt. 打算,计划

general plan总体规划;总图teaching plan教学计划;教案

construction plan施工计划;结构图overall plan总体规划


vt.计划;设计;打算design,schedule,propose,map,project vi.计划;


[例句]Would you give me some advice about my plan to study abroad?

关于我出国留学的计划你能不能给我指点指点?[r?n] vi. 经营;奔跑;运转vt. 管理,经营;运行;参赛n. 奔跑;赛跑;趋向

[搭配]in the long run长远;终究run in跑进;试车;顺便探访;拘留

run away逃跑;失控run on继续,继续下去;连续不断;流逝;涉及


vt.管理,经营;运行;参赛conduct,direct,control n.奔跑;赛跑;trace

[例句]But once again this is advice from people who have never run a business.


4.both[b?uθ] adj. 两个的;两者的adv. 并;又;两者皆pron. 双方都;两者都

conj. 既…且…

[搭配]both of them他们俩都…both... and两个都;既...又...

[辨析]both (两者都),neither (两者都不)。以上词使用范围为两个人或物。

none 与all 用于三者以上的复数,none 为否定,all 为肯定。

[例句]They both wondered whether it was indeed a meteor.


5.invite [in'vait, 'invait] vt. 邀请,招待;招致n. 邀请

[搭配] invite public bidding(公开)招标

[近义]vt.邀请,招待;招致serve,attend,ask,court,guest n. 邀请calling,invitation to

[例句]I wish someone would invite me to a costume party.

真希望有人能邀请我参加化妆舞会。['kl?uei?] n. (总称)[服装] 服装;帆装v. 覆盖(clothe的ing形式);给…穿衣[搭配]clothing industry服装工业;制衣业protective clothing防护衣;防护罩,安全罩clothing store服装店;成衣店clothing factory服装厂;被服厂

casual clothing休闲装;便服clothing shop服装店



[辨析] cloth通常用指“布料,布匹(不可数)”“布块,桌布(可数)”


clothing也译为“衣服”但是是衣服的总称,另外clothing还有“衣着”的含义。[例句]These include food, emergency medical supplies, and extra clothing to stay warm and dry.


7. cuisine[kwi'zi:n] n. 烹饪,烹调法

[搭配]cantonese cuisine广东菜,粤菜haute cuisinen. 高级烹饪术


[例句]Chinese meals especially famous overseas are the four different styles of cuisine.


8.serve[s?:v]vt. 招待,供应;为…服务vi. 服役,服务;发球;招待,侍候

[搭配]serve as担任…,充当…;起…的作用serve for充当;被用作;起…的作用serve with向……提供serve the people为人民服务



[例句]They serve as food for animals, and pollinate plants.

它们为动物提供食物,还能为植物授粉。['mɑ:kit] n. 市场;行情;股票市场;市面;集市;销路;商店

vt. 在市场上出售vi. 做买卖

[搭配]market economy[经]市场经济home market国内市场

market competition市场竞争stock market股票市场;证券市场;股票交易

on the market上市;出售的market demand市场需求

[近义]n.市场;行情;股票市场;市面;[贸易]集市;销路;商店exchanges,store,shop,outlet,plaza [例句]The market for sporting goods in America is enormous.

在美国,运动商品的市场是巨大的[treid] n. 贸易,交易;行业;职业vi. 交易,买卖;以物易物vt. 用…进行交换[搭配]foreign trade外贸,对外贸易international trade国际贸易

world trade世界贸易trade in买卖;抵价购物

trade something for something用某物换某物,用某货换某货



[例句]China joined the World Trade Organization only in 2001.


Part B 常用词汇补充(Vocabulary Supplies)

1.商业词汇trade 贸易truck 以物易物exchange 交换company 公司corporation 公司brand 牌子market 市场supermarket 超级市场store 商店grocery 杂货店stall 出售摊counter 柜台wholesale price 批发价retail price 零售价business 生意purchase 购买bid 投标custom 顾客sell 出售sale 销售wholesale 批发promotion 推销bargain 讨价还价trademan 零售商

2. 人员

bookkeeper 簿记员chairman of the board 董事长clerk consultant 顾问dealer 商人employee 雇员employer 雇主executive 执行人员,经理主管人员investor 投资者manager 经理operator 操作人员owner 老板partner 合作者proprietor 经营者salesman 推销人员,售货员saleswoman 女售货员stockholder 股东worker 工人

Tongue Polisher 地道口语表达

1. Hello, we have to talk slowly.您好,我们来慢慢谈谈。

2. Declined to bargain.谢绝讲价。

3.Good co-operation.合作愉快。

4.Hello, what do I need any help?您好,有什么需要我帮忙的吗?

5.No problem, what need you despite the raised.没问题,有什么需要您尽管提。

6.Seems weird and empty the next.下次再谈

7.We hope that our cooperation will enable you to maximize the benefits.希望我们的合作能使您的利益最大化。

8.Thank you for choosing our company.感谢您选择了我们公司。

9.Not a Renyi in the sale of.买卖不成仁义在。

10.We hope that our cooperation more successful the next time.希望我们的下一次合作更加成功。

Sentence Structure 实用句型梳理

Please learn and remember these useful sentences.

1.。。。planning to 。。。。。。打算。。。

The police plan to summon officials from Google Korea after looking into the data.


2.If so, 。。。如果这样的话,。。。

If so, the market could soon become as liquid as the ocean waves.


3.。。。your own 。。。? 。。。自己的。。。

It is a great art to laugh at your own misfortune.


4.What do you think of 。。。你认为。。。怎么样

What do you think of health in your country?


Key Grammar 重点语法点拨

1. Jenny cooks seafood menus while Julie cooks the vegetables珍妮做海鲜菜而朱莉烹调蔬菜while 用于前后对比和but的区别

while和but都有转折的意思,但是表示转折的意思时,while同时含有表对比的意思!While作并列连词用,意思为“而,然而”,表对比。而but表转折。注意用心比较体会while 与but的句中用意

1.Some people waste food while others haven't enough.



2.The son was having a good meal at home,while the parents were working in the fields.


3.I ought to have helped her,but I never could.


4.Honey is sweet,but the bee stings.


2. Both of them can come tomorrow.他们两个明天能来。

关系代词both 的用法


形容词a. 1.两...(都),两个...(都)

Both his eyes were severely burned. 他的双眼都严重烧伤了。

代词pron. 两者(都);两个(都);双方(都)

Why not buy both? 为什么不把两件都买下?

副词ad. 并;又;两者皆

We like Amy and Phil both. 艾米和菲尔两个我们都喜欢。

连接词conj. .既...且...;...和...都

The prospects both excited and worried me. 这前景即使我激动又令我忧虑。

Talk Live 脱口现场


A: Excuse me, may I talk to the manager please?对不起,我可以跟经理谈谈吗?

B: He is not here at the moment. See if I can help you?他这会儿不在。看看我可以帮你吗?

A: I bought this air conditioner two weeks ago. It worked pretty good for a week. Then I started to hear this big noise which drives me nuts.

我两个星期前买了这个空调。它工作了一个星期,很正常。然后我开始听到这个大的噪音使我发疯了。B: Let me take a look. Ok? 让我看一看。好吗?

A: Thank you.谢谢你。

B: You are welcome. I am sorry about what you went through. Do you still have the receipt?


A: Yes, it is right here.是的,它在这里。

B: According to the store policy, you may return it and have your refund within 15 days. You want to return it and have a different one? :


A: No. I want to look around and make sure I pick a good one.


B: ok. Whenever you are ready, you are welcome to pick a different brand. I think Haier is the best. Trust me.好的。当你准备好了,欢迎你来选择一个不同的品牌。我认为海尔是最好的。相信我。

A: Oh yeah? All right, I will think about it. Thank you so much.


B: Take care!保重!
