



EXPLANATION 再保险reinsurance 原保险人original insurer 分出公司ceding company 再保险分出人reinsured 再保险人reinsurer 分入公司ceded company 自留额retention (自负责任) 分保额ceding amount 再保险费reinsurance premium (分保费) 再保险佣金reinsurance commission(分保手续费) 转分保retrocession 比例再保险:proportional reinsurance 非比例再保险:non-proportional reinsurance 超过损失再保险:excess of loss reinsurance 成数再保险:quota share reinsurance 溢额再保险:surplus reinsurance 线数:lines 起赔点:priority/underlying retention(分出公司自负责任额) 最高责任额:top limit/ceiling figure 险位超赔再保险:excess of loss per risk basis 普通超赔保障:working cover 事故超赔再保险:excess of loss per event/occurrence basis 异常灾害再保险:catastrophe cover 分层再保险:reinsuring in layers 赔付率超赔再保险:excess of loss ratio 损失中止再保险:stop loss reinsurance(停止损失再保险) 共命运条款:follow the fortunes clause(同一命运条款) 错误或遗漏条款:errors or omissions clause(过失或疏忽条款)检查条款:inspection clause(保护缔约双方权利条款/断交条款)仲裁条款:arbitration clause 直接给付条款:cut through clause 固定佣金率:fixed commission rate 单一佣金率:flat commission rate 梯次佣金率:sliding-scale commission rate(累进递增佣金率) 盈余佣金:profit commission(纯益手续费) 或有佣金:contingent commission 结清方式:clean-cut basis 自然期满方式:run-off provision 一年法:one year basis 三年平均法:three-year average system 亏损滚转法:losses carry forward system 消失滚转法:losses carry forward to extinction 三年滚转法:losses carry forward for three years 最后净赔款额:ultimate net loss 净自留责任:net retained lines


菲迪克(FIDIC)文献译丛中英文对照本 国际咨询工程师联合会 编译 中国工程咨询协会 1999年第1版 Agreement协议书 General Conditions通用条件 Rules for Adjudication裁决规则 Notes for Guidance指南注释 Short Form of Contract 简明合同格式 吕文学陈永强翻译 唐萍校译 王川徐礼章唐萍审订 (1999年第1版) (中英文对照本) (译者对译文的准确度承担全部责任, 正式使用发生的争端,以英文原版为准) 机械工业出版社

菲迪克(FIDIC)授权书 I herewith authorize CNAEC to translate FIDIC’s publications (but not the publications as edited by other organizations) into Chinese and publish them. I agree with your statement, as part of the agreement, that you will: a)Provide FIDIC with 10 copies of the translation per document, and b)Make a statement on the inside cover of the translation that the translator takes full responsibility for the accuracy of the translation and that in case of dispute, the original version in English shall prevail. Peter van der TOGT Publications manager [译文] 在此,我授权中国工程咨询协会把FIDIC出版物译成中文并出版(但是,不包括其他组织编写的出版物)。我同意你们的意见,作为协议的一部分,你们应: a)向FIDIC提供每份文件中译本10本; b)在译文的扉页上注明译者对译文的准确度承担全部责任,如果发生争端,以英文原版为准。 出版经理:Peter van der TOGT FIDIC is the French acronym for the International Federation of Consulting Engineers. FIDIC (中译菲迪克)是国际咨询工程师联合会的法文缩写。 FIDIC was founded in 1913 by three national associations of consulting engineers within Europe. The objectives of forming the federation were to promote in common the professional interests of the member associations and to disseminate information of interest to members of its component national associations. 菲迪克(FIDIC)是由欧洲三个国家的咨询工程师协会于1913年成立的。组建联合会的上的是共同促进成员协会的职业利益,以及向其成员协会会员传播有益信息。 Today FIDIC membership numbers more than 60 countries from all parts of the globe and the federation represents most of the private practice consulting engineers in the world. 今天,菲迪克(FIDIC)已有来自全球各地60多个国家成员协会,代表着世界上大多数私人执业咨询工程师。 FIDIC arranges seminars, conferences and other events in the furtherance of its goals: maintenance of high ethical and professional standards; exchange of views and information; discussion of problems of mutual concern among member associations and representatives of the international financial institutions; and development of the consulting engineering industry in developing countries. 菲迪克(FIDIC)举办各类研讨会、会议及其他活动,以促进其目标:维护高的道德和职业标准;交流观点和信息;讨论成员协会和国际金融机构代表共同关心的问题,以及发展中国家工程咨询业的发展。 FIDIC publications include proceedings of various conferences and seminars, information for consulting engineers, project owners and international development agencies, standard pre-qualification forms, contract documents and client/consultant agreements. They are available from the secretariat in Switzerland. 菲迪克(FIDIC)的出版物包括:各类会议和研讨会的文件,为咨询工程师、项目业主和国际开发机构提供的信息,资格预审标准格式,合同文件以及客户与工程咨询单位协议书。这些资料可以从设在瑞士的菲迪克(FIDIC)秘书处得到。 国际咨询工程师联合会 INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF CONSULTING ENGINEERS


保险专业词汇英汉对照 acceptance policy 核保政策 accounting period 结算期 aggregate limit 累积限额 aggregated loss 累积损失 antiselection 逆选择 ART (Alternative Risk Transfer) 新型风险转移balance 所欠款项 barrages 堰坝 captive pools 自保组合 catastrophe risk 巨灾风险 ceiding company 分出公司 cession limit 分保限额 claim-prone 容易出险 claims assistance 理赔协助 clean cut 结清方式 coinsurance 共保 commencement and termination 起讫 cover 承保 cover 责任额 deposit premium 预付保费 destroyed 毁坏 earth caves 土坏房屋 EPA event limit 事件限额 ex gratia payments 通融赔款 excess loss 超额赔款 exclusion 除外责任 exposed areas 风险承受区域 facultative reinsurance 临时分保 fault zone 断层区 finite risk 有限制的风险 flash floods 骤发洪水 flooding of rivers 洪水泛滥 frame structure 框架结构 full coverage 全额承保

full insurance value 足额保险价值 full liability 全部责任 Geophysics Institute 地球物理研究所GNPI 总净保费收入 hailstorm 雹暴 heavy damage 严重破坏 hollow brick wall 空斗砖结构 hour clause 小时条款 hurricane 飓风 individual losses 单一损失 insurability 可保性 insured losses 保险损失 intensity 烈度 layering 层次 less exposed 损失可能性小 liability 责任 light damage 轻度破坏 line slips 分保条 loading 附加费 loss occurrence 损失发生 loss occurring basis 损失发生基础 loss participation 分担损失 loss settlement 损失赔付 magnitude 震级 malicious damage 恶意损害 moderate damage 中度破坏 multi-story building 多层建建筑 Munich Re 慕尼黑再 net retained lines 净自留额 net retained losses 损失净自赔额 no profit commission 无纯益风险 non-proportional reinsurance 非比例再保险notification 告知 object 标的 obligatory reinsurance 固定分保 original deductibles 原始免赔额 original rate 原始费率 paid-up capital 已付资本


保险英文术语Insurance Policy (or Certificate)保险单(或凭证)1.Risks & Coverage险别 (1)free from particular average ( (2)with particular average (W.A.)水渍险(基本险) (3)all risk一切险(综合险) (4)total loss only ( (5)war risk战争险 (6)cargo(extended cover)clauses货物(扩展)条款 (7)additional risk附加险 (8)from warehouse to warehouse clauses仓至仓条款 (9)theft,pilferage and nondelivery ( (10)rain fresh water damage淡水雨淋险 (11)risk of shortage短量险 (12)risk of contamination沾污险 (13)risk of leakage渗漏险 (14)risk of clashing & breakage碰损破碎险 (15)risk of odour串味险

(16)damage caused by sweating and/or heating受潮受热险 (17)hook damage钩损险 (18)loss and/or damage caused by breakage of packing包装破裂险 (19)risk of rusting锈损险 (20)risk of mould发霉险 (21)strike, riots and civel commotion ( (22)risk of spontaneous combustion自燃险 (23)deterioration risk腐烂变质险 (24)inherent vice risk内在缺陷险 (25)risk of natural loss or normal loss途耗或自然损耗险 (26)special additional risk特别附加险 (27)failure to delivery交货不到险 (28)import duty进口关税险 (29)on deck仓面险 (30)rejection拒收险 (31)aflatoxin黄曲霉素险 (32)fire risk extension clause-for storage of cargo at destination Hongkong, including Kowloon, or Macao出口货物到香港(包括九龙在内)或澳门存仓火险 责任扩展条款 (33)survey in customs risk海关检验险


Fédération Internationale Des Ingénieurs-Conseils(红皮书--施工合同条件) General Conditions 1.一般规定 General Provisions 1.1 定义 Definitions 在包括专用条件和本通用条件的合同条件(“本合同条件”)中,以下措辞和用语的含义如下所述。除非上下文中另有要求,指当事人和当事各方的词包括公司和其它法律实体。 In the Conditions of Contract ("these Conditions"), which include Particular Conditions and these General Conditions, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings stated. Words indicating persons or parties include corporations and other legal entities, except where the context requires otherwise. 1.1.1 合同 1.1.1 The Contract“合同(Contract)”指合同协议书、中标函、投标函、本合同条件、规范、图纸、资料表、以及在合同协议书或中标函中列明的其它进一步的文件(如有时)。 "Contract" means the Contract Agreement, the Letter of Acceptance, the Letter of Tender, these Conditions, the Specification, the Drawings, the Schedules, and the further documents (if any) which are listed in the Contract Agreement or in the Letter of Acceptance.“合同协议书(Contract Agreement)”指第1.6款【合同协议】中所说明的合同协议(如有时)。 "Contract Agreement" means the contract agreement (if any) referred to in Sub-Clause 1.6 [Contract Agreement].“中标函(Letter of Acceptance)”指雇主对投标文件签署的正式接受函,包括其后所附的备忘录(由合同各方达成并签定的协议构成)。在没有此中标函的情况下,“中标函”一词就指合同协议书,颁发或接收中标函的日期就指双方签订合同协议书的日期。 "Letter of Acceptance" means the letter of formal acceptance, signed by the Employer, of the Letter of Tender, including any annexed memoranda comprising agreements between and signed by both Parties. If there is no such letter of acceptance, the expression "Letter of Acceptance" means the Contract Agreement and the date of issuing or receiving the Letter of Acceptance means the date of signing the Contract Agreement.“投标函(Letter of Tender)”指名称为投标函的文件,由承包商填写,包括已签字的对雇主的工程报价。 "Letter of Tender" means the document entitled letter of tender, which was completed by the Contractor and includes the signed offer to the Employer for the Works.“规范(Specification)”指合同中名称为规范的文件,及根据合同规定对规范的增加和修改。此文件具体描述了工程。 "Specification" means the document entitled specification, as included in the Contract, and any additions and modifications to the specification in accordance with the Contract. Such document specifies the Works.“图纸(Drawings)”指合同中规定的工程图纸,及由雇主(或代表)根据合同颁发的对图纸的增加和修改。 "Drawings" means the drawings of the Works, as included in the Contract, and any additional and modified drawings issued by (or on behalf of, the Employer in accordance with the Contract.“资料表(Schedules)”指合同中名称为资料表的文件,由承包商填写并随投标函提交。此文件可能包括工程量表、数据、列表、及费率和/或单价表。 "Schedules" means the document(s) entitled schedules, completed by the Contractor and submitted with the Letter of Tender, as included in the Contract. Such document may include the Bill of Quantities, data, lists, and schedules of rates and/or prices“投标文件(Tender)”指投标函和合同中规定的承包商应随投标函提交的其它所有文件。 "Tender" means the Letter of Tender and all other documents which the Contractor submitted with the Letter of Tender, as included in the Contract.“投标函附录(Appendix to Tender)”指名称为投标函附录并已填写完毕的文件,附于投标函之后并构成投标函的一部分。 "Appendix to Tender" means the completed pages entitled appendix to tender which are appended to and form part of the Letter of Tender. “工程量表(Bill of Quantities)”和“计日工计划(Daywork Schedule)”指资料表中如此命名的文件(如有时)。 "Bill of Quantities" and "Day work Schedule" mean the documents so named (if any) which are comprised in the


{ 常用保险术语 保险费率 premium rate 单位保险金额应该收取的保险费。 损失 loss 非故意的、非预期的和非计划的经济价值的减少或灭失。通常分为直接损失和间接损失。 ; 损失程度 loss severity 保险标的可能遭受的损失的严重程度。 直接损失 direct loss 由风险事故导致的财产本身的损失。 间接损失 indirect loss 由直接损失引起的额外费用损失、收入损失和责任损失等无形损失。 ` 保险 insurance 投保人根据合同约定,向保险人支付保险费,保险人对于合同约定的可能发生的事故因其发生所造成的财产损失承担赔偿保险金责任,或者当被保险人死亡、伤残、疾病或者达到合同约定的年龄、期限时承担给付保险金责任的商业保险行为。 财产保险 property insurance 以财产及其有关利益为保险标的的保险。 企业财产保险 commercial property insurance % 以单位、团体所有或占有的在指定地点的财产及其有关利益为保险标的的财产保险。 营业中断保险 business interruption insurance 以单位因停产、停业或经营受影响而面临的预期利润的减少及必要的费用支出为保险标的的财产保险。 机器损坏保险 machinery breakdown insurance 以各类已安装完毕并投入运行的机器为保险标的财产保险。 ^ 货物运输保险 cargo insurance 以运输途中的货物为保险标的保险。

海上货物运输保险 ocean marine cargo insurance 以通过海上运输方式运输的货物作为保险标的的保险。 陆上货物运输保险 inland transit insurance 以通过陆上运输方式运输的货物为保险标的的保险。 , 航空货物运输保险 air cargo insurance 以通过航空运输方式运输的货物为保险标的的保险。 工程保险 engineering insurance;project insurance 以工程项目中的财产及其赔偿责任为保险标的的保险。 建筑工程保险 construction all risks insurance 以在建工程的主体在整个工程建设期内,发生的与工程相关的物质损失、费用损失和赔偿责任为保险标的的工程保险。 ) 安装工程保险 erection all risks insurance 以各种机器设备在安装、调试期间内,发生的与机器设备相关的物质损失、费用损失和赔偿责任为保险标的的工程保险。 责任保险 liability insurance 以被保险人对第三者依法应承担的赔偿责任为保险标的的保险。 公众责任保险 public liability insurance - 以被保险人在约定的地点范围内进行生产、经营或其他活动时,对因发生意外事故造成第三者人身伤亡或财产损失的赔偿责任为保险标的的保险。 雇主责任保险 employer's liability insurance 以被保险人对其所雇佣的员工在受雇期间从事相关工作时因意外事故或患职业病导致伤残、死亡或其他损失的赔偿责任为保险标的的保险。 产品责任保险 product liability insurance 以被保险人所生产、出售、加工、经销和弃置产品或商品,或被保险人完成工作或操作,在承保区域内造成事故,导致使用、消费或操作该产品或商品的人或其他人的人身伤亡或财产损失的赔偿责任为保险标的的保险。 & 保险责任 coverage 保险合同中约定的,保险事故发生后应由保险人承担的赔偿或给付保险金的责任。主险/基本险 main coverage 可单独投保的保险产品。 附加险 rider


保险英语,保险词汇共享: acceptance policy 英文翻译:核保政策accounting period 英文翻译:结算期aggregate limit 英文翻译:累积限额aggregated loss 英文翻译:累积损失antiselection 英文翻译:逆选择 ART (Alternative Risk Transfer)英文翻译:新型风险转移 balance 所欠款项 barrages 堰坝 captive pools 自保组合 catastrophe risk 巨灾风险 ceiding company 分出公司 cession limit 分保限额 claim-prone 容易出险 claims assistance 理赔协助 clean cut 结清方式 coinsurance 共保 commencement and termination 起讫cover 承保 cover 责任额 deposit premium 预付保费 destroyed 毁坏 earth caves 土坏房屋 EPA event limit 事件限额 ex gratia payments 通融赔款 excess loss 超额赔款 exclusion 除外责任 exposed areas 风险承受区域 facultative reinsurance 临时分保fault zone 断层区 finite risk 有限制的风险 flash floods 骤发洪水 flooding of rivers 洪水泛滥 frame structure 框架结构 full coverage 全额承保 full insurance value 足额保险价值 full liability 全部责任 Geophysics Institute 地球物理研究所GNPI 总净保费收入 hailstorm 雹暴 heavy damage 严重破坏4保险英语词汇翻译 险种及险别 险种 health insurance 疾病保险,健康保险 sickness insurance 疾病保险 insurance during a period of illness 疾病保险insurance for medical care 医疗保险 "major medical" insurance policy 巨额医药费保险 life insurance 人寿保险 endowment insurance 养老保险 insurance on last survivor 长寿保险 social insurance 社会保险 personal property insurance 个人财产保险 insurance of contents 家庭财产保险 险别 Free from Particular Average(F.P.A.)平安险 With Particular Average (W.P.A.)水渍险 All Risks 一切险 risk of breakage 破碎险 risk of clashing 碰损险 risk of rust 生锈险 risk of hook damage 钩损险 risk of contamination (tainting) 污染险 insurance against total loss only (TLO) 全损险 risk of deterioration 变质险 risk of packing breakage 包装破裂险 risk of inherent vice 内在缺陷险 risk of normal loss (natural loss) 途耗或自然损耗险risk of spontaneous combustion 自然险 risk of contingent import duty 进口关税险 insurance against war risk 战争险 Air Transportation Cargo War Risk 航空运输战争险overland Transportation Insurance War Risk 陆上运输战争险 insurance against strike, riot and civil commotion (SRCC) 罢工,暴动,民变险 insurance against extraneous risks, insurance against additional risks 附加险 risk of theft, pilferage and nondelivery (TPND) 盗窃提货不着险 risk of fresh and/of rain water damage(wetting) 淡水雨淋险 risk of leakage 渗漏险 risk of shortage in weight/quantity 短量险


保险业常用词汇中英文对照 第一部分:保险承保业务 1、一般保险原理 保险insurance 保险业insurance industry 保险业务结构business structures 保险业主体bodies in Insurance Industry 被保险人insured 理赔claim settlement 承保利润微薄underwriting profit is slight ? 承保能力insurance capacity 承保业务underwriting operation 未决赔款储备金reserve IBRN 大数法则Law of Large Numbers 营业额turnover 市场缺陷market imperfections 社会保险social insurance 个人代理人personal agent 银行保险bank insurance 直销straight pin ; 佣金brokerage 手续费commission charges 再保险reinsurance 2、财产保险 财产保险property insurance 长尾long-tail

长期护理保险long—term care insurance 短尾short-tail 综合赔付率combined ratio 】 自留retention 车险auto insurance 财产保险property insurance 责任保险liability insurance 农业保险agricultural insurance 巨灾保险catastrophe insurance 意外伤害保险casualty accident insurance 3、寿险词汇 变额寿险variable life insurance ~ 长寿保险insurance on last survivor 定期寿险term insurance 合同储蓄机构contractual saving institutions 红利dividend 疾病保险sickness insurance 简易险industrial insurance 健康保险health insurance 巨额医药费保险major medical" insurance policy 可变保费寿险flexible—premium life insurance 利差损interest spread risk ^ 利率敏感型产品interest—sensitive whole life 赔期/期限indemnity period/limit 普通寿险ordinary life insurance 人寿保险life insurance 预定利率市场化Market-based Assumed Interest Rate 团险group insurance


acceptance policy 英文翻译:核保政策 accounting period 英文翻译:结算期 aggregate limit 英文翻译:累积限额 aggregated loss 英文翻译:累积损失 antiselection 英文翻译:逆选择 ART (Alternative Risk Transfer)英文翻译:新型风险转移balance 所欠款项 barrages 堰坝 captive pools 自保组合 catastrophe risk 巨灾风险 ceiding company 分出公司 cession limit 分保限额 claim-prone 容易出险 claims assistance 理赔协助 clean cut 结清方式 coinsurance 共保 commencement and termination 起讫 cover 承保 cover 责任额 deposit premium 预付保费 destroyed 毁坏 earth caves 土坏房屋 EPA event limit 事件限额 ex gratia payments 通融赔款 excess loss 超额赔款 exclusion 除外责任 exposed areas 风险承受区域 facultative reinsurance 临时分保 fault zone 断层区 finite risk 有限制的风险 flash floods 骤发洪水 flooding of rivers 洪水泛滥 frame structure 框架结构 full coverage 全额承保 full insurance value 足额保险价值 full liability 全部责任 Geophysics Institute 地球物理研究所 GNPI 总净保费收入 hailstorm 雹暴 heavy damage 严重破坏 hollow brick wall 空斗砖结构 hour clause 小时条款 hurricane 飓风


FIDIC合同条款 (正规无改) 编 辑 前 可 删 除 此 页 合同特点:内容正规详尽(花费了太多时间) 收取一点点费用请不要介意

FIDIC合同条款1999(中英文对照) Fédération Internationale Des Ingénieurs-Conseils 通用条款 General Conditions 1.一般规定 1.1 定义 在包括专用条件和本通用条件的合同条件(“本合同条件”)中,以下措辞和用语的含义如下所述。除非上下文中另有要求,指当事人和当事各方的词包括公司和其它法律实体。 1.1.1 合同“合同(Contract)”指合同协议书、中标函、投标函、本合同条件、规范、图纸、资料表、以及在合同协议书或中标函中列明的其它进一步的文件(如有时)。“合同协议书(Contract Agreement)”指第1.6款【合同协议】中所说明的合同协议(如有时)。“中标函(Letter of Acceptance)”指雇主对投标文件签署的正式接受函,包括其后所附的备忘录(由合同各方达成并签定的协议构成)。在没有此中标函的情况下,“中标函”一词就指合同协议书,颁发或接收中标函的日期就指双方签订合同协议书的日期。“投标函(Letter of Tender)”指名称为投标函的文件,由承包商填写,包括已签字的对雇主的工程报价。“规范(Specification)”指合同中名称为规范的文件,及根据合同规定对规范的增加和修改。此文件具体描述了工程。“图纸(Drawings)”指合同中规定的工程图纸,及由雇主(或代表)根据合同颁发的对图纸的增加和修改。“资料表(Schedules)”指合同中名称为资料表的文件,由承包商填写并随投标函提交。此文件可能包括工程量表、数据、列表、及费率和/或单价表。“投标文件(Tender)”指投标函和合同中规定的承包商应随投标函提交的其它所有文件。“投标函附录(Appendix to Tender)”指名称为投标函附录并已填写完毕的文件,附于投标函之后并构成投标函的一部分。 “工程量表(Bill of Quantities)”和“计日工计划(Daywork Schedule)”指资料表中如此命名的文件(如有时)。 1.1.2 当事各方和当事人 1.1. 2.1“一方(Party)”指雇主或承包商(根据上下文而定)。


保险术语中英文对照 保险术语中英文对照 abandonmentclause委付条款 actofgod不可抗力 actuary保险精算师 all-riskspolicy一切险保单assignmentclause转让条款averageadjuster海损理算人averageclause共同海损分担条款 average海损、海损分摊branchofinsurance保险类别cargodamagesurvey货损检验cargoinsurance货物保险certificateofinsurance保险证明书 claim索赔 claimassessor索赔人 claim索赔 compulsoryinsurance强制保险 coverage保险总额 damagecertificate损坏证明书damageclaim损坏索赔

damage损坏赔偿金 depositpremium预付保险费 endorsement签注 endowmentpolicy人寿定期保险单expirationofpolicy保险单满期 faa(freeofallaverage)全损赔偿fireinsurance火险 fpa(freeofparticularaverage)单独海损不赔freeofaverage全损赔偿 generalaverage共同海损generalpolicycondition保险单一般规定indemnity赔款 indemnity损害赔偿 in-fullpremium全部保险费 initialpremium初期保险费insurancebroker保险经纪人insurancecompany保险公司 insurancepolicy保险单 insurancepremium保险费 insured,assured被保险人 insurer,underwriter保险人;保险商 jettison投弃


个人、商业保险中英文术语词汇表 Abandonment 委付 Absolute assignment 完全转让 Accelerated death benefit 加速死亡给付 Accident 意外事故 Accidental death benefit 意外死亡保险金 Accounts receivable coverage form 应收账款保单 Actual cash value (ACV) 实际现金价值 Actual cash value 实际现金价值 Actual Cash Value-Mobile home 实际现金价值 -活动房屋 Additional auto 新增车辆 Additional insured endorsement 附加被保险人批单 Additional interests-residence premises endorsement 额外利益 -住宅房产批单Additional limits of liability coverages A, B, C and D 保障 A 、 B、 C、 D 额外责任限额批单 Additional residence rented to others endorsement 其他出租住宅批单 Advertising injury 传播性伤害 Aggregate excess 累计超额 Aggregate limit 累计限额 Agreed value 议定价值 Aircraft insurance 飞机保险 All-risk 一切险 Alteration 改动 American Association of Insurance Service 美国保险服务协会 Annual transit policy 年度货物运输保单 Annuity 年金 Appraisal 估价、公估 Arbitration 仲裁 Assignment Clause 转让条款 Assignment 转让 Assumption of liability 承担责任 Auto insurance plan 汽车保险计划 Auto physical damage 汽车车身物质损失 Auto 汽车 Automatic premium loan provision 自动保费贷款条款 Avoidance 规避
