


Going Back to Its Birthplace

No sporting event takes hold of the world's attention and imagination like the Olympic Games. The football World Cup fascinates fans in Europe and South America; baseball's World Series is required viewing in North America; and the World Table Tennis Championships attracts the most interest in Asia.

But the Olympics belong to the whole world. Now,after travelling to 17 countries over 108 years,the summer Games are returning to Athens,the place where the first modern Olympics was held.

Participation in the Games is looked on not only as an achievement,but also as an honour. The 16 days between August 13 and 29 will see a record 202 countries compete,up from Sydney's 199. Afghanistan is back,having been banned from Sydney because the Taliban government didn't let women do sports. There is also a place for newcomers East Timor and Kiribati.

A total of 10,500 athletes will compete in 28 sports,watched by 5.3 million ticket-paying viewers as well as a television audience of 4 billion.

Athens is to use its rich history and culture to make the Olympics as special as possible. The Games will open with cycling events which start in front of the Parthenon and Acropolis monuments. The final event will be a historic men's

marathon following the original route run by Phidippides in 490 BC to bring news of victory over the Persians.

The ancient stadium at Olympia,first used for the Games nearly three centuries ago,will stage the shot put competitions. And the Panathenian Stadium,where the first modem Olympics was held,is to host the archery(射箭) events.

If the well-known ancient sites deliver a great sense of history to the Games,the 39 new venues add a modern touch to the city of Athens. The main Olympic stadium,with a giant glass and steel roof,is the landmark(标志) building of the Olympics.

"We believe that we will organize a 'magical' Games," said Athens 2004 President Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki. "Our history with the Olympic Games goes back nearly 3,000 years,and Athens 2004 could be the best ever."

1 The World Table Tennis Championships attracts the most interest in Asian countries.

A Right

B Wrong

C Not mentioned

2 Participation in the Olympic Games is looked upon as an honor as well as an achievement.

A Right

B Wrong

C Not mentioned

3 Many state leaders will attend the opening ceremony.

A Right

B Wrong

C Not mentioned

4 The Games will open with cycling events because these events will take hold of the world's attention.

A Right

B Wrong

C Not mentioned

5 The first modern Olympics was held nearly three centuries ago.

A Right

B Wrong

C Not mentioned

6 The Panathenian Stadium is the landmark building of Olympics.

A Right

B Wrong

C Not mentioned

7 Athens 2004 has been proven to be the best Olympic Games

A Right

B Wrong

C Not mentioned

【参考答案】1. A 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. C



职称英语考试综合B试题真题完整版 文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]

2016年职称英语综合B真题 第一部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请为每处画线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1. All houses within 100 meters of the seas are (at risk) of flooding. A. out of control B. between equals C. in particular D. in danger 2. The idea was quite (brillian)t. A. positive B. clever C. key D. original 3. Stock market price (tumbled) after rumor of a rise in interest rate. A. regulated B. fell C. increased D. maintained

4. We are worried about this (fluid) situation full with uncertainty. A. stable B. suitable C. adaptable D. changeable 5. The (revelation) of his past led to his resignation. A. imagination B. confirmation C. disclosure D. recall 6. Jensen is a dangerous man, and can be very (brutal). A. careless B. strong C. cruel D. hard 7. The coastal has area has very (mild) winter, but the central plains remain extremely cold. A. warm B. severe C. hard D.dry


2020年职称英语考试综合类阅读判断练习及答案(10) Disease, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention Disease may be defined as the abnormal state in which part or all of the body is not properly adjusted or is not capable of carrying on all its required functions. There are marked variations in the extent of the disease and in its effect on the person. In order to treat a disease, the doctor obviously must first determine the nature of the illness–this is, make a diagnosis. A diagnosis is the conclusion drawn from a number of facts put together. The doctor must know the symptoms, which are the changes body function felt by the patient and the signs(also called objective symptoms) which the doctor himself can observe. Sometimes a characteristic group of signs(or symptoms)accompanied a given disease. Such a group is called a syndrome. Frequently certain laboratory tests are performed and the results evaluated by the physician in making his diagnosis. Although nurses do not diagnose, they play an extremely valuable role in this process by observing closely for signs, encouraging the patient to talk about himself and his symptoms, and then reporting this information to the doctor. Once the patience's disorder is known, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment, also referred to as therapy. Many measures in this course of treatment are carried out by the nurse under the physician's orders. In recent years physicians, nurses and other health workers have taken on increasing responsibilities in


职称英语等级考试试题-综合A6 第三篇Play Play is the principal business of childhood, and in recent years research has shown the great importance of play in the development of a human being. From earliest infancy, every child needs opportunity and the right materials for play, and the main tools of play are toys. Their main function is to suggest, encourage and assist play. To succeed in this they must be good toys, which children will play with often, and will come back to again and again. Therefore it is important to choose suitable toys for different stages of a child’s development. In recent years research on infant development has shown that the standard a child is likely to reach, within the range of his inherited abilities, is largely determined in the first three years of his life. So a baby’s ability to profit from the right play materials should not be underestimated. A baby who is encouraged and stimulated, talked to and shown things and played with, has the best chance of growing up successfully. In the next stage, from three to five years old, curiosity knows no bounds. Every type of suitable toy should be made available to the child, for trying out, experimenting and learning, for discovering his own particular ability. Bricks and jigsaws(七巧板)and construction toys; painting, scribbling(涂鸦) and making things; sand and water play; toys for imaginative and pretending play; the first social games for learning to play and get on with others. Bt the third stage of play development-from five to seven or eight years-the child is at school. But for a few more years play is still the best way of learning, at home or at school. It is easier to see which type of toys the chills most enjoys.


2015年职称英语理工类B级考试真题 第一部分:词汇选项 1.The organization was bold enough to face the press. A.pleased B.powerful C.brave D.sensible 参考答案:C 2.I will not tolerate that sort of behavior in my class. A.accept B.control C.observe D.regulate 参考答案:A 3.I realized to my horror that I had forgotten the present. A.limit B.fear C.power D.fool 参考答案:B 4.Most people find rejection hard to accept. A.excuse B.client C.destiny D.refusal 参考答案:D 5.She's extremely competent and industrious. A.hardworking B.honest C.objective D.independent 参考答案:A 6.The doctors did not reveal the truth to him. A.hide B.handle C.disclose D.establish 参考答案:C 7.He tried to assemble his thoughts. A.clear B.share C.gather D.spare 参考答案:C

8.The law carries a penalty of up to three years in prison. A.message B.punishment C.guilt D.obligation 参考答案:B 9.Prisoners were kept in the most appalling conditions. A.flexible B.terrible C.reasonable D.serious 参考答案:B 10.These products are inferior to those we brought last year. A.poorer than B.narrower than https://www.360docs.net/doc/7114354746.html,rger than D.richer than 参考答案:A 11.The political situation in the region has deteriorated rapidly. A.improved B.changed C.worsened D.developed 参考答案:C 12.There was a simultaneous trial taking place in the next building. A.coexisting B.fair C.full D.pubic 参考答案:A 13.They're petitioning for better facilities for the disabled on public transport. A.requesting B.planning C.preparing D.looking 参考答案:A 14.He said some harsh words about his brother. A.unkind B.proper C.normal D.unclear 参考答案:A 15.We were attracted by the lure of quick money. A.amount


2017年国家公务员考试真题及答案 注意事项 1.这项测验共有五个部分,总时限为120分钟。 2.请用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将姓名与准考证号在指定位置上填写清楚。 3.当监考人员宣布考试正式开始时,你才可以答题。 4.当监考老师宣布考试结束时,你应立即停止作答。待监考人员允许离开后,方可离开考场。 5.在这项测验中,可能有一些试题较难,因此你不要在某一道题上思考太长时间,遇到不会答的题目,可先跳过去。否则,你可能没有时间完成后面的题目。 第一部分常识判断 根据题目要求,在四个选项中选出一个最恰当的答案。 1.根据我国《宪法》,下列表述错误的是() A.我国形成了人民代表大会制度、中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度以及基层群众自治制度等民主形式 B.为追查刑事犯罪,公安机关、检察机关、审判机关可依法对公民的通信进行检查 C.我国在普通地方、民族自治地方和特别行政区建立了相应的地方制度D.一切组织和个人都负有实施宪法和保证宪法实施的职责 2.依据《刑法修正案(九)》的规定,下列说法错误的是() A.对伪造货币罪不再处以死刑 B.对代替他人参加高考的行为应作出行政处罚 C.组织群众在医院闹事、造成严重损失的行为是犯罪行为

D.编造虚假险情在微信中传播、严重扰乱社会秩序的行为是犯罪行为 3.关于中国外交,下列说法错误的是() A.二十世纪八九十年代,邓小平提出“韬光养晦、有所作为”的外交战略 B.“另起炉灶”是毛泽东在新中国成立前夕提出的外交方针 C.周恩来和陈毅都曾担任过外交部长 D.委内瑞拉是第一个同新中国建交的拉丁美洲国家 4.在银行的资产负债表中,客户存款属于() A.资产 B.权益 C.资金 D.负债 5.关于我国著名园林,下列说法正确的是() A.《枫桥夜泊》涉及的城市是留园所在地 B.十二生肖兽首曾是颐和园的镇园之宝 C.承德避暑山庄始建于明代崇祯年间 D.苏州拙政园整体呈现均衡对称的格局 6.我国古代用“金”“石”“丝”“竹”指代不同材质、类别的乐器。下列诗词涉及“竹”的是() A.珠帘夕殿闻钟磬,白日秋天忆鼓鼙 B.主人有酒欢今夕,请奏鸣琴广陵客 C.深秋帘幕千家雨,落日楼台一笛风 D.哀筝一弄湘江曲,声声写尽湘波绿 7.柏拉图认为处于变化之中的事物不是真正的存在,持这种理念的人会认为以下哪项最真实() A.一棵树


2020职称英语考试卫生类B级考试题:阅读判断 下面的短文后列出7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是准确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C. Tiny Invaders The human body is truly amazing. It allows us to sense the world around us,to do work and have fun,and to move from place to place. In fact,the human body does its work so well that most people don't think about it very much —until they get sick. The germs (致病菌) that make people sick are eyerywhere. You can't see them ,but they're there. They're sitting on your desk. They're hiding on your computers keyboard. They're even in the air that you are breathing. There are two types of germs: viruses and bacteria (细菌)。 Viruses are germs that can only live inside animals or plants. Viruses cause illnesses such as flu and measles (麻疹) . Bacteria are tiny creatures. Some bacteria are good. They can help your stomach break down food. Other bacteria aren't so good. They can make you sick.Bacteria can cause sore throats (喉痛) and ear infections. How can you stop these tiny invaders from making you sick? Your skin is the first defense against germs. You can prevent some illnesses simply by washing with soap and water. But germs can still enter the body through small cuts in the skin or through the mouth,eyes,and nose.


2016职称英语考试真题及答案 第1部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题l分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或者短语有下划线,请为每处下划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1、Have you talked to her?lately? https://www.360docs.net/doc/7114354746.html,stly B.finally C.shortly D.recently 2、 About?one quarter of?the workers in the country are employed in factories. A.third B.fourth C.tenth D.fifteenth 3、 The dentist has decided to?extract?her bad tooth. A.take out B.repair C.push in D.dig 4、 We shall keep the money in a?secure?place. A.clean

B.secret C.distant D.safe 5、 This table is strongand?durable. A.long-lasting B.extensive C.far reaching D.eternal 6、 He endured agonies before he finally?expired. A.fired B.resigned C.died D.retreated 7、 There are only five minutes left, but the?outcome?of the match is still in doubt. A.result B.judgement C.estimation D.event 8、 The great changes of the city?astonished?every visitor to that city A.attacked


2002年全国职称英语考试理工类(A级)考试试题及参考答案 第1部分:词汇选项 (第1~15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与画线部分意义最相近的词或短语。答案一律涂在答题卡相应的位置上。 1 The price of vegetables f1uctuates according to the weather. A jumps B rises C falls D changes 2 Did you do that to irritate her? A tease B attract C annoy D protect 3 Mary looked pale and weary. A ill B tired C worried D peaceful 4 The water in this part of the river has been contaminated by sewage(污水). A polluted B downgraded C mixed D blackened 5 Her treatment of the subject is exhaustive. A very boring B very thorough C very interesting D very touching 6 Alice is a fascinating girl. A a beautiful B a pretty C an attractive D a pleasant

7 Her mood can be gauged by her reaction to the most trivial of incidents. A displayed B shown C proved D assessed 8 The old lady let her flat to an English couple. A offered B rented C provided D sold 9 She stood there,crying and trembling with fear. A shaking B staggering C struggling D murmuring 10 They strolled around the lake for an hour or so. A ran B rolled C walked D raced 11 The conclusion can be deduced from the premises. A argued B derived C permitted D come 12 I can no longer tolerate his actions. A putupwith B accept C take D suffer from 13 Our plan is to allocate one member of staff to handle appointments. A ask B persuade C assign D order 14 She has been the subject of massive media coverage. A extensive B negative


1( 单选题) 我国加强对“裸官”的监督和管理,《关于对配偶子女均已移居国(境)外的国家工作人员加强管理的暂行规定》规定,国家工作人员有规定所列需要报告情形的,应当在配偶、子女移居国(境)外60 日内向( )书面报告有关情况。 A. 纪检监察机关 B. 宣传部门 C. 组织(人事)部门 D. 外事部门 正确答案是C, 考点:中国特色社会主义理论体系 解析:《关于对配偶子女均已移居国(境)外的国家工作人员加强管理的暂行规定》规定,国家工作人员有规定所列需要报告情形的,应当在配偶、子女移居国(境)外60 日内向组织(人事)书面报告有关情况。因此,本题选择C选项 2( 单选题) 中国共产党某县县委向全县党的各级组织印发《关于整治庸懒散奢等不良风气切实改进工作作风的意见》,应适用的公文文种是: A. 函 B. 请示 C. 通报 D. 通知 正确答案是D, 考点:公文 解析:通知适用于发布、传达要求下级机关执行和有关单位周知或者执行的事项,批转、转发公文。本题是县委向下级党组织印发上级发来的公文,应用通知。因此,本题选择D选项 3( 单选题) 行政执法类公务员: A. 可以越级晋升职级 B. 不得越级晋升职级 C. 原则上不可以越级晋升职级,但因工作特殊需要且符合有关条件的,按管理权限批准后,可越级晋升职级 D. 经省级以上政府公务员主管部门批准后可越级晋升职级 正确答案是B, 考点:行政法 解析:《深圳市行政机关专业技术类公务员管理办法(试行)》第二十七条:行政执法类公务员晋升职级,应当逐级晋升。特别优秀或者工作特殊需要且符合有关条件的,按管理权限批准后,可以破格晋升。行政执法类公务员不得越级晋升职级。因此,本题选择B选项 4( 单选题) 聘任制公务员聘任合同类型不包括: A. 固定期限聘任合同


职称英语考试卫生B级考试题库|阅读判断 导读:本文职称英语考试卫生B级考试题库|阅读判断,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 The human body is truly amazing. It allows us to sense the world around us,to do work and have fun,and to move from place to place. In fact,the human body does its work so well that most people don't think about it very much —until they get sick. The germs (致病菌)that make people sick are eyerywhere. You can't see them ,but they're there. They're sitting on your desk. They're hiding on your computers keyboard. They're even in the air that you are breathing. There are two types of germs:viruses and bacteria (细菌)。Viruses are germs that can only live inside animals or plants. Viruses cause illnesses such as flu and measles (麻疹). Bacteria are tiny creatures. Some bacteria are good. They can help your stomach break down food. Other bacteria aren't so good. They can make you sick.Bacteria can cause sore throats (喉痛)and ear infections. How can you stop these tiny invaders from making you sick? Your skin is the first defense against germs. You can prevent some illnesses simply by washing with soap and water. But germs can still enter the body through small cuts in the skin or through the mouth,eyes,and nose. Once germs are inside your body,your immune (免疫的)system tries to protect you. It looks for and destroys germs. How does it do that? Special cells patrol your body. Some of these cells actually eat germs! Other cells make antibodies. An antibody sticks to a germ. There is a different antibody for each kind of germ. Some


全国职称英语考试历年真题及答案 理工类-A级 2003-2010 目录 1.2003年全国职称英语考试(理工类A级)真题及答案 (2) 2.2004年全国职称英语考试(理工类A级)真题及答案 (16) 3.2005年全国职称英语考试(理工类A级)真题及答案 (35) 4.2006年全国职称英语考试(理工类A级)真题及答案 (54) 5.2007年全国职称英语考试(理工类A级)真题及答案 (68) 6.2008年全国职称英语考试(理工类A级)真题及答案 (76) 7.2009年全国职称英语考试(理工类A级)真题及答案 (89) 8.2010年全国职称英语考试(理工类A级)真题及答案 (102)

2003年职称英语等级考试理工类A级试题及答案第一部分:词汇选项(第1—15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与画线部分意义最相近的词或短语。答案一律涂在答题卡相应的位置上。 1. The union representative put across her argument very effectively. A explained B invented C considered D accepted 2. He talks tough but has a tender heart. A heavy B strong C kind D wild 3. It is no use debating the relative merits of this policy. A making B taking C discussing D expecting 4. Our statistics show that we consume all that we are capable of producing. A waste B buy C use D sell 5. The fuel tanks had a capacity of 140 liters. A function B ability C power D volume 6. Our lives are intimately bound up with theirs. A tensely B nearly C carefully D closely 7. Her faith upheld her in times of sadness. A supported B excited C inspired D directed


2017年江苏省公务员考试申论试卷及答案(A卷) 一、给定材料 资料1 在祖国的山山水水间,有这么一群人。他们或俯首案前,呕心沥血研究民间文化;或献身舞台,孜孜以求编演老百姓喜闻乐见的精彩节目;或走村串寨,把精神文化食粮播撒在田间地头……他们有一个共同的名字——“基层文化人”。 2017年1月9日晚,“最美基层文化人”颁奖典礼在H省音乐厅举行,H省“最美基层文化人”名单正式出炉。以下是几位“最美基层文化人”的简要事迹。 欧阳老师是M县偏远山区的一名普通文化辅导员。2014年退休后,他走乡串户收集改编民谣,为留守儿童编写了一本《十里山童谣》,融文明礼仪、法治安全、良好习惯、环境保护与资源节约等内容于一体,易读、易记、易懂,深受孩子们的喜爱。为了留守儿童的教育和成长,欧阳老师捐出自己的全部藏书和住房公积金创建“十里山留守儿童文化街”和“十里山书香文化社区”,为留守儿童建造了一个精神“粮仓”。 D市文化馆的王先生只有小学学历,自学成才。数十年来,他利用节假日和工作之便,自费跑遍了该市100多个乡镇村组,收集地方文化遗产资料三百余万字。利用在当地流传的“孟姜女传说”“荆河戏”等资料撰写了五部学术专著,著作的出版在当地学术界和文艺界引起了不小的震动。 Y自治州85岁的田大爷是民间戏曲——灯戏最忠诚的守护者。他14岁开始走上灯戏舞台,70年来坚守传承灯戏文化,将古老的灯戏撒播在家乡秀美的山水间。唱戏成为他生活的一部分,即使褪了青丝,没了牙齿,他依然咿咿呀呀地唱着,颤颤巍巍地舞着…… 为群众需求而奔走,为精神食粮而劳作,是基层文化工作者们的真实写照。本次“最美基层文化人”评选活动由H省文化厅、H省委网信办、H省报业集团主办,各市州文(体)广新局承办。活动自2016年3月31日启动以来,共有1568名基层文化人报名,产生了热烈的社会反响。在这些报名者中,既有80多岁默默坚守一线的老艺术家,也有20多岁走时尚路线的文艺新秀,涵盖了基层文化工作者、艺术工作者、文化传承者、文化创意者四大群体。 评选活动打破了以往传统的“自上而下”的单一评奖模式,通过全省各市州、区县文化部门推荐以及文化工作者自荐、群众举荐等途径,经过专家评审、网络投票、集体决定、社会公示等环节,寻找出“最美基层文化人”候选人50名,最终评选出H省“最美基层文化人”10名、“最美基层文化人”提名奖40名。2016年7月22日寻找“最美基层文化人”活动投票环节全面开始,主办方开通了H省文化厅官方网站、文化江湖微信、微博、华声在线等网络投票渠道,活动期间,共有两千多万人次参与了投票。H省“最美基层文化人”评选活动的成功举办,引起了广泛的社会反响,邻近的J省也计划开展类似活动。 资料2 G省X县周村有一座古色古香的周氏祠堂。祠堂始建于明代,以前只有在逢年过节时才会有村民去里面祈福祭祖,平时大部分时间闲置。如今,祠堂被改造成了“周村文化礼堂”,门前挂起了“周村关心下一代工作委员会”“周村老年人协会”等牌子。放学后,村里的孩子结伴在这里看漫画;周末,老年人相约在这里聚会、看戏……周村的变化,得益于G省农


2020年职称英语考试卫生类B级阅读判断练习及答案 (3) “We hire talent. ” Those are the words of Rod Franz, a civil service computer technology director, responding to the question of opportunities for women who are interested in pursuing careers as computer technicians. On at least one of three shifts in his operation, the male-female ratio is 50-50. That is not surprising because government and educational institutes are required by the law to make every effort to open hiring opportunities to women and minority workers. What may be even more interesting to young women is that,according to Franz, private industry is hiring women and minorities away from us. And, since private industry pays more, it succeeds. Managers in the rapidly growing computer service field are quick to agree. They strongly encourage women to train for technician jobs, and they actively recruit female technicians across the country. They believe that this career field offers a wealth of possibility for women. A recent study by the Devry Institute of Technology that involved 100 employment managers in the Chicago area showed,too, that the number of women entering the field of computer science is on the rise, and that those already in the field are moving up. A significant increase in the number of women


第1某些:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线某些拟定1个意义最为接近选项。 A.tolerate B.generate C.reduce D.mensure living alone. A.equal B.immediate C.moderate D.great A.bright B.unclear C.general D.bad A.special

B.private C.general D.good A.picture B.danger C.evidence D.case A.doubt B.relief C.failure D.confusion A.love B.surprise C.anger D.doubt A.energetic

C.physical D.regular A.boring B.original C.humorous D.long A.attract B.spend C.encourage D.require A.supported B.disproved C.disputed D.accepted A.close

C.break D.combine A.polite B.usual C.bad D.similar A.hardworking B.social C.basic D.scientific A.necessary B.terrible C.critical D.normal 第2某些:阅读判断(第16~22题,每题1分,共7分)


2017公务员考试试题及答案 公务员考试试题及答案 1( 单选题 ) 下列情形符合法律规定的是: A. 甲乙二人自由恋爱,因两人均年满20周岁,经双方父母同意,两人可以结婚 B. 丙12岁,玩火酿成火灾,造成重大财产损失,但丙不承担失火罪的刑事责任 C. 丁6岁,春节收到红包若干,其母认为丁尚年幼,红包里的钱应归监护人所有 D. 19岁的大学生戊,认为父母有义务支付他的教育费及生活费至其独立工作为止 正确答案是 B 考点民法 解析 12周岁为无刑事责任能力人,犯了任何罪,都不要承担刑事责任。结婚必须达到法定婚龄,男不得早于22周岁,女不得早于20周岁。无民事行为能力人和限制民事行为能力人接受的纯收益性的红包赠与行为有效。年满18周岁,是我国完全民事行为能力人的标准,完全通过自身行为取得权利,承担义务。因此,本题答案为B。 2( 单选题 ) 目前我国正大力推进文化体制改革,特别是对国内的动漫产业和影视剧通过内容管控的方式促进其发展,下列不属于行政手段的是: A. 规定各级电视台每日播出境外各类影视节目时间 B. 设立专项经费用于鼓励本土作家创作优秀剧本 C. 国家出台“限娱令”规范娱乐节目播出类型 D. 每年引进的境外动漫作品同类题材数量设置上限 正确答案是 B 考点管理 解析 行政手段,是国家通过行政机构,采取带强制性的行政命令、指示、规定等措施,来调节和管理经济的手段。行政手段具有权威性、强制性、垂直性、具体性、非经济利益性和封闭性。B选项设立经费鼓励创作不具有行政手段的强制性和权威性。因此,本题答案为B。 3( 单选题 ) 2016年是“和平共处五项原则”发表60周年,下列与其发表时间相同的历史事件是: A. 东西两德统一 B. 古巴导弹危机


2014年职称英语考试卫生类阅读判断练习题(一) Stomach Ulcer Stomach ulcers are the cause of severe pain for many people. Doctors have been able to help lessen the pain of ulcers. They could not cure them. Now doctors have discovered a cause of ulcers. This means they may have found a way to cure people who suffer from the stomach pain. Studies show that ten percent of the population will develop an ulcer at some time in their life. So a possible cure is good news for many people. Ulcers are wounds in the stomach that are similar to small cuts or tears. These wounds can harm the tissue in the stomach, the pipe that carries the food to the stomach or parts of the small intestines. Fluids in the stomach then increase the pain of an ulcer. How does a person know he or she has an ulcer? Doctors say most people with ulcers feel a burning pain in their chest or stomach. This pain often is called heart-burn. It usually happens before eating or during the night. It causes some people to lose their desire to eat, or they are unable to keep food in their stomachs. Doctors believed that ulcers were caused by unusually strong stomach fluids, which damaged stomach tissue. Now they have discovered that most ulcers are
