Unit 2 Growing pains(学生版)

Unit 2  Growing pains(学生版)
Unit 2  Growing pains(学生版)

Unit 2 Growing pains(学生版)







Period 1 Welcome to the unit


Look at the pictures on page 1 and have some picture talking:

Picture 1 What does the boy do?

What is the mother doing? How is she probably feeling?

What feelings may the boy have?

Picture 2 What happens to the girl with a bag?

What did her parents ask her to do?

Can you guess what might have happened to her?

Picture 3 Why are the boys and girls around the pretty lady?

What does the boy want to do? Is he allowed to do so? Why or why not?

What feeling may the boy have?

Picture4. What is the boy probably doing?

Did the boy do well in his exams?

How does his mother feel about the score?

What feelings may the boy have?


Try to combine your own experiences with knowledge gained from above or other sources, and participate actively in the following discussion.

1. Do you sometimes quarrel with your parents? How do arguments usually happen? Will you give examples of kinds of problems you sometimes have with your parents?


2. Can you tell something about generation gap?


3. What is your ideal family relationship?



1. Don’t you think this is a waste of time?

a waste of …浪费……

e.g._____________________________________________ 再等下去也是浪费时间。


It is a waste of time/energy + v.-ing

It is no good/ use+ v.-ing

It is worthwhile/useless/foolish/fun/expensive/nice/dangerous/enjoyable+ v.-ing

There is no sense /point/use/good in + v.-ing

There is nothing worse than+ v.-ing

waste (n.)浪费,排泄物(v.)浪费(adj.) 未利用的;荒芜的

waste…o n/over sth. 在……上浪费……

waste…(in/on)doing sth. 浪费……做某事



Haste makes waste. (谚)欲速则不达.

2. Do you have to turn up your music so loud? (p21)你非得把音乐声调得这么大吗? turn up旋大;开大。Turn the radio up a little. It's too low.


He suddenly turned up at the meeting.

2)卷起(衣袖等);向上折turn up the sleeves卷起衣袖(喻)准备行动(或工作)

turn up the ends of one’s trousers卷起裤腿

3)turn sb up使某人作呕/难受

It turns me up to think of children being made to suffer.


turn up the soil; turn up a word in a dictionary

3. I told you to be home by 6 o'clock and now it’s 7 o'clock. (p21)我让你6点前到家,可是现在都7点了。

by (prep.) before/not later than在……之前。by常用来表示时间的终点,有时可译为“到……时为止。”强调动作的完成时,by短语常与过去完成时及将来完成时连用。

[c.f.] by, before, until表示时间




①______the age of July,he had taught himself advanced maths.

②Maybe ______ tomorrow morning the weather will have cleared up.

③My father has been so busy with his work recently and never come home __________10pm.

④I'll have to keep writing _____________ 12 o'clock.





Period 2 Reading (1)



1. 整体理解

Skim the passage, try to get the procedure of the whole play and complete the following form:

Home alone

Characters: Dad Mom Daniel Eric

2. 微技能训练

Read the passage and finish the following exercises:

(1)Who are the main characters in the play?

(2)Why do the parents get angry?

(3)What really happened to their dog Spot?

(4) The passage is mainly about ______

A. how the family manage to be on good terms

B. why the room is in a mess.

C. why there is a misunderstanding between the parents and sons.

D. what happens to Daniel and Eric after their parents get home.

(5)Which of the following is the cause of the quarrel?

A. Spot was seriously ill.

B. The couple return earlier than expected.

C. The boys play football all day long.

D. The brother's laziness (懒惰).

(6)Eric says hello to his parents in a frightened voice because_____

A. Dad often punishes him.

B. he is always timid (胆小的).

C. he is afraid that Dad will see the messy room and punish him.

D. Dad will beat him and his brother.

(7)This passage is a ________________

A. newspaper

B. notice

C. play

D. diary

(8)From the passage, we can infer (推断) that _________

A. children often hate their parents.

B. parents often hate their children.

C. children and parents often hate each other

D. parents and children should explain to each other when some misunderstanding (误解)


(9)The phrase “deserve to” means________

A. have to

B. want to

C. need to

D. to be good enough to have something

(10)What would probably happen in the following act?

A. Dad and Daniel will quarrel again.

B. Daniel will desert(抛弃) the dog.

C. Mom and Eric will help Dad and Daniel to get rid of the misunderstanding.

D. Eric will not play football any longer

3. 阅读填空


Mom and Dad arrive back from _________ earlier than ________________. They find the rooms in a ___________ with rubbish all over the places, and their pet dog tired and ___________, but the money for dog food is ___________. So they shout at their elder son Daniel. Daniel feels _____________ as he cannot have the _________ to explain the ______________to them. In fact, when their parents are _________ from home, their dog _____________ill and the boys used the money to take it to the ___________ and they had not time to _________ the house.

Daniel’s younger brother Eric _____________ him to tell the truth to their parents. But Daniel wouldn’t _________. At the same time, Dad become _________ at Daniel’s bad ________ and rudeness, and decides to _____________him. Mom thinks they should go and _____________Daniel what has happened.



The Chinese are very generous when it comes to educating their children. Some parents send their children to the best schools or even abroad to England, the US or Australia, regardless of how much this costs. Many also want their children to take extra-curriculum activities where they either learn a musical instrument or ballet, or other classes that will give them a head start in life. The Chinese believe that the more expensive an education is, the better it is, so parents often spend unreasonable amount of money on education. Even poor couples buy a computer for their son or daughter.

However, what most parents fail to see is that the best education they can give their children is usually very cheap. Parents can see that their children's skills vary; they will usually be skilled in some areas while poor in others. What most parents fail to realize though, is that today's children lack self-respect and self-confidence.

The problem is that parents are only educating their children on how to take multiple-choice tests and how to study effectively. They are not teaching them the most important skills they need to be confident, happy and clever.

Parents can help achieve this by teaching their children practical skills like cooking, sewing and other housework.

Teaching a child to cook will improve many of the skills that he will need later in life. Cooking demands patience and time. It is an enjoyable but difficult experience. A good cook always tries to improve his cooking, so he will learn to work hard and gradually finish his job

successfully. The result, a well--cooked dinner, will give a child a lot of satisfaction and confidence.

An old machine such as a broken radio or TV set that you give your child as a toy may make him curious and arouse his interest. If he will spend hours looking at it, and try to mend it; your child might become an engineer when he grows up. Such activities do more than teach a child to read a book; but rather they teach them to think, and to use their minds. This is much more important than learning by reading a book.





Period 3 Reading (2)



1. I can't wait to surprise the boys! (p22) 我迫不及待的要给儿子们一个惊喜吧!

can't wait to do sth.“迫不及待要做……”,带有较强的感情色彩。

eg. I can’t wait to get started again. 我迫不及待地想重新开始。

I can’t wait to see their new baby. 我急着要看他们的新生儿。


eg. I can hardly wait to see him again. 我迫不及待地想再次见到他。

The children can’t wait for Christmas to come. 孩子们急切地盼着圣诞节到来。

I can hardly wait for my holiday! 我迫切地等着假期的来临。

相关用法:can't but do sth. 不得不… ;只好…

can’t help doing sth.情不自禁地做…

can’t choose but do 不得不做

can’t help but do 不得不做


He ______ ______ ______ _______ the result of the exam.(迫不及待的想看到)

2. Eric runs in after it, followed by a big dog,walking very slowly.(p22) 埃里克跑进来追球,后面跟着一只走得慢腾腾的狗。

followed by… 过去分词短语作伴随或方式状浯,表示被动含义。


①The boy spent the night locked in the room.

②He sat in the corner of the room, crying sadly.

walking very slowly为现在分词短语作定语。




①Do you know the boy (who is) lying under the big tree?

②The girl (who is) sitting on the right is the professor's daughter.

③The boy who brings milk has been ill for a week.

④The officer who left yesterday has come again.


Look over ther e—there’s a very long, winding path _____ up to the house.

A. leading

B. leads

C. led

D. to lead

3. Mom! Dad! You are back early! (Looking around room, sounding frightened) (p22)妈妈!爸爸!你们这么早回来了! (环顾房间,听起来有点害怕)

eg. It sounds a good idea./strange.

He sounds like someone I used to work with.

He looks as if he had slept very badly.

(2) frightened adj. 受惊的,害怕的

be frightened of (doing) sth. 害怕(做)某事

be frightened to do sth. 吓得不敢做某事

be frightened that …害怕…

be frightened to death 吓死

frighten v. 使惊吓,使惊恐frightening adj. 令人害怕的


—Why do you have a ______ look?

—Because you almost _____ me out of life by your ______ mask.

A. frightening; frightened; frightening

B. frightened; frightening; frightened;

C. frightening; frightening; frightened

D. frightened; frightened; frightening

4.But ,but…you were not supposed to come home until tomorrow! (p22) 但,但是……你们应该明天才到家。

be supposed to 1)表示按照义务、规则,规律或约定“理应,应该”。


be supposed to do常用来表示“本应该(发生而实际上并未发生)”,有时也可使用be supposed to have done表示过去本应发生而实际未发生的事。be not supposed to意为“不应当”。eg. He is supposed to arrive before six o'clock.

We were supposed to arrive at six. But we're late.


(1)你本该稍早一点完成作业的。You _________________your homework a little earlier.

(2)Business is not as good as it was supposed to be. 翻译_________________________ 5. The money with which you were to buy dog food is gone,but Spot looks so hungry! (p22)你应该用来买狗食的钱不见了,但Spot却一副饿相。

were to在此表示过去的计划和安排。was/were to还可表示纯过去将来时的意义。be to do 结构常用来表示计划;安排;指示;命令或要求等,它也可以表示可能性或注定要发生的事情。提示:be to可用于条件状语从句中,表示“想要”(should/want to)。

eg. Their daughter is to be married soon.

You are to be back by 10 o'clock.

If you are to see him, you must come early.

【即学即练】(2001上海)In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they____. A.have survived B. are to survive C. would survive D. will survive

be gone: gone在句中作表语表示状态。gone形式上为过去分词,但它常被用作形容词,作表语或补足语,表示“离开了的;(时间)过去了;(物)不见了,用完了,消逝了”等意。eg. How long do you think you'll be gone?

Just a pain in my chest. It's gone now.

6. The room is in a mess, with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink.(p22) 房




with+n./pron.+ 介词短语




eg. He fell asleep with all the windows closed.

With the guide leading the way,we got out of the forest without any difficulty.

He stood there with his hand in his pocket.

They sat in silence with the 1ight on for half an hour.

With no one to talk to, he felt bored.

She died with her son (being) yet a schoo1 boy.

【即学即练】(2004北京)_____ two exams to worry about, I have to work hard this weekend.

A. With

B. Besides

C. As for

D. Because of

7. Why is everything always my fault? (p23) 为什么凡事都是我的错?

fault n. 过错,错误find fault with 找碴;吹毛求疵

eg. His only fault is that he lacks experience. 他唯一的缺点是缺少经验。

He has no fault to find with. 他无疵可寻。

辨析:fault, error, mistake

error 可指任何错误,也可指笔误、印刷上或计算上的错误。

mistake 指判断或理解方面的错误,或是由于缺乏思考或疏忽而造成的错误。

fault 多指性格、心智状态、情绪、行为或习惯中的“缺点”。

【即学即练】用error, mistake, fault填空

(1)She always finds with me.

(2) I took her gloves by .

(3)Please pardon any that you may discover in my letter.

8. Daniel has his arms crossed and looks upset.(p23)埃里克坐在他的床上看着丹尼尔,丹尼尔双臂交叉,看起来很生气。

have /get sth. done



eg. You'd better have that bad tooth pulled out.

I must have/get my homework finished first before going out to play.

The old woman had/got her handbag stolen.

have sb. do sth. 让某人做某事(宾语与宾补为主谓关系)。

(1)have sb. do sth. 让某人做某事,宾语与宾语补足语之间的主谓关系。

Our English teacher has us remember 8 words every day.


(2)have sb./sth. doing sth. 让某人/某物一直做某事,表示使宾语一直处于一种状态。

My father has two men working for him. 我父亲让两个人为他工作。

(3)have sth. to do 有某事要做,have作“有”讲,动词不定式作定语。

I have something important to do today. 今天我有重要的事情要做。


I'm going to Beijing tomorrow. Do you have anything to be taken to your son?

明天我要去北京。你有什么要带个你儿子吗?(take动作不是主语you发出的)【即学即练】(2004重庆)Laws that punish parents for their 1ittle children's actions against the laws got parents_____.

A. worried

B. to worry

C. worrying

D. worry

9. …, if they knew that Spot was sick and we use the money to take him to the clinic. (p23) 如果他们知道斑点生病了,我们用那钱带它去看了兽医……

eg. If I were you, I would take his advice. 如果我是你的话,我就接受他的建议。

If you were to succeed, everything would be all right. 如果你成功,一切将会变好。

The rice would not have been burnt if you had been more careful. 如果你小心点的话,稻谷就不会被烧掉。

【即学即练】(2010 湖南)If he my advice, he wouldn't have lost his job.

A. followed

B. should follow

C. had followed

D. would follow

10. Maybe, but now that he has been so rude to us.(p23) 或许吧,但既然他对我们这么无礼。

(1) now (that)conj.由于,既然

eg. Now (that) you've passed your test you can drive on your own.

Now that you've grown up,you must stop this childish behavior.

【即学即练】(NMETl999)___you've got a chance,you might as well make full use of it.

A. Now that

B. After

C. Although

D. As soon as

(2) feel like感觉起来像是;觉得像;摸上去像;想要。

eg. Do you feel like parents try to force you to spend your spare time doing things y ou don’t like?

I feel like a hurt animal.

Do you feel like taking a walk?

I feel like (drinking)a cup of tea.






2012-2013(1)研究生英语翻译理论与实践1 词法翻译 一、词义的选择 (一)根据词在句中的词类来选择和确定词义。 ?Like charges repel; unlike charges attract. ?He likes mathematics more than physics. ?In the sunbeam passing through the window there are fine grains of dust shining like gold. ?Like knows like. (二)根据上下文联系以及词在句中的搭配关系选择和确定词义。 ?He is the last man to come. ?He is the last man to do it. ?He is the last person for such a job. ?He should be the last man to blame. ?He is the last man to consult. ?This is the last place where I expected to meet you. ?An area the si ze of the Hornet’s flight deck was marked off on an airstrip and they practiced taking off time after time from this restricted space. ?He always sits on the very edge of his chair when he is working, as though about to take off. 二、词义的引申 (一)将词义抽象化的引申 1. 将表示具体形象的词译成该形象所代表的属性的词。 ?There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of him. ?Every life has roses and thorns. ? 2. 将带有特征性形象的词译成该形象所代表的概念的词。 ?In fact, the Bavarian environment was so charged with Nazi sentiment throughout the 1920s that Hit ler’s storm troops goosestepped into power in Furth in 1930. ?See-sawing between partly good and faintly ominous, the news for the next four weeks was never distinct. (二)将词义具体化的引申 ?The car in front of me stalled and I missed the green. ?Jewish-owned shops were shut down. Swastikas replaced six-pointed stars. The walls of anti-Semitism were closing in. 三、词义的褒贬 ?(一)有些词本身就有褒贬意义,翻译时就应相应地表达出来。 ?He was a man of high renown. ?His notoriety as a rake did not come until his death. ?The tasks carried out by them are praiseworthy. ?Henry keeps boasting that he has talked to the President. ?“He was polite and always gave advice willingly,” she recalled. ?We were shocked by his coarse manners. ?(二) 有些词的词义是中立的,本身不表示褒义或贬义,但在一定的上下文中可能有

Unit 2 课文翻译

能看、能听、有知觉、具嗅觉、会说话的智能汽车?还能自动驾驶?这听起来或许像是在做梦,但计算机革命正致力于把这一切变为现实。 智能汽车 1 Even the automobile industry, which has remained largely unchanged for the last seventy years, is about to feel the effects of the computer revolution. 即便是过去70年间基本上没有多少变化的汽车工业,也将感受到计算机革命的影响。 2 The automobile industry ranks as among the most lucrative and powerful industries of the twentieth century. There are presently 500 million cars on earth, or one car for every ten people. Sales of the automobile industry stand at about a trillion dollars, making it the world's biggest manufacturing industry. 汽车工业是20世纪最赚钱、最有影响力的产业之一。目前世界上有5亿辆车,或者说每10人就有1辆车。汽车工业的销售额达一万亿美元左右,从而成为世界上最大的制造业。 3 The car, and the roads it travels on, will be revolutionized in the twenty-first century. The key to tomorrow's "smart cars" will be sensors. "We'll see vehicles and roads that see and hear and feel and smell and talk and act," predicts Bill Spreitzer, technical director of General Motors Corporation's ITS program, which is designing the smart car and road of the future. 汽车及其行驶的道路,将在21世纪发生重大变革。未来“智能汽车”的关键在于传感器。“我们会见到能看、能听、有知觉、具嗅觉、会说话并能采取行动的车辆与道路,”正在设计未来智能汽车和智能道路的通用汽车公司ITS项目的技术主任比尔?斯普雷扎预言道。 4 Approximately 40,000 people are killed each year in the United States in traffic accidents. The number of people that are killed or badly injured in car accidents is so vast that we don't even bother to mention them in the newspapers anymore. Fully half of these fatalities come from drunk drivers, and many others from carelessness. A smart car could eliminate most of these car accidents. It can sense if a driver is drunk

unit2课文翻译The Virtues of Growing Older

The Virtues of Growing Older (长大变老有好处) Our society worships youth. Advertisements convince us to buy Grecian Formula and Oil of Olay so we can hide the gray in our hair and smooth the lines on our face. Television shows feature attractive young stars with firm bodies, perfect complexions, and thick manes of hair. Middle-aged folks work out in gyms and jog down the street, trying to delay the effects of age. 我们所处的社会崇尚年轻。连篇累牍的广告劝我们买希腊配方的洗发水和玉兰油,这样的话,白发无处可寻,面部的皱纹也能被抚平。电视节目上尽是体魄强健,肤色无暇,头发浓密的年轻明星。而中年人则在体育馆里锻炼,在马路上慢跑,尽量不让岁月过早地留下痕迹。 Wouldn't any person over thirty gladly sign with the devil just to be young again? Isn't aging an experience to be dreaded? Perhaps it is unAmerican to say so, but I believe the answer is "No." Being young is often pleasant, but being older has distinct advantages. 不是所有三十出头的人都会为了重获青春而心甘情愿地与魔鬼订立合约吗?长大变老难道不可怕吗?说它不可怕可能不是美国人的回答,但我却认为长大变老不可怕。青春年少令人愉悦,但长大变老也有明显的好处。 When young, you are apt to be obsessed with your appearance. When my brother Dave and I were teens, we worked feverishly to perfect the bodies we had. Dave lifted weights, took megadoses of vitamins, and drank a half-dozen milk shakes a day in order to turn his wiry adolescent frame into some muscular ideal. And as a teenager, I dieted constantly. No matter what I weighed, though, I was never satisfied with the way I looked. My legs were too heavy, my shoulders too broad, my waist too big. When Dave and I were young, we begged and pleaded for the "right" clothes. If our parents didn't get them for us, we felt our world would fall apart. How could we go to school wearing loose-fitting blazers when everyone else would be wearing smartly tailored leather jackets? We could be considered freaks. I often wonder how my parents, and parents in general, manage to tolerate their children during the adolescent years. Now, however, Dave and I are beyond such adolescent agonies. My rounded figure seems fine, and don't deny myself a slice of pecan pie if I feel in the mood. Dave still works out, but he has actually become fond of his tall, lanky frame. The two of us enjoy wearing fashionable clothes, but we are no longer slaves to style. And women, I'm embarrassed to admit, even more than men, have always seemed to be at the mercy of fashion. Now my clothes ---- and my brother's ---- are attractive yet easy to wear. We no longer feel anxious about what others will think. As long as we feel good about how we look, we are happy.


绪论 一、翻译小史: 学史以明智,翻译亦如此。据《圣经》记载,人类的祖先们曾经说同一种语言,在足以强大的时候,想要建造一座通天塔(the Babel)上天,从而激怒了上帝。上帝盛怒之下,摧毁通天塔,将人类分散到世界各地,由此产生了不同的种族和不同的语言。此后,人类各民族间的交流就要靠翻译了。事实上,不管是中国还是西方,翻译的历史都是源远流长的。 1.中国翻译史简述 中国的翻译活动源远流长,最早的传译之事可上溯至西周(C.1100-771B.C.)之前。“《礼记?王制》载:‘中国,夷、蛮、戎、狄……五方之民,言语不同,嗜欲不同。达其志,通其欲,东方曰象,西方曰狄,北方曰译。’寄、象、狄、译都是指通译言语的人。”(毛荣贵,2002∶3) 翻译事件对于一个国家的历史和社会发展往往产生重大影响。我国历史上翻译影响社会发展最大的有三次翻译高潮。 1)汉唐时期佛经的传译:西汉张骞;东汉安世高;时至唐代,佛经翻译达到了登峰造极的程度,玄奘(600-664)先后主持译出经论75部1335卷1300万字佛经,占唐代新译佛经总数的一半以上。(关键词:佛经,梵语,安世高,支谦,玄奘) 2)明末清初西欧科技翻译:利玛窦(Matteo Ricci, 1552-1660)组织翻译了相当数量的西方天文、数学、水法、测量等方面的著述;徐光启和利玛窦合译《测量法义》。力图使国人能借鉴西方的先进思想、文化或科技,从而富国强民。 3)清末民初西方思潮的翻译:严复《天演论》(T. H. Huxley: Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays)、《原富》(Adam Smith: An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth and Nations);康有为、梁启超、林纾(林琴南)、王国维等。马列主义经典著作、文艺理论、苏俄及各国的进步文艺作品,如鲁迅、瞿秋白等。 新中国成立后,文革前和文革中以俄语为主,改革开放后以英语为主;我们几乎所有学科的理论框架、术语都译自英语;西方文化进入我们的方方面面很大程度上来自翻译。2.西方翻译史要略 西方翻译史可以简要地分为三个阶段:古典翻译,近代翻译和当代翻译。 1)古典翻译(公元前三世纪――文艺复兴时期13-14世纪)。贺拉斯(Quintus Horatius Flaccus 前65年-前8年),罗马帝国奥古斯都统治时期著名的诗人、批评家,代表作有《诗艺》等。西塞罗(Marcus Tullius Cicero前106年—前43)古罗马著名政治家、演说家、雄辩家、法学家和哲学家。总的来说,西方的古典翻译活动主要围绕圣经进行。比如公元前三世纪七十二名犹太学者就翻译的《圣经?旧约》后被称为《七十子希腊文本圣经》。公元405年,哲罗姆(St. Jerome)对照希伯来原文翻译出了《通俗拉丁文本圣经》(The Vulgate),后来成为罗马天主教承认的唯一文本。中世纪时,由于宗教势力的加强,教会神职人员纷纷用自己的民族语言翻译《圣经》,以使普通老百姓也能读懂《圣经》。14世纪80年代,约翰?威克利夫(John Wyclif)翻译了《圣经》,《圣经》的英译本就此问世。1611年,英国国王詹姆斯一世同意的钦定本《圣经》正式问世。当然,古典翻译活动除了圣经翻译以外,还翻译古希腊、罗马的文学、艺术、科学等名家著作。至文艺复兴时期,圣经翻译和古典文学作品和其他人文科学著作的翻译达到了一个高潮。 近代翻译时期主要是从十七世纪至二十世纪初。在这一时期,翻译的规模虽然不比文艺复兴时期,但是翻译的题材不再局限于圣经或文学翻译,而是呈现了多样化的趋势。同时,


翻译技巧(二):加词法和减词法 加(增)词法 英汉两种语言,由于表达方法不尽相同,有些词在英语中可以省略而不会影响全句意思的完整表达,但译成汉语后就可能出现意思不够明确的语言现象;还有些词虽然在原文中意义明确而完整,但译成汉语后文字却不甚通顺流畅。在这种情况下,就需要使用增词译法。增词法就是在翻译时按照意义、修辞或句法上的需要,在原文的基础上添加必要的单词、词组、分句或完整句,从而使得译文在语法、语言形式上符合译文习惯和在文化背景、词语联想方面与原文一致,使得译文与原文在内容、形式和精神等三方面都对等起来,更忠实通顺地表达原文的思想内容。 S y n t a c t i c a l A m p l i f i c a t i o n(从句法结构上考虑的增词) This kind of amplification includes: amplification by supplying such kinds of words as verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, numerals, category words, generalization words, and the plural forms of nouns. (1) 增加量词(classifier) 英语中数词与可数名词往往可以直接连用,不用加量词。而汉语往往要加量词。 It was a nova! 这是一颗新星! The sun rose thinly from the sea. 一轮红日从海边淡淡升起。 A stream was winding its ways through the valley into the river. 一弯溪水蜿蜒流过山谷,汇到江里去了。 (2) 增加表达复数的词(convey the concept of plurality)


Unit 2 Friendship Text A All the Cabbie Had Was a Letter 摘要: 老朋友天各一方,你心有何感?你是否努力保持联系?有时候写信的事很容易会一拖再拖,总以为明天有的是时间。然而,正如这则故事所表明的,有时我们拖得太晚了。也许读一读这个故事会让你提起笔来。 出租车司机拥有的就剩一封信 福斯特?韩克洛 他准是完全沉浸在所读的东西里了,因为我不得不 敲挡风玻璃来引起他的注意。 他总算抬头看我了。“你出车吗?”我问道。他点点 头,当我坐进后座时,他抱歉地说:“对不起,我在读 一封信。”听上去他像是得了感冒什么的。 “我不着急,”我对他说。“你接着把信读完吧。” 他摇了摇头。“我已经读了好几遍了。我想我都能 背出来了。” “家书抵万金啊,”我说。“至少对我来说是这样,因为我老是在外旅行。”我估量他有六七十岁了,便猜测说:“是孩子还是孙子写宋的?” “不是家里人,”他回答说。“不过,”他接着说,“想起来,也可以算是一家人了。 埃德老伙计是我最老的朋友了。实际上,过去我俩总是以‘老朋友’相称的——就是说,当我俩相见时。我这人就是不大会写东西。” “我看大家写信都不那么勤快,”我说。“我自己笔头就很懒。我看,你认识他挺久了吧?” “差不多认识了一辈子了。我俩小时候就一起玩,所以我俩的友谊确实很长了。” “一起上的学?”. “都一起上到高中呢。事实上,我俩从小学到高中都在一个班里。” “保持这么长久友谊的人可真不多见啊,”我说。 “其实呢,”司机接着说,“近25到30年来,我跟他一年只见一两次面,因为我从原来住的老街坊搬了出来,联系自然就少了,虽说你一直放在心上。他在的时候可真是个大好人。” “你刚才说他‘在的时候’。你是说——?” 他点了点头。“前两个星期过世啦。” “真遗憾,”我说。“失去朋友真不是个滋味,失去个真正的老朋友更让人受不了。” 他开着车,没有接话儿。我们沉默了几分钟,可我知道他还在想着老埃德。他又开口时,与其说是跟我说话,还不如说是自言自语:“我真该一直保持联系。真的,”他重复道,“我真该—直保持联系。” “是明,”我表示赞同,“我们都该与老朋友保持更多的联系。不过总是有事情冒出来,好像就是抽不出空来。”

unit 2 课文翻译(1)

Smart cars that can see, hear, feel, smell, and talk? And drive on their own? This may sound like a dream, but the computer revolution is set to turn it into a reality. 能看、能听、有知觉、具嗅觉、会说话的智能汽车?还能自动驾驶?这听起来或许像是在做梦,但计算机革命正致力于把这一切变为现实。 Smart Cars智能汽车 Michio Kaku米其奥?卡库 1 Even the automobile industry, which has remained largely unchanged for the last seventy years, is about to feel the effects of the computer revolution. 即便是过去70年间基本上没有多少变化的汽车工业,也将感受到计算机革命的影响。 2 The automobile industry ranks as among the most lucrative and powerful industries of the twentieth century. There are presently 500 million cars on earth, or one car for every ten people. Sales of the automobile industry stand at about a trillion dollars, making it the world's biggest manufacturing industry. 汽车工业是20世纪最赚钱、最有影响力的产业之一。目前世界上有5亿辆车,或者说每10人就有1辆车。汽车工业的销售额达一万亿美元左右,从而成为世界上最大的制造业。 3 The car, and the roads it travels on, will be revolutionized in the twenty-first century. The key to tomorrow's "smart cars" will be sensors. "We'll see vehicles and roads that see and hear and feel and smell and talk and act," predicts Bill Spreitzer, technical director of General Motors Corporation's ITS program, which is designing the smart car and road of the future. 汽车及其行驶的道路,将在21世纪发生重大变革。未来“智能汽车”的关键在于传感器。“我们会见到能看、能听、有知觉、具嗅觉、会说话并能采取行动的车辆与道路,”正在设计未来智能汽车和智能道路的通用汽车公司ITS项目的技术主任比尔?斯普雷扎预言道。 4 Approximately 40,000 people are killed each year in the United States in traffic accidents. The number of people that are killed or badly injured in car accidents is so vast that we don't even bother to mention them in the newspapers anymore. Fully half of these fatalities come from drunk drivers, and many others from carelessness. A smart car could eliminate most of these car accidents. It can sense if a driver is drunk via electronic sensors that can pick up alcohol vapor in the air, and refuse to start up the engine. The car could also alert the police and provide its precise location if it is stolen. 美国每年有大约4万人死于交通事故。在汽车事故中死亡或严重受伤的人数太多,我们已经不屑在报纸上提及。这些死亡的人中至少有半数是酒后开车者造成的,另有许多死亡事故是驾驶员不小心所导致。智能汽车能消除绝大多数这类汽车事故。它能通过会感测空气中的酒精雾气的电子传感器检测开车者是否喝醉酒,并拒绝启动引擎。这种车还能在遇窃后通报警方,告知车辆的确切地点。 5 Smart cars have already been built which can monitor one's driving and the driving conditions nearby. Small radars hidden in the bumpers can scan for nearby cars. Should you make a serious driving mistake (e.g., change lanes when there is a car in your "blind spot") the computer would sound an immediate warning.


词法翻译篇 第一章汉英词汇比较与翻译 第一节翻译中的选义 一 1. 他昨天擦破了皮,现在到医院换药去了。 He had a scratch yesterday and now has gone to change dressing[1] in the hospital. 2. 佃农家庭的生活自然是很苦的。可是由于母亲聪明能干,却也舒服。 The life of a tenant farmer’s family was of course hard, but we somehow managed to scrape along because mother was a clever and able woman. 3. 豪华家具带给您典雅的欧陆风情。 You will be enchanted by the unique European style of Fuhua furniture 4. 我那新郎官哪!那个死东西!他就是死也不肯仅洞房。 My betrothed! Damn him, he simply refused to come into the bridal chamber! 二、量词搭配 1. 一窝蜜蜂 a swarm of bees 一窝小鸡 a brood of chickens 一窝幼犬 a litter of pups 2. 一群美女 a bevy of beautiful ladies 一群猎狗 a pack of hounds 一群鸭 a team of ducks 一群羚羊 a herd of antelopes 3. 积极支持 unfailing support 积极的财政政策 proactive fiscal policy 积极利用国外资源 make effective use of overseas resources


Unit 2 课文参考翻译: Unit2家庭企业:下一代的前景 美国正处在人类历史上最大的一个财富交接的过程中。在今后的20年里,估计有150亿美元的资产将会移交到下一代的手屮。 大多数的财富交接会以家庭企业的方式进行。但是很多情况下,财富交接的成功与否令人怀疑。事实上,多数的交接工作将会失败。一般来说,只有1/3 的企业才能成功地移交到下一代手中。一个家庭企业能生存到第三代是寥寥无几的。 在下一个十年里,数以T?计的家庭企业,其中有些是家喻户晓的企业将会消失。糟糕的是许多企业只有进行适当的规划才能勉强生存。然而,很多企业已为时太晚了。一个家庭企业着手规划交接的适当时机不是提前一年,三年甚至是五年进行的。确切地说,要完善地构筑一项综合性的交接计划,包括复杂的不动产规划策略,一般至少需要十年吋间。 无论规模的大小,技术的高低或名气是否响亮,每一个家庭企业都是不一样的。但是无论怎样不同,在一个企业顺利地交接到下一代之前,以下四个关键性的因素应计划到位。 计戈I」交接管理 业主/企业创建者不仅进取心强而且精力充沛。他们往往擅长多种技能。在很多情况下,他们既是生产专家,又是营销天才或经验丰富的金融家。要接替他们的工作则需要较多的人。因此,家庭企业的业主应当通过制定组织机构图来明确规定企业该怎样运作。参与交接过程的每个主要成员也应制定他们自己的组织机构图。然后,对它们进行比较。各机构图之间的不同点将表明管理体制上的差异,突岀存在误会的主要方面及观念上的分歧。 以朱蒂为例。朱蒂拥有一家软件公司,她共有三个孩子:一个是电脑天才,一个是赛车手,还有一个拿到了商业方面的文凭但对经营公司却毫无兴趣。另外, 朱蒂有一个强有力的管理队伍。根据她的情况,她应该考虑把公司的所有权移交给她的孩子们,但是依然让她的管理队伍来经营公司。 在家庭内或家庭外物色适当人选担任这些职位是不容易的,或者说不是一夜Z 间可以敲定的。因此,提前制定一个行动计划和时间表是非常重要的,以便职责的过渡井然有序地进行。 没有忠心耿耿的雇员,很少有企业能发展壮大,即使是家庭企业也是如此。这些尽职的雇员多半担任了主要的管理职务。因此,应该将关于产业继承的长远计划随吋通报给他们,而主要的企业管理人员必须清楚地知道他们在产业交接管理机构屮的地位和职责。改进企业的劳保福利制度以吸引和留住主要的部门经理,激发他们的积极性,使他们能为企业和业主的最大利益而工作。 还有时机的选择问题。当你退休时,你或许认为能接管公司的孩子们太年轻了或太没有经验了。在这些情况下,可组建过渡性质的管理队伍育?到孩子们获到 了适当的培训和锻炼并口能成功地担任要职管理公司。 制定雇佣家庭成员的政策 为家庭成员制定明确的雇佣政策并持之以恒。大多数父母认为孩子们应该平等对待。然而,公司的总裁必须根据能力来选择,应该根据业务的需要而不是孩子们的需要来选择。 例如,吉姆拥有一家电力公司。他平等地对待他的三个孩子,他们三个都在该公司工作,拿同样的薪水。然而,他们并没有花同等的时间工作,也不是都致力

unit2 单词和课文翻译

Unit2共 78 个单词 Marco Polo['p?ul?u]马可·波罗 latitude['l?titju:d]n.纬度 voyage['v?iid?]n.航海;航行 mercy['m?:si]n.仁慈;宽恕;怜悯 at the mercy of[?t e??m?:s??v]受……支配encyclopedia[en,saikl?u'pi:dj?]n. 百科全 书 alongside[?'l??said]prep.靠着;沿着 adv. 在旁边,沿着边 exploration[?k'spl?:rei?n]n.探险;探测minimum['m?n?m?m]adj.最小的;最低的 celestial[si'lestj?l]adj.天上的 pole[p?ul]n.地极;柱;杆 equator[i'kweit?]n.赤道 horizon[h?'raiz?n]n.地平线;视野 overhead['??v?hed]adj.在头上的 seaweed['si:wi:d]n.海草;海藻 nowhere['n??hwe?]adv. 离岸的;海面上的outward['autw?d]adj.外面的;向外的 tide[taid]n.潮;潮汐;潮流;趋势 secure[si'kju? ]adj.安全的;可靠的 knot[n?t]n.结 vt.打结 log[l?g]n.原木;木材;航行日志 nautical['n?:tik?l]adj.海上的;航海的 nautical mile['n?:tik?l mail]海里magnetic[m?ɡ?net?k]adj.磁的;有磁性的 bearing circle['bε?ri? 's?:kl]方位圆 random['r?nd?m]adj.任意的;随便的 astrolabe['?str?leib ]n.古代的天体观测仪;星盘 awkward['?:kw?d]adj.难使用的;笨拙的reference['refr?ns]n.参考 quadrant['kw?dr?nt]n. 象限;四分仪 precise[pri'sais]adj.精确的;准确的 simplify['simplifai]vt单一化;简单化portable['p?:t?bl]adj.轻便的;手提的;便携的 shortcoming['??:tk?m??]n.缺点;短处 sextant['sekst?nt]n.六分仪 update[?p'deit]vt.更新 tendency['tend?nsi]n.趋向;倾向 reliable[ri'lai?bl]adj.可靠的;可信赖的Samuel['s?mju?l]塞缪尔 swoop[swu:p]vi.突降;猛扑 parcel['pɑ:s?l]n.小包;包裹peck[pek]vt.&vi.啄食 cliff[kl?f]n.悬崖;峭壁 expedition[,ekspi'di??n]n.远征;探险(队)compulsory[k?m'p?ls?ri]adj.必须做的;必修 的 reform[ri'f?:m]n.改革;革新 survival[s?'vaiv?l]n.生存;幸存 Captain Bligh['k?ptin blai]布莱船长 Tahiti[tɑ:'hi:ti]n. 塔希提岛(位于南太平洋)incident['insid?nt]n.事件;事变 departure[di'pɑ:t??]n.出发;离开 crew[kru:]n.(轮船、飞机等上的)工作人员,(工作)队 deposit[di'p?zit]vt.放;(把钱)存入银行dilemma[di'lem?]n.进退两难的局面 drawback['dr?:b?k]n.缺点;障碍 dusk[d?sk]n.薄暮;黄昏 routine[ru:'ti:n]n.常规;日常事务 reckon['rek?n ]Vt.计算;估计 reckoning['rek?ni?]n. 计算;估计 starvation[stɑ:'vei??n]n.挨饿;饿死psychology[sai'k?l?d?i]n.心理学psychologically[,psaik?'l?d?ik?li]adv.心理上地;心理学地 tension['ten??n]n. 紧张;不安;张力 gradual['gr?dju?l]adj.逐渐的;逐步的gradually['gr?dju?li]adv.逐渐地;逐步地foresee[f?:'si:]vt.预见;预知 thirst[θ?:st]n.渴;口渴 Timor['ti:m?:]帝汶岛(位于东南亚) set loose[set lu:s]出发;开始 tear[t??; te?]vt扯破;撕破 hardship['hɑ:d?ip]n.困苦;艰难 jaw[d??:]n.颚;颌;下巴 jaws of death[d??:z ?v deθ]鬼门关;死神Greenland['ɡri:nl?nd]格陵兰(位于北美洲东 北部,世界第一大岛) Shetland Islands['?etl?nd 'ail?nds]设得兰群岛(位于英国苏格兰北部) the Faroe Islands[ei fe?r?u 'ail?nds]法罗 群岛(位于丹麦北大西洋) roar[r?:(r)]Vt&Vi.咆哮;轰鸣 background['b?kgraund]n.背景;后台

unit2 TextA 课文翻译

最充分地利用大学生活 肯?贝恩 1. 九月的一个炎热下午,四百来个学生拥进一间小教室,在状如巨大马蹄铁的弯形长排座椅上找座位。教室里一片叽叽喳喳的声音,学生的音量一个盖过一个,以压过身边的喧嚣。 2. 几分钟过后,一个穿着白跑鞋、棕色长裤和蓝衬衫的又高又瘦的男子走进来,站到教室前面的讲台边。大部分学生坐着就能看到他的头顶。他把一个微型话筒挂到衣服上,清了清嗓子。 3. “我知道这里很热,”为了压过嘈杂声,他几乎是扯着嗓子喊道。“但是我们现在要上课了。”学生们停止了交谈。他继续说道:“这门课是历史112。我猜大多数人选这门课是因为觉得它是必修课。其实,你们不是非得修这门课。”他边说边从讲台后面走出来,望着后排的学生。 4. 教室里传开一片低语声,学生们交头接耳,对他的这番话难以置信。“听我说,”他猛然将双手向空中一举,仿佛要停住一辆迎面而来的火车,同时很快说道:“按学校的规定,这门课是通识教育的一部分,但是没有人要求你必须接受通识教育。没有人会因为你不接受通识教育而在大庭广众之下用鞭子抽你。你也不会因此坐牢或被罚款。对于选择何种教育,你自己完全拥有决定权。” 5. 学生们听着。他接着说:“我希望你们想清楚,你们是不是真心愿意接受通识教育。我希望你们能了解它的美和它的实用价值,这样你们就能判断,

这样的教育是否适合你。”教室里此刻寂静无声,空调也终于运转起来了,一阵清风拂过教室。 6. 接下来的几分钟里,他简要介绍了通识教育的发展历史,告诉学生们“通识”一词来自拉丁语,意为“自由”,这种学校教育在古代只有自由的小孩(而非奴隶)才能享受。现代的通识教育让学生接触许多理工和人文学科,这些学科知识有助于深入探求人生重大问题的答案。 7. 讲完之后,他要求学生做一件很奇怪的事。“今晚你们回到家或宿舍之后,”他说,“我希望你们能决定到底想不想接受这样一种教育。让屋里其他人都出去,你一个人呆着,关上灯,在黑暗里坐上至少30分钟,扪心自问‘我真想接受通识教育吗?’如果想,”他最后说道,“那么,星期三你再回到这里,准备好一生朝这个目标迈进。如果答案是否定的,你也知道了接下来该怎么做。你不是真正在这里求学,而应该去追求别的东西。”没有一个学生退选这门课。 8. 现在很多学生会排斥通识教育。他们相信,要在一个日益专门化的社会里干得出色,就必须放弃学习其他所有学科,而专注于某一领域并成为专家。学习的目的就是为了成为医生、管道工、公司行政人员、法律专家、财务经理、电脑技术员或其他专业人士。他们常常不明白为什么大多数传统的大学都会要求学生修习诸多通识课程。在他们看来,通识课似乎是那些没有明确专业的学生才会选的课。学生提出想逃的课程,导师们则帮助他们满足修课要求。学生这类想法中最极端的是,学校只要颁发文凭和学位证书就可以了,无需把学生培养成有创造力、思辨力、富于同情心和公益心的人。

五年级unit 2 课文翻译

Unit2 A-Let's talk英语课文翻译 Hi, Chen Jie. I have a new schoolbag. 嗨,陈杰。我有一个新书包。 Really? 真的吗? Look! It’s black and white. 看!它是黑白色的。 Wow! It’s a panda! 哇!它是一只熊猫! What’s in your schoolbag? 你书包里有什么? An English book, a maths book, three storybooks and. . .一本英语书、一本数学书、三本故事书和…… It’s a fat panda! 它是一只胖熊猫! Unit2 B-Let's talk英语课文翻译 Excuse me. I lost my schoolbag. 打扰了。我丢了我的书包。 What colour is it? 它是什么颜色的? It’s blue and white. 它是蓝白色的。 OK. What’s in it? 好的。它里面有什么? An English book, two toys and a notebook. 一本英语书、两个玩具和一个笔记本。 Here it is! 它在这里! Thank you so much! 非常感谢您! Unit2 B-Let’s check-Listen and number.英语课文翻译Listen and number. 1. Girl: I have a new schoolbag. 1. 女孩:我有一个新书包。 Girl: Really? What colour is it? 女孩:真的吗?它是什么颜色的? Girl: It’s green. Look! 女孩:它是绿色的。看! 2. Boy: What’s in your schoolbag? 2. 男孩:你的书包里有什么? Girl: I have some candies and a storybook in my schoolbag.女孩:我的书包里有一些糖果和一本故事书。


采访 帕萨尼亚斯是2000年前的一位希腊作家,他在2007年3月18日作了一次魔幻旅行,来打听当代奥林匹克运动会的情况。现在他正在采访一位2008年奥林匹克运动会的志愿者李燕。 帕:我叫帕萨尼亚斯。我生活在你们所说的“古希腊”,并且我曾经写过很久以前奥林匹克运动会的情况。现在我来到你们这个时代,想了解有关当代奥运会的情况,因为我知道2004年奥运会是在我的祖国举行的。我可以问你一些有关现代奥林匹克运动会的问题吗? 李:天哪!你真的来自那么久远的年代?当然,你可以问你想问的问题。你想知道什么呢? 帕:你们的奥运会多久举办一次? 李:每四年一次。运动会主要有两种——夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会。这两种运动会都是每四年举行一次。冬季奥运会总是在夏季奥运会的前两年举行。只有达到

它们各自项目统一标准的运动员才会被接受参加奥运会。选手可以来自世界任何一个地方。 帕:冬季奥运会?冬天,运动员怎么享受比赛啊?又怎么可能赛马呢? 李:噢,不!冬奥会并不包括跑步和骑马比赛。但有像滑冰和滑雪这类需要冰雪的比赛项目,所以才叫它冬季奥运会。跑步、游泳、划船和一些团体项目是在夏季运动会上进行。 帕:我明白了。之前你说邀请来的运动员来自世界各地,你指的是希腊世界?我们希腊各个城市之间曾经为了赢得荣誉而彼此竞争。别的国家不能参加,奴隶和妇女也不能参加! 李:现在只要他们的运动员足够优秀,任何国家都能参赛。总共有250多个运动项目,每个项目都有其自己的标准。妇女不仅允许参加比赛,而且她们还在体操、竞技和团体赛等项目中起着非常重要的作用…‥ 帕:请等一下!所有那些项目,所有那些国家,甚至妇女也都参加!所有这些参赛的人住在哪里呢?
