
There is a legion, a legion of bravery, of hope, of the extrodrinary. They lie amongst us, preparing for battle, waiting to rise and change things for good.Some are gifted in ability, others are trained to master it, and some...some have it bestowed upon them at birth, but they all must choosr: fullfill their destiny orreject it.However, time is running out, the uprising is brewing(酝酿).The only hope we may have is in their choice to be who they are meant to be. So...want to know more about this legion, this legion of Extrodinary Dancers?Then we must start in the middle. Each story, one by one, of how the uprising began. The first of which is the tale of the Trevor Drift. A boy, his destiny, and the secret of his family always vowed to keep from him.

二·AntiGravity Heroes Sometimes the moments can change things. Sometimes, in an instant, our choices are made for us. The retaliation of an enemy, the realization of a truth. The betrayal(背叛) of a lifelong friend. Yes, Indeed.It is the small moments that change everything. Including two best friends, Boned by brotherhood(手足兄弟). Yet separated by cicumstance.

三·Robot Lovestory Life is not fair. Some times dreams do not come ture, some times you are not the hero in the story of your life. And some times people die before they are supposed to. Life is not fair.

But fair has nothing to do with who you are inside, What your dream about, who you love and what you stand for. Life cannot touch that. War cannot touch that. Doctors...Dark...Dark...Doctors...cannot touch that.

四·The Rising Begins The past can be forggoten, but it cannot be ignored.At some point, it is a part of who you are and a part of who you will become.The past is always right behind you!Watching...Waiting...For the moment to come ruching back when you least expect it. The uprising was no mistake. It was planned. It was preordained. Ready to begin, whether they were ready or not. We were not ready. We were certainly not ready for this.

五· The Lettermakers he leaders had feared this day would come. But to take one of our own meant we needed to take matters into our own hands. The recruitment of new blood. The generation that would fight this war and finish it once for all to be called to action. The LXD called on their past to find their future. The lettermakers would bear the responsibility of building the army.

六·Six Duet No matter how much we run, our heart stays with us. No matter how much we deny, our desires grow deeper. No matter how much we sacrifice, our souls will never be satisfide,Untill we find...love! And love finds us in return. Sometimes, however, for the good of the group, no matter how much we love, we must deny it. And acccept that our duty is to feel nothing at all. Katana and Jato were always the first to sacrifice.

七·The Dark Doctor Deal Love Love is supernatural. Love can be blinding, love can save, love can make you do the most unthinkable actions. To sa

ve the life of her husband, a deal wars make between a young woman and a doctor. The deal was to give her life for her husband's. If only the doctor had taken her life...she would have been a happier woman.

八·Elliot's Shoes We choose the path we take. But sometimes that path can change. The east becomes the west, the north becomes the south(斗转星移,时过境迁). The normal becomes the abnormal, the fantasy becoems the reality. But other times, the path chooses us. And we have no way to fight it but to go along with the adventure. Thus is the case with Elliot Hoo, an unsuspecting passenger on the train of the exceptional. But is it a gift or a curse? Only time will tell.

九·The Fanboys Like all heroes, there were fans of the LXD. People who had heard about the mythological armies of the superhumans, and would do anything to be a part of it. Sure, they might not have had the extrodinary gifts of the others, but they had the heart, the will and the courage to train to be one. Not all fans are created equal. But the story of the Fanboys proved that even the fans can become the heroes.

十·I Seen A Man Fans, destined heroes, messengers, best friends, the dommed and the damned. All had roles that fit into the bigger picture. Even if they couldn't see it themselves quite yet. But there was one last pair who had no place at all. Loners whose demons would haunt them their entire life. But one was a prophet(先知). The other was a rebel(反抗者).

And so it was. Those chosen warriors were suddenly brought together, for a calling greater than themselves. Greater than they could have ever imagined. Each making their own way towards their destiny. The only thing they knew is the called LXN-The Legion of Extrodinary Dancers. And this...was only...the beginning.
