chapter5 练习题

chapter5 练习题
chapter5 练习题

Fundamentals of Management, 8e (Robbins et al.)

Chapter 5 Basic Organizational Structure and Design

I True or false

1) Organizational design is the process in which managers change or develop an organization's structure.

2) There are four basic elements in organizational structure.

3) The original ideas about organizational design formulated by Fayol and Weber are now largely obsolete.

4) When work specialization originally began to be implemented early in the twentieth century, employee productivity initially rose.

5) Today, most managers see work specialization as a source of ever-increasing productivity.

6) The advantage of work specialization is that it tends to result in high employee motivation and high productivity.

7) Departmentalization is how jobs are grouped.

8) Staff authority is the ability to direct the work of any employee who does not have a higher rank in the organization.

9) Grouping jobs on the basis of major product areas is termed customer departmentalization.

10) Line authority can be exerted only after a manager checks with his or her superior.

11) Unity of command prevents an employee from trying to follow two conflicting commands at once.

12) Power is a right that a manager has when he or she has a higher rank in an organization.

13) When decisions tend to be made at lower levels in an organization, the organization is said to be centralized.

14) Traditional organizations are structured in a pyramid, with the power and authority located in the pyramid's broad base.

15) The two prevalent organization structure models in today's world are the organic organization and the inorganic organization.

16) A mechanistic organization is bureaucratic and hierarchical.

17) An organic organization tends to be flexible and have few formal rules.

18) Innovators need the efficiency, stability, and tight controls of a mechanistic structure rather than an organic structure.

19) The relationship between organizational size and structure tends to be linear.

20) Joan Woodward attempted to view organizational structure from a technological perspective.

21) Woodward concluded that mass production worked best with an organic organization structure.

22) The stability of a mechanistic structure seems to work best in today's dynamic and uncertain business environment.

23) The strength of a simple structure is that everything depends on a single person.

24) A strength of a functional structure is that it avoids duplication.

25) A weakness of the divisional structure is that duplication tends to occur.

26) In a team structure, team members are not held responsible for their decisions.

27) In a team structure, there is a clear line of managerial authority from top to bottom.

28) Employees in an organization with a matrix design can have two bosses for the same job.

29) A significant advantage of the matrix structure is the clear chain of command from top to bottom of the organization.

30) When employees in a matrix structure finish a project, they go back to their functional department.

31) When employees in a project structure finish a project, they go back to their original department.

32) Vertical boundaries separate employees by their rank in an organization.

33) Horizontal boundaries separate employees by the amount of power they have in an organization.

34) A virtual organization relies on freelancers who have no permanent status or position in the organization.

35) Managers want to eliminate boundaries in organizations primarily to increase stability and reduce flexibility.

36) Horizontal boundaries separate employees by the specialization of their job.

37) A virtual organization may disintegrate after it finishes its task.

38) All learning organizations share a distinct structure.

39) The biggest issue in workers working at home or off-site involves fairness.

40) A learning organization puts an enormous amount of effort on making sure that all of its employees are enrolled in some kind of university level class.

41) When you call JetBlue you are likely to speak to an agent in a large office in India.

42) Contingent workers may make up to 40 percent of the workforce by the end of the decade.

II. Choose the best answers

43) Organizational design requires a manager to ________.

A) organize groups within an organization

B) change the culture of an organization

C) change or develop the structure of an organization

D) change the logo of an organization

44) All of the following are part of the process of organizational design EXCEPT ________.

A) deciding how specialized jobs should be

B) determining rules for employee behavior

C) determining the level at which decisions are made

D) determining goals for the organization

45) Which of the following are NOT basic elements of organizational structure?

A) work specialization, span of control

B) chain of command, line authority

C) centralization, decentralization

D) departmentalization, formalization

46) Which of the following is synonymous with work specialization?

A) division of labor

B) job discrimination

C) chain of command

D) job preference

47) Which statement accurately defines work specialization?

A) It is the degree to which tasks are grouped together.

B) Individual employees specialize in doing part of an activity rather than the entire activity.

C) Jobs are ranked relative only to their worth or value to the businesses.

D) Work specialization clarifies who reports to whom.

48) Early supporters of work specialization saw it as ________.

A) a reliable way to increase productivity

B) a good way to increase employee morale

C) a source of innovation

D) an immoral way to coerce workers into greater productivity

49) Early users of work specialization in the early twentieth century found that the practice ultimately resulted in ________.

A) higher profits and better employee morale

B) bored workers with low morale

C) huge and permanent productivity gains

D) better communication among employees

50) Today, managers favor this approach instead of work specialization.

A) All tasks are performed by all employees.

B) Partners switch jobs every half hour.

C) Employees perform a broad range of tasks.

D) Monotonous tasks are shared by all employees.

51) Functional departmentalization groups jobs by ________.

A) tasks they perform

B) territories they serve

C) products or services they manufacture or produce

D) type of customer they serve

52) ________ departmentalization is based on territory or the physical location of employees or customers.

A) Functional

B) Product

C) Geographic

D) Matrix

53) A soap company that features a bath soap department, a laundry detergent department, and a dish soap department is using which of the following?

A) process departmentalization

B) functional departmentalization

C) product departmentalization

D) customer departmentalization

54) What kind of departmentalization would be in place in a government agency in which there are separate departments that provide services for employers, employed workers, unemployed workers, and the disabled?

A) product

B) geographic

C) outcome

D) customer

55) State motor vehicle offices usually use this kind of departmentalization.

A) product

B) functional

C) customer

D) process

56) The line of authority that extends from the upper levels of management to the lowest levels of the organization is termed the ________.

A) chain of responsibility

B) unity of command

C) staff authority

D) chain of command

57) The chain of command answers this question.

A) Where do I go for help?

B) How do I know when the task is complete?

C) What are the rules?

D) Who reports to whom?

58) Authority gives an individual the right to do this.

A) give orders

B) reprimand employees

C) command respect

D) obey orders

59) In the chain of command, each person above you ________.

A) has special privileges

B) receives higher pay

C) has line authority

D) has no right to give you orders

60) Staff managers have authority over ________.

A) special support employees only

B) line managers

C) middle managers

D) the person above them in the chain of command

61) Line authority gives a manager the ability to direct the work of ________.

A) any employee in the firm

B) any subordinate

C) any subordinate, after consulting with the next higher level

D) only subordinates one level down

62) ________ prevents a single employee from getting conflicting orders from two different superiors.

A) Line authority

B) Unity of command

C) Staff authority

D) Chain of command

63) The importance of unity of command has diminished in today's workplace because of its tendency to be ________.

A) inflexible and inefficient

B) ethically questionable

C) chauvinistic and dictatorial

D) too decisive

64) Which of the following statements is true?

A) Power is a right.

B) Authority is one's ability to influence decisions.

C) Authority is a right.

D) Both power and authority are rights.

65) ________ is the obligation or expectation to perform a duty.

A) Responsibility

B) Unity of command

C) Chain of command

D) Span of control

66) The personal secretary of a top manager may have ________.

A) power but not authority

B) authority but not power

C) power and authority

D) line authority but not staff authority

67) Which of the following statements is true?

A) Power is a type of authority.

B) Authority and power are identical.

C) Authority is a type of power.

D) Power is determined by horizontal position in an organization.

68) As represented in a power cone, power is based on ________.

A) vertical position only

B) horizontal position only

C) distance from the center only

D) vertical position and distance from the center

69) As represented in a hierarchical organization diagram, authority is based on ________.

A) vertical position only

B) horizontal position only

C) distance from the center only

D) horizontal and vertical position

70) A construction site supervisor who sees an impending thunderstorm and tells workers to go home is demonstrating ________.

A) line authority

B) staff delegation

C) provisional accountability

D) responsibility

71) ________ is the power that rests on the leader's ability to punish or control.

A) Reward power

B) Coercive power

C) Expert power

D) Referent power

72) A bank manager who passes out bonuses at the end of the year is exercising this.

A) reward power

B) coercive power

C) expert power

D) referent power

73) Your firm's attorney has ________ power when giving legal advice.

A) legitimate

B) status

C) expert

D) coercive

74) ________ is the power that arises when a person is close to another person who has great power and authority.

A) Expert power

B) Referent power

C) Reward power

D) Legitimate power

75) When a top manager decides to hire an individual over the objections of her staff, she is exercising which kind of power?

A) referent

B) expert

C) coercive

D) legitimate

76) The traditional view holds that managers should not directly supervise more than ________ subordinates.

A) three or four

B) five or six

C) seven or eight

D) nine or ten

77) Modern managers find that they can ________ if their employees are experienced, well-trained, and motivated.

A) increase their span of control

B) decrease their span of control

C) eliminate their span of control

D) fluctuate their span of control

78) A traditional "top down" organization is ________ organization.

A) a largely centralized

B) a largely decentralized

C) an absolutely decentralized

D) an absolutely centralized

79) ________ reflects the degree to which decision making is distributed through out the hierarchy rather than concentrated at the top.

A) Centralization

B) Span of control

C) Concentration

D) Decentralization

80) In recent years, organizations have become more ________ to be responsive to a dynamic business environment.

A) centralized

B) decentralized

C) structured

D) mechanistic

81) In today's decentralized business world, ________ the most important strategic decisions.

A) top managers still primarily make

B) middle managers make

C) lower-level managers

D) nonmanagerial employees

82) All of the following are characteristics of a highly formalized organization EXCEPT ________.

A) explicit job descriptions

B) little discretion for employees

C) minimum number of rules

D) a standardized way of doing things

83) Today's managers are moving away from formalization and trying to be this.

A) more rigorous

B) more flexible

C) more strict

D) less permissive

84) Today's managers expect employees to ________.

A) ignore rules for the most part

B) use discretion when it comes to following rules

C) faithfully follow rules even when it may harm the organization

D) make their own rules

85) A(n) ________ organization has a high degree of specialization, formalization, and centralization.

A) organic

B) horizontal

C) learning

D) mechanistic

86) Which of the following would likely be found in mechanistic organizations?

A) wide span of control

B) empowered employees

C) decentralized responsibility

D) standardized jobs

87) A(n) ________ organization is able to change rapidly as needs require.

A) organic

B) hierarchical

C) vertical

D) mechanistic

88) Which term best describes an organic organization?

A) hierarchical

B) pyramid-shaped

C) flexible

D) fixed

89) Which word best characterizes a mechanistic organization?

A) hierarchical

B) collaborative

C) adaptable

D) informal

90) Strategy, size, technology, and the degree of uncertainty in the environment together make up what are called ________.

A) contingency variables

B) control factors

C) structure variables

D) probable factors

91) Together, contingency variables determine the ________.

A) success of an organization

B) culture of an organization

C) structure of an organization

D) size of an organization

92) A company that is pursuing a cost leadership strategy would be most likely to have this kind of structure.

A) mechanistic

B) virtual

C) team

D) matrix-project

93) A company that is trying to be a leader in innovation within its industry would be most likely to have this kind of structure.

A) mechanistic

B) organic

C) simple

D) functional

94) Larger organizations tend to have ________ than smaller organizations.

A) more specialization

B) less departmentalization

C) less centralization

D) fewer rules and regulations

95) As an organization grows to a size of over 2,000 employees, it finds it hard to avoid becoming more ________.

A) mechanistic

B) organic

C) informal

D) adaptable

96) Joan Woodward conducted pioneering studies on how this affected the structure of companies.

A) ethics

B) technology

C) values

D) corporate culture

97) Woodward found that if horizontal differentiation in an organization were low, this structure worked best.

A) mechanistic

B) traditional

C) inorganic

D) organic

98) Woodward concluded that a mechanistic structure worked best for a firm that used ________.

A) unit production

B) mass production

C) process production

D) quality production

99) In Woodward's study, this type of production combined high vertical differentiation and low horizontal differentiation.

A) unit production

B) mass production

C) process production

D) technological production

100) The greater the environmental uncertainty, the more an organization needs to become ________.

A) organic

B) mechanistic

C) stable

D) high-tech

101) Global competition forces firms to ________.

A) become lean, fast, and flexible

B) build up enormous cash reserves

C) think locally

D) become more hierarchical

102) Traditional organizational designs tend to be more mechanistic and include ________.

A) simple, complex, and divisional structures

B) simple, functional, and dysfunctional structures

C) functional, divisional, and vertical structures

D) simple, functional, and divisional structures

103) A simple structure is ________ like a mechanistic organization, but ________ like an organic organization.

A) centralized; informal

B) informal; decentralized

C) decentralized; formal

D) centralized; formal

104) What is a strength of a simple structure?

A) Employees are grouped with others who have similar tasks.

B) Power and authority are widely distributed.

C) Accountability is clear.

D) There are cost-saving advantages from specialization.

105) What is a weakness of a simple structure?

A) Duplication of activities and resources increases costs and reduces efficiency.

B) Functional specialists become insulated and have little understanding of what other units are doing.

C) Pursuit of functional goals can cause managers to lose sight of what is best for the overall organization.

D) Reliance on a single person is risky.

106) This is a key characteristic in an organization with a functional structure.

A) adaptability

B) departmentalization

C) flexibility

D) little specialization

107) This is a weakness of a functional structure.

A) favoring functional goals over organizational goals

B) favoring organizational goals over functional goals

C) failing to attain functional goals

D) overemphasizing organizational goals

108) Avoiding redundancy is a strength of which structure?

A) simple

B) divisional

C) functional

D) corporate

109) In a ________ structure each business unit has complete autonomy to reach its goals.

A) simple

B) functional

C) divisional

D) matrix

110) A media company that has separate, autonomous companies for movies, TV, Internet, and print

journalism is most likely a ________ structure.

A) divisional

B) functional

C) simple

D) matrix

111) Having separate payroll departments in each division of a divisional structure is an example of which of the following?

A) efficiency, because payroll departments compete

B) duplication, because a single payroll department could do the job

C) effectiveness, because separate payroll departments create jobs

D) efficiency, because separate payroll departments can share methods of operation

Answer: B

112) As the number of employees in an organization grows, structure tends to become more ________.

A) bureaucratic

B) informal

C) decentralized

D) relaxed

113) Looking for ways to make their organization more flexible and innovative, today's managers may choose this kind of structure.

A) simple

B) divisional

C) functional

D) team

114) In a team structure, ________.

A) there is a clear line of managerial authority

B) there is no clear line of managerial authority

C) authority comes from top managers only

D) no one has the authority to make decisions

115) In a team structure, team members ________.

A) are subject to decisions made by their supervisors

B) can influence decisions made by top managers

C) make decisions and are accountable for their decisions

D) make decisions only after first checking with management

116) All of the following are necessary for successful team structure EXCEPT ________.

A) well-trained team members

B) team members with cross-functional skills

C) team members with years of management experience

D) a fair and well-run team-based pay plan

117) In a ________, employees are recruited from functional departments to work on a specific project for a limited time period.

A) team structure

B) divisional structure

C) product structure

D) matrix structure

118) In a matrix structure, a group member will typically report to ________.

A) a project manager only

B) both a project manager and functional department head

C) a functional department head only

D) Group members are fully autonomous in a matrix structure, so they don't report to anyone.

119) When a group member in a matrix structure finishes a project, he or she ________.

A) returns to his or her functional department

B) stays with the group to take on a new project

C) enters a pool of available employees from the entire organization

D) starts looking for a new job

120) By giving employees two direct superiors, a matrix structure violates this key element of organizational design.

A) unity of command

B) chain of command

C) span of management

D) decentralization

121) A key difference between a team structure and a matrix structure is that a team structure ________ while a matrix structure does not.

A) empowers group members

B) works on projects

C) has fairly permanent groups or teams

D) holds group members accountable

122) In a project structure, when employees finish a project they ________.

A) return to their department

B) return to a different division

C) move on to another project

D) return to their regular work

123) In an orchestra, a horizontal boundary exists between which of the following?

A) the string section and the horn section

B) the string section and the conductor

C) the conductor and the audience

D) the string section and the audience

124) In an orchestra, a vertical boundary exists between which of the following?

A) the string section and the horn section

B) the string section and the conductor

C) the horn section and the percussion section

D) the percussion section and the string section

125) Boundaryless organizations try to eliminate ________ within their organization.

A) horizontal specialization and vertical hierarchy

B) horizontal specialization only

C) vertical hierarchy only

D) vertical specialization only

126) A virtual organization is essentially ________ who come together for a particular project.

A) a group of employees from a single company

B) a group of free agents

C) a team of employees from different departments of a company

D) a group of top managers and CEOs

127) How does a virtual organization save on costs?

A) by hiring people who specialize in what they do

B) by hiring fewer people than they need and making them work much longer hours

C) by eliminating all administrative duties

D) by keeping only a small permanent staff for administrative purposes only

128) A ________ subcontracts part of a project to outside suppliers.

A) virtual organization

B) boundary organization

C) matrix structure

D) network organization

129) A building contractor follows the network organization model when he does which of the following?

A) does the framing and tiling by himself

B) hires three workers to help with framing

C) gives orders to workers

D) farms out the plumbing to a plumbing firm

130) A learning organization develops the capability to ________.

A) add new training programs to keep employees up to date

B) accept the conventional wisdom of the industry

C) continuously learn, adapt, and change

D) attract new employees who have special knowledge

131) A learning organization requires employees to ________.

A) encode information to prevent competitors from stealing ideas

B) collaborate with competitors

C) make all ideas public

D) share information and collaborate with one another

132) All of the following are characteristic of learning organizations EXCEPT ________.

A) a strong sense of community

B) a collaborative environment

C) managers who serve as facilitators

D) fear of making mistakes

133) Organizational learning can't take place without ________.

A) complete privacy for employees

B) a clear chain of command

C) a shared vision of the future

D) a stable structure or hierarchy

134) In a learning organization, it is important that all employees _______.

A) collaborate

B) study each night

C) have a strong sense of leadership

D) share the same vision for the organization

135) The jobs of assembly-line employees are to be changed to allow more tasks to be done by individual workers. This is a reduction in ________.

A) work specialization

B) departmentalization

C) chain of command

D) centralization

136) Eric, who is trained as an engineer, is now in a group with production workers and marketing specialists from different departments designing a new product that the company plans to offer. This situation could be described as a(n) ________.

A) alternative assignment

B) collective assignment

C) advanced assignment

D) project assignment

137) Eric is offered a chance to help direct the efforts of some employees assigned to his work group. This is a chance for Eric to experience ________.

A) functional structure

B) divisional structure

C) responsibility

D) authority

138) Eric sees this new assignment as an increase in ________, or an obligation or expectation for him to perform at a new level.

A) functional structure

B) divisional structure

C) responsibility

D) authority

Chapter 5 Memory练习题

Chapter 5 Memory Reading 2 【模拟试题】(答题时间:30分钟) 一、单项选择 1.— Who cleaned the blackboard yesterday, Dick? — John_____. A. cleaned B. does C. did D. is 2. She was ill last week. But she is _____ to go to school today. A. well enough B. enough well C. enough good D. good enough 3. — Hi, Peter, why are you in a hurry? — ______a bus. A. Catch B. To catch C. Catching D. Caught 4. He went to bed after______ his homework last night. A. finish B. finishes C. has finished D. finishing 5. The_____ you are in the exam, the______ mistakes you will make. A. carefully, few B. more careful, fewer C. more carefully, fewer D. more careful, less 6. How noisy the room is! There are so many people______ in it. A. sing B. to sing C. singing D. song 7. Do you know_____? A. what he happened B. what the matter is with him C. what happened to him D. what did he happened 8. Tom is a hard-working boy, he always keeps_____ English. A. practise speaking B. practicing speak C. practicing speaking D. practise spoken 9. I____ go to bed if my father_____ back. A. will, come B. won’t, doesn’t come C. will, don’t come D. don’t ,comes 10.They arrived_____ Paris _____ a winter evening. A. at, in B. to, on C. in, on D. in, at 11. Could you tell me_____? A. where is the station B. who is he C. how I can get there D. when does the train leave 12. The music____ very_____. A. sounds, cold B. sound, sweet C. sounds, sweet D. sounding, cool 13. A computer can only do_____ you have told to. A. how B. after C. what D. when 14.The twin brothers_______ at the mall now. A. are all B. all are C. are both D. both are 15.I prefer_______ rather than________. A. to be a teacher, be a boss B. to be a teacher, to be a boss C. being a teacher, being a boss D. be a teacher, be a boss 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. I bought this present _________ (especial) for you. 2. He is a _________(politely) little boy who says “Thank you” and “Excuse me” often. 3. Many__________ (foreign) travel to our country every year. 4. We should try our best to make our country more and more ___________(beauty). 5. A ___________(strange) on the street asked for directions to the highway. 三、阅读回答问题 I read in a book that we have a short-term memory and a long-term memory. When people get older, their short-term memory becomes worse, but we can still remember things that happened years ago.


《朗文英语 4 B》复习提要 C h a p t e r5:F ood f r o m a r o un d t h e w o r l d来自全世界的食物I.PartA 经过第1章的学习,下面的新单词我们要准确无误地读(r e a d t h e m c o rr e c t l y),知道它们的中文意思(k n o w t h e C h i n e s e m e a n i n g),不看书进行英汉互译(t r a n s l a t e),并且还要会拼写(s p e ll)。 1.I t a l y意大利 2.France 法国 3.Japan 日本 4.A m e r i c a美国 5.C h i n a中国 注意:国家名称首字母要大写 ?6.f r o m a r o un d t h e w o r l d来自全世界 ?7.i n t e r n a t i o n a l国际的 ?8.F r a n c e法国 ?9.F r e n c h法语、法国人、法国的 ?e g.H e i s a F r e n c h,s o h e c a n s p e ak F r e n c h.他是一个法国人,所以他会说法语。 ?H e i s f r o m F r a n c e,b u t h e c a n’t s p e ak F r e n c h.他来自法国,但是他不会说法语。

?I t i s F r e n c h f ood,a n d I li k e i t v e r y m u c h.它是法国的食物,我很喜欢它。 ?10.c o m e f r o m=b e f r o m来自 ?e g.I c o m e f r o m C h i n a.=I a m f r o m C h i n a. ?H e c o m e s f r o m I t a l y.=H e i s f r o m I t a l y. ?W e c o m e f r o m J a p a n.=W e a r e f r o m J a p a n. ?W h e r e do y o u c o m e f r o m?=W h e r e a r e y o u f r o m? ?S h e do e s n’t c o m e f r o m C h i n a.=S h e i s n’t f r o m C h i n a. II句型。下面的关键句型我们要会读(r e a d),知道意思(k n o w t h e C h i n e s e m e a n i n g),会根据不同的语境来运用(u s e t h e m i n d i ff e r e n t c o n t e x t s),会写(w r i t e t h e m c o rr e c t l y)。 一、---S h a ll w e t r y s o m e…?我们尝一些…好吗? ---G ood i d e a.好主意。 S h a ll w e t r y s o m e s p a g h e tt i? S h a ll w e t r y s o m e p i zz a?


Chapter5-6 翻译小练习姓名1、醒醒。 Wake up. 2、他为什么睡觉? Why is he sleep? 3、Bobo为什么这么累? Why is Bobo so tired? 4、他每天做什么? What does he do everyday? 5、Pam正过来探望Bobo。 Pam is visiting Bobo. 6、因为他星期四要画画和涂色。 Because on Thursday he draws and paints. 7、Pam担心Bobo。 Pam is worried about Bobo. 8、星期天我只想睡觉。 I just want to sleep on Sunday. 9、你认为Bobo星期天忙吗? Do you think Bobo is busy on Sunday? 10、让我们去骑车。 Let’s go cycling. 11、让我们一起去骑车。 Let’s go cycling together. 12、我们一起去骑车好吗? Shall we go cycling together? 13、明天是星期天。 Tomorrow is Sunday. 14、你每天做什么? What do you do everyday? 15、每个人都快乐吗? Is everybody happy? 16、你喜欢滑冰吗?

Do you like ice-skating? 17、Beeno 星期二做什么? What does Bobo do on Tuesday? 18、我星期六什么也不做。我闲着。 I don’t do anything on Saturday. I am free. 19、当然。 Of course. 20、我扔球或踢球。 I throw or kick the ball. 21、足球也叫soccer。 Football is also called soccer. 22、我用球拍和乒乓球打球。 ` I ply with a bat and a table tennis ball. 23、网球重但是乒乓球轻。 A tennis ball is heavy but a table tennis ball is light. 24、孩子们的运动杂志。 Children’s Sports Magazine. 25、美式足球是什么形状的? What shape is an American football? 26、Bill和Ben在篮球场拍篮球。 Bill and Ben bounce a basketball on the basketball court. 27、Tim和Tina在乒乓球台上打乒乓球。 Tim and Tina play table tennis on the table tennis table. 28、Sandy和Susie在游泳池里溅水和游泳。 Sandy and Susie splash and swim in the swimming pool. 29、孩子们想和他们的朋友们参加俱乐部。 The children want to join a club with their friends. 30、你用什么打网球和打乒乓球? What do you hit a tennis ball and a table tennis ball with?

徐美荣外贸英语函电Chapter5 所有知识点及课后答案

Notes 1.on the usual terms 按照惯常条款 under the usual terms 按照惯常条款 according to the usual terms 按照惯常条款 reply to 现答复;兹复 in response to in answer to 3.unworkable adj. 不能实行的,价格做不开 4.end-users 最终用户,用户(指以使用或消费为目的的消费者) 5.regret vt. 抱歉,遗憾 the level=to the extent 到达这样的程度 on the high(low) side价格偏高(低) find your price too high 认为你方价格偏高 find our prices too low 认为我方价格偏低 find our prices reasonable 认为我方价格合 find our prices competitive 认为我方价格具有竞争性 find our prices in line with the market 认为我方价格与市价一致find our prices workable 认为我方价格可行 find our prices acceptable 认为我方价格可接受 8.i.e. 立即= that is 9.see one’s way clear to do sth 设法做某事 one’s attention to the fact that =invite/draw/call 提醒某人注意某事 11.out of line with 与…不一致 in line with 与…一致 12.the prevailing market 现行市场;现行行市 the present market the current market the ruling market 13.Price the present price 现行的价格 the ruling price 现行的价格 the going price 现行的价格 the prevailing price 现行的价格 the current price 现行的价格 the prevalent price 现行的价格 14.the Indian origin 产地 country of origin 生产国别;原产地 Certificate of origin 原产地证明 Eg:What is the place of origin? 原产地是哪里? 15.indicate v. 表示;说明; indication n. 概念;迹象;示意;征兆 16.slightly adv. 略微;稍稍;稍微 17.the difference in (price) (价格方面)的差别


Chapter 5 Managing Marketing Information Multiple Choice 1.What went wrong with Coke in 1985? a.Management defined its marketing research problem too narrowly. b.The research looked only at taste and not feeling about dropping the old Coke. c.No account of intangibles was taken. d.All of the above (d; Moderate) 2.Despite the data glut that marketing managers receive, they frequently complain that they lack _____. a.enough information of the right kind b.quality information c.timely information d.accurate and reliable information (a; Easy) 3.An MIS consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, _____, evaluate, and distribute information to marketing decision makers. a.test b.test market c.analyze d.critique (d; Easy) 4.Your firm has just developed its first successful MIS. It interacts with information users to assess information needs, develop needed information, _____ the marketing information, and help managers use it in their decision making. a.distribute b.collect c.retrieve (a; Challenging)


朗文5A Chapter Two复习提要 Part A and B New words and phrases (要求:知道中文意思,会读,会拼写。)competition 名词,竞争,比赛,竞赛 (注意发音)。 mark 名词,(考试的)分数,可数。 course 名词,1.科目,课程; 2.一道菜 the main course 主菜(4B)。weight 名词,重量。 hard 它是个多义词,在本课中是个副词,意为“努力地”;比较级harder,更加努力地。 turn over a new leaf 它是英文中的习惯表达,类似汉语中的成语,意 为“重新开始,改过自新,翻开新的一页”。 wishing tree 许愿树 make plans for...为...制定计划 the new school year 新学年 want to do sth. 想要做某事 win the swimming competition赢得游泳比赛 get high marks 取得高分 put on weight发胖,增重 practise swimming harder更加努力地练习游泳 take a Japanese course 攻读一个日语课程 join the Cubs加入幼童军 Sentences (要求:会读,知道其中文意思,会拼,会写,会运用。)本部分学习so作为连词的用法,在句中意为“所以,因此” What do you want to do? 你想要做什么?

I want to win the swimming competition so I’m going to practise swimming harder. 我想要赢得游泳比赛,因此我计划更加努力地练习 游泳。句中用一般现在时描述目标,运用短语want to do sth. so后 面连接计划、打算,用be going to一般现在将来时表达。 2. What do you want to do? I want to improve my English so I’m goi to read more English books. 我想要提高英语,所以我计划读更多英文 书。 3. What do you want to do? I want to keep fit so I’m going to play mo sport. 我想要保持苗条(健康),所以我打算做更多运动。 4. What do you want to do? I want to learn Japanese so I’m going to a Japanese course. 我想要学习日语,所以我打算攻读一个日语课程。 5. What do you want to do? I want to get high marks so I’m going to work hard. 我想要得高分,所以我计划努力学习。 6. What do you want to do? I want to put on weight so I’m going to e more. 我想要增重,所以我打算吃更多(东西)。 7. What do you want to do? I want to make more friends so I’m goin join the Cubs. 我想要交更多朋友,所以我计划加入幼童军。 8. What do you want to do? I want to draw well so I’m going to join th Art Club. 我想要画得好,所以我打算加入艺术俱乐部。 Part C and D New words and phrases (四会) advertisement 名词,广告(注意发音)


《朗文英语4 B》复习提要 Chapter 5:Food from around the world来自全世界的食物I.PartA 经过第1章的学习,下面的新单词我们要准确无误地读(read them correctly),知道它们的中文意思(know the Chinese meaning),不看书进行英汉互译( translate),并且还要会拼写( spell)。 1.Italy意大利 2. France法国 3. Japan日本 4. America美国 5.China 中国 注意:国家名称首字母要大写 ? 6. from around the world来自全世界 ?7. international国际的 ?8.Fr an ce法国 ?9. Fr en ch 法语、法国人、法国的 ?eg. He is a French, so he can speak French. 他是一个法国人,所以他会说法语。 ?He is from France, but he can’t speak French. 他来自法国,但是他不会说法语。

?It is French food,and I like it very much.它是法国的食物,我很喜欢它。 ?10. come from =be from 来自 ?eg. I come from China.= I am from China. ?He comes from Italy.= He is from Italy. ?We come from Japan.= We are from Japan. ?Where do you come from?= Where are you from? ?She doesn’t come from China.= She isn’t from China. II句型。下面的关键句型我们要会读(read), 知道意思(know the Chinese meaning), 会根据不同的语境来运用(use them in different contexts),会写(write them correctly)。 一、---Shall we try some …? 我们尝一些…好吗? --- Good idea. 好主意。 Shall we try some spaghetti? Shall we try some pizza? Shall we try some sushi?


Chapter 5 Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behavior 1) ________ is never simple, yet understanding it is the essential task of marketing management. A) Brand personality B) Consumption pioneering C) Early adoption D) Consumer buying behavior E) Understanding the difference between primary and secondary data Answer: D Diff: 1 Page Ref: 135 Skill: Concept Objective: 5-1 2) The consumer market is made up of which of the following? A) individuals who acquire goods or services for personal consumption B) households that purchase goods or services for personal consumption C) businesses that purchase goods and services D) A and B E) all of the above Answer: D Diff: 2 Page Ref: 135 Skill: Concept Objective: 5-1 3) Economic, technological, and cultural forces are all ________ in the stimulus-response model of buyer behavior. A) buyer responses B) stimuli C) components of the buyer's decision process D) buyer characteristics E) buying attitudes Answer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: 137 Skill: Concept Objective: 5-1

语言学Chapter 5 Meaning 练习

Chapter 5 Meaning I. Choose the best answer (20%). 1. We shall know a word by the company it keeps.” This statement represents _______. A. the conceptualist view B. contextualism C. the naming theory D. behaviorism 2. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Sense is concerned with the inherent meaning of the linguistic form. B. Sense is the collection of all the features of the linguistic form. C. Sense is abstract and decontextualized. D. Sense is the aspect of meaning dictionary compilers are not interested in. 3. ___________ is a way in which the meaning of a word can be dissected into meaning components called semantic features. A. Predication analysis B. Componential analysis C. Phonemic analysis D. Grammatical analysis 4.Alive” and“dead” are ______________. A. gradable antonyms B. relational antonyms C. complementary antonyms D. None of the above 5. _________ deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience. A. Reference B. Concept C. Semantics D. Sense 6. ___________ refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form. A. Polysemy B. Synonymy C. Homonymy D. Hyponymy 7. Words that are close in meaning are called ______________. A. homonyms B. polysemies C. hyponyms D. synonyms 8. The grammaticality of a sentence is governed by _______. A. grammatical rules B. selectional restrictions C. semantic rules D. semantic features 9. The pair of wo rds “lend” and “borrow” are ___() A. gradable opposites B. relational opposites C. co-hyponyms D. synonyms 10.The semantic components of the word “gentleman” can be expressed as __.() A. +animate,+male,+human,-adult B. +animate,+male,+human,+adult C. +animate,-male,+human,-adult D. +animate,-male,+human,+adult II. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.(10%) 11.Dialectal synonyms can often be found in different regional dialects such as British English and American English but cannot be found within the variety itself. For example, within British English or American English. 12. Sense is concerned with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience. While reference deals with the inherent meaning

词汇学Chapter 5 补充练习

I. Choose the best answer and put the letter of your choice in the brackets. 1. The minimal meaningful units are known as _____. A. morphs B. stems C. morphemes D. roots 2. The word ‘shortenings’ contains _____ morphemes. A. three B. four C. five D. six 3. Morphemes are abstract units, which are realized in speech by discrete units known as _____. A. morphs B. phonemes C. lexemes D. allomorphs 4. Words like cat, dog, tree and so on are called ______ words. A. stem B. polysemous C. polymorphemic D. monomorphemic 5. Free morphemes are the same as _____ words. A. clipped B. stem C. native D. root 6. In the word “contradiction”, the morpheme “-dict-“ is _____. A. a free root B. a bound root C. an affix D. a free morpheme 7. In the word “international”, “nation” is not a _____. A. free morpheme B. stem C. bound morpheme D. free root 8. A bound morpheme has to combine with other _____ to make words. A. morphemes B. allomorphs C. phonemes D. Lexemes 9. Bound morphemes are chiefly found in _____ words. A. derived B. converted C. inflectional D. compound 10. _____ affixes can be further divided into prefixes and suffixes. A. Inflectional B. Bound C. Derivational D. Converted 11. A _____ is a form to which affixes of any kind can be added. A. root B. morph C. morpheme D. stem 12. The word _____ contain an inflectional affix. A. worker B. happier C. formal D. enrich II. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions given in the course book. 1. A _____ is not the smallest unit because many words can be separated into even smaller meaningful units. 2. The plural morpheme has a number of _____ in different sound context. 3. There is no _____ morpheme in the word “dictation”. 4. Free morphemes and free _____are identical. 5. Affixes added to other morphemes to create new words are called _____ affixes. 6. The word “internationalists” has _____ morphemes. 7. According to the _____ of affixes, we can put them into two groups: inflectional and derivational affixes. 8. Bound morphemes include two types: bound root and _____. III. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. 1. Morphemes which cannot occur as separate words are bound. 2. Inflectional morphemes indicate grammatical relationships. 3. Free morphemes can be used as words alone. 4. What remains of a word after the removal of all affixes is a stem. 5. A word is the minimal meaningful unit of a language.

Chapter 5 Semantics教材练习题答案

Chapter 5 Semantics 1. What are the major views concerning the study of meaning 答:(1) The naming theory proposed by the ancient Greek scholar Plato. According to this theory, the linguistic forms or symbols, in other words, the words used in a language are simply labels of the objects they stand for. So words are just names or labels for things. (2) The conceptualist view has been held by some philosophers and linguists from ancient times. This view holds that there is no direct link between a linguistic form and what it refers to (i. e., between language and the real world); rather, in the interpretation of meaning they are linked through the mediation of concepts in the mind. (3) The contextualist view held that meaning should be studied in terms of situation, use, context –– elements closely linked with language behaviour. The representative of this approach was . Firth, famous British linguist. (4) Behaviorists attempted to define the meaning of a language form as the “situation in which the speaker utters it and the response it calls forth in the hearer.” This theory, somewhat close to contextualism, is linked with psychological interest. 2. What are the major types of synonyms in English 答:The major types of synonyms are dialectal synonyms, stylistic synonyms, emotive or evaluative synonyms, collocational synonyms, and semantically different synonyms. Examples(略) 3. Explain with examples “homonymy”, “polysemy”, and “hyponymy”. 答:(1) Homonymy refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form, ., different words are identical in sound or spelling, or in both. When two words are identical in sound, they are homophones. When two words are identical in spelling, they are homographs. When two words are identical in both sound and spelling, they are complete homonyms (2) While different words may have the same or similar meaning, the same one word may have more than one meaning. This is what we call polysemy, and such a word is called a polysemic word. There are many polysemic words in English, The fact is the more commonly used a word is, the more likely it has acquired more than one meaning. (3) Hyponymy refers to the sense relation between a more general, more inclusive word and a more specific word. The word which is more general in meaning is called the superordinate, and the more specific words are called its hyponyms. Hyponyms of the same superordinate are co-hyponyms to each other. Hyponymy is a relation of inclusion; in terms of meaning, the superordinate includes all its hyponyms. Examples(略) 4. How can words opposite in meaning be classified To which category does each of the following pairs of antonyms belong north/south vacant/occupied literate/illiterate above/below doctor/patient wide/narrow poor/rich father/daughter 答:They can be gradable antonyms, complementary antonyms and relational opposite Gradable antonyms: literate/illiterate wide /narrow poor/rich
