Case report

Case report
Case report

palpation in the right upper quadrant with mild distension and no rebound. Rectal examination revealed maroon,boratory data revealed he-moglobin8.5g/dL(normal14.0)and ALT82U/L(normal?72).Naso-gastric lavage was clear and in vivo nuclear red blood cell scan was negative.CT scan of the abdomen revealed retroperitoneal air and?uid in proximity to the duodenum.Upper GI series con?rmed a duodenal perfo-ration with a?stula from the retroperitoneum to the hepatic?exure. Exploratory laparotomy con?rmed the transected duodenum and perforated colon.He underwent resection of a portion of his duodenum with a roux-en-Y gastrojejunostomy reconstruction and right partial colectomy with anastomosis of the ileum and transverse colon.His required emergent surgery six weeks later for perforation of the gastrojejunal anastomosis,and died three weeks later from multisystem organ failure secondary to sepsis. Conclusion:RFA of retroperitoneal tumors can cause adjacent tissue necrosis,in our patient’s case duodenal and colonic perforation,and cau-tion should be exercised when ablating tumors in the proximity of the gastrointestinal tract.



Timothy B.Gardner,M.D.,Harold L.Manning,M.D.,

Andrew Beelen,M.D.,Robert J.Cimis,M.D.,Justin M.M.Cates,M.D., Lionel D.Lewis,M.D.*Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon,NH.

Ethylene glycol is a volatile alcohol whose accessibility and sweet taste have made it a frequent culprit in poisonings.Previously reported gastro-intestinal side effects of ethylene glycol toxicity were limited to nausea, vomiting,hematemesis,cramping,non-speci?c abdominal pain and focal hemorrhages in the gastric mucosa.We report a case of ethylene glycol toxicity associated with the delayed sequelae of ischemic colitis,perfora-tion and colonic oxalate crystal deposition.

Case Report:Twelve weeks before the current admission,a54yr-old male presented with acute ethylene glycol intoxication.With intravenous ethanol and hemodialysis treatments his condition slowly improved.During this hospitalization,however,he complained of intermittent diarrhea and mild abdominal pain but was discharged54days after admission without work-up for these symptoms.He re-presented to the emergency room four weeks after discharge with a narcotic overdose and concomitant aspiration pneumonia.He improved with Nalaxone and broad-spectrum intravenous antibiotic treatment until the6th hospital day,when he complained of intermittent,severe,crampy lower abdominal pain.An abdominal CT scan demonstrated a6cm stricture along the splenic?exure of the colon with a dilated terminal ileum.Emergent colonoscopy showed a non-circumferen-tial nearly obstructing mass with high grade stenosis located50cm from the,parotomy revealed a stricture in the splenic?exure and a small associated mass extending into the distal transverse colon accompanied by colonic ischemia and two transverse colon perforations.The patient un-derwent subtotal colectomy with ileosigmoid anastomosis.Pathologic ex-amination revealed an in?ammatory mass and microscopic exam of the ulcerated bowel revealed translucent,polyhedral crystals highly suggestive of oxalate deposition.Since his discharge,the patient has had no recurrence of his abdominal symptoms.

Conclusion:Previously described gastrointestinal sequelae of ethylene glycol intoxication have been mostly constitutional.This case indicates that ethylene glycol poisoning can be associated with both acute and delayed ischemic injury to the colon.Clinicians should be aware of the potential for intestinal ischemia in the setting of ethylene glycol overdose.



Rajinder Parmar,M.D.,Muhammad Abdullah,M.D.,

Mitchell Cappell,M.D.*,Irwin Grosman,M.D.,Jose O.Mejia. Woodhull Medical Center,Brooklyn,NY.We present the case of a patient who developed acute respiratory failure due to tension pneumothorax precipitated by colonic perforation during diagnostic colonoscopy.Fewer than ten such cases have been described in the literature.A76year-old woman with a history of hypertension and uterine myomectomy presented for outpatient colonoscopy to evaluate fecal occult blood.Under intravenous sedation with fentanyl100mcg and versed2mg,colonoscopy was performed with little dif?culty up to the cecum using a Pentax colonoscope.There was no evidence of diverticulosis or polyps.While the colonoscope was being withdrawn into the transverse colon,the patient passed?atus forcibly several times,started coughing and reported severe dyspnea.The colonoscope was quickly withdrawn.The patient was noted to be apneic with a drop in oxygen saturation to less than 60%and a heart rate of30to40per minute.The blood pressure was100/60 mm Hg.Resuscitation was started using ACLS protocol.Atropine,nalox-one and?umazenil were given intravenously.Endotracheal intubation was needed for respiratory support.High peak pressures were noted with intermittent oxygen desaturation to50%on100%FiO2.A stat chest x-ray after intubation revealed a right-sided tension pneumothorax and air under the diaphragm.The patient was transferred to the medical intensive care unit where emergent needle decompression of the pneumothorax was performed followed by chest tube insertion.Marked clinical improvement was noted.The patient underwent laparotomy that revealed a1.5cm perforation on the anti-mesenteric border of the mid-sigmoid colon.The diaphragm appeared intact.Repair of the perforation and primary closure of the laparotomy wound was done.The patient was extubated on the second postoperative day and the chest tube was removed on the third postoperative day.The patient recovered well postoperatively and was discharged home after ten days.Colon perforation can lead to gas tracking into the retroperitoneal space and the mediastinum causing pneumomedi-astinum,pneumothorax,pneumopericardium and subcutaneous emphy-sema.Pneumoperitoneum,pneumoretroperitoneum,pneumoscrotum,and pneumatosis cystoides coli can also occur as a result of colonic perforation. The very rare complication of tension pneumothorax should be kept in mind if a patient develops acute respiratory decompensation during or after colonoscopy,especially if perforation is suspected.



Radu Tutuian,M.D.,Donald O.Castell,M.D.,M.A.C.G.*Medical University of South Carolina,Charleston,SC.

The clinical diagnosis of rumination is established from patient’s history of frequent regurgitation of stomach content into the mouth predominantly in the post-prandial period.Once the food buffered intragastric acidity returns to low pH values ruminators usually stop this involuntary learned behavior due to the unpleasant taste of acid re?uxate.To date no clinical test has been established to demonstrate this phenomenon and its mechanism. Clinical presentation:The case is a26year-old male complaining of long history of frequent regurgitation and re-swallowing(approximately every minute)especially in the post-prandial periods that decreased in frequency and intensity2-hours after meals.Upper endoscopy,esophageal manom-etry,pH testing were normal.On several occasions his supervisor sent him home from his job in the steel factory as he could not keep the regurgitated material in his mouth and was vomiting at the work place.

Combined MII-EM testing for rumination:A9-channel combined MII-EM probe was placed transnasally with the distal pressure sensor in the stomach and pressure sensors and impedance measuring segments in the LES and at5cm intervals in the esophageal body.The patient was moni-tored during one post-prandial hour and asked to indicate whenever he felt the regurgitation reaching his mouth.During the1-hour post-prandial testing period all31episodes or regurgitation noted by the patient were preceded by an increase in intragastric pressure,a retrograde bolus appear-ance in the esophagus followed by at least one clearing swallow.Event sequence is presented in the?gure below and considered suggestive for rumination.



Clinical course:One week after this test the patient called asking for a note stating that he could return to part-time,light work and another week later asked for another note stating that he can return to full-time work.He admitted still having some regurgitation but was able to control,-bined MII-EM should be considered for documenting and assisting behav-ioral therapy in patients with rumination.



Jonathan Gonenne,M.D.,Thomas Mangan,M.D.*Mayo Clinic, Rochester,MN.

Case Presentation:An81year-old male presented with dizziness and nausea brought on immediately with eating or drinking small amounts.He felt as if he was going to“pass out,”and a recent episode culminated with a syncopal spell requiring hospital admission.His symptoms had not responded to a“dumping diet.”The local physician was speci?cally con-cerned about dumping syndrome and referred him for further investigation. Physical exam was remarkable for orthostasis.Our evaluation included normal vestibular evaluation,MRI brain,ECG,echo,and24Holter mon-itor(during which he experienced symptoms).An autonomic re?ex screen with tilt table testing was performed,during which he was instructed to drink water.This showed evidence of cardiovagal and adrenergic impair-ment,with a60-mmHg blood pressure drop induced by drinking.The patient was diagnosed with deglutition syncope and orthostatic hypoten-sion.Recommendations included avoidance of cold drinks,never drinking while standing or driving,and to wear tight compressive stockings.His presyncopal symptoms have resolved following these recommendations. Discussion:Deglutition syncope is a dysautonomic syndrome associated with intense vagal afferent activation due to esophageal stimulation.It is thought these pathways are mediated through local mechanoreceptors in the esophagus.Stimuli trigger sympathetic inhibition with vagal efferent acti-vation,which in turn may cause peripheral vasodilatation,bradycardia and/or hypotension.As a result,cerebral hypoperfusion and syncope oc-curs.Cold beverages have been noted to induce deglutition syncope.In addition,achalasia and esophageal cancer may predispose patients to this swallowing re?ex.In diagnosing this syndrome,it is crucial to obtain an accurate history.ECG and blood pressure monitoring/tilt table testing while the patient swallows ice water may then reveal bradycardia or profound drops in blood pressure.Avoiding aggravating stimuli or in refractory cases,cardiac pacemaker placement treats the syndrome.



Luis J.Lopez,M.D.,Charmaine Perez,M.D.,Carlos Ramos,M.D., Maria I.Dueno,M.D.,Doris H.Toro,M.D.*San Juan VA Medical Center,San Juan,Puerto Rico.A62years old man with history of schizophrenia was admitted with symptomatic microcytic hypochromic anemia associated to a mild vague abdominal discomfort.Physical exam disclosed a non-tender,soft and depressible abdomen with an associated irregular fullness in the left lower quadrant.Initial work up revealed hemoglobin of4g/dl without obvious evidence of gastrointestinal bleeding.An abdominal x-ray showed a con-glomerate of multiple radiopaque foreign bodies in the lower abdomen that measured in aggregate19cm?19.5cm.These foreign bodies were presumed to be localized in an inferiorly displaced stomach.Upon con-fronting the patient,he stated that he had been“hiding a personal treasure”for the past16months.Upper endoscopy con?rmed the presence of a large amount of coins,batteries,stones,screws,spark plugs and mechanical tool parts lying in and markedly displacing the gastric greater curvature.Severe ulcerative esophagitis,a dilated esophagus,and a large gastric ulceration were observed.A surgical gastrotomy was performed,removing approxi-mately3.5kg of diverse foreign bodies.Our case is interesting not only because of the enormous amount of foreign bodies ingested but also for its clinical presentation.The formation of an intertwined mass in the stomach prevented the passage of the objects beyond the pylorus,thus avoiding expected serious complications such as perforation or obstruction,which may have resulted in an earlier clinical presentation.The longstanding damage to the gastric mucosa by the chronic ingestion of large foreign bodies resulted in the unusual presentation of severe microcytic hypochro-mic anemia observed in this


S172Abstracts AJG–Vol.98,No.9,Suppl.,2003

新编跨文化交际英语教程 参考答案

Unit 1 Communication Across Cultures Reading I Intercultural Communication:An Introduction Comprehension questions 1. Is it still often the case that “everyone?s quick to blame the alien” in the contemporary world? This is still powerful in today‘s soci al and political rhetoric. For instance, it is not uncommon in today‘s society to hear people say that most, if not all, of the social and economic problems are caused by minorities and immigrants. 2. What?s the difference between today?s intercultural contact and that of any time in the past? Today‘s intercultural encounters are far more numerous and of greater importance than in any time in history. 3. What have made intercultural contact a very common phenomenon in our life today? New technology, in the form of transportation and communication systems, has accelerated intercultural contact; innovative communication systems have encouraged and facilitated cultural interaction; globalization of the economy has brought people together; changes in immigration patterns have also contributed to intercultural encounter. 4. How do you understand the sentence “culture is everything and everywhere”? Culture supplies us with the answers to questions about what the world looks like and how we live and communicate within that world. Culture teaches us how to behave in our life from the instant of birth. It is omnipresent. 5. What are the major elements that directly influence our perception and communication? The three major socio-cultural elements that directly influence perception and communication are cultural values, worldview (religion), and social organizations (family and state). 6. What does one?s family teach him or her while he or she grows up in it? The family teaches the child what the world looks like and his or her place in that world. 7. Why is it impossible to separate our use of language from our culture? Because language is not only a form of preserving culture but also a means of sharing culture. Language is an organized, generally agreed-upon, learned symbol system that is used to represent the experiences within a cultural community. 8. What are the nonverbal behaviors that people can attach meaning to? People can attach meaning to nonverbal behaviors such as gestures, postures, facial expressions,eye contact and gaze, touch, etc. 9. How can a free, culturally diverse society exist? A free, culturally diverse society can exist only if diversity is permitted to flourish without prejudice and discrimination, both of which harm all members of the society. Reading II The Challenge of Globalization Comprehension questions 1. Why does the author say that our understanding of the world has changed? Many things, such as political changes and technological advances, have changed the world very rapidly. In the past most human beings were born, lived, and died within a limited geographical area, never encountering people of other cultural backgrounds. Such an existence, however, no longer prevails in the world. Thus, all people are faced with the challenge of understanding this changed and still fast changing world in which we live.


Writing Skills of Case Report in English 在医学刊物上发表的病例报告实际上是开始从事医学写作的最好的方法之一。病例报告的撰写,首先要做好题目的选择,肯定要选择与自己专业有关的临床工作,并能提出你认为是很感兴趣的,在概念上、临床上以及理论上存在的棘手问题。通常文字不超过3000字(包括参考文献和附录在内)。绝大多数的病例报告所采用的书写格式,类似于临床研究报告,应该包括:引言、病例叙述、讨论和结论。本文所采用的文章是从2004年英国LANCET杂志中摘录。 1、引言 引言部分要简短明了,应介绍与报告相关的主要临床和概念上的难题,说明病例的重要性,报道的原因,若可能的话,应引证一些最新的综述资料,并能简明地概括出所涉及到的资料内容。在时态上,由于陈述的是客观事实,故运用一般现在时。如: 2、病例叙述 病例叙述的宗旨就是让读者了解病例,明确全部相关结果。病例的叙述通常要


3、讨论 讨论部分就是要解释病例叙述中不明确的一些情况,并提供对结果的解释。例如,报道肝酶升高,但未发现显著的肝功能异常,给读者讲明为何肝酶升高。在讨论部分的时态运用上,由于提供的是自己现在的推断和观点,故采用一般现在时。如:


高中作文写作有亮点的方法介绍 一、词汇选择——标新立异 在写作中“较高级词汇”的使用主要是指使用《大纲》上没有的词语、使用通过构词法变化来的新词、使用同近义词或反义词等来代替常见词语。 1这栋房子在芳草街的一栋楼上。 A: The flat is in a building on Fangcao Street. B: The flat situates in a building on Fangcao Street. 分析:is in是常见词语,而situates in则是《大纲》上没有的,属于高级词汇。 2在周末我们做很多作业。 A: At weekends, we have a lot of homework to do. B: At weekends, we have endless homework to do. 分析:B句在表达时没有使用过于直接的a lot of,而是使用了endless。endless就是由《大纲》词汇end加后缀-less变化来的。 3洗澡间和厨房都很好。 A: The bathroom and the kitchen are good. B. The bathroom and the kitchen are well-furnished. 在表达要点时,B句使用了well furnished,这比good语气强,也显得生动。 在造句时,“较高级词汇”如能运用贴切自然,哪怕整篇文章只用上一个,也会使你的作文显示出与众不同。 二、结构造句——与众不同 在造句时,既要使句子生动,又要使其简明扼要。 1、使用与人不同的表达方式,特别是提倡打破汉语句子结构的束缚而重组的句子更受欢迎。 1唐山曾在二十世纪八十年代发生过一次大地震。 A: There was a strong earthquake in Tangshan in the 1980s. B: A terrible earthquake hit/struck Tangshan in the 1980s.

Case study report

Case study report Table Page Executive Summary (2) 1. Introduction (2) 2. Discussion (2) 2.1. Make changes in the communication process (2) 2.2 Care about the effective information (4) 2.3. Overcoming the barriers to effective interpersonal communication (5) 3. Conclusion (6) References (6)

Executive Summary Communication in management is defined in understandable information, ideas and feelings of two or more persons in the population of the process of transfer or exchange, the entire management of the work and communication. Communication is the transfer and understanding of meaning. Communication acts to control member behavior in several ways. In this case, we will see how the CEO deals with many problems by communicating with his stakeholders and gains a new reputation for cooperation throughout the world. 1. Introduction When Douglas Daft became CEO of Coca-Cola, the company was in trouble. Because of a series of problems, the government, the customers and some other competitors were unsatisfied with the Coca-Cola and the internal of company was arguing in different opinions and levels. Then Daft took a series of measures to solve problems. Through the process , the whole staff recognized that the importance of the right ways to communicate with top managers, government regulators, customers and use the right ways to communicate with others and absorb other opinions to solve problem. And we can know that communication skills alone do not make a successful manager. However, ineffective communication skills can lead to a continuous stream of problems for a manager. 2. Discussion 2.1. Make changes in the communication process Coca-Cola was in trouble. The previous year, European Union regulators had raided the European offices of Coca-Cola and its bottlers and leveled serious anticompetitive charges against the venerable soft-drink marketer. That same year, the company was hurt by negative publicity when hundreds of people in Belgium complained of headaches and nausea after drinking Coca-Cola beverages. Faced with these circumstances, top managers’slow response lead to some company executives that they departed from tradition and submitted a confidential memo criticizing Coca-Cola’s actions. We can see that because of the top managers’ slow response to their stakeholders, they were unsatisfied. To complicate matters, worldwide sales were slowing due to economic was in some countries, employee morale was lower, and the stock price was lagging. How could these happen? We will discuss from the communication process. 2.1.1. The message sender In this process, the message senders are the stakeholders, the European Union


Unit 3 Cultural Diversity Reading I Different Lands, Different Friendships Comprehension questions 1. Why is it comparatively easy to make friends in the United States? Because few Americans stay put for a lifetime. With each move, forming new friendship becomes a necessity and part of their new life. 2. Do people from different countries usually have different expectations about what constitutes friendship and how it comes into being? Yes. The difficulty when strangers from two countries meet is their different expectations about what constitutes friendship and how it comes into being. 3. How is friendship in America different from friendship in West Europe? In West Europe, friendship is quite sharply distinguished from other, more casual relationships, is usually more particularized and carries a heavier burden of commitment, while in America the word “friend” can be applied to a wide range of relationship and a friendship may be superficial, casual, situational or deep and enduring. 4. In what country does friendship have much to do with one’s family? And in what country does it not? In Germany, friendship has much to do with one‘s family as friends are usually brought into the family, while in France it doesn’t as, for instance, two men may have been friends for a long time without knowing each other‘s personal life. 5. What is friendship like when it is compartmentalized? For instance, a man may play chess with a friend for thirty years without knowing his political opinions, or he may talk politics with him for as long a time without knowing about his personal life. Different friends fill different niches in each person’s life. 6. What are friendships usually based on in England? English friendships are based on shared activity. Activities at different stages of life may be of very different kinds. In the midst of the activity, whatever it may be, people fall into steps and find that they participate in the activity with the same easy anticipation of what each will do day by day or in some critical situation. 7. Do you think friendship shares some common elements in different cultures? If you do, what are they?


演讲稿写作如何突出亮点 在美国南北战争后的第一次国会议员选举中,士兵约翰与将军陶克在同一个选区中竞争一个议员席位。这是一个非等量级间的竞争。前者是初出茅庐的年轻人,后者却是连任三次议员的政治家;一个是名不见经传的普通士兵,一个是声名显赫的将领。从地位、功勋、知名度来说,不需竞争已见胜负了。所以有人劝说约翰退出竞选,但约翰偏偏不肯放弃。 在约定的时间里,两位竞选者向公众发表竞选演说。陶克将军志得意满地先讲话。他的演说不无感情:“同胞们,记得17年前那晚,我带兵与敌人鏖战,在荒山野岭中露宿了一个晚上,如果大家没有忘记那次艰苦卓绝的斗争,请在选举中,也不要忘记那个吃尽苦头而屡建战功的人。”人们当然没有忘记那关键性的战斗中的军事统帅陶克将军。于是,会场上响起了热烈的掌声。 这时轮到约翰发表演说,他从容不迫地说:“从大家的掌声中可以看出诸位对那次战斗记忆犹新。我有幸参加了那次战斗,不过我只是一个普通的士兵,我和伙伴们坚守阵地,与敌人进行殊死搏斗,很多弟兄都壮烈牺牲了,这真是一将功成万骨枯啊!我是那场残酷战争中的幸存者,当陶克将军在树林中安睡时,我却还拖着疲惫不堪的身子在站岗放哨,保卫他的安全。今日我能够站在这里讲话,我充分相信诸位的判断力,会作出明智的选择。”

约翰的话被公众雷鸣般的掌声打断了。约翰的功绩虽然不如陶克大,但他巧妙地避开了这个话题,只就战后在山上露宿这一点来讲,要使选民们明白:将军虽然很辛苦,但毕竟还可以在丛林中安睡,而战士则要站岗保卫他。约翰的演讲说出了普通士兵的心声。议员作为民众的代言人,谁的心更贴近民众,谁就能获得拥戴。约翰迎合了选民们的这种心理,于是他战胜了陶克,当选为国会议员。 将军和士兵的竞选演说,其共同的特点都在各自展示自己的“亮点”。陶克将军展示的亮点是:17年前那个晚上,他带兵与敌人鏖战,艰苦卓绝,吃尽苦头而屡建奇功。而士兵约翰展示的亮点是:自己在那次战斗中虽是普通一兵,但与敌人殊死搏斗坚守阵地,并特别点示出陶克将军在树下安睡时自己还在极端困倦的情况下为将军站岗放哨,保卫将军的安全。从他们各自不同的演讲中,我们可以归纳出竞选演讲展示亮点的五种方法。 第一、选准切入亮点的最佳角度。士兵约翰避重就轻,避实击虚,选准了有利于自己的两个最佳切入角度:1.与敌人短兵相接进行殊死搏斗是士兵,作出最大牺牲的也是士兵;2.将军虽苦,但还能安睡,而站岗放哨保卫将军安全的还是士兵。结论是显而易见的:普通士兵比将军更苦!“亮点”的切入角度选准了,“亮点”也就更容易闪耀出夺目的光辉。 第二、选好表达“亮点”的最佳时机。假如士兵约翰先上台演说,也是选的最佳角度来论证士兵比将军更辛苦,而将军等士


Unit 1 Intercultural Communication in the Global Context Case 1(P11) 1.What do you think are the reasons for young people?s yearning to be a celebrity today? As humans we naturally measure ourselves to those around us, but now we live in a global village we are comparing ourselves with the most significant people in the world. In the past being a lawyer or doctor was a very reputable profession. But today, even high achievers constantly fear that they are insignificant when they compare themselves to success stories in the media. 2.How can today?s people find their own self-worth and real meaning of life? The remedyis a process that he calls “active self-acceptance” through a sustained quest(持续探索)for self-knowledge through life. And People need to invest as much time in developing their worldview as their careers. Case 2 1. Why was the Dutch technology manager so shocked? The Dutch manager was shocked because he thought he hadn’t told the te am to build it in a certain way, he simply had asked if it could be done! He had never questioned the way in which he communicated to the head of his technology group. In fact, he thought he had been asking simple questions, almost making idle conversation, and never considered that because he was the boss, his Indian employee would do as he asked. He expected that the technology design team would counter with another recommendation if his idea was inappropriate. 2. How could such misunderstandings in this case be avoided? Both the Dutch and the Indian teams needed to have a better understanding of the culturally based expectations of each group. Case 3 1. What has modern technology brought about to people today? Advances in information technology are bringing about changes in contemporary society that pose new situations requiring intercultural communication expertise. Technology has enabled ordinary individuals to quickly organize themselves around a common interes. 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology? Rather than moving the global community toward the single, homogenized culture decried by many globalization opponents, technology is actually providing a means to reaffirm and extend cultural awareness, identity, and practices. Media technology plays an important role in modern society whether it is political, economic or cultural Case 4 1. Why did Mrs. Nimos hesitate when the Japanese young man asked about her age? In western countries where privacy is greatly valued, age is something that is considered rather private. Asking about the others’ age, especially in this case on their first meeting, is rather impolite.However, age is an important factor in situat ing a person in the Japanese cultural hierarchy. 2. What is the Ch inese perspective concerning people?s age? In China, age is important. However, when communicating with family members generation becomes an important factor that overrides age. Even if they have the same age, the one belonging to the younger generation must address the other with the respect accorded to the older generation in the family. If they are the same generation, they can communicate as peers. Case 5 1. Why did Mr. Richardson leave an impression of insincerity on Mr. Wong? “We must get together and have lunch sometimes” issignals that the person who says it thinks that the encounter should be ending soon. So it can call a “pre-closing.” While it does contain the vague idea that a subsequent meeting would be desirable, it does not in any way commit the speaker or the hearer to such an arrangement. However, to Mr. Wong, it sounds like an invitation. 2. Do people always mean what they say? Give Examples. Similarly, “See you later” does not commit someone to a later meeting. It would be very odd if, i n response to this utterance, the hearer were to take out his or her diary and attempt to set a date. Other examples are “How are you” in English and “Have you eaten?” in Chinese, both of them are typical greetings, which do not require the hearer to give specific answers. All of them just serve as lubricants to move the conversation forward. Case 6 1.Why does Fiona feel exhausted in America and want to return to Australia? When people come into a new culture, they have to make many small adjustments in a short period of time. Each adjustment causes a little bit of difficulty, but the stress adds up to a point where people become frustrated and begin to complain about their life in the other culture. 2.What do you think Fiona should do to make herself adjusted to her life in American? However, she should know that this is only a necessary period of culture shock, requiring her to make some adjustment. She is likely to have experienced some cultural differences and will be more willing to take them seriously. Unit 2 Understandings of Culture and Communication Case 1(P41) 1.Why did the Chinese young man leave the company?


笔者曾多次参加高考英语的写作阅卷工作,真正的英语高分作文已不仅仅局限于用简单的语言把内容说清楚,把意思表达完整,而是要让文章的句子表达得更加地道、流畅,能吸引评卷老师的眼球。因此,要想作文得高分,考生要善于灵活运用高级句式,充分掌握句子的润色技巧,才可让考场作文亮起来。 请认真对照并仔细体会以下各句的一般表达与高级表达,以便在写作中恰当运用高级表达,让自己的作文亮起来。 一 定语从句中的介词提前 1. [汉语]布鲁斯是一名知识渊博的外教,我们可以从他身上学到很多东西。 [一般] Bruce is a foreign teacher with a wide range of knowledge. We can learn a lot from him. [高级] Bruce is a foreign teacher with a wide range of knowledge,from whom we can learn a lot. 2. [汉语]我们住在那个宿舍,前面有一条小溪。 [一般] We lived in that dormitory. There was a small brook in front of it. [高级] We lived in that dormitory, in front of which there was a small brook. 二 使用非谓语动词 3. [汉语]正在原来校址上重建的新校将用现代化的技术来装备。 [一般] Our new school, which is being rebuilt in the previous place, will be well equipped with modern technology. [高级] Our new school, being rebuilt in the previous place, will be well equipped with modern technology. 4. [汉语] 当他听到那个令人兴奋的消息后,他整夜都睡不着。 [一般]When he heard the exciting news, he couldn’t fall asleep overnight. [高级]Hearing the exciting news, he couldn’t fall asleep overnight. 5. [汉语]在这场暴风雨中,我们发现很多房子遭到意想不到的严重毁坏。

跨文化交际案例 Intercultural Communication—Case Studies

Course: Intercultural Communication—Case Studies Textbook: Self-compiled handouts Objectives: This curricular module prompts students with the salient issues related to intercultural communication (1CC). Its main focus is on discussions of major problems arising from ICC. During the course the students are exposed to a large variety of cases, taken from up-to-date documents. The goal is not only to build up students' knowledge of ICC, but more importantly to increase their cross-cultural awareness. The course intends to be instructive, practical and enjoyable. At the end of this course, the students will be able to 1. deepen their understanding of major ICC principles; 2. become familiar with differences in Chinese and American cultures; 3. experience conflicts and controversies in ICC; 4. enhance their abilities to analyze ICC phenomena; 5. improve their ICC competence. Topic Areas: Values: 1. Friendship 2. Ethics 3. Individualism & self-reliance 4. Privacy 5. Equality 6. Attributes 7. Time & space 8. Competition & cooperation 9. Volunterism & philanthropy Daily life: 1. Lifestyle 2. Family & marriage 3. Entertainment 4. Holidays & travel 5. Art & architecture 6. Science & technology Social life: I. Education 2. Religion 3. Political systems & law 4. Minorities 5. Prejudices &stereotyping 6. Building bridges Assessment: The students will have one assignment for this course. The assignment should center on one of the particular ICC issues covered in the course. They are supposed to address the topic on the basis of theoretical analysis applying the knowledge, principles, as well as strategies obtained during the course. The assignment should run approximately ten pages long, with an abstract, key words and a list of references in the APA format. It must be double-spaced, using Times New Roman (12). Reference: 1. Larry A. Samovar. Communication Between Cultures Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000 2. Dou, RQ, Qian DX, Li BX. Selected Readings in Intercultural Communication Xi‘an Jiaotong University Press, 2004 3. Jia Yuxin. Intercultural Communication Shanghai Foreign languages Education Press, 2003 4. Yao Baorong. Han Qi, Wang Tao. Chinese Society and Culture Shaanxi people‘s Publishing
