unit3 Forest and land

unit3 Forest  and land
unit3 Forest  and land

Unit 3 Forests and land








1.动词词组:get… from … ; use … to …make…; be made of …

2.描述材料的词,如:wooden, plastic, woolen…

3.Target language : (1) We get …from…

(2)---What can we use …to make?

---We can use …to make …?

(3)---How does it feel?

---It’s …

(4)---What is it made of ?

---It’s made of …

(5)---What is it ?

---It’s a ….


导入:Good morning everybody ,forests are very important to us ,today Let’s go in to the forests,and review the unit 3.What’s the title of this










Ste pⅢConversations


老师问:“What do we get from the environment ?



2.练习句型get … from … ; use…to make…(看图片)



StepⅣplay a game



2.Pairwork 用身边的材料练习对话

3.Display 叫几名同学上台表演对话


Ste pⅤReading

1.Read a book about forests (page44) 请一位同学来朗读这篇文章

2.Answer questions 再读文章回答问题

1. Where do small animals and insects build their homes?

They build their homes in the hollows of trees.

2. What do birds do in trees?

They make their nests in trees.

3. Where do people get wood?

People get wood from forests.

4. Why do people cut down trees?

People cut down trees to make houses, furniture and paper.

5. What must we do to the forests?

We must stop cutting down forests.

3. Talk about forests 解决问题,提升课堂

StepⅥDo Exercises

1. We get wood ___ trees.

A. in

B. on

C. from

2. We must stop ___ down forests.

A. cuting

B. cutting

C. out

3. What can we use cotton ___make?

A. to

B. in

C. on

4.It’s a ___box. A. wood B. wooden C. wool

5. ----What is it made of?

----_____________ .

A. It’s made of wood.

B. It’s a wooden box

C. It’s made in wood.

StepⅦ Consolidation



白雪公主Snow White (in German Schneewittchen) is a fairy tale known from many countries in Europe, the best known version being the German one collected by the Brothers Grimm. The German version features elements such as the magic mirror and the seven dwarfs, who were first given individual names in the 1912 Broadway play Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and then given different names in Disney's 1937 film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The story of Snow White and the dwarfs should not be confused with the story of Snow White and Rose Red (in German Schneewei?chen und Rosenrot), another fairy tale that was also collected by the Brothers Grimm. Hua Mulan (花木兰) is a heroine who joined an all-male army, described in a Chinese poem known as the Ballad of Mulan (木兰辞). The poem was first written in the Musical Records of Old and New (古今乐录) from the 6th century, the century before the founding of the Tang Dynasty; the original work no longer exists, and the original text of this poem comes from another work known as the Music Bureau Collection (乐府诗), an anthology of lyrics, songs, and poems, compiled by Guo Maoqian (郭茂倩) during the 12th century. The author explicitly mentions the Musical Records of Old and New as his source for the poem. Whether she was a historical person or whether the poem was an allegory has been debated for centuries — it is unknown whether the story has any factual basis. Winnie-the-Pooh:For other pages about the Winnie-the-Pooh scenario, see Winnie-the-Pooh (disambiguation). Winnie-the-Pooh is a fictional bear created by A. A. Milne. The first collection of stories about the character was the book Winnie-the-Pooh (1926), and this was followed by The House at Pooh Corner (1928). Milne also included a poem about the bear in the children’s verse book When We Were Very Young (1924) and many more in Now We Are Six (1927). All four volumes were illustrated by E. H. Shepard. 米老鼠 Mickey Mouse is a cartoon character who has become an icon for the Walt Disney Company. Mickey Mouse was created in 1928 by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks. He was voiced by Walt Disney from 1928–1946 theatrically, and again from 1955–1959 for the original ABC TV The Mickey Mouse Club television series. The Walt Disney Company celebrates his birth as November 18, 1928, upon the release of Steamboat Willie, although Mickey had already appeared six months earlier in an unfinished test screening of Plane Crazy(Steamboat Willie being the first Mickey Mouse Cartoon to be released). The anthropomorphic mouse has evolved from being simply a character in animated cartoons and comic strips to be come on e of the most recognizable symbols in the world. Mickey is currently the main character in the Disney Channel's Disney Junior series


精彩文档 土地利用现状分类 GB/T21010-2017 代替GB/T21010-2007 2017年11月1日发布、实施 一级类 二级类 含 义 类别编码 类别名称 类别编码 类别 名称 01 耕地 指种植农作物的土地,包括熟地,新开发、复垦、整理地,休闲地(含轮歇地、休耕地);以种植农作物(含蔬菜)为主,间有零星果 树、桑树或其他树木的土地;平均每年能保证收获一季的已垦滩地和海涂。耕地中包括南方宽度〈1.0米,北方宽度〈2.0米固定的沟、渠、路和地坎(埂);临时种植药材、草皮、花卉、苗木等的耕地,临时种植果树、茶树和林木且耕作层未破坏的耕地,以及其他临时改变用途的耕地 0101 水田* 指用于种植水稻、莲藕等水生农作物的耕地。包括实行水生、旱生农作物轮种的耕地 0102 水浇地* 指有水源保证和灌溉设施,在一般年景能正常灌溉,种植旱生农作物(含蔬菜)的耕地。包括种植蔬菜的非工厂化的大棚用地 0103 旱地* 指无灌溉设施,主要靠天然降水种植旱生家作物的耕地,包括没有灌溉设施,仅靠引洪淤灌的耕地 02 园地 指种植以采集果、叶、根、茎、枝、汁等为主的集约经营的多年生木本和草本作物,覆盖度大于50%或每亩株数大于合理株数70%的土地。包括用于育苗的土地 0201 果园* 指种植果树的园地 0202 茶园* 指种植茶树的园地 0203 橡胶园* 指种植橡胶树的园地 0204 其他园地* 指种植桑树、可可、咖啡、油棕、胡椒、药材等其他多年生作物的园地 03 林地 指生长乔木、竹类、灌木的土地,及沿海生长红树林的土地。包括迹地,不包括城镇、村庄范围内的绿化林木用地,铁路、公路、征地范围内的林木,以及河流、沟渠的护堤林 0301 乔木林地* 指乔木郁闭度≥0.2的林地,不包括森林沼泽 0302 竹林地* 指生长竹类植物,郁闭度≥0.2的林地 0303 红树林地* 指沿海生长红树植物的林地 0304 森林沼泽* 以乔木森林植物为优势群落的淡水沼泽 0305 灌木林地* 指灌木覆盖度≥40%的林地,不包括灌丛沼泽 0306 灌丛沼泽* 以灌丛植物为优势群落的淡水沼泽 0307 其他林地* 包括疏林地(指树木郁闭度≥0.1、<0.2的林地)、未成林地、迹地、苗圊等林地 04 草地 指生长草本植物为主的土地 041 天然牧草地* 指以天然草本植物为主,用于放牧或割草的草地,包括实施禁牧措施的草地,不包括沼泽草地 042 人工牧草地* 指人工种牧草的草地 043 其他草地** 指树林郁闭度<0.1,表层为土质,生长草本植物为主,不用于放牧的草地


1.自由女神像介绍: Out of all of America's symbols, none has proved more enduring or evocative than the Statue of Liberty. This giant figure, torch in hand and clutching a stone tablet, has for a century acted as a figurehead for the American Dream; indeed there is probably no more immediately recognizable profile in existence. It's worth remembering that the statue is - for Americans at least - a potent reminder that the USA is a land of immigrants: it was New York Harbor where the first big waves of European immigrants arrived, their ships entering through the Verrazano Narrows to round the bend of the bay and catch a first glimpse of "Liberty Enlightening the World" - an end of their journey into the unknown, and the symbolic beginning of a new life. These days, although only the very wealthy can afford to arrive here by sea, and a would-be immigrant's first (and possibly last) view of the States is more likely to be the customs check at JFK Airport, Liberty remains a stirring sight, with Emma Lazarus's poem, The New Colossus, written originally to raise funds for the statue's base, no less quotable than when it was written…… Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mo ther of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips."Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse to your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door." The statue, which depicts Liberty throwing off her shackles and holding a beacon to light the world, was the creation of the French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, who crafted it a hundred years after the American Revolution in recognition of solidarity between the French and American people (though it's fair to add that Bartholdi originally intended the statue for Alexandria in Egypt). Bartholdi built Liberty in Paris between 1874 and 1884, starting with a terracotta model and enlarging it through four successive versions to its present size, a construction of thin copper sheets bolted together and supported by an iron framework designed by Gustave Eiffel. The arm carrying the torch was exhibited in Madison Square Park for seven years, but the whole statue wasn't officially accepted on behalf of the American people until 1884, after which it was taken apart, crated up and shipped to New York. It was to be another two years before it could be properly unveiled: money had to be collected to fund the construction of the base, and for some reason Americans were unwilling - or unable - to dip into their pockets. Only through


. 引文: When we talk about Disneyland, what does it first come to your mind, the cute dolls, the fairy tales, the play equipment or its founder Walt Disney I believe that all of us want to live in a fairy tale when we were children .But it was just a dream.however, Walt Disney founded the Disneyland with his brother Roy·O·Disney and making it possible for parents and children to live in a fairy tale. Now let me introduce Walt Disney to you. 华特迪士尼简介: Walter Elias Disney (1901.12.5-1966.12.15) is the famous director,producer,screenwriter,dubbing actor and cartoon designer,who created the world-famous The Walt Disney Company with his brother( ,Roy O. Disney.)Meanwhile, he is a successful storyteller, a producer with strong practical ability and a common actor. Along with his brother Roy O. Disney, he was co-founder of Walt Disney Productions, which later became one of the best-known motion picture producers in the world. The corporation is now known as The Walt Disney Company and had an annual revenue of approximately US$36 billion in the 2010 financial year. Disney is particularly noted as a film producer and a


土地利用/覆盖变化信息提取实验报告 1. 实验目的 利用TM/ETM3个时相卫星数据,应用ENVI软件进行土地利用/覆盖分类,在此基础上进一步分析其动态变化特征。 2. 实验内容 金华市土地利用/覆被变化信息的提取。采用决策树分类法提取土地利用/覆被信息,它通过分析地物光谱特征和其他图像特征,充分利用高程、坡度等地理辅助信息可以有效地提高分类精度,比较适合于江南丘陵地形破碎、地物分布复杂的地区。和传统的监督分类法相比,它可以消除园地和林地、建设用地和裸地光谱相似所带来的影响。 (1)TM影像数据的预处理。本文的遥感数据处理主要包括大气校正、几何校正和图像增强,并利用行政边界矢量图对影像进行裁剪。 (2)土地利用变化信息提取。首先对其中的一期影像(2003年)分别采用最大似然法、决策分类树法进行分类,提取土地利用/覆被信息,并对二者的提取精度进行比较,选择精度最高者作为最终的提取方法,进而提取1988~2003年金华市土地利用/土地覆被信息。 (3)利用空间叠加获取土地利用/覆被变化的面积转移矩阵,进而通过面积转移矩阵分析土地利用/土地覆被的数量变化、空间结构变化和土地利用程度。 3. 实验方案 4. 数据预处理 4.1 数据源

本文所采用的数据包括:两景金华市的Landsat TM和一景Landsat ETM陆地卫星影像,一景半SPOT 全色影像;该地区1:50 000地形图;该地区81m*81m分辨率的数字高程模型(DEM);1:100万中国行政边界矢量图等。具体的见表4-1和4-2所示。 表4-1 研究区遥感影像数据 获取时间传感器类型数量(景)空间分辨率(m) 2003年3月9日SPOT-5全色 15 1/25 2003年3月26日LandsatETM+ 1-8波段 1 15m(全色) 30m(多光谱) 1996年9月6日LandsatTM1-7波段130 1988年12月5日LandsatTM1-7波段130 表4-2 研究区其他资料及应用说明 数据类型应用说明 大比例尺地形图最新时相的1:50000地形图,用于进行卫星遥感资料的几何校正 野外调查资料野外控制点的测量,土地利用/覆盖分类训练样本区的调查,建立判读标志,进行分类及信息提取精度检验等工作 土地利用现状图对比土地利用/覆盖动态变化及遥感影像分类精度参考 4.2 图像预处理 数据预处理部分主要包括:对遥感影像进行大气校正、几何纠正、以及对研究区进行边界裁剪和图像增强。主要工作流程如下(图4-2):


Disney Co. U.S. entertainment corporation. It was founded by Walt Disney and his brother Roy as Walt Disney Productions in 1929 to incorporate their cartoon animation studio. It produced short and full-length animated cartoons in the 1930s and 1940s, then expanded in the 1950s to make nature documentaries and live-action films as well as television programs. The opening of the amusement parks Disneyland (1955) and Walt Disney World (1971; see Disney World and Disneyland) strengthened the company's dominance of the family entertainment industry in the U.S. The company declined after Disney's death in 1966 but was revitalized under new management in the 1980s. As the Walt Disney Co. it expanded its production units to include Touchstone Pictures and Miramax, makers of films for more mature audiences, and revitalized its animation division, producing films such as The Little Mermaid (1989) and Toy Story (1995), the first full-length computer-animated film. The company took an active role in reviving and commercializing New York City's Times Square, including the recreation of some of its animated films, such as The Lion King (1994), as Broadway musicals. In 1994 it opened Celebration, a planned


米老鼠 Mickey Mouse is a cartoon character who has become an icon for the Walt Disney Company. Mickey Mouse was created in 1928 by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks. He was voiced by Walt Disney from 1928–1946 theatrically, and again from 1955–1959 for the original ABC TV The Mickey Mouse Club television series. The Walt Disney Company celebrates his birth as November 18, 1928, upon the release of Steamboat Willie, although Mickey had already appeared six months earlier in an unfinished test screening of Plane Crazy(Steamboat Willie being the first Mickey Mouse Cartoon to be released). The anthropomorphic mouse has evolved from being simply a character in animated cartoons and comic strips to be come on e of the most recognizable symbols in the world. Mickey is currently the main character in the Disney Channel's Disney Junior series "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse". Mickey is the leader of The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, with help from Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, and other friendly friends of his. In late 2009, The Walt Disney Company announced that they will begin to re-brand the Mickey Mouse character by putting a little less emphasis on his pleasant, cheerful side and reintroducing the more mischievous and adventurous sides of his personality, starting with the newly released Epic Mickey. 米妮 Minerva "Minnie" Mouse is an animated character created by Ub Iwerks and Walt Disney. The comic strip story "The Gleam" (published January 19-May 2, 1942) by Merrill De Maris and Floyd Gottfredson first gave her full name as Minerva Mouse. Minnie has since been a recurring alias for her. Minnie is currently voiced by actress Russi Taylor. Both Minnie and Mickey were first drawn in 1928 by Ub Iwerks. The comic strip story "Mr. Slicker and the Egg Robbers" (published September 22 –December 26, 1930) introduced her father Marcus Mouse and her mother Margie Mouse, both farmers. The same story featured photographs of her grandparents Marshall Mouse and Matilda Mouse. Her best known relatives, however, remain her uncle Mortimer Mouse and her twin nieces, Millie and Melody Mouse, though most often a single niece, Melody, appears. In many appearances, Minnie is presented as the wife of Mickey Mouse, a close friend of Daisy Duck, Donald Duck's wife, and occasionally a friend to Clarabelle Cow. Minnie's sister, Mandie Mouse was a recurring character early on. 唐老鸭 Donald Fauntleroy Duck is a cartoon character created by Walt Disney and Dick Lundy and licensed by The Walt Disney Company. Donald is an anthropomorphic white duck with a yellow-orange bill, legs, and feet. He typically wears a sailor suit with a cap and a black or red bow tie. Donald's most famous personality trait is his easily provoked and explosive temper. Along with his friend Mickey Mouse, Donald is one


北京揽宇方圆信息技术有限公司 北京揽宇方圆全国土地覆盖数据产品是指基于Landsat TM/ETM/OLI遥感影像,采用全数字化人机交互遥感快速提取方法,同时参照国内外现有的主要是美国马里兰大学土地覆盖分类体系,以及遥感信息源和我国地表覆盖的实际情况,将全国土地类型划分为13级分类土地覆盖数据产品 栅格数据源 数据名称全国土地覆盖 数据类型栅格 数据格式tif 空间分辨率1km 时间序列1980年、1990年、1995年、2000年、2005年、 2008年、2010年、2013年、2015年 投影坐标Krasovsky_1940_Albers 覆盖范围中国全域 数据简介 土地覆盖最主要组成部分是植被,但也包括土壤和陆地表面的水体;是陆地生物圈的重要组成部分。是土地自然属性的重要反映;土地覆盖具有显著的空间特征、时间特征和时空尺度特征。土地覆盖形态和状态可以在多种时空尺度上变化,而且产生土地覆盖变化的原因也是复杂的。 土地覆盖数据是全球环境变化、碳氮循环等研究和应用的基础数据;土地覆盖数据是国家建设生态文明建设、自然资产价值等准确评估的基础数据。 全国各省市自治区土地覆盖数据产品是指基于Landsat TM/ETM/OLI遥感影像,采用遥感信息提取方法,并结合野外实测,以及参照国内外现有的土地覆盖分类体系,经过波段选择及融合,图像几何校正及配准并对图像进行增强处理、拼接与裁剪,将全国土地利用类型划分为13种分类土地覆盖数据产品。 土地覆盖分类体系 编号名称含义(定义、特征) 1常绿针叶林以针叶树为建群种所组成的各类森林的总称。 2常绿阔叶林亚热带湿润地区由常绿阔叶树种组成的地带性森林类型。 3落叶针叶林由落叶松柏类为主的针叶树所构成的森林。


土地利用/覆盖变化信息提取实验报告 1.实验目的 利用TM/ETM3个时相卫星数据,应用ENVI软件进行土地利用/覆盖分类,在此基础上进一步分析其动态变化特征。 2.实验容 市土地利用/覆被变化信息的提取。采用决策树分类法提取土地利用/覆被信息,它通过分析地物光谱特征和其他图像特征,充分利用高程、坡度等地理辅助信息可以有效地提高分类精度,比较适合于江南丘陵地形破碎、地物分布复杂的地区。和传统的监督分类法相比,它可以消除园地和林地、建设用地和裸地光谱相似所带来的影响。 (1)TM影像数据的预处理。本文的遥感数据处理主要包括大气校正、几何校正和图像增强,并利用行政边界矢量图对影像进行裁剪。 (2)土地利用变化信息提取。首先对其中的一期影像(2003年)分别采用最大似然法、决策分类树法进行分类,提取土地利用/覆被信息,并对二者的提取精度进行比较,选择精度最高者作为最终的提取方法,进而提取1988~2003年市土地利用/土地覆被信息。 (3)利用空间叠加获取土地利用/覆被变化的面积转移矩阵,进而通过面积转移矩阵分析土地利用/土地覆被的数量变化、空间结构变化和土地利用程度。 3.实验方案 4.数据预处理 4.1数据源

本文所采用的数据包括:两景市的Landsat TM和一景Landsat ETM陆地卫星影像,一景半SPOT全色影像;该地区1:50 000地形图;该地区81m*81m分辨率的数字高程模型(DEM);1:100万中国行政边界矢量图等。具体的见表4-1和4-2所示。 表4-1研究区遥感影像数据 获取时间传感器类型数量(景)空间分辨率(m) 2003年3月9日SPOT-5全色 15 1/25 2003年3月26日LandsatETM+ 1-8波段 1 15m(全色) 30m(多光谱) 1996年9月6日LandsatTM1-7波段130 1988年12月5日LandsatTM1-7波段130 表4-2研究区其他资料及应用说明 数据类型应用说明 大比例尺地形图最新时相的1:50000地形图,用于进行卫星遥感资料的几何校正 野外调查资料野外控制点的测量,土地利用/覆盖分类训练样本区的调查,建立判读标志,进行分类及信息提取精度检验等工作 土地利用现状图对比土地利用/覆盖动态变化及遥感影像分类精度参考 4.2图像预处理 数据预处理部分主要包括:对遥感影像进行大气校正、几何纠正、以及对研究区进行边界裁剪和图像增强。主要工作流程如下(图4-2):


第一章:绪论(★★★★) 1.1地表覆盖与土地利用的基本概念 1.1.1地表覆盖:是指自然营造物和人工建筑物所覆盖的地表诸多要素的综合体,包括地表植被、土壤、冰川、河流、湖泊、沼泽湿地及各种建筑物,主要侧重描述地球表面的自然属性,具有特定的时间和空间特性。 1.1.2土地利用:土地利用是土地利用方式、利用程度和利用效果的总称。 它包括的主要内容是: 1、确定土地的用途; 2、在国民经济各部门和各行业间合理分配土地资源; 3、采取各种措施开发、整治、经营、保护土地资源,提高土地利用效果。 1.1.3地表覆盖与土地利用性质: 1、地表覆盖反映了土地的自然属性(其性质主要取决于自然因素) 2、影响土地利用的因素包括地表自然因素(气候、地形地貌、土壤、水文、地质条件)和社会 经济因素(社会制度、政策、城市化与工业化、区位、交通条件、成本、效益、土地利用现状)(其性质主要取决于自然和经济因素) 3、地表覆盖与土地利用有着密切的联系,其性质的变化构成了地表覆盖/土地利用变化 4、自然力也会引起地表覆盖的变化 5、地表覆盖具有特定的时间和空间属性,其形态和特征可在多种时空尺度上变化,而且产生变 化的原因也具复杂多样性,并因此引起一系列的生态环境效应。 6、地表覆盖的空间分布反映着人类社会经济活动过程,决定着地表的水热和物质平衡,其变化 直接影响到生物地球化学循环,改变着陆地-大气的水分、能量和碳循环,以至引起气候变化。 1.2地表覆盖与土地利用的研究内容 1.2.1地表覆盖研究内容 1、地表覆盖的特点;(与地理要素的关系) 2、地表覆盖变化研究; 3、地表覆盖分类体系研究; (满足地球系统模式需求;环境系统模式需求等) 4、遥感测定地表覆盖及其变化; (数据尺度;时空分辨率;数据质量;数据处理;自动分类等) 5、变化检测技术; 6、地表过程模型化与动态模拟; 举例: 1、植被: 利用遥感手段,可以在大范围内经济而有成效的查清植被资源和检测环境动态,从空间以不同尺度来研究地球植被层的空间结构和波动规律以及多种自然灾害和人类活动对生物圈的影响,并把植被遥感信息转换成图像和数据,供决策和管理者参考。 2、水域: 水体是非常重要的自然资源,水体图形的准确提取是遥感图片解译识别的关键问题,在对提取的水体图像分析基础上,对水体的形状、水质参数、水体污染、自然灾害等进行监测和分析,实现水环境信息的准确、动态、快速发布。 PS: SAR检测的优点: 1)SAR不受天气影响,在恶劣天气仍能进行灾情监测; 2)SAR影像上水体灰度较低,灰度变化缓慢,纹理具有一致性; 3)SAR较其他类型的遥感数据,能够保持较好的边缘信息; 4)SAR能够反演波浪要素,可以进行海上或海面以下目标监测和识别(内波); 水域的特点: 1)在激光雷达数据中,水体具有点云密度低,回波强度低的特点; 2)在海洋测绘中,利用蓝绿双激光实现海底地形的测量,但该传感器对水质要求比较高,标定50m,实际中国近海很难达到; 3)能够直接获取高精度的DSM数据,可以直接进行洪水灾害的三维解译,为泄洪和排险提供重要决策依据。


中国土地覆盖数据集 出自WestWIKI 目录 ? 1 数据集名称 ? 2 概况 ? 3 数据集介绍及使用说明 ? 4 数据集整理者 ? 4.1 项目支持 ? 4.2 工作背景 ? 4.3 数据集介绍 ? 4.3.1 GLC2000 ? 第一阶段: 气候分层和数据准备 ? 第二阶段: 非监督分类和标定 ? 第三阶段: 精度评价和成图 ? 4.3.2 IGBPDIS ? 4.3.3 MODIS ? 4.3.4 UMd ? 4.3.5 WESTDC ? 4.4 数据集属性 ? 4.5 数据读取 ? 4.6 数据限制 ? 4.7 数据引用 ? 5 参考文献 ? 6 中国西部环境与生态数据中心 数据集名称 ?中国土地覆盖数据集介绍 ?Land Cover Products of China 概况

中国土地覆盖数据集包括5种产品:1)由GLC2000项目开发的基于SPOT4遥感数据的全球土地覆盖数据中国子集,数据名称为GLC2000;2)由IGBP-DIS支持的基于AVHRR遥感数据的全球土地覆盖数据中国子集,数据名称为IGBPDIS;3)MODIS土地覆盖数据产品中国子集,数据名称为MODIS;4)由马里兰大学生产的基于AVHRR数据的全球土地覆盖数据中国子集,数据名称为UMd;5)由中国科学院组织实施的中国2000年1:10万土地覆盖数据,对其进行合并、矢栅转换(面积最大法),最后得到全国幅1km的土地利用数据产品,数据名称为WESTDC。 数据集介绍及使用说明 数据集整理者 ?姓名:冉有华 ?单位:中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所遥感与地理信息科学研究室 ?电话:0086-931-4967259 ?电子邮箱:ranyh@https://www.360docs.net/doc/ac11497229.html, ?通讯地址:甘肃省兰州市东岗西路320号,730000 项目支持 1.自然科学基金项目:中国西部环境与生态科学数据中心](课题 号:90502010) 工作背景 全球环境的种种变化日益威胁着人类及其社会的持续发展,许多国家和地区的区域环境恶化,已经严重影响了人类的生存和发展,因此越来越受到各国政府和科学家的重视。国际组织已经行动起来,推出了一系列大型研究计划。通过联合国科联(ICSU)、国际社科联(ISSC)的努力,从70年代开始酝酿,到90 年代已形成一个前所未有的国际科学合作研究行动——全球变化研究计划。进入九十年代以来,全球变化研究人员越来越认识到土地利用和土地覆盖变化研究的重要性。因为几乎全球变化各个方面的研究(包括全球气候变化、全球的生物圈变化、水圈变化、海洋生物地球化学变化研究等),都与土地利用和土地覆盖密切相关。大尺度土地覆盖分类制图是土地利用/土地覆被变化研究以及其他全球变化研究中的一项重要的基础性的工作,它为全球变化的许多研究工作提供数据源,是全球变化模型(如净生产力模型、生态系统新陈代谢模型以及碳循环模型等)的重要输入变量。大多数全球变化模型都需要以大区域的土地覆盖信息作为基础数据支持。由于土地覆盖数据的重要意义,世界各国和许多国际组织相继运用不同的图像处理技术和数据,如Landsat 7、AVHRR、SPOT 4 VEGETATION、EOS 计划的


TG:tour guilde V:visitor TG:Hello,everyone.Welcome to America.I’m your tour guide today.You can call me Vivien.I think we will have a good time together.First of all,I’ll give you a brief introduction of our destination--Disney. V:Sounds good. TG:Well,Let’s know a few famous animated characters of Disney.(介绍迪士尼的几个动画人物) V:How lovely!Who created them? TG:Yes,It’s a good question.Their father is Walter Disney.An American animator and film producer.Noted for his creation of cartoon characters Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.He produced the first animated film with sound Streamboat Willie in 1928 and the first full-length animated feature Snow White in 1938. V:Could you exemplify one or two cartoons of Disney? TG:Well,speaking of the animation.There are a lot.Such as the Little Mermaid(小美人鱼)、Beauty and the Beast(美女与野兽)、the Lion King(狮子王)、the Snow White(白雪公主)V:Yes,they accompany us through a happy childhood. TG:Next,I’ll lead you to visit the impressive garden--Disneyland.It’s divided into eight parts and each of them are amazing.OK,Let’s go. The first part is Mickey’s Toontown(米老鼠卡通城)Here is
