QUESTION ABOVE: [100 ($6)($4 x automation rating) ] x 0.65


QUESTION ABOVE: the one a little less than the bond’s face value


QUES TION ABOVE: this is the “Market Cap”

QUESTION ABOVE: it’s the product with the highest (NET MARGIN/SALES) on the INCOME STATEMENT

QUESTION ABOVE: (training hours) x ($20) = answer


Part I Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. He asks the woman to call Mr. Owen. B. He asks the woman to call Mr. Woods. C. He asks that Mr. Woods call Mr. Owen. D. He asks that Mr. Owen call Mr. Woods. Your answer Correct answer C C (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) 2. A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. B B 3. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. He is a self-made successful businessman. B. He inherited a large fortune. C. He is a successful young tradesman. D. He will hand his company over to his son. A A


注意:本版面只供下载试卷录音用! 要查看试卷打印版,请点这里。 说明: ?由于试卷录音文件有可能很大,所以出于下载可靠性的考虑我们只提供按试卷各个部分 下载录音文件的功能。请点击位于试卷各个部分开头的小喇叭()检查该部分的录音, 点击下载按钮()下载该部分的录音文件。文件的格式为MP3。 ?要打印试卷供学生用,点这里进入打印版页面后请点击网页浏览器的打印按钮打印试卷。 姓名:___________________________ 班级:____________________________ 学号:___________________________ 日期:____________________________ 大学英语2网络自主学习单元测试1 试卷编号:quiz1 考试时间:70 分钟 满分:100 分 注意事项 Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure (Each item: 1) Directions:Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. 1-5 DABAC 6-10 CAABD 11-15 BACDD 16-20 CACDD 21-25 CCABA 26-30 BAAAB 31-35 DACBA 36-40 DDBCD

41-45 ABDCA 46-50 CDCAB 1.I'd like to take ___D_______ of this opportunity to thank all of you for your efforts. A. profit B. benefit C. occasion D. advantage 2.In copying this paper, be careful not to leave ___A_______ any words. A. out B. alone C. off D. behind 3.When doing the wash, it is important to _____B__ white and colored clothing. A. compare B. separate C. establish D. contrast


Unit 1 Active reading (1) 5 Match the words in the box with their definitions. 1 achieving good results (productive) 2 the fact of being present at an event, or of going regularly to school, church etc (attendance) 3 the refusal to accept something new, such as a plan, idea, or change (resistance) 4 determined to be successful, rich, famous etc (ambitious) 5 agreement to a plan, offer, or suggestion (acceptance) 6 the written words of a play, film, television programme, speech etc (script) 7 very good, large, or showing great skill (impressive) 6 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 5. (1) attendance (2) ambitious (3) productive (4) impressive (5) resistance (6) script (7) acceptance 7 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. 1 (mortgage) 2 (deck) 3 (surf) 4 (coastal; defy) 5 (lengthy) 8 Answer the questions about the words and expressions. 1 (b) 2 (a) 3 (b) 4 (b) 5 (b) 6 (a) 7 (b) 8 (b) Active reading (2) 4 Match the words in the box with their definitions. 1 involving three things of the same kind (triple) 2 an area of ground where dead people are buried (cemetery) 3 the part of a place or thing that is at the back (rear)


Part 1 Understanding Short Conversations (每小题: 分) Directions: In this section you'll hear some short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear. Questions 1 to 1 are based on the following passage. 1. A. The woman doesn't worry about important things in society. B. The woman doesn't know what's important in society. C. The man doesn't consider himself part of society. D. The man doesn't care about children saying ma'am or sir. Questions 2 to 2 are based on the following passage. 2. A. His studies at school. B. Deaths because of war. C. Wars he has studied. D. Things he can control. Questions 3 to 3 are based on the following passage. 3. A. The company policy. B. The shop. C. The shirt. D. The service. Questions 4 to 4 are based on the following passage.


1. When she heard the news of the death of her son in the terrorist attack in New York, the mother broke down and . (Suggested first letter(s): w ) 2. I was determined that I would not or make the parting harder for him, and I managed to say goodbye to him without tears. (Suggested first letter(s): w ) 3. Early signs of a disease are usually , so we very often fail to pay any attention and go to see a doctor in good time. (Suggested first letter(s): unno ) 4. The small question marks could have been made in other ways, and are hardly anyway. (Suggested first letter(s): no ) 5. One quality of American art life is the link between art historical teaching and criticism, which is not so common elsewhere. (Suggested first letter(s): no ) 6. Her explanation for being away was obviously a lie, but he it whole and said nothing. (Suggested first letter(s): sw ) 7. So your pride and prejudice and don't make an enemy of your own friends. (Suggested first letter(s): sw ) 8. Doctors say that since air travelers are in no condition to work after crossing a number of time , they should go straight to bed on arrival. (Suggested first letter(s): zo )

大学英语4 Quiz two答案

The unusual title of the book ______________ me into reading it. 所选答案: D. intrigued 问题2 His new novel received ______________ reviews and won Pulitzer Prize that year. 所选答案: C. complimentary 问题3 After the negotiation, the president leaned back in his seat and ______________ his success. 所选答案: A. savored 问题4 He kept the watch for _____________ reasons; it was a present from his mother. 所选答案: B. sentimental 问题5 Investment in the stock market is thought by some to be a perilous (危险的) _____________ that few could succeed. 所选答案: B. enterprise 问题6 Volcanic eruption is _________________, which is a natural phenomenon. 所选答案: B. spontaneous 问题7 The meaning of the idea, put it more exactly, is ______________, or not clearly defined. 所选答案: A. vague 问题8 The library urged the _________________ books to be returned without delay. 所选答案: C. overdue 问题9得5 分,满分5 分

新视野大学英语3 Quiz1答案.doc

Part 1 Word Dictation (每小题: 1 分; 满分:10 分) 小题得分对错我的答案客观 1. justice 2. beneath 3.faithful 4. restrain 5. reconcile 6. disguise 7. weekday 8. merry 9. index 10.whistle Part 2 Understanding Short Conversations (每小题: 1 分; 满分:5 分) 1.B A B A D Part 3 Understanding Long Conversations (每小题: 1 分; 满分:5 分) D A B B A Part 4 Understanding Passages (每小题: 1 分; 满分:10 分) C B C C D C C B A

A Part 5 Compound Dictation (每小题: 1 分; 满分:10 分) passed passed occupied occupied aware aware prevous previous take up take up advanced advanced recording recording all of the in his dary All of the thoughts that came to mind got put down in his diary when her husband when her husband stopped his habit of leaving his diary around in places she was tempted to open it and see what information she could find inside she was tempted to open it and see what information she could find inside Part 6 Cloze (with four choices provided) (每小题: 1 分; 满分:20 分) reckon set up revolve Much of accomplished preserve build reconcile admitted wreck a few agreeable communicated blossom naturally realistic drained acknowledge pledging customary Part 7 Skimming and Scanning (Multiple Choice + Blank Filling) (每小题: 1 分; 满分:10 分)


B)Quiz B-3-1 名 称 B)Quiz B-3-1 状 态 已完成 分 数 得50 分,满分50 分 问题1得1 分,满分1 分 Steve Jobs ___________ after he dropped out of Reed College. 所选答案: A. stayed around as a drop –in for months 问题2得1 分,满分1 分 Steve Jobs’ biological mother ___________ when she gave birth to Steve Jobs. 所选答案: B. was a young college graduate student 问题3得1 分,满分1 分 From the passage, we know that ___________. 所选答案: A. Steve Jobs’ biological mother was a single mother. 问题4得1 分,满分1 分 What kind of people were Steve Jobs’ foster parents? 所选答案: C. They were a working class couple without a college degree. 问题5得1 分,满分1 分 Which of the following was NOT the reason why Steve Jobs dropped out of Reed College? 所选答案: A. Because he found a good job with the help of his friend. 问题6得1 分,满分1 分 From his decision of dropping out, it could be inferred that ___________. 所 C. Steve Jobs was happy to have made one of his best



Part 1 Fill in the Blanks (with the initial letters provided) (每小题:1 分) Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the help of the first letter(s). Use only ONE word to fill in each blank. 1. I think, like all moderate people, that one step at a time is not a bad thing. (Suggested first letter(s): mod ) 2. moderate exercise such as walking is the answer for the gentleman to improve his health. (Suggested first letter(s): mod ) 3.This might reflect cultural differences as well as effects due to the type and quantity of food consumed by the mother. (Suggested first letter(s): cons ) 4. Not only do these factories consume more natural resources, they also produce more pollution. (Suggested first letter(s): cons ) 5.supplement to aid the digestive system. (Suggested first letter(s): supp ) 6.The secretary was looking for other jobs to

新译林牛津小学英语六年级上册江苏省省优质公开课赛课 Unit 7 Protect the Earth

Unit 7 Protect the Earth (Story time) (江苏省优质课评比教案) Step1: Pre-reading 1.Lead-in T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Zheng. T: I’m very happy to be your teacher today. I hope we can enjoy this lesson. OK? Ss: OK. T: Thank you. As you kno w I’m from… Ss: Yancheng. T: Yes. It is a very beautiful city. There are some rare wild animals in Yancheng. Can you guess what are they? Ss: They are… (展示丹顶鹤和麋鹿的图片问学生) T: Look, They are red-crowned cranes and milu deers. They live happily in Yancheng. Today I bring you a short story about an animal. Look, what’s this? S: It’s a bird. T: Yes. Let’s watch the cartoon. After watching it, please tell me: What can you see in the cartoon? T: What can you see in the cartoon? S: I can see a river? T: Is the river clean? S: No, it’s dirty. …… T: What can you feel about the cartoon? S: … T: Yes. There are so many bad things. Who did these bad things? Ss: People. T: What do you want to say to these people? Ss: … T: Yes. We should protect the Earth, right? Ss: Yes. T: So t oday we’re going to learn Unit 7 Protect the Earth. (揭题,带领学生读课题)

牛津上海英语七上《Unit 7 Signs around us》优质课教案

教学目标 1.To understand the meaning and pronunciation of four different kinds of signs and use them to classify the signs. 2.To use model verbs “ can / must / mustn’t” to express the meaning of signs. 3.With the help of the classmates and the teacher, to learn to use the sentence pattern “We can/must.../We mustn’t… .It’s a/ an information / warning / direction / instru ction sign” to describe each sign round us. At the same time, to understand the importance of signs and learn to obey the rules according to the signs. 2学情分析 学生为实验班学生,英语的能说读写能力均较为优秀 3重点难点 主要是教授学生用英语表达不同的标志,并且对各种标志进行分类。 4教学过程 4.1 第一学时 4.1.1教学活动 活动1【讲授】教学过程 Teaching procedure: I. Pre-task Watch a video with the two questions: Where is Nick? What are Nick and his friend looking at? Look at some signs and answer the following questions : Where do we have signs?

大学英语3 quiz1满分答案

测试成绩报告单 任课教师已设定暂时不显示本试卷的标准或参考答案。 请注意本页底部显示的总分和提示。在系统自动批改的客观题正确率小于60%时必须重做。 试卷:13级大学英语3网络自主学习Quiz1 试卷编号:001试卷满分:100 登录:2014-09-29 08:49:34交卷:2014-09-29 09:44:05上机地址: 图例:Right Wrong To be marked by instructor Part 1 Multiple Choice (每小题: 1 分; 满分:50 分) (In the case of True/False type of questions, A stands for True and B for False, or A for Y, B for N and C for NG.) 小题得分对错学生答案Correct 1.B (Hidden) 2.A (Hidden) 3.C (Hidden) 4.D (Hidden) 5.B (Hidden) 6.D (Hidden) 7.C (Hidden) 8.D (Hidden) 9.C (Hidden) 10.A (Hidden) 11.A (Hidden) 12.D (Hidden) 13.C (Hidden) 14.A (Hidden) 15.A (Hidden) 16.A (Hidden) 17.D (Hidden) 18.C (Hidden) 19.D (Hidden) 20.C (Hidden) 21.D (Hidden) 22.B (Hidden) 23.C (Hidden) 24.A (Hidden)

新视野大学英语 QUIZ 1

个人测试成绩记录 试卷:新视野大学英语读写第三册第一次测试题 ZQ 编号:EnglishTest1ZQ 试卷满分:100 姓名: 学号: 班级: 登录:2013-09-23 16:49:48 交卷:2013-09-23 18:34:32 上机地址: 老师是否已批卷: 尚未批卷 批卷时间: 图例: Right or marked by instructor Wrong To be marked by instructor Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening! 放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦! Part 1 Word Dictation (每小题: 分) Directions: Listen and write down the words you hear. You are going to listen to the recording twice. During the first time, write the word that you hear. Check your answers as you listen the second time. 1. whistle 2. pledge 3. terror 4. pledge 5.

7. disbelief 8. agreeable 9. penetrate 10. vacant 11. comparable 12. reckon 13. thumb 14. unload 15. festive


小学六年级英语教案教学案例《Rules round us》[1]《rules round us》这一单元的重点有两个:一是用must和mustn’t表示义务和禁令,二是情态动词的用法与表示命令的祈使句之间的转化。《rules round us》是牛津英语6amodule 2unit 4第一 课时的内容。 本课重点围绕我们日常生活中的规则为题材开展多种教学活动,通过学习句型wemust…/we mustn“t…,让学生能够学会用英语表达日常生活中的规则。 一、教学目标 1.能够听、说、认、读词组:play ball games, leave rubbish, draw on the desk, listen toour teacher, eat or drink, walk on the grass,wait for the green man, keep quiet, run acrossthe road。能够听懂、会说、会读、会写本课时的主要句型:we must…/we mustn“t…,并能在适合的情景中解放运用。 2.学生在一定的情景下,正确使用we must…/we mustn“t…并能在适合的情景中解放运用。 3.学生养成遵守公共生活秩序的习惯。 二、教学重点和难点 能够灵活运用句型we must…/we mustn“t…,制定例外场所的相关规则。 三、教学方法与手段 利用课件、视频、图片等,创设与学生生活密切的情境,采用精讲多练,小组合作探究学习的形式,让学生在交流中理解、掌握、巩固,从而习得语言。 四、教学过程 1.创设生活情景,复习学过的图标。

上课开始,我询问学生:“what are these?”。学生们都会说是班规和交通标志。接着让学生看标志说句子,复习图标。教师接着说生活中到处都有规则和标志。解释rule-rules-traffic /class/zoo rules 2.自主学习,层层递进 首先,幻灯片出示自学提示,让学生自己先阅读课本28页,回答问题:“ where do wehave rules?”。最后头脑风暴,启发学生和说英语的欲望。鼓励学生用we have rules in / on /at…来回答。 其次,师生看关于交通的视频,并且讨论“traffic rules”,初步引入导入情态动词must.学生先阅读含must, must not的表示和禁止的句子,然后把句子和表示地点的介词短语配对。 并句型:“we must / mustn’t…in /on /at…”的操练。 (这个环节是让学生自主地依据已有知识,从生活中体验运用知识。) 3.小组合作,拓展练习 生活中无处没有规则和标志,在学校,有校规。在班级有班规。学生小组合作,选择自己喜欢的场所,制定规则。traffic rules park rules family rules class rules zoo rules library rules (这个环节是让学生能够学以致用,给学生思考的空间。培养锻炼学生的自主意识和主人翁精神。) 4.当堂检测 this is our school. it is beautiful. try to make our school better, we must make it cleanand tidy(整齐)。we must follow the rules everywhere. we must not smoke. we must(not)… 5.家庭作业

大学英语4Quiz three答案

问题1 Do you think it will ever be possible to alter human ______________ material in order to produce the “perfect” human being? 所选答案: A. genetic 问题2 We had to wait months for the council to ______________ our plans to extend our house. 所选答案: B. approve 问题3得5 分,满分5 分In the first days at the school you’ll be given a test to help the teachers to ______________ you to a class at your level. 所选答案: B. assign 问题4 Nuclear weapons ______________ a very real threat to the world peace. 所选答案: D. constitute 问题5 Discrimination on the basis of race, ______________, age or disability is not allowed.

所选答案: A. gender 问题 6 He was ill for six months and ______________ with his schoolwork. 所选答案: B. fell behind 问题 7 His early death caused many of his political ______________ to remain unfulfilled. 所选答案: A. aspirations 问题 8 “The United States must be prepared to deal with hostile actions against our citizens or our ______________ interests.” Carter added. 所选答案: A. vital 问题 9 得 5 分,满分 5 分 After her illness, Fiona had become ______________ thinner. 所选答案: C. noticeably 问题 10 A committee has been established to


Part 1 Fill in the Blanks (with the initial letters provided) (每小题: 1 分) Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the help of the first letter(s). Use only ONE word to fill in each blank. 1. I think, like all moderate people, that one step at a time is not a bad thing. (Suggested first letter(s): mod ) 2. Regular moderate exercise such as walking is the answer for the gentleman to improve his health. (Suggested first letter(s): mod ) 3.This might reflect cultural differences as well as effects due to the type and quantity of food consumed by the mother. (Suggested first letter(s): cons ) 4. Not only do these factories consume more natural resources, they also produce more pollution. (Suggested first letter(s): cons ) 5. It is also advisable to take vitamin B supplement to aid the digestive system. (Suggested first letter(s): supp ) 6.The secretary was looking for other jobs to


CE1-_12: Quiz details Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening! 放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦! Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions (每小题: 分) Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. Questions 1 to 1 are based on the following passage. 1. A. He does not like what the woman bought. B. He does not remember the price of the shirt. C. He does not remember in which shop the shirt was. D. He remembers only the woman's phone number. Questions 2 to 2 are based on the following passage. 2. A. She did not take the shopping list along with her. B. She did not write a shipping list. C. She does not want to shop in a crowded supermarket. D. She wants to finish shopping quickly.

新译林牛津小学英语六年级上册优质公开课赛课教案 6A Unit8 Chinese New Year period2

U8 Grammar & Fun time 教学目标: 掌握一般将来时的句式结构,能用一般将来时谈论自己的节日安排。 教学重难点: 1、句型be going to …的用法。 2、介词in 、at在节日名称前的用法区别。 教学过程: Step 1 Revision 1、Say the words and phrases.映示课文插图,说出相应单词及 词组。 2、T:What is Su Hai going to do ? Guess!根据香港和大陆人的 节日习俗有所不同,来猜测苏洋的节日安排。 3、T: Chinese New Year is a popular holiday in China. What are you going to do this Chinese New Year ? I’m going to …(板书) 4、Practice in each group of four .指名学生提问:What is he/she

going to do ? He/She is going to …What are they going to do ? They are going to … Step 2 Grammar time 1、T: Let’s read the sentences. 呈现Grammar time中的句子,以问答形式朗读。 2、生试总结一般将来时的句式特点。 3、教师总结。 ⑴一般将来时表示在将来某一时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态,也可表示将来某一段时间内经常发生的动作或存在的状态。 ⑵结构:be going to + 动词原形 What is he going to do at Chinese New Year ? He is going to watch a lion dance . What are you going to do on Chinese New Year’s Eve ? We’re going to have a big dinner . 3、Practice . ⑴我打算明天打扫我的房间。 I ____ going to____ my bedroom tomorrow. ⑵他这个周末准备去拜访他的祖父母。


Part 1 Un dersta nding Short Con versati ons (每小题:分) Directions: In this section you'll hear some short con versati ons. Liste n carefully and choose the best an swer to the questi ons you hear. Questi ons 1 to 1 are based on the follow ing passage. 1. A. The woma n does n't worry about importa nt things in society. B. The woma n does n't know what's importa nt in society. C. The man does n't con sider himself part of society. D. The man does n't care about childre n say ing ma'am or sir. Questi ons 2 to 2 are based on the follow ing passage. 2. A. His studies at school. B. Deaths because of war. C. Wars he has studied. D. Things he can con trol. Questi ons 3 to 3 are based on the follow ing passage. 3. A. The compa ny policy. B. The shop. C. The shirt. D. The service. 4.
