Application Form

Application Form

All children must be from the same family to

avail of the 10% discount. (Multi Activity Camp Only) Name: __________________________ Age: ______ Name: __________________________ Age: ______ Name: __________________________ Age: ______ Name: __________________________ Age: ______ Address: _____________________________________

_____________________________________________ Telephone (home): ____________________________ Medical History: ______________________________

_____________________________________________ Swimming Level (if attending swim course)

_____________________________________________ Time 8.30-9.15am _________ 9.15-10am _________

For Office Use Only

Amount in Full € _______________________________ Discount € ___________________________________ Amount Paid € ________________________________ Staff Member _________________________________

Date ________________________________________ Code of behaviour form signed (camp only) Yes No Payment by

Cash Credit/Debit Card Bank Draft Postal Order No Deposits - No Refunds - No Internet or Telephone Bookings - No Cheques

Newtownpark Ave.,


Co Dublin.

Phone: 01 2883720

Phone: 01 2833037

E mail:

Multi Activity

Easter Camp

Our Easter camp is led by plenty of experienced staff and is open to boys

and girls from 3 to 14 years.

We welcome children of all abilities.

Tues 6th April - Fri 9th April

10 am to 3 pm

€80 per child

Camp activities such as swimming, fun and games in the water, uni-hoc, basketball, soccer, gymnastics, orienteering, arts and crafts and outdoor games are some of the activities that the children do in their fun packed week.


Swimming Course

For children from 4 years upward. Toddlers, beginners, advanced beginners and improvers levels.

The advantage of this course is that in attending daily and with our consistent teaching programme, pupils make good progress. Instruction will be of the highest standard.

We use our own very experienced and highly qualified teachers. The pupil/teacher ratio

is kept low to ensure that each pupil gets individual attention.

Tues 6th April - Fri 9th April

8.30-9.15am or 9.15-10am

€50 per child What Children Need To Bring With Them For All Camps

A nutritious packed lunch and drink. Trainers, tracksuit / shorts, t-shirt, swimming togs, towel and a swimming hat are essential. Swim togs, hat, towels and goggles for intensive swim course.

Please let us know if your child has any injuries, illnesses or allergies. Parents/Guardians are asked

to inform the group leader if another adult will be collecting their child.

For more information call in or phone the Sports Centre: Newpark School Sports Centre

Newtownpark Ave., Blackrock, Co. Dublin.

Ph: 2883720/2833037

Newpark Activity Camp offers a wide range of activities, which aims to cater for the

diverse needs and abilities of all children. The ethos of Newpark is based on fair play

and sport for all, acknowledging the rights and responsibilities of each individual.

Children at Newpark Sports Centre are entitled to

Be safe.

Participate in sporting activities on an equal level, appropriate to their ability and stage of


Be treated with dignity, sensitivity and respect.

Be happy, have fun and enjoy sport, be listened to, be believed.

Children should undertake to

Play fairly, do their best and have fun, shake hands before and after the event, who ever wins

–and mean it.

Respect officials and their decision with grace not a grudge. Respect fellow team members;

give them full support both when they do well and when things go wrong. Respect opponents,

they are not enemies; they are partners in a sporting event .Give opponents a hand if they

are injured or have problems with equipment. Accept apologies from opponents when they

are offered, be modest in victory and be gracious in defeat. Make high standards of fair play,

the examples others want to follow. Approach the Camp Leader or Camp Co-ordinator with

any questions or concerns they may have.

Children should not


Use violence, use physical contact only when it is allowed with in the rules,

Shout or argue with, the referee, officials, teammates or opponents,

Bully or tell lies about adults or children,

Spread rumours, or keep secrets about any person who may have caused them harm.

Repeated Bad behaviour such as

Bullying- Verbal or physical,

Physical aggression,

Inappropriate language,



……….will not be tolerated.

Failure to conform to the code of behaviour will result in a verbal warning and where

appropriate, possible dismissal from camp.

Parents will be notified by phone and no refund of money will be given.

Collection of children

Please advise the relevant group leader each morning of who will be collecting your child that

evening. If camp staff are not aware of arrangements for collection they will not let the child

go home without first contacting the parent/guardian, as listed on the camp booking form.

This also applies to children who are traveling home alone.

Photographing of children

From time to time camp staff or a third party approved by the manager may wish to take

photographs of the children in camp. These photographs will be used for promotion purposes

only and no other use. Please tick if you do not wish your child to be photographed

I have read and understand all aspects of the Code of Behaviour and Permission form:

Signed on behalf of child/children:_____________________________________________

Parent/guardian signature:__________________________ Date:________________

Newpark School Sports Centre


Children may be moved to the most

appropriate class at the start of the course


AutoForm介绍及其应用 ̄     当代汽车和现代模具设计制造技术都表明,汽车覆盖件模具的设计制造离不开有效的板成形模拟软件。世界上大的汽车集团,其车身开发与模具制造都要借助于一种或几种板成形模拟软件来提高其成功率和确保模具制造周期,国际上的软件主要有美国eta公司的Dynaform,法国ESI集团的PAM系列软件,德国AutoForm工程股份有限公司的AutoForm,国内有吉林金网格模具工程研究中心的KMAS软件,北航的SheetForm,华中科技大学的Vform等。本文着重探讨AutoForm及其应用。    1. 概述:AutoForm与板料成形技术  AutoForm工程有限公司包括瑞士研发与全球市场中心和德国工业应用与技术支持中心,其研发和应用的阶段主要有:1991年实现自适应精化(adaptive refinement)网格;1992年采用隐式算法(implicit code)并与1993年开发出板成形模拟分析的专用软件;1994年实现对CAD数据的自动网格划分;1995年开始工业应用; 1996年实现对CAD数据的自动倒园(automatic filleting);1997年采用One-step(一步成形)代码实现工艺补充面(addendum)的自动设计;1998年实现压料面(binder)的自动生成;2000年实现快速交互式模具设计。它是专门针对汽车工业和金属成形工业中的板料成形而开发和优化的,用于优化工艺方案和进行复杂型面的模具设计,约90%的全球汽车制造商和100多家全球汽车模具制造商和冲压件供应商都使用它来进行产品开发、工艺规划和模具研发,其目标是解决“零件可制造性(part feasibility)、模具设计(die design)、可视化调试(virtual tryout)”。它将来自世界范围内的许多汽车制造商和供应商的广泛的诀窍和经验融入其中,并采取用户需求驱动的开发策略,以保证提供最新的技术。  AutoForm的特点:1)它提供从产品的概念设计直至最后的模具设计的一个完整的解决方案,其主要模块有User-Interface(用户界面)、Automesher(自动网格划分)、Onestep(一步成形)、DieDesigner(模面设计)、Incremental(增量求解)、Trim(切边)、Hydro(液压成形),支持Windows和Unix操作系统。2)特别适合于复杂的深拉延和拉伸成形模的设计,冲压工艺和模面设计的验证,成形参数的优化,材料与润滑剂消耗的最小化,新板料(如拼焊板、复合板)的评估和优化。3)快速易用、有效、鲁棒(robust)和可靠:最新的隐式增量有限元迭代求解技术不需人工加速模拟过程,与显式算法相比能在更短的时间里得出结果;其增量算法比反向算法有更加精确的结果,且使在FLC-失效分析里非常重要的非线性应变路径变得可行。即使是大型复杂制件,经工业实践证实是可行和可靠的。4)AutoForm带来的竞争优势:因能更快完成求解、友好的用户界面和易于上手、对复杂的工程应用也有可靠的结果等,AutoForm能直接由设计师来完成模拟,不需要大的硬件投资及资深


1: AUTOFORM如何更改工作目录。 本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览 答:目前主要方法有以下几种: 方法一:更改AutoForm工作主目录的新方法(直到最新的AF_PLUS_R1.1所有版本通用): 在本地用户组下选中所使用的用户点右键选属性栏 如下图,在配置文件窗口下选择本地路径,选上你需要的路径,然后注销一下此用户,在进入即可。

方法二:(plusplus 提供)(需要安装SFU即4.11以前的所有版本通用): 到Autoform安装目录修改af-xstart.vbs文件(右键选编辑),找到XAF = """" & "$AF_HOME_XX/xaf_X.XX " & ARGS & " -geom +0+0" & """" 其中XX/X.XX为Autoform的版本号把它改为XAF = """" & "$AF_HOME_XX/xaf_X.XX -wd /dev/fs/X/.../.../ " & ARGS & " -geom +0+0" & """"其中X为盘符,/.../.../为路经,记得以/结尾。存盘,重新运行OK. 方法三:目前网络上还有网友提供一种方法(4.2以前的所有版本通用): 设置本地用户环境变量 HOME=(你的工作目录). 方法四:更改目标设置(4.2以后的所有版本通用直到目前最新的AF_PLUS_R1.1): AF桌面启动快捷文件右键属性查看目标,如下图,在后面加上 -param -wd 你的工作目录即可, 如下图:

2: AUTOFORM快捷键一览。 点我AUTOFORM快捷键 3: AUTOFORM计算中途报错停止。

AutoForm R7 入门教程及使用心得-3 - By Dean

AutoForm软件操作入门教程3 本教程是根据作者多年使用AutoForm的经验编写而成。教程不仅讲解怎样操作,还将解答为什么这样操作。因此,这不仅是一篇操作指南,还是一篇经验总结。本教程侧重于汽车冷冲压件同步工程(SE)的可制造性分析方向。本文最先发表于知乎,所以大部分图片带有知乎水印。本人保留知识产权,禁止转载。 在前两篇中,写完了Part和Plan两个模块及Die Face的一部分,本篇继续完成余下的全部入门操作。 接上篇, Binder设置完,下面进入到: (4)Addendum 工艺补充。这里面的工作其实就是零件面及Modify修饰的面与Binder之间怎样连接,能够保证整个拉延模面设计合理,使成形充分、不裂不皱且提高材料利用率。 Addendum有两种添加方式,第一个大按钮是整体添加,也就是整个补完的模面外轮廓,一起向Binder缝合,适用于比较规则的形状;第二个大按钮是局部添加,可以依据模面特征,将其分成几部分逐步添加Addendum。 本案例如果用整体式,可能会有个别区域工艺补充不够光顺,我们先试一下:添加Addendum 后,需要定义Addendum的形式。由于我们有一部分已经有立面了,这里面选择Minimum Punch Opening Width,即无立面区域直接圆弧向下,没有延展区。截面形状,需要设置圆角(Part Radius、Die Radius)和拔模角(Wall Angel)。

我们分别量一下现有Part Radius和Wall Angel 是多少,以便做出来的Addendum与零件部分保持一致,避免出现台阶。圆角测量方法:如下图选择圆角测量,然后按住Alt,鼠标左键按住从圆弧起点拖至终点。可以看到,两端的圆弧都是6mm左右(存在测量误差,就认为是6mm吧)。Wall Angel左右侧不一致(6.75°-8.93°),这将可能导致整体式Addendum在两端接缝不好。
