四年级上Unit4第二课时 - 副本



Unit 4 What Are You Doing? (第二课时) 学习内容:let’s talk let’s try (A) 学习目标: 1、知识目标:能听、说、读、写句型:It’s Chenjie. What are you doing?I’m….能听、说、读、背let’s talk中的对话,帮助学生理解句子It’s Chenjie. 2.、能力目标:能够流利的读出所学对话并进行口语交际。 3、情感目标:使学生体验学习、参与、合作、竞争的乐趣。 学习重点: 1、句型“what are you doing ? I am ….”,并能在情景中运用。 2、动词及动词短语的现在进行时的表达,即ing形式。 学习难点: Mastering the sentences: It’s chenjie . What are you doing? 及实际情景中语言运用的能力。 教具: 1、 Cards of the phrases 2、tape 教法及和学法:引导法,讲解法,操练法 Teaching procedures: Step1: Warm-up 1、自编let’s chant . (设计意图:通过英语chant的形式热身,

有效的营造了英语学习氛围,激发了学生的学习兴趣。并通过复习这部分的现在分词短语,以旧引新,为新课学习做好铺垫。) What are you doing ? I am drawing pictures, drawing pictures…. 2、Guessing game.(通过猜单词游戏练习上节所学单词。) 学生练习后进行点拨:What are you doing ?答语:I am或 I’m …动词原形+ing 表示正在干什么。) Step2: Presentation of let’s talk . 1、The phone is ringing.(点击课件,电话铃声响起) T: Oh, I’m sorry. Please wait a minute. Let me answer the phone: Hello. It’s xxx. I’m having English class. I’m busy now. See you later. (点拨一下电话中如何介绍自己,突破难点) T: Next, practise in pairs, like this: A: Hello! B: Hi! It’s xxx . What are you doing? A: I’m _____ (doing the dishes/playing football…)What are you doing? B: I’m _____ (drawing pictures/reading a book…) (师先做示范,练习后,找几组展示) 2、教师出示问题,让学生带问题听对话。(要求学生合上课本去听 对话。) Q1: What is Chen Jie doing? (She is drawing pictures.) Q2: What is Amy doing? (She is reading a book.) 提问学生回答问题并及时给予反馈。 2、让学生再次听短文并根据录音把对话补充完整。


古鲁板蒿小学“以导促学,同伴互助,构建有效课堂”模式的活页教案执笔人:授课人:审阅人:李淑荣李银峰 Unit 4 What Can You Do ? 温馨寄语:Be honest rather clever. 诚实比聪明更要紧。 学习内容(Learning contents): Unit 4 PartB Read and write Let’s play C Pronunciation Story time. 学习目标(Learning aims) 1.听懂、会说、正确读写句型:What can you do ? I can sweep the floor. 2.听,说,认读句子:Mother goat is ill.We can help her.Just do it. 3.总结字母结合or,all,pl,pr的发音规律,并能朗读Pronuciation 部分的例词 4 .听懂,理解Story time中的故事 知识链接: 1.“Mother Goat ”可译为:山羊妈妈。 2. “just do it ”可译为:就这么干吧。 学习指导(Learning guide) 1.自主学习对话内容(试读,试翻译,理解对话的含义并完

成句子填空。) 2.正确书写Read and write中的四会句子 3.理解Pronunciation 中字母组合的发音规则,读出相 应的单词。 4.根据本节学习到的知识,独立完成导学案。(在自学过程中 注意记录自己解决不了的问题,以便和他人合作交流) 自主学习(Self-learning) 你能读懂Read and write部分的内容吗?你能正确翻译下面句子的汉语意思吗?来试试吧! Mother Goat is ill. ( ) What can you do ?( ) I can water the flowers.( ) Just do it .( ) 合作探究(Group work) (小组内讨论交流展示,组员推荐二人在全班展示。) 1.你能读懂P48页的对话吗?小组内自由读。找出不懂的词句。 2.你能用本节课所学的知识完成课本48页Read and write 部 分的填空吗? (1)在小组里完成Let’s play 部分的内容。 (2)在小组里总结字母组合的or all pr 的发音规律。并朗读Pronunciation 部分的例词。 小组展示(Group show)


Unit 4 what’s the best movie theater? Section A 2d-3c 【学习目标】学习How do you like 、so far 、Thanks for telling me. 、No problem. 运用形容词的最高级对人物进行描述 【学习重点难点】. 运用形容词的最高级对人物进行描述 【教学过程】 学习任务一、导入(启发探究) 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.My mom is _________ (busy) in my family. 2.Which clothes store is__________ (good),Trendy Teens or Jason’s? 3. Which city is _________ (beautiful),Beijing,Shanghai or Hangzhou? 4. She is _________ (old) of us all. 5. What’s _________ (bad) radio station in town? 6.Oldies 102. 1 FM is _________ (bad) than All Talk 970 AM. 7. Which is _________ (big) of the five ( oranges? 8. Movie Palace has_ ________________ (comfortable) seats of the three. 9.0f all the boxes this one is _________ (heavy). 10.1 want to learn science hard. I think it is _________ (difficult) of all. 学习任务二交流(合作探究) 学习Section A 2d Task1:小组成员看图画,猜测人物对话内容。 Task2:小组倾听课文的朗读并体会语音、语调、停顿。 Task3:小组长带领组员正确朗读课文,注意语音语调。 Task3:小组长带领组员翻译课文,并勾画短语。 Welcome to How do you like it so far my way around love watching movies Thanks for telling me. 、 No problem. Task4:小组长带领组员分角色正确朗读课文,注意语音语调。 Task5:小组长带领组员背诵课文, 学习任务三交流(合作探究) 完成3a运用最高级 1、朗读句子,弄懂含义 2、完成任务 3、检查答案

人教版英语七年级上册英语教案 unit4第二课时

Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag? The 2nd period (Section A 1a—3c) 2012年11月2 日 The 1st period (Section A 1a—3c) Learning Goals 1.Learn to ask and answer questions about where things are. 2.Learn the names of some furniture and some personal things of students. 3. Grasp the prepositions: on, under, in. 4. Learn to write a note of taking or bringing things. 5. the prepositions: on, in, under --- where’s the bag? --- I don’t know. Is it on the desk? ---Please take these things to your sister. --- Can you bring some things to school? 设计说明;学生能就物品的位置用引导的特殊疑问句Where进行提问,知道方位词in、on、under的运用。 Preview 一、Talk about where things are Where is \ are …..? It’s \They’re on\ in \under \...... 二、Look at p19--21, Look at the picture put the following into English orally, then write them down without looking at the text.


2020-2021学年七年级英语电子导学案 Self Check 知识目标 类别课时要点 重点词组sports center 运动中心 play popular music 播放流行歌曲 重点句式You can get a big plate of dumplings for only five yuan. 仅仅用五元钱就得到一大盘饺子。 课堂环节 §自主学习方案 学生自学新单词(教材P32的单词),看谁记得又快 1.sports center 运动中心 2.play popular music 播放流行歌曲 【新词自查】 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。 1.—Where are you going? —I am going to sports center (运动中心). 2.—Why do you like the station best? —Because it plays popular music (播放流行歌曲). §课堂导学方案 Step 1 情景导入 参考案例 Teacher: Who is the funniest teacher you know? Who is the most creative writer you read? Which is the most boring lesson you take? Which is the quietest park you visit? Teacher: Well, in our city there are many well-known big stores.Discuss the following three questions I give you in pairs. (1)Which has the best service/ quality? (2)Which is the cheapest/ the most expensive? (3)Which has the worst service/ quality? 环节说明:通过谈论本单元所学的话题来复习本单元所学的目标语言。让学生巩固已学的语言基础知识,更好地灵活运用所学的语言知识。 Step 2完成教材“1”部分的任务 【操作案例】 1.完成“1”部分的任务。(2分钟) Teacher: We have learned many new adjectives and adverbs in this unit.Look at the five words given in the box.Can you use them to complete the sentences? 2.让学生朗读“1”部分中的句子,老师及时纠正学生的发音。(3分钟) Teacher: Make your own sentences with each of the five words in the box. 环节说明:通过本单元重点词汇的灵活运用,让学生掌握其意义和常见用法。 Step 3完成教材“2”部分的任务 【操作案例】 Teacher: Here are some information and five sentences.There are some mistakes in the sentences.We should correct the mistakes in the sentences according to the information. 1.让学生快速阅读课文,熟知大意,然后让同学们讨论完成“2”部分的任务。(3分钟) 2.先邀请几位同学朗读短文(可以一人一段),并进行翻译。教师要注意语音和翻译的准确度,及时纠正错误。(3分钟) 3.巩固练习。(5分钟) 句子翻译: 1.我想要一盘饺子。 I want a______ ______ ______ . 2.三元钱你能得到一本字典。 You can_______a dictionary_______ three yuan. 3.他舒服地坐在这个座位上。 He ______ on the seat______ . 【答案】1.plate of dumplings 2.get;for 3.sits; comfortably 环节说明:通过阅读训练,培养学生的阅读技巧与能力,巩固本单元所学的语言知识和语法知识。 §当堂评价方案(详见当堂训练部分)

unit4 单元导学案(新部编)

教师学科教案[ 20 – 20 学年度第__学期] 任教学科:_____________ 任教年级:_____________ 任教老师:_____________ xx市实验学校

七年级下册Unit4 Don’t eat in class!导学案 Section A 1a - 2c 班级:姓名:时间: 2014年月日 课型:New 课时:1 主备人:审核:七年级英语组 【学习目标】 1、掌握10个单词:rule arrive be on time hallway hall dining listen listen to fight sorry outside 2、掌握并灵活运用句型:What are the rules ? Don’t do sth. We can(not) do sth We must do/be 【学习重难点】 1. 祈使句的肯定形式与否定形式 2. 句型:What are the rules ? Don’t do sth. We can(not) do sth We must do/be) 【预习指导】 一、课本预习: (一)熟读1a并根据图中的信息填空 (二)预习效果检查。 写出并读出下列单词和短语: 1.校规 2.迟到 3.听音乐 4.和他打架 5.在走廊里 6.在课堂上 7.准时 8.在教室里 预习课本p19,找出其中的短语和重要句型 1 、不要在走廊里跑______________________ 2、不要上课迟到___________________________ 3、不要在教室里吃东西___________________ 4、不要在教室里或走廊里听音乐_____________ 5、不要打架______________ 6、你校的规则是什么?________________ 【课内学习】 教材处理: 1.检查1a 的预习效果。(熟练掌握1a中的词组) 2.放录音让学生听1b,跟读,朗读听力材料。 3.放录音让学生完成2a,并跟读。 4..听录音完成2b并朗读听力材料。 5,展示成果,小组对话表演,完成2c. 【合作探究】语法(祈使句) 1.)含义:祈使句是用来表示请求、命令、叮嘱、号召或者劝告等的句子,这类句子的主语常是第二人称you,也就是听话者,因而you常省去 2.)注意:祈使句的开头是动词原形。 如:过来!快起床! 3.)祈使句的否定形式多以do not(常缩写成don't)开头,再加上动词原形。如:别看电视!别打架!不要说话! 学习成果展示 一、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1、我们必须准时到校。


新PEP小学英语四年级下册 第四单元At the farm 第二课时 【教学目标】 1.能听、说、认读单词:potato ,tomato, onion, cucumber, carrot。 2.能简单描述所学蔬菜的颜色和特点等,如:Look at …. The potatoes are big. 【教学重点】 1.词汇:potato ,tomato, green beans, carrot。 2.句型:Look at …. The potatoes are big. 【教学难点】 1.单词potato ,tomato的复数形式。 2.能在实际语境中灵活运用句型Look at …. The potatoes are big. 【教学准备】 1.与本课时相关的教学课件和配套录音。 2.教师准备蔬菜图卡,句型卡。 3.调查问卷表 【教学过程】 Step 1:Warm-up 1.Free talk: How are you? I’m Miss Xiong. Nice to meet you. Look outside, What’s the weather like? It’s a nice day.The children are happy. Let’s go and have a look, what are they doing? 2.Let’s do: {播放第二册Unit 3 Part A Let’s do}。Now, can you do with them? ---Yes. OK. Now stand up and let’s do together. 3.Let’s play: Please look at me. I have a pencil-box. What color is it? ---It’s green. Can you guess, what’s in it?---Pencil. Yes, one pencil, two pencils. It’s long. It’s short. Are they pencils? ---No, they aren’t. They are erasers. A big eraser, a small earser. 4.Review tomato: Look at the screen. What’s this?---It’s a tomato. Is it big?---Yes, it is. It’s very big.{带读,板书} What are those?---They’re tomatoes.{板书es,强调复数} Are they big?---No, they aren’t. They are small. Small tomatoes. I like tomatoes. What about you. Do you like tomatoes? 5.Review carrot: Do you know, What does the rabbit like?---carrot.{读,板书}one carrot. Two carrots. Three carrots. {板书s} The rabbit says, I like carrots. How about you? Do you like carrots---Yes, I do. {教句子}。But the little pig says “Carrots I will try.” Step 2: Presentation 1.potato: Look at the picture. It’s so big. French fries is made of it. It’s a potato. {带读。小 组读。} It’s a potato. They are potatoes. {带读potatoes}. The potatoes are big. {带读句子。贴} 2. green beans: Look at these beans. They are so long. What color are they?---They are green. Yes, They are green beans.{带读单词,开火车读。读句子}。I love to eat green beans. What about you? {读句子} 3.Let’s learn: Look, Mike and Sarah are at the farm. This is the garden.{贴篱笆} What are they talking about? Look at the screen, and listen carefully. {齐读}. Step 3: Practice 1.Missing game: So many vegetables. What’s missing? Please look carefully and say quickly. 2.Let’s chant: I am a little tired. Let’s have a rest. Listen to a chant. OK? Step4: Consolidation: 1.Let’s survey: In the garden. There are many vegetables. They are yum. Do you want to know. What vegetables does Miss Xiong like? Ask me as: Miss Xiong, Miss Xiong, what do you like? Now, take out your survey table. Please work with your partner. Use: What do you like? I like… 2. Homework: (1)Copy the new words of “Let’s learn”. (2)Read the text to your parents.


课题Unit4 Where is my car? 第一课时 一、学习内容: A. Let’s learn . Let’s do 二、学习目标: 1.能听、说、认读on in under chair desk. 2.听懂含有形容词的几个指令,并按指令做动作. 三、重点难点: 1、能听、说、认读单词on in under chair desk. 2、能听、说、认读on in under chair desk,并在句子中应用. 3.能根据指令做动作. 四、学习过程: 学案导案 (一)热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)(2’) (1)日常口语会话展示. (2)教师播放歌曲录音,师生边唱边做动作. 自主学习1、听录音,读一读 Where is m y car? It’s under the chair. 2、拼一拼,写一写 on in under chair desk 3、听录音,跟读课文,与小组内同学互相评读,看一看, 比一比,谁读得好. (二)呈现新课(Presentation)

(1)出示课件,教师说:You will see a beautiful picture. Look at it carefully and tell us: What’s in it?/Where is the bird? 教师快速展示系列图片:on in under学生根据看到的图片说说位置单词.培养观察力和记忆力. (2)继续展示图片:书桌和椅子.T: What is it? It’s a chair.教师教学生认读单词chair 同样出书桌图片,引出单词,教师领读学生跟读学习单词; 教师也可关闭声音, 让学生看动画读单词. (3)播放Let’s learn 部分的录音,学生单词跟读. 合作探究我能流利朗读“Let’s learn” 1) 自由读. 2)小组长或推荐优秀组员领读. 3)其他方式. (三)趣味操练(Practice)(8’) (1)教师将Let’s learn 部分的单词卡举起,带读,学生以“开火车”的形式练习.如chair. chair,也可以让学生拼读单词. (2)Let’s do 部分的内容. a. 教师播放Let’s do 部分的动画,学生边听边说边做此部分的活动. b. 教师使用Let’s do 部分的动作图卡,让学生看图说图卡上画的是什么动物做的动作.

七年级英语下册Unit 4 第二课时导学案

初中英语(Go for it)七年级下册第四单元导学案 第二课时 (Section A Grammar Focus ~Section B 1d ) 制作人:张悦会审题人:张睿妮 【学习目标】 1.能记住并能正确运用Section A,B 中所学的单词及短语。 2.会识别日常生活中的一些标志,并能正确运用情态动词can,have to和祈使句。 3.会谈论家规。 4.通过学习规章制度的表达,规范自己的行为,做遵守纪律的学生,为养成守法的良好社会意识打下基础。 【课时重难点】 1. 会运用句型“Don’t…We have to…We don’t have to…”来谈论家规。 2. 会运用have to的一般疑问句和否定句形式来谈论学校的规章制度。 【预习导学】 一、读一读 读一读教材上Grammar Focus中的句子,并试着理解句子的含义。 二、填一填 1.外出2.清洗餐具 3.练习吉他4.在学校上课的晚上 5.晚饭前6.每天早上 7.放学后8.做作业 三、连一连 阅读教材上1b表格中的规定,然后与la中的图片(a~h)进行匹配。 四、想一想 为你梦想的学校制订规章制度(至少五条)。 例如:At my dream school,we don’t have to come to school every day. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

【合作探究】 活动一:Presentation 利用下列图片,小组内展开讨论,进行对话练习。完成任务所需的语言结构:A:Can we eat in the dining room? B:Yes,we can. 活动二:Grammar Focus. 1. 学生阅读Grammar Focus中的句子,然后做填空练习。 2. Ss finish off the sentences and check the answers by themselves. 3. Give eight more minutes for the Ss to remember the sentences. 活动三: Practice and group work Work on 3b: 1. Look at 3a. Do you know the meaning of these pictures? Yeah, you see them in the school library. Can you write the rules for the school library? 2. Ss discuss the pictures and make some rules. 3. Let some Ss read their rules aloud. 4. Check the answers with the class. Work on 3b: 1. T: Use the words to make questions about the rules. Then write answers according to your school. 2. 注意:have to虽是情态动词,但其在句子中与谓语动词共同构成句子时,其一般疑问句应用助动词do或does来帮助构成;而情态动词can则直接提前构成一般疑问句式。 3. Ss work by themselves and try to write the sentences on the workbook. 4. Ss work in pairs. Ask and answer the sentences.


Unit 4 Period Two 学习目标: 1.学习并掌握Unit4新单词,从“ever”到“be supposed to do”。 2.继续练习与巩固直接引语和间接引语。 3.预习P25-P27 学习重难点:准确运用直接引语与间接引语。 学习过程: 一. 读单词,从“ever”到“be supposed to do”,不会读的单词用红笔划出来, 课后请教同学。(2分钟)背这些单词。(一边写一边背)(2分钟) 二、合上课本,做以下词汇题。(3分钟) 1. Lana says she likes eating s______ . 2. Please pass on the m_________ to Li Lei. 3. As a student, you are s____________ to study hard. 4. He is not _______(疯狂,着迷) on football ________.(不再) 5._________ (one) of all, we should try our best to find out the reason. 三. 完成词组。(8分钟) 学法指导:1> 读课本P25---P27,在课本上划出下列短语。2>背诵以下短语。3>默写。 1.在肥皂剧上__________________ 2.在周五晚上____________________ 3. 举办一个惊喜晚会____________________ 4.生某人的气__________________ 5.不再___________ 6. 带一些饮料和小吃到Marcia 的家_______________ 7.讲三种语言_____________________ 8. 首先____________________ 9给某人传口信___________________________10传递信息___________________ 11. 从事;进行_________________ 12. 应该做某事_______________________ 四. 知识点导学(8分钟) 自学指导:(1)理解并记忆下列知识点及用法(2)准确完成各知识点后的针对练习(3)背诵知识点1. ever “曾经,从来”,常用于否定句和疑问句中。 never 是ever 的反义词,意为“未曾;从不”。 1)你曾经看过肥皂剧吗?Do you _______ watch __________ ________? 2)我从未帮助我父母做家务。I _______ help my parents with the housework. 2. not……anymore = no more “不再”anymore 只能放于句末 no more 既可放在句中(系动词、情态动词或助动词之后,实义动词之前), 也可放于句末。 1) 我不再生他的气了。I’m not mad at him _______________. = I’m mad at him ________ __________. 2)他不在班级大声说话了。He __________ talk loudly in classroom___________. = He ______ _______ talks loudly in class. 3)我将不再和我最好的朋友吵架了。I ________ argue with my best friend ____________. = I _______ _____ ________argue with my best friend. 3. message可数名词,“消息,信息”表示别人(尤其在接电话时)愿意传话 news 不可数名词“新闻,消息”information不可数名词“信息”1)Can I take a ____________ for you? 我能为你捎个口信吗? 2)Is there any important _______________ on today’s newspaper? 3) You can get more __________________ on the Internet. 4. suppose“假定,认为” be supposed to do sth. = should do“被期望或被要求;认为应该” 1) I _________ we’ll beat them in the next game. 我认为我们在下次比赛中将打败他们。 2)You’re not supposed ____________ (play) football on Sundays. 你们不许在周日踢足球。 3) 他们应该在一小时以前到达这里。 They ________ ________ ________ get here an hour ago. = They ___________ __________ here an hour ago. 五. 完成句子(8分钟) 学法指导:(1)读课本P25--27 找出下列句子(2)背诵,并完成句子默写 1. 她说她将在周五晚上为Lana 举办一个令人惊喜的聚会。 She said she _____ _______ a ________ party _____Lana ________ _______ night. 2. Lana 认为Tom 将会来我家学习。 Lana thinks Tom ______ ________ to my house ________ __________. 3. Lana说她不再生Marcia的气了。 Lana said she _______ ________ ________ Marcia _________. 4. Marcia打电话告诉每个人她将不会去参加聚会。 Marcia ________ everyone and told them she _______ _________ to have the party. 5. Lana 说她将带一些饮料和小吃到你家里。 Lana said she _______ _______ some _________ and ________ ________ your house. 6. 她说她可以讲三种语言。She said she ________ _________ ___________ _________ . 7. 对于肥皂剧“年轻岁月”里的人来说,这是个激动人心的一周。 It was _____ ________ week for the people on the _______ _______“Young Lives”. 8.今天早晨你应该在车站见到Amy 并把它还给Amy,但是Amy 没有到车站来。 You ______ ___________ ______ meet at the bus stop this morning to _______ it, but Amy didn’t come to the stop. 六. 预习自我检测(10分钟) ()1.I wasn’t mad _____ my brother _______. A. in; no more B. at; no more C. in; any more D. at; any more ( )2.---You borrowed my jacket last week, and why didn’t you return it to me? ---I was ______ to meet you at the school gate yesterday, but you didn’t come. A. plan B. supposed C. asking D. shouldn’t 3. Could you please _________ the salt __________ me. (传递) 4. Mr.Smith正着手写新小说。Mr.Smith is ____________ __________ a new novel. 5. Dick said he ________(report) some important things to us the day after tomorrow. 6. My best friend tells me he _____________ (send ) gifts to me for my birthday. 7. He said he _____________(clean) his bedroom at this time yesterday. 8. Lucy would bring some ______(drink) and ______( snack) to the party. 9. He told us he ________ (will) write to me if he got there. 10. My father is angry with me. (改为同义句)My father is ______ _______ me. 11. “ I am having a party for Lana”. He said. (合并为一句) He said _______ ______ ______ a party for Lana. 12. John said, “ I will call you tomorrow. ”(改为间接引语) John said ______ ______ _________ _______ tomorrow. 13. “ What is her name?” the lady asked. (改为间接引语) The lady asked __________ _________ __________ _________ .


Unit 4 What can you do? 第二课时 A Let’s learn Do a survey 【学习内容】 A部分Let’s learn, Do a survey. 【课标与教材分析】 根据新课标要求,五年级对应二级目标要求。教师要培养学生对英语学习有持续的兴趣和爱好。能用简单的英语互致问候、交换有关个人、家庭和朋友的简单信息。能根据所学内容表演小对话或歌谣。能在图片的帮助下听懂、读懂并讲述简单的故事。能根据图片或提示写简单的句子。在学习中乐于参与、积极合作、主动请教。乐于了解异国文化、习俗。 本课时由Let’s learn和Do a survey两部分组成。Let’s learn中有5个新词组和一个句型,让学生在游戏活动中巩固新词,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 【学情分析】 本单元的主题是娱乐活动,跟学生的业余生活息息相关,学生非常感兴趣。在语境中学习5个新词组,并在此基础上完成课余活动的调查,学生学起来很轻松。 【学习目标】 一、知识技能目标 1、学生能够听、说、读、写五个关于课余文化活动的词组:dance, sing English songs, do kung fu, play the pipa, draw cartoons. 2、能听懂、会说句型:what can you do? I can….并能在具体语境中运用. 3、能够完成关于课余文化活动的调查。 4、了解知识点:play the pipa, play football 5、语篇提升Hello , I’m Zhang Peng. I can draw cartoons. I can do some kung fu, too. How about you, John? 6、知识链: pipa—play the pipa—I can play the pipa. 二、情感态度目标 学生能够了解琵琶、武术、乒乓球等中国特色的文娱活动形式,能够积极参与文娱活动,丰富课余生活。 【学习重点、难点】 教学重点 1.掌握五个关于课余文化活动的词组:dance, sing English songs, do kung fu, play the pipa, draw cartoons. 2.能听懂、会说句型:what can you do? I can….并能在具体语境中运用。 教学难点 本课时的教学难点是如何利用所提供的对话和情景,以旧引新,让学生进入学习状态。 【学习准备】 CAI课件、录音机、磁带、本课5个词组所对应的图片及词卡等 【教学过程】 一、歌曲歌谣中热身 (一)“我行我秀”口语展示 1. Ask and answer. 同位一分钟互问互答并计数。 2. Self expression. “Hello. I am …. I can … .... ” 同位数出说了几句话,并进行计录。

人教版PEP四年级下册英语Unit 4 导学案(分课时)

PEP新版四年级英语下册第四单元导学案 四年级英语导学案 课题Unit4 At the farm 总课时 6 课时Lesson1 年级四主备人授课人课型新授班级 一、 教学方法情景教学法 学习准备教师准备录音机和录音带,图片学生准备笔和纸,词卡 学习目标 知识目标能听、说、认读单词:tomato、green beans、potato、carrot以及它们的复数形式。 能力目标能听懂会说句子:Look at the green beans,t hey’re so long.Yes,and the potatoes are big. 情感态度培养学生积极与他人合作的优良品质。 重点难点新词汇的听说认读. 单词tomato和potato的复数形式。 二、 导学过程导学过程 二次备课自主学习 课前复习:复习前面学过的有关食物和水果的名称的单词课前预习:试读Let’s learn中的单词全体学生呼英语励志口号:No pains.No gains .(没有付出就没有收获) 三、 热身、复习: 1. 请学生欣赏Let’s chant部分歌谣,教师要根据歌词适时举起相应的图片。 四、 导入新课,板书课题。展示本课学习目标,学生齐读本课学习目标。 1.板书课题 2.展示本课教学目标知识目标能听、说、认读单词:tomato、green beans、potato、carrot以及它们的复数形式。能力目标能听懂会说句子:look at the green beans,They’re so long.Yes,and the potatoes are big. 情感态度培养学生积极与他人合作的优良品质。 五、 导入并指导学习新的内容: 1、教师手举一个西红柿,说:I like tomatoes. Do you like tomatoes?引导学生用I like …或I don’t like…根据自己的实际情况表达。 2、教师再拿起一夹青豆,边说边完全呈现:Oh,it’s long and green. They are green beans. Do you like green beans? 让学生在回答中学习单词。 3、出示土豆:Do you know it?French f ries are made of it. It’s a potato. Do you like potatoes? 学生根据用I like …或I don’t like…根据自己的实际进行情况表达。 4、请学生猜谜语:They are long and orange. Rabbits like eating them? What are they? 学习单词carrot。 5、教师将四种蔬菜分别放在教室的不同位置,然后说单词,请学生指出相应的实物。小班展练一小班展练tomato、green beans。二小班展练potato、carrot。三小班展练对话
