


中国茶文化英语演讲稿3篇 英语演讲,是指以英语为载体,针对某个话题发表自己的意见和看法,以此来影响、感染听众,达到一种宣传目的的交际活动。小编为大家整理了中国茶文化英语演讲稿3篇,欢迎大家阅读。 中国茶文化英语演讲稿篇1 The practice of drinking and serving tea has been part of China's cultural identity for centuries. China used to be the world's sole provider of tea. Today, tea is the world's most widely consumed beverage after water, and famous Chinese teas are still highly prized. Tea experts estimate that top-quality Longjing will sell for 40,000 to 50,000 yuan per 500 grams this year, about 25 percent higher than last year. The price of common Longjing will be around 4,000 yuan per 500 grams this year. Though quality tea is highly pursued at home, it seems that it has not secured a strong position in the global market. Li Shiwei is the board chairman of Tianfu Group, a flagship tea enterprise based in Fujian Province, a major production region of oolong tea in China. He says a major problem for today's private tea enterprises is that they do not have enough money to operate on a large scale, let alone undertake promotions overseas.


中西方文化差异与英语翻译的探讨 对中西文化差异的了解是促进中西方语言教学和翻译工作。中西文化差异是多方面的,但总体归纳起来主要体现以下三个方面: 一、宗教文化差异 宗教文化是人类文化的一个重要组成部分,它指的是由民族的宗教信仰、意识等所形成的文化,表现为不同民族在崇尚、禁忌等方面的文化差异。儒教、道教和佛教是中国的三大宗教,他们在中国民众中有着深远的影响。在我国的传统文化中,有道教的“玉帝”,佛教的“阎王”,而这些概念在欧美文化中并不存在。欧美人多信仰基督教,认为世界是上帝创造的,世上的一切都是上帝安排的。这是中西宗教文化方面存在的差异之一。 在宗教词汇方面,虽然汉语和英语中都有对应的词汇,但它们所蕴含 的宗教文化信息却不同。例如,“龙”与“dragon”虽然本义相同,但其引申义和蕴含的宗教文化信息则大相径庭。在我国文化中,“龙”象征着“神圣、高贵吉祥”。在古代,“龙”是传说中“上天”的神物,所以皇帝都自喻为“龙”,皇帝的子孙被称为“龙子”、“龙孙”,帝王所用的东西都冠以“龙”字:龙廷、龙袍、龙床。在一定意义上,“龙”是中华民族渊远流长的五千年文明史的象征。因此,中国人常常把自己比喻为“龙的传人”。而英语中的“dragon(龙)”是一种没有“地位”的爬行动物,象征着“怪物、魔鬼、凶残”。因此,如果在翻译时遇到此类词汇就应该要注意,尽量避免造成读者的误解。 二、地域文化差异 地域文化指的是由所处地域、自然条件和地理环境所形成的文化,表

现在不同民族对同一现象或事物有着不同的态度或表达方式。比如,汉语中,“东风”使人想到温暖和煦,草长莺飞;而“西风”则正好相反,有一 种砭人肌骨的味道。马致远的“古道西风瘦马”便是例证。然而英语的情况却与汉语不同。我们会读到SamuelBulter的“biting eastwinds”(刺骨东风);关于西风,则有JohnMasefield的“It's awarm wind, thewestwind, full of birds'cries”(那是一种温暖的风,西风吹时,万鸟争鸣; )。两种风在两个语言中的味道截然相反。这就是地域差异所造成的。中国西部高山,东临大海,东风吹来,自然无比舒心,而来自西伯利亚的西风则刺人肌骨。英国是个岛国,东风来自欧洲大陆北部,所以寒冷;西风由大西洋吹来,温暖宜人。又如,在中国人的心目中,“夏天”常常与酷暑炎热联系在一起,而莎士比亚在他的第18首十四行诗中将心爱的人比喻成“夏天”:“Shall I compare thee to a sum-mer day? Thou artmore lovely and temperate.”(我能不能拿夏天同你相比?你啊比夏天来得可爱和煦。)这又是双方不同的地理位置所致。中国位于亚洲大陆,属大陆性气候,四季分明,夏天最明显的特征就是骄阳似火,炎热难熬。而英国位于北温带,属海洋性气候,夏天明媚温和,是最宜人的季节。因此,在翻译和地域文化相关的内容时,就应该对地域文化差异作一注释,否则会给缺乏这 一知识的读者造成困惑或误解。 三、风俗习惯差异 英汉两个民族的风俗习惯相去甚远。 above the salt 和below the salt 这两个习语源于旧时西方宴会上的习俗。那时盐被视为珍品。离盐罐近的,即坐在盐罐上首的常常是尊贵的客人(above the salt),而普通


如何用英语介绍中国茶文化 中国拥有三千多年的茶文化。 Yes, I prefer tea. 是的,我爱喝茶。 Most Chinese people like tea and Chinese people are the first people in the world who have tea.大多数中国人都喜欢喝茶,中国人是世界上最早饮用茶的人。 And we have a recorded history of tea of three thousand years. 茶在中国有记载的历史已经有三千多年了。 And one thousand and two hundred years ago, a man named Lu Yu wrote a book which is called “Cha Jing”, means “the Bible of Tea”.大约一千两百年以前,有一个叫陆羽的人,专门写了一本《茶经》。And this is the very first book on tea in the world.这是世界上第一本关于茶的书。The book offers a detailed explanation of the original tea, tools for picking and manufacturing tea, types and verification of tea, tea wares for brewing and drinking, history and method of tea drinking, as well as tea producing districts and their rankings. 这本书详细介绍了茶的起源,采茶、制茶的工具,茶的种类和鉴定,煮茶、饮茶的器皿,饮茶风俗的历史演变,茶叶的产地和品质等等。


Unit1 根据传说,伏羲生于中国西部,出生之前在其母腹中孕育了12年。伏羲教会了人类打猎、捕鱼、驯养野兽、饲养家禽。伏羲制定了人类的嫁娶制度,教会人们劈柴取火和烹煮食物;他还通过龟背上的裂纹创立了八卦,这些八卦成为数学、医学、占卜学和风水的基础。此外,伏羲还创造了中华民族的图腾龙,被认为是中国历史上第一个真正的统治者。 Fuxi was born in the west part of China and, according to legend, he was carried in his mother’s womb for twelve years before birth. He taught people how to hunt, fish, domesticate animals and tend their flocks. He instituted marriage and taught people how to devise tools to split wood, kindle fire and cook food. He devised the Trigrams, which evolved from markings on tortoise shells. These trigrams served as the basis for mathematics, medicine, divination and geomancy. Furthermore, he created the Chinese dragon as the totem of the nation and was considered as the first real ruler. Unit2 儒家的创始人是孔子(公元前551—479),他提出了一套道德规范,基于五种美德:仁、义、礼、智、信。其中“仁”被认为是他的哲学理念的基石,代表着忠诚、孝道(filial piety)、宽容和善良。他还提倡人与人之间和谐相处、按照行为规范标准建立生活社区。他的追随者之一孟子(公元前372-289)不断地向统治者们游说,试图说服他们修


龙源期刊网, 从电影中看中西方文化英语翻译的差异 作者:秦川 来源:《校园英语·月末》2018年第12期 【摘要】电影是我们日常生活中非常稀松平常的用来消遣时间的娱乐工具,但是我们不得不思考一个问题:中西方文化会导致英语翻译有差异的问题,也是电影译制工作人员所不得不考虑的重要问题,我们本文就从电影译制方面来看中西方文化英语翻译的差异,并就此进行浅要的分析。 【关键词】电影;英语翻译;文化差异 【作者简介】秦川(1995.04.28-),女,汉族,山西运城夏县人,甘肃农业大学,本科,学生,研究方向:英语翻译。 伴随着全球一体化的深入,中国人学习外语的热情日益高涨,看电影学英语作为寓教于乐的英语学习方式日益受到英语爱好者的喜爱。而我们在打开国门的同时想当有必要探讨一下中英文化差异对电影字幕翻译中词句翻译和情境叙述风格翻译的影响,希望能够为英语爱好者更好地学习英语、了解西方文化、提升翻译素养提供帮助。 一、中西方电影文化英语翻译的差异 1.中国电影文化的特色。 (1)文化背景。我们知道,中国一直是以一种内敛含蓄的含蓄美呈现于世界,形成了独特的东方美,让很多人都对中国感到很好奇,在他们眼中中国无疑是传奇和神秘的,而近些年来越来越多的中国电影也逐渐被国际所接受,还有很多年轻有为的电影导演携带他们的作品到国际上参加电影节和电影展,也获得了非常不错的成绩,而正是中国拥有着深厚的文化底蕴,才使得中国电影得以在世界上有不可取代的地位。 (2)人物造型设计。在人物造型上,首先打进国际市场的无疑是张艺谋,从最初的《红高粱》中给外国人以传统中国形象到后来的《金陵十三钗》中的十三钗秦淮河女子的形象,都深入人心,张艺谋对于演员的挑选也有着自己独特的方式和方法,使得其人物造型上也更加贴近人心。中国电影能够在世界上有其一席之地,是与其自身独特的人物造型和设计的功劳。 (3)中国国家故事。上世纪四十年代的美国电影《魂断蓝桥》的英文原名是《Waterloo Bridge》,直译就是“滑铁卢桥”。大凡知道这个原名的人,马上就会联想到与“滑铁卢”相关的滑铁卢大战。其实不然,滑铁卢桥又叫伦敦桥(LondonBridge),它始建于1817年,它不在比利时,而是一座位于英国伦敦的桥。当时,中国发行这部电影时,翻译片名颇费一些周折,


中国茶文化的英文范文 中国茶文化的英文范文1 China is the home country of tea. Before the Tang Dynasty, Chinese tea was exported by land and sea, first to Japan and Korea, then to India and Central Asia and, in the Ming and Qing dynasties, to the Arabian Peninsula. In the early period of the 17th century, Chinese tea was exported to Europe, where the upper class adopted the fashion of drinking tea. Chinese tea like Chinese silk and china has become synonymous worldwide with refined culture. At the heart of the art of tea the study and practice of tea in all its aspects is the simple gesture of offering a cup of tea to a guest that for Chinese people today is a fundamental social custom, as it has been for centuries. China traces the development of tea as an art form to Lu Yu, known as the Saint of Tea in Chinese history, who lived during the Tang Dynasty and who wrote The Book of Tea, the first ever treatise on tea and tea culture. The spirit of tea permeates Chinese culture, and throughout the country there are many kinds of teas, teahouses, tea legends, tea artifacts and tea customs. Better-known places to enjoy a good cup of tea in China include Beijing noted for its variety of teahouses; Fujian and Guangdong provinces and other places in the southeast of China that serve gongfu tea, a formal


高一经典英语作文:中国茶文化 in China , tea has a very long history and has formed the Chinese tea culture. At the same time, tea is beneficial to our health, thus it is well received by many people. Chinese tea culture is both extensive and profound, which not only contains the level of material culture, but also includes a deep level of spiritual civilization. Referring to Chinese tea, we can trace it back to ancient times, which flourished in the Tang and Song Dynasties, Since then, the spirit of tea has penetrated into the court and society, going deep into Chinese poetry, painting, calligraphy , religion and medicine. For thousands of years, China has accumulated a great deal of culture in tea cultivation and production, moreover, enriching the spiritual culture of tea. 在中国,茶具有非常悠久的历史,并且已经形成了中国茶文化。与此同时,茶有益于我们的健康,因此受到许多人的喜爱。中国茶文化博大精深,不但包含物质文化层面,还包含深厚的精神文明层面。谈到中国的茶叶。可以追溯到远古时代,它是从唐代与宋代兴盛起来的。从此茶的精神渗透到了宫廷和社会,深入到中国的诗词、绘画、书法、宗教和医学。几千年来,中国积累了大量关于茶叶种植、生产的物质文化,而且丰富了有关茶


浅谈中西方文化差异背景下英语翻译技巧 随着目前世界间交流联系的日益紧密,语言屏障的突破成为人们的在进行文化交流中的障碍,翻译的这一语言的转化过程,有效的帮助人们突破语言的屏障,形成更为广泛的交流。在翻译的进行过程中,不仅需要对于所翻译内容的语言以及语法具有充分的理解以及认知,还需要具备东西方文化的背景知识,作为翻译过程中能够帮助译者进行理解的重要手段,其中也存在着一部分的翻译技巧,可以通过系统的学习进行掌握,本文对此展开探讨。 标签:中西方;文化差异;英语;翻译技巧;探讨 引言:在文化的形成过程中,主要是根据不同语言的应用所形成的。中国的语言文字来源于古老的形象文字,英语作为一种字母文字其中存着较大的区别。在历史文化的发展中,中国历史文化的发展始终在统一以及连续中进行,英语国家在历史中面对着文化断层等种种问题,因此英语文化与中华文化之间存在差异较大,需要将其中的文化差异进行理解,并在翻译的过程中进行体现。 一、翻译的过程中存在的问题 1、文化基础不够牢固。 在语言的翻译过程中,首先需要具备专业的英文基础,对于所需要翻译的内容进行深度的阅读以及理解,其次在进行语言转换的过程中,需要遵循着信达雅的原则。在精确的阐明其英文语言意义的同时,能够将其中所包含的文化内容,用中文的中类似的形式进行展现。由于目前一些翻译人员的文化基础不够牢固,在进行翻译的过程中,对于英语文化性的内容缺乏理解。例如,在英语的别称中,有Lone Star State这一名词,翻译者的文化积淀程度不足,即不能够对此进行准确的翻译。此外,也存在着一些翻译者的中文文化程度不足,不能够对于所需要翻译的内容进行充分的中文表达的状况[1]。 2、忽视语言环境。 在英语的翻译过程中,需要对于词汇的实际应用语境具有明确的认知,帮助翻译者对于整体的文章内容和个别语句之间的关系進行理解。在实际的语言翻译中,翻译者存在着脱离语境,进行独立的句意理解的情况。 3、对于语言互用情况的重视程度不足。 随着我国的经济文化发展,许多的汉语词汇在英文世界中已经形成固定的意向群,以及固定的用法。由于这一部分的内容较新,许多学校的课程设置中没有进行课程的设置,翻译者缺少西方文化的背景或者经历,对此了解的程度不足,造成了翻译中仍旧以自我的理解方式进行翻译,反而造成了英语母语者的理解困难。


中国茶文化英文介绍 The Chinese people, in their drinking of tea, place much significance on the act of "savoring." "Savoring tea" is not only a way to discern good tea from mediocre tea, but also how people take delight in their reverie and in tea-drinking itself. Snatching a bit of leisure from a busy schedule, making a kettle of strong tea, securing a serene space, and serving and drinking tea by yourself can help banish fatigue and frustration, improve your thinking ability and inspire you with enthusiasm. You may also imbibe it slowly in small sips to appreciate the subtle allure of tea-drinking, until your spirits soar up and up into a sublime aesthetic realm. Buildings, gardens, ornaments and tea sets are the elements that form the ambience for savoring tea. A tranquil, refreshing, comfortable and neat locale is certainly desirable for drinking tea. Chinese gardens are well known in the world and beautiful Chinese landscapes are too numerous to count. Teahouses tucked away in gardens and nestled beside the natural beauty of mountains and rivers are enchanting places of repose for people to rest and recreate themselves. China is a country with a time-honored civilization and a land of ceremony and decorum. Whenever guests visit, it is necessary to make and serve tea to them. Before serving tea, you may ask them for their preferences as to what kind of tea they fancy and serve them the tea in the most appropriate teacups. In the course of serving tea, the host should take careful note of how much water is remaining in the cups and in the kettle. Usually, if the tea is made in a teacup, boiling water should be added after half of the cup has been consumed; and thus the cup is kept filled so that the tea retains the same bouquet and remains pleasantly warm throughout the entire course of tea-drinking. Snacks, sweets and other dishes may be served at tea time to complement the fragrance of the tea and to allay one’s hunger. 参考译文: 中国人饮茶,注重一个"品"字。"品茶"不但是鉴别茶的优劣,也带有神思遐想和领略饮茶情趣之意。在百忙之中泡上一壶浓茶,择雅静之处,自斟自饮,可以消除疲劳、涤烦 益思、振奋精神,也可以细啜慢饮,达到美的享受,使精神世界升华到高尚的艺术境界。 品茶的环境一般由建筑物、园林、摆设、茶具等因素组成。饮茶要求安静、清新、舒适、 干净。中国园林世界闻名,山水风景更是不可胜数。利用园林或自然山水间,搭设茶室, 让人们小憩,意趣盎然。 中国是文明古国,礼仪之邦,很重礼节。凡来了客人,沏茶、敬茶的礼仪是必不可少的。当有客来访,可征求意见,选用最合来客口味的茶叶和最佳茶具待客。主人在陪伴客 人饮茶时,要注意客人杯、壶中的茶水残留量,一般用茶杯泡茶,如已喝去一半,就要添


英语翻译1 Eating Food That’s Better for You, Organic or Not 吃对你有益的食物,无论是否有机 In the six-and-one-half years since the federal government began certifying food as “organic,” Americans have taken to the idea with considerable enthusiasm. 自从联邦政府六年半前开始对食物“有机”认证以来,美国人以相当大的激情接受了这个概念。 Sales have at least doubled, and three-quarters of the nation’s grocery stores now carry at least some organic food. 销售额至少翻倍,国内3/ 4的食品杂货现在都在出售有机食品。 A Harris Poll in October 2007 found that about 30 percent of Americans buy organic food at least on occasion, and most think it is safer, better for the environment and healthier. 2007年10月的一份哈里斯民意调查发现大约30%的美国人至少会偶尔买有机食品,大部分人认为它更为安全,更有利于环境和更健康。 People believe it must be better for you if it’s organic,” says Phil Howard, an assistant professor of community, food and agriculture at Michigan State University. 密歇根州立大学的社区、食品和农业助理教授Phil Howard说,“人们认为如果它是有机的话一定会对你更好。” So I discovered on a recent book tour around the United States and Canada. 最近我在美国和加拿大宣传新书时发现了这个问题。

Chinese tea culture(中国茶文化-英文版)

Chinese tea culture(中国茶文化-英文版) China is the hometown of tea, tea, tea has several thousand years of history, pruducts blend of the main varieties are green tea, black tea, Oolong tea, Huacha, white tea, yellow tea. Tea with fitness, the rule of the disease of drug efficacy, the rich enjoy the fun, can cultivate sentiments. Tea, is China's personal guests of the elegant entertainment and social activities, sitting teahouses, tea party are Chinese social groups tea activities. Chinese tea in the world renowned, came to Japan in the Tang Dynasty, a Japanese tea ceremony. Chinese tea drinking began. Salt to boil the tea water, in accord with nature, Ya-drink taste for tea taste of the inherent lies mood, this is the tea of the characteristics of Chinese tea. The same quality of tea, such as different water, tea brewing technology different or mixed, bubble tea to have different results. China since ancient times was very particular about the tea brewing, and has accumulated rich experience. Bubble village, to understand the characteristics of various types of tea, the brew master of science technology, so that the inherent quality of tea can be fully demonstrated. Chinese tea, pay attention to a "goods". "Tea" is not only the identification of the pros and cons of tea, Shen Si with an unparalleled sense of taste and the taste of tea Italy. In his busy schedule of the counter; Nongcha a pot, of the Optional Yajing, Zizhenziyin, can eliminate fatigue, Si Yi Di trouble, be inspired, can also slow Chuo fine drink, to the enjoyment of the United States so that the spiritual world of sublimation To the lofty realm of art. Tea by the general environment of buildings, gardens, domestic furniture, tea wares, and other factors component. Tea requirements quiet, clean, comfortable, clean. China's world-renowned gardens, scenic landscapes is Bukeshengshu. Use of the natural landscape or garden, Erection teahouse, let people rest, Interest scene. China is an ancient civilization, Liyizhibang, heavy courtesy. Where to the guests, tea, Jingcha the etiquette is essential. When Youke visit, seeking an opinion, the choice of most visitors to taste the best tea and hospitality. King off to tea, tea with the appropriate fight is necessary. In accompany guests tea masters, to the attention of the guests cups, pots of tea residue, the general use tea cup if he has to drink half, we should add boiling water, with the drink with Tim, the concentration of tea remained consistent , The water temperature appropriate. In tea may also be accompanied by appropriate Chasi, candy, food, taste and adjust to the dim sum effect. Chinese tea culture and the formation and development China is the hometown of tea, is the world's first discovery of tea, tea and the use of tea cultivation countries. The origin of tea at least the main Qi Wannian history. Tea was found and the use of human, about Siwuqiannian history. The use of tea was first conceived in the wild collection activities. Legend has it that ancient history "Shennong is Delicate Yuti, to lung liver five internal organs are reflected in its" on the grounds that "if not for Delicate Yuti, taste the medicine on the 1st event of 12 drugs, and why the


简析中西方文化差异与英语翻译 论文摘要:翻译的本质是两种文化的交流。文化的差异是一个译者必须要处理好的问题,如果处理不当就容易让读者产生歧义。分析了中西方主要的文化差异,并对主要的差异进行了举例说明。介绍了对于这种差异的基本翻译方法,它们分别是:异化法、归化法和音译法。并对这些方法进行了解释。 论文关键词:文化差异;处理方法;异化法;归化法;音译法 语言是社会的产物,是人类历史和文化的结晶。它凝聚着一个民族世代相传的社会意识,历史文化,风俗习惯等各方面人类社会所有的特征。不同的文化需要沟通。沟通离不开翻译,可见文化及其交流是翻译发生的本源,翻译是文化交流的产物。翻译教学和研究的经验表明:翻译理论和技巧必须建立在不同语言和文化的对比分析的基础上。翻译之所以困难,归根结底是语言差异和文化差异。英汉两种语言在表达方式上有相似之处,但更多的是差异。因此,了解中西方文化的差异对于翻译来说是非常重要的。 1 中西方主要文化差异 在中国两千多年的封建社会历史的过程中,儒家思想一直占据统治

地位,对中国社会产生极其深远的影响。中国人向来以谦让作为处世经典,这便是儒家的“中庸之道”。“中”是儒家追求的理想境界,人生处世要以仁、义、礼、智、信的道德观念作为行为指南,接人待物,举止言谈要考虑温、良、恭、俭、让,以谦虚为荣,以虚心为本。因此中国文化体现出群体性的文化特征,即不允许把个人价值凌驾于群体利益之上的。 西方人平等意识较强、家庭结构简单,由父母及未成年子女组成核心家庭;西方文化中人们思想流派众多,个体意识强烈,主动性多,易激动不稳定。西方以个人为重,四海为家,而中国以社稷为重,乡里为重,家庭为重,个人次之;在姓名的排列上,西方人以自己的名字领先,父名次之,族姓居后,中国人反之:宗族在前,辈分次之,自名最后;其他如地址顺序、时间顺序也都如此,西方人是具体或个体在前,整体在后,中国人则倒过来。很多中外学者都探讨过中西文化差异,归纳起来有这几个方面: (1)原语中的文化概念在目的语中没有对应的词。如英语中各种各样的帽子:beret (贝雷帽),bowler (常礼帽)等等,而汉语里却没有的词汇,所以对这些词的翻译大多是解释性的。中文中有些词汇找不到对应的英语词汇。如阎王一词,英语里有devil, demon, Satan 大致等于中文的魔鬼,与阎王大不相同。 (2)原语和目的语有对应的词,但意义不同。例如“狗”,在中国文化里与狗有关的成语多是贬义的,如狗急跳墙,狗屁不通等,而在西方,狗被视作人们忠诚的朋友,常以狗的形象比喻人的行为,此时


中国茶文化英语范文 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《中国茶文化英语范文》的内容,具体内容:在中国,茶具有非常悠久的历史,并且已经形成了中国茶文化。下面是我为你整理的,希望对您有用。1It is 4000 years since the Chinese beg... 在中国,茶具有非常悠久的历史,并且已经形成了中国茶文化。下面是我为你整理的,希望对您有用。 1 It is 4000 years since the Chinese began to grow and drink tea. There are many kinds of tea in China, of which Longjing Tea is famous all over the world. Tea is usually drunk in tea sets. A tea set is made up of a tea pot and some teacups, which are both made of china. Most Chinese are fond of drinking tea. Tea is served not only at tea house and restaurants but also at home. People also drink tea during breaks at offices or factories. It has been discovered that drinking tea does a lot of good to peoples health. A cup of tea can make you relaxed and refreshed. And its said that green tea can prevent cancers. Thats why tea is becoming more and more popular with people. At last ,I hope you can enjoy Chinese tea.

【关于茶文化的英文作文】茶文化 英文

【关于茶文化的英文作文】茶文化英文 茶文化的发展回事我们的使命,所以出现了很多的关于茶文化的英文作文和论文。下面是小编精心为你整理的关于茶文化的英文作文,一起来看看。关于茶文化的英文作文1 茶文化 Chinese tea Chinese tea culture, tea culture. As open seven things , one of tea in ancient China is very common. Chinese tea culture and tea culture in Europe and America or Japan, a great difference. Chinese tea culture has a long history, profound, not only contains the material and cultural level, also contains a deep spiritual level. Tea by Lu Yu of the Tang Dynasty in the history of Chinese tea culture and sounded the horn. Since then, the spirit of tea permeates the court and society, into the Chinese poetry, painting, calligraphy, religion, medicine. For thousands of years China has not only accumulated a great deal about tea cultivation, production of material culture, but also accumulated rich spirit of the tea culture, which is unique to China’s tea culture, a cultural study areas. 中国茶,茶文化,茶文化。作为开门七件事,一个茶在古代中国是非常普遍的。中国茶文化与欧洲、美国、日本的茶文化有很大的不同。中国茶文化源远流长,博大精深,不仅包含了物质文化层面,还包含了深厚的精神层面。 唐代陆羽对中国茶文化的历史,吹响了号角。此后,茶精神渗透到宫廷和社会,融入了中国诗歌、绘画、书法、宗教、医学等。几千年来,中国不仅积累了大量的茶叶种植,生产的物质文化,而且还积累了丰富的茶文化,这是独特的中国茶文化,文化研究领域的精神。关于茶文化的英文作文2 中国茶文化 It is 4000 years since the Chinese began to grow and drink tea. There are many kinds of tea in China, of which Longjing Tea is famous all over the world. Tea is usually drunk in tea sets. A tea set is made up of a tea pot and some teacups, which are both made of china. Most Chinese are fond of drinking tea. Tea is served not only at tea house and restaurants but also at home. People also drink tea during breaks at offices or factories. It has been discovered that drinking tea does a lot of good to people’s health. A cup of tea can make you relaxed and refreshed. And it’s said that green tea can prevent cancers. That’s why tea is becoming more and more popular with people. At last ,I hope you can enjoy Chinese tea. 自从中国人开始种植和喝茶4000年了。 在中国有许多种茶,其中龙井茶是世界著名的。 茶通常在茶套里喝。一套茶具由一个茶壶和茶杯,都是中国制造的。 大多数中国人喜欢喝茶。茶不仅在茶馆和餐馆都供应,而且在家里也有。在办公室或工厂休息时,人们也会喝杯茶。 人们发现饮茶对人们的健康有很大的健康。一杯茶可以使你放松和刷新。据说绿茶能预防癌症。这就是为什么茶越来越受人们欢迎的原因。 最后,我希望你能喜欢中国的茶。关于茶文化的英文作文3 茶文化的英语作文China is the home of tea, is the birthplace of tea culture. The discovery and utilization of tea in China, has a history of four thousand or five thousand years, and long fill do not decline, spread throughout the world. Tea is one of the world’s most popular, the most popular, beneficial to the physical and mental healthy green drinks. Tea into the world in one,
