

1.泡吧kill time in a bar(Internet or wine)

2.跑车SUV(sports utility vehicle)

3.跑龙套"utility man, play a bit role, general handyman"

4.抛媚眼give somebody the glad eye. (The man is overjoyed because a pretty girl gave him

the glad eye yesterday. 那个人因昨天一位美女的目送秋波而狂喜不止。)

5.泡沫经济bubble economy

6.泡沫浴bubble bath

7.泡妞chase after the girls

8.跑腿run errands (I don’t mind run errands for you occasionally, but I’ve got my own work

to do. 我并不介意偶尔为你跑腿儿,但是我还有自己的工作要做。)

9.抛砖引玉a modest spur to induce others to come forward with valuable contributions;

throw a sprat to catch a whale


11.陪床look after a patient


13.配股allotment of shares;rationed shares

14.配给制rating system



17.赔了夫人又折兵, 花钱填无底洞throw good money after bad

18.陪聊chatting service. (The most striking item is a luxury pack, which costs RMB10 and

provids a chatting service. 最雷人的是价值10元的豪华套餐,竟然有专业陪聊的服务项目。)

19.配套措施supporting measures

20.配套政策supporting policies

21.培养费training expense

22.配音棚dubbing studio(or room)

23.培育新的经济增长点foster new growth areas in the economy

24.陪伴服务escort services

25.捧杯win an award (or championship)

26.碰钉子get snubbed

27.棚户shacks; family that live in shacks


29.碰头会"brief meeting ( A brief, small-scale, informal meeting with no fixed agenda, the

main purpose of which is to exchange information.) "

30.碰一鼻子灰be sent off with a flea in one's ear; be snubbedd; get a rebuff


32.皮包公司bogus company

33.批发价wholesale price

34.批发市场wholesale market

35.啤酒肚beer belly

36.霹雳舞break dancing

37.批量batch size

38.疲软股票soft stock

39.批条子grant requests made by subordinate units

40.劈腿two-timing. This term is frequently used by young people to describe someone who’s

not faithful to his/her spouse or lover.

41.片酬remuneration for a movie actor or actress

42.片儿警section-policeman responsible for registration of residents, public security, etc.in a

designated section of a city district

43.偏方folk remedy

44.偏怪题strange and tricky question

45.骗汇、逃汇、套汇"obtain foreign currency and false pretenses, not turn over foreign

currency owed to the government and illegal arbitrage "

46.偏科favor one or some courses(in school) and neglect anther or others

47.片面追求升学率place undue emphasis on the proportion of students entering schools of a

higher level

48.片面追求升学率place undue emphasis on the proportion of students entering schools of a

higher level

49.票贩子scalper;ticket tout

50.票房box office

51.票友amateur performer

52.票证purchase certificate;coupon

53.疲劳驾驶fatigue driving / drowsy driving

54.贫富悬殊wide gap between the rich and the poor

55.贫困线poverty line

56.品牌效应brand effect


58.贫铀弹depleted uranium bomb

59.拼车carpool (The city government wants citizens to organize car pools for transportation.


60.品德教育moral education

61.屏蔽to block. ( 3 major telecommunication operators in China will jointly launch a

technical platform to block junk cellphone messages. 我国三大电信运营商将正式上线运行网间垃圾短信联动处理平台,联手进行垃圾信息自主屏蔽。)

62.评标bidding evaluation

63.平仓close a position

64.平等互利、讲求实效、形式多样、共同发展的方针pursuing practical results, adopting

various waysand seeking common development/ the principle of equality, mutual benefit, efficiency, diversity andmutual development

65.平等、互利、互相尊重主权和领土完整equality,mutual benefit,mutual respect for

sovereignty and territorial integrity

66.平等互利原则principle of equality and mutual benefit

67.平等协商consultation on the basis of equality; consultation on an equal footing

68.评分机scoring machine

69.平衡预算balance a budget; a balanced budget

70.平纪录match a record

71.瓶颈制约"bottleneck" restrictions


73.平面设计师graphic designer

74.乒乓外交ping-pong diplomacy

75.平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚"never burn incense when all is well, but clasp Buddha's feet

when in distress"


77.平稳过渡smooth transition

78.平抑(稳定)物价stabilize commodity prices

79.凭证式国债certificate T-bonds

80.评职professional evaluation

81.平等保护物权equal protection of property rights

82.平面广告print ad (The designer's specialty is creating breathtaking print ads.)

83.品牌产品brand name products

84.品牌代言人brand spokesman (In March 2007, 110m Men's Hurdles World Record holder

and Olympic 2004 Champion, Lui Xiang of China has also been appointed as a Global Brand Spokesman for Nutrilite(纽崔来).)

85.品牌知名度brand awareness (To increase brand awareness, we will have to advertise on TV

to reach the largest possible audience.)

86.破釜沉舟cut off all means of retreat;burn one‘s own way of retreat and be determined to

fight to the end

87.破格break old conventions( in selecting or appointing talented people)

88.迫降emergency landing

89.泼冷水pour cold wate on the enthusiasm of;dampen the spirit of;throw a wet blanket


90.泼水节Water-Sprinkling Festival

91.破土break ground for new construction;start a construction project

92.破土动工仪式ground-breaking ceremony

93.普遍优惠制generalized preferential system;general system of preferences

94.普法disseminate knowledge of the law; popularize knowledge of the law

95.普惠制system of generalized preferential treatment in custom duties

96.普及率popularity rate

97.普通高等教育regular higher education

98.普通高校regular institutions of higher learning

99.扑网(体) "rush-up, rushing"

100.铺新摊子launch new projects

101.普选general election

102.普选制general election system

103.普及九年制义务教育make nine-year compulsory education universal

104.起跑线starting line( for a race)

105.起搏器artificial or electronic heart pacemaker

106.汽车金融公司auto financing company

107.汽车俱乐部automobile club

108.汽车拉力赛car rally


110.汽车排放标准automobile emissions standards

111.期初存货opening stock

112.启动基金initial funding

113.启发式教学heuristic education

114.期房forward delivery housing


116.器官移植organ transplant

117.欺行霸市dominate the market

118.欺行霸市价格forced quotation

119.期货对冲交易offsetting future transactions

120.期货合同forward contract

121.期货交易deal in futures; futures business/trading; forward business

122.骑警horseback police

123.棋迷chess fan

124.期末存货closing stock

125.棋牌室chess and card room. (A chess and card room in Yangzhou city caught fire at about 8:30 pm Monday leaving at least 6 dead and many injured. 周一晚8时30分许,江苏省扬州市一家棋牌室突发火灾,造成至少6人死亡,多人受伤。)

126.旗袍cheong-sam; Chi-pao


128.欺上瞒下deceive one's superiors and subordinates

129.欺上瞒下conceal from higher authority and deceive lower authority

130.歧视性的限制discriminatory restrictions

131.契税deed tax

132.期望寿命life expectancy

133.期望值level of expectation

134.气象卫星meteorological satellite

135.企业产权property rights of enterprises

136.企业重组reshuffle of the enterprises

137.企业的自我约束机制self-regulating mechanism of enterprises

138.企业孵化器enterprise incubator

139.企业改制restructuring of enterprise

140.企业集团enterprise group

141.企业兼并重组annexation and reorganization of enterprises

142.企业年金supplementary pension

143.企业凝聚力cohesive force in enterprise

144.企业上市listing of a company

145.企业文化corporate culture

146.企业下放place an enterprise under a lower level of administration

147.企业效益performance of enterprises

148.企业形象corporate image(CI)/ enterprise image

149.企业圆桌会议Business Round Table

150.企业转制transformation of enterprise

151.启用promote somebody to a position of leadership

152.气炸blow one's top (I almost blew my top when I found out that she had been lying to me.


153.旗帜鲜明clear-cut stand

154.洽谈会fair, meeting

155.钱袋子fund sources

156.潜亏hidden loss

157.千里之行始于足下a thousand-li journey begins with the first step--the highest eminence is to be gained step by step

158.千年问题、千年虫millennium bug

159.前怕狼,后怕虎fear the wolf in front and the tiger behind/ hesitate in doing something 160.前人栽树,后人乘凉One generation plants the trees in whose shade another generation rests./ One sows and another reaps.

161.前事不忘,后事之师Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future.

162.欠收(农业) crop failure

163.欠条IOUs.( Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced that the government, which has a $42b budget deficit, must pay state employees in the way of salary IOUs, according to the report.州长阿诺?施瓦辛格宣布,州政府将不得不以"工资欠条"的方式来向其员工发工资。)


165.千禧婴儿millennium infant; millennium baby

166.牵线搭桥work as a go-between

167.前沿科学front-line science

168.前沿性交叉性研究pioneering and interdisciplinary research


170.签约仪式signing ceremony


172.欠发达地区less developed areas

173.欠费overdue (我的手机欠费了。My cellphone charge is overdue.)

174.抢得先机take the preemptive opportunities

175.抢购panic buying

176.抢红灯run a red light

177.强化班intensive training class

178.强力球(美国的全国性彩票) powerball

179.强龙难压地头蛇Even a dragon (from the outside) finds it hard to control a snake in its old haunt - Powerful outsiders can hardly afford to neglect local bullies.

180.抢跑"false start, beat the gun"

181.强强联手win-win co-operation

182.强权外交power diplomacy

183.枪手1. gun shooter; 2. ghostwriter

184.抢滩snatch market share

185.强硬路线hard line

186.强硬派伊斯兰教徒hard-line Islamist

187.抢得先机head start (With a head start in business, you can make it all the way to the top.) 188.强化银行资本充足率约束strengthen capital requirements for banks

189.强化政府公共卫生管理职能beef up the government’s role in public health administration 190.抢镜头upstage (A relaxed David Beckham managed to upstage even the New York Yankees on Monday. 久坐板凳的贝克汉姆周一试图抢尽洋基队的风头。)

191.潜规则default rule (Since most sculptures on public land do not allow body contact, so to speak, you can assume the default rule is "No". )

192.强制隔离forced quarantine

193.前沿科技frontier technology

194.侨胞countrymen residing abroad

195.翘楚top figures, top performers. (the 45-minute program will feature Red Cliff, a traditional Peking Opera, starring China's top performers. 段45分钟的传统京剧《赤壁》的主要演员都是当今中国传统京剧界的翘楚。)

196.巧妇难为无米之炊If you have no hand you can't make a fist./ One can't make bricks without straw.

197.桥商overseas Chinese merchant or businessman

198.翘尾巴be cocky; get stuck-up

199.侨务affairs concerning nationals residing abroad



202.汽车护理用品car-care products

203.汽车牌照number plate (British English) / license plate (US English)

204.切入点point of penetration; breakthrough point

205.切身利益vital interests

206.切菜板chopping board

207.企划推广marketing layout

208.旗舰店flagship shop

209.钦差大臣imperial envoy; imperial commissioner

210.勤工俭学part-work and part-study system; work-study program; work for study

211.禽流感bird flu

212.亲民党People First Party

213.侵权责任tort liability (The draft tort liability law is a basic law to protect people's civil rights and ensure they can get redress if their rights are harmed, the NPC's Law Committee said in a document submitted to the meeting recently. 全国人大立法委员会在近日向大会提交的文件中表示, 这份草拟的侵权责任法是保护公民人权以及确保公民在权利受损时得到赔偿的一项基本法律。)

214.侵吞公款embezzle public funds/ embezzlement of public funds

215.勤政廉政建设keep government functionaries honest and industrious

216.清仓处理clearance sale

217.清仓拍卖rummage sale

218.清产核资asset and capital verification

219.清场clear out or clear up a gathering place

220.青春饭professions for young persons only

221.氢弹hydrogen bomb

222.情感消费emotional consumption

223.情歌love ballads

224.轻轨火车light rail train

225.倾国倾城Drop-dead gorgeous


227.清洁安全生产clean and safe production

228.清洁能源clean energy

229.清理“三角债”break up the debt chain

230.清明节Pure Bright Festival; Tomb Sweeping Day

231.青年才俊boy wonder

232.情商emotion quotient (EQ)

233.青少年犯罪juvenile deliquency

234.轻水反应堆light water reactor( LWR)

235.清水衙门work unit which has no outside income

236.清算/结算clearing /settlement

237.清算公司clearing corporation; liquidation company

238.清算银行clearing bank

239.情同手足be bound together like brothers and sisters

240.倾销dump; dumping

241.轻型汽车light-duty vehicle

242.情有独钟show special preference (favor) to …

243.青藏高原Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

244.清洁用品cleaning supplies

245.情景喜剧situation comedy; sitcom

246.情侣装his-and -hers clothes

247.请勿乱丢杂物no littering

248.清正廉明be honest and clean

249.清真食品Halal food

250.七年之痒seven years itch

251.企事业单位enterprise and public institution

252.求大同,存小异seek common ground on major question while reserving differences on minor ones

253.求实精神matter-of -fact attitude

254.求职信application letter

255.求同存异seek common ground while putting aside differences

256.企业的承受能力the sustainability of enterprises

257.企业分离办社会relieving enterprises of their obligation to operate social programs

258.祈愿法会prayer meeting (The 11th Panchen Lama, Erdeni Gyaincain Norbu, presided over

a prayer meeting in Beijing Wednesday, in which he prayed for peace in the areas struck by a

magnitude 8 earthquake on May 12. 第十一世班禅额尔德尼·确吉杰布周三在北京为汶川8级地震灾区主持祈愿法会,祈祷平安。)


260.去伪存真get rid of the fake and retain the genuine

261.区位商业location-based commerce

262.取消禁运lifting of embargo

263.取信于民attain the people's trust

264.区域经济regional economies

265.区域自治regional autonomy

266.全方位、多层次、宽领域的对外开放格局all-dimensional, multitiered and wide-ranging opening pattern

267.全方位外交multi-faceted diplomacy

268.权贵资本主义(又译裙带资本主义或亲朋好友资本主义) crony capitalism

269.全国财政收入total government revenue

270.全国防治非典指挥部the National Headquarters on SARS Control

271.全国非典疫情监测网络直报系统the national SARS control and reporting system

272.全国高等教育自学考试指导委员会the China Council for Self-taught Higher Education Examinations

273.全国公共卫生体系national public health system

274.全国人大代表deputy to the National People's Congress

275.全国人口普查nationwide census

276.全国人民代表大会National People's Congress (NPC)

277.全国人民代表大会主席团the NPC Presidium

278.全国人民代表大会常务委员会the NPC Standing Committee

279.全国通信光缆骨干网a key national network of communications optical cables

280.全国卫生城市National Hygienic City

281.全国政协常委递补委员by-elect members to the Standing Committee of the Ninth CPPCC National Committee


283.权力法案Bill of Rights

284.权力下放delegate power to the lower levels; shift of power to the grassroots

285.全力以赴all-out efforts

286.全面推进党的建设的新的伟大工程forge ahead with the new great project of Party building

287.全面建设小康社会build a well-off society in an all-round way

288.全面禁止和彻底销毁核武器complete prohibition and thorough destruction nuclear weapons

289.全面开花(figurative)open up or develop all of the varios aspects

290.全面实施以德育为核心、以创新精神和实践能力为重点的素质教育carry on the quality education centering on moral education and emphasizing creativity and practice

291.全面小康社会a well-off society in an all-round way

292.全面战略伙伴关系the comprehensive strategic partnership

293.全民健身计划纲要outline of the nationwide body-building plan

294.全民健身运动extensive mass fitness programs

295.全能冠军all-around winner

296.全盘否定totally repudiate

297.全球变暖global warming

298.全球定位系统global positioning system (GPS)

299.全球多边贸易体系global system of multilateral trade

300.全球首映world premiere (Movie stars Jet Li and Jackie Chan attended the world premiere event of their latest film "The Forbidden Kingdom" in Beijing April 16. 影星李连杰和成龙4月18日在北京出席了联袂出演的新片《功夫之王》全球首映礼。)

301.全球移动通信系统(全球通) global system for mobile communications (GSM)

302.全日工作单位full-time job

303.券商securities trader

304.权术trickery in politics

305.全体会议plenary meeting

306.全天候24-hour (service)

307.全天候飞机all-weatehr aircraft

308.拳头产品competitive products; knock-out products; blockbuster

309.全托full-time nursery

310.圈外人士people out of the loop

311.全薪full pay

312.权益回报率returns on equity (ROE)

313.圈友Internet social networking, exclusive circle member

314.全优工程all-round excellent project

315.劝诱消费induced consumption

316.圈阅read and circle

317.权责rights and liabilities

318.全资企业exclusively-invested enterprises

319.全程票价full fare

320.全国经济普查national economic census

321.全国青少年网络文明公约National Internet Civilization Convention for Teenagers

322.全球和平指数Global Peace Index (The Economist Intelligence Unit has ranked 140 countries in the Global Peace Index of 2008, with Iceland the most peaceful country followed by Denmark, Norway, New Zealand and Japan. 英国经济学人信息社近日公布最新全球和平指数,在今年参加评比的140个国家中,冰岛居首,紧随其后的是挪威、新西兰和日本。)

323.全体会议plenum (The 17th Communist Party of China Central Committee Sunday approved a decision on major issues concerning rural reform and development at the close of the 4-day 3rd plenum. 为期4天的中国共产党第十七届中央委员会第三次全体会议于12日结束,会议就农村改革与发展等主要问题达成决议。)

324.权为民所用,情为民所系,利为民所谋The government must function by the mandate of the people, empathize with the feelings of the people, and work for the well-being of the people.

325.全心全意为人民服务serve the people wholeheartedly

326.区别对待,有保有压the principle of taking different approaches to different situations and encouraging the growth of some sectors while discouraging the expansion of others

327.取缔非法收入ban unlawful incomes; ban illegal earnings

328.缺斤少两give less quantity to consumers

329.鹊桥会match-making party

330.确认书confirmation note

331.确立国家创新体制form a national innovation system

332.去蒋化De-Chiang Kai-shek

333.裙带风nepotism; petticoat influence

334.裙带关系networking through petticoat influence

335.裙带经济crony economy

336.群言堂allow everybody to air his view; let everyone have his say; speak one's mind freely 337.群众路线mass line

338.群众体育amateur sports

339.群体性事件mass incident (A senior leader Monday urged local government to take pro-active measures to address people's issues in case individual conflicts turn should into mass incidents. 一位高级官员24日督促说,地方政府应采取积极措施解决人民困难,防止个人矛盾转化为群体性事件。)

340.染发剂hair dye. (5 brands of hair dye have been found to contain the potentially cancerous toxic chemical lentine, Guangdong consumer authorities said recently.广东省消费者委员会日前通报,其对染发剂产品最新检测结果显示,5个品牌的染发剂被检出含致癌物间苯二胺。)

341.燃料循环fuel recycle

342.燃油附加税bunker surcharge

343.染指reap undeserved profit from; encroach upon

344.让利surrender part of the profits

345.让一切创造社会财富的源泉充分涌流Give full play to all sources of social wealth

346.“让权力在阳光下运行”power must be exercised in the sunshine

347.燃油税fuel oil tax

348.扰乱治安disturb public order

349.绕圈子beat around the bush

350.热带风暴Tropical Storm

351.热岛效应tropical island effect

352.热核弹头thermonuclear warhead

353.人口年龄金字塔population pyramid

354.热门话题hot issue; hot topic

355.热身warm up (prior to physical exercise or a sport competition)

356.热污染thermal pollution

357.人才储备reserve of talents

358.人才高地talent highland

359.人才交流talents exchange

360.人才库talent bank; a unit or locale with a concentration of talented people; brain bank 361.人才流动the mobility of talents

362.人才流失brain drain

363.人才强国战略the strategy of reinvigorating China through human resource development 364.人才市场the personnel market

365.人才战competition for talented people

366.人大代表NPC member

367.人大代表deputies to people’s congresses

368.热带雨林tropical rain forest

369.人弹Suicide bombers (Investigators worked Saturday to identify 2 suicide bombers who

attacked the J.W. Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotels in Jakarta, Indonesia. 印尼当局18日表示,前一日发生在万豪酒店和丽丝卡尔顿酒店的爆炸事件,确认系两名恐怖分子自杀式袭击所为。)

370.人道主义危机humanitarian crisis

371.人防工程civil air-defense construction

372.人逢喜事精神爽Joy puts heart into a man.


374.人工繁殖artificial propagation

375.人工降雨artificial rain

376.人工智能artificial intelligence(AI)

377.人工智能技术artificial intelligence technology


379.人海战术huge-crowd strategy

380.人机交互human-computer interaction

381.人际交往human communication

382.人均住房per-capita housing

383.人均资源量the per-capita quantity of the resources

384.人口出生率birth rate

385.人口断层population faulting

386.人口贩卖human trafficking (A man convicted of leading a human trafficking ring that sold women and children was sentenced to death Tuesday in Guizhou. 一个贩卖妇女儿童团伙的头目16日在贵州被判处死刑。)

387.人口负增长negative population growth (NPG)

388.人口高峰population peak;baby boom


390.人口老龄化an aging population

391.人口密度population density


393.人口素质quality of population


395.人口自然增长natural growth of the population

396.人类基因图谱human genome

397.人类免疫缺陷病毒Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV)

398.人力开发manpower development

399.人力资源human resources; manpower resources

400.人民币旅行支票Renminbi traveler's check


402.人情债debt of gratitude

403.人身保护令(状)habeas corpus

404.人身攻击personal attack

405.人身意外保险personal accident insurance

406.人事调动personnel transfer

407.人寿保险life insurance

408.人体彩绘body painting

409.人头税poll tax

410.人性化管理human-based management

411.人妖hemophrodite; two-in-one

412.任意球free kick

413.人造精子Test-tube sperm (British scientists claim they have created human test-tube sperm from stem cells in the laboratory. 英国科学家宣称首次在实验室利用人体干细胞培育出人造精子。)

414.人账acknowledge a debt

415.人之初,性本善Man's nature at birth is good.

416.人才储备talent pool (Preferential policies aside, investors nowadays are looking more and more at the overall environment of a city or region when deciding where to put money. Legal framework, access to market, labor costs, talent pool and transportation are among the most important index for gauging.)

417.人贩子human trafficker

418.人均国内生产总值per-capita GDP

419.人民币汇率形成机制the rate-forming mechanism of renminbi

420.人民币升值appreciation of the RMB

421.人民币债券yuan-denominated bonds

422.人民调解委员会the people’s mediation committee

423.人性化服务people-oriented service

424.任意键应答any key answer

425.人与自然和谐相处harmonious co-existence between man and nature

426.热钱hot money (By the end of April this year, the amount of hot money in Chinese capital market stood at $1.75 trillion, 4% more than the country's foreign exchange reserves calculated at the end of March this year.)

427.热身赛exhibition game, pre-season game (Rather than meet Bucks officials after the draft in New York, the 7-foot (2.13-metre) Yi traveled to Dallas where he joined the Chinese national team for an exhibition game on Sunday. )

428.日本协力银行Japan Bank For International Cooperation (JBIC)

429.日本右翼势力right-wing forces in Japan

430.日经指数Nikkei Index

431.日食eclipse (The eclipse provides a crucial opportunity to fight superstitions by raising awareness to remove the fears foisted by some people and electronic media. 这次日食为我们提供了反对迷信、提高意识破除一些人和电子媒体灌输恐惧心理的重要机会。) 432.社会主义荣辱观Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace

433.荣誉权right of fame

434.荣誉权right of fame

435.融资渠道financing channels

436.荣誉称号title of honour

437.入党申请书Party membership application

438.入股buy into

439.入境旅游inbound tourism

440.入境问俗,入乡随俗When in Rome do as the Romans do.

441.入水时水花很少clean entry

442.入网许可证network access license

443.入账enter an item in an account or to enter into the account book

444.入住be opened for occupancy


446.软环境soft environment

447.软科学soft science

448.软盘floppy disk

449.软新闻soft news

450.软着陆soft landing

451.软肋soft spot; Achilles'heel

452.软实力soft power

453.入场march in (More than 4000 athletes started to march in the National Stadium at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Paralympics Saturday night. 6日晚,在国家体育场举行的残奥会开幕式上,4000多名运动员开始入场。)

454.瑞雪兆丰年A timely snow promises a good harvest.

455.弱肉强食法则law of the jungle

456.弱势群体disadvantaged groups

457.入住率occupancy rate (Latest statistics indicated the occupancy rate of Shanghai hotels is currently sitting at 40%, a sharp decline from the same period last year. 最新数据表明,上海酒店入住率目前仅为40%,比去年同期大幅下降。)

458.赛季sports competition season

459.塞翁失马,焉知非福Misfortune may be an actual blessing.

460.三八红旗手woman pace-setter

461.三八线38th Parallel


463.三班倒three shifts

464.三步走战略the three-step development strategy

465.三产tertiary industry

466.三大法宝the three main and effective method

467.三大作风the Party's three important styles of work (integrating theory with practice, forging close links with the masses and practicing self-criticism)

468.三废(废气、废水、废渣)“three wastes”(waste gas, waste water and waste residues) 469.三分钟热度brief period of enthusiasm

470.三高农业"three highs" agriculture (high yield, high quality and high efficiency agriculture) 471.三个代表three represents theory (the Party must always represent the requirements of the development of China's advanced productive forces, the orientation of the development of China's advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in China.)

472.三个有利于three favorables (whether it promotes the growth of the productive forces in a socialist society, increases the overall strenth of the socialist state and raises the people's living standards

473.三股企业three-share enterprises—enterprises whose shares are purchased by government departments, local authorities and other enterprises

474.《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

475.三好学生merit student; three good student(good in study, attitude and health)

476.散户retail / private investor

477.三讲教育(讲学习、讲政治、讲正气)three emphases education (to stress theoretical study, political awareness and good conduct); stress the need to study, to be political-minded and to be honest and upright

478."三讲" 教育"Three Emphasis" Education

479.三角恋爱love triangle

480.三角债chain debt

481.散客individual traveler

482.三来一补企业"the enterprises that process raw materials on clients' demands, assemble parts for the clients and process according to the clients' samples; or engage in compensation trade."

483.三连冠three successive championships

484.三民主义the Three People's Principles (Nationalism, Democracy and the People's Livelihood) put forward by Dr. Sun Yat-sen

485.三农问题issues concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers

486.三陪girls who provides illegal sexual services, esp. prostitute

487.三权分立separation of the executive, legislative and judicial powers

488.三十而立"A man should be independent at the age of thirty. / At thirty, a man should be able to think for himself."

489.三通"three direct links of trade, mail, and air and shipping services across the Taiwan Straits "

490.三通一平"three supplies and one leveling; supply of water, electricity and road and leveled ground (conditions ready for further economic development)"

491.三维电影three-dimensional movie

492.三维动画片three-dimensional animation

493.三无企业"three-no-enterprises (It refers to enterprises with no capital, no plant, and no administrative structure.)"

494.三峡工程Three Gorges Project

495.三峡水利枢纽二期工程the second phase of the key water control project at the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River

496.三下乡"a program under which officials, doctors, scientist and college students go to the countryside to spread scientific and literacy knowledge and offer medical service to farmers" 497.“三沿”开放(沿海、沿边、沿江)"Sea-shore, River-shore, Border-shore" opening-up 498.散装load in bulk

499.三字经three-character scripture

500.三资企业(中外合资企业,中外合作企业,外商独资企业) "three kinds of foreign-invested enterprises or ventures: Sino-foreign joint ventures, cooperative businesses and exclusively foreign-owned enterprises in China "
