



摘 要 对压铸、挤压铸造(液态模锻)和半固态加工工艺性、适应性范围进行了比较分析。结果表明,3种工艺均有优势,但亦有不足,而在成形难易和形状复杂性、尺寸精确性、满足对制件力学性能要求等方面,均不能同时兼顾,但却能相互补充,扬长避短。主张充分发挥3种工艺的潜能,为金属加工合理选用工艺、提升工艺水平提供一条可供参考的依据。关键词 压铸;挤压铸造(液态模锻);半固态加工;工艺适应性

中图分类号 T G249.2 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1001-2249(2007)08-0600-03


作者简介:罗守靖,男,1939年出生,教授,哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院,哈尔滨(150001),电话:0451-********,E-m ail:luosj@https://www.360docs.net/doc/b114974046.html,


1 3种工艺性、适应性分析

1.1 压铸




图1 热室压铸示意图

图2 冷室压铸示意图

1.2 挤压铸造(液态模锻)

基于压铸工艺之不足,前苏联压铸大师 . . ??é?è?在18世纪末,提出一种新的成形工艺,即挤压铸造(液态模锻)[1]。1964年,他出版了一本专著《 ?±?áà3?±è1 èé?à′à ??±??±》,一年之后美国将其翻译成英文版《Squeeze casting 》,即《挤压铸造》[2]


图3 挤压铸造(液态模锻)示意图




专题论述特种铸造及有色合金 2007年第27卷第8期

1.3 半固态成形


图4 触变锻压工艺流程图









9.SIM A 法


图5 半固态压铸工艺图



2 工艺适应性与成本比较

2.1 压铸和挤压铸造(液态模锻)的比较





挤压铸造(液态模锻)的局限性:挤压铸造(液态模锻)尽管融入了力学变形,有很好的加压效果。但由于塑性变形很小,其组织还是一种有所改善的铸造组织,力学性能改善还有限。另外,制件形状太复杂或壁太薄(<5m m),也不适用。2.2 压铸与半固态加工的比较





3 两点启示

3.1 汽车轻量化趋势







图6 挤压铸造(液态模锻)设备

3.2 韩国釜山近净成形厂工艺配置的启示

在2006年9月韩国釜山举行的第九届合金与复合材料半固态加工国际学术会议上,笔者所参观的韩国的一个有色金属近净成形厂,在压铸车间里,既布置有大小不等的压铸设备,亦有压铸设备改装的挤压铸造(液态模锻)设备(见图6)。其特点:把压射缸改为加压缸,慢速输送金属,填充结束后,直接加压和保压,生产铝合金汽车件(见图7a 、图7b)。同时,该厂还另外设置了一个半固态加工车间(见图8和图9)。图10为采用半固态加工工艺生产的铝合金汽车零件。


压铸、挤压铸造(液态模锻)及半固态加工的适应性分析 罗守靖



图7 挤压铸造(液态模锻)



图10 采用半固态加工生产的汽车零件







参 考 文 献

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[2] ? 1 ?±?áà3?±è1?èé?à′à ??±??±[M ]. ±êo?à-??à??o?,1964.

[3] 谢水生,黄声宏.半固态金属加工技术及其应用[M ].北京:冶金


[4] 罗守靖,田文彤,谢水生,等.半固态加工技术及其应用[J].中国


[5] 吴春苗.压铸实用技术[M ].广州:广州科技出版社,2003.

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[11] 王益志.半固态成形中的某些关键技术[J].特种铸造及有色合金,


[12] 罗守靖,杜之明,姜巨福.复合材料和半固态加工技术[J].特种铸


[13] 陈威,罗守靖,刘刚.液态连挤硅线石粒子/铝复合材料摩损行为










特种铸造及有色合金 2007年第27卷第8期

w ho se y ield strength,tensile streng th and elo ng ation ar e impr oved by56.9%,19.2%and69.3%respec-tively,and w hose hardness and impact energy ar e in-creased by16.4%and18.8%,respectively,compared w ith those of the original alloy.T he mechanism of streng thening and toug hening o f mag nesium alloy s containing SiC nano-particles are also appro ached. Key Words:Magnesium Alloy,SiC Nano-particles, Sem-i solid,Microstructure,Mechanical Properties

Numerical Simulation of Porous A-l Cu Metaloceramics in Squeezing-infiltration Method Chen W eiping, H uang D a n,Liang Zeqin,He Zengxian(School of Mechanical Engineering,South China University of Technolog y,Guangzho u,China)2007,27(8)586~ 589

Abstract Num erical simulation of por ous A-l Cu m eta-loceramics in squeezing-infiltr ation method has been conducted by the Procast so ftw are,and the ex per-i m ent has been made.The results verify that so lidified tim e and solid-liquid phase structur e in numerical sim-ulatio n results are w ell in agreement w ith that in the ex periment and m etallog raphic observatio n,show ing the availability of the sim plified model in simulation of por ous A-l Cu metalo ceramics in squeezing-infiltration method.The infiltrated form ation of the A-l Cu m eta-loceramics is totally different fro m the formation of com mon allo ys.T he defects in the metalo ceramics are attributed to the com plex ity of internal structure in por ous m etalocer am ics perform s.

Key Words:Numerical Simulation,Porous Metalloce-ramics,Infiltration,C omposites

Numerical Simulation of Microstructure Formation in Metal Solidification Ya ng Fushua ng1,Ni Feng2,Duan Zongyin1,Zhang Jinbia o1,Zha ng Hongyun1,Luo La ihui1,Xu Xiangqi1(1.Department of M echanical Eng ineer ing,T ongling Co lleg e,To ng ling,China; 2. School of M aterials Science and Engineering,H enan Univer sity of Science and T echnolo gy,Luo yang,Ch-i na)2007,27(8)589~592

Abstract A stochastic mo del of nucleation and grow th has been established w ith continuous co oling,in w hich tim e facto r is taken into consider ation to gener ate the direct relativity of time w ith the function of nucleation and grow th model,based o n the Oldfield co ntinuum nucleation and g row th mo del by m eans o f basic theor y on metal so lidification to simulate the evo lution of metal microstructure during so lidification pro cess. The m icrostructure evo lution of eutectic Zn-5Al allo y has been simulated by the m odel,and the verificatio n exper im ent has been per for med.The results show that the sim ulated results ar e w ell in ag reem ent w ith the ex perimental o nes,revealing the availability of the mo del.

Key Words:Microstructure Simulation,Solidification, Nucleation,Growth

Progress in Technologies for preparation of Ti Alloy and Ti Alloy Parts with Ti Alloy Powder by Hydrogen Allo-ying Zha o Jia qi,Nan Hai,Hua ng Dong(Beijing In-stitute o f Aeronautical M ater ials,Beijing,China) 2007,27(8)593~595

Abstract Prog ress in technolog ies for preparation of Ti alloy and T i alloy parts by T i alloy pow der metallurg y w ith hydrog en alloy ing w as sur vey ed.T he for matio n techno logies of T i alloy pow der w ith hydr ogen,prop-erties of formed parts as w ell as the w ork mechanism of hydrogen in the T i alloy pow der w ere described. The future of the Ti alloy parts w ith high properties and low cost by Ti alloy pow der w ith hy dro gen w as review ed.

Key Words:Ti Alloy,Hydrogen,Mechanical Proper-ties,Powder Metallurgy,Porosity

A Review of the Surface Engineering Technologies for Light Alloy Qia n H a ncheng,Li Jun(College o f Me-chanical Engineering,Chongqing Univ er sity, Cho ng qing,China)2007,27(8)596~599

Abstract The light allo y w as w idely used for aero-space,automobiles,motorcycles,optical instrument, mechanical equipment,medical apparatus as w ell as e-lectronic parts due to its character istics o f lo w w eight, hig h specific intensity and thermal conductivity as w ell as ant-i electr omagnetic pro perties.H ow ever,the lig ht alloy has som e disadv antages,such as low hardness, w orse w ear r esistance and corrosion r esistance,so it is necessary to perfo rm surface treatment to im pro ve the co rrosio n resistance,w ear r esistance,ant-i frictio n as w ell as ox idizatio n resistance at a high temperature. Key Words:Light Alloy,Surface Treatment,Hardness Adaptability Analysis of Die C asting,Squeezing Casting and Sem-i solid Forming Luo Shoujing(School o f M ate-rials Science and Engineering,H arbin Institute o f Technolo gy,H arbin,China)2007,27(8)600~602 Abstract The com parativ e analy sis o f processing per-fo rmance and adaptability of die casting,squeezing casting and sem-i so lid forming w as conducted.T he re-sults rev eal that each o f these thr ee pro cessing has its

advantages and disadvantag es,and no one can m eet all the desired dem ands including complexity,accuracy of size and mechanical pr operties of component.H ow ev-er,they can bring out its strengths to make up for the others w eakness.So it w ould be important to ex plode the potential of each pro cessing enough to im pro ve the pro cessing level.

Key Words:Die Casting,Squeezing Casting,Sem-i so-l id,Adaptability of Processing

Application Research on Sem-i solid Processing Techno-l ogies for Aluminum Alloys Xu Jun,Tian Zha nfeng, Zeng Yida n,Zha ng Zhifeng,Shi Likai(Gener al Re-search Institute for Non-fer rous Metals,Beijing,Ch-i na)2007,27(8)603~607

Abstract T he last progr ess in sem-i solid aluminum a-l loy billet preparation technolog ies and comm ercial ap-plication o f sem-i so lid thix o-form ing techno logy have been described em phatically,focusing on compound e-lectr omagnetic preparation,sem-i so lid continuous casting w ith m ult-i stream electrom ag netic stirring, sem-i solid thix o-fo rming die casting,sem-i solid thixo-fo rming forg ing,and so on.In addition,the po tential applied field and dev elo ping future o f sem-i solid alum-i num alloy pro cessing techno logies have been ex po un-ded including the form ing of non-easy casting alloy, direct casting of w ro ug ht aluminum alloy,w orking fo rming of piston alloy and defo rmatio n treatment of w rought alloy.

Key Words:Aluminum Alloy,Sem-i solid,Thixo-form-ing,Rheo-forming

Finite Element Simulation of Temperature Field in Sem-i solid Thixoforming ZL112Y Aluminum Alloy Billets in C ontinuous Induction Heating Zha ng Lei,Liu Chang-ming,W ang Yun(Scho ol of M echanical Eng ineering, Chong qing U niv ersity,Chong qing,China)2007,27 (8)608~612

Abstract We have designed an ex perimental horizo ntal continuous induction r eheating device based on sem-i solid thix oform ing principle.T he sim ulation o f tem-perature field in the ZL112Y alum inum allo y billets has been conducted w ith the ANASYS so ftw are w ith different heating pow er of three induction heating de-v ices.T he o ptimized heating po w er and heating time of different induction heating devices hav e been g iv en fo r the process of heating from ro om tem peratur e to sem-i solid tem peratur e of the billets.

Key Words:C ontinuous Thixoforming,Induction Heat-ing,Numerical Simulation,ZL112Y Aluminum Alloy Research and Application of JZ458Type Low Pressure Die Casting Machine Ka ng Jingle1,Ding Supei1, Chen Guoshi2,Sun Guofa1,Shi Xueqian1(1.Jinan Research Institute of Foundry and Forging,Jinan, China; 2.Yantai Lutong Precision Alloy Co.,Ltd. Yantai,China)2007,27(8)613~615

Abstract J458ty pe low pressure die casting machine is used to produce w ho le aluminum alloy w heel for auto-mobile,in w hich the controlling precision of liquid surface applied-pressur e system is low er than0.2% w ith the repeating precision lo w er than3%,the con-trol pr ecision of ho lding temperature o f liquid alum-i num allo y in ho lding fur nace is about680~720e,and the dimension precision in cavity of die is?0.1m m. The qualified rate of the w hole aluminum w heel r ea-ches up to95%using the low pressure die casting ma-chine.

Key Words:Low Pressure Die C asting Machine,Alum-i num Alloy,Wheel

2007Developing Tendency of Die C asting Industry in Guangdong Province W u Chunm iao(Schoo l of M echan-i cal Engineering,South China o f Technolog y,Guang-zhou,China)2007,27(8)615~617

Abstract T he present status o f die casting industry in Guangdo ng province w as sur vey ed.T he total die cast-ing product v olume is328000to ns in2006,in which the fiv e enterpr ises hav e the capacity o f mo re than 10000to ns pr oduction vo lum e.Som e leading com pa-nies is ex plo ring new developing paths,such as explo-i ting capital market to ex pand production scale,explo-ring o ut-m arket and for eign market,changing conven-tio nal manufacture m ode,and apply ing new save-ener-gy technologies and so on.The prom inent achievement can be o btained based o n above-m entioned measures as w ell as building up green die casting idea,enhancing enviro nm ental protection and implem enting cleaning pr oduction.

Key W ords:Guangdong,Die C asting Industry,Produc-tion,Technology,Market

Measures of Effectively Eliminating C rack in Investment Castings W u M i ng(Dey ang Jiny ang Special Casting Co.,Ltd.,Deyang,China)2007,27(8)618~619 Abstract The crack in investment casting s is com monly cr eated aro und ing ate due to easily form ing superhea-ting at r oot of ingate.For the investment casting re-quired for X-detection,the liquid steel sho uld be sm oothly filled in designing g ating sy stem.Through adopting turn-ingate to effectively reduce the filling
