The only way to find true happiness is to risk being completely cut open

The only way to find true happiness is to risk being completely cut open
The only way to find true happiness is to risk being completely cut open

“The only way to find true happiness is to risk being completely cut open.”

―Chuck Palahniuk

This morning, for some reason the register at our local quickie mart would not accept my credit card, which was the only form of payment I had on me. It didn’t report my card was declined, but the transaction process just seemed to cycle in an infinite loop. After trying twice, the cashier smiled, took a $10 bill out of her own pocket, used it to ring up the milk and eggs I was trying to buy, and handed me the change and receipt. She said, “Honey, I’m not sure what’s wrong with the credit card machine at the moment, but I see you in here all the time. Pay me back when you get the chance.”

I was blown away! I couldn’t stop smiling, and neither could she.Her gesture of kindness honestly made both of our mornings.

This afternoon when I sat down to write, I immediately thought about my joyful encounter this morning, and the first thing that came to mind was, “That wonderful lady really took a chance on me.”Which got me thinking about all the chances we have to make our lives a little brighter and happier, and how many of these chances we never take.

So if you’ve been feeling a bit unhappy lately, it might be time to…

Final Reminder:We recently released a limited time bundle for …1,000 Little Things Happy, Successful People Do Differently? that includes our eBook, audio book and bonus material on sale for a big discount. We’re also running a …Get One, Share One? autographed paperback special while supplies last. Click here to check it out!

1. Take a chance on others by giving them a hand.

The happiest and most successful people are always looking for ways to help others. T he unhappiest and most unsuccessful people are still asking, “What’s in it for me?”

Ultimately, your greatest successes in life will not be measured by how high you have climbed, but by how many people you have helped up with you. This is how success leads to happiness. What goes around comes around. It’s impossible to not feel good when you are doing good for others.

Today, help those around you and celebrate their strengths. Lift them up and help them thrive. When you choose to see and support the best in others, you end up finding the best in yourself.

2. Take a chance on your dignity and self-worth.

Be strong enough to let go and wise enough to fight for what you

deserve. Sometimes you have to get knocked down lower than you have ever been to stand up taller than you ever were before. Sometimes your eyes need to be washed by your tears so you can see the possibilities in front of you with a clearer vision again. Don’t settle.

Keep up your dignity and always be true to yourself. Truly loving yourself involves faith and trust and belief in who you are, and a willingness to act upon it. So stop daydreaming and start DOING. Develop a backbone, not a wishbone. Take full responsibility for your life – take control. You are important and you are needed. It’s too late to sit around and wait for somebody to do something someday. Someday is now, and the somebody the world needs is YOU. (Angel and I cover this in more detail in the “Self-Love” chapter of 1,000 Little Things Happy, Successful People Do Differently.)

3. Take a chance on imperfection.

If you always look for perfection, you’ll always look unhappy.When you stop expecting people and situations to be perfect, you can start to appreciate them for who and what they are. Imperfections are important, and so are mistakes. We get to be good by learning from our mistakes and we get to be real by being imperfect.

Today, be tolerant of people’s mistakes.Sometimes good people make bad choices. It doesn’t mean they’re bad; it simply means they’re human.

Likewise, learn to walk in your own shoes imperfectly. If you want to truly grow into your best self, let go of the notion of perfection and replace it with the notion of endless playful exploration. It is better to live your own destiny honestly, joyfully and imperfectly, than to live up to one of society’s contrived expectations with perfection.

4. Take a chance on the present moment.

Endless worry and rumination are the enemies to living in the present moment. The search for happiness is sometimes the main reason for unhappiness. Enjoy your life today; don’t wish it away by waiting for better days ahead.Accept and appreciate thin gs now, and you’ll find more happiness in every moment you live.

If you are feeling down right now, each second that passes is another moment to turn it all around. Feelings, good and bad, always come and go. The trick is to be grateful when your mood is high and graceful when it is low. Every day may not be good, but there’s something good about every day.Appreciating these good things is what makes a good life in the end. (Read The Power of Now.)

5. Take a chance on your heart and intuition.

Happiness comes more easily when you feel good about yourself without feeling the need fo r anyone else’s approval.As long as you are worried about what others think of you, in a way, you are owned by them. Only when you require no approval can you truly own yourself.

Listen to your soul. Trust your intuition; it will rarely lead you astray. If it doesn’t feel right in your gut, then it probably isn’t.So stop worrying about what you’re supposed to do and start doing what you know is right. No matter how you live, someone will be disappointed. Just live your truth and be sure YOU aren’t the one who is disappointed in the end.

6. Take a chance on doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.

Most of the good things you do will go unnoticed by others. Do them anyway, because you will notice. Many of the contributions you make will not be fully realized by others. Make them anyway, because you realize they are the right things to do.

It’s great when you receive recognition for the things you do, yet even when there is no possibility of recognition, YOU still recognize the reasons you are putting forth the effort. Your honest, authentic view of yourself influences all that you do. And that view is formed mainly during times when no one is watching. Your life is a living expression of who you know yourself to be, regardless of what others think or see.

7. Take a chance on feeling vulnerable.

We often keep our hearts and minds closed, not because we don’t trust others not to hurt us, leave us, or let us down, but because we don’t trust ourselves to survive the pain if they do. How ironic, considering that only by opening up and suffering

through this type of discomfort, do we come to realize our true strength and potential for peace of mind.

Take any emotional feeling – love for a significant other, or grief over a lost family member, or fear and pain from a deadly illness. If you hold back on your emotions and you don’t allow yourself to go all the way through them, you can never get to the point of being detached from them. In other words, if you spend all your energy being afraid of feeling your true emotions – the vulnerability that love, sincerity and acceptance entails – you will be forever stuck.

But by throwing yourself into these emotions, by allowing yourself to fully embrace them to the point where you’re effectively in over your head, you leave no emotion abandoned or question lingering in your mind. You know what love is. You know what grief is. You know what fear is. And only when you know these things can you say, “I’m OK.”(Read Daring Greatly.)

8. Take a second chance whenever possible.

We all need second chances. This isn’t a perfect world.We’re not perfect people. I’m probably on my 1,000th second chance right now and I’m not ashamed to admit it. Because even though I’ve failed a lot, it means I’ve tried a lot too.

Most of the time the only difference between winning and losing is not quitting. We rarely get things right the first time. Almost every major accomplishment in a person’s life starts with the decision to try again and again – to get up after every failed attempt and give it another shot.

Live, learn, and let go. Don’t hold yourself down with the things you can’t control. Don’t carry your mistakes around with you.Instead, place them under your feet and use them as stepping stones. If you take another step, and another, you’ll be surprised to know how far you can go from the point you thought was the end. Every moment gives you a new beginning and a new ending. You get a second chance, every second. Just because something doesn’t go as planned, doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth your while. Sometimes you have to fail forward, by learning what doesn’t work to discover what does.

Afterthoughts and next ste ps…

Life is a journey that’s only traveled once; don’t waste it.Today’s moments quickly become tomorrow’s memories.Appreciate today for what it is and make your time count. Make it memorable. Don’t let your coulda’s and shoulda’s of yesterday determi ne your can’s and will’s of today.Live your life so that you never have to regret the chances you never took, the love you never let in, and the gifts you never gave out.

Your turn…

What would you add to this post? What chances do you need to start taking for your happiness and well-being? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts.


泰幽默泰国广告平民美学风靡全球 亚洲前十大广告公司,曼谷就超越东京,占了四位。全世界获奖最多的公司,也在泰国。泰式创意为什么风靡全球? 文∕王晓玟 睡莲绽放、佛寺林立的微笑之国,正悄悄脱胎换骨。 当台湾的观光客还以为泰国人民只是笑逐颜开迎接游客时,一朵朵微笑背后的泰式幽默,早已透过电视广告,风靡全世界。 近三年来,从广告公司的前端创意发想,到制片公司的后端创意执行,泰国在全球创意的竞赛中,都是一匹愈跑愈前面的奔腾黑马。 从创意发想端来看,根据广告界权威报告《The Gun Report》统计,去年,亚洲前十大广告公司中,曼谷就占有四位,超越东京,直追新加坡,台湾则遥遥落在三十名之外。 自创意执行面而论,去年,位于曼谷、创立仅有十四年的Phenomena,也一跃成为全球获奖最多的广告制片公司。 连台湾广告界,也吹起泰国风。 很少人知道,新竹商银「贷me more」的广告、福特汽车盲人误将关门声认作奔驰的广告,都是台湾创意、泰国执行的案例。 随着台湾广告预算下滑、广告商制作时间减半,当广告商心急着要为好创意寻找另一种实践的可能性时,邻近台湾、制作水平高,往往成为首选。 「当你要拍平实、幽默、真诚的tone调,就会优先考虑泰国,」智威汤逊创意群总监薛瑞昌一语点破泰式风格。 生猛点子酸辣幽默 看泰国广告,像喝一碗酸辣虾汤,让你抬眉咋舌,却大呼过瘾。 例如,在一篇泰国普利司通轮胎广告中,一只小狗看见自己的女朋友偷情,口中的骨头不禁掉到地上,牠伤心不已狂奔到车水马龙的大街上,冲到一台大货车前准备殉情,但高速行驶的大货车却突然煞车……。原来,大货车用的是抓地力强、可随时急停的普利司通轮胎。 「原本剧情只是主人养了新狗,这样的背叛,对一只要自杀的小狗,不够强烈、真实,」拍摄这支广告的导演塔诺在(Thanonchai)放下手边的万宝路香烟、睁大眼睛说。于是他加上更多笑料、投射更多人的情感,让人对着滑稽小狗捧腹大笑之余,感同身受。


高中常用三角函数公式 两角和公式 sin(A+B) = sinAcosB+cosAsinB sin(A-B) = sinAcosB-cosAsinB cos(A+B) = cosAcosB-sinAsinB cos(A-B) = cosAcosB+sinAsinB tan(A+B) =tanAtanB -1tanB tanA + tan(A-B) =tanAtanB 1tanB tanA +- cot(A+B) =cotA cotB 1-cotAcotB + cot(A-B) =cotA cotB 1cotAcotB -+ 倍角公式 tan2A =A tan 12tanA 2- Sin2A=2SinA?CosA Cos2A = Cos 2A-Sin 2A=2Cos 2A-1=1-2sin 2A 半角公式 sin(2A )=2 cos 1A - cos(2A )=2 cos 1A + tan(2A )=A A cos 1cos 1+- cot( 2A )=A A cos 1cos 1-+ tan(2 A )=A A sin cos 1-=A A cos 1sin + 诱导公式 sin(-a) = -sina cos(-a) = cosa sin( 2 π-a) = cosa cos(2 π-a) = sina sin(2π+a) = cosa

cos( 2 π+a) = -sina sin(π-a) = sina cos(π-a) = -cosa sin(π+a) = -sina cos(π+a) = -cosa tgA=tanA =a a cos sin 万能公式 sina=2 )2 (tan 12tan 2a a + cosa=2 2 )2 (tan 1)2(tan 1a a +- tana=2 )2 (tan 12tan 2a a - 其它公式 a?sina+b?cosa=)b (a 22+×sin(a+c) [其中tanc= a b ] a?sin(a)-b?cos(a) = )b (a 22+×cos(a-c) [其中tan(c)=b a ] 1+sin(a) =(sin 2a +cos 2 a )2 1-sin(a) = (sin 2a -cos 2 a )2 公式一: 设α为任意角,终边相同的角的同一三角函数的值相等: sin (2kπ+α)= sinα cos (2kπ+α)= cosα tan (2kπ+α)= tanα cot (2kπ+α)= cotα 公式二: 设α为任意角,π+α的三角函数值与α的三角函数值之间的关系: sin (π+α)= -sinα cos (π+α)= -cosα tan (π+α)= tanα cot (π+α)= cotα 公式三: 任意角α与 -α的三角函数值之间的关系:


论泰国广告之无厘头 有人说:“喜欢才是最重要的,而问为什么完全是多余的。”而无厘头追求的则是这种感受的自由,一种主观不受约束的状态,一种基于解构的基础之上的随心所欲。他们追求的是快乐和轻松,因此,所有会给他们带来痛苦的因素都要被消除,所有令他们感到沉重和压抑的东西都要被排斥。在我们为欧美广告的奇思妙想所惊叹、为日韩广告的美轮美奂所折服、为国内广告的大牌明星制作所吸引的时候,泰国广告以其特有的草根美学和意想不到的幽默感与无厘头把世界的眼光聚焦于这个中南半岛上的发展中国家。自电视广告诞生以来,电视、网络等视频广告就以其生动形象、互动性强的特征成为广告主争相投放广告的重要平台。在泰国目前拥有14家电视台,其中曼谷就占有6家,具备一定实力的广告公司几乎全都坐落在曼谷。广告公司的集中,更是带来了创意人才的集中,这就使得创意人才能够有更多的流动机会,也可以促进各广告公司、行业协会之间的交流,在更大程度上促使泰国的广告界集思广益,创造出更好的作品。近年来,从广告的创意发想,到制片的创意执行,泰国广告在全球创意的竞争中,以黑马的姿态冲入公众的视野,并在世界各大广告赛事中收获颇丰,亚洲的前十大广告公司,泰国就占了四个席位;而全世界获奖最多的广告公司,也在泰国。在这种种的荣誉背后,泰国广告特有的无厘头风格又是必不可少的元素之一。 美国小说家马克·吐温曾说:“天堂里没有幽默,因为幽默的秘密来源不是喜悦,而是悲伤。”在泰国,幽默是逆境下的产物。或许是因为泰国历史上的幸运,在英、法殖民缅甸、越南的夹缝中存活;也或许是地理条件的偶然,在热带阳光的拥抱下,泰国人民对意外和困难,特别容易一笑带过。在泰国,我们很少看到明星代言的广告,他们多用真实人物或平凡小卒演出,将遥不可及的广告拉回平民生活,引起共鸣,这与泰国文化本身所具有的包容性和丰富多彩等特点有很大关系。从地理位置和文化发展的角度来看,泰国地处亚欧大陆中南半岛的南部,由于这种特殊的地缘关系,使得泰国在历史演变的过程中正居于中国文明和印度文明外延的交汇地带,同时受到了中国古代文明和印度古代文明的直接影响。在这种两大强势文化的同步冲击下,泰国以包容的胸怀,吸收了两大文明中的众多精华,并且对其进行了独具特色的发展。英国学者HG.Quaritch Wales 曾经指出,泰民族具有三大特征:就是爱独立、包容忍让之胸怀、吸收及融化之能力。凭借着对自身文化和生活方式的自信,以及电影工业所濡养出的制片水平,泰国的广告者自信地说:“导演,才是我们的核心竞争力。”不需要耀眼的明星,华丽的制作,只要一个可以打动人心的,或让你会心一笑,或让你轻声低泣的故

必修三 Unit 5 Canada The True North公开课教学设计

高中必修3 Unit5 Canada: The True North The First Period Reading (I) I. 教学目标 1. Language goals a. Learn the use of the following words and phrases: Minister rather than,continent,surround, harbor, measure, aboard, have a gift for, within, manage to do, catch sight of, eagle, acre, urban settle down eastward b. Important sentences: Learn about some sentence patterns and be able to use them freely. 2. Ability goals 1.) Learn how to describe the places that Li Daiyu and Liu Qian visit in Canada. Understand the noun clause used as appositive. 2.) Enable the students to understand the details of the passage about Canada and find the correct answers to the questions in the post-reading. 3. Learning ability goals Improve the students’ re ading ability - searching for information. II. 教学重点 Learn the information about Canada. Master the expressions for describing directions and locations. III. 教学难点 Learn the methods of writing a traveling report about. Learn to read the traveling report according to the traveling route. IV. 教学策略选择与设计 1. Skimming and scanning; 2. Asking-and-answering activities; 3. Listening method.


高中三角函数公式大全 2009年07月12日星期日19:27 三角函数公式 两角和公式 sin(A+B) = sinAcosB+cosAsinB sin(A-B) = sinAcosB-cosAsinB cos(A+B) = cosAcosB-sinAsinB cos(A-B) = cosAcosB+sinAsinB tan(A+B) =tanAtanB -1tanB tanA tan(A-B) =tanAtanB 1tanB tanA cot(A+B) =cotA cotB 1-cotAcotB cot(A-B) =cotA cotB 1cotAcotB 倍角公式 tan2A =A tan 12tanA 2Sin2A=2SinA?CosA Cos2A = Cos 2A-Sin 2A=2Cos 2A-1=1-2sin 2A 三倍角公式sin3A = 3sinA-4(sinA)3cos3A = 4(cosA)3-3cosA tan3a = tana ·tan( 3+a)·tan(3-a) 半角公式 sin(2 A )=2cos 1A cos(2 A )=2cos 1A tan(2 A )=A A cos 1cos 1cot(2A )= A A cos 1cos 1tan(2A )=A A sin cos 1=A A cos 1sin 和差化积 sina+sinb=2sin 2b a cos 2 b a

sina-sinb=2cos 2b a sin 2 b a cosa+cosb = 2cos 2b a cos 2 b a cosa-cosb = -2sin 2b a sin 2 b a tana+tanb=b a b a cos cos )sin(积化和差 sinasinb = -2 1[cos(a+b)-cos(a-b)] cosacosb = 2 1[cos(a+b)+cos(a-b)] sinacosb = 2 1[sin(a+b)+sin(a-b)] cosasinb = 2 1[sin(a+b)-sin(a-b)] 诱导公式 sin(-a) = -sina cos(-a) = cosa sin( 2-a) = cosa cos( 2-a) = sina sin( 2+a) = cosa cos(2 +a) = -sina sin(π-a) = sina cos(π-a) = -cosa sin(π+a) = -sina cos(π+a) = -cosa tgA=tanA =a a cos sin 万能公式 sina=2)2 (tan 12tan 2a a cosa=22)2 (tan 1)2(tan 1a a

高中数学三角函数公式大全 (1)

三角函数 1. ①与α(0°≤α<360°)终边相同的角的集合(角α与角β的终边重合): {} Z k k ∈+?=,360 |αββο ②终边在x 轴上的角的集合: {} Z k k ∈?=,180|οββ ③终边在y 轴上的角的集合:{ } Z k k ∈+?=,90180|ο οββ ④终边在坐标轴上的角的集合:{} Z k k ∈?=,90|οββ ⑤终边在y =x 轴上的角的集合:{} Z k k ∈+?=,45180|οοββ ⑥终边在x y -=轴上的角的集合:{} Z k k ∈-?=,45180|οοββ ⑦若角α与角β的终边关于x 轴对称,则角α与角β的关系:βα-=k ο360 ⑧若角α与角β的终边关于y 轴对称,则角α与角β的关系:βα-+=οο180360k ⑨若角α与角β的终边在一条直线上,则角α与角β的关系:βα+=k ο180 ⑩角α与角β的终边互相垂直,则角α与角β的关系:οο90360±+=βαk 2. 角度与弧度的互换关系:360°=2π 180°=π 1°=0.01745 1=57.30°=57°18′ 注意:正角的弧度数为正数,负角的弧度数为负数,零角的弧度数为零. 、弧度与角度互换公式: 1rad =π 180°≈57.30°=57°18ˊ. 1°=180 π≈0.01745(rad ) 3、弧长公式:r l ?=||α. 扇形面积公式:21 1||22 s lr r α==?扇形 4、三角函数:设α是一个任意角,在α的终边上任取(异于原点的)一点P (x,y )P 与原点的距离为r ,则 =αsin r x =αcos ; x y = αtan ; y x =αcot ; x r =αsec ;. αcsc 5、三角函数在各象限的符号:正切、余切 余弦、正割 正弦、余割 6、三角函数线 正弦线:MP; 余弦线:OM; 正切线: AT. SIN \COS 1、2、3、4表示第一、二、三、四象限一半所在区域


中国广告与泰国广告之我见 物管0901 0906100123 祁洁记得《杜拉拉升职记》中,小桥流水,佛塔山寺,夕阳黄昏,到处透着浓浓的泰国风情。近几年,泰国广告异军突起,有着神秘宗教色彩和泰式沙滩的广告吸引了很多东方人的眼球,看了那么多广告,个人觉得,泰国广告的一大特色就是独树一帜,透着浓厚的地域风情,一言以蔽之,平凡百姓的喜怒哀乐。 纵观看了那么多泰国广告,确实没怎么看见过明星之类的大人物,基本山都是以平民百姓为主角而拍摄的广告,比如说我看过一个广告,一群泰国印刷社的员工,在一起吃樱桃,并一起开上司的玩笑,但是由于疏忽,一不小心,一个樱桃掉进了机器中,第二天,人们会发现,报纸上一个大人物的头像上,有着一个红红的鼻子,人们则不禁宛然。从这个广告中,大家可以看到,这个广告,主要是为了体现这个印刷社的的高水平,即使是失误了,但是效果也是那么好,也让读者们很开心,这是改广告要表达的主要意思。但是大家可以再仔细评估一下,这里面涉及的都是平凡百姓,并没有什么大明星,并且,员工调戏上司,在中国会觉得不可思议,但是在广告里表现的却是习以为常,将平凡百姓的喜怒哀乐充分的体现出来,在细微处体现泰国民族文化特色与地域风情。 再来说中国的广告。中国的广告,到处都透着一股大气,一种恢宏,经常出现的中国元素是,长城,黄河,故宫,以及那万人舞狮的场景。这也确实是体现了中华民族的一种磅礴的民族氛围,但是这也会给人以视觉疲惫的感觉,看多了红旗飘扬,看多了黄河咆哮,看多了故宫的沧桑,会有一种深深的疲惫的。再者,中国的广告,基本上一出来绝对是中国知名人士,广告主要是以明星代言,讲究名人效应,这也不能说不对,但是看惯了名人,也会疲惫,也想看看普通百姓的生活是怎么样的。不过。近几年,中国的广告也有了不小的进步,比如说,很多旅游宣传广告,都是以自然景色为主题,辅以浑厚的配音,形成一种极具中国特色的宣传广告,并且中国的商业广告,也开始加入了道德伦理元素,极具人性化气息,不再是单独商业广告。 记得有一个空调广告,不记得是美的还是格力的,外边是飘飞的大雪,而室内是温馨的主色调,一家五口,其乐融融的在一起看电视,聊天,声音传出很远,结局是一个有着冰花的玻璃,朦胧中还能看见一家人的欢乐情景。其实个人觉得这个广告的创意确实是很一般,但是从其内涵上来看,已经开始融入了家庭感情因素进去了,不得不说这是中国商业广告的一个进步。 纵观两国的广告,很明显的发现,泰国广告不管是从内容上还是形式上,已经远远的领先中国。首先而言,两者比较的话来看,泰国广告把民族特色和地域风情已经融入到广告中去了,一看就回给人一种耳目一新的感觉。比如泰国经常出现的佛塔,僧人,问候礼节等,会让人一看就知道这是泰国的,反观中国,个人觉得在特色方面做的还不如泰国,虽然一看也知道是中国的,但是感觉,你要是换种语言,换个人种去拍,你就会觉得这是国外的。其次,中国广告总是以明星代言,或者弄出一些极具中国特色的宏大标志物了,与普通百姓相距太远,平民特色不够明显,就显现不出通俗的感情来。 最后,比较了两国的广告,我想中国广告的发展方向就在与民族特色。中国的本土宗教是道教,文化是儒教文化,我觉得中国的广告人们应该多从这方面着手,多用用儒教文化元素,适当穿插道教文化元素,这就能很明显的体现中华古国的魅力了。一味的学习别人是不行的。美国式的幽默属于美国,泰国式的佛教文化属于泰国,属于中国的就是儒释道并列的中华文化。所以,加入这些元素会


第一部分三角函数公式 2两角和与差的三角函数 cos(α+β)=cosα2cosβ-sinα2sinβ cos(α-β)=cosα2cosβ+sinα2sinβ sin(α±β)=sinα2cosβ±cosα2sinβ tan(α+β)=(tanα+tanβ)/(1-tanα2tanβ) tan(α-β)=(tanα-tanβ)/(1+tanα2tanβ) 2和差化积公式: sinα+sinβ=2sin[(α+β)/2]cos[(α-β)/2] sinα-sinβ=2cos[(α+β)/2]sin[(α-β)/2] cosα+cosβ=2cos[(α+β)/2]cos[(α-β)/2] cosα-cosβ=-2sin[(α+β)/2]sin[(α-β)/2] 2积化和差公式: sinα2cosβ=(1/2)[sin(α+β)+sin(α-β)] cosα2sinβ=(1/2)[sin(α+β)-sin(α-β)] cosα2cosβ=(1/2)[cos(α+β)+cos(α-β)] sinα2sinβ=-(1/2)[cos(α+β)-cos(α-β)] 2倍角公式: sin(2α)=2sinα2cosα=2/(tanα+cotα) cos(2α)=(cosα)^2-(sinα)^2=2(cosα)^2-1=1-2(sinα)^2 tan(2α)=2tanα/(1-tan^2α) cot(2α)=(cot^2α-1)/(2cotα) sec(2α)=sec^2α/(1-tan^2α) csc(2α)=1/2*secα2cscα 2三倍角公式: sin(3α) = 3sinα-4sin^3α = 4sinα2sin(60°+α)sin(60°-α) cos(3α) = 4cos^3α-3cosα = 4cosα2cos(60°+α)cos(60°-α) tan(3α) = (3tanα-tan^3α)/(1-3tan^2α) = tanαtan(π/3+ α)tan(π/3-α)


高中三角函数公式大全 三角函数公式 两角和公式 sin(A+B) = sinAcosB+cosAsinB sin(A-B) = sinAcosB-cosAsinB cos(A+B) = cosAcosB-sinAsinB cos(A-B) = cosAcosB+sinAsinB tan(A+B) =tanAtanB -1tanB tanA + tan(A-B) =tanAtanB 1tanB tanA +- cot(A+B) =cotA cotB 1-cotAcotB + cot(A-B) =cotA cotB 1cotAcotB -+ 倍角公式 tan2A =A tan 12tanA 2- Sin2A=2SinA?CosA Cos2A = Cos 2A-Sin 2A=2Cos 2A-1=1-2sin 2A 三倍角公式 sin3A = 3sinA-4(sinA)3 cos3A = 4(cosA)3-3cosA tan3a = tana ·tan(3π+a)·tan(3 π-a) 半角公式 sin(2A )=2cos 1A - cos(2A )=2cos 1A + tan(2 A )=A A cos 1cos 1+- cot( 2A )=A A cos 1cos 1-+ tan(2A )=A A sin cos 1-=A A cos 1sin + 和差化积 sina+sinb=2sin 2b a +cos 2b a - sina-sinb=2cos 2b a +sin 2 b a - cosa+cosb = 2cos 2b a +cos 2b a - cosa-cosb = -2sin 2b a +sin 2 b a - tana+tanb=b a b a cos cos )sin(+ 积化和差 sinasinb = -21[cos(a+b)-cos(a-b)] cosacosb = 2 1[cos(a+b)+cos(a-b)] sinacosb = 21[sin(a+b)+sin(a-b)] cosasinb = 2 1[sin(a+b)-sin(a-b)] 万能公式 sina=2)2(tan 12tan 2a a + cosa=22)2(tan 1)2(tan 1a a +- tana=2 )2 (tan 12tan 2a a - 其它公式 a?sina+b?cosa=)b (a 22+×sin(a+c) [其中tanc=a b ] a?sin(a)-b?cos(a) = )b (a 22+×cos(a-c) [其中tan(c)=b a ]


莫比获奖作品—泰国soken DVD广告评析 一、作品简介 泰国soken DVD广告是2003年莫比获奖作品,它是一则电视广告,广告通过夸张幽默的表现手法,将产品特质表现出来,这种表现手法 在电视上更容易比其他的信息吸引人的眼球。 广告由三段相似表现手法的内容组成,主要通过卡碟出现的效果 将dbd播放中的景象放到现实中夸大,表现出幽默。 第一部分是两个人公司职员在休息喝水的时候互相聊天,场景很 随意,然后男职员a向男职员b说昨天看了电影《杀死比尔》,非常刺激,然后其中一场戏让他印象深刻,然后职员a开始复述“暴徒要杀 死女主角,她开始反抗,然后她刺中……一名暴徒,突然突然突然……”再复述期间,出现那种dvd播放时候才有的卡壳情况,“刺中”一个词之后卡住好久,“突然”也是重复卡壳好几遍。之后便是出现了 一台老式dvd正在弹出仓口,将“杀死比尔”的光盘放入另一个新的dvd中,然后出现字幕“sokenDVD播放顺畅”,上面是一台崭新的sokenDVD。最后是大的标志soken电器。 第二部分和第三部分表现手法上面与第一部分类似,只是场景换了,第二部分是两个女性职员,在电梯口等电梯的时候,聊天,其中 职员a向比询问有没有看过《泰坦尼克号》,在对电影评价的时候,出 现了第一部分类似的dvd卡壳似的一句话停顿或者多次重复。第三部 分是两个职员在一个看似很简单随意的办公室里面聊天,a向b讲述昨天看的一个dvd,复述的时候同样的卡壳。三个部分的最后都是出现了一台老式dvd正在弹出仓口,将一张光盘放入另一个新的dvd中,然 后出现字幕“sokenDVD播放顺畅”,最后是大的标志soken电器。 三部分总共时长是2分36秒,通过类似的表现形式,三次不断重


必修三-Unit--Canada-The-True-Nort h公开课教学设计


高中必修3 Unit5 Canada:The True North The First Period Reading (I) I. 教学目标 1. Language goals a. Learn the use of the following words and phrases: Minister rather than,continent,surround, harbor, measure, aboard, have a gift for, within, manage to do, catch sight of, eagle, acre, urban settle down eastward b. Important sentences: Learn about some sentence patterns and be able to use them freely. 2. Ability goals 1.) Learn how to describe the places that Li Daiyu and Liu Qian visit in Canada. Understand the noun clause used as appositive. 2.) Enable the students to understand the details of the passage about Canada and find the correct answers to the questions in the post-reading. 3. Learning ability goals Improve the students’ reading ability - searching for information. II. 教学重点 Learn the information about Canada. Master the expressions for describing directions and locations. III. 教学难点 Learn the methods of writing a traveling report about. Learn to read the traveling report according to the traveling route. IV. 教学策略选择与设计 1.Skimming and scanning; 2.Asking-and-answering activities; 3.Listening method. V. 学情分析


高中三角函数公式大全及经典习题解答 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

用心辅导中心 高二数学 三角函数 知识点梳理: ⒈L 弧长=αR=nπR 180 S 扇=21L R=2 1R 2 α=3602R n ?π ⒉正弦定理: A a sin =B b sin =C c sin = 2R (R 为三角形外接圆半径) ⒊余弦定理:a 2=b 2+c 2-2bc A cos b 2=a 2+c 2-2ac B cos c 2 =a 2 +b 2 -2ab C cos bc a c b A 2cos 2 22-+= ⒋S ⊿=2 1a a h ?=2 1ab C sin =2 1bc A sin =2 1ac B sin =R abc 4=2R 2A sin B sin C sin =A C B a sin 2sin sin 2=B C A b sin 2sin sin 2=C B A c sin 2sin sin 2=pr =))()((c p b p a p p --- (其中)(2 1c b a p ++=, r 为三角形内切圆半径) ⒌同角关系: ⑴商的关系:①θtg =x y =θ θ cos sin =θθsec sin ? ② θθθ θθcsc cos sin cos ?=== y x ctg ③θθθtg r y ?== cos sin ④θθθθcsc cos 1sec ?== =tg x r ⑤θθθctg r x ?== sin cos ⑥θθθθsec sin 1csc ?== =ctg y r ⑵倒数关系:1sec cos csc sin =?=?=?θθθθθθctg tg ⑶平方关系:1csc sec cos sin 222222=-=-=+θθθθθθctg tg ⑷)sin(cos sin 22?θθθ++= +b a b a (其中辅助角?与点(a,b ) 在同一象限,且a b tg =?) ⒍函数y=++?)sin(?ωx A k 的图象及性质:(0,0>>A ω)


诱导公式 常用的诱导公式有以下几组: 公式一: 设α为任意角,终边相同的角的同一三角函数的值相等: sin(2kπ+α)=sinα (k∈Z) cos(2kπ+α)=cosα (k∈Z) tan(2kπ+α)=tanα (k∈Z) cot(2kπ+α)=cotα (k∈Z) 公式二: 设α为任意角,π+α的三角函数值与α的三角函数值之间的关系:sin(π+α)=-sinα cos(π+α)=-cosα tan(π+α)=tanα cot(π+α)=cotα 公式三: 任意角α与-α的三角函数值之间的关系: sin(-α)=-sinα cos(-α)=cosα tan(-α)=-tanα cot(-α)=-cotα 公式四: 利用公式二和公式三可以得到π-α与α的三角函数值之间的关系:sin(π-α)=sinα cos(π-α)=-cosα tan(π-α)=-tanα cot(π-α)=-cotα 公式五: 利用公式一和公式三可以得到2π-α与α的三角函数值之间的关系:sin(2π-α)=-sinα cos(2π-α)=cosα tan(2π-α)=-tanα cot(2π-α)=-cotα 公式六: π/2±α及3π/2±α与α的三角函数值之间的关系: sin(π/2+α)=cosα cos(π/2+α)=-sinα tan(π/2+α)=-cotα cot(π/2+α)=-tanα

sin(π/2-α)=cosα cos(π/2-α)=sinα tan(π/2-α)=cotα cot(π/2-α)=tanα sin(3π/2+α)=-cosα cos(3π/2+α)=sinα tan(3π/2+α)=-cotα cot(3π/2+α)=-tanα sin(3π/2-α)=-cosα cos(3π/2-α)=-sinα tan(3π/2-α)=cotα cot(3π/2-α)=tanα (以上k∈Z) 注意:在做题时,将a看成锐角来做会比较好做。 诱导公式记忆口诀 上面这些诱导公式可以概括为: 对于π/2*k ±α(k∈Z)的三角函数值, ①当k是偶数时,得到α的同名函数值,即函数名不改变; ②当k是奇数时,得到α相应的余函数值,即sin→cos;cos→sin;tan→cot,cot→tan. (奇变偶不变) 然后在前面加上把α看成锐角时原函数值的符号。 (符号看象限) 例如: sin(2π-α)=sin(4·π/2-α),k=4为偶数,所以取sinα。 当α是锐角时,2π-α∈(270°,360°),sin(2π-α)<0,符号为“-”。 所以sin(2π-α)=-sinα 上述的记忆口诀是: 奇变偶不变,符号看象限。 公式右边的符号为把α视为锐角时,角k·360°+α(k∈Z),-α、180°±α,360°-α 所在象限的原三角函数值的符号可记忆 水平诱导名不变;符号看象限。 # 各种三角函数在四个象限的符号如何判断,也可以记住口诀“一全正;二正弦(余割);三两切;四余弦(正割)”. 这十二字口诀的意思就是说: 第一象限内任何一个角的四种三角函数值都是“+”; 第二象限内只有正弦是“+”,其余全部是“-”; 第三象限内切函数是“+”,弦函数是“-”;


高中三角函数公式大全[图] 1 三角函数的定义1.1 三角形中的定义 图1 在直角三角形中定义三角函数的示意图在直角三角形ABC,如下定义六个三角函数: ?正弦函数 ?余弦函数 ?正切函数 ?余切函数 ?正割函数 ?余割函数 1.2 直角坐标系中的定义

图2 在直角坐标系中定义三角函数示意图在直角坐标系中,如下定义六个三角函数: ?正弦函数 r ?余弦函数 ?正切函数 ?余切函数 ?正割函数

?余割函数 2 转化关系2.1 倒数关系 2.2 平方关系 2 和角公式 3 倍角公式、半角公式3.1 倍角公式 3.2 半角公式

3.3 万能公式 4 积化和差、和差化积4.1 积化和差公式

证明过程 首先,sin(α+β)=sinαcosβ+sinβcosα(已证。证明过程见《和角公式与差角公式的证明》)因为sin(α+β)=sinαcosβ+sinβcosα(正弦和角公式) 则 sin(α-β) =sin[α+(-β)] =sinαcos(-β)+sin(-β)cosα =sinαcosβ-sinβcosα 于是 sin(α-β)=sinαcosβ-sinβcosα(正弦差角公式) 将正弦的和角、差角公式相加,得到 sin(α+β)+sin(α-β)=2sinαcosβ 则 sinαcosβ=sin(α+β)/2+sin(α-β)/2(“积化和差公式”之一) 同样地,运用诱导公式cosα=sin(π/2-α),有 cos(α+β)= sin[π/2-(α+β)] =sin(π/2-α-β) =sin[(π/2-α)+(-β)] =sin(π/2-α)cos(-β)+sin(-β)cos(π/2-α) =cosαcosβ-sinαsinβ 于是 cos(α+β)=cosαcosβ-sinαsinβ(余弦和角公式) 那么 cos(α-β) =cos[α+(-β)] =cosαcos(-β)-sinαsin(-β) =cosαcosβ+sinαsinβ cos(α-β)=cosαcosβ+sinαsinβ(余弦差角公式) 将余弦的和角、差角公式相减,得到 cos(α+β)-cos(α-β)=-2sinαsinβ 则


高中三角函数公式大全 诱导公式29个 sin(α+2kπ)=sinα cos(α+2kπ)=cosα tan(α+2kπ)=tanα sin(α+π)=-sinα cos(α+π)=-cosα tan(α+π)=tanα cot(α+π)=cotα sin(-α)=-sinα cos(-α)=cosα tan(-α)=-tanα cot(-α)=-cotα sin(π-α)=sinα cos(π-α)=-cosα cot(π-α)=-cotα tan(π-α)=-tanα sin(2π-α)=sinα cos(2π-α)=cosα sin(π/2-α)=cosα cos(π/2-α)=sinα tan(π/2-α)=cotα sin(π/2+α)=cosα cos(π/2+α)=-sinα tan(π/2+α)=-cotα sin(3π/2-α)=-cosα cos(3π/2-α)=-sinα tan(3π/2-α)=cotα sin(3π/2+α)=-cosα cos(3π/2+α)=sinα tan(3π/2+α)=-cotα 两角和差公式6个 cos(α+β)=cosαcosβ-s inαsinβcos(α-β)=cosαcosβ+sinαsinβsin(α+β)=sinαcosβ+cosαcosβ

sin(α-β)=sinαcosβ-sinαcosβ tan(α+β)=(tanα+tanβ)/(1-tanαtanβ) tan(α-β)=(tanα-tanβ)/(1+tanαtanβ) 倍角公式5个 sin(2α)=2sinαcosα cos(2α)=cos^2α-sin^2α =2cos^2α-1 =1-2sin^2α tan(2α)=2tanα/(1-tan^2α) 半角公式5个 sin^2(α/2)=(1-cosα)/2 cos^2(α/2)=(1+cosα)/2 tan^2(α/2)=(1-cosα)/(1+cosα) tan(α/2)=(1-cosα)/sinα =sinα/(1+cosα) 万能公式2个 sin(2α)=2tanα/(1+tan^2α) cos(2α)=(1-tan^2α)/(1+tan^2α) 积化和差4个 sinαcosβ=[sin(α+β)+sin(α-β)]/2 cosαsinβ=[sin(α+β)-sin(α-β)]/2 cosαcosβ=[cos(α+β)+cos(α-β)]/2 sinαsinβ=-[cos(α+β)-cos(α-β)]/2 和差化积4个 sinα+sinβ=2sin[(α+β)/2]cos[(α-β)/2] sinα-sinβ=2cos[(α+β)/2]sin[(α-β)/2] cosα+cosβ=2cos[(α+β)/2]cos[(α-β)/2] cosα-cosβ=-2sin[(α+β)/2]sin[(α-β)/2] 同角关系8个 sin^2α+cos^2α=1 sec^2α=1/cos^2α=tan^2α+1 csc^2α=1/sin^2α=cot^2α+1 tanα=sinα/cosα cotα=cosα/sinα tanαcotα=1 sinαcscα=1 cosαsecα=1


2006年秋的一天,笔者在越南北方一个偏僻的山区——老街省的沙巴县观光,晚上打开旅馆的电视,无意中发现电视中的泰国广告节目令人耳目一新,颇有特点。我第一次看到泰国广告是在这之前的老挝首都万象,也是晚上在旅馆看电视无意中看到的,然而一看就不想停下来,那些泰国广告着实与众不同,不时引起你的惊奇。后来到了琅勃拉邦,晚上也迫不及待要看电视上的泰国广告。离开万象前一天,我专门到街上打算买几盒泰国广告磁带回来好好欣赏,只是那里没有专门的泰国广告磁带出售。这次在越南沙巴,发现电视中的泰国广告,又一次被泰国广告的魅力所吸引,于是晚上专门搜集电视上的泰国广告来看。 尽管我对广告设计、创意之类是外行,然而,好的广告还是能够看得出来的,就如同不是电影演员可以欣赏电影一样。 泰国的广告给我留下了难忘的印象。两年来,我一直在注意泰国广告方面的报道,因此对泰国广告又有了更多的了解,知道泰国广告已经在世界上刮起了阵阵的所谓“泰国旋风”,只是早在前两年我就已经感受了这种“旋风”的魅力。 据报道,近几年来,泰国广告在全球广告创意竞赛中已经成为一匹奔腾的黑马。凭借对本国文化与生活方式的自信,加上电影工业濡养出来的制片水平,泰国广告避开与欧美大制片公司的竞争,走出创意强、成本低的另一条路。“当一些观光客还以为泰国人只是笑逐颜开迎接游客时,一朵朵微笑背后的泰式幽默,早已通过电视广告风靡全球”。 一位在泰国观光的外国旅客说,看泰国广告,像喝一碗酸辣虾汤,让你抬眉咋舌,却大呼过瘾。例如,在一则泰国普利司通轮胎广告中,一只小狗看见自己的女朋友偷情,口中的骨头不禁掉到地上,它伤心地狂奔到车水马龙的大街上,冲到一台大货车前准备殉情,但高速行驶的大货车却突然刹车……原来,大货车用的是抓地力强、可随时急停的普利司通轮胎。 泰国电视广告设计师一反广告的荒谬与高傲,拉近广告与现实生活的距离,他们不断地用虚构的广告形式,再现日常生活的感动。他们认为,成功的广告必须是对社会生活的关怀,如果对这个国家的人们不关心,就不可能有持续成功的广告创意。泰国广告事业近年来在世界同行中脱颖而出,在亚洲一枝独秀,它“以锋芒锐利的创意和匠心独运的制作”,在世界上也令人刮目相看。在2004年第二届亚太广告节上,泰国人一举夺得15项金奖,让仅得6项金奖的日本人难以望其项背。在2005年第三届亚太广告节中,泰国人就在影视类的32个奖项中,夺得12项奖,成了最大的赢家。国际同行惊叹:“泰国人的广告创意十分成功”。 探讨泰国广告创意成功的原因,专家认为主要有几点:一是反对抄袭与模仿,重视广告艺术的原创性和可观性;二是反对图解说明,大胆创意,极富情趣和韵致;三是平民化,即杜绝偶像崇拜、摒弃明星符号,泰国广告少有明星或名模代言,多由真人或普通人演出,将遥不可及的广告拉回平民生活,引起共鸣;四是在培植国际化语言能力的同时,更加注重民族化个性的铸造;五是英美国际化广告大公司的扶持和本国政策体制的宽松自由的环境。 可以说,一方面“把民族个性融入国际中”,另一方面在国际化语境中顽强保持着自己的鲜明特色,这是泰国广告创意脱颖而出至为关键的因素。业内人士评论说,泰国广告在许多广告片题材上,都有佛教国家的痕迹,却不失自己的文化个性,同时,他们重视原创并区别于欧美国家的广告创意特点,但在表现形式上,他们往往采用欧美电影先进的手法,使他们的广告兼容民族性与国际化,这是泰国广告走向成熟并取得成功的重要表现。


必修三-Unit-5-Canada-The-True-Nor th公开课教学设计

高中必修3 Unit5 Canada:The True North The First Period Reading (I) I. 教学目标 1. Language goals a. Learn the use of the following words and phrases: Minister rather than,continent,surround, harbor, measure, aboard, have a gift for, within, manage to do, catch sight of, eagle, acre, urban settle down eastward b. Important sentences: Learn about some sentence patterns and be able to use them freely. 2. Ability goals 1.) Learn how to describe the places that Li Daiyu and Liu Qian visit in Canada. Understand the noun clause used as appositive. 2.) Enable the students to understand the details of the passage about Canada and find the correct answers to the questions in the post-reading. 3. Learning ability goals Improve the students’ reading ability - searching for information. II. 教学重点 Learn the information about Canada. Master the expressions for describing directions and locations. III. 教学难点 Learn the methods of writing a traveling report about. Learn to read the traveling report according to the traveling route. IV. 教学策略选择与设计 1.Skimming and scanning; 2.Asking-and-answering activities; 3.Listening method. V. 学情分析
