

1.—Why not ________(join) an English club to practice your English?

—Good idea!

2.This success marked the new ________(begin) in his career.

3.—Why are you in such a hurry?

—My cousin ________(wait) for me outside. We are going to see a film together.

4.Every year, tourists from home and abroad visit places of interest, taste delicious food and

enjoy ________(they) in Taizhou.

5.—I'm sorry I ________(complete) forgot that it was your birthday yesterday.

—Never mind.

66. join

67. beginning

68. is waiting

69. themselves

70. completely

I organized a picnic last Sunday. I got up 76. e_______ and called some of my closest friends. First, we decided on a good 77. p_______ to go, and then we talked about what food to bring. Everyone cooked the dishes that could be carried 78. _______(easy). Everything was put into a backpack and we 79. _______ (take) it across fields. When we finally got there, we sat down eating, and enjoyed a nice day together. And I was quite sure that food tasted much 80. _______(good) on a picnic than anywhere else!

76. early

77. place

78. easily

79. took

80. better

46. It's dangerous to drive on ________(snow) days.

47. Jim laid out the ________(knife) and forks at the lunch table.

49. He was proud of ________(he) after the swimming competition last Saturday.

50. The world's ________(high) glass bottom bridge will be open early 2017 in Zhangjiajie.

52. He lives on the ________(八) floor, two floors above me.

53. This piece of music is worth ________(听) to once more.

54. As a great ________(发明家), Thomas Edison made a difference to our life.

【答案】46. snowy

47. knives

48. satisfied

49. himself

50. highest

51. except/but

52. eighth

53. listening

54. inventor

55. Christmas

51. The boy hopes that he will be a (tomorrow) TV star.

52. “A miss is as good as a mile.” I often say to(I).

53. —Why is Alan so popular in your class?

—Because he is very (friend) to everyone.

54. Suzy got the (five) place in the competition. She has tried her best.

55. We all know you are smart, but you’d better(not show ) off.

57. She is very hungry. Can you give her something ____________(eat)?

58. I (keep) the books for three weeks, so I have to renew them this afternoon.

51. tomorrow’s

52. myself

53. friendly

54. fifth

55. not show

56. solving

57. to eat

58. have kept

54. On _______ (father) Day, I often prepare a special gift for my father.

55. Yang Jiang, a well-known writer, went to England for _______ (far) study in 1935.

56. The young couple like kids very much and plan to have a _______ (two) baby.

57. Dick decided to lose ________ (weigh) by eating less and doing more exercise.

58. Linda and her friends enjoyed ________ (they) on the Great Wall yesterday.

59. Not only the players but also the coach ________ (be) playing football now.

60. The old film that is often thought of ________ (bring) us much happiness those days.

54. Father’s

55. further

56. second

57. weight

58. themselves

59. is

60. brought


小学英语首字母填空技巧 一、技巧总结 1.通读短文(对大意有个了解,而不是盲目的去做。学会跳读,对于不理解的地方可以暂时略过不去管它。) 2.认真分析,填写单词 (在了解大意的情况下,我们开始一边读一边做题。在阅读过程中,要注意上、下文的关系,对于生词可以根据上下文的意思进行猜则。) (留心找出关键词、短语或句子,还要结合所给首字母的提示,进行填写,并注意单词的正确形式。) (1)依据习惯用法与固定搭配进行填词:如 W___ _his help, the old man was safe. The boy thanked him very much从句意我们就知道是“在他的帮助下”,with his help . (2) 依据语法知识进行填词:如[08年和平] .It was a l____ earlier,从句中的earlier可以看出它是比较級,我们应该会想到修饰形容词比较级有哪些词,前面有a,那肯定就是little (3)依据常识的积累进行填词:如: But it was too late. His fiend was very angry. Mr. White said nothing but only one word“____”Mr.White迟到了,他的朋友很生气,他什么都没说,只说了一个字“S___ . 我们根据常识肯定是向他的朋友道歉,所以肯定填sorry. (4)依据逻辑推理与句意理解进行填词:如 One Sunday afternoon, Mr. White drove his new car to his fiend's house happily. He wanted to his fiend up at five and then went to see a new movie together.根据句意,

[VIP专享]大学英语A2课后短文填空及句子翻译 - 副本

Unit 1 The real challenge to us teacher is combining the best of both worlds into one . Creativity and basic skills need to be considered in terms of being means to an [end], rather than simply as ends in themselves . Some Chinese students may not [perform] well in hypothetical settings ,but when it comes to[facing]real life challenges and issues ,they are more than [competent] in resolving most of them, [equipped] as they are with their strong skill .The U.S. system may be [designed]to aim more at producing top of the cream students ,but that [approach]may do damage to the big bulk of the [rest]of the student body .The Chinese education system is [definitely] not perfect ,but it does produce a [quality] workforce ,And I truly believe that solid basic knowledge/skill focus is the single biggest force driving the rise of Chinese as a country . 翻译:真正的挑战是我们老师结合最好的两个世界成一个。创造力和基本技能需要在被指一个[结束]来考虑,而不是简单地作为自己的目标。一些中国学生可能不[假设设置执行]好,但说到[面临]现实生活中的挑战和问题,他们更比[解决他们大多数主管] [设置],因为他们与他们的技能强。美国的制度可能是[设计]目的地生产极品学生,但[方法]可能会损害学生的身体[其它]的体积大。中国的教育体系是[肯定]不完美,但它会产生一个[质量]的劳动力,而且我真的相信,扎 实的基础知识和技能的重点是单最大的驱动力的中国作为一个崛起的国家。 1.背离传统需要极大的勇气。 It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition. 2.汤姆过去很腼腆,但这次却非常勇敢能在大庭广众面前上台表演了。 Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience. 3.很多教育家认为从小培养还自动创新精神是很可取的 Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age. 4.假设那幅画确实是名作,你觉得值得购买吗?


(必读必做)历届小升初首字母填空或单词适当形式填空题2013大联盟 2013小联盟 五、词汇知识(每小题1分,共15分) A)根据句意和首字母提示,将所缺单词补充完整: 1.—What's the m of the word “pudding”? —I don't know. I have to look it up in the dictionary. 2.Let's w the football game on TV. 3.When we say weekend, we mean S and Sunday. 4.—Oh, the beautiful vase is broken! —My uncle careless d it last night 5.Nurse help to look a patients in hospital. 6.Li Lan has very good s ;she can see things clearly without glasses. 7.They all got i in the book and want to read it after the teacher's task about the writer. 8.—W is your uncle? —He is scientist 9.Li Lei o worked as a farmer, but now he is a teacher in our school. 10.—Thank you for your great help. —You are w . B)用所给单词的适当形式填空。 11. The children are playing basketball on the playground (happy). 12. (Who) handwriting is the best in your class?


B卷首字母填空高频词汇汇总 A -Z字母高频词汇 A字母开头高频单词 1.副词:句中:already, also, almost, always 句尾:again, accurately, altogether, alone 2.连词:after, and, as, although 3.介词:around, among, across, along, about, above, after, against, as 4.动词:achieve/get/gain/receive, afford (afford to do ), agree, answer, allow, appear, award 5. 代词: a. anything, anybody, all, another, any b. both c. everybody, everything, either, each s. somebody, something n. nothing, nobody, neither/none o. others,other,one(s) B字母开头高频单词 1.连词:but, because, before 2.介词:besides, beside/next to, below, behind, before, between 3.动词:begin/start, become, believe, blow, book, break, borrow 4.形容词:beautiful/pretty, brave, brief, better/best, busy,bright/clever/smart/wise


1、谁能在三天内造十万支箭呢?(显然)这是周瑜在刁难诸葛亮。。如果三天内交不出箭,诸葛亮(必然)要有杀身之祸。(既然)诸葛亮很清楚周瑜的阴谋,为什么还要答应呢?原因有两个:一是诸葛亮这时只能团结周瑜,二是诸葛亮才智过人,一定会用计谋战胜周瑜,后来诸葛亮(果然)借箭成功,挫败了周瑜的诡计。 2、王师傅(精通)雕刻艺术,他花费了毕生(精力),(精心)研究,制作的工艺品构思(精妙),工艺(精湛),受到人们的称赞。 3、鼓舞鼓励勉励 1.詹天佑经常(勉励)工作人员,说:“我们的工作首先要精密,不能有一点儿马虎。” 2.老师的话使我受到极大的(鼓舞)。 3.我在考试中取得好成绩,爸爸再次(鼓励)我,让我继续努力。 选词填空题 明智深刻聪慧精密 逻辑修辞使人长于思辨,伦理学使人有修养,哲理使人(明智),演算使人(精密),读诗使人(深刻),读史使人(聪慧)。 鼓励鼓舞勉励激励

(1)老师经常(鼓励)我们。 (2)先烈们的精神(激励)我们前进。 (3)老一辈经常(勉励)我们要刻苦学习。 (4)球迷(鼓舞)了球队的士气。 1、“坚”字组词填空 王老师病了,还(坚持)给我们上课,大家劝他休息,他(坚决)不肯,还(坚定)地说:“没事的。”小芳看到此情此景,本来十分(坚强)的她,此刻也感动得流下了眼泪。 2、“改”字组词填空 我国经过土壤的(改良)和耕种方法的(改革),农业获得了大丰收,人民生活得到了(改善)。 3、 用“弱”字组词并填空。 1.她瘦小得很,看起来很(脆弱),其实很刚强。 2.老师生了一场大病,身体(虚弱),但他依然坚持为我们上课。 3.清政府(软弱)无能,割让了许多领土给外国人。 4.那(微弱)的灯光给人以力量。


Number back men journey spent but again Possible but seriously used sorry without trouble Hardly whether wise refused address hers followed Before planned except summer enjoying never hardly Though own pay needs end except greater Cleaning right nothing lessons works especially average Flew on stories enjoyable rather before almost Safe information unless right without alone leave According visit open of travelling perhaps person Like because important choose good houses/homes ones Not about film really traditional complain way Them means bus always less either daily Little diseases exercise between milk less want Show helps talking hurt ill secret light Rest present stronger grew international only changed History readers hard know perhaps contest with Shelves strong immediately for what able explained Provide little attractions what tunnel sometimes more Buses working off because even pay different Without friendly also which receive artist wonderful But thing won’t itself stopped even afraid Bad even difference before off none growing Better hope want about teachers’clothes harmful Host itself daily even traditional out active Cut same others different hundreds rain thirsty Asks later talking first something believed good Called certain chicken cold chemical clocks chicken’s Something makes properly bad weak food why Badly worst off no wrote plan age Like rains cool uses light strong nearly Safe exciting still nothing alone singing remember/realize Picture activity their alone really talking communicate More hobbies until angry without interest changed


U n i t O n e 1. 由于缺少资金,整个计划失败了。 The whole plan fell through for want of fund. 2. 他对生产成本的估算总是准确无误。 He calculates the cost of production with invariable accuracy. 3. 公司发言人推卸责任的讲话受到了严厉指责。 The spokesman of the corporation was berated for his irresponsible words. 4. 那名年轻的海关官员一眼就看出了那本假护照。 The young customs officer spotted the counterfeit passport at one glance. 5. 各有关部门的负责人认识到形势的严峻,立刻行动了起来。 Upon realizing the severity of the situation, leaders of the departments concerned acted promptly. 6. 请把候补名单上她的名字换成你的名字。 Please substitute your name for her on the waiting list. 7. 她觉得她在当地综合医院任实习医师是一段宝贵的经历。 She found that her internship in the local general hospital was a rewarding experience. 8. 不要感叹过去的不幸。振作起来向前看。 Don't lament your past misfortunes. Keep your chin up and look to the future. Unit Two 1. 富兰克林在他的《自传》里力劝读者要勤俭。 Franklin exhorted readers to be diligent and thrifty in his Autobiography. 2. 谁能证明这签名是真的? Who can attest to the genuineness of the signature? 3. 人们给他起了“小个子”的绰号,因为就年龄而言,他看上去很小。 He is dubbed "Tiny" because he looks so small for his age. 4. 他试图为自己拒绝接受这一劝告辩解。 He tried to rationalize his refusal to take the advice. 5. 他的一番话引起了我们的不满。 His words incurred our displeasure. 6. 要我们在这么短时间内完成这一工作几乎是不可能的。 It is virtually impossible for us to finish the work within such a short time. 7. 他反复思考这个手术可能会产生的后果。 He ruminated over the likely consequences of the operation. 8. 要想达到那样高的口译水平需要多年孜孜不倦的努力。 It takes many years of assiduous effort to reach that level of proficiency in interpretation. Unit Three 1. 这几位俄罗斯作曲家的一个共同特点是他们的作品的充满了俄罗斯民间音乐的元素。 A characteristic these Russian composers share is that their compositions are infused with Russian folk music elements. 2. 被绑架儿童的父母同意付给绑匪索要的赎金,恳求他们不要伤害他们的小女孩。 The parents of the kidnapped child, agreeing to pay the ransom the kidnappers asked for, pleaded with them not to hurt their little girl. 3. 新上任主管曾在国外担任过类似的职务,他给公司的管理注入了新的理念。


一、补充成语 ()然大悟()然大物()然不同()然自若()然自得()然大怒()然无声()然无味()然一笑()然而生()然开朗()然而止 二、用带“然”的词语填空。 1.这么重要的会议,你()迟到。 2.夜深了,老师办公室的灯()亮着。 3.天气预报说下午有雨,()下起雨来。 4.放学回家的路上()下起雨来。 5.真想不到,看起来老老实实的他()是个小偷。 6.詹天佑不怕困难,不怕嘲笑()接受了任务。 7.黑板上()写着答案,他却看不到! 8.从他的表情来看,这事()他做的。 9.听了黄老师的演讲,我鼻子()一酸落下泪来。 10.面对敌人的屠刀,方志敏()面对,丝毫不畏惧。 11.()老师讲了很多遍,他还是不会。 12.站在人生的十字路口我不禁有些(),今后怎么办呢? 13.我随手丢在门口的一枚桃核,()长出一棵小树苗。 14.他俩的性格()不同,组合在一起()拿到了第一名。 三、用“静”组词填空 1.草原上一片(),偶尔有只小鸟飞过。 2.听了老师一番话,我的心久久不能()。 3.追悼会开始了,现场一片()。 4.老支书()指挥大家转移。 5.一阵风吹过,月光照在盲姑娘()的脸上。 6.校长突然出现在教室门口,大家一下子()下来。 7.她是一个()的女孩,站起来说话显得有些羞涩。 8.夜晚一个人走在()山林里,心里总是有些害怕的。 9.突然一声尖锐的枪响打破了夜晚的()。四、用“烈”组词填空 1.一阵()的风刮过,小树被连根拔起。 2.战斗进行的很(),战场上血流成河。 3.夏天的阳光很(),晒的路面沥青都化了。 4.上级领导莅临我校检查,大家()欢迎。 5.郭老师忍着胃部()的疼痛,上完了数学公开课。 五、用“珍”组词填空 1.时间是那么(),我们一定要()。 2.真挚的友谊来之不易,一定要()。 3.分别在即,一路()。 4.我送给你的小礼物你一定要()起来啊。 5.生命只有一次,我们要()生命,努力拼搏。 六.用“熟”组词填空 1.我和闰土不到半天便()了。 2.船夫的驾驶技术很(),小艇从极窄的地方通过了。 3.听到这()笑声,我就知道一定是她在唱歌。 4.这道题已经做过很多遍了,当然很()就完成了。 七、用“重”组词填空 1.我在树下站好()地架起小提琴,像要举行一个()的仪式。 2.这次没考好,她心情很()。 3.爸爸妈妈每天都有()的劳动,晚上还要辅导我的作业。 4.我们应该学会()每个人的劳动。 5.嘎羧的象鞍已经破旧了,但仍显出()华贵。 6.这件事关乎到很多人,你要()处理。 7.每年的祭祀,大家都很()举行。 八、用“精”组词填空 1.这次艺术节活动丰富多彩,陈明对摄影比较(),把活动的()瞬间都拍了下来;李晨有一双()手,他的画()极了;李想()设计的纪念品()极了。


初中英语首字母填空常用单词 1) A c____of events lead to the war 2) He seemed g_____and didn't know what to do 3) Smoking in the railway c____is not allowed 4) This is the best m_____ team in the country,it saved many lives 5) They've made a______achievements in the past three years 6) I paid e_____for a room with a better view 7) We are reading e_____from that poem 8) I'm deeply h___to be invited to the party 9)She emptied the c____of her bag on the floor and threw then away 10) My phone has already run out of p____ 11)Don't j ____ with me about my job 12) They lived m____.They never spend too much money on something useless 13) ID is short for i ____ 14)She kept her p____to visit her aunt regularly 15)I was under the i___that the work had already been completed 16) This is a room of 15 s___meters


Unit3 1.The view that you should never spend more than you earn is fairly ______of people of their generation. 2. The artists stood before the paintings almost______ with astonishment at their beauty. 3. In 1963, after his ______ year in high school, Clinton was elected into a government study program for young people in Washington.D.C. 4. William Byrd composed many pieces of music, but his Latin church music is considered his most______ work. 5. Governments establish ______ systems to provide a safety net to prevent people from suffering the effects of poverty. 6. You quit that respectable, well-paid job for this unpromising one? What ____________ you? 7. Many animals face extinction(灭绝) as the result of human______. 8. Her hope of her husband's return is ______ as years go by. 9. Having worked for three years, Roger decided to enrol on an MBA program and ____________ his choice to three famous universities on the East Coast. 10. A ______ reply is much more appreciated than beating about the bush(转弯抹角). 11. Harold is always coming up with these dumb ______ for making money that just get us into trouble. 12. Call me, write to me, email me; ______, let's keep it touch.


六年级组词填空复习 用“严”组词填空 1.(严正)声明(严守)纪律(严词)拒绝形势(严峻)结构(严密) (严重)破坏(严正)的立场(严整)的队伍(严正以待)的队伍 (严峻)的考验(严酷)的剥削(严密)的结构(严重)的病情 2 严肃(处理)严格(要求)严厉(批评)严密(监视) 严重(破坏)严惩(罪犯)严峻(考验)严明(纪律) (戒备)森严(严厉)批评(神情)庄严(维护)尊严 (包装)严实(严守)秘密(严酷)现实(严刑)拷打 局势(严峻)表情(严肃)态度(严谨) 3.王老师(严格)要求我们,教育我们要有(严谨)的治学精神,要是我们犯了错误,他就(严厉)地批评我们,表情非常(严肃) 4.他瞪着眼睛,(严厉)地对我说:"干好工作,要有(严格)的要求,(严密)的组织,(严谨)的态度,(严明)的纪律,看你能不能经受这(严峻)的考验。 用心字组词填空 1.姑娘看着经过(精心)挑选的海螺都成了一般大小,她(开心)地笑了。能够把海螺卖出去,上学费用也不用愁了,母亲也(省心、放心)多了。这时,她看到母亲的脸上露出了(会心、舒心)的微笑。 2.来自四川灾区的小朋友,在医护人员的(悉心或精心)照料下,伤势好转,所有人(开心)地笑了,政府将这些孩子送上小学,家长们脸上露出了(舒心)的笑容 3.关心他人有(爱心)帮助他人有(热心)感谢他人有(诚心) 完成作业要(细心)结交朋友要(真心)认真工作要(用心) 体育运动要(小心或当心)遇到困难要有(耐心或信心) 有了荣誉要(虚心)受到挫折不要(灰心或要有信心) 用精字组词填空 (精心)地治疗(精密)的结构(精彩或精确)的论点(精确)的简介 (精深)的学问(精良)的装备(精湛)的技术(精密)的仪器


Unit3 一、填单词 1、Accordingtosomescientists,globalwarming__threatens_thesurvivalofthewhole humanrace.根据一些科学家的观点,全球变暖威胁着全人类的存在。 2、ThenumberofvisitorsfrompartsofScotlandnotincludingtheEdinburghareawas,in fact,relativelysmall(19%),andexceededthenumberofoverseasvisitors(16%)___ byasmallmargin爱丁堡以外苏格兰来的游客数量(19%),实际上比从海外来的游客数量(16%)略多 3、TheearlySpaniardsestablishedachainofmissionsto_civilize _thelocalpopulationalongtheSanAntonioRiver.早期的西班牙人组成一个传教团,沿着圣安东尼奥河传播文化。 4、Itwascommonpracticethenthatwhenthestoreownerswantedtogoonvacationtheysim ply_closedup那个时候,店老板想出去度假时,他们就会关门,这是当时很常见的做法。 5、Astheydidn’thaverelativesorfriendstheretheyoften_wandered aroundnearbymallswhenthe ygetbored.因为在那里没有亲戚或朋友,他们感觉无聊时就到附近的商场逛逛。 6、Tomakeabirthdaycard,youcansimplycutoutsomefunnyorprettypicturesfrommagaz ines,_paste themontoapieceofcardandthenwriteyourmessageinside.你只要从杂志上剪下有趣或漂亮的图片,把他们粘贴在卡片上,写上字就做成了生日卡片。 7、Shepickedupthereceiverand,__withoutsomuchas


中考英语首字母填空单词拼写 61. There are too many p__________ in a bus and the air in it is dirty. I choose to travel by train. 62. I want to see English movies to improve my English, but they speak too q____________ for me to catch their meaning. 63. Thursday is the f__________ day of a week.64. Get up early, go out for some f__________ air and enjoy a healthy life. 65. I’m very upset because everyone else in my class was invited to the party e___________ me. I feel so lonely. 66. A bite of China is a program on CCTV introducing food ____________ (文化)of China. 67. Good sleep helps the body and brain grow and ______________ (发展). 68. If you like shopping, Xidan will be your ____________(最喜欢的)place.69. Four suggestions of students from Beijing National Day School were ____________ (接受)and reported to NPC during the NPC and CPPCC meetings in March. 70. I’ve had some most _____________ (美味的) food in that restaurant. 71. Kids aren’t a______ to go out at night, because it’s dangerous for them. 72. The ancient Chinese i______tea that is now very popular all over the world. 73. T__________ of Japanese people lost their lives in the earthquake in 2011. Chinese people tried their best to help them. 74. Everyone went to the zoo e______ Wei Ming last Tuesday. Because he had to look after his little brother. 75. Liu Wei is a disabled boy. He learned the piano by h________. 请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。 46. We shouldn’t run away from the problems ,but face them b________ and try to solve them. 47. Could you p________the books for me on your way to school , Amy? 48. Though these cars are e________,some farmers can afford them. 49. The a________ where the planes take off in Nantong is larger than before. 50. Television was invented by John Baird and it is one of the greatest i________ in the world. 76. Her family was so p________hat she couldn’t go to school. 77. It’s very important for us to p________the environment. 78.M _________ is the second day of the week. 79. Sorry, I have lost the dictionary you l_______ me last week. 80. I could h________recognize him because I haven’t seen him for a long time. 71. —When did you b_______ to study English?—Seven years ago. 72. F________ in the blanks with the correct words. Then listen again 73.If you can swim a _________ the river, I’ll be waiting for you on other side. 74. Tom, your clothes are d_______. You’d better wash them. 75.I was b _______ in 1997. I’m fifteen now. 76.—What do you want to be in the f________?—I want to become a teacher. 77. A c________ is piece of equipment use for taking photographs. 78. The nice dress was bought by my uncle as a birthday p________. 79.You’ve d________ so much wine. You mustn’t drive. 80. He’s poor at spelling. He made a lot of spelling m________ in his writ ing. 81.My book is on the desk, what about y_______? 82.At 7 o’clock yesterday evening, I heard him s______ in the next room. 83. Hurry up, we only have a few m_____left. 84. We should protect the wild animals which are in d______. 85. My sister often goes to school w______ having breakfast 66.They have English and math on M_______morning. 67.We often borrow some books from our school_l_____. 68.I don’t know if Mary is g______at swimming. 69.Can you tell me the c______of Canada? 70.September is the n______month of a year. 71.We should take an a______ part in physical exercises. 72. We are strongly against dropping litter e______. 73.Lucy often plays tennis to relax h______ after sch00l. 74.The boy is so c______ that he can work out the problems easily. 75.It is impolite to p______ at anyone with your chopsticks while eating meals. 71. I hope to go to Taiwan one day to enjoy the b______ sights there. 72. He is too fat. His mother asks him to eat more vegetables and l_______ meat. 73. She was very ill, but l_______ she is now out of danger. 74. We will have a meeting on T_________ afternoon. 75. It is well-known that there are four s______in a year. 1. Everyone else in my class was invited e_______me, and I don’t know why. 2. Doing lots of listening practice is one of the s______ of becoming a good English learner. 3. Please come over to my office tomorrow morning to d______ our new plan.




英文翻译 Unit1 1 背离传统需要极大的勇气 1) It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition. 2汤姆过去很腼腆,但这次却非常勇敢能在大庭广众面前上台表演了2) Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience. 3很多教育家认为从小培养孩子的创新精神是很可取的 3) Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age. 4假设那幅画确实是名作,你觉得值得购买么 4) Assuming (that) this painting really is a masterpiece, do you think it’s worthwhile to buy/purchase it? 5如果这些数据统计上是站得住脚的,那他将会帮助我们认识正在调查的问题 5)If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating. Unit2 1该公司否认其捐款有商业目的 1) The company denied that its donations had a commercial


小学英语语文首字母填空专题练习(含答案)100 一、小学英语首字母填空 1. 小学英语首字母填空考点 一、首字母填空考点 首字母填空类题目,主要考察学生词汇量。在做题时,一是要根据句子意思判断所要填的词语(包括词性),部分题目需要结合生活实际、固定搭配、固定句型来分析;二是要根据语法判断所填词语的适当形式,比如所给词若是动词,要结合“四大时态”(一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、正在进行时)判断动词是用三单形式、过去式、原型还是ing形式;若所给词是名词,也要分析要用单数还是复数。 二、根据首字母填空题型专练 1. We usually have a big l with our family. 2. C Day is coming. We need a turkey. 3. My mother b a lot of food every week. 4. My parents don’t w on Saturdays. 5. First, don’t talk.T , open your books. 6. It is so beautiful. It l nice. 7. Can you p this book on your fingers? 8. What do you do at C . 9. F , we all have a good time. 10. We always have a lot of f at weekends. 11. My h is swimming. 12. Sam w TV at six every night. 13. I can’t get out. I’m too f . 14. Yang Ling r English every day. 15. We often c with our friends on the Internet. 16. A comes after summer. 17. —Let’s go and have a p . Wu Tao.— Good idea! 18. In s , it’s warm. I can fly k . 19. He usually v his grandparents on Sundays. 20. Mrs Li t Chinese in our school. 21. I have three s lessons today. 22. O the door, please. 23. You should put all your things in o . 24. I like p with Kitty the cat. 25. My uncle l in China. 26. Don’t t to strangers.(陌生人) 27. —Let’s go and play football. — W a minute.
