2019人教版(新起点)英语二上Unit 2《Boys and Girls》(StoryTime)教学设计

2019人教版(新起点)英语二上Unit 2《Boys and Girls》(StoryTime)教学设计
2019人教版(新起点)英语二上Unit 2《Boys and Girls》(StoryTime)教学设计

Unit2 Story Time教学设计

【内容来源】人民教育出版社(一起点)二年级上册Unit2 Boys and Girls

【课时】Story Time




1. 热身活动

(1) 引导学生说唱第一课时歌谣,复习本单元词汇。

(2) 教师出示人物轮廓图片,用本单元的功能句及故事中出现的句式与学生进行对话。如:教师首先出示一张Bill模糊的轮廓图片,问:Is it a girl?

然后,把轮廓呈现得清晰一些,问:Is it a man?

最后,把图片完整地呈现出来,问:Boy or girl? 引导学生回答:A boy. 教师可接着问:What’s his name?并引导学生回答:His name is Bill.

2. 呈现故事

(1) 引导学生观察图1,并提出问题:What animals can you see in the picture? What do the rabbit and duck see? Can you guess? 让学生快速浏览故事,猜测故事大意。

(2) 播放故事录音或教师讲故事,让学生初步感知故事大意,验证之前预测。

3. 学习故事

(1) 教师逐图播放故事录音,借助图片或课件及讲解,帮助学生理解故事大意。可以参考以下问题进行提问:

图2:What does the rabbit say?

图3:What does the duck say?

图4:Now, the rabbit thinks it is an animal. So what does he say? Why does the rabbit think it is a tiger?

图5:Is it a tiger? How do they feel?

图6:What animal is it? Who is he?

图7和图8:What’s his name? Why is the rabbit so surprised? Do you like this name? Do you want to give him a new name?

(2) 让学生听录音跟读故事语言。在指导学生模仿录音跟读时,引导学生注意语音语调,读出人物的语气。

4. 朗读、熟悉故事

(1) 教师和学生分角色朗读故事。

(2) 男女生分角色朗读故事。

(3) 学生两人结对朗读故事。

5. 表演故事

(1) 教师带领两个学生分角色表演故事,进行示范。

(2) 请学生三人一组尝试表演故事。在此过程中教师要进行巡视,必要时给


考研英语答题顺序及作文模板 导读:本文考研英语答题顺序及作文模板,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 考研英语做题策略 从分值来看,考研英语一阅读理解和作文总共70分,英语二是65分,阅读理解和作文是重中之重;英语一翻译、新题型和完形填空各10分,英语二则为15分、10分、10分,是非重点。如果阅读和作文能够顺利完成,考研英语可以说已经成功了一大半,接下来做其他题目也就信心十足,完全有可能超常发挥。 如果按试卷题目顺序做题,到最后极有可能完形填空、新题型、翻译都做完了,但是作文没写完,因小失大,损失惨重。同时,根据往年的考试情况分析,完形填空得分率都比较低,可以放到最后做。因为很多考生到最后根本没有足够的时间仔细分析完形填空,一般都是大概看一看,直接填涂答题卡,运气好还能蒙对几个。即使得了低分,跟其他同学相比差距也不会很大。 因此,时间要用在刀刃上,在的精神状态下把时间合理地运用于最重要的地方,才能产生的结果。具体到实际考试过程中,建议按照作文、阅读理解、翻译、新题型、完形填空这个顺序来做题。 考研英语做题时间分配 做题顺序已经确定,接下来就要分配做题时间。一般来说,写作文时间应该控制在40分钟之内,小作文写15分钟,6--8句话。大

作文25分钟足够了,写3个自然段,12句话,最多15句。很多同学感觉写作时间不够,主要是因为他们写的内容太多、太杂,层次不清晰,思路不明确,语言表达不到位。在考场上写作文,不在于你写的内容、篇幅太长,关键是看你的质量,包括内容、形式和语言。 四篇阅读理解文章,做题时间在60分钟到70分钟之间。建议每篇文章花费15分钟时间,如果有个别较难的文章,可以多花点时间,但是不要超过20分钟。一定不能在一篇文章上耽误太久,到点就要做下一篇,如果最后有时间,可以再来详细检查。有的同学遇到比较难的文章就在此花费过多时间,最后正确率仍然不高,还可能导致答不完其他题。 新题型部分,从这几年的真题走势来看,这部分的难度不是很大,建议考生把时间控制在20分钟之内。 翻译部分实际上是对阅读理解和翻译综合能力的考查,本身题目量较大,而且要翻译成相对应的汉语,建议大家把时间控制在20分钟内。 完形填空最后做,最多花15分钟时间,因为20个选项涂答题卡也要几分钟时间。如果最后没有时间仔细看题,就适度放弃完形填空,把时间放在认认真真涂好答题卡上面。 写作注意事项 写作格式主要包括如下:1、题目的写法;2、文章的格式;3、大小写;4、标点符号等。 如何写题目


2019考研英语大作文模板【三篇】 【篇一】 As is vividly/symbolically shown/described/depicted/illustrated/revealed/portrayed in the cartoons/drawings/portrayals/photos/photographs/pictures, with the rapid/speedy social and economic development, the number of fishes has sharply decreased. In one picture, there were various kinds of fish and only one fishing-boat in 1900. On the contrary, in 1995 there was only one fish, but many fishing-boats. The purpose of this picture/cartoonist is to show us that due attention has to be paid to the decline of ocean resources. Owing/Due to over-fishing, the number of fishes has obviously shrunk. If we let this situation go/continue as it is, we do not know where fish will be in the near/forthcoming future. By that time, our environment will suffer a great destruction. Therefore/Hence/Accordingly, it is imperative/necessary for us to take drastic/effective/some measures/steps/actions. For one thing, we should appeal to our governments/authorities to make/legislate/enact/issue strict laws and regulations to control/regulate commercial fishing. For another, we should enhance/cultivate/increase the awareness/sense of people that the ocean resources are significant/vital/essential/crucial to us. Only in this way/by doing so can we protect our ocean resources. Also, I assume/maintain/reckon that we humans can overcome/surmount


2019年MBA/MPA考研英语(二)真题及答案Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Weighing yourself regularly is a wonderful way to stay aware of any significant weight fluctuations. 1 ,when done too often, this habit can sometimes hurt more than it 2 . As for me, weighing myself every day caused me to shift my focus from being generally healthy and physically active to focusing 3 on the scale. That was bad to my overall fitness goals. I had gained weight in the form of muscle mass, but thinking only of 4 the number on the scale, I altered my training program. That conflicted with how I needed to train to 5 my goals. I also found that weighing myself daily did not provide an accurate 6 of the hard work and progress I was making in the gym. It takes about three weeks to a month to notice any significant changes in your weight 7 altering your training program. The most 8 changes will be observed in skill level,strength and inches lost For these 9 , I stopped weighing myself every day and switched to a bimonthly weighing schedule 10 . Since weight loss is not my goal, it is less important for meto_ 11 _ my weight each week. Weighing every other week allows me to observe and 12 any significant weight changes. That tells me whether I need to 13 my training program. I use my bimonthly weigh-in 14 to get information about my nutrition as well. If my training intensity remains the same, but I'm constantly 15 and dropping weight, this is a 16 that I need to increase my daily caloric intake. The 17 to stop weighing myself every day has done wonders for my overall health, fitness and well-being. I'm experiencing increased zeal for working out since I no longer carry the burden of a 18 morning weigh-in. I've also experienced greater success in achieving my specific fitness goals, 19 I'm training according to those goals, not the numbers on a scale. Rather than 20 over the scale, turn your focus to how you look, feel how your clothes fit and your overall energy level. 1. [A] Besides [B] Therefore [C]Otherwise [D] However 2. [A] helps [B]cares [C]warns [D] reduces 3. [A] initially [B] solely [C] occasionally [D] formally 4. [A] recording [B] lowering [C] explaining [D] accepting 5. [A] modify [B] set [C]review [D] reach 6. [A] definition [B] depiction [C] distribution [D] prediction 7. [A] due to [B]regardless of [C] aside from [D] along with 8. [A] orderly [B] rigid [C] precise [D] immediate 9. [A] claims [B]judgments [C] reasons [D] methods 10. [A] instead [B]though [C]again [D]indeed 11. [A] report [B] share [C] share [D] share 12. [A] depend on [B]approve of [C]hold onto [D]account for 13. [A] prepare [B]share [C]share [D] share 14. [A] results [B]features [C]rules [D]tests 15. [A] bored [B]anxious [C]hungry [D] sick 16. [A] principle [B]secret [C]belief [D]sign 17. [A] request [B]necessity [C]decision [D]wish 18. [A] disappointing [B]surprising [C]restricting [D]consuming 1


3、写作方法 从2010年开始,英语(二)大作文只有两点提纲,但最好写成三段,首段描述图表,首句应写总体描述:主题(春节假期花销比例)+对象(我国某市居民)。次句应写细节描述,分别描述占比最高的新年礼物和其次的交通、聚会吃饭与其他。第二段最好写成原因列举,首句可写主题句,承上启下进行过渡。其次具体说明二至三点原因,可写为何新年礼物花销最大或交通、聚会吃饭也占据一些比例。第三段可预测图表发展趋势、进行归纳结论或提出建议措施。 4、注意事项 值得注意的是,2015年考研英语(二)答题卡出现了重大变化,一张A3纸,正面左侧为客观选择题,含完形填空、阅读A节、阅读B节,右侧为翻译。反面左侧为小作文,约20行;右侧为大作文,约20行。大作文写150-230词左右即可,无需太多。 参考范文 大作文 一、不错范文,可供改造 The pie chart above presents the different proportion of residents’ consumption in a Chinese city during Spring Festival. To be specific, the percentage of consumption on New Year’s gifts, party, traffic and others is 40%, 20% , 20% and 20% respectively. Surprisingly, the pertinent number about gifts is 40%. Isolated as the figures seem to be, they are connected to one another closely. Undoubt edly, the purpose of the graph is to showcase the diversity of residents ’ consumption during holidays in China, especially over-consumption on gifts as a frequent way of interpersonal communication. What exactly contribute to this phenomenon? It’s a thought-provoking question. First and foremost, advertisements of mass media, such as radio, television and Internet, might be misleading. Plus,pertinent action taken by the government to put an end to this trend might be little and limit. Therefore, people, men and women, old and young, in mounting numbers are spending too much on holiday gift which floods everywhere. To sum up, there is an upward tendency for people these days to spend money on festival presents rather than other things, which I believe will not change in a short time. To reverse the trend is not a piece of cake, which requires a good awareness of consumption value and interpersonal communication. Only in this way can we have colorful festivals and relaxing times. (223 words)


新祥旭矿大设计学 1 择校和定专业 在这里和大家分享一下我自己的、有关矿大设计考研的一些心得体会。中国矿业大学位于江苏徐州,211院校。我选择矿大很大一部分原因是地理位置,因为是徐州人。备考矿大的同学中,有非常多都来自附近的地区(苏北,皖北,山东)以及山西。设计类专业不算是矿大的王牌专业,但也因此稍微降低了难度,个人 认为是江浙沪地区“性价比”很高的211院校。 设计类专业包括学硕和专硕两类,学硕是设计学,专硕叫艺术设计。最近几年来矿大设计类专业,基本上专硕报名的人数较多,学硕相对较少。学硕报录比约十比一,学硕报录比约五比一到八比一。具体分数线、参考书等都能在网上查询到,请自己动手查找,不做伸手党,这样自己也会更有印象哦~ 2 初试经验 我是跨专业的同学。我开始复习的比较晚,原本准备考自己的工科专业,一直到 临近暑假还在看张宇的高数复习资料。但我对本专业并不感兴趣,数学复习的也 很懒散,进度很慢。到七月初才偶然了解到艺术考研,我想按照自己现在的进度, 懒散的复习不喜欢的专业,也不一定能考上,不如试一试考自己一直想学的设计 专业,万一就考上了呢?于是暑假报了新祥旭考研一对一,补习手绘,也是这个时候 选择了中国矿业大学作为我的目标院校。考研的手绘内容是快题,和平常日常的学习内容很不一样,本专业的同学也不能掉以轻心。不管报不报班,大量的手绘练习都是非常有必要的。考研的手绘内容是快题,和平常日常的学习内容很不一样,本专业的同学也不能掉以轻心。 九月份学校开学,我开始正式复习所有科目。首先我给自己做了一个目标计划,算好目标的分数,根据分数来确定复习的重点。我跨专业难度大,时间紧张,距离正式考试只有四个月了,所以没有把每一科的要求设的太高,能正常发挥,分数够用就好。 【政治】 我对政治完全没有感觉,对政治的要求不高。从九月份开始看肖秀荣系列的选择


2019考研英语作文模板必背大作文二 The past several years have witnessed a phenomenon that a variety of promises have been arising from all walks of life. Regretfully, quite a lot of promises are sheer nonsense, just as the hen in the given cartoon commits herself to lay eggs which are round without any angles and corners and have shells, egg whites and yolks. Odd and funny as they sound, such false promises can be seen and heard everywhere in our country. Administration departments assure to perform their tasks effectively and fairly without taking any bribes; manufacturing units guarantee to turn out products of good quality; commercial enterprises swear to provide genuine commodities and polite and enthusiastic services. Can you find anything new and substantial other than their obligations, duties and jobs in these so called promises? I guess your answer will be negative. As a matter of fact, their intention to make such commitments is nothing but to put on civilized outer clothing to please or deceive the public. I dare say that our society is suffering corruption and cheat which are causing damage to society both materially and morally. But the hen and


考研英语二:作文九大热门话题及范文 ?海归增长 Directions: Write an essay based on the following chart. In your essay, you should 1)interpret the chart, and 2)give your comments. You should write about 150 words on ANSWER SHEET. (15 points) ?范文 The past years have witnessed a mounting number of Chinese scholars returning from overseas. As is lively illustrated by the column chart, the number of returnees climbed from a mere 69.3 thousand in 2008 to over 272.9 thousand in 2012, at an annual increase rate of around 50%. A multitude of factors may have led to the tendency revealed by the chart, but the following are the critical ones from my perspective. First and foremost, along with the development of Chinese


2019考研英语二小作文话题预测及范文指导【六篇】 一、信函写作:称呼、正文、落款 1、审题—-判断是个人书信&事务公函 决定: 语域使用:正式:使用礼貌表达,不用缩略语(对公) 半正式:能够使用缩略和口语表达(对私) 非正式:(一般不考)——It depends 呼语:特定的写信对象:Dear XX 不明确收信人:Dear Sir/Madam, or To Whom It May Concern 2、正文 三段(8句):写作目的段、细化段、感谢或者期待。 3、各种信函内容安排 A.基本结构 Dear…, 发出邀请; 为何邀请细节; 期望参加。 Yours sincerely, Li Ming B.常用句型

We are having a farewell party/a gather together/meeting/senar in (place) on (date) at (time). Would you like to come? (不太正式) It is my honor to inform you that there is an academic meeting in (place) on (date) at (time). We would be too glad to invite you as… (正式) I very much hope that you will accept the invitation. And I am looking forward to hearing back from you. C.下面以一封邀请看电影的短信为例: Dear Jane, We have four tickets for a famous film shown at Guangming Cinema, The Longest Day, Friday, the ninth. Will you join us? We’ll be looking for you at eight sharp Friday night in front of the cinema, so don’t disappoint us! Warmest regards. Alice 【必备表达】 1、邀请目的 On behalf of…, I have the honor to invite you to… It is with the great pleasure that I write to cordially invite you to… It gives me the greatest pleasure to invite you to… We should be very grateful if you could… 2、活动安排


2019考研英语(二)真题及答案 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Weighing yourself regularly is a wonderful way to stay aware of any significant weight fluctuations. 1 , when done too often, this habit can sometimes hurt more than it 2 . As for me, weighing myself every day caused me to shift my focus from being generally healthy and physically active to focusing 3 on the scale. That was had to my overall fitness goats. I had gained weight in the form of muscle mass, but thinking only of 4 the number on the scale, I altered my training program. That conflicted with how I needed to train to 5 my goals. I also found that weighing myself daily did not provide an accurate 6 of the hard work and progress I was making in the gym. It takes about three weeks to a month to notice any significant changes in your weight 7 altering your training program. The most 8 changes will be observed in skill level, strength and inches lost. For these 9 , I stopped weighing myself every day and switched to a bimonthly weighing schedule 10 . Since weight loss is not my goal, it is less important for me to 11 my weight each week. Weighing every other week allows me to observe and 12 any significant weight changes. That tells me whether I need to 13 my training program. I use my bimonthly weigh-in 14 to get information about my nutrition as well. If my training intensity remains the same, but I’m constantly 15 and dropping weight, this is a 16 that I need to increase my daily caloric intake. The 17 to stop weighing myself every day has done wonders for my overall health, fitness and well-be ing. I’m experiencing increased zeal for working out since I no longer carry the burden of a 18 morning weigh-in. I’ve also experienced greater


2019考研英语二作文题目有所变化 2017考研英语(二)作文出题形式有所变化 2017年考研英语刚刚结束,新东方在线全国研究生入学考试研究中心第一时间实行真题解析,方便各位考生即时了解真题相关动态。 总体来说,2017考研英语二试题难度适中,没有极偏极难的题目出现。我们发现考研英语越来越注重社会话题。在这里我们来着重聊一聊今 年考研英语二作文的整体情况。 今年英语二大作文部分考察的是线形图,内容涉及博物馆的数量 和访客逐年增多的问题。从2010年开始,英语二考查的都是图表类作文,柱状图出现了四次,饼状图出现了两次,表格出现了一次。虽然 线形图 line chart 的出题形式是2010年英语二统考以来第一次出现,但是线形图作为图表作文必备的类型,其出现实则在情理之中。同学 们在处理本次大作文的时候,需要抓住最主要的内容:各个变量的变 化趋势及每个变量的起终点数字;如参观人数从2013年的6.378亿增 加到2015年的7.811亿;博物馆数量相对应从2013年的4165增加到2015的4692 . 图表作文的考察目的是想通过数据的变化体现一个宏 观的社会现象,并且去让考生探索起现象背后发生的原因;并且对此现 象能够加以展望。所以大家在处理这篇作文的时候,应从以下几个角 度着手: 第一段,描写这个线形图的变化趋势,阐述其揭示的社会寓意。 此段处理的时候,我们应该去用不同的表达动态图描写的句型去描述 两个变量的变化趋势和起点和终点数值,即博物馆的数量增多和参观 博物馆的访客数量也在增多。描述完数据之后,我们应该去分析这幅 图通过数值说明了什么?如同学们能够写随着生活水平提升,文明化的 进程,越来越多人喜欢逛博物馆,人们更加注重文化底蕴的积淀。 第二段,揭示这个现象背后的原因。博物馆数量和访客数量这道 题增加顺应了近年来国家注重发展文化建设的热潮。究其原因,我们 能够从宏观和微观两个维度去分析。宏观来讲,国家政策的支持使越


第一时间深入分析 《2011年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)考试大纲》 在同学们的千呼万唤中,《2011全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)考试大纲》终于与大家见面了,万学海文第一时间将之与去年的英语(二)大纲进行对比,发现2011考研英语(二)大纲没有任何变化,大家可以放心的按照原计划继续英语复习。为了帮助大家对英语(二)大纲有更深刻的认识,下面我们根据考研英语(一)与英语(二)大纲的区别,从考试性质、评价目标和试卷结构三个角度,对2011年英语(二)考试大纲的考查要求和内容进行全面分析和深度解析。 一、考试性质 全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)主要是为高等院校和科研院所招收专业学位硕士研究生而设置的具有选拔性质的统考科目。 全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)是为高等院校和科研院所招收硕士研究生而设置的具有选拔性质的统考科目。 即英语(一)是针对学术硕士研究生的考生,英语(二)是针对专业硕士研究生的考生。 专业硕士研究生主要包括以下19种:法律硕士,社会工作硕士,教育硕士,体育硕士,汉语国际教育硕士,翻译硕士,艺术硕士,风景园林硕士,工程硕士,建筑学硕士,农业推广硕士,兽医硕士,临床医学硕士,口腔医学硕士,公共卫生硕士,会计硕士,工商管理硕士,公共管理硕士,军事硕士。 考研英语试卷一分为二既是为了顺应考研英语测试向更加科学化、多样化、公平化等方面发展的需要,也是对硕士研究生人才选拔方式的一次大胆尝试。从学习和考试的角度来讲,这种一分为二提供的更多的是机遇,而不是挑战,因为总的来说考研英语没有增加新的东西,只是进行了合理的拆分,只要明确了自己的努力方向,这种拆分无论对于英语(一)的考生还是对于英语(二)的考生都是有所帮助的。 二、评价目标 1. 语法:英语二明确了八个语法知识点


一、类型词 1.经济: economic globalization(经济全球化), sustainable development(可持续发展),unfair competition(不正当竞争),crack down on fake commodities (打假), boom(繁荣), fierce competition(激烈竞争), credit crisis(信用危机), stabilize prices (稳定物价),virtual economy(虚拟经济) 2.文化: great and profound (博大精深的),integration and interaction(融合交汇),crash(碰撞),charming(极具魅力的),splendid(壮丽辉煌的),English fever(英语热) 3.环保: environment- friendly(生态型的,环保的),threat of global warming(全球变暖的威胁), promote fundamental shifts in the economic system and mode of economic growth(促进经济体制和经济增长方式的转变),curb environmental pollution/ bring the pollution under control(治理环境污染),develop renewable resources (开发可再生资源),a low-carbon economy (低碳经济) 4.科技: science and technology(科学技术),web-addiction(沉迷网络), computer crime(电脑犯罪), e-commerce(电子商务), virtual life (虚拟生活),information era(信息时代),cyber romance(网恋),surf the Internet(网上冲浪),因特网 the Internet (一定要由冠词,字母I 大写),artificial intelligence(人工智能) 5.就业: applicant(申请人), position available/ vacant position(空缺职位),competent(能胜任的), be qualified for(合格的), proficiency(熟练程度),job


【干货】万能句来啦!2020考研英语二大作 文万能句终于整理全了! 考研冲刺焦虑期,脑袋好像也不怎么好用了的节奏,不少小伙伴着急的连模板范 文都背不下来啦......于是乎,为了减少大家大脑的压力,征小辰又帮大家整理 了一些考研英语二的万能句,开头中间结尾都有了,要不你们选几个还看的下去 的背背? 开头万能句型 (1)开篇万能句型(概述图内容) ①According to the table/pie chart/line graph/bar graph,we can see/conclude that…根据该表/图,我们可知…… ②The table/graph reveals(shows/indicates/illustrates/represents/points out)that…该 表 / 图表明…… ③As we can see from the table… As can be seen from the line/bar graph… As is shown(illustrated/indicated)in the pie chart…如表/图所示,…… (2)描述增减变化常用的句型 ①Compared with…is still increased by… ②The number of…grew/rose from…to… ③An increase is shown in…;then came a sharp increase of… ④In…the number remains the same/drops to… ⑤There was a very slight(small/slow/gradual)rise/increase in 1990 (3)表示数据变化的单词或者词组 rapid/rapidly 迅速地,飞快地,险峻地 dramatic/dramatically 戏剧性地,生动地 significant/significantly 有意义地,重大地,重要地 sharp/sharply 锐利地,明显地,急剧地 steep/steeply 急剧升降地


2019年考研英语(2)真题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Weighing yourself regularly is a wonderful way to stay aware of any significant weight fluctuations. 1 , when done too often, this habit can sometimes hurt more than it 2 . As for me, weighing myself every day caused me to shift my focus from being generally healthy and physically active to focusing 3 on the scale. That was had to my overall fitness goats. I had gained weight in the form of muscle mass, but thinking only of 4 the number on the scale, I altered my training program. That conflicted with how I needed to train to 5 my goals. I also found that weighing myself daily did not provide an accurate 6 of the hard work and progress I was making in the gym. It takes about three weeks to a month to notice any significant changes in your weight 7 altering your training


Mba英语二写作历年真题及解析 2016年 Section IV Writing Part A 47。Directions: Suppose you won a translation contest and your friend,Jack,wrote an email to congratulate you and ask for advice on translation。Write him a reply to 1)thank him,and 2)give you advice You should write about 100 on the ANSWER SHEET。 Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter。Use Li Ming instead。 Do not write the address。(10 points) Part B 48。Directions: Write an essay based on the chart below。In your writing,you should 1)interpret the chart,and 2)give your comments。 You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET。(15 points)

Section IV Writing 47、 [参考范文] Dear Jack, Your letter of congratulations was received。Thank you for your nice words on my winning the c ontest。In the letter, you asked me about the skills to do translation,so the following are my a dvice for you。 Firstly, you should analyze the sentence structure, thus catching the meaning of the sentence。 Secondly, find the proper words to translate the meaning of the source language into the target l anguage。 Thirdly,revise your translation at least three times to check if there are any mistransl ations or missed meanings。 I hope my advice helpful。 Wish to see you soon。 Yours sincerely, Li Ming 第一段:写作内容需涵盖两点:写信目的,表明感谢来自朋友的祝贺;可以采用这样的表达方式:I’m writing to express my gratitude for your congratulation on my success in the translation contest. 第二段:写作内容应以建议为主体。在这个过程中可以把日常我们如何提高的方式写进正文,比如多加练习、多与外国人交流,多多接触国际事务等。本篇老师主要从这些方面进行论述,表达如下As regard to my experience, I would like to offer you some proposals i n this part. First and foremost, I strongly suggest you that you need to practice with painstaking effort in this field. What’s more, you had better have more communication with foreigners, which guarantees that you have a deep understanding of foreign culture. Last but not least, you are supposed to participate in some international events to accumulate a wealth of practical experience. 第三段:再次强调重申写信目的,如Thanks again and I do hope you could take my suggestions into consideration. I wish you have good luck and make a great success in your future study. 落款:Yours sincerely,特别提醒sincerely后面逗号不能丢;签名:Li Ming特别注意Ming 后面一定不能出现句点。 48、 [参考范文] Portrayed in the above pie chart is a survey of college students’ purposes of traveling。 The numb er of students who take traveling as a chance to see beautiful scenes accounts for 37%,while stu dents who would like to travel to relieve pressure from study take up 35 %。 There are several reasons behind the trend revealed in the above chart。To begin with, as the pr esent society is filled with fierce competition, most college students nowadays are under great pr essure to stand out among others or to lunch a decent job after graduation。Therefore, they tend to choose traveling as an outlet to relieve their stress。 Secondly,with the fast advancement of t he living standards of Chinese families, traveling is increasingly affordable to most college stude nts。 For this reason, students prefer to travel to see different views to enjoy themselves or to m ake some friends。 From my perspective, no matter what reason it is for, traveling is of great benefit for students 今年英语二作文的题目比较好写,因为标题和图示非常清晰明白。图表显示了某高校学生旅游目的调查, 考生分析原因的话也会很简单。下面分三段简要地说一下这三段应该怎么写。 第一段主要是描述图表。图表一目了然,数量词百分比也是大家熟悉的词汇,表述数据时,图中有四五组数据,由于字数的限制以及为了写作的便利可以突出较大比例的“欣赏风景”和“缓解压力”,注意引入百分比的表达方式。 第二段给出你的评论,主要写这种情况的原因。主要要结合图表描述的内容从两个方面写起。一方面为什么为了欣赏风景而旅行的目的占37%,另一方面为什么缓解压力会占到33%比例。 最后结尾段落可简要得出结论,这种现象并不奇怪,还将继续下去。
