Object Connectivity in a Concurrent Calculus of Classes — Extended Abstract —

Object Connectivity in a Concurrent Calculus of Classes — Extended Abstract —
Object Connectivity in a Concurrent Calculus of Classes — Extended Abstract —

Object Connectivity in a

Concurrent Calculus of Classes

—Extended Abstract—


Erika′Abrah′a m1,2,Marcello M.Bonsangue3,Frank S.de Boer4,and Martin


1Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel,Germany

2University Freiburg,Germany

3University Leiden,The Netherlands

4CWI Amsterdam,The Netherlands

Abstract.The concurrentν-calculus has been investigated as a core

calculus for imperative,object-oriented languages with multithreading

and heap-allocated objects.From an abstract point of view,the combi-

nation of this form of concurrency with objects corresponds to features

known from the popular language Java.One distinctive feature,however,

of the concurrent object calculus is that it is object-based,whereas the

mainstream of object-oriented languages is class-based.

This work extends the concurrentν-calculus by introducing classes and

exploring some of the semantical consequences.The external behavior of

a component,given as a set of threads and objects,can be described in

a linear-time setting as the set of traces of interactions with the environ-

ment.Considering classes as part of the component makes instantiation

a possible interaction between component and environment.A striking

consequence of this new interaction is that we need to take into account

connectivity information,i.e.,the way objects may have knowledge of

each other,in order to get a precise characterization of possible traces.

We formulate an operational semantics that incoporates the connectiv-

ity information into the scoping mechanism of theν-calculus.Since in-

stantiation itself is to be considered as non-observable,we formulate a

semantics where objects are instantiated only when they are accessed for

the?rst time(“lazy instantiation”).


The concurrentν-calculus has been proposed as core calculus for imperative, object-oriented languages with multithreading and heap-allocated objects.In the context of concurrent,object-based programs and starting from may-testing as a very simple notion of observation,Je?rey and Rathke[4]provide a fully abstract trace semantics for the language.Their result roughly says that,given a component as a set of objects and threads,the fully abstract semantics consists

2Introduction of the set of traces at the boundary of the component,where the traces record incoming and outgoing calls and returns.At this level,the result is as one would expect,since intuitively in the chosen setting,the only possible way to observe something about a set of objects and threads is by exchanging messages.It should be equally clear,however,that for the language featuring multithreading,object references with aliasing,and creation of new objects and threads,the details of de?ning the semantics and proving the full abstraction result are far from trivial.

The result in[4]is developed within the concurrentν-calculus[3],an ex-tension of the sequentialν-calculus[6]which stands in the tradition of various object calculi[1]and also of theπ-calculus[5,7].One distinctive feature of the ν-calculus is that it is object-based,which in particular means that there are no classes as templates for new objects.This is in contrast to the mainstream of object-oriented languages where the code is organized in classes.This report addresses therefore the following question:

What changes when switching from an object-based to a class-based setting?

Considering the observable behavior of a component,we have to take into account that in addition to objects,which are the passive entities containing the instance state and the methods,and threads,which are the active entities, classes come into play.Classes serve as a blueprint for their instances and can be conceptually understood as particular objects supporting just a method which allows to generate instances.

Important in our context is that now the division between the program frag-ment under observation and its environment also separates classes:There are classes internal to the component and those belonging to the environment.As a consequence,not only calls and returns are exchanged at the interface between component and environment,but instantiation requests,as well.This possibility of cross-border instantiation is absent in the object-based setting:Objects are created by directly providing the code of their implementation,not referring to the name of a class,which means that the component creates only component-objects and dually the environment only environment objects.To understand the bearing of this change on the semantics,we must realize that the interesting part of the problem is not so much to just cover the possible behavior at the interface—there is little doubt that sequences of calls,returns,and instantia-tions with enough information at the labels would do—but to characterize it exactly,i.e.,to exclude impossible environment interaction.As an obvious exam-ple,a trace with two consecutive calls from the same thread without outgoing communication in between cannot be part of the component behavior.

Let’s concentrate on the issue of instantiation across the demarcation line between component and its environment,and imagine that the component cre-ates an instance of an environment class.The?rst question is:does this yield a component object or an environment object?As the code of the object is pro-vided by the external class which is in the hand of the observer,the interaction between the component and the newly created object can lead to observable ef-

Introduction3 fects and must thus be traced.In other words,instances of environment classes belong to the environment,and those of internal classes to the component.

Whereas in the above situation,the object is instantiated to be part of the environment,the reference to it is kept at the creator,for the time being.So in case,an object of the program,say o1instantiates two objects o2and o3of the environment,the situation informally looks as shown in Figure1,where the dotted bubbles indicate the scope of o2respectively o3.

4A concurrent class calculus 2A concurrent class calculus

In this section,we present the calculus used in our development.As we concen-trate on the semantical issues of connectivity of objects and the interface behav-ior of a component,we gloss over the exact syntax,ignore typing issues and also omit structural equivalence rules,as they are rather standard.As mentioned,the reader will?nd details in the appendix and the accompanying technical report.

The calculus is a syntactic extension of the concurrent object calculus or concurrentν-calculus from[3,4].The basic change is the introduction of classes, where a class is a named collection of methods.In contrast to object references, class names are literals introduced when de?ning the class;they may be hid-den using theν-binder but unlike object names,the scopes for class names are static.Object names,on the other hand,are?rst-order citizens of the calculus in that they can be stored in variables,passed to other objects as method parame-ters,making the scoping dynamic,and especially they can be created freshly by instantiating a class.

A program is given by a collection of classes.A class c[(O)]carries a name c and de?nes the implementation of its methods,and analogously for objects.A method?(n:T).λ(x1:T1,...,x n:T k).t provides the de?nition of the method body abstracted over the formal parameters of the method and the?-bound“self”parameter[1].Besides named objects and classes,the dynamic con?guration of a program can contain as active entities named threads n t ,which,like objects, can be dynamically created.Unlike objects,threads are not instantiated by some statically named entity(a“thread class”),but directly created by providing the code.A thread,whose exact syntax is of no particular interest here,basically is either a value(especially a reference to another named entity)or a sequence of expressions,notably method calls(written o.l( v))and creation of new objects and new threads(new c and new t where c is a class name and t a thread). We will generally use n and its syntactic variants as name for threads(or just in general for names),o for objects,and c for classes.Furthermore we will use f speci?cally for instance variables or?elds,we use f=v for?eld variable declaration,?eld access is written as x.f,and?eld update as x:=v.5 Concerning the operational semantics of the calculus,the basic steps are given in two levels:internal steps whose e?ect is completely con?ned within a con?guration,and those with external e?ect.Interested mainly in the external behavior we elide the de?nition of the internal steps(but see Appendix A.3).

The external behavior of a component is given in terms of labeled transi-tions describing the communication at the interface of an open program.For the completeness of the semantics,it is crucial ultimately to consider only commu-nication traces realizable by an actual program context which,together with the component,yields a well-typed closed program.

A concurrent class calculus5

The concentration on actually realizable traces has various aspects,e.g.,the transmitted values needs to adhere to the static typing assumptions,only pub-licly known objects can be called from the outside,and the like.Being concerned in the dynamic relationship among objects,we omit also these aspects here.Be-sides that,this part is rather standard and also quite similar to the one in[4].

2.1Connectivity contexts and cliques

The informal discussion in the introduction argued that in the presence of in-ternal and external classes and cross-border instantiation,the component must keep track of which identities it gives away to which objects in order to exclude impossible as described for instance in connection with Figure1.The external semantics is formalized as labeled transitions between judgments of the from

?;E? C:Θ;EΘ,(1) where?;E?are the assumptions about the environment of the component C andΘ;EΘthe commitments.The assumptions consists of a part?concerning the existence(plus static typing information)of named entities in the environ-ment.For the book-keeping of which objects of the environment have been told which identities,a well-typed component must take into account the relation of object names from the assumption context?amongst each other,and the knowledge of objects from?about those exported by the component,i.e.,those fromΘ.6In analogy to the name contexts?andΘ,E?expresses assumptions about the environment,and EΘcommitments of the component.

E???×(?+Θ).(2) and dually EΘ?Θ×(Θ+?).We will write o1 →o2(“o1may know o2”) for pairs from these relations.The component has by no means full information about the complete system;after all it can at most trace what happens at the interface,and the objects of the environment can exchange information“behind the component’s back”.Thus it must conservatively overapproximate the po-tential knowledge of objects in the environment,i.e.,it must make worst-case assumptions concerning the proliferation of knowledge by assuming:

1.once a name is out,it is never forgotten,and

2.if there is a possibility that a name is leaked from one environment object

to another,this will happen.

More technically,the worst case assumptions about the actual situation are represented as the re?exive,transitive,and symmetric closure of the →-pairs of

6A concurrent class calculus objects from?the component maintains.Given?,Θ,and E?,we write for this closure,i.e.,

( →↓?∪← ↓?)???×?.(3) Note that we close the part of →concerning only environment objects from?, but not wrt.objects at the interface,i.e.,the part of →??×Θ.We will also need the union of ∪ ; →??×(?+Θ),for which we will also write →. As judgment,we use?;E? v1 v2:Θrespectively?;E? v1 →v2:Θ. ForΘ,EΘ,and?,the de?nitions are applied dually.

The relation is an equivalence relation on the objects from?and partitions them in equivalence classes.As a manner of speaking,we call a set of object names from?(or dually fromΘ)such as for all objects o1and o2from that set,?;E? o1 o2:Θ,a clique,and if we speak of the clique of an object we mean the whole equivalence class.

2.2External steps

As mentioned before,the external semantics is given by transitions between ?;E? C:Θ;EΘjudgments.Table1for the exchange of free names and in Table2dealing with bound names.Beside internal steps a component exchanges information with the environment by transitions;the core labelsγare of the form n [o]call o.l( v) and n return(v) ;names may occur bound in a labelν(n:T).γ, and sending and receiving labels are written asγ?andγ!.

The component exchanges information with the environment via calls and https://www.360docs.net/doc/d216780599.html,ing a lazy instantiation scheme for cross-border object creation,there are no separate external labels for new-steps.In the extended abstract,we omit the static typing premises in the operational rules as they are straightforward and we concentrate in the discussion on the novel aspects,namely the connectivity information.The external steps are given in Tables1and2.

As for the relationship of communicated values,incoming and outgoing com-munication play dual roles:EΘoverapproximates the actual connectivity of the component,while the assumption context E?is consulted to exclude impossible combinations of incoming values.For incoming communication(cf.rule CallI2 and RetI)7we require that the sender be acquainted with the transmitted ar-guments.In case of a call,the caller o1must additionally be acquainted with the callee o2and furthermore the calling thread must originate from a clique of objects in connection with the one to which the thread had left the component the last time:?;E? n [o1]:Θ.8To assure these connectivity conditions, the identity of the callee has been remembered as part of the block-syntax when the call was issued.It is worth mentioning that in rule RetI the proviso that the callee o2knows indirectly the caller o1,i.e.,?;E? o2 →o1:Θis not needed. Neither is it necessary to require in analogy to the situation for the incoming call

A concurrent class calculus7

CallI2?;E? C n let x :T =[o2]blocks for o 2in t :Θ;EΘn [o1]call o2.l( v) ?


?;′E? C n let x:T=o2.l( v)in return[o1]x;let x :T =[o2]blocks for o 2in t :Θ;′EΘ


?=E?+([o1] →v,n →[o1])′E



?;E? C n let x:T=[o1]o2.l( v)in t :Θ;EΘn [o1]call o2.l( v) !

?????????????→?;′E?; C n let x:T=[o1]blocks for o2in t :Θ;EΘ

;?,Θ v:T?;E? o2 →v:Θ?;E? n →o2:Θ




Θ=EΘ+(o1 →v,n →[o1])

Table1.External steps(free core labels)

that the thread is acquainted with the callee.If fact,both requirements will be automatically assured for traces where calls and return occur in correct manner.

A commonality for incoming communication from a thread n is that the(only) pair n →o for some object reference o is removed from E?,for which we write E?\n.While E?imposes restrictions for incoming communication,the com-mitment context EΘis updated when receiving new information.For instance in Call I2,the commitment′EΘafter reception marks that now the callee o2is acquainted with the received arguments and furthermore that the thread n is visiting(for the time being)the callee o2.For outgoing communication,the E?and EΘplay dual roles.Note further that EΘis not mentioned(except for the connectivity of the thread identity n).

2.3Scoping,lazy instantiation,and guessing of connectivity

Next we discuss the exchange of new names by means of scope extrusion and intrusion and related to that instantiation across the component boundary(cf. Table2).Besides bound names in the formν(n:T),the labels contain also con-nectivity information which is exchanged.This means the labels are of the form ν(n:T,EΘ).γ!of outgoing andν(n:T,E?).γ?for incoming communication.

As expected,theν-binder in?uences only names occurring freely in the label (cf.rule Comm).In case of a bound input with labelν(n:T,?E?).γ?in rule BIn, the name’s scope is extruded into the component.The treatment of the knowl-edge base E?merits a closer look.As speci?ed in?E??? +(? ×Θ),a new

8A concurrent class calculus

Comm ?;E? ν(n:T).C:Θa?→? ;E ? ν(n:T).C :′Θ;′EΘ\n

n∈fn(γ)? =?,n:T E ?=E?+?E??;E? ? ;E ?↓?×(?+Θ):Θ

? ;E ? C:Θγ?

?→′?;′E? ′C:′Θ;′EΘ


?;E? ν(n:T).C:Θ;EΘν(n:T;E →



??????????????→′?;′E? ′C:′Θ;′EΘ

o∈fn(γ)Θ c:[(...)]C(c)=[(O)]

Θ =Θ,o:c E ?=E?+?E??;E? ?;E ?↓?×(?+Θ):Θ?;E ? C o[O]:Θ ;EΘγ?

?→′?;′E? ′C:′Θ;′EΘ

BOut new

?;E? ν(o:c).C:Θ;EΘν(o:c;E →



?????????????→′?;′E? ′C:′Θ;′EΘ

Conclusion9 those in the re?exive,transitive,and symmetric closure in the sense of Equa-tion3from.We write E →(C,n)for that set of names.With the scope opened, we remove from C all →-pairs mentioning n.

Object creation across component boundary is not immediately visible.In-stead,new objects are actually created only when?rst communicated to or used by the other side.We call the mechanism lazy instantiation.If the component creates an instance of an external class c∈?,a new reference o3is generated lo-cally.Additionally it is remembered in a separate“parallel component”o1 →o3 that the creator o1may now know o3.The -step itself is not externally visible:

NewO lazy

?;E? n let x:c=[o1]new c in t :Θ;EΘ

?;E? ν(o3:c).o1 →o3 n let x:c=o3in t :Θ;EΘ

10Conclusion most visible complication is that it is necessary to represent the dynamic object structure into the semantics,or rather an approximation of the connectivity of the environment objects.Another way to see it is,that in the setting of[4],there is only one clique in the environment,i.e.,in the worst case,which is the relevant one,all environment objects are connected with each other.Since the component cannot create environment objects(or vice versa),never new isolated cliques are created.The object-based case can therefore be understood by invariantly(and trivially)taking E?=?×(?+Θ),while in our setting,E?may be more speci?c.

We see this study of the semantics as a step towards a full-abstraction result for the class-based calculus.Other future work is to extend the language and the semantics in a number of ways.One inherent feature of the calculus is that objects are input enabled.This disallows to model directly synchronized methods as in Java.Another generalization is to consider cloning of objects,i.e.,to create a replica of an object In a certain way,instantiation of a class is just like cloning with the restriction that only objects in their initial state can be obtained by instantiation,while cloning can be applied to an object in mid-life.The ability to create an object in a state di?erent from the initial one makes new observations possible,most notably the branching structured gets exposed.One therefore has to generalize the linear-time framework of traces to a branching-time view.More challenging is to take seriously the notion of classes in that they are not only considered as generator of new objects by instantiation,but also as template for new classes,i.e.,to consider inheritance and subtyping.This makes new “observations”on classes possible,namely by subclassing.


1.M.Abadi and L.Cardelli.A Theory of Objects.Monographs in Computer Science.


2. E.′Abrah′a m,M.M.Bonsangue,F.S.de Boer,and M.Ste?en.A structural oper-

ational semantics for a concurrent class calculus.Technical Report0307,Institut f¨u r Informatik und Praktische Mathematik,Christian-Albrechts-Universit¨a t zu Kiel, Aug.2003.

3. A.D.Gordon and P.D.Hankin.A concurrent object calculus:Reduction and typing.

In U.Nestmann and B.C.Pierce,editors,Proceedings of HLCL’98,volume16.3 of Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Elsevier Science Publishers, 1998.

4. A.Je?rey and J.Rathke.A fully abstract may testing semantics for concurrent

objects.In Proceedings of LICS’02.IEEE,Computer Society Press,July2002. https://www.360docs.net/doc/d216780599.html,ner,J.Parrow,and D.Walker.A calculus of mobile processes,part I/II.

Information and Computation,100:1–77,Sept.1992.

6. A.M.Pitts and D.B.Stark.Observable properties of higher-order functions that

dynamically create local names,or:What’s new.In A.M.Borzyszkowski and S.Soko l owski,editors,Proceedings of MFCS’93,volume711of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,pages122–141.Springer-Verlag,Sept.1993.

7. D.Sangiorgi and D.Walker.Theπ-calculus:a Theory of Mobile Processes.Cam-

bridge University Press,2001.

Appendix11 A Appendix

The appendix contains further material,especially the formalization of the type system and the operational semantics for internal component behavior.Further material and discussions can be found in the technical report[2].


Table3and4give the de?nitions of the types and the abstract syntax.For the types[(l1:U1,...,l k:U k)]is the type of a class,whose instances support methods labeled l1to l k of the indicated types,and[l1:U1,...,U k]the type of correspond-ing instances.




C::=0|C C|ν(n:T).C|n[(O)]|n[O]|n t program

O::=l=m,...,l=m object

m::=?(n:T).λ(x:T,...,x:T).t method

t::=v|stop|let x:T=e in t thread

e::=t|if v=v then e else e expr.


|new n|new t

v::=x|n values

Table4.Abstract syntax

A.2Type system

The type system or static semantics presented next characterizes the well-typed programs.The derivation rules are given in Table5and6.

A.3Internal steps

For the component-internal steps from Table7we distinguish,as in[4],con?uent -step and competingτ-steps,i.e.,steps that may lead to race conditions.Both kind of steps are invisible to the outside.


?,Θ2 C1:Θ1?,Θ1 C2:Θ2


? 0:()


? ν(n:T).C:Θ

;?,c:T [(O)]:T


? o[O]:(o:c)

;?,n:thread t:none

Table5.Static semantics(components)

A.4External steps

In contrast to the abridged presentation in Section2.2we include here the full rules for external steps.In particular,the static typing premises are listed.The full rules are shown in Table9.



Γ;? [(l1=m1,...,l k=m k)]:T

Γ;? m1:T1...Γ;? m k:T k T=[l1:T1,...,l k:T k]


Γ;? ?(n:c).λ(x1:T1,...,x k:T k).t:T.l

Γ;? v:cΓ;? c:[(...,l:T1×...×T k→T,...)]Γ;? v1:T1...Γ;? v k:T k


Γ;? v.f:=v :c

Γ;? c:[(T)]


Γ;? new t :thread


Γ;? let x:T1=e in t:T2

Γ;? v1:T1Γ;? v2:T1Γ;? e1:T2Γ;? e2:T2


Γ;? stop:T



Γ;? n:T


Γ;? return[o1]v:T


Table7.Internal steps

γ::=n [o]call o.l( v) |n return(v) |ν(n:T).γbasic labels

a::=γ?|γ!receive and send labels



CallI1?;E? C:Θ;EΘn [o1]call o2.l( v) ?



E? C n let x:T=o2.l( v)in return[o1]x :′Θ;′EΘ

;? o1:[...];?,Θ o2.l( v):T o2∈Θ? n:thread

E? [o1] → v:ΘE? [o1] →o2:ΘE? n [o1]:Θ


?=E?\n ′E

Θ=EΘ+(o2 → v,n →o2)


?;E? C n let x:T=return[o1]v in t :Θ;EΘn return(v) !

????????→?;′E? C n t :Θ;′EΘo2∈?′E?=E?+(o2 → v,n →o2)′EΘ=EΘ\n


?;E? C n let x:T=[o1]blocks for o2in t :Θ;EΘn return(v) ?


?;′E? C n t[v/x] :Θ;′EΘ



?;E ? ν(n :T ).C :Θa ?→? ;E ? ν(n :T ).C :′Θ;′E Θ\n n ∈fn (γ)? =?,n :T

E ?=E ?+?E ??;E ? ? ;E ?↓?×(?+Θ):Θ? ;E ? C :Θγ??→′?

;′E ? ′C :′Θ;′E ΘBOut ?;E ? ν(n :T ).C :Θ;E Θν(n :T ;E →Θ(C,n )).γ!??????????????→′?

;′E ? ′C :′Θ;′E Θo ∈fn (γ)

Θ c :[(...)]C (c )=[(O )]Θ =Θ,o :c E ?=E ?+?E ??;E ? ?;E ?↓?×(?+Θ):Θ

?;E ? C o [O ]:Θ ;E Θγ??

→′?;′E ? ′C :′Θ;′E ΘBOut new ?;E ? ν(o :c ).C :Θ;E Θν(o :c ;E →Θ(C,n )).γ!?????????????→′?;′E ? ′C :′Θ;′E Θ


play a part (in) 重要程度:★☆☆☆☆难易程度:★★☆☆☆ Have you realized the part computers have ___________ in the daily life? A. made B. given C. caused D. played 【参考答案】D 【拓展延伸】 1. play a part (in) 在……中扮演一个角色;参与;在……中起作用 2. play the role of 扮演……的角色 play an important role / part in...在……中起重要作用 play the leading role / part主演;起带头作用 3. take part in 参加 for the most part多半;在很大程度上 for one’s part就某人而言,对某人来说 1. Colors play an important ___________ in the way you look. A. part B. form C. effect D. pride 2. Mr. Huang will ___________ in the movement. A. play a leading part B. take parts C. play leading part D. take a part 3. __________ part that women ___________ in society is great. A. The; plays B. A; takes C. A; plays


最小二乘法及其应用 1. 引言 最小二乘法在19世纪初发明后,很快得到欧洲一些国家的天文学家和测地学家的广泛关注。据不完全统计,自1805年至1864年的60年间,有关最小二乘法的研究论文达256篇,一些百科全书包括1837年出版的大不列颠百科全书第7版,亦收入有关方法的介绍。同时,误差的分布是“正态”的,也立刻得到天文学家的关注及大量经验的支持。如贝塞尔( F. W. Bessel, 1784—1846)对几百颗星球作了三组观测,并比较了按照正态规律在给定范围内的理论误差值和实际值,对比表明它们非常接近一致。拉普拉斯在1810年也给出了正态规律的一个新的理论推导并写入其《分析概论》中。正态分布作为一种统计模型,在19世纪极为流行,一些学者甚至把19世纪的数理统计学称为正态分布的统治时代。在其影响下,最小二乘法也脱出测量数据意义之外而发展成为一个包罗极大,应用及其广泛的统计模型。到20世纪正态小样本理论充分发展后,高斯研究成果的影响更加显著。最小二乘法不仅是19世纪最重要的统计方法,而且还可以称为数理统计学之灵魂。相关回归分析、方差分析和线性模型理论等数理统计学的几大分支都以最小二乘法为理论基础。正如美国统计学家斯蒂格勒( S. M. Stigler)所说,“最小二乘法之于数理统计学犹如微积分之于数学”。最小二乘法是参数回归的最基本得方法所以研究最小二乘法原理及其应用对于统计的学习有很重要的意义。 2. 最小二乘法 所谓最小二乘法就是:选择参数10,b b ,使得全部观测的残差平方和最小. 用数学公式表示为: 21022)()(m in i i i i i x b b Y Y Y e --=-=∑∑∑∧ 为了说明这个方法,先解释一下最小二乘原理,以一元线性回归方程为例. i i i x B B Y μ++=10 (一元线性回归方程)


数据库死锁问题总结 1、死锁(Deadlock) 所谓死锁:是指两个或两个以上的进程在执行过程中,因争夺资源而造 成的一种互相等待的现象,若无外力作用,它们都将无法推进下去。此时称系 统处于死锁状态或系统产生了死锁,这些永远在互相等待的进程称为死锁进程。由于资源占用是互斥的,当某个进程提出申请资源后,使得有关进程在无外力 协助下,永远分配不到必需的资源而无法继续运行,这就产生了一种特殊现象 死锁。一种情形,此时执行程序中两个或多个线程发生永久堵塞(等待),每 个线程都在等待被其他线程占用并堵塞了的资源。例如,如果线程A锁住了记 录1并等待记录2,而线程B锁住了记录2并等待记录1,这样两个线程就发 生了死锁现象。计算机系统中,如果系统的资源分配策略不当,更常见的可能是 程序员写的程序有错误等,则会导致进程因竞争资源不当而产生死锁的现象。 锁有多种实现方式,比如意向锁,共享-排他锁,锁表,树形协议,时间戳协 议等等。锁还有多种粒度,比如可以在表上加锁,也可以在记录上加锁。(回滚 一个,让另一个进程顺利进行) 产生死锁的原因主要是: (1)系统资源不足。 (2)进程运行推进的顺序不合适。 (3)资源分配不当等。 如果系统资源充足,进程的资源请求都能够得到满足,死锁出现的可能 性就很低,否则就会因争夺有限的资源而陷入死锁。其次,进程运行推进顺序 与速度不同,也可能产生死锁。 产生死锁的四个必要条件: (1)互斥条件:一个资源每次只能被一个进程使用。 (2)请求与保持条件:一个进程因请求资源而阻塞时,对已获得的资源保持不放。 破解:静态分配(分配全部资源) (3)不剥夺条件:进程已获得的资源,在末使用完之前,不能强行剥夺。 破解:可剥夺 (4)循环等待条件:若干进程之间形成一种头尾相接的循环等待资源关系。 破解:有序分配 这四个条件是死锁的必要条件,只要系统发生死锁,这些条件必然成立,而只要上述条件之一不满足,就不会发生死锁。 死锁的预防和解除:


曲线拟合及其应用综述 摘要:本文首先分析了曲线拟合方法的背景及在各个领域中的应用,然后详细介绍了曲线拟合方法的基本原理及实现方法,并结合一个具体实例,分析了曲线拟合方法在柴油机故障诊断中的应用,最后对全文内容进行了总结,并对曲线拟合方法的发展进行了思考和展望。 关键词:曲线拟合最小二乘法故障模式识别柴油机故障诊断 1背景及应用 在科学技术的许多领域中,常常需要根据实际测试所得到的一系列数据,求出它们的函数关系。理论上讲,可以根据插值原则构造n 次多项式Pn(x),使得Pn(x)在各测试点的数据正好通过实测点。可是, 在一般情况下,我们为了尽量反映实际情况而采集了很多样点,造成了插值多项式Pn(x)的次数很高,这不仅增大了计算量,而且影响了函数的逼近程度;再就是由于插值多项式经过每一实测样点,这样就会保留测量误差,从而影响逼近函数的精度,不易反映实际的函数关系。因此,我们一般根据已知实际测试样点,找出被测试量之间的函数关系,使得找出的近似函数曲线能够充分反映实际测试量之间的关系,这就是曲线拟合。 曲线拟合技术在图像处理、逆向工程、计算机辅助设计以及测试数据的处理显示及故障模式诊断等领域中都得到了广泛的应用。 2 基本原理 2.1 曲线拟合的定义 解决曲线拟合问题常用的方法有很多,总体上可以分为两大类:一类是有理论模型的曲线拟合,也就是由与数据的背景资料规律相适应的解析表达式约束的曲线拟合;另一类是无理论模型的曲线拟合,也就是由几何方法或神经网络的拓扑结构确定数据关系的曲线拟合。 2.2 曲线拟合的方法 解决曲线拟合问题常用的方法有很多,总体上可以分为两大类:一类是有理论模型的曲线拟合,也就是由与数据的背景资料规律相适应的解析表达式约束的曲线拟合;另一类是无理论模型的曲线拟合,也就是由几何方法或神经网络的拓扑结构确定数据关系的曲线拟合。 2.2.1 有理论模型的曲线拟合 有理论模型的曲线拟合适用于处理有一定背景资料、规律性较强的拟合问题。通过实验或者观测得到的数据对(x i,y i)(i=1,2, …,n),可以用与背景资料规律相适应的解析表达式y=f(x,c)来反映x、y之间的依赖关系,y=f(x,c)称为拟合的理论模型,式中c=c0,c1,…c n是待定参数。当c在f中线性出现时,称为线性模型,否则称为非线性模型。有许多衡量拟合优度的标准,最常用的方法是最小二乘法。 线性模型的曲线拟合 线性模型中与背景资料相适应的解析表达式为: ε β β+ + =x y 1 (1) 式中,β0,β1未知参数,ε服从N(0,σ2)。 将n个实验点分别带入表达式(1)得到: i i i x yε β β+ + = 1 (2) 式中i=1,2,…n,ε1, ε2,…, εn相互独立并且服从N(0,σ2)。 根据最小二乘原理,拟合得到的参数应使曲线与试验点之间的误差的平方和达到最小,也就是使如下的目标函数达到最小: 2 1 1 ) ( i i n i i x y Jε β β- - - =∑ = (3) 将试验点数据点入之后,求目标函数的最大值问题就变成了求取使目标函数对待求参数的偏导数为零时的参数值问题,即: ) ( 2 1 1 = - - - - = ? ?∑ = i i n i i x y J ε β β β (4)


Sqlcode -244 死锁问题解决 版本说明 事件日期作者说明 创建09年4月16日Alan 创建文档 一、分析产生死锁的原因 这个问题通常是因为锁表产生的。要么是多个用户同时访问数据库导致该问题,要么是因为某个进程死了以后资源未释放导致的。 如果是前一种情况,可以考虑将数据库表的锁级别改为行锁,来减少撞锁的机会;或在应用程序中,用set lock mode wait 3这样的语句,在撞锁后等待若干秒重试。 如果是后一种情况,可以在数据库端用onstat -g ses/onstat -g sql/onstat -k等命令找出锁表的进程,用onmode -z命令结束进程;如果不行,就需要重新启动数据库来释放资源。 二、方法一 onmode -u 将数据库服务器强行进入单用户模式,来释放被锁的表。注意:生产环境不适合。 三、方法二 1、onstat -k |grep HDR+X 说明:HDR+X为排他锁,HDR 头,X 互斥。返回信息里面的owner项是正持有锁的线程的共享内存地址。 2、onstat -u |grep c60a363c 说明:c60a363c为1中查到的owner内容。sessid是会话标识符编号。 3、onstat -g ses 20287 说明:20287为2中查到的sessid内容。Pid为与此会话的前端关联的进程标识符。 4、onstat -g sql 20287

说明:20287为2中查到的sessid内容。通过上面的命令可以查看执行的sql语句。 5、ps -ef |grep 409918 说明:409918为4中查到的pid内容。由此,我们可以得到锁表的进程。可以根据锁表进程的重要程度采取相应的处理方法。对于重要且该进程可以自动重联数据库的进程,可以用onmode -z sessid的方法杀掉锁表session。否则也可以直接杀掉锁表的进程 kill -9 pid。 四、避免锁表频繁发生的方法 4.1将页锁改为行锁 1、执行下面sql语句可以查询当前库中所有为页锁的表名: select tabname from systables where locklevel='P' and tabid > 99 2、执行下面语句将页锁改为行锁 alter table tabname lock mode(row) 4.2统计更新 UPDATE STATISTICS; 4.3修改数据库配置onconfig OPTCOMPIND参数帮助优化程序为应用选择合适的访问方法。 ?如果OPTCOMPIND等于0,优化程序给予现存索引优先权,即使在表扫描比较快时。 ?如果OPTCOMPIND设置为1,给定查询的隔离级设置为Repeatable Read时,优化程序才使用索引。 ?如果OPTCOMPIND等于2,优化程序选择基于开销选择查询方式。,即使表扫描可以临时锁定整个表。 *建议设置:OPTCOMPIND 0 # To hint the optimizer 五、起停informix数据库 停掉informix数据库 onmode -ky 启动informix数据库 oninit 注意千万别加-i参数,这样会初始化表空间,造成数据完全丢失且无法挽回。


play a part in的用法 Do you know this pretty girl Right! She is Audrey Hepburn who played many classic roles in a great many famous films. For example, < Roman Holiday> is the one of the films which earned Hepburn her first Academy Award for Best Actress. Audrey Hepburn played the part/role of Princess Ann in this film. play the part/role of…扮演……角色

Audrey Hepburn played a leading part in directed by Steven Spielberg.( Always 直到永远/天长地久) play a part in…在……中扮演角色,在……中起作用

Audrey Hepburn also played leading roles in < Funny Face>and < My Fair Lady〉.( My Fair Lady 窈窕淑女影片讲述下层卖花女被语言学教授改造成优雅贵妇的故事,从头至尾洋溢着幽默和雅趣 .Funny Face 甜姐儿) Play a role in…在……中扮演角色,在……中起作用 play a part/role in doing sth. 在做某事方面起作用,参与做某事 We can?all?play?a?role/part?in?reducing?our?dependence?on?plastic, if we started to?take some small?steps?in?our?everyday?lives?to?be


毕业论文文献综述 信息与计算科学 最小二乘法的原理及应用 一、国内外状况 国际统计学会第56届大会于2007年8月22-29日在美丽的大西洋海滨城市、葡萄牙首都里斯本如期召开。应大会组委会的邀请,以会长李德水为团长的中国统计学会代表团一行29人注册参加了这次大会。北京市统计学会、山东省统计学会,分别组团参加了这次大会。中国统计界(不含港澳台地区)共有58名代表参加了这次盛会。本届大会的特邀论文会议共涉及94个主题,每个主题一般至少有3-5位代表做学术演讲和讨论。通过对大会论文按研究内容进行归纳,特邀论文大致可以分为四类:即数理统计,经济、社会统计和官方统计,统计教育和统计应用。 数理统计方面。数理统计作为统计科学的一个重要部分,特别是随机过程和回归分析依然展现着古老理论的活力,一直受到统计界的重视并吸引着众多的研究者。本届大会也不例外。 二、进展情况 数理统计学19世纪的数理统计学史, 就是最小二乘法向各个应用领域拓展的历史席卷了统计大部分应用的几个分支——相关回归分析, 方差分析和线性模型理论等, 其灵魂都在于最小二乘法; 不少近代的统计学研究是在此法的基础上衍生出来, 作为其进一步发展或纠正其不足之处而采取的对策, 这包括回归分析中一系列修正最小二乘法而导致的估计方法。 数理统计学的发展大致可分 3 个时期。① 20 世纪以前。这个时期又可分成两段,大致上可以把高斯和勒让德关于最小二乘法用于观测数据的误差分析的工作作为分界线,前段属萌芽时期,基本上没有超出描述性统计量的范围。后一阶段可算作是数理统计学的幼年阶段。首先,强调了推断的地位,而摆脱了单纯描述的性质。由于高斯等的工作揭示了最小二乘法的重要性,学者们普遍认为,在实际问题中遇见的几乎所有的连续变量,都可以满意地用最小二乘法来刻画。这种观点使关于最小二乘法得到了深入的发展,②20世纪初到第二次世界大战结束。这是数理统计学蓬勃发展达到成熟的时期。许多重要的基本观点和方法,以及数理统计学的主要分支学科,都是在这个时期建立和发展起来的。这个时期的成就,包含了至今仍在广泛使用的大多数统计方法。在其发展中,以英国统计学家、生物学家费希尔为代表的英国学派起了主导作用。③战后时期。这一时期中,数理统计学在应用和理论两方面继续获得很大的进展。


最小二乘法综述及算例 一最小二乘法的历史简介 1801年,意大利天文学家朱赛普·皮亚齐发现了第一颗小行星谷神星。经过40天的跟踪观测后,由于谷神星运行至太阳背后,使得皮亚齐失去了谷神星的位置。随后全世界的科学家利用皮亚齐的观测数据开始寻找谷神星,但是根据大多数人计算的结果来寻找谷神星都没有结果。时年24岁的高斯也计算了谷神星的轨道。奥地利天文学家海因里希·奥尔伯斯根据高斯计算出来的轨道重新发现了谷神星。 高斯使用的最小二乘法的方法发表于1809年他的著作《天体运动论》中。 经过两百余年后,最小二乘法已广泛应用与科学实验和工程技术中,随着现代电子计算机的普及与发展,这个方法更加显示出其强大的生命力。 二最小二乘法原理 最小二乘法的基本原理是:成对等精度测得的一组数据),...,2,1(,n i y x i i =,是找出一条最佳的拟合曲线,似的这条曲线上的个点的值与测量值的差的平方和在所有拟合曲线中最小。 设物理量y 与1个变量l x x x ,...,2,1间的依赖关系式为:)(,...,1,0;,...,2,1n l a a a x x x f y =。 其中n a a a ,...,1,0是n +l 个待定参数,记()2 1 ∑=- = m i i i y v s 其中 是测量值, 是由己求 得的n a a a ,...,1,0以及实验点),...,2,1)(,...,(;,2,1m i v x x x i il i i =得出的函数值 )(,...,1,0;,...,2,1n il i i a a a x x x f y =。 在设计实验时, 为了减小误差, 常进行多点测量, 使方程式个数大于待定参数的个数, 此时构成的方程组称为矛盾方程组。通过最小二乘法转化后的方程组称为正规方程组(此时方程式的个数与待定参数的个数相等) 。我们可以通过正规方程组求出a 最小二乘法又称曲线拟合, 所谓“ 拟合” 即不要求所作的曲线完全通过所有的数据点, 只要求所得的曲线能反映数据的基本趋势。 三曲线拟合 曲线拟合的几何解释: 求一条曲线, 使数据点均在离此曲线的上方或下方不远处。 (1)一元线性拟合 设变量y 与x 成线性关系x a a y 10+=,先已知m 个实验点),...,2,1(,m i v x i i =,求两个未知参数1,0a a 。 令()2 1 10∑ =--=m i i i x a a y s ,则1,0a a 应满足1,0,0==??i a s i 。 即 i v i v


第五章死锁练习题 (一)单项选择题 1.系统出现死锁的根本原因是( )。 A.作业调度不当B.系统中进程太多C.资源的独占性D.资源管理和进程推进顺序都不得当 2.死锁的防止是根据( )采取措施实现的。 A.配置足够的系统资源B.使进程的推进顺序合理 C.破坏产生死锁的四个必要条件之一D.防止系统进入不安全状态 3.采用按序分配资源的策略可以防止死锁.这是利用了使( )条件不成立。 A.互斥使用资源B循环等待资源C.不可抢夺资源D.占有并等待资源 4.可抢夺的资源分配策略可预防死锁,但它只适用于( )。 A.打印机B.磁带机C.绘图仪D.主存空间和处理器 5.进程调度算法中的( )属于抢夺式的分配处理器的策略。 A.时间片轮转算法B.非抢占式优先数算法C.先来先服务算法D.分级调度算法 6.用银行家算法避免死锁时,检测到( )时才分配资源。 A.进程首次申请资源时对资源的最大需求量超过系统现存的资源量 B.进程己占用的资源数与本次申请资源数之和超过对资源的最大需求量 C.进程已占用的资源数与本次申请的资源数之和不超过对资源的最大需求量,且现存资源能满足尚需的最大资源量 D进程已占用的资源数与本次申请的资源数之和不超过对资源的最大需求量,且现存资源能满足本次申请量,但不能满足尚需的最大资源量 7.实际的操作系统要兼顾资源的使用效率和安全可靠,对资源的分配策略,往往采用( )策略。 A死锁的防止B.死锁的避免C.死锁的检测D.死锁的防止、避免和检测的混合 (二)填空题 1.若系统中存在一种进程,它们中的每一个进程都占有了某种资源而又都在等待其中另一个进程所占用的资源。这种等待永远不能结束,则说明出现了______。 2.如果操作系统对______或没有顾及进程______可能出现的情况,则就可能形成死锁。 3.系统出现死锁的四个必要条件是:互斥使用资源,______,不可抢夺资源和______。 4.如果进程申请一个某类资源时,可以把该类资源中的任意一个空闲资源分配给进程,则说该类资源中的所有资源是______。 5.如果资源分配图中无环路,则系统中______发生。 6.为了防止死锁的发生,只要采用分配策略使四个必要条件中的______。 7.使占有并等待资源的条件不成立而防止死锁常用两种方法:______和______. 8静态分配资源也称______,要求每—个进程在______就申请它需要的全部资源。 9.释放已占资源的分配策略是仅当进程______时才允许它去申请资源。 10.抢夺式分配资源约定,如果一个进程已经占有了某些资源又要申请新资源,而新资源不能满足必须等待时、系统可以______该进程已占有的资源。 11.目前抢夺式的分配策略只适用于______和______。 12.对资源采用______的策略可以使循环等待资源的条件不成立。 13.如果操作系统能保证所有的进程在有限的时间内得到需要的全部资源,则称系统处于______。14.只要能保持系统处于安全状态就可______的发生。 15.______是一种古典的安全状态测试方法。 16.要实现______,只要当进程提出资源申请时,系统动态测试资源分配情况,仅当能确保系统安全时才把资源分配给进程。

Unit 7 Will people have robots-知识点整理

Unit 7 Will people have robots?知识 点整理 Unit7willpeoplehaverobots?知识点整理 一、词组、短语: 、oncomputers在电脑上, 2、onpaper在纸上, 3、livetobe200yearsold活到200岁, 4、freetime空闲时间, 5、indanger 在危险中, 6、ontheearth在世界上 7、playapartinsth在某方面出力/做贡献, 8、spacestation太空站, 8、lookfor寻找, 9、computerprogrammer电脑程序师, 10、inthefuture 在将来, 11、hundredsof成百上千的, 12、thesame…as与…一样, 13、overandoveragain反复, 14、getbored 无聊,

15、wakeup醒来/唤醒, 16、looklike 看起来像, 17、falldown倒下/落下 二、重要句子(语法) 、will+动词原形 将要做 2、fewer/more+可数名词复数更少/更多… 3、less/more+不可数名词 更少/更多 4、trytodosth. 尽力做某事 5、havetodosth 不得不做某事 6、agreewithsb. 同意某人的意见 7、such+名词(词组) 如此

8、playapartindoingsth 参与做某事 9、makesbdosth 让某人做某事 10、helpsbwithsth 帮助某人做某事 11、Therewillbe+主语+其他 将会有…. 12、Thereis/are+sb.+doingsth 有…正在做… 13、Itis +形容词+forsb+todosth 做某事对某人来说… 语法: whatwillthefuturebelike? citieswillbemorepolluted.Andtherewillbefewertrees. willpeopleusemoneyin100years?


死锁练习题 (一)单项选择题 l系统出现死锁的根本原因是( )。 A.作业调度不当 B.系统中进程太多 C.资源的独占性 D.资源管理和进程推进顺序都不得当 2.死锁的防止是根据( )采取措施实现的。 A.配置足够的系统资源 B.使进程的推进顺序合理 C.破坏产生死锁的四个必要条件之一 D.防止系统进入不安全状态 3.采用按序分配资源的策略可以防止死锁.这是利用了使( )条件不成立。 A.互斥使用资源 B循环等待资源 c.不可抢夺资源 D.占有并等待资源 4.可抢夺的资源分配策略可预防死锁,但它只适用于( )。A.打印机 B.磁带机 c.绘图仪 D.主存空间和处理器 5.进程调度算法中的( )属于抢夺式的分配处理器的策略。A.时间片轮转算法 B.非抢占式优先数算法 c.先来先服务算法 D.分级调度算法 6.用银行家算法避免死锁时,检测到( )时才分配资源。 A.进程首次申请资源时对资源的最大需求量超过系统现存的资源量 B.进程己占用的资源数与本次申请资源数之和超过对资源的最大需求量 c.进程已占用的资源数与本次申请的资源数之和不超过对资源的最大需求量,且现存资源能满足尚需的最大资源量 D进程已占用的资源数与本次申请的资源数之和不超过对资源的最大需求量,且现存资源能满足本次申请量,但不能满足尚需的最大资源量 7.实际的操作系统要兼顾资源的使用效率和安全可靠,对资源的分配策略,往往采用 ( )策略。 A死锁的防止 B.死锁的避免 c.死锁的检测 D.死锁的防止、避免和检测的混合(一)单项选择题 1.D 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A 6 C 7 D (二)填空题 l若系统中存在一种进程,它们中的每一个进程都占有了某种资源而又都在等待其中另一个进程所占用的资源。这种等待永远不能结束,则说明出现了______。 2.如果操作系统对 ______或没有顾及进程______可能出现的情况,则就可能形成死锁。3.系统出现死锁的四个必要条件是:互斥使用资源,______,不可抢夺资源和______。 4.如果进程申请一个某类资源时,可以把该类资源中的任意一个空闲资源分配给进程,则说该类资源中的所有资源是______。 5.如果资源分配图中无环路,则系统中______发生。 6.为了防止死锁的发生,只要采用分配策略使四个必要条件中的______。 7.使占有并等待资源的条件不成立而防止死锁常用两种方法:______和______. 8静态分配资源也称______,要求每—个进程在______就申请它需要的全部资源。 9.释放已占资源的分配策略是仅当进程______时才允许它去申请资源。 10抢夺式分配资源约定,如果一个进程已经占有了某些资源又要申请新资源,而新资源不能满足必须等待时、系统可以______该进程已占有的资源。 11.目前抢夺式的分配策略只适用于______和______。 12.对资源采用______的策略可以使循环等待资源的条件不成立。 13.如果操作系统能保证所有的进程在有限的时间内得到需要的全部资源,则称系统处于______。 14.只要能保持系统处于安全状态就可______的发生。 15.______是一种古典的安全状态测试方法。 16.要实现______,只要当进程提出资源申请时,系统动态测试资源分配情况,仅当能确保系统安全时才把资源分配给进程。 17.可以证明,M个同类资源被n个进程共享时,只要不等式______成立,则系统一定不会发生死锁,其中x为每个进程申请该类资源的最大量。 18.______对资源的分配不加限制,只要有剩余的资源,就可把资源分配给申请者。 19.死锁检测方法要解决两个问题,一是______是否出现了死锁,二是当有死锁发生时怎样去______。 20.对每个资源类中只有一个资源的死锁检测程序根据______和______两张表中记录的资源情况,把进程等待资源的关系在矩阵中表示出


人教版八年级英语上册Unit7知识点归纳整 理 Unit7illpeoplehaverobots? 短语归纳 onputer在电脑上2.onpaper在纸上3.aeup醒 livetodo200yearsold活动200岁5.freetie空闲时间indanger处于危险之中7.ontheearth在地球上 playapartinsth.参与某事9.inthefuture在未 0spacestation太空站11.puterprograer电脑编程员 loofor寻找13.hundredsof许多;成百上千 thesae…as…与……一样15.getbored感到厌烦的 overandoveragain多次;反复地17.falldon倒塌 ill+动词原形将要做…… feer/ore+可数名词复数更少/更多…… 0.less/ore+不可数名词更少/更多…… 1.havetodosth.不得不做某事 2.agreeithsb.同意某人的意见 3.such+名词如此…… playapartindoingsth.参与做某事 Thereillbe+主语+其他将会有…… Thereis/are+sb./sth.+doingsth.有……正在做某事

aesb.dosth.helpsb.ithsth.帮助某人做某事 trytodosth.尽力做某事 It’s+ad+forsb.todosth.对某人来说,做某事……的。 语法讲解 Boosillonlybeonputers,notonpaper.书将只在电脑里,而不是在纸上。 Thereillbeorepollution.将会有更多的污染。 ).Thereillbe+n=Thereis/aregoingtobe+n将会有…ThereisgoingtobeafootballatchthisFriday. ).pollution:污染;公害pollute:污染;弄脏polluted:受污染的 Everyoneshouldplayapartinsavingtheearth.每个人应该参与挽救地球。 Todaytherearealreadyrobotsoringinfactories.现在已经有机器人在工厂里工作了。 Therebesb.doingsth.有某人正在做…Thereisabirdsinginginthetree. Theyagreeitaytaehundredsofyears.他们同意这可能花费几百年的时间。 Ittaes+时间+todosth.某人花费时间区做某事。 Ittooehalfanhourtofinishyhoeor. agreetodosth.eagreetoeetuplaterandtalthingsover


误差理论综述与最小二乘法讨论 摘要:本文对误差理论和有关数据处理的方法进行综述。并且针对最小二乘法(LS)的创立、发展、思想方法等相关方面进行了研究和总结。同时,将近年发展起来的全面最小二乘法(TLS)同传统最小二乘法进行了对比。 1.误差的有关概念 对科学而言,各种物理量都需要经过测量才能得出结果。许多物理量的发现,物理常数的确定,都是通过精密测量得到的。任何测试结果,都含有误差,因此,必须研究,估计和判断测量结果是否可靠,给出正确评定。对测量结果的分析、研究、判断,必须采用误差理论,它是我们客观分析的有力工具 测量基本概念 一个物理量的测量值应由数值和单位两部分组成。按实验数据处理的方式,测量可分为直接测量、间接测量和组合测量。 直接测量:可以用测量仪表直接读出测量值的测量。 间接测量:有些物理量无法直接测得,需要依据待测物理量与若干直接测量量的函数关系求出。 组合测量:如有若干个待求量,把这些待求量用不同方法组合起来进行测量,并把测量结果与待求量之间的函数关系列成方程组,用最小二乘法求出这个待求量的数值,即为组合测量。 误差基本概念 误差是评定测量精度的尺度,误差越小表示精度越高。若某物理量的测量值为y,真值为Y,则测量误差dy=y-Y。虽然真值是客观存在的,但实际应用时它一般无从得知。按照误差的性质,可分为随机误差,系统误差和粗大误差三类。 随机误差:是同一测量条件下,重复测量中以不可预知方式变化的测量误差分量。 系统误差:是同一测量条件下,重复测量中保持恒定或以可预知方式变化的测量误差分量。 粗大误差:指超出在规定条件下预期的误差。 等精度测量的随机误差 当对同一量值进行多次等精度的重复测量,得到一系列的测量值,每个测量


死锁问题的相关研究 摘要死锁是计算机操作系统学习中的一个重点,进程在使用系统资源时易产生死锁问题,若何排除、预防和避免死锁,是我们所要研究的重要问题。 关键词银行家算法;存储转发;重装死锁 所谓死锁是指两个或两个以上的进程在执行过程中,因争夺资源而造成的一种互相等待的现象,若无外力作用,它们都将无法推进下去.此时称系统处于死锁状态或系统产生了死锁,这些永远在互相等待的进程称为死锁进程。 1产生死锁的原因及其必要条件 1)产生死锁的原因。因为系统资源不足;进程运行推进的顺序不合适;资源分配不当等。如果系统资源充足,进程的资源请求都能够得到满足,死锁出现的可能性就很低,否则就会因争夺有限的资源而陷入死锁。其次,进程运行推进顺序与速度不同,也可能产生死锁。 2)产生死锁的四个必要条件。互斥条件:一个资源每次只能被一个进程使用。请求与保持条件(占有等待):一个进程因请求资源而阻塞时,对已获得的资源保持不放。不剥夺条件(不可抢占):进程已获得的资源,在未使用完之前,不能强行剥夺。循环等待条件:若干进程之间形成一种头尾相接的循环等待资源关系。 这四个条件是死锁的必要条件,只要系统发生死锁,这些条件必然成立,而只要上述条件之一不满足,就不会发生死锁。 2死锁的解除与预防 理解了死锁的原因,尤其是产生死锁的四个必要条件,就可以最大可能地避免、预防和解除死锁。在系统设计、进程调度等方面注意如何不让这四个必要条件成立,如何确定资源的合理分配算法,避免进程永久占据系统资源。 1)有序资源分配法。这种算法资源按某种规则系统中的所有资源统一编号(例如打印机为1、磁带机为2、磁盘为3、等等),申请时必须以上升的次序。 采用有序资源分配法:R1的编号为1,R2的编号为2;PA:申请次序应是:R1,R2;PB:申请次序应是:R1,R2;这样就破坏了环路条件,避免了死锁的发生。 2)银行算法。避免死锁算法中最有代表性的算法是DijkstraE.W于1968年提出的银行家算法。该算法需要检查申请者对资源的最大需求量,如果系统现存的各类资源可以满足申请者的请求,就满足申请者的请求。这样申请者就可很快


Oracle常见死锁发生的原因以及解决方法 Oracle常见死锁发生的原因以及解决办法 一,删除和更新之间引起的死锁 造成死锁的原因就是多个线程或进程对同一个资源的争抢或相互依赖。这里列举一个对同一个资源的争抢造成死锁的实例。 Oracle 10g, PL/SQL version 9.2 CREATE TABLE testLock( ID NUMBER, test VARCHAR(100) ) COMMIT INSERT INTO testLock VALUES(1,'test1'); INSERT INTO testLock VALUES(2,'test2'); COMMIT; SELECT * FROM testLock 1. ID TEST 2.---------- ---------------------------------- 3. 1 test1 4. 2 test2 死锁现象的重现: 1)在sql 窗口执行:SELECT * FROM testLock FOR UPDATE; -- 加行级锁并对内容进行修改, 不要提交 2)另开一个command窗口,执行:delete from testLock WHERE ID=1; 此时发生死锁(注意此时要另开一个窗口,不然会提示:POST THE CHANGE RECORD TO THE DATABASE. 点yes 后强制commit):

3)死锁查看: 1.SQL> select https://www.360docs.net/doc/d216780599.html,ername,l.object_id, l.session_id,s.serial#, s.lockwait,s.status,s.machine, s.program from v$session s,v$locked_object l where s.sid = l.session_id; USER NAME SESSION_ID SERIAL# LOCKWAIT STATUS MACHINE PROGRAM 2.---------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- ---------------------- ------------ 3.SYS 146 104 INACTIVE WORKGROUP\J-THINK PLSQLDev.exe 4.SYS 144 145 20834474 ACTIVE WORKGROUP\J-THINK PLSQLDev. exe 字段说明: Username:死锁语句所用的数据库用户; SID: session identifier,session 标示符,session 是通信双方从开始通信到通信结束期间的一个上下文。 SERIAL#: sid 会重用,但是同一个sid被重用时,serial#会增加,不会重复。 Lockwait:可以通过这个字段查询出当前正在等待的锁的相关信息。 Status:用来判断session状态。Active:正执行SQL语句。Inactive:等待操作。Killed:被标注为删除。 Machine:死锁语句所在的机器。 Program:产生死锁的语句主要来自哪个应用程序。 4)查看引起死锁的语句:


XX九年级英语上册Unit13教案(新版人教 版) 学科English年级9班级 课型fresh课时1/6媒体ataperecorder,cAI 课题Unit13e’retryingtosavetheearth!SectionA1a~1c 话题Protectingtheenvironent 功能Talaboutpollutionandenvironentalprotection 教 学 目 标 知识 技能1.Targetlanguage: e’retryingtosavetheearth. Peoplearethroinglitterintotheriver. Theriverusedtobesoclean. Everyoneshouldhelptocleanuptheriver. Graar: Presentprogressive,usedto,odalverbs ordsandexpressions;

curriculuords:litter,botto,fisheran Usefulexpressions:befullof,put…into,thro…into,cleanup,playapartin,closedon 过程 方法Accordingtodesigningsoetass,totrainstudents’listeningabilityandtotrainstudents’unicativepetence. 情感 态度Everyoneshouldeepourriversclean. 学习策略Listeningforeyords,transforinginforation. 重点TargetLanguage 难点1.Hototrainstudents’listeningability. .Hototrainstudents’unicativepetence. 教学内容及问题情境学生活动设计意图 a.TointroduceSstotheunitgoal,talaboutpollutionanden vironentalprotection. Picture: Thefourpicturesshodifferentforsofenvironentalpollut


题目:最小二乘法的综述及算例院系:航天学院自动化 班级: 学号: 学生签名: 指导教师签名: 日期:2011年12月6日

目录 1.综述 (3) 2.概念 (3) 3.原理 (4) 4.算例 (6) 5.总结 (10) 参考文献 (10)

1.综述 最小二乘法最早是由高斯提出的,这是数据处理的一种很有效的统计方法。高斯用这种方法解决了天文学方面的问题,特别是确定了某些行星和彗星的天体轨迹。这类天体的椭圆轨迹由5个参数确定,原则上,只要对它的位置做5次测量就足以确定它的整个轨迹。但由于存在测量误差,由5次测量所确定的运行轨迹极不可靠,相反,要进行多次测量,用最小二乘法消除测量误差,得到有关轨迹参数的更精确的值。最小二乘法近似将几十次甚至上百次的观察所产生的高维空间问题降到了椭圆轨迹模型的五维参数空间。 最小二乘法普遍适用于各个科学领域,它在解决实际问题中发挥了重要的作用。它在生产实践、科学实验及经济活动中均有广泛应用。比如说,我们引入等效时间的概念,根据Arrhenius 函数和指数函数研究水化热化学反应速率随温度的变化,最后采用最小二乘法回归分析试验数据,确定绝热温升和等效时间的关系式。 为了更好地掌握最小二乘法,我们引入以下两个问题: (1)假设已知一组二维数据(i i y x ,),(i=1,2,3···n ),怎样确定它的拟合曲线y=f(x)(假设为多项式形式f(x)=n n x a x a a +++...10),使得这些点与曲线总体来说尽量接近? (2)若拟合模型为非多项式形式bx ae y =,怎样根据已知的二维数据用最小二乘线性拟合确定其系数,求出曲线拟合函数? 怎样从给定的二维数据出发,寻找一个简单合理的函数来拟合给定的一组看上去杂乱无章的数据,正是我们要解决的问题。 2.概念 在科学实验的统计方法研究中,往往要从一组实验数(i i y x ,)(i=1,2,3···m )中寻找自变量x 与y 之间的函数关系y=F(x).由于观测数据往往不准确,此时不要求y=F(x)经过所有点(i i y x ,),而只要求在给定i x 上误差i δ=F (i x )i y -(i=1,2,3···m )按某种标准最小。 若记δ=( )δδδm T 2 ,1,就是要求向量δ的范数δ 最小。如果用最大范数,计算上困 难较大,通常就采用Euclid 范数2 δ 作为误差度量的标准。 关于最小二乘法的一般提法是:对于给定的一组数据(i i y x ,) (i=0,1,…m)要求在函数空间Φ=span{ n ???,....,,10}中找一个函数S*(x),使加权的误差平方和22 δ =
