Book_1_Unit_5 Cliff Young, an unlikely hero

Book_1_Unit_5 Cliff Young, an unlikely hero
Book_1_Unit_5 Cliff Young, an unlikely hero


Cliff Y oung, an unlikely hero

Para 1 Considered one of the toughest marathon events in the world, the 875-kilometer annual Australian race, a route from Sydney to Melbourne, is a harsh test of endurance for the world’s top athletes, regardless of the ir age. The young, super-fit runners train for months before a competition and are under contract to prominent sponsors like Nike and Adidas, who finance them and furnish them with a substantial support mechanism of money and equipment. The contest takes up to seven days to complete and is a challenging test of fitness and strength even for world-class athletes who compete for distinction and a cash prize.

Para 2On the day of the race in 1983, Cliff Young, a toothless 61-year-old farmer and amateur runner, wearing rubber boots, and much older than the other runners, was in attendance. No one paid any attention to this odd-looking man who might as well have been invisible. The assembled crowd assumed Cliff was there to observe the race. When he asserted his intention to compete, the world-class athletes around him reacted with apparent disbelief and then with disrespect. Obviously, this was some sort of publicity trick.

Para 3 But the press was curious, so as he took his number and moved into the crush of runners in their special, expensive racing gear, the camera focused on him and the assembled reporters shouted question

after question at Cliff. They asked: “Who are you?” “What are you doing?”

Para 4 “I’m Cliff Young. I’m from a large farm where we raise sheep outside of Melbourne.”

Para 5 They went on, “What makes you think you can run this race? It takes a week to run this race on no more than six hours of sleep a night!”Para 6 Cliff replied, “I’ve run sheep for two or three days at a time. This race should only be a couple more days than that. I believe I can do it.”Para 7Soon, the marathon started and the young athletes left Cliff far behind, The crowds smiled, and some laughed out loud because he didn’t even run properly. He had the strangest running style; he appeared to shuffle. As the race progressed along, of course, the attention of the sports commentators and viewers alike was on the athletes at the front of the pack. Imagine everyone’s surprise the next morning when the news showed Cliff was still in the race! Not only that, but he had run through the entire night without sleeping. And it seemed that he intended to keep running until he reached the finish line or fell ill or was injured as many viewers now began to fear. They were uneasy and very concerned for his welfare. Many people said and even more people thought: “Surely, someone should stop this insane old man before he really harms himself!”Para 8 But Cliff had no intention of stopping. Although he was still far behind the world-class athletes, he kept at it. When he got to a major

town, he was asked about his plan for the rest of the race. He said he would just keep running, and he did. With every passing hour and every shuffling step, he got just a little bit closer to the race leaders. Later, he told people that throughout the race he kept focused by imagining he was gathering his sheep and trying to outrun a storm.

Pare 9 By the fifth nigh, he had overtaken them all. By the sixth day, he led the whole pack of runners by a wide lead. He led all the way to the finish line, smashing the record by finishing the 875-kilometer race in 5 days, 15 hours and 4 minutes--9hours faster than anyone before! In that instant, Cliff Young became a beloved national hero.

Para 10 When Cliff was awarded the first prize of $10000, he said he didn’t know there was a prize and insisted that he had not entered for the money. He said, “There’re five other runners still out there doing it tougher than me,”and he gave them $ 2000 each. He did not keep a single cent for himself. That act increased his fame and endeared him to all of Australia.

Para 11 Cliff came to prominence again in 1997, at the age 75, when he attempted to become the oldest man to run around Australia and raise money for homeless children.

Para 12 For the rest of his life, Cliff kept running. Over the years, despite increasing age and physical challenges, he participated in many races and won a number of them. It was said that Cliff Young never kept a single

prize. People gave him watches because he never had one. He would thank them because he did not want to hurt their feelings, but then gave them away to the first child he saw. He said, “I don’t need a watch. I know when it’s daylight, when it’s dark, and when I’m hungry.”

Para 13 His love for running never dimmed, but in the year 2000, he suffered a mild stroke that ended his heroic running days. Cliff Young, the running legend, passed away on November 2, 2003. He was 81.

Para 14 To this day, Cliff Young remains a magnificent reminder and brilliant example of how ordinary individuals can inherently achieve remarkable results. As the famous saying goes, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way!”With determination and preparation, we can achieve distinction and be a brilliant example to others.

上个世纪的飞雪和溪流迟子建去年深冬,在回故乡的慢行列车上,我遇见了两个老者。他们一胖一瘦,愉快地交谈。其中的一个说,四十多年前的一个夜晚,他驾着手推车,从山上拉烧柴回家。走到半程时,天飘起了雪花。雪越下越大,到了一个三岔路口时,他习惯地上了一条路。然而走了一会儿,他发现那路越走越生,于是掉转车头,又回到岔路口。雪花纷纷扬扬的,天又黑,他分辨不出南北东西了,于是凭着直觉,又踏上了一条路。可是他越走越心虚,因为那条路似乎也是陌生的,他害怕了,又一次回到岔路口。深夜时,家人寻来了。他这才知道,他第一次踏上的路,是正确的。只不过因为雪太大,改变了路的风貌。那人说:“谁能相信,我让雪花给迷了路呢!要是搁现在,可能吗?”他指着车窗外的森林说:“看看,这雪一年比一年小,风一年比一年大,这还叫大兴安岭吗?”透过车窗,我看见稀疏的林地上,覆盖着浅浅的积雪,枯黄的蒿草在风中舞动。而在雪大的年份,那些蒿草会被雪深深地埋住,你是看不到的。天虽然仍是蓝的,可因为雪少得可怜,那幅闪烁的冬景给人残破不堪的感觉。而这样的景象,在大兴安岭,自新世纪以来,是越来越司空见惯了。我想起童年在小山村的时候,每逢冬天来临,老天就会分派下一项活儿,等着我们小孩子来接收,那就是扫雪。那个年代的雪,真是恋人间啊!常常是三天一小场,十天一大场,很少碰到一个月没有雪的时候。雪会大到什么程度呢?有的时候,它闷着头下了一夜,清晨起来,你无法出去抱柴了,因为大雪封门了。这个时候,就得慢慢地推门,让它渐渐透出缝隙,直到能伸出笤帚,一点点地掘开雪,门才会咧开嘴,将满院子的白雪推进你的视野,有如献给你一个明朗的笑。那个年代,不光是雪多,溪流也是多的。夏天,我们常到山上玩,渴了,随时捧山间的溪水来喝。溪水清冽甘甜,带着草木的清香,我喝的这世上最好的水,就是大兴安岭的溪水。那时植被好,雨水丰沛,因而溪流纵横。女孩们夏天洗衣服,爱到溪水旁。省了挑水,可以洗个透彻。洗衣服的时候,蝴蝶和蜻蜓在你眼前飞来飞去的,它们的翅膀有时会温柔地触着你的脸;而溪水中呢,不仅浸泡着衣服,还浸泡着树和云的影子,好像它们嫌自己不干净,要你帮着洗一洗似的。大兴安岭的河流,到了冬天都封冻了。柔软的水遇到零下三四十度的严寒,哪有不僵的呢?可母亲告诉我,我们家在设计队住的时候,后山上有一道泉水,冬天是不冻的。母亲说,我们后来搬家了,所以那道泉水在那座山上,究竟活了多少个冬天,她是不知道的。大兴安岭的开发,使林木资源日渐匮乏,小时候常见的参天大树,好像都被老天召走,做了另一个世界晚祷的蜡烛,难觅踪影了。而那如丰富的神经一样遍布大地的溪流,也悄然消逝了。我已故的爱人,他曾天真地对我说:“大兴安岭全境人口不过五十多万,我看不如把所有的人口都迁出去,异地安置,做到真正的封山。几十年后,树茂盛了,溪水也充沛了,中国会留下最好的一片原始森林。”可我知道,这样的想法,无论是在他生前还是死后,都是“天上的想法”。我怀念上个世纪故乡的飞雪和溪流。我幻想着,有一天,它们还会在新世纪的曙光中,带着重回人间的喜悦,妖娆地起舞和歌唱。(有删改)文中写到了上个世纪大兴安岭的飞雪和溪流,请结合全文用简洁的语言分别概括其特点。(4分) 飞雪:雪大,雪多。溪流:多(溪流纵横,遍布大地),清冽甘甜,有些经冬不冻。文章第一段写两个老者的对话,这样写有何用意?请简要分析。(6分)⑴内容上,回忆了曾经的大兴安岭雪大的特点,表现了作者对上个世纪大兴安岭飞雪的怀念之情;⑵结构和手法上,与后文现在残破不堪的冬景形成鲜明对比,为回忆上个世纪大兴安岭飞雪和溪流做铺垫;⑶效果上,起到吸引读者的作用。本文是围绕“大兴安岭的飞雪和溪流”展开的,请梳理全文的行文思路。(6分)⑴开篇借老者之口讲述雪夜迷路的故事,突出了上个世纪大兴安岭雪大的特点,与现在残破不堪的冬景形成鲜明对比。⑵回忆起上个世纪雪和溪流的景象。⑶回到现实,说明人们对大兴安岭的开发、对林木资源的破坏是这一改变的根源。⑷作者怀念上个世纪大兴安岭飞雪和溪流,憧憬它们重回人间。请结合全文分条归纳,作者主要流露出了哪些情感。(6分)⑴怀念、惋惜之情;⑵憧憬、期盼之情;⑶对人们破坏林木资源的批判,对封山

share the same type of relationship a classroom teacher and e their own CD. You don’t have to just listen to music made and sold by big record companies .Many groups send their music straight to community radio stations This allows for truly new muobably right about my ears; I likely have lost some hearing from going to too many loud concert as I have . I can’t stay that it wasomething great has been achieved,we are free to set our sights on the next opportunity to help that arise Each new opportunity may be bigger and better than the last And so ,I urge you to use all your efforts to do what good you can today instead of tomorrow . Do not spend your time with thing that are neither good nor valuable. This will save you from mistake . If you are given a task that you do not believe is helpful ,delay it. Time will wash it away for you .At the same time, the beginnings of something positive will have built up .Do it at once ! A kind word ,or a(n) service to others is never a waste of your time ,and you will reap the benefits of doing good and enjoy peace of mind. (4)Standing in the door of Mr Murphy’s office ,I could see he was learned on something he was reading. He had both elbow on his desk, his head was resting on one hand and his other hand was

高考英语短文改错 常见错误类型 高考英语改错题是考生感到棘手的题型之一。笔者对近几年的高考英语改错题作了细致的分析并加以归类后,发现错误类型主要集中在以下方面。(例题保留原题号) 1. 动词时态 每年都有时态错误的小题,而且改动基本集中在一般过去时与一般现在时之间。时态的更改要以上下文的主体时态为依据。 (1)(2003全国卷)She liked it very much and reads it to the class. All said the story was... 84. read (and连接并列谓语) (2)(2004江苏卷)At once I apologize and controlled myself... 83. apologized (and连接并列谓语) (3)(2004全国卷)Sometimes, we talked to each other very well in class,... 82. talk (根据sometimes可判断此句为一般现在时) (4)(2005全国卷Ⅱ)I will write again and send you the photos we take together. 85. took (把照片寄给你,应该是已经拍好的,用过去时) (5)(2005全国卷Ⅰ)There are advantage for students to work while studying at school. One of them was that they can earn money. 77. is (从上下文判断,应该是现在时,谓语用is) (6)(2005江苏卷)We named him Jack and keep him for about three years. 76. kept (and连接并列谓语) 2. 名词单复数 单复数互改是高考英语改错题的基本题型之一,改动的依据有:一是根据名词前的修饰限定成份;二是根据上下文的逻辑关系。 (1)(2003全国卷)Their word were a great encouragement to me. 85. words (是把word改为words 还是把were改为was,根据名词前的修饰限定词their来决定。) (2)(2004江苏)that was a dinner we had waited for several month. 85. months (several修饰复数名词) (3)(2004全国卷Ⅰ)a few minute on the Internet. 77. minutes (a few修饰复数名词) (4)(2005全国卷Ⅱ)But one and a half year later. 79. years (one and a half意思为一年半,故判断此处year应为复数形式) (5)(2005全国卷Ⅰ)There are advantage for students to work... 76. advantages (从there are 判断应该用名词复数) 3. 句子结构 句子结构方面的错误范围庞大,解答高考英语改错题主要可以从以下几方面来思考:1)句子结构是否完整,成份是否冗缺;2)单词的词性与其在句中的功能是否相符;3)主谓一致;4)复合句中连接主句和从句的关系词或引导词的运用是否得当等。 (1)(2004 全国卷)I won’t be able to meet you at the airport although I have classes in the afternoon. 78. because/as (复合句中连接主句和从句的关系词运用不当) (2)(2004 全国卷Ⅱ)I don’t know that they don’t like to talk with me. 81. why (复合句中连接主句和从句的关系词运用不当) (3)(2005全国卷Ⅰ)For the most part, students working to earn money for their own use. 78. work (缺谓语动词) (4)(2005全国卷Ⅰ)Earning their own money allow them to spend on anything if they like. 79. allows (主语是动名词短语Earning their own money,谓语应该用单数) (5)(2005江苏卷)But the most wonderful thing about Jack were his musical ability. 84. was

成语使用常见错误类型 (一)、望文生义 例如:在浦东国际机场边检大厅,有这样一位服务标兵,她无论出现在哪里,脸上始终挂着一抹微笑,真诚、甜美、亲切,让人难以释怀。(2010山东卷) “释怀”指(爱憎、悲喜、思念)很难在心中消除。此处说的是“真诚、甜美、亲切”,应改用“让人难以忘怀”。这里误解词语 (二)、用错对象 例如:上届冠军挪威队以全胜战绩出线,表现十分出色,其卫冕雄心及雄厚实力令人刮目相看。(2010江西卷) “刮目相看”,指别人已有进步,不能再用老眼光去看。这里用错对象。 (三)、褒贬不当

例:现在我们单位职工上下班或步行、或骑车,为的是倡导绿色、低碳生活。尤为可喜的是,始作俑者是我们新来的局长。(2010全国Ⅰ) 褒贬色彩失当。“俑”,指古代殉葬用的木制或陶制的俑人。“始作俑者”,开始制作俑的人,比喻首先做某件坏事的人。此处贬词褒用。 (四)、语义重复 例:在飞驰的高速列车上,人们津津乐道地谈论着乘坐高铁出行带来的快捷 与方便。(2010湖南卷) “津津乐道地谈论着”不妥,很明显“津津乐道”已经包含了“说”这一动作,后面再接“谈论”语意重复,改为“兴致勃勃”比较好。 (五)、不合语境 例如:近年来,在种种灾害面前,各级政府防患未然,及时启动应急预案,力

争把人民的生命财产损失降到最低限度。(2010江苏卷) “防患未然”用于灾难没有发生之前。不合语境。 (六)、两栖词语 有些成语有两种或两种以上的含义,两种或两种以上的感情色彩,这称为词语的“两栖现象”。要判断成语运用正确与否,需用它的多个含义和色彩去斟酌。 例:生命的价值在于厚度而不在于长度,在于奉献而不在于获取……院士的一番话入木三分,让我们深受教育。(2010江苏卷) “入木三分”,形容书法有力,也用来比喻议论深刻。这里使用恰当。

苏雪林《溪水》阅读答案 导读:溪水 苏雪林 ⑴我们携着手走进林子,溪水漾着笑窝,似乎欢迎我们的双影。这道溪流,本来温柔得像少女般可爱,但不知何时流入深林,她的身体便被囚禁在重叠的浓翠中间。 ⑵早晨时她不能更向玫瑰色的朝阳微笑,深夜时不能和娟娟的月儿谈心,她的chè莹晶的眼波,渐渐变成忧郁的深蓝色,时时凄咽着忧伤的调子,她是如何的沉闷呵!在夏夜的时候。 ⑶几番秋雨之后,溪水涨了几篙;早diāo的梧楸,飞尽了翠叶;黄金色的晓霞,从杈桠树隙里,深入溪中;泼靛的波面,便泛出彩虹似的光。 ⑷现在,水恢复从前活泼和快乐了,一面疾忙的向前走着,一面还要和沿途遇见的落叶、枯枝……淘气。 ⑸一张小小的红叶儿,听了狡狯的西风劝告,私下离开母校出来顽玩,走到半路上,风偷偷儿的溜走了,他便一交跌在溪水里。 ⑹水是怎样的开心呵,她将那可怜的失路的小红叶儿,推推挤挤的推到一个xuán涡里,使他滴滴溜溜的打圆转儿;那叶向前不得,向后不能,急得几乎哭出来;水笑嘻嘻的将手一松,他才一溜烟的逃走了。 ⑺水是这样欢喜捉弄人的,但流到坝塘边,她自己的磨难也来

了。你记得么?坝下边不是有许多大石头,阻住水的去路。 ⑻水初流到水边时,还是不经意的涎着脸撒嗔痴的要求石头放行,但石头却像没有耳朵似的,板着冷静的面孔,一点儿不理。于是水开始娇嗔起来了,拼命向石头冲突过去;冲突激烈时,浅碧的衣裳袒开了,漏出雪白的胸臂,肺叶收放,呼吸极其急促,发出怒吼的声音来,缕缕银丝头发,四散飞起。 ⑼辟辟拍拍,温柔的巴掌,尽打在石头皱纹深陷的颊边,---- 她真的发怒了,不是儿嬉。 ⑽谁说石头是始终顽固的呢,巴掌来得狠了,也不得不低头躲避。于是谁得安然度过难关了。 ⑾她虽然得胜了,然而弄得异常疲倦,曳了浅碧的衣裳去时, 我们还听见她继续的chuǎn息声。 ⑿我们到这树林中来,总要到这坝塘边参观水石的争执,一坐总要一两个钟头。 1.文章着重刻画了溪水流经途中的哪两件事?表现出溪水怎样的 性格特点?请根据文意简要回答。 2.下列句子生动形象,富有表现力,请加以赏析。 1).一张小小的红叶儿,听了狡狯的西风劝告,私下离开母校出来顽玩,走到半路上,风偷偷儿的溜走了,他便一交跌在溪水里。 2).于是水开始娇嗔起来了,拼命向石头冲突过去;冲突激烈时,浅碧的衣裳袒开了,漏出雪白的胸臂,肺叶收放,呼吸极其急促,发

翻译Translate the following into English. 出于同情,布莱克太太(Mrs. Black)给了这位可怜的老人一些钱。(out of sympathy) Out of sympathy, Mrs. Black gave some money to the poor old man. 2. 英语教师指着一个苹果用英语对全班同学说:“这是一个苹果。”(point to) The English teacher pointed to an apple and said to the whole class in English: "This is an apple." 3. 当我们互相帮助时,我们的房间里就充满了爱。(be filled with) Our room is filled with love when we help each other. 4. 我们应该听从这位老人的劝告,现在就回家去。(take someone's advice) We should take the old man's advice and go home right now. Some think wealth is more important; some success; others think love is the most important of all. 有些人认为财富更重要;有些人认为成功更重要;另一些人则认为爱最重要。 2. Could it be possible for a person to choose one and somehow get the other two as well?一个人能不能选择一个并同时设法得到另外两个? 3. Let him come in and fill our home with wealth! 让他进来把我们家装满财富! 4. Wherever there is love, there is also wealth and success!只要有爱的地方就会有财富和成功! 1.虽然有战争的威胁(threat),人们仍一如既往地工作着。(go about) Despite the threat of war, people went about their work as usual. 2. 请允许我就这些问题讲几句话。(allow somebody to do) Please allow me to say a few words about the problems. 3. 她站起身来惊讶地盯着我。(stare at) She stood up and stared at me in surprise. 4. 大火迅速蔓延到大楼的其他部分。(spread) Fire quickly spread to the other parts of the building. The most frightening words in the English language are: "Our computer is down." 英语中最令人恐惧的字眼莫过于“计算机死机了”。 2. All the people behind the counter were just standing there, drinking coffee and staring into a dark screen. 所有在柜台后面的人都只是站着,一边喝着咖啡,一边盯着黑暗的屏幕。 3. Why don't I give you the money, you give me a receipt, and I'll show it to the pilot as proof that I have paid? 何不这样:我把钱给你,你给我开一张收据,然后我把这张收据作为我已付费的证明给飞行员看。 4. When our computer is down, it can't tell the credit card computer to charge the fare to your account. 计算机死机时根本就不能告诉信用卡机该从你的账户中扣多少钱。 1. 人们期望看到有更多的优秀球员到国外去打篮球。(look forward to) People look forward to seeing more excellent players play basketball abroad. 2. 球迷们都围着他要签名。(surround) The football fans surrounded him and asked for his signature.

高中英语短文改错常见错误类型有哪些 短文改错是一道拉开分数距离的题,许多同学因为这道题丢了许多分。下面小编就给大家介绍一些高中英语短文改错常见错误类型有哪些,供 大家参考。 ? ?高中英语短文改错常见错误类型1. 谓语动词的错误 是历年考试的重点和热点,常见动词错误类型有①一般现在时与一般过去时错用;②and前后动 词时态不一致;③主谓不一致;④缺少动词,特别是be动词;⑤第三人称单数形式错用;⑥主动语态和被动语态错用。Theydid not want me to do any work at home; they want me to devote allmy time to my studies.(did改为do,错误类型属于①) As weclimbed the mountain, we fed monkeys, visiting temples and toldstories. (visiting 改为visited, 错误类型属于②) Therewill an important game next month. (will后加be,错误类型属于④) Oneevening she told me that something happened when her parents wasout. ( was 改为were,错误类型属于③) ?高中英语短文改错常见错误类型2. 名词的常见错误 单复数名词错用,可数名词与不可数名词错用。I’ll get good marks in all mysubject.(subject改为subjects) Theirword were a great encouragement to me.(word改为words) Withoutenough knowledges, you can never teach well.(knowledges改为knowledge) ?高中英语短文改错常见错误类型3. 连词错误 连词包括关系代词、副词,并列连词and/ or/but等。关于连词,一般考查从句关系who/whom/whose/what/which/how/why/when/where/if/whether等。I havea good friend who’s name is Liu Mei. (错用了who的所有格形式,改为whose)

七上成语运用 一、成语使用常见错误类型 对策一:吃透词义,多识记多积累成语的意蕴是约定俗成的,而且许多源自典故,加之有些成语中的语素还含有生僻的古义,这就造成了成语理解上的难度。如果不仔细辨析,一瞥而过,就容易造成望文生义的错误。 有些成语的理解能够利用“先分析后综合”的方法进行,如“巧夺天工”,主谓结构,“夺”,胜过,“天工”,天然的精巧,那么“巧”必然不能是天然的了。例题: 1、有的同学学作文,文不加点,字迹潦草,阅读这样的文章,真叫人头疼。(╳) 【解析】“文不加点”常被错误理解为写文章不加标点符号,其实它的真实含义是形容写文章很快,不用涂改就写成(点:涂上一点,表示删去) 2、这部精彩的电视剧播出时,人们在家里守着荧屏,几乎万人空巷,街上静悄悄的。(╳) 【解析】“万人空巷”是指家家户户的人都从巷子里出来了,形容庆祝、欢迎等盛况。不能按照字面意思理解为家家户户都在屋内,巷子里空了。 对策二:平时注意成语的使用对象有些成语有特定的使用对象,如果把握不准,就容易扩大使用范围或误作他用。例题: 1、博物馆里保存着大量有艺术价值的石刻作品,上面的各种花鸟虫兽、人物形象栩栩如生,美轮美奂。 【解析】“美轮美奂” “轮”是“高大”的意思“奂”是“众多”的意思,适用的对象应是高大的建筑物而非人物形象。 2、宽敞明亮的教室里,72名同学济济一堂,畅谈着美好的理想。 【解析】“济济一堂”特指人才。(形容很多有才能的人聚集在一起。)「备注」: “感同身受”指替蒙受恩惠的人向施恩者表示答谢,不用于受恩惠者本人。 “相濡以沫”用于患难中,不用于平时。 “炙手可热”用于人有权势,而不用于物。 “崭露头角”多指青少年。 “萍水相逢”用于陌生人初次见面。 “浩如烟海”是形容文献、资料非常丰富。

溪流的阅读答案 集团公司文件内部编码:(TTT-UUTT-MMYB-URTTY-ITTLTY-

①我愈来愈爱着生我养我的土地了。 ②就像山地里纵纵横横的沟岔一样,就像山地里有着形形色色的花木一样,我一写山同,似乎思路就开了,文笔也活了。 ③甚至觉得,我的生命,我的笔命,就是那山溪哩。虽然在莽莽的山的世界里,它只是那么柔得可怜,细得伤感的一股儿水流。 ④我常常这么想:天上的雨落在地上,或许会成洪波,但它来自云里;溪是有根的,它凉凉地扎在山峰之下。人都说山是庄严的,几乎是死寂的,其实这是错了。它最有着内涵,最有着活力;那山下一定是有着很大很大的海的,永远在蕴涵的感情,永远是不安宁,表现着的,恐怕便是这小溪了。 ⑤或许,是从小草的根下一个泡儿一个泡儿冒出来的。但是,太阳晒不干、黄风刮不跑的。天性是那么晶莹,气息是那么清新;它一出来,便宣告了它的生命,寻着自己的道路要流动了。 ⑥正因为寻着自己的道路,它的步伐是艰辛的。然而,它从石板上滑下,便有了自己的铜的韵味的声音;它从石崖上跌落,便有了自己白练般的颜色,它回旋在穴潭之中,便有了自己叵不可测的深沉。

⑦它终于慢慢地大起来了,要走更远的道儿;它流过了石川,流过了草地,流过了竹林,它要拜访所有的山岭,叩问每一次石头,有时会突然潜入河床的沙石之下去了呢。(A于是,轻风给了它的柔情,鲜花给了它的芬芳,竹林给了它的凉绿,那多情的游鱼,那斑斓的卵石,也给它增添了美的色彩。) ⑧它在流着,流着。它要流到啊里去呢?我想,山既然给了它的生命,它该是充实的,富有的;(B或许,它是做一颗露珠儿去滋润花瓣,深入到枝叶里了,使草木的绿素传送);或许,它竟能掀翻一坯污泥,拔脱了一从腐根呢。那么,让它流去吧,山地这么大,这么复杂,只要它流,它探索,它就有了自己的路子。 ⑨我是这么想的,我提醒着我,我鼓励着我,我便将它写成了淡淡的文字,聊作这本小书的小序了。 1.作者笔下的溪流有什么特点?(一排空) 2.简要归纳文中小溪的成长过程。(一排空) 3.细读6、7段,说说这两段有什么思想含义。(一排空) 4.作者为自己的书作序,写的却是溪流,这有什么用意?(一排空) 5.这篇文章有什么特色?(两排空) ⒈以时间为序,从小溪的过去写起,写小溪的现在,再想象它的未来。

新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说第一册答案 第一单元 Sharing: Task 1 (1) their social life (2) whether they go out a lot and what they did when they went out last night Sharing: Task 2 (1) busy (2) friends (3) university (4) social life Sharing: Task 3 Correct order: A E B D C F Sharing: Task 4 Q 1 Key(s): danced Q 2 Key(s): (1) view of the river (2) fun Q 3 Key(s): drink Q 4 Key(s): (1) west (2) delicious meal Q 5 Key(s): (1) house (2) television/TV Listening: Task 2 Activity 1 Q 1 Key(s): 1962 Q 2 Key(s): fourth/4th Q 3 Key(s): 1990 Q 4 Key(s): 1996

Listening: Task 2 Activity 2 (1) teacher (2) cleaned houses (3) lost (4) visited (5) work (6) his wife (7) in his own words Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1 Correct order: a, c, h, f, d, e, g, b Viewing: Task 2 Activity 2 (1) home (2) country (3) relatives (4) foreigner (5) speak (6) passed on (7) heat (8) sea (9) happiness Role-playing: Task 2 (1) It was great (2) He's a football player/He is a football player (3) It was really beautiful Role-playing: Task 3 Keys: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10

高考英语短文改错常见错误类型分析 一、记叙文(文章主体时态是一般过去时, 而议论文通常以一般现在时为主) 1. 比较级使用错误 more 跟形容词或副词构成比较级,如more patient and less aggressive(更耐心而少些放肆);than用在形容词或副词比较级之后,如…older than me(……比我更大)。 2. each of 和every one of 用在复数名词或代词之前,然而动词仍用单数。 Each of the houses is slightly different. 每所房子东圃稍有区别。(复数名词:houses) I bought a dozen of eggs and every one of them was bad.(代词复数:them) 我买了一打鸡蛋,每个鸡蛋都是坏的。 3.固定搭配使用错误 did wrong→ went wrong出错;出故障,出毛病;出问题 on particular→in particular尤其;特别cut off(切断;杜绝)→cut down(减少) neither …or→neither…nor for a result→ as a result 结果 share for→share with 和…….分享 4. 代词使用错误(根据上下文的意思来判断,特别注意人称代词前后指代不一致的情况)人称代词宾格(me, us, you, him, her, them)通常放在动词或介词后面作宾语,形容词性物主代词(my, our, your, his, her, their)通常放在名词之前作定语,而名词性物主代词(mine, ours, yours, his ,hers, theirs)通常单独使用 单数复数 it(它)→them(它们), me→us(我们) myself(我自己)→me(我)me→mine(我的……) They→We we→they here(这儿)→there(那儿)your→you 5. 注意名词前面缺少限定词的情况。 ∧parents→ my parents ∧opinion(观点;看法)→ my opinion ∧car→a car such∧great hotel→such a great hotel 6. 引导词或连接词使用错误: which→what though→ because Whenever(无论什么时候)→ Wherever(无论在哪里), anywhere→anyhow(不管怎样), unless(除非,如果……不……)→until(直到……) 7. 时态使用错误 (1) 把一般现在时改为一般过去时tear →tore(撕开、扯下或撕碎) (2) 把一般过去时改为一般现在时seemed→seems(好像;似乎) (3) and表示“并列关系”时,前后动词的时态要保持一致。 walked out of a room a nd leave→left 8. 介词使用错误: “No more toys to you.”→“No more toys for you.” 9. 介词多余: on today(把on删掉)to home(把to删掉)to anywhere(把to删掉)10. 情态动词使用错误(根据上下文意思来判断)must→could, will→would(间接引语)11. 注意ago 与before的区别,“ago”通常和一般过去时态连用,“before”通常和完成时连用。Two years before→ ago,I have been to Paris twice before. 我以前去过巴黎两次。 12. 副词使用错误(1) 副词放在句首,用来修饰整个句子。Unfortunate, ....... →Unfortunately(2) 副词修饰动词,位于动词之后。I pulled out the toy slow→slowly (3) 副词修饰动词,位于动词之前。get good prepared for examinations→ well and see you if you are in seriously trouble→ serious(严重的)

成语使用中常见错误类型以及对策 (一)误解词语,望文生义 成语的意蕴是约定俗成的,而且许多源自典故,加之有些成语中的语素还含有生僻的古义,这就造成了成语理解上的难度。如果不仔细辨析,一瞥而过,就容易造成望文生义的错误 (二)用错对象,张冠李戴 有些成语有特定的使用对象,如果把握不准,就容易扩大使用范围或误作他用。 (三)色彩失当,语境不分 成语从色彩上分为感情色彩、语体色彩和谦敬色彩。从感情色彩上又可分为褒义、中性、贬义;从语体色彩上分为书面语和口语;从谦敬色彩上分为谦辞和敬辞。在使用中,必须辨明色彩,否则就会误用。(四)语义重复,自相矛盾 虽然成语在句子中的意思是准确的,但还要防止与句中其他词语意义重复或矛盾 (五)搭配不当,不合习惯 有些成语还应该注意它的词性用法以及它的词义轻重与语境是否协调。 1、下列句子中,加点成语运用不恰当的一句是() A、这一段时期,“非典”似乎已销声匿迹,但是医学专家反复提醒,这种疾病可能只是暂时消失,很可能会卷士重来。 B、一直以来,对网吧的治理很难取得显著成效。这样无形中助长了一些违法经营者的嚣张气焰,对国家的规定更加熟视无睹。 C、叶圣陶先生说,苏州园林是我国各地园林的标本。去年到苏州游览了几个园林,果然觉得名正言顺。 D、刘慧卿因参与“台独”分子研讨会,并发表支持“台独”的言论,连日遭到社会各界人士的口诛笔伐。 2、选出加点成语运用不正确的一项是( ) A、五月的油城,鲜花盛开,姹紫嫣红,十分绚丽。 B、日本厚生省政务官森冈正宏公然称日本二战甲级战犯“在日本国内已经不是罪人”,如此信口雌黄,实在令人吃惊。 C、有个别学生上网成瘾,执迷不悟,浪费了大好年华。 D、高速公路上,南来北往的汽车滔滔不绝。 3、下列句中加点成语使用不正确的一项是()

苏雪林《溪水》阅读题的答案 我们携着手走进林子,溪水漾着笑涡,似乎欢迎我们的双影。这道溪流,本来温柔得像少女般可爱,但不知何时流入深林,她的身体便被囚禁在重叠的浓翠中间。 早晨时她不能更向玫瑰色的朝阳微笑,夜深时不能和娟娟的月儿谈心,她的明澈莹晶的眼波,渐渐变成忧郁的深蓝色,时时凄咽着忧伤的调子,她是如何的沉闷呵!在夏天的时候。几番秋雨之后,溪水涨了几篙;早凋的梧楸,飞尽了翠叶;黄金色的晓霞,从杈枒树隙里,深入溪中;泼靛的波面,便泛出彩虹似的光。 现在,水恢复从前活泼和快乐了,一面疾忙的向前走着,一面还要和沿途遇见的落叶、枯枝??淘气。 一张小小的红叶儿,听了狡狯的西风劝告,私下离开母校出来游玩,走到半路上,风偷偷儿溜走了,他便一交跌在溪水里。 水是怎样的开心呵,她将那可怜的失路的小红叶儿,推推挤挤的推到一个漩涡里,使他滴滴溜溜的打圆转儿;那叶向前不得,向后不能,急得几乎哭出来;水笑嘻嘻的将手一松,他才一溜烟的逃走了。

水是这样欢喜捉弄人的,但流到坝塘边,她自己的魔难也来了。你记得么?坝下边不是有许多大石头,阻住水的去路?水初流到石边时,还是不经意的涎着脸撒娇撒痴的要求石头放行,但石头却像没有耳朵似的,板着冷静的面孔,一点儿不理。于是水开始娇嗔起来了,拼命向石头冲突过去;冲突激烈时,浅碧的衣裳袒开了,露出雪白的胸臂,肺叶收放,呼吸极其急促,发出怒吼的声音来,缕缕银丝头发,四散飞起。 噼噼啪啪,温柔的巴掌,尽打在石头皱纹深陷的颊边,──她真的怒了,不是儿戏。谁说石头是始终顽固的呢?巴掌来得狠了,也不得不低头躲避。于是水安然渡过难关了。她虽然得胜了,然而弄得异常疲倦,曳了浅碧的衣裳去时,我们还听见她断续的喘息声。我们到树林中来,总要到这坝塘边参观水石的争执,一坐总是一两个钟头。 1.这是一首优美的散文,作者赋予溪水以少女般的性格。请你说说文章先写溪水______________; 再写溪水______________;最后写溪水_________________。(3分) 2.结合文章内容,说说作者笔下的溪水具有怎样的个性特征?(4分)

people. 2 . 3 . 4 . culture. 5 . Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage or dialog. 1. A. She forgot most of her English. B. She returned to the regular class. C. She missed her best friend a lot. D. She became sad about her studies. 2. A. Because her English was very good. B. Because she had been in the wrong class. C. Because she wanted to study online. D. Because she didn't like the regular class much. 3. A. It was exciting. B. It was challenging. C. It was rewarding.

D. It was frustrating. 4. A. She caught up with other students in the class. B. She managed to be at the top of the class. C. She had to be sent back to the regular class. D. She failed in the final exam despite her efforts. 5. A. She should study together with her best friend. B. She should learn with teachers helping her study. C. She should study with students at the same level. D. She should not blame other people for her failure 1. 2. borrowing, and spending has outpaced economic growth. 3. He was short of breath as he was running hard to the other runners. 4.She had to spend nearly four months away from him that summer, instead,munity-based organizations are now starting to play an important role 6. 7.Now that medical technology has advanced to its present state, more people are aware 8.While making a timetable for the project, he remembered that there's a certain

短文改错常见错误类型: 1.动词的错误是历年考试的重点和热点,常见动词错误类型有 ①一般现在时与一般过去时错用 ② and前后动词时态不一致 ③主谓不一致 ④缺少动词,特别是be动词 ⑤第三人称单数形式错用; ⑥主动语态和被动语态错用。 如2014新课标全国卷I Since then—for all these year—we had been allowing tomatoes to self seed where they please. 答案:had改为have 本句的时间状语是all these years,通常和现在完成进行时连用。所以使用have been doing的形式。 如2014新课标全国卷II My dream school starts at 8:30 am and ends at 3:30 pm. There are three lesson in the morning and two in the afternoon. We didn’t need to do so many homework. 答案:didn’t改为don’t 本文叙述“我”的梦想学校的情况。根据文章第一句My dream school starts at 8:30 am可知本文基本时态是一般现在时。 如2014新课标全国卷II We can lie on the grass for a rest, or sat by the lake listening music. 答案:sat改为sit 本句中的or表示选择关系,也是一个并列连词,所以与前面的lie同样都使用动词原形。 如2014四川卷 Today, I am going to talk about what you should do when a fire alarm go off. 答案: go改为goes。本句的主语a fire alarm为单数,谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式goes。

成语使用中常见错误类型以及对策(一)、误解词语,望文生义 成语的意蕴是约定俗成的,而且许多源自典故,加之有些成语中的语素还含有生僻的古义,这就造成了成语理解上的难度。如果不仔细辨析,一瞥而过,就容易造成望文生义的错误。 有些成语的理解能够利用“先分析后综合”的方法进行,如“巧夺天工”,主谓结构,“夺”,胜过,“天工”,天然的精巧,那么“巧”必然不能是天然的了。 例题: 1、就在公安部门准备收网时,这帮家伙为虎作伥,毫不收敛,在罪行簿上又添新笔。(╳) 2、这部精彩的电视剧播出时,人们在家里守着荧屏,几乎万人空巷,街上静悄悄的。(╳) 3、第二次世界大战时,德国展开了潜艇战,于是使用水声设备来寻找潜艇,成了同盟国要解决的首当其冲的问题。(╳)(首当其冲:首先受到攻击或遭受灾难) 4、这个小毛病不足为训,下次改掉就行了,何必大动干戈呢?(╳) 5、今年初上海鲜牛奶市场燃起竞相降价的烽火,销售价格甚至低于成本,这对消费者来说倒正好可以火中取栗。(╳)(火中取栗:受人利用,冒了风险,吃了苦头,却没得到好处) 6、北大荒虽然天荒地老,但经农垦战士的开发,已经成为商品粮基地。(╳)(天荒地老:指经过的时间很久)

7、我们应该向先进企业学习,起初可能是邯郸学步,但终究会走出自己的路来。 (邯郸学步:比喻生硬的模仿,不但学不到人家的本领,反而连自己原有的长处也丢掉了。) 8、“9·11”事件之后,美国股市势如破竹的下跌趋势,令世界经济雪上加霜。(╳) (势如破竹:比喻节节胜利,毫无阻碍) 9、美国政府在台湾问题上的危言危行,只能是搬起石头砸自己的脚。(╳) (危言危行:讲正直的话,做正直的事。) 10、全面提高学生素质,减轻学生负担,在社会上引起了轩然大波。(轩然大波:常用于比喻大的纠纷或风潮) 11、教育学生要讲究方式方法,不能总是耳提面命,摆家长作风。(╳) 12、作家不深入生活,坐在家里管窥蠡测,就创作不出群众喜欢的作品。(管窥蠡测:比喻对事物的观察了解片面狭隘,十分有限。应改为“闭门造车”) 对策一:吃透词义,多识记多积累 【备注】: A、鼎足之势三人成虎不为己甚目无全牛杯弓蛇影侧目而视叹为观止金瓯无缺细大不捐安土重迁坐地分赃差强人意一团和气别无长物大方之家
